Review questions for Damon’s Greater Expectations, Chapter 7

Framework of Guidance for Children’s Intellectual and Moral Growth

This chapter provides a general framework for how we may best guide young people in their formative years. The focus is on socialization children.

According to Damon, the guiding metaphor of the chapter is that socialization is a ________ ___________ process. (144)

What is the main task of socialization? (144-5)

The child’s behavior must move toward an adult vision of competence and _________. (144-5)

What is the key to whether an adult-child interaction will be problematic or fruitful? (146)

Both adult-centered and child-centered approaches result in poor coordination of the adult’s messages with the child’s knowledge, goals, and feelings, for different reasons. a) Adult-centered approaches fail to engage the child’s own ___________. b) Child-centered approaches (or imbalances) fail to provide children with challenging new ______ and _______________. (146)

What does Damon mean by bridge building? How does Damon define socialization?

The core of respectful engagement is the transformation of children’s _________ through guidance. (146-7)

To achieve mutual engagement, initially, the adult’s goals must ______ the child’s, at least in part. (147)

What is scaffolding? (148)

List the four elements of respectful engagement. (149)

Adults must confront children with basic moral principles that are clearly stated and sincerely held. Give examples of some basic moral principles. Why is it so important that adults "unambivalently" express their convictions in such principles? (149)

What role does "tolerance" play in respectful engagement? Is tolerance the same thing as value neutrality? Explain.

Distinguish between authoritarian and authoritative parent/child relationships. (150)

The paradox of socialization is that through guidance, children find their own ____. Explain. (151)

Damon argues that socilaization must foster both competence and character. What is the correct way to define the "whole child" approach to education? (153-4)

List 4 examples of enduring dispositions that support learning (154).

Damon notes that, with respect to moral socialization, habit and reflection are two distinct psychological systems with distinct developmental roots. Habit is embedded in the child’s __________ and _________ systems. What about reflection? Which of the two systems (above) is related to the child’s intellectual competence? (156)

For children to develop into morally responsible people, moral habit and reflection must be ________________ (155-159).

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