Tips for Effective Writing of an Article
by Jeremy Ducharme, Exercise Science Doctoral Student

Step 1. Read the journals instructions for authors to submit feature articles. CLICK HERE for the ACSM Health & Fitness journal author guidelines

Step 2. Plan your manuscript and outline the content you want to include in each section.

Step 3. Just write! Sometimes the hardest part is just starting. Begin the sections you feel the most comfortable.

Step 4. Get feedback early and often! Asking other people to read your draft can help identify areas for improvement.

Step 5. Double-check your references to make sure that they are properly interpreted and cited. Most journals also have a very sophisticated fact-check process.

World Famous Author of Childhood Novels, June Blume, Shares these writing tips she has collected over her 50yr writing career.

“Read your work aloud! This is the best advice I can give. When you read aloud you find out how much can be cut, how much is unnecessary. You hear how the story flows. And nothing teaches you as much about writing dialogue as listening to it.”

“There are no hard and fast rules for writing, and no secret tricks, because what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Everybody is different. That's the key to the whole business of writing-your individuality.”

“Writing is really storytelling. There is no right way or wrong way. There are a hundred different ways to tell the same story. Good writing allows your readers to see your story clearly in their minds."

"If you feel stuck, follow the NIKE moto. Just do it. Start writing."

Elsevier 11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously. In: Elsevier Connect. Accessed 19 Jan 2021
Elsevier 9 Top Tips for Writing an Excellent Paper | Elsevier Author Services. In: Elsevier Author Serv. - Artic. Accessed 19 Jan 2021
Turbek SP, Chock TM, Donahue K, et al (2016) Scientific Writing Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Undergraduate Writing in the Biological Sciences. Bull Ecol Soc Am 97:417-426.