Department of Psychology

University of New Mexico

A listing of the degrees awarded from the psyhology department follows. Each entry contains the student's name, the date the degree was received, the faculty supervisor (in parentheses), and the title of the thesis or dissertation. Copies of the thesis and dissertations are available in the Quad-L library. This list needs to be updated.

ABBOTT, Susan L. MA '72 (Johnson) Learning on a preferred dimension irrelevant concept task as a function of stimulus display and presence or absence of cue cards.

ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth L. J. MA '84 (Ritchey) Elaboration and distinctiveness on delayed pictorial recall

AUBREY, Lauren L. MS '92 (Yeo) Hemispheric asymmetry of subjective time estimation

AUGUSTSON, Erik M. MS '91 (Dougher) The transfer of conditioned emotional response eliciting functions via stimulus equivalence classes

AUGUSTSON, Karen G. MS '91 (Dougher) The development of stimulus equivalence in young children: Some methodological successes and failures

BABBITT, Brian MA '76 (Ellis) Stimulus-sampling and encoding variability: Test of Bower's theory

BARBERA, Thomas J. MS '93 (Waldron) Resistance as a process measure in family therapy with juvenile delinquents
BARDAL, Jane M. MS '92 (Agostinelli) Need for cognition as a moderator of overoptimism for life events

BARELA, Peter B. MS '91 (Feeney) Beam-walking deficits and the volume of primary cortical necrosis following sensorimotor cortex ablation in the rat

BEAUCHAMP, Alan J. MS '86 (Gluck) Sensory preconditioning in differentially reared rhesus monkeys

BENEKE, William M. MA '71 (Ferraro) Reward and punishment on the acquisition of cooperative behavior

BENNETT, Thoms L. Jr MA '66 (Ellis) Reinforcement and feedback in perceptual learning

BIEN, Thomas H. MS '89 (Dougher) The correlation of smoking and drinking during a smoking intervention

BONGO, Rosalind M. MS '64 (Smith) Factors underlying knowledge of human behavior and the ability to apply such knowledge

BOGO, Victor MA '68 (Logan) Practice and transfer on a varied choice refractory phase

BOROUGHS, Joseph M. MA '81 (Harris) Magnitude of total outcome as a factor in equity

BOYD, Thomas M. MA '77 (Miller) Alcohol consumption as a function of applied labels and conception of alcoholism

BOYESON, Michael G. MA '80 (Hodge) The effects of ventral mesencephalic tegmental and midbrain raphe lesions on behavior in rats

BRODY, Janet L. MS '90 (Hayes) Conceptual knowledge in 18-35 month old children: An examination of four salient information categories

BURKE, Harold L. MS '89 (Yeo) CT scan cerebral hemispheric asymmetries: Predictors of recovery from aphasia

BUTT, Allen E. MS '90 (Hodge) Learning and memory deficits in rats given nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions and scopolamine treatment: An animal model of ALzheimer's disease

CALDERWOOD, Roberta MA '84 (Johnson) Reader differences in letter-match performance: A variable criterion theory analysis

CANHAM, Lyn S. MA '82 (Grice) Processing dynamics in the item recognition task: A variable criterion theory analysis

CAVE, Susan E. MA '77 (Koenig) State dependent learning under phenothiazines: Memory functions of schizophrenics

CHARLTON, Samuel G. MA '79 (Ferraro) Response specific constraints on conditioning

CHIASSON, Charmenne A. MS '92 (Dougher) Contextual control of transfer of function through stimulus equivalence classes

CHIULLI, Stephen J. MS '86 (Ellis) Automatic and effortful processing in a clinically depressed population

CLADERWOOD, Roberta MA '84 (Johnson) Reader differences in letter-match performance: A variable crterior theory analysis

CLAUSEN, Gerald A. MA '78 (Delaney) Effects of constant and varied input orders on transfer of recall and output consistency

COSDEN, Merith Anne MA '77 (Feeney) Effects of individual differences in cognitive flexibility and motor variability on learning processes

CRAWFORD, Vernis Lloyd MA '78 (Katz) A validity study of the creative imagination scale and comparison of induction techniques under plateau conditions

DANIEL, Terry C. MA '68 (Ellis) Effects of stimulus codability and duration of stimulus exposure on recognition memory for random shapes

DAVIS, Lee T. MA '78 (Johnson) The differential effect of cognitive style on memory

DEL CASTILLO, David M. MA '67 (Ellis) Interaction of external and mediating cues as a function of type of stimulus pretraining and intralist stimulus similarity

DIDDAMS, Alexandra P. MS '87 (Gluck) The effect of expectancy on recovery from surgery

DITULLIO, Paul N. MS '89 (Goldsmith) Stimulus type and the elicitation of dimensional responses

ECKHARDT, Beverly B. MS '88 (Jacobwitz) The role of prior knowledge and verbal ability in adults' comprehension of television

EDWARDS, Charlene D. MA '76 (Gluck) The effects of vicarious response contingencies and a retarded versus a nonretarded model on the imitative learning of retarded and nonretarded children

ELLIS, Luann R. MA '82 (Gluck) Cognitive responses to a stressful film

FENSON, Larry MA '65 (Rosenblum) The role of stimulus similarity in children's preferences for novelty

FEUGE, Robert L. MA '67 (Ellis) Associative factors on stimulus generalization in shape recognition

FOOTE, William E. MA '74 (Ferraro) Transfer of a discrimination along a drug stimulus continuum

FOUTY, H. EDward Jr. MS '90 (Yeo) Unilateral projection of visuospatial stimuli via zero-power, partially occluded, soft contact lenses

FRANCIS, Evelyn W. MA '71 (Ferraro) The effects of novel stimuli in discrimination learning of children

FRANK, Robert G. MA '77 (Gluck) Assessment of long term deficits produced by early total social isolation

GASKILL, Mark N. MS '85 (Diaz) The effect of private speech on cognitive performance

GAUGHAN, Sarah K. MA '75 (Koenig) Sex as an extralegal factor in judicial decision-making

GIOMI, Thelma A. MA '72 (Ferraro) An operational analysis of the value of the nonoutcome trial in chldren's discrimination learning

GLAZER, Michael A. MA '75 (Roll) Fingertip skin temperature as an indicator of affect arousal

GOLDSTEIN, David B. MA '82 (Ellis) Changes in early memory content and verbal productivity after a depressed mood induction

GONZALES, Ricardo R. MA '79 (Roll) The relationship of cognitive style to performance on a nonverbal intelligence test and an achievement test among anglos and differentially acculturated Mexican-Americans

GOODKIND, Robert MA '74 (Roll) Complexity, incongruity, and content on cartoon humor appreciation

GOVERNSKI, David A. MA '73 (Logan) Cue relevance as a continuum

GRABER, Rick A. MA '82 (Delaney) Sex differences in information processing on a block design task

GRAH, Charles R. MA '76 (Ellis) The persistence of negative intra-list cueing effects

GREENWAY, David E. MS '89 (Dougher) Transfer of reinforcement and punishment functions via stimulus equivalence

GRILLY, David M. MA '69 (Ferraro) Transfer of response differentiation: A quantitative analysis

GRISHAM, Michael G. MA '71 (Ferraro) Post-discrimination gradients: The averaging hypothesis

HAHN-SMITH, Anne M. MS '93 (Smith) "Fitting in" America's value system: The relationship between acculturation and body dissatisfaction among Hispanic females

HALL, Thomas L. MA '78 (Hodge) Multiple electroconvulsive shocks on rotational activity in rats

HANEY, Stephen MS '85 (Gluck) Personality and demographic variables related to adaptation to dialysis

HARLOW, John MS '92 (Roll) College students' idolatry of favorite musicians related to hope-faith measured as an ego strength

HARRINGTON, Deborah MA '80 (Ellis) The role of phonological encoding in semantic retrieval

HAWLEY, Mark E. MS '87 (Ferraro) Minimal-contact treatment of tension headache

HAYWARD, Stephen V. MA '77 (Logan) Intermodal transfer of training in the rat

HEARD, David F. MS '92 (Feeney) The cough suppressant, destromethorphan, evoke seizures in rats

HERTEL, Paula T. MA '77 (Ellis) Constructive memory for bizarre verbal material

HODDE-VARGAS, Janet E. MS '87 (Roll) The relationship between hostility and the ability to benefit from behavioral treatment for nailbiting

HOMAN, Larry MS '66 (Ellis) Stimulus coding ability and stimulus predifferentiation

JACOBSON, John R. MA '75 (Roll) Cognitive manipulation of test anxiety through false emotional feedback and modeling

JAHNS, Dieter MS '68 (Ellis) Role of observing responces in perceptual learning

JOHNSON, Mary M. MA '82 (Harris, Goetz) Sex roles and learned helplessness

KERN-JONES, Sheryl MS '92 (Waldron) Maternal influences on early childhood competence

KINNUCAN, Mark T. MS '79 (Frider) The extent of form integration

KLINE, Ben J. MA '84 (Ferraro) The perceived symptom effects scale: Construction, reliability, and initial validity

KODITUWAKKU, P. W. MS '84 (Rhodes) Time perception as a functon of arousal and personality

KOSIBA, Bob MA '74 (Logan) Temporal compounds and attention theory

KREJCI, Jonathan A. MS '90 (Smith) The effect of positive mood induction on disinhibition among restrained eaters

KRUGER, Edelmira MS '89 (Roll) The relationship between the death of a parent during childhood and adult anaclitic depression

KUSHNER, Bruce MA '73 (Grice) Differential conditioning and stimulus intensity

LALIRE, Vega MA '77 (Koenig) Inference task performance in psychiatric patients: Schizophrenics, nonschizophrenic psychotics, and nonpsychotics

LANE, J. Walter MS '86 (Ellis) The effects of a depressed mood on the generation effect

LARKIN, Adrienne G. MA '844 (Roll) Anaclitic and introjective depression: A construct validation

LECCESE, Monica MS '91 (Waldron) The label of intoxication: The effect of gender and context on the perception of ambiguous flirtatious behavior

LEE, Dean R. MA '68 (Norman) Differences between expressed and measured interests as related to personality and intelligence

LEE, Nancy B. MA '75 (Johnson) Leveling as a developmental phenomenon in visual memory

LEIGHT, Kenneth A. MA '80 (Ellis) Effects of mood states on learning and memory

LEIGLAND, Sam M. MA '77 (Ferraro) Deviations from matching as a measure of preference and alternatives in pigeons

LERMAN, Barbara B. MA '71 (Logan) The facilitative role of response contingent exteroceptive feedback in a discriminated wheel turn avoidance task

LEWIS, Abby MS '85 (Ellis) Information-processing capacity allocated during a mental imagery task

LINN, Richard T. MA '80 (Hodge) Electromyographic biofeedback and hyperkinesis

LINNEMAN, Harry C. MA '71 (Koenig) Experimentally induced "awareness" and cahnge on personality measures following verbal conditioning

MAGILL, Barbara K. MA '78 (Harris) Anticipated evaluation on individual brainstorming performance

MAKOWSKI, Teresa Y. MA '76 (Roll) Differential effects of instructions to role-play mental illness on performance of Chicanos and Anglos on two subtests of the WAIS

MALLOY, Thomas E. MA '67 (Ellis) A test of acquired distinctiveness of equivalence of cues

MARKHAM, Michael R. MS '91 (Dougher) Compound stimuli in equivalence relations: Demonstration of associative stimulus relations

MARIANO, Anthony J. MS '83 (Ferraro) Achievement striving, self-imposed demands, and the coronary-prone (Type A) behavior pattern

MARIANO, Mary Jean MA '83 (Ferraro) Congruency of coping style and cognitive strategy: Effects on reactions to a painful stressor

MARRIOTT, Richard G. MA '75 (Ferraro) Matching with compound sample stimuli in the pigeon

MARTINEZ, Ricardo MA '77 (Norman) Social class and ethnicity effects on clinical judgments

McCALLUM, Marvin C. MA '78 (Ellis) Effects of labels on recognition memory for ambiguous visual forms

McDERMOTT, Martha J. MS '89 (Gluck) The development of self-control and self-regulation in children of alcoholic fathers

McNAMARA, Cecelia L. MS '92 (Smith) Late luteal phase dysphoric disorder: A chronic pain link?

MEECE, R. Sherilyn MA '64 (Rosenblum) Performance of sixth grade girls on the Vigotskyi block test

MELKA, Beth E. MS '91 (Yeo) Lateralization of a mental rotation task in a free field

MENDENHALL, Susan MA '69 (Koenig) Imitation of tolerance for delay in children: The effects of model-subject similiarity

MOULTON, John B. MS '88 (Friden) Viewing pictures: The effects of magnification, texture, and frame size on estimates of slant

MOYERS, Theresa B. MS '88 (Gluck) The effect of exposure to companion animals on mitigating depression in a college population

MUEHLENWEG, Christine A. MA '79 (Norman) Masculinity-femininity as related to the WAIS M-F index

MULLER, Douglas C. MS '68 (Ellis) Mediational set in trasnfer of stimulus predifferentiation

NEAL, Cynthia J. MS '88 (Diaz) From other-regulated to self-regulated: Mothers' as scaffolders

NELSON, Jill K. MS '89 (Miller) The effects of acute alcohol intoxication on planning and goal oriented behavior

NELSON, Nancy H. MS '93 (Gordon) Extinction of a within-compount association within and outside the learning context

NETTLETON, Craig S. MS '85 (Ferraro) The relationship of locus of control and instructions to biofeedback

NERVIG, Stefani MA '77 (Roll) Emotion and cognitive perceptions in response to cinematographic and non-cinematographic media

NULLMEYER, Robert T. MA '76 (Grice) Stimulus intensity and probability of stimulus change as determinants of simple reaction time

O'MALLEY, Flynn MA '74 (Koenig) Various dimensions of sexual stimuli in the paired-associates learning of college students and sex offenders

PAUL, Robert C. MA '75 (Logan) Social influences on individual performance

PAYNE, Tanya L. MS '91 (Goldsmith) The effects of advanced organizers on knowledge structures

PERKINS, David MA '68 (Perkins) Conditioned response sub-class variability

POGGE, David L. MS '83 (Dougher) Changes in self-efficacy as a function of locus of control, interpersonal trust, attribution, success in natural setting

POPE, Robin C. MS '87 (Diaz) Private sign language

PORTER, Benjamin J. MS '87 (Roll) Personality and perception: Rorschach and Luescher correlates of Jungian types as measured by the Myers-Briggs type indicator

PRUITT, Sheri D. MS '88 (Ferraro) Multimodal assessment of experimentally manipulated affect: An investigation of mood induction with critical controls

RAPOPORT, Elliot J. MA '75 (Johnson) Objective strategy assessment in reception paradigm concept identification

RIEDLE, Joan E. A. MA '79 (Goetz) Teachers' attributions for children's performance: Sex of performer and sex typing of the task, and grade

RODRIGUEZ, Michael R. MA '78 (Miller) Effects of alcohol and expectancy on fantasy and aggression in male social drinkers

ROGERS, C. Jean MA '71 (Johnson) Uni- and bi-dimensional concept learning as a function of age

SCHNIZLEIN, John M. MA '78 (Grice) Foreperiod effects in simple reaction time: A variable criterion theory analysis

SCHRADLE, Susan B. MS '84 (Dougher) Social support as a mediator of stress

SCHROEDER, James E. MA '71 (Logan) Stimulus properties of a change in magnitude of reinforcement

SEIBERT, Pennie S. MS '88 (Ellis) Measurement and effects of irrelevant processing during emotional mood states

SHORE, Howard G. MA '75 (Rosenblum) Senquencing processes in observational learning

SILLEROY, Rene S. MA '72 (Johnson) The effects of perceptual pretraining on concept identification

SMITH, Ruth A. MS '89 (Harris) The effects of waiting when presenting issue oriented material using a jury analogue

SPIERING, Kathryn A. MA '75 (Johnson) The effect of verbal mediation training on subsequent mediating behavior in retardates

SPIKER, V. Alan MA '76 (Ferraro) Mixed CS1-CS2 interval effects on sensory preconditioning with rats

TATUM, Boyd C. MA '72 (Ellis) The role of imagery in association formation and stimulus recognition

TINKCOM, Martha MS '86 (Gluck) Graduate students' achievement goals: A predictive study

TOPPINO, Thomas C. MA '72 (Johnson) The relative usefulness of exemplars and non-exemplars for solving attribute identification concept tasks

VANDELL, Reid R. MA '75 (Ferraro) Control of response duration by correlated probablity of reinforcement

VARNER, Lawrence J. MS. '92 (Ellis) Emotion-as-schema: A mediating mechanism of moodİcongruent encoding and retieval

VOYLES, Joy B. MS '86 (Ferraro) Chronic illness in childhood: An examination of perceived vulnerability and locus of control in children with long-term illness

VRANES, Lynn F. MS '86 (Feeney) An investigation of the effects of an experimental drug, L-644,969-01CO1 on unilateral sensorimotor cortex injured rats

WALDORF, V. Ann MS '93 (Smith) What's the fear? Using implosive theory in assessing underlying issues in bodily-injury phobia

WALSH, Russell A. MS '89 (Smith) The effect of nutritiouis labels on dietary restraint

WEISEND, Michael P. MS '92 (Feeney) Traumatic brain injury induces changes in brain temperature that are related to behavioral and anatomical outcome

WEISGERBER, Scott A. MS '85 (Johnson) The effects of encoding difficulty and resource allocation upon the attentional demands of letter encoding

WILLMAN, David A. MS '92 (Goldsmith) Similarity as a predictor of classification behavior over a graph-theoretical stimulus domain

WOOD, Mary R. MS '88 (Jacobwitz) The influence of children's prior knowledge on comprehension of television

WOOTTON, Philip B. MA '68 (Logan) The value of mixed fixed-interval schedules with and without informative stimuli