Logan: Principles of Learning INNATE PREDISPOSITIONS (INSTINCT) All organisms are born with or are predisposed to acquire certain behavioral tendencies; they may also be predisposed not to acquire certain other tendencies. Although the focus of this book is on learning, by which we mean a relatively permanent change in behavior resulting from experience, we should acknowledge from the outset that all organisms are born with some kind of nervous system and certain biophysical/biochemical properties that are characteristic of the species. Some behavioral tendencies require little or no practice, the simplest of which are the REFLEXES. The knee-jerk to a tap just below the knee-cap, the eye-blink to a puff of air in the eye, and the withdrawal of a finger from a hot object are familiar examples. Organisms also show more complex innate behavioral tendencies (INSTINCTS). These are typically related to feeding and reproductive activities and range from sucking in newborn mammals to large scale migratory patterns. Those involving orientation of the entire body are called TROPISMS. For example, moths are phototropic (orient toward a light) and worms are geotropic (orient toward the earth). Although we pause only long enough to acknowledge these innate behavioral tendencies, one should not underestimate their vital importance to an understanding of behavior. Innate predispositions also enter into an analysis of learning processes. On the stimulus side, some organisms such as birds and humans are visually dominant; others such as rodents and fish are more controlled by auditory and gustatory (smell) stimuli. On the response side, most organisms are predisposed toward flight behavior in reaction to painful events. At the motivational level, there is more variability in behavior based on hunger than on thirst, and at the associative level, some stimuli may be more readily associated with some responses that with others, although a stimulus that is relatively ineffective with respect to one response may be excellent for a different response. These facts are sometimes considered to be "constraints" on learning, but it is more appropriate simply to recognize that the rate and limit of learning depend on the organism involved, the nature of the stimulus and the response, and the type of motivation. One dramatic finding is that illness is more likely to be associated with taste stimuli than with visual or auditory events. Especially troublesome are instances where learning progresses well at first but then falls when, for some reason, the learned response begins to "poop out". Among the many examples of innate predispositions is the phenomenon of IMPRINTING. During an apparently critical period (between 17 and 20 hours after hatching), the object to which a young duckling is exposed becomes an emotionally-significant object. The duckling will follow the object (which may be a human, or a wooden model of some animal) around and will utter distress calls if the object is removed from sight. Furthermore, after reaching maturity, the duck will attempt to mate with objects that are similar to the imprinted one. This phenomenon is normally quite adaptive; in the wild, the object a duckling will likely see at that age is its mother and species identification is assured. However, imprinting does not fit well into any of the general learning paradigms we shall be reviewing, and the notion of there being a critical period for acquisition may have wider generality than the particular instance of imprinting. The analysis of the learning process would certainly be greatly simplified if we could assert as a general rule that the principles apply equally and without reservation on all organisms, to any stimulus to which that organism is responsive, to any behavior of which that organism is capable, and regardless of the motivational conditions. The Principle of Innate Predispositions emphasizes the fact that such a rule is not correct; there are many exceptions to it. However, even this large number is actually very small in relation to the total domain that would include all species, all stimuli, all responses, and all motivational states. Accordingly, I recommend that this rule of the universal generality of the Principles of Learning be adopted as a working hypothesis, yet always being alert for the exceptions that will be encountered now and then. Someday we will know how to state the principles such that there are no exceptions; meanwhile, we are better advised to accept the principles as being the best understanding of behavior that we have to date. This is particularly true of the principles included in this series because they do, indeed, apply to the behavior of humans. Very few of us whose focus is on animal learning are really interested in rats, pigeons, monkeys, or dogs and cats just for the sake of understanding the behavior of those animals. Our interest is really in the behavior of people -- all kinds of people. We believe that there are some basic principles of learning that apply to all animals. The present volume attempts to state some of those principles and to illustrate their relevance to an understanding of human behavior. (I do NOT mean that these principles account for ALL human behavior. There are additional principles that are uniquely human and that supplement these basic one. But if you want to learn how to control your natural tendencies to behave like non-human animals, or to teach others including your children how to "behave," you would be well advised to understand the basis for those tendencies.) Although out concern will be with the learning process, we need to respect the marvel of our genetic endowment. Although it is obvious that we learn to talk, close examination reveals that much of this "learning" is based on innate predispositions. We have a unique and incomparable vocal apparatus that all infants are predisposed to exercise in sometimes almost constant babbling. In some very primitive sense, speech sounds are naturally different from other sounds and they are automatically processed in a specialized area of the left side of our brains. We speak the language of our parents, but that language has many syntactical and grammatical rules that seem to defy being reduced to any simple set of associations. In sum, language is the most elegant accomplishment of humankind; it is what most dramatically sets humans apart from other animals; and it is very significantly dependent on innate predispositions -- which means that it is not so much of an accomplishment after all. The extent to which innate predispositions observable in other animals applies to humans remains to be determined by future experimental analysis. When we study the hoarding behavior of many rodents, we may be observing a basic process that occurs in those people who are driven to acquire wealth. When we study the territorality of many other primates, we may be observing a basic process to occurs when humans define and defend their property. Even rats are born with a predisposition toward handedness that is poorly understood, and the extent of homosexuality in the animal kingdom remains a prime object for future research. TERMS: Association, hypothesis, imprinting, instinct, learning, motivation, reflex, respondent, response, stimulus, tropism