Milad Marvian
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico and also a member of the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC). Before joining UNM, I was a postdoctoral associate at MIT, and before that I completed my Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering in 2018 at the University of Southern California. I am a recipient of NSF CAREER Award in 2023.
Email: mmarvian at
Office: ECE 235D
Research interests: Quantum computing, Quantum error correction, Open quantum systems
Fall 2024 update: If you are a student interested in working with me, please send me an email with your CV and research interests.
Group members:
Benjamin Anker (PhD student; Fall 21-)
Leeseok Kim (PhD student; Fall 21-)
Evan Borras (PhD student; Fall 23-)
Bonnie Morales Ugarte (Undergraduate student; Summer 24-)
Graduated students:
Changhao Yi (Our group first graduated PhD student! Now postdoc at Fudan University)
Thesis: Resource Estimation for Quantum Simulation Algorithms
PhD Defense: June 2022.
Summer research experience:
Robert Kramer (PhD student; Summer 23)
Mohsin Reza (PhD student; Summer 22)
Maximilian Starceski (Undergraduate student; Summer 23-Fall 23)
- Introduction to Quantum information Science,
Course number: ECE445/545-PHYS480/581; Fall 2024. (Syllabus)
- Quantum Error Correction,
Course number: ECE547/PHYS581; Spring 2023, 2022, 2021. (Syllabus)
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics,
Course number: ECE300; Fall 2023, 2022, 2021. (Syllabus)
(Access through UNM's Canvas.)
(also see Google Scholar
- A quantum algorithm to simulate Lindblad master equations,
Evan Borras, Milad Marvian
- Fault-tolerant quantum computation using large spin cat-codes,
S. Omanakuttan, V. Buchemmavari, J. A. Gross, I. H. Deutsch, M. Marvian
PRX Quantum 5, no. 2 (2024): 020355
- Flag Gadgets based on Classical Codes,
Benjamin Anker, Milad Marvian,
- Hamiltonian Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks,
Leeseok Kim, Seth Lloyd, Milad Marvian,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033019 (2024).
- Improving the speed of variational quantum algorithms for quantum error correction,
F. Zoratti, G.De Palma, B. Kiani, Q. T. Nguyen, M. Marvian, S. Lloyd, V. Giovannetti
Phys. Rev. A 108, 022611 (2023).
- Limitations of variational quantum algorithms: a quantum optimal transport approach,
G. De Palma, M. Marvian, C. Rouzé, D. Stilck França,
PRX Quantum 4 (1), 010309.
- Hamiltonian singular value transformation and inverse block encoding,
S. Lloyd, B. Kiani, D. Arvidsson-Shukur, S. Bosch, G. De Palma, W. Kaminsky, Z. Liu,
M. Marvian,
- Quantum Earth Mover's Distance: A New Approach to Learning Quantum Data,
B. Kiani, G. De Palma, M. Marvian, ZW. Liu, S. Lloyd,
Quantum Science and Technology 7, no. 4 (2022): 045002.
- Error mitigation via stabilizer measurement emulation,
A. Greene, M. Kjaergaard, M. E. Schwartz, G. O. Samach, A. Bengtsson, M. O'Keeffe, D. K. Kim, M. Marvian, A. Melville, B. M. Niedzielski, A. Vepsalainen, R. Winik, J. Yoder, D. Rosenberg, S. Lloyd, T. P. Orlando, I. Marvian, S. Gustavsson, W. D. Oliver,
- Quantum algorithm for nonlinear differential equations,
S. Lloyd, G. De Palma, C. Gokler, B. Kiani, Z. Liu, M. Marvian, F. Tennie, T. Palmer,
- Quantum advantage for differential equation analysis,
B. Kiani, G. De Palma, D. Englund, W. Kaminsky, M. Marvian, S. Lloyd,
Physical Review A, 105(2), p.022415.
- The quantum Wasserstein distance of order 1,
G. De Palma, M. Marvian, D. Trevisan, S. Lloyd,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2021).
24th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP), Munich, Germany, February 1-5, 2021.
16th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptogra- phy (TQC 2021), July 5 to 8, 2021.
- Sign-curing local Hamiltonians: termwise versus global stoquasticity and the use of Clifford transformations ,
M. Ioannou, S. Piddock, M. Marvian, J. Klassen, B. M. Terhal,
- Quantum polar decomposition algorithm,
S. Lloyd, S. Bosch, G. De Palma, B. Kiani, Z. Liu, M. Marvian, P. Rebentrost, D. Arvidsson-Shukur,
- Robust universal Hamiltonian quantum computing using two-body interaction,
M. Marvian and S. Lloyd,
- A quantum instruction set implemented on a superconducting quantum processor,
M. Kjaergaard, M. E. Schwartz, A. Greene, G. O. Samach, A. Bengtsson, M. O'Keeffe, C. M. McNally, J. Braumüller, D. K. Kim, P. Krantz, M. Marvian, A. Melville, B. M. Niedzielski, Y. Sung, R. Winik, J. Yoder, D. Rosenberg, K. Obenland, S. Lloyd, T. P. Orlando, I. Marvian, S. Gustavsson, W. D. Oliver,
Physical Review X 12, no. 1 (2022): 011005.
- Hardness and ease of curing the sign problem for two-Local qubit Hamiltonians,
J. Klassen*, M. Marvian*, S. Piddock, M. Ioannou, I. Hen, and B. Terhal,
SIAM Journal on Computing 49, no. 6 (2020): 1332-1362.
- On the computational complexity of curing non-stoquastic Hamiltonians,
M. Marvian, , D. A. Lidar, and I. Hen,
Nature Communications 10, no. 1 (2019): 1571.
[arXiv] [Presentation at QIP 2019]
- Suppression of effective noise in Hamiltonian simulations,
M. Marvian, T. Brun, and D. A. Lidar,
Physical Review A 96.5 (2017): 052328.
- Relaxation versus adiabatic quantum steady-state preparation,
L. Venuti, T. Albash, M. Marvian, D. A. Lidar, P. Zanardi,
Physical Review A 95.4 (2017): 042302.
- Error suppression for Hamiltonian quantum computing in Markovian environments,
M. Marvian and D. A. Lidar,
Physical Review A 95.3 (2017): 032302,
- Error suppression for Hamiltonian-based quantum computation using subsystem codes,
M. Marvian and D. A. Lidar,
Physical Review Letters 118.3 (2017): 030504.
- Fluctuation theorems for quantum processes,
T. Albash, D. A. Lidar, M. Marvian, and P. Zanardi,
Physical Review E 88.3 (2013): 032146,
- Secure quantum carriers for quantum state sharing,
V. Karimipour and M. Marvian,
International Journal of Quantum Information 10.02 (2012): 1250018.
Last update: July 2024