Teaching Philosophy
I truly enjoy the process and experience of teaching. I
always hope students learn as much from me as I learn from them. Teaching
others is a great deal more than just exposing them to new ideas and crafting
assignments that help them apply those ideas. Being an effective teacher means
enacting a complex of functions determined by students, subjects, and
situations. These functions include educating, mentoring, counseling, morally
guiding, empathetically listening, cheerleading, modeling and, in some
respects, befriending. My own beliefs about teaching, and what makes someone a
good teacher, are grounded in my beliefs about how all human beings should
treat each other. As such, they are more philosophical and emotional than
educational and practicable. Teaching others necessarily engages the emotions
of actors. It means challenging learners to answer life's difficult questions,
such as:
The key challenge to being an effective teacher is summed
up in what I believe to be the three central issues involved in working with
other human beings in situations of differential power. There can be no
mistaking the power difference between teacher and students. At its best,
teaching is a benevolent dictatorship; at its worst, it can be tyranny.
Discussions of democratic decision making are often lofty and despite teachers’
claims to the contrary, students know teachers have more power than them.
Acting as if this is not the case is somewhat naïve and potentially misleading
to students. Taking this power differential into consideration, and building on
the basic human respect and dignity we all owe one another, I strive for an
equilibrium between practicing transparency and immediacy and using a fair but
indispensable level of “policing.” The following outlines my beliefs and
intentions and, I hope, reflects my practices in and out of the classroom. I
present it in a bulleted list of “advice” to remind myself of my own goals.
These best state my teaching philosophy.
· Honesty: Be honest with students about the mistakes you make, your
shortcomings and human weaknesses, and your status as a life-long learner.
Remember that regardless of how many times you’ve taught a course, each new
group of students is a different and unique learning experience for everyone
· Genuineness: Forget
trying to be anyone else; embrace your uniqueness and use it as a tool to
educate. Bring what you love into classroom!
· Openness: Show
students who you really are. Expose your inner person incrementally when it
serves educational goals and purposes.
· Willingness: Be
willing to listen to feedback, accept constructive criticism, and see other
points of view. Be able to bend so you won’t break--practice the law of least
· You liking them: Develop a true fondness for students. Look for and find
their strengths and then build on those strengths. See them as unique,
interesting individuals. Befriend them and teach them.
· Them liking you: Make
an effort to develop students’ positive regard--they will learn more from you.
It does matter if students hold you in positive regard; some may argue that
teachers need only gain students’ respect. It is difficult to earn respect,
however, when you’re not positively regarded .
· Practicing nonjudgment:
Avoid negative judgments of those you’re trying to teach. Negative judgments
often turn out to be self-fulfilling prophecies. Remember that your
judgments of others often say more about you than they do about those being
· Using laughter: Bring
fun and laughter into the classroom. Show students that learning is fun,
exciting, and energizing. Have fun teaching. When your teaching stops being
fun, it’s time to do something different.
· Availability: Make
yourself available to listen to students no matter how busy your schedule.
Extend office hours during especially trying periods during the semester (when
assignments are due or finals are approaching). Encourage them early to come
and speak with you should problems arise. Practice tolerance when they wait
until the last minute.
· Extra work: Remember that every rule you create is accompanied by
the monitoring work necessary to police it. For example, if you require
written excuses for absences, you have to demand, collect, and judge the
veracity of those excuses. Unless there is an educational purpose for a rule,
it doesn’t make sense to use your limited time enforcing it.
· Energy: You only have
so much energy and never enough time--use both wisely. Spend more time teaching
and less time doing police work.
· Cheating: Start from a
place of faith in their honesty. Remind them that "what comes around goes around" (the
law of karma). Give a short philosophy lesson about a universal truth: We get
out of life what we put into it. If students cheat, use compassion and
forgiveness with punishment and don’t take it personally. They didn’t cheat
you; they cheated themselves.