Human Development Books
Here are but a few of the many different books related to human growth and development available in bookstores, online, and in libraries. Stars (*) indicate authors who have written a number of other books that might also be of interest.
Bukowski, W. M., Newcomb, A. F. and Hartup, W.W. (Eds.) (1996). The company they keep: Friendship in childhood and adolescence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University.
Coles, R. (1986). The political life of children. Boston/ New York: Atlantic Monthly Press.*
Damon, W. (1995/1996). Greater expectations: Overcoming the culture of indulgence in our homes and schools. New York: Free Press.
Erikson, E. (1950/1993). Childhood and society. New York: Norton.*
Garbarino, J. (2000). Lost boys: Why our sons turn violent and how we can save them.
Gardner, H. (1980). Artful scribbles: The significance of childrenÕs drawings. New York: Basic.*
Gopnik, Al, Meltzoff, A., and Kuhl, P. (1999). The scientist in the crib: What early learning tells us about mind. Ancient questions and a young science. New York: Perennial.
Handler Spitz, E. (1999). Inside picture books. New Haven, CT: Yale University.
Hoover, J. J. & Patton, J. R. (1997). Curriculum adaptations for students with learning and behavior problems: Principles and practices (second edition). Austin, TX: Pro-ed.
Illick, J.E. (2002). American childhoods. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania.
Kohl, Herbert (1994). ÒI wonÕt learn from youÓ and other thoughts on creative maladjustment. New York: The new press.*
Lamb, M. E. (Ed.). (1997). The role of the father in child development. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Lewis, M. (1997). Altering fate: Why the past does not predict the future. New York: Guilford.*
Montello, L. (2003). Essential musical intelligence. Quest Books.
Pianta, R. C. and Walsh, D. J. (1996). High-risk children in schools: Constructing sustaining relationships. New York: Routledge.
Real, T. (1998). ÒI donÕt want to talk about itÓ: Overcoming the secret legacy of male depression. Fireside.
Richardson, J. and Schuster, M. Everything you never wanted your kids to know about sex (But were afraid theyÕd ask). Crown.
Sternberg, R. (Ed.).(1990). Competence considered. New Haven, CT: Yale University.*
Wilson, T. (2002). Strangers to ourselves: Discovering the adaptive unconscious. Cambridge, MA: Belknap/Harvard University.
Last update: August 26, 2004 / jka.