Logan: Basic Principles of Learning STIMULUS ASYNCHRONISM A conditional response tendency is acquired in classical conditioning only if the antecedent stimulus precedes the unconditional stimulus in time. The time separating the antecedent stimulus event and the unconditional stimulus is referred to as the INTERSTIMULUS INTERVAL (ISI) and the principle is called stimulus asynchronism because classical conditioning is not observed if the two stimuli are perfectly synchronized such that they occur simultaneously. Rather, the antecedent stimulus must precede the US. There is not evidence of conditioning if the onset of duration is sufficiently long that the antecedent stimulus precedes its termination. Specifically, the sound of a metronome will not become conditioned to salivation if the food is given before the metronome starts, at the same time that the metronome starts, or if the metronome is sounded while the doge is eating. Only if the metronome starts before the food is given will conditioned salivation be observed. Of course, there is no time for anticipatory salivation to occur if the stimuli are presented simultaneously or in backward order. In order to deal with this problem, test trials are run without the US. That is to say, after a metronome and food have been presented simultaneously a number of time, the metronome is sounded without the food to find out whether conditioning had occurred but could not be observed because of unconditioned salivation to the food. There is no evidence of a CR on such test trials, supporting the principle that the antecedent stimulus must, indeed, be antecedent in time. At the other extreme, however, it is probably not surprising that no conditioning is obtained if the stimulus asynchronism is very long; the antecedent stimulus may be gone and forgotten before the unconditioned stimulus arrives. An especially difficult issue concerns the length of the inter- stimulus interval for optimal conditioning. With the human eyeblink, the optimal ISI is about a half second and no conditioning occurs if the ISI is as long as three seconds. With salivation in dogs, several seconds is ideal and good conditioning occurs with ISI's of 30 seconds or longer. The most extreme observations have been made with learned taste aversions in rats. The phenomenon of bait-shyness has long been known: A wild animal that survives being poisoned will thereafter avoid the taste of that poison. In the laboratory, a rat can be exposed to a novel (and highly preferred) flavor such as saccharine sweetened water. Then, as long as two or three hours later, the rat is given a sub-lethal dose of poison. After the rat has recovered from the sickness, it will avoid anything tasting of saccharine. The phenomenon of learned taste aversions does not disprove the Principle of Stimulus Asynchronism; even in that context, conditioning is best if sickness occurs within a few minutes of tasting the saccharine, and conditioning does not occur if the ISI is over three or four hours. But where the necessity for very short intervals, as in the human eyeblink, trace of the stimulus, the occurrence of conditioning with very long intervals suggests that conditioning can occur to a long-lived memory of the stimulus. It may also be the case that organisms are innately predisposed to form some types of associations, in which case long intervals are possible, whereas short intervals are necessary for more arbitrary connections. The difficulty with the proposition that organisms are innately predisposed (biologically prepared) to form some associations and are perhaps contra-prepared (biologically prepared NOT) to form other associations, is determining these predispositions in advance. For example, although it seems intuitively reasonable than an organism would associate a poison-induced sickness with a taste stimulus, it is not obvious why even better taste-aversion conditioning occurs with an unnatural X-radiation US. There is an important corollary to the Principle of Stimulus Asynchronism. The latency of the CR, which is the time after the onset of the antecedent stimulus before the CR begins, tends to be adjusted such that it occurs just before the US. That is to say, the longer the interstimulus interval, the longer the CR latency. Actually, the latency of the CR may be quite short during the early stages of conditioning, but it gradually lengthens until it almost equals the ISI. And if the ISI is changed, the latency of the CR gradually changes appropriately. This is a good context in which to alert the reader to the fact that our knowledge of the Principles of Learning is still far from complete, the interestimulus interval in classical conditioning is one of the most obvious variables for experimental analysis, but many of the details of this principle are still unknown. A glaring omission is the effect of trial-to-trial variation in the interstimulus interval. The reason for this omission is that no one has satisfactorily solved the dilemma of how properly to measure a possible conditioned response under such conditions. As we just noted, it is not clear when a CR should occur if the interstimulus interval varies. We are inclined to believe that conditioning would occur with variable interstimulus intervals, but we do not yet know how to study this variant of the basic procedure. In any event, the practical significance of the Principle of Stimulus Asynchronism is simply that, to insure that an association is formed, the stimuli should occur close together in time. For example, if a person has done something commendable, the time for commendations to be given is as soon as possible. TERMS: Backward conditioning, simultaneous conditioning, interstimulus interval, memory, stimulus asynchronism, antecedent stimulus, conditioned stimulus, stimulus trace.