Review of Damon's Greater Expectations (Chapters 1 -3)

Chapter 1

List some of the youth-related problems Damon describes in Chapter 1.

Are these problems limited to children who are growing up in poverty?

Damon indicates that there are two underlying "cause" of many of these problems in contemporary society. These are ____________________________ and

____________________________ (pg. 15 – see emphasis/itallics)

What does Damon mean by "demoralization of the young"? (page 18)

Damon refers to some of the negative byproducts of social scientific research as_________. (pg. 18)

Where do some of our misconceptions and myths about child-rearing originate?

Give some examples of misconceptions of modern times regarding the nature of childhood (pgs. 20-1, 20 - 26)

Why, according to Damon, do we no longer teach children about high ideals and spiritual matters? (p. 25)

Chapters 2-3

What does Damon mean by the expression "transformation of children's social value" (a change that has taken place in the 20th century)? Describe the nature of this change.

What three key criticisms of schools pervade the literature on schooling? (page 32)

Why don't middle class parents demand services of their children?

Compare and contrast the problems associated with growing up the "easy way" versus growing up the "hard way."

What are some of the problems associated with growing up poor?

What are some of the characteristics of successful youth organizations? (55-7)

Why do government agencies "radiate condescension for young people? (57)

What lies at the heart of the crisis Damon describes? (58)


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