Review questions for Damon, Chapter 6 - Natural Virtues

What is wrong with the behaviorists’ belief that children are lumps of clay? (126)

In what sense does Damon use the term "natural virtues"?

In recent years the grandparents’ idea that children are resilient has been replaced by the notion that children are _________________.

What are the four inherent characteristics or natural dispositions that promote children’s adaptation to a wide range of circumstances (and that are often overlooked today)? (127-8)

How, in Damon’s view, should adults handle discussions about death and other difficult topics with children? Why do children sometimes seem cavalier about tragic events? What will happen if we try to shelter children from the truth (about death, illness, and so on)? (128)


Real psychological trauma or injuries to children are, according to Damon, very ________.


What natural disposition do adults probably understand least? (129)


Children make sense of the world in their own way. This way is both incisive and stubbornly resistant to either manipulation or deception. Explain this statement and give an example.


Note that a consequence of sheltering children (in a protective bubble) is that it will prevent children from using their own adaptive skills and will discourage them from developing new ones. (130)


In philosophy and social science, the profoundly self interested person who rationally sizes up what is best for himself in every situation has been supplanted by the idea that humans have intrinsic __________ ____________. (131)

List four broad classes of psychological phenomena that ensure moral awareness in children. (133) Each are present at birth and develop throughout the life course to a greater or lesser extent. All four work in synchrony.


Moral virtues dispose children toward prosocial and away from _______________ engagements (133). They provide ________________, meaning that if one fails, the other intercedes to ensure the moral act).


Why is it important for children to learn to submit to social rules? (two reasons) (139)


Note the value of peer engagements in fostering moral/social development.


Why is it that, among children ages 4 — 8 years of age, only older children accept the idea that one should feel bad when one has violated a serious moral standard? (140-141)


Highly moral people show a uniting of _______________ and ______________. (142). Explain what this means and why it is significant.

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Created 9/26/01 / jka