Four in a Center Line (or Right and Left Along that Line) 

Found in "Cowboy Dances," by Lloyd Shaw, all editions, pp 264-267 

First couple bow and swing

Promenade the outside ring

Just half way round beside couple three

(Alternatively, couple one could move

down center, split couple three, separate,

round one, to stand at the outside of

couple three in a line of four. This method

will remove the possibility of chaining

four ladies as discussed below.) 

Four in line to the center and back

To the center again and there stand pat 

Side couples right and left along the four

Right and left back as you were before 

Side ladies chain through the center line

Chain right back you're doing fine 

Center four circle four

And finish it off with a docey doe

Partner left and opposite right

With a blue roan and a piebald white

Meet your own and get along home

Everybody swing your own 

Note: On the final figure of chaining the ladies along the lines (or through the line), it could be done by chaining all four ladies along the line until all ladies are back in their original places. This means that the center couples must turn to face the nearest side couple and the ladies chain. Each end man (side men) would turn their ladies full around to send them back into the set while the center men only turn half way to send their ladies on to the next spot.


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