Department of Psychology
University of New Mexico
A listing of the degrees awarded from the psyhology department follows.
Each entry contains the student's name, the date the degree was
received, the faculty supervisor (in parentheses), and the
title of the thesis or dissertation. Copies of the thesis and
dissertations are available in the Quad-L library. This list needs to
be updated.
ABBOTT, Susan L.
PhD '75 (Johnson)
Training procedures for conditional sentence reasoning
ACTON, William H.
PhD '91 (Johnson)
Comparison of criterion referenced and criterion free
measure of cognitive structures
ALLEN, Lawrence C. III PhD '86 (Newman)
A longitudinal comparison of the development of mother infant
interactions in twins and singletons from three to six months old
ALLENDER, James R. PhD '84 (Roll, Haaland)
Perception of emotional cues and personality change
in dementia of the Alzheimer's type
ASHBROOK, Patridcia W. PhD '93 (Ellis)
A methodology to assess the cognitive distortions of pedophiles
BAKER, Richard C. PhD '81 (Roll)
Length of psychotherapy session and its effects on the
therapeutic process: An analogue study
BENEKE, William M. PhD '72 (Ferraro)
Selective attention in conditional discriminations
BELLINGHAM, William P. PhD '69 (Logan)
Stimulus compounding and generalization
BENNETT, Thomas L. Jr. PhD '68 (Rhodes)
Hippocampal EEG correlates of behavior
BERCH, Daniel B. PhD '69 (Price)
Observing behavior in children's discrimination learning under
constant, variable, and convariable delay of reinforcement
BIEN, Thomas H. PhD '92 (Miller)
Motivational intervention with alcohol outpatients
BILLINGS, David K. PhD '75 (Ferraro)
Measurement of dimensional stimulus control:
Steady state generalization testing
BIXLER, Edward O. Jr. PhD '70 (Rhodes)
The visual evoked potential and reaction time in the retardate
BOOKSTABER-SMITH, Ruth A. PhD '91 (Harris)
Group support, attributional style, and community involvement as
predictors of success in a long distance running health improvement
training program for non-athletes
BOYD, Thomas M. PhD '80 (Miller, Haaland)
Hemispheric control of precision-tapping among right-handed males
BRANCH, Kathleen H. PhD '72 (Ferraro)
The role of stimulus sequence in extradimensional stimulus control
BROWNE, Joy V. PhD '90 (Ferraro)
Maternal-preterm infant interaction in the intensive care unit:
Intervention and coping style effects
BRUCE, Philip D. PhD '76 (Ferraro)
Response-reinforcer and stimulus-reinforcer variables in
the elimination of behavior
BULGER, Lynn V. PhD '92 (Dougher)
A phenomenological investigation of the effects of process
interventions during an ongoing psychotherapy session
BURKE, Harold L. PhD '91 (Yeo)
Associations among cerebral hemispheric asymmetries, corpus
callosum morphology, and handedness in the elderly:
A study utilizing magnetic resonance imaging
BUTT, Dolores S. PhD '65 (Norman)
The effects of preliminary training in phoneme discrimination
on the articulation of an unfamiliar speech sound
CALDERWOOD, Roberta. PhD '89 (Johnson)
The role of context in modeling domain knowledge
CALHOUN, Jo Anne P. PhD '71 (Rosenblum)
Developmental and socio-cultural aspects of imagery in the
picture-word paired-associate learning of children
CANHAM, Lyn S. PhD '90 (Newman, Goldsmith)
Global and local context effects on naming latencies in
spoken narratives
CARMODY, Martha J. PhD '89 (Gluck)
Reducing the yound child's medically-related distress: Compaison
of cognitive behavioral and attention focusing strategies
CASSANO, Susan M. PhD '74 (Koenig)
Self-monitoring of social interaction in relation to locus of control
CAVE, Susan E. R. PhD '79 (Roll)
Evaluation of level of stress and group cohesiveness in the
wilderness experience using the MMPI and sociograms
CHARLTON, Smauel G. PhD '83 (Ferraro)
The differential conditionability of behavior
COSDEN, Merith A. PhD '80 (Ruebush)
Locus of control and memory for prose: An information
processing approach
CRAWFORD, Vernis L. PhD '82 (Miller)
Enriching marriages: A comparison of strategies
DANIEL, Terry C. PhD '69 (Ellis)
The nature of the effect of verbal labels on recognition
memory for form
DAVIS, Lee T. PhD '81 (Johnson)
The relationship of introversion and extraversion to inner speech
DEAN, Mary L. PhD '74 (Ruebush)
The effects of class, sex, and ethnic group variables upon the
ability to delay gratification in children and the acquisition of
delay behavior through modeling and role playing
DEL CASTILLO, David M. PhD '70 (Ellis)
Interference effects in recognition memory for visual forms
DICKERSON, Lawrence L. PhD '73 (Ferraro)
Alcohol effects on specific and environmental fear
DIDDAMS, Alexandra P. PhD '92 (Gluck)
Psychodslogical variables related to metabolic control in
diaretic children
DITULLIO, Paul N. PhD '92 (Goldsmith)
Perceptual integrality and stimulus sampling
DORSEL, Thomas N. PhD '74 (Rosenblum)
The preference-success assumption in education
ELLIS, Luann R. PhD '88 (Ruebush)
Marital intemacy, parenting attitudes and adult development
across the transition to parenthood period
EVERETT, Frances L. PhD '72 (Ferraro)
Relative effects of S+ and S- in children's discrimination learning
FELDMAN, Jerome M. PhD '70 (Logan)
Added cue control as a function of reinforcement predictability
FEUGE, Robert L. PhD '69 (Ellis)
Verbally-controlled selective perception in stimulus predifferentiation
FINK, Richard T. PhD '71 (Johnson)
Response latency as a function of hypothesis testing strateties
in concept identification
FLINT, Ronald A. PhD '70 (Harris)
The relative importance of structure and individuial differences
in determining behavior in two person games
FOOTE, William E. PhD '78 (Koenig)
The emotional responses of psychopaths and non-psychopaths
to contradictory communications
FORRESTER, John A. PhD '83 (Johnson)
Investigation of time-sharing as a general ability
FRANCIS, Evelyn W. PhD '73 (Ferraro)
Developmental and task variables in retention and transfer from
discovery and verbal reception learning
FRANKLIN, James B. PhD '85 (Gluck)
Suicide prediction using demographic data, the MMPI, and
stepwise discriminant analysis
GARLAND, Randall J. PhD '91 (Dougher)
Voluntary control of male sexual arousal: The relationship between
absorption and sexual arousal in incarcerated male sex offenders
GIOMI, Thelma A. PhD '74 (Rosenblum)
A developmental study of imagery and verbal mediation as a
function of instructions in a delayed discrimination task
GLAZER, Michael A. PhD '78 (Roll)
Use of a modified instruction set for the MMPI with heroin addicts
GOLDSTEIN, David B. PhD '86 (Gluck)
Emotionally-evocative imaginal activity and empathy
GONZALES, Ricardo R. PhD '82 (Roll)
A cross-sectional study of the relationship between
acculturation, cognitive style, and intelligence
GONZALES, Susan E. PhD '77 (Conrad)
Coding processes in bilingual word recognition
GOODKIND, Robert PhD '76 (Roll)
Some relationships between humor preferences and trait anxiety
GORDON, Kathryn M. PhD '87 (Smith)
The effects of normal mood variations on retrieval of information
in a generation task
GOVERNSKI, David A. PhD '75 (Logan)
Added cue contribution to discrimination learning
GRABER, Rick A. PhD 87 (Miller)
Abstinence and controlled drinking goals in behavioral
self-control training with problem drinkers:
Drinking & Neuropsychological outcome
GRAH, Charles R. PhD '77 (Ellis)
Storage and retrieval processes in retention
GRISHAM, Michael G. PhD '74 (Ferraro)
A response-independent schedule for food delivery: Interactions
with reinforcement and extinction produce stimulus control
GULLOTTA, Frank P. PhD '76 (Feeney)
Effects of experimental epilepsy on the sexual behavior of cats.
GUSINOW, Joan F. PhD '71 (Price)
The modification of form and color responding in young children
as a function of differential reinforcement and verbalization
GWYNNE, John W. III PhD '88 (Goldsmith)
A structural analysis of inductive inference
HALL, Thomas L. PhD '85 ((Feeney)
Immunosuppression induced by psychologic stress in rats:
Differential effects of predictable versus unpredictable
footshock on spleen cell blastogenesis
HANDMAKER, Nancy S. PhD '93 (Miller)
Motivating pregnant drinkers to abstain:
Prevention in prenatal care clinics
HANEY, Stephen D. PhD '88 (Gluck)
Personality and demographic variables in the evaluation of
the individual dkialytic treatment regimen
HARRINGTON, Deborah L. PhD '84 (Ellis)
Control processes in the sequencing of hand postures
HAYDEN, Shelly R. PhD '88 (Dzinno)
An outcome evaluation of a management training program
HERTEL, Paula T. PhD '79 (Ellis)
The role of the schema as indicated by interference effects in memory
HODDE-VARGAS, Janet E. PhD '92 (Yeo)
The relationship between cerebral atrophy and cognitive ability
in the normal elderly
HOWARD, William W. PhD '80 (Ferraro)
Acquisition and transfer of a response sequence task in monkeys
HUNT, R. Reed PhD '74 (Ellis)
The role of context cues in recognition memory
HURLOCK, Richard E. PhD '69 (Peterson)
Interhemispheic transfer of reaching skill during forcedİpractice
training in the rat
JACOBSON, John R. PhD '77 (Roll)
The effects of postural position and interpersonal orientation
on primary process manifestations
KANE, Barbara J. PhD '81 (Miller)
Cognitive self-instructional training and real life practice in the
treatment of heterosexual-social anxiety
KAVEN, Mary C. PhD '92 (Yeo)
Planning ability in subclinical obsessive compulsives
KEILMAN, Peggy A. PhD '70 (Logan)
A methodological approach to shifts in drive stimuli
KINNUCAN, Mark T. PhD '81 (Friden)
Holistic processing versus feature analysis in letter identification
KLEIN, Ben J. PhD '86 (Ferraro)
Discriminant, concurrent, and predictive validity of the
perceived symptom effects scale
KLINE, Jeffrey S. PhD '87 (Ellis)
Paranoid and nonparanoid schizophrenic processing of
facially displayed affect
KODITUWAKKU, Elizabeth L. J. PhD '89 (Padilla)
Outcome and satisfaction in mediation of child custory and
time-sharing as a function of confidentiality, personality,
and family dysfunction
KODITUWAKKU, Piyadasa W. PhD '90 (Yeo)
Specific impairments of planning in young alcoholics
KUBACKI, Steven R. PhD '92 (Gluck)
Relating underlying values to methods and processes in
cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapy:
Commonalities and differences
KUSHNER, Bruce A. PhD '77 (Grice)
Disjunctive reaction time: A variable criterion approach
LAW, Wendy A. PhD '89 (Yeo)
Depression-mediated cognitive changes with normal and closed
head injury populations: General attentional vs specific
right hemisphere mechanisms
LEE, Dean R. PhD '69 (Johnson)
The effects of type of rule, instructions, and practice,
upon focusing strategies in conceptual behavior
LEE, Andrew E. PhD '70 (Ferraro)
Probability of reinforcement and rate of reinforcement in a
response duration bandwidth differentiation schedule
LEIGLAND, Sam M. PhD '81 (Ferraro)
Stimulus control and the independence of concurrent operants
LERMAN, Barbara B. PhD '74 (Logan)
Discriminative and consummatory behavior of rats as affected by stress
LEWIS, Abby PhD '88 (Roll)
Drive-dominated thought on the Rorschach and family environment
in relation to peer-rated aggression
LINNEMAN, Harry C. PhD '74 (Koenig)
Cognitive manipulation of test anxiety: Effects of false meter
feedback and expectancy instructions
LOWENKRON, Z. Barry PhD '68 (Johnson)
Non-outcome trial behavior as a predictor of solution shift performance
LYNCH, Wesley C. PhD '71 (Logan)
Stimulus selection: Relative effects of pretraining and
temporal compound training
MacLEAN, Catherine A. PhD '77 (Rhodes)
Event correlated cortical responses of signal recognition in
methylphenidate responsive children with MBD
MAKOWSKI, Teresa Y. PhD '80 (Roll)
The relationship of Rorschach movement and form-color responses
to interpersonal empathy
MANHEIMER, Jerry M. PhD '83 (Delaney)
Processing and representational implications of the linear regression
model of judgment
MARIANO, Anthony J. PhD '86 (Ferraro)
Social support and the psychosocial functioning of home
hemodialysis couples
MARIANO, Mary Jean PhD '88 (Ferraro)
Social support and adaptation to health crises: Outcomes and
activities of a support group for amputees
MARRIOTT, Richard G. PhD '76 (Ferraro)
Effects of selective pretraining on the acquisition of
matching-to-sample behavior in pigeons
MARTINEZ, Ricardo PhD '81 (Norman)
The effects of acculturation on field independence of chicano children
MASCOLO, Richard L. PhD '86 (Dougher)
A radical behavioristic analysis of how psychotherapists
discern latent content in patient communications
McCALLUM, Marvin C. PhD '80 (Ellis)
The role of semantic relatedness in encoding and memory
McFARLAND, Alan D. PhD '86 (Ellis)
Cognitive effort during reading: Effects of topic knowledge
McIVER, Charlene D. PhD '80 (Gluck)
Response to coronary artery bypass surgery as a function of
psychological and social variables
MONCRIEFF, Manus PhD '74 (Ellis)
Mental imagery, retardation, and associative learning
MOWRER, Robert R. PhD '84 (Gordon)
The US preexposure effect: Context-blocking or learned
MOULTON, John B. PhD '90 (Delaney)
Viewing distance and pictorial perception:
Reducing ambiguity with shape and motion
MOYERS, Theresa B. PhD '91 (Miller)
Therapist's conceptualizations of alcoholism:
Implications for treatment decisions
MUEHLENWEG, Christine A. PhD '80 (Goetz)
Effects of culture, sex and friendship on cooperation
in the prisoner's dilemma game
NEAL, Cynthia J. PhD '90 (Delaney)
Training high-risk parents to be teachers of their own children
NETICK, Allan PhD '67 (Rhodes)
Differential effects of limbic lesions on avoidance behavior in cat
NETTLETON, Craig S. PhD '89 (Ferraro)
Coping with disability: The psychological consequences of
central nervous system injury
NULLMEYER, Robert T. PhD '79 (Grice)
The effects of stimulus intensity and preknowledcge on
simple and choice reaction time
O'MALLEY, Flynn PhD '76 (Koenig)
Variations of sexual stimuli and subject personality variables in
immediate and delayed paired-associate learning
OREM, John M. PhD '70 (Rhodes)
Two systems of efference from visual cortex to anterior
middle suprasylvian gyrus
PADILLA, Amado M. PhD '69 (Logan)
An analysis of incentive and behavioral contrast
PARENTE, Frederick J. PhD. 75 (Ellis)
Coding, perceptual grouping and part-to-whole
transfer in recognition memory and recall
PEGRAM, G. Vernon PhD '67 (Rhodes)
Changes in EEG, temperature, and behavior as a function of
prolonged sleep deprivation
PERKINS, David PhD '70 (Ferraro)
Relevancy of exteroceptive and response produced cues as a
determinant of mixed delayed matching to sample performance
PETERSON, David D. PhD '73 (Ferraro)
Effect of presentation by ear on word recognition of
aphasic patients in a delayed matching task
POGGE, David L. PhD '86 (Dougher)
Dimensions of evaluation of psychotherapeutic interpretations:
A phenomenological-empirical analysis
PORTER, Benjamin J. PhD '89 (Harris)
Relationships betwen Myers-Briggs personality type, depression,
mania and estimating probability
PRUITT, Sheri D. PhD '90 (Ferraro)
Experimental manipulation of mood and its effect on pain
RAPOPORT, Elliot J. PhD '77 (Johnson)
Developmental aspects of nonsolution in adults
RICKERT, Edward I. PhD '68 (Logan)
Role of feedback stimuli in response discrimination and differentiation
RIEDLE, Joan E. A. PhD '81 (Goetz)
Quantitative approaches applied to attribution theory and research
RODRIGUEZ, Michael R. PhD '80 (Miller)
Clinical probics and selective memory for affective information
about the self
RODRIGUEZ, Ward A. PhD '77 (Logan)
Effect of interpolated stimulus training on generalization
to a reinstated stimulus: Reciprocal generalization
ROGERS, C. Jean PhD '73 (Johnson)
Dimensional preference effects in recall memory
ROGERS, Jon G. PhD '67 (Logan)
Input and output speed components of learning-to-learn
RUBENSTEIN, Jody A. PhD '92 (Dougher)
Neuropsychological and personality differences between
contols and pedophiles
SAHD, Doris C. PhD '76 (Rosenblum)
The functional significance of imagery in the learning and memory
of the educable mentally retarded
SANTOS-GOMEZ, Lucinio PhD '91 (Johnson)
A multidisciplinary study of contingency detection:
Incidental, predictive, and estimative indicators
SASLAWSKY, Debra A. PhD '91 (Dougher)
The effect of victim-offender relationship on children's
perceptions of child sexual abuse
SAUCEDO, Carlos F. PhD '80 (Miller)
The effects of alcohol state-dependent learning on an encoding
variability task: Clinical and neuropsychological implications
SAWYER, Charles R. PhD '72 (Johnson)
A concept learning model
SCHMIDT, Michael M. PhD '80 (Miller)
Amount of therapist contact and outcome in a multimodal
depression treatment program
SCHNIZLEIN, John M. PhD '80 (Grice)
Psychophysics of auditory simple reaction time
SCHOEN, Robert J. PhD '86 (Johnson)
Use of disjunctive response requirements in dual task
environments: Implications for automation
SCHRADLE, Susan B. PhD '90 (Dougher)
Stress buffering effects of social support and locus of control:
A model comparison approach
SCHROEDER, James E. PhD '73 (Logan)
The relationship between mean magnitude of reward and partial,
varied, and continuous schedules of reinforcement
SHAFFER, Ronald W. PhD '71 (Ellis)
Categorization and discrimination of random forms following
schema training
SHORE, Howard G. PhD '77 (Rosenblum)
Cognitive processes in observational learning
SHUMATE, E Chandler PhD '73 (Ellis)
The verbal labeling effect in recognition and recall memory
for verbal stimuli
SILLEROY, Rene S. PhD '74 (Johnson)
Factors influencing concept task and inference task performance
SMASAL, Mark S. PhD '92 (Dougher, Yeo)
Left/right hemisphere differences in stimulus equivalence
class formation: Implications for its role in language
SMASON, Ivan H. PhD '92 (Harris)
Social motives, opponent stratecy, and incentive magnitude
effects on choice behavior in the prisoner's dilemma
SMITH, E. Kim PhD '72 (Koenig)
The effect of double-bind communications upon the
state anxiety of normals
SMITH, Eugene PhD '70 (Rhodes)
The role of central catecholamines in the maintenance of
free operant avoidance behavior in the rhesus monkey
SPIERING, Kathryn A. PhD '78 (Rosenblum)
The effects of extended mediation training and relaxation training
on paired-associate learning by older adults
SPIKER, V. Alan PhD '78 (Grice)
The effects of stimulus intensity and intensity differences on
simple and disjunctive reaction time: A variable criterion analysis
STRONGIN, Timothy S. PhD '80 (Gluck)
Exercise and behavioral treatments of obesity
SUNDERLAND, Whitney P. Jr. PhD '85 (Ferraro)
Type A behavior and emotional imagery
TAYLOR, Douglas C. PhD '84 (Delaney)
Scientific behavior: Responses to graphs
TAYLOR, George T. PhD '71 (Logan)
Shock-right in differential instrumental conditioning
TENDLER, Rebecca J. PhD '89 (Ruebush)
Individual differences in empathy with children
THOMAS, Roger L. PhD '84 (Ellis)
The mobilization effect in free recall
TOPPINO, Thomas C. PhD '74 (Johnson)
The inferential component of children's hypothesis testing behavior
TOSTI, Donald T. PhD '67 (Ellis)
Instrumental properties of mediation in transfer and retention
TROST, James G. PhD '73 (Ferraro)
Discrimination of drug-produced stimuli in monkeys
TYLER, Sherman W. PhD '79 (Ellis)
The optimization of text processing: The potential role of advance
information and a specific reading comprehension model
VICORY, Arthur C. PhD '69 (Bessemer)
Empirical comparisons of selected procedures for aircraft
identification training
WARNER, Mary S. PhD '70 (Johnson)
The effects of temporal variables on concept formation in children
WEISGERBER, Scott A. PhD '87 (Johnson)
The role of stimulus familiarity in visual priming
WIER, C. S. PhD '75 (Feeney)
Behavioral and electrophysiological analysis of sensory neglect
following diencephalic lesions in cats
WOLACH, Allen H. PhD '70 (Ferraro)
Intertrial interval as a determinant of the overtraining
extinction effect