The "Networked Learning Environment"

Please, click here to view The "Networked Learning Environment Chart"

Each component of the “Networked Learning Environment” plays a separate and joint role in the success of an individual in a distance education program.  Each component is briefly explained below and a diagram of the completed environment is attached for your review.

· The facilitator, instructor, is a key player in the success of the student as they become the conductor of all other components in a successful program.  They are the primary delivery person, but also function in a much larger capacity; that of ensuring that all learners are actively engaged in the learning process.
· Other learners will be students taking the program at the same time as you.  They may be in your location or separated from you by distance.  Collaboration with other learners in your program is a key to successful learning.
· Support services consists of individuals who will assist you with registration and enrollment in the program, individuals who will assist you in obtaining books and other relevant learning materials, financial aid, individuals within a library system, either fixed or virtual that can help you locate resource materials, individuals who are available to assist you in using the technology and counselors who can support you in other ways.
· The virtual library is designed to assure that you have necessary resources to support your learning and expand your knowledge base.  The virtual library is accessed through your computer and provides a wealth of information on the subject matter you are studying.
· The Internet and WWW are the mediums which will provide the primary instruction and communication during your program.  There is a separate content area on the WWW listed in the table of contents on the home page.  If you are unfamiliar with the WWW we suggest that you review this information to better acquaint yourself.
· Subject matter experts are those individuals who have provided the information necessary to develop the program of instruction.  Often they may be the same individual who functions as the facilitator.  Many times, however, the facilitator is the individual responsible for delivering the materials and ensuring that all students are participating and learning.  Subject matter experts remain available for questions or issues that the facilitator cannot answer.

When all of these components are in place for the distance learner the success of the learner is increased.  Each component is critical in and of itself to learner success.  However, it is only when all the components are in place and functioning that a course of instruction using the WWW is successful.

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