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Student Government

Associated Students of UNM - ASUNM (505-277-5528), Student Union 1016.
All undergraduate students are members of ASUNM - the undergraduate student government.  ASUNM provides services to students in many ways. They lobby the state legislature on behalf of students, provide a weekly film series, book entertainment such as concerts, speakers and comedians, continue campus traditions, provide leadership training and organize community service projects. There are many opportunities for involvement. ASUNM consists of a President, Vice President, twenty Senators, committee/positional appointments, and student service agencies. The student service agencies are: Community ExperienceCrafts Studio, Election Commission, Emerging Lobo LeadersLobo Spirit Committee, Lobby Committee, SouthWest Film Center and Student Special Events.

Graduate & Professional Student Association - GPSA (505-277-3803), SUB Room 1021.
All graduate students are members of the GPSA which provides representation, advocacy and direct services. Students from all graduate and professional programs meet once a month at GPSA Council meetings. GPSA appoints students to University committees and lobbies the NM legislature. A computer pod is open to graduate students. GPSA also funds individual and group projects with: Pro-rated Benefits; Student Research Allocations Committee (SRAC); Projects Committee; Specialized Travel; Graduate Research Development Fund (GRD).