HESS Remote Teaching Resources Newsletter 1: Spring 2021
Our Two Main Initiatives for this WEB Page
1) To build field-specific communities of practice for designing and implementing strategies that optimize remote student learning and 2) To serve as liaisons to help connect HESS Faculty and Instructors to appropriate, remote teaching resources through the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).

Three Current Features to Highlight on our WEB Page
Introducing Backwards Design Class Teaching. This methodology is a process that educators use to design learning experiences and instructional techniques to achieve specific learning goals, regardless of the course delivery mode (in-person, hybrid, fully online). CLICK HERE to watch a 10-minute YOUTUBE video explaining this excellent teaching methodology.

Introducing Backwards Design Class Teaching. This methodology is a process that educators use to design learning experiences and instructional techniques to achieve specific learning goals, regardless of the course delivery mode (in-person, hybrid, fully online). CLICK HERE to watch a 10-minute YOUTUBE video explaining this excellent teaching methodology.

Introducing Backwards Design for Fitness Tests and Labs
Physical Fitness Tests and Labs is designed to show an application of Backwards Design from Module 1 (above) to create physical fitness assessments and laboratory activities. Create an appropriate fitness test is the cornerstone for designing fitness course curriculum and a successful lab activity that applies information learned in lecture. Considerations for specific course limitations and examples for alternative testing are also discussed. CLICK HERE to view this 14-minute presentation for applying Backwards Design in creating physical fitness assessments and laboratory activities

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Eric Leslie ( or Dr. Kravitz ( Thank you.