Promoting a smoke free campus for UNM
Diary, By Juan f. Larrañaga (written on 12-9-05)

Resolution 2005 UNM Smoke Free Campus
Sponsor: Sabra Basler & Staff Council Employee Rights Committee

UNM Smoke Free Campus

Whereas, there is a nationwide movement for university & college campuses to be smoke free 
for the well being of faculty, staff, students, patients, and visitors;

Whereas, these peer campuses are smoke free:  CSU Fresno, San Francisco SU, SUNY, Univ. of 
St. Louis, Temple U., Azusa Pacific, John Hopkins U. Medical School, St. Norbert College, 
Yeshiva U.; Also, city wide there are various designated smoke free areas:  ABQ Zoo & 
Biological Park.  Presbyterian Hospital is smoke free.

Whereas, University Hospital is planning to be smoke free in 2007;
Whereas, UBPP 2250 (1997) states smoking is prohibited in or at:
"	all enclosed buildings and facilities including classrooms, offices, food service 
venues, lavatories, and most residence halls (in accordance with Residence Life policies);
"	corridors, elevators, and enclosed walkways;
"	University-owned vehicles; and
"	indoor and outdoor athletic or other University-sponsored or designated events;
Furthermore, Smoking of tobacco products is prohibited in University buildings, 
facilities, vehicles, and during organized indoor and outdoor events on University 
property. This policy also applies to other legal smoking preparations such as clove 
cigarettes. To allow individuals an opportunity to adjust to the changes required by this 
policy, the campus community is asked to go smoke-free as soon as possible, but no later 
than three (3) months after the effective date reflected above.  
Whereas, December is a UNM Employee Health Promotion Month for wellness;

Whereas, Staff Council promotes healthy lifestyles for staff, students, perspective 
students, and youth;

Whereas, clean air is an employee right;

Therefore, this resolution serves to promote a smoke free campus by 2007.

Furthermore, smokers are asked to self police per the smoke free campus regulation.  Lack 
of self policing may lead to warnings and being escorted off campus property (in extreme 

Furthermore, smoking cessation programs are available to smokers through University 
Hospital Patient Education and UNM Employee Health.

Furthermore, the Commission (Commission on Substance Abuse at Colleges and Universities) 
considers a smoke-free campus to be a necessary step to protect all students, faculty and 
staff from the risks of smoking. A smoke-free campus is no longer an option for colleges 
and universities; it is an obligation (Smoke Free Campus 1993).

Attachments:  	Daily Lobo article, Letter: 
University should enforce campus smoking policies 9/13/05
  • Presbyterian Clears the Air 11/15/05 Copies of this resolution shall be sent to each member of the Board of Regents and to President Louis Caldera. Written by Staff Council Employee Rights Committee & Mr. Larraņaga Introduced by Sabra Basler
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