
Created by Panaiotis
© 2001 by Panaiotis. All rights reserved.


Joins messages, ints, floats, lists, and symbols into a list. Input to inlets can be of variable or fixed length, which is determined by the arguments. Output is determined by the configuration of multijoin.


  bang in any inlet: sends the current internal list out the leftmost outlet.
  int in any inlet: interpreted as a single item list
  list in any inlet: gets processed according to the arguments for that inlet
  float in any inlet: interpreted as a single item list.
  anyout Input to any inlet initiates output.
  bangout Only a bang will initiate output.
  normal Output is characteristic of other standard Max objects. Input to leftmost inlet sets that inlet and initiates output. Input to other inlets sets value for that inlet.

Response depends on argument for a particular inlet.

If the inlet was given a negative value that forces the length of its list, clear sets each list member to zero.

Otherwise, clear creates a zero element list for that inlet.


Arguments determine how many inlets are created up to 32. No arguments will create two inlets with a variable list length of 255 atoms each. Each inlet


Positive integers determine the maximum length of a string (atoms) for the corresponding inlet. The highest maximum is 255. Input lists longer than the set maximum will be truncated to the value of the argument. Input lists shorter than the value will be sent through as is.

Negative integers fix the length of the string. The list members are initiated to '0's. Longer input lists will be truncated, shorter ones will replace the current content of that inlet and leave the remaining list members as is.

A zero arg value is the same as 255, which sets the maximum input list length for the corresponding inlet to 255.

  symbols A symbol as an argument sets the value of that inlet to the symbol and the maximum length of the inlet list/string to one.


Multijoin takes the lists that have been sent through its inlets and concatenates them. The lists may be comprised of ints, floats, or symbols. The resulting string is sent out its outlet.


loadbang tells multijoin to send its data through the outlet any time it receives something from any inlet.

The set argument prepends "set" to the output so that the remainder will change the message box attached to the outlet.

The second argument "3" assures that the second string has no more than 3 members. The second inlet will pass:

A heavy dude

The third argument will pass up to a 20 member string, so both messages attached to the inlet will be sent in their entirety.

The four possible outcomes are shown in the message boxes below multijoin.