Quad-L Database July 2003 IM Haas,R.B. et al - - - - '70. Satiation after PRF - - - - - - - PSc18:296 ODPVP.Haber,A.Kalish - - - - - '63 Discrim from genz - - - - - - - - Sc 42:412 OpPVPHaaa_N/tr re acq diff-opcond inverse-f(S/Genz re S1/S2) - - - - Hab,A.'63- FMH Haber, Ralph N. - - - - '57 Achievement beh/motiv (Lawrence) - PhD Stnfd ZZXXX.Haber,R.N. (Ed) - - - - '66. Current research in motivation - - Holt-R-W ZZXXX-MZc_Current research in motivation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hab,RN'66- ZZ MZc_Collection of 76 research papers and theories of motiv Hab,RN'66- ZZ MZc_Instinct beh, primary/sec drives, punish/frustration/stress Hab,RN'66- ZZ MZc_Arousal/activation, explor beh, reward/incentive, conflict Hab,RN'66- ZZ MZc_Anxiety/guilt, fantasy/dreams/unconscious proc Hab,RN'66- CDBxB.Haberlandt, Karl - - - - '68 Transfer along continuum (Wagner) PhD Yale CDBxB.Haberlandt,K. - - - - - '71. Transfer along continuum - - - - - L&M 2:164 CrBxB-baS_Hard diff-classcond facil by trng w/easy diff-classcond - - Hab,K.'71- CeBxB-bAd_Lower P(CR) to irrel cues after easy than hard diff-cond - Hab,K.'71- CABAB.Haberlandt,K. et al - - '74. P(CR) w/variable ITI - - - - - - - JEx02:522 CABAB-ahv_W/variable ITI, P(CR) decr-f immed preceding ITI - - - - - Hab,K.'74e CEB B.Haberlandt,K. et al - - '78 Spon-rec in eyelid cond - - - - - JGn98:241 CcB B-btc_Spon-rec as-f(post-extn time) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hab,K.'78e ORM Hablitz, John J. - - - - '72 Cortical potential changes - - - - PhD Hustn AAR Hablitz,J.J.Braud - - - '72. Adrenalin and the Kamin effect - - L&M 3: 51 IARAR.Habu,Y. - - - - - - - - '64 Repeated cond/extn and discr lrng PAb 7759 IHRAR-haH_Daily blocks of reinf then nonreinf tr-->fast then slow IR Hab,Y.'64- IKRCP.Habu,Y. - - - - - - - - '80 Uncertainty of reinf - - - - - - - PAb 6854 IpRCPHaRf_Devel pref re random > altern PRF, w/R-pattern in altern - Hab,Y.'80- SMRML.Hack,E.R. - - - - - - - '33 Lrng as-f(H2O temp) - - - - - - - JEx16:442 SERMLOama_Lrng re escape H2O w/cold > hot > body temperature - - - - Hac,ER'33- DARA Hack,M.H. - - - - - - - '71. Auditory discrim - - - - - - - - - JCP74:315 FM Hackenberg, Donald A. - '75 Latent extn interp of social D - - PhD UNebr AAPCP.Hackenberg, Timothy D. - '87 TO-avoid w/situation loss - - - - PhD Templ ABPCPHcxa_W/simult RI sched w/2 keys, pref key that also postpones TO Hac,TD'87- OARUP.Hackenberg,T.D.Hineline '87. Remote effect of aversive conting EAB48:161 OBRUPxaxa_Perf on FI-3 min food sched decr w/ARo sessions B4colony, female>male - Had,PF'79e IE Haddad, Nabil F. - - - - '76 (Non)specific transfer - - - - - - PhD UOkla IExCP.Haddad,N.F. et al - - - '80 Sequential effects - - - - - - - - MaJ93: 41 IdxCPHbpb_W/discrete-tr bar-press w/rats and key-peck w/pigeons, Had,NF'80e Id bpb_ E/Extn after trng w/nonreinf-->reinf transitns > reverse Had,NF'80e ISRxR.Haddad,N.F. et al - - - '81. Control w/internal/external S - - L&M12:509 IERxRHbso_After diffcond re lite cues, no control acq by added tones Had,NF'81e IE bso_Blocking also obtained w/added internal cues (altern PRF) Had,NF'81e DGGV1.Hadley,C.V.D. - - - - - '27 Transfer experiments - - - - - - - BJP18:189 DeGV1-bRs_Observe transposition w/size, mainly based on brightness - Had,CV'27- DSM Hadley,R.French - - - - '67. Irrel S in S-R discontiguity - - - PSc 7: 35 DSR Hafer, Marilyn D. - - - '71 Cue changes on shift perf - - - - PhD TxTec FACSO.Hagamen,W.D. et al - - - '63. Sexual mounting of objects - - - - JCP56:298 FQCSOSdfS_30/60 male cats mount rabbits w/out reinf - - - - - - - - - Hag,WD'63e YCRDB.Hagan,J.J. - - - - - - - '83 Post-trng vasopressin on CER - - - PhB31:765 OARDB-oIm CER w/S for AR decr by post-cond injection of vasopressin - Hag,JJ'83- AMRDJ Hagan,J.J. et al - - - - '82 Post-trng vasopressin - - - - - - BNB36:211 IKRAR.Haggard, Donald F. - - - '56 Acq/extn as-f(CRF/PRF) - - - - - - PhD UIowa IKRAR.Haggard,D.F. - - - - - - '59 Acq as-f reinf sched - - - - - - - PRc 9: 11 IERARHafa_Terminal Speed(IR) w/50% > 100% reinf - - - - - - - - - - - Hag,DF'59- IERAR.Haggard,D.F. - - - - - - '59 R/Extn as-f(type of R in GB) - - - PRc 9: 93 IbRARHbbj_R/Extn not-f(R in GB during extn) (confine vs jump out) - - Hag,DF'59- OR Haggard,E.A.Babin - - - '48 Cond autokinetic phen - - - - - - JEx38:511 ----- ----- IDR Haggbloom, Steven J. - - '75 ITI and S+/S- sim (EJCapaldi) - - PhD Purdu IDR Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '78. ITI effects on internal S control L&M 9:347 IKR Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '79. Reinf of reward/R-produced S - - - L&M10:364 IDRVR.Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '79 Diffcond as-f(ITI) - - - - - - - - AmJ92:537 IpRVRHaqw_W/massed, diffcond 1 vs 12 Amt(Reinf) w/simult neg contrast Hag,SJ'79- Ip aqw_W/1-tr/day, little diffcond w/no contrast w/above Amt(Reinf Hag,SJ'79- IKRAR.Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '79 Initial nonreward effect - - - - - AmJ92:723 IGRARHbCp_Pretrng w/nonreinf incr Speed(IR) w/20-sec, not 0-delay CRF Hag,SJ'79- IG bCp_Above pos contrast devel slower than shift small-->large rf Hag,SJ'79- IDRAR Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '80. S- beh as-f(reward sequence) - - - ALB 8:424 IDRAR Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '80. Discrim as-f(sequence of PRF in S+ ALB 8:441 DHRVL Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '80 N-R transitions on acq - - - - - - PRc30:419 ISRxR.Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '81. Internal cues block control w/lite L&M12:485 IERxRHbso_After diffcond re patterned PRF + ITI, no control acq re Hag,SJ'81- IE bso_ B/W cues made relevant/redundant - - - - - - - - - - - - Hag,SJ'81- IE bso_Above blocking w/brightness irrel or constant in init trng Hag,SJ'81- IKRAR Haggbloom,S.J.EJCapaldi '78. Delayed PRF: length of delay - - - BPS23:457 DLRVL Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '82. N-R transitions in pretrng on disc ALB10: 61 IDRAR Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '83. Feature-neg effect in discrm lrng ALB11:367 IER Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '88. Signal-generated PREE - - - - - - ABP14: 83 IDR Haggbloom,S.J. - - - - - '93. Pos transfer over cue modalities - L&M24:266 IDRAR Haggbloom,S.J.Brooks - - '85. Serial antic/extrapolation - - - - ALB13:303 IDRAR Haggbloom,S.J.Bufkin - - '93. Memory for diff N-length re R/Extn BPS31:143 IKR Haggbloom,S.J.Capaldi - '78. Delayed PRF: Length of delay - - - BPS12:457 IDRAR.Haggbloom,S.J.Ekdahl - - '85. Interrun interval on serial lrng - ALB13: 98 IpRARHafu_Acq serial antic of nonreinf w/14-7-3-1-0 reward sequence - Hag,SJ'85+ Ip afu_Above w/short>long interrun interval, elim w/incr/decr IRI Hag,SJ'85+ IDR Haggbloom,S.J.Morris - - '94. Contextual coes and retrieval - - ALB22:165 IERAR.Haggbloom,S.J.Williams - '71. R/Extn w/PRF - - - - - - - - - - - PSc24: 16 IdRARHbpb_W/15-min ITI, PREE w/no effect of short/long N-length - - - Hag,SJ'71+ SA Haggbloom,S.J.Thomas - - '87. Serial lrng at 1 trial/day - - - - BPS25:391 DLR Haggbloom,S.J.Tillman - '80. Sequential effects in reversal - - L&M11:318 IER Haggbloom,S.J. et al - - '90. Replace memories of reinf/nonreinf ALB18:315 IDR Haggbloom,S.J. et al - - '92. Hierarchical organ of series info L&M23:183 ----- ----- FRMSO Haggerty, Melvin E. - - '10 Imitative tend - - - - - - - - - - PhD Harvd ZZXXX.Haggerty,M.E. - - - - - '13 Laws of lrng - - - - - - - - - - - PRv20:411 ZZXXXXZXe_Basic laws of exercise/effect/irradiation are general - - - Hag,ME'13- ZZ ZXe_Disting lrng re T&E w/success, imitation, deliberation Hag,ME'13- ORR x Hahn,W.W. et al - - - - '62. Water dep on OR and HR - - - - - - JCP55:786 OMR H Hahn,W.W. et al - - - - '64. HR as meas of drive - - - - - - - JCP58:305 SAR Haig,K.A. et al - - - - '83. Stay/shift strategies in search - ABP 9:337 ORP Haight,P.A.Killeen - - - '91. Adjunctive beh in mult sched - - - ALB19:257 OSPV Hailman,J.P. - - - - - - '69. Spectral pecking pref - - - - - - JCP67:465 AMFVJ.Hainsworth,F.R. et al - '67. Avcond w/forebrain ablation - - - JCP63:111 ALFVJSnMa_Forebrain ablation -->permanent decr/elim 1-way avcond - - Hai,FR'67e DA Haire, Mason - - - - - - '42 Repetition in lrng - - - - - - - - PhD Harvd ZZXXX Haire,M. - - - - - - - - '39. Concerning McCulloch's discussion PRv46:298 DARVL.Haire,M. - - - - - - - - '39 Repetitive errors in discrim lrng JC 27: 79 DBRVLHacc_Jumping-stand acq facil w/2 promonotories, 1 toward each S Hai,M.'39- ----- ----- OJPCP.Hake, Don F. - - - - - - '63 USI w/cond pun - - - - - - - - - - PhD S Ill ASMCP.Hake,D.F. - - - - - - - '68. Actual vs potential shock - - - - EAB11:385 ABMCPScoA_Maint FR OpR w/reinf = change to avoidance if decr N/shocks Hak,DF'68- OJPCP.Hake,D.F.Azrin - - - - - '65. Cond punish - - - - - - - - - - - EAB 8:279 OBPCPHcap_Rate(OpR) w/VI food decr w/R-conting S indep paired w/shock Hak,DF'65+ OSPfK.Hake,D.F.Azrin - - - - - '69. Absence of R during R-fdbk S - - - EAB12: 17 OPPfK-bkr_Rate(OpR) decr during lite fdbk S of R on VI - - - - - - - Hak,DF'69+ ER Hake,D.F.Campbell - - - '72. R-displacement effect w/neg reinf EAB17:303 OSPSP.Hake,D.F.Laws - - - - - '67. Social facil of R w/CER S - - - - EAB10:387 OAPSPHoIs_OpR suppressn re S B4 shock decr w/conspecific emitting OpR Hak,DF'67+ OCRVB Hake,D.F.Powell - - - - '70. Pos reinf + suppression w/same US EAB14:247 OJMCP.Hake,D.F. et al - - - - '67. Inten of punish - - - - - - - - - EAB10: 95 OBMCPHclp_Rate(OpR) w/VI food decr-f(pun inten) - - - - - - - - - - - Hak,DF'67e ----- ----- DG Hake, Harold W. - - - - '51 S-interaction in S/Genz - - - - - PhD UWisc CEH B.Hake,H.W.Grant - - - - - '51 Blocks of reinf/nonreinf - - - - - JEx41:216 CcH B-nee_R/Extn incr-decr-f(N/prior extns) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hak,HW'51+ CEHVL.Hake,H.W. et al - - - - '51 Pattern of reinf on R/Extn - - - - JEx41:221 CcHVL-bpp_R/Extn incr-f N/nonreinf trials/block, max at 3 transitions Hak,HW'51e SM Halas, Edward S. - - - - '60 Maze difficulty w/radiation - - - PhD TxTec CAR1 .Halas,E.S.Eberhardt - - '87. Blocking and appetitive reinf - - BPS25:121 CER1 -bso_Obtain blocking w/tone/lite w/pos reinf, not-f(gender) - - Hal,ES'87+ CAWVO.Halas,E.S. et al - - - - '61. R of planaria to lite - - - - - - JCP54:302 CLWVO-rZW_Lite alone as effective as Pair(lite,shock) in planarian - Hal,ES'61e CAWVO.Halas,E.S. et al - - - - '62. Attempt at classcond in planarian JCP55:969 CLWVO-rZW_Data suggest reflex sensitization in planarian classcond - Hal,ES'62e AE Halasz, Michael F. - - - '60 Extn under chlorpromazine - - - - PhD U Chi AIC P.Halasz,M.F. - - - - - - '61. Intercurrent avoid/appetitive R - EAB 4:287 AeC PxbCh_During extn, incr P(ARi) w/incr duration of warning S - - - Hal,MF'61- IRR A Hales, William M. - - - '49 Spon acty as-f(work) - - - - - - - PhD UMinn IERAR Halevy,G. et al - - - - '86 Clonidine on the PREE - - - - - - PPm90: 95 IER Halevy,G. et al - - - - '87. R/Extn + punish after shock trng - QJE39:147 CAB B.Haley,D.A. et al - - - - '88 GABA antagonist in red nucleus - - BrR54:131 CLB B-nml_Elim CR, not UR w/GABA antagonist in red nucleus - - - - - Hal,DA'88e Halgren, Carl R. - - - - '71 (Non)assoc proc in latent inhib - PhD Ind U CAR Halgren,C.R. - - - - - - '74. Latent inhib: Assoc/nonassoc - - - JCP86: 74 ----- ----- RA Hall, Calvin S. - - - - '33 Organization of abilities (Tryon) PhD UCBer FRRCO.Hall,C.S. - - - - - - - '36 Need and emotionality - - - - - - JC 22: 61 FPRCOEbee Emotionality (defecatn) in exper context w/hungry ad lib, but same diurnal cycle - - - - - - Hal,JF'53e RDMDP.Hall,J.F. et al - - - - '55 Reserpine on delayed R - - - - - - Psy40:159 RGMCPOhrH_No effect of reserpine on delayed-R - - - - - - - - - - - - Hal,JF'55e FMRMA.Hall,J.F. et al - - - - '60. Acty w/hunger/thirst/satiation - - JCP53:155 FPRMAHbeE_Explor acty in maze not-f(food dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - Hal,JF'60e ----- ----- FRxSL.Hall,K.R.L. - - - - - - '63 Observational lrng - - - - - - - - BJP54:201 FGxSLOqoH_W/monkey/ape, approach/explore place/object re beh of other Hal,KR'63- FG qoH_Above esp w/affection relation w/other O, but not R-imitatn Hal,KR'63- IMRAR.Hall,L.A.Marr - - - - - '69. FE w/hunger constant - - - - - - - JEx80:493 IDRARHomf_Obtain FE w/decr Amt(Reinf) in GB1 w/hunger constant - - - Hal,LA'69+ OK Hall, Robert C. - - - - '67 3-component chain sched - - - - - PhD U NC OA Hall, Robert D. - - - - '60 Discrete trial and operant - - - - PhD Brown CRRAB.Hall,R.D. - - - - - - - '73. Prop of CR/UR - - - - - - - - - - BRM 5:321 CPRAB-baz_Describes char of cond/uncond eyelid R in rat w/various S - Hal,RD'73- DRR Hall,R.D. - - - - - - - '75. Choice time and discrim lrng th - L&M 6:202 DKRVL.Hall,R.D.Kling - - - - - '60. Perf as-f(amt of consum acty) - - JCP53:165 DERVLHaMK_Acq incr-f N/cups sucrose reinf w/=Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - - Hal,RD'60+ ADRNA.Hall,T.L.RWThompson - - '71. Interhemispheric transfer of discr JCP77:166 ApRNAScaa_Diffcond w/unilat spreading depression decr-f(lite-Ss sim) Hal,TL'72+ Ap caa_Re above, interhemispheric transfer decr-f(lite-Ss sim) Hal,TL'72+ SRPUP.Hall-Johnson,E.Poling - '84. Sequences of FR sched - - - - - - EAB42:127 SFPUPHaRd_W/concur chain, pref FR-FR sequence w/short init FR - - - - Hal,E.'84+ SF aRd_Maint above pref w/incr 2nd FR, decr Amt(Reinf) re pref Hal,E.'84+ CI Hallam, Steve C. - - - - '92 Blocking w/in feature neg discrim PhD NYBin FSR Hallam,S.C. et al - - - '90. Excit/inhib as-f(post-trng extn) - L&M21: 59 CSR1e Hallam,S.C. et al - - - '92. Neg summation w/extn of inhib - - L&M23: 43 FAR Hallam,S.C. et al - - - '92. Contingency th and its metrics - - L&M23:225 IJRAR Hallenborg,B.P.Fallon - '71. Fear/frustration on self-punitive L&M 2: 26 ZZRf .Haller,O.Sainsbury - - - '78 R-produced fdbk theory of stress - CPR19: 59 ZZRf -RXc_R definition + number of Rs are parameters of fdbk variable Hal,O.'78+ OD Halliday,M.S.Boakes - - '71. Beh contrast w/R-indep reinf - - - EAB16:429 OKP Halliday,M.S.Boakes - - '72 R-indep reinf (Boakes) - - - - - - Academic ODP Halliday,M.S.Boakes - - '74. Beh contrast w/out R-rate decr - - EAB22:453 IK Halliday, Robert W. - - '49 Effort and sec reinf - - - - - - - PhD OhioS CARAE.Halperin,J.M.Iorio - - - '81 Responsivity during sleep - - - - BNB33:213 CARAE-axa_Pair(S,shock)--S awakens O from slow-wave, not REM sleep - Hal,JM'81+ DS Halpern, Joseph - - - - '66 S-sim and P(Reinf) - - - - - - - - PHD UMass IEH Halpern,J.Poon - - - - - '71. Human PREE re sequential th - - - JEx89:207 EARAR.Halpern,M.Lyon - - - - - '66. Cond noise aversion - - - - - - - EAB 9:357 EERAROcaa_Acq ER = move to end of cage re terminate noise - - - - - - Hal,M.'66+ FARCC.Halstead,W.C.Gallagher - '62. Autoregulation of amino acids - - JCP55:107 FPRCCOaEF_Pref essential amino acid solution vs one w/out threonine - Hal,WC'62+ AA Hamberg, Jean Marie - - '78 Effect of reactivation trtmt - - - PhD NYBin DAR Hamberg,J.M.Spear - - - '78. Alleviation of forgetting - - - - L&M 9:466 ORR Hamblin,R.L.HLMiller - - '77. Matching as muiltivariate law - - L&M 8:113 AARN Hamburger-Bar,R. et al - '88 Cond avoid acq & extn after ECS - PAb 19456 DE Hamby, John V. - - - - - '73 Accuracy after errorless discrim - PhD U Fla CAHxx.Hamel,I. - - - - - - - - '19 Anal of CR - - - - - - - - - - - - PMg27: 1 CAHxx-aVz_Concl CR sim to RT, dependent on consciousness/expectancy - Ham,I.'19- SGRMP.Hamill,R. - - - - - - - '31 Sequence of turns vs distance - - JC 11:367 SbRMPHaqs_Pos transfer re sequence of turns, not-f(length of paths) - Ham,R.'31- EARER.Hamilton,C.L. - - - - - '60 Amphetamine on running R - - - - - PAb 7233 ELRER-te2_AMPH incr Speed(ER) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ham,CL'60- FMR C Hamilton,C.L. - - - - - '63. Food intake and temp regulation - JCP56:476 FARCC.Hamilton,C.L. - - - - - '64. Pref for hi fat diets - - - - - - JCP58:459 FPRCCOaXF_Pref greasy (lard) diet vs nonnutritive substance - - - - - Ham,CL'64- FRRWR.Hamilton,C.L. - - - - - '69. Nonnutritive bulk and wheel run - JCP69:481 FPRWRHbEa_Less incr run acty w/dep if edible nonnutritive bulk avail Ham,CL/49- ANRAJ.Hamilton,C.L.Patton - - '52. ECS on an inhibited CR - - - - - - JCP45:600 AdRAJSbaa_After acq/extn, 10 daily ECS incr N/ARi - - - - - - - - - - Ham,CL'52+ DYMVO Hamilton,C.R.Vermeire - '83 Face discrim by split-brain O - - BBR 9:263 IKRxx.Hamilton,E.L. - - - - - '29 Delayed incentive on hunger drive GtM 5:133 IERxx-aDK_N/crossings obstructn box decr by even 15-sec delay of food Ham,EL'29- IE aDK_Rate lrng and R-speed in maze decr w/delayed reinf Ham,EL'29- IARSL Hamilton, Frank C. - - - '72 Social facil as-f(model's exper) - PhD WashS SAxCL Hamilton,G.V. - - - - - '11 Trial and error in mammals - - - - AnB 1: 33 FRxSC Hamilton,G.V. - - - - - '14 Sexual tendencies monkey/baboon - AnB 4:295 SNRCP.Hamilton,H.C.Harned - - '44 Sodium bromide w/pregnant rats - - Psy18:183 SNRCPUndC_3-table perf decr if sodium bromide fed to pregnant mother Ham,HC'44+ SVRML Hamilton, James A. - - - '35 Brain size and ability (Tolman) - PhD UCBer RAROP.Hamilton,J.A.Ballachey - '34 Umweg beh - - - - - - - - - - - - JGt45:260 RPROPHblH_Move food tin to barrier, climb barrier then pull tin over Ham,JA'34+ IERCR.Hamilton,J.A.WDEllis - - '33 Beh constancy - - - - - - - - - - JGt42:120 IlRCRHnNc_R/Extn incr w/areas of cortex destroyed - - - - - - - - - - Ham,JA'33+ SARTL.Hamilton,J.A.Krechevsky '33. Shock on beh plasticity - - - - - JC 16:237 SeRTLHbCs_Shock B4 choice-->R = acq L/R turn, whether long/short path Ham,JA'33+ Se bCs_After reversal re long/short path, shock B4 choice-->orig R Ham,JA'33+ FMRCC.Hamilton,L.W.Flaherty - '73. Interactive effects of dep - - - - L&M 4:148 FPRCC1aXF_After 24-h H2O dep, total H2O intake B4 feeding - - - - - - Ham,LW'73+ FP aXF_After 24-h food dep, only a little eating B4 drinking Ham,LW'73+ FP aXF_Note: Effect of food dep same as food/H2O dep Ham,LW'73+ EASD Hamilton,M.E. et al - - '86 P-chloroamphetamine w/inescapable PPm90:203 SMRDL.Hamister,R.C. - - - - - '56 Chlorpromazine on maze lrng - - - PRp 2:331 SLRDL-tDs_Daily chlorpromazine decr maze acq, w/no retentn w/out drug Ham,RC'56- AMR Hamlin,E.D. et al - - - '79. Castration/hormones on ARo - - - - BPS14:124 DLOVO.Hamlin,P.H. - - - - - - '75. ObR as index of attn - - - - - - - ABP 1:221 DFOVOHbOr_W/leghorns, incr P(ObR = produce .5-sec discrim Ss) Ham,PH'75- DF bOr_ if S- on preferred side B4 incr to above-chance perf - - Ham,PH'75- IMRAR.Hamm,H.D. - - - - - - - '67. Summation of frustration effect - JEx73:196 IDRARHomf_W/triple alley, no summation of FE re nonreinf in GB1 + GB2 Ham,HD'67- CS Hamm, Robert J. - - - - '74 USI and CS duration - - - - - - - PhD S.Ill IJRUU.Hamm,R.J. - - - - - - - '81 Hypothermia induced amnesia - - - DPB14:357 IDRUUSatN_24-hr retention 1-tr pun IR decr w/post-tr hypothermia - - Ham,RJ'81- ID atN_Above w/aged = mature O if equate lrng/body temp Ham,RJ'81- IJRAR.Hamm,R.J.Riccio - - - - '68. Punish w/cold H2O - - - - - - - - PRp22:249 IBRARHcap_Decr Speed(IR) w/cold H2O pun less w/gradual decr H2O temp Ham,RJ'68+ OVRCP.Hamm,R.J. et al - - - - '83 Age changes in STM - - - - - - - - PAb 3160 OLRCPHnOC_After extended trng, old = adult O re DRL perf - - - - - - Ham,RJ'83e OARCP.Hamm,R.J. et al - - - - '85 Long-term retention of DRL - - - - PAB 13753 OLRCPHnAE After extensive trng, 21-d retention of DRL w/aged=mature O Ham,RJ'85e Hamm, Robert M. - - - - '79 Pref reversal phen (RDLuce) - - - PhD Harvd OKPVP Hamm,S.L.Shettleworth - '87. Risk aversion in pigeons JEx13:376 AAh Hammack, John T. - - - - '59 Operant avoid - - - - - - - - - - PhD U NC OK Hammer, Lois R. - - - - '65 Reinf valuie of 2 sugars - - - - - PhD Harvd FMRGC Hammer,L.R. - - - - - - '67. Saccharin/sucrose intake - - - - - PSc 8:367 OKR C Hammer,L.R. - - - - - - '68. Reinf value to consum beh - - - - JCP66:667 FSTCO.Hammer,L.R. - - - - - - '72 Hoarding pref in hamsters - - - - PSc26:139 FPRCOOaHU_Pref glass beads > sucrose > chow re hoarding w/hamster - - Ham,LR"72- CSH Hammerl,M.Grabitz - - - '96. Evaluative cond w/out valued event L&M27:278 CUH Hammerl,M. et al - - - - '97. US-alone on evaluative cond - - - L&M28:491 DPASX.Hammerstein,P. - - - - - '96 Evolution of coop (Baltes) - - - - Cambridge ZZASXXgZH_Little coop based on reciprocation outside primate world - Ham,P.'96- OAH Hammes, Henry H. - - - - '73 Suppression as-f(task) - - - - - - PhD WMich DMRVL.Hammes, John A. - - - - '53 Acq as-f(fear/difficulty) - - - - PhD PennS DMRVL.Hammes,J.A. - - - - - - '56. Fear/difficulty on visual discrim JCP49:481 DLRVLSmma_W/difficult discrim, acq best w/lo/medium sh inten, vs hi - Ham,JA'56- ----- ----- CAH1G.Hammond, Lynn J. - - - - '65 Anal of GSR pseudocond - - - - - - PhD WRsrv CAH1G-acu_Some incr in GSR to tone/lite S w/uncorrel loud noise - - - Ham,LJ'65- CA acu_Above pseudocond if O adapt to S and give strong UR Ham,LJ'65- OSR1P.Hammond,L.J. - - - - - - '66. Diff CER and S- R - - - - - - - - PSc 5:337 OAR1PHoIs_Pair(tone,sh)+(lite,no-sh)-->OpR decr w/tone, incr w/lite - Ham,LJ'66- CDRxe.Hammond,L.J. - - - - - - '67. Active prop of inhib - - - - - - - PSc 9: 65 CcRxe-baX_Less suppression if combine S- w/S+ after diff-cond CER - - Ham,LJ'67- CSRxe.Hammond,L.J. - - - - - - '68. Inhib CS on fear acq - - - - - - - JCP66:756 CGRxe-bax_Mix Pair(tone,shock) + lite-alone retards lite-shock CER - Ham,LJ'68- CAH1G.Hammond,L.J. - - - - - - '67. Pseudocond as-f basal skin resist JEx73:125 CAH1G-acp_Pseudocond is-f decr skin resist after S tr, not S sim - - Ham,LJ'71- AA Hammond,L.J. - - - - - - '85. 2-process th: Relations (Brush) - LEA CSSCE.Hammond,L.J. - - - - - - '95. Cond re context B4 shock context - ALB23:349 CESCE-bCa_W/decr acty CR, cond to context-2 immed B4 context-1-->sh - Ham,LJ'95- DSR Hammond,L.J.Daniel - - - '70. Neg conting discrim: save/random S JCP72:486 EDRVR.Hammond,L.J.Harman - - - '74. Shock escape vs food-reward - - - BPS 4:593 EqRVRxcae_No acq diffcond re lite on/off w/immed vs delayed shock off Ham,LJ'74+ Eq cae_Same diffcond w/food reward lrnd rapidly Ham,LJ'74+ EKRAR.Hammond,L.J.Lambert - - '70. Long delays of reinf w/escape - - PSc21: 63 EERARScju_Speed(ER) decr over trials w/delayed shock-off in GB - - - Ham,LJ'70+ CARVe.Hammond,L.J.Maser - - - '70. Forgetting and cond suppression - EAB13:333 CCRVe-ata_Pair(S,sh) w/5-min ISI--Devel temp discrim of suppression - Ham,LJ'70+ CC ata_25-d after above--Retain suppression but not temp discrim Ham,LJ'70+ ZZAXX Hammond,L.J.Paynter - - '83. Probabilistic conting th of cond - L&M14:527 OKR P Hammond,L.J.Weinberg - - '84. Signaling unearned reinf - - - - - ALB12:371 ----- ----- OAO Hampton,R.R. et al - - - '98. Proactive interference (birds) - - ALB26:475 AAR J.Hampton, Steve R. - - - '80 Preexposure and USI - - - - - - - PhD N.Ill AER JSbCa_Preexpose to avoid context incr ARi acq only w/hi USI - - - Ham,SR'80- AE bCa_Preexpose to context w/warning S decr ARi acq only w/lo USI Ham,SR'80- AE bCa_Interp above re combined effect of amount of fear decr w/AR Ham,SR'80- AE bCa_ and amount of residual fear assoc w/context after AR Ham,SR'80- SARML.Hanawalt, Ella May - - - '29 Whole/part T&E lrng - - - - - - - PhD UMich SARML.Hanawalt,E.M. - - - - - '31 Whole/part meth of T&E lrng - - - CPM 7: 5 SBRMLHaxa_Whole > any part meth of lrng w/complex maze re total acq - Han,EM'31- SARML.Hanawalt,E.M. - - - - - '33 Whole/part meth of T&E lrng - - - JC 15:395 SBRMLHaxa_Whole lrng > lrng parts B4 combining into whole - - - - - - Han,EM'33- OK Hancock, Robert A. - - - '76 Cond reinf w/sequential S - - - - PhD KanS YCP Hancock,R.A. - - - - - - '82 Cond reinf value of sequential S - ALB10: 46 CURGe Hancock,R.A.Ayres - - - '74 W/in-O effect of sucrose concen - PRc24:325 OKRD Hand, Timothy H. - - - - '85 MORPH on intracranial self-ESB - - PhD McGil OMREP.Hand,T.H.Franklin - - - '86 Morphine on self-stim - - - - - - PPm88:472 OLREP-te2_MORPH effect on self-ESB is assoc, incr-f(repeated testing) Han,TH'86+ CAREP.Hand,T.H. et al - - - - '89 Heroin-induced place pref - - - - PPm98: 61 CAREP-ho3_Cond place pref w/heroin US w/out dependence - - - - - - - Han,TH'89e FARGC.Handal,P.J. - - - - - - '65. Acceptance of sodium salts - - - - PSc 3:315 FPRGCOaEF_Hi intake sodium solution w/sodium deficient O - - - - - - Han,PJ'65- DM Handley, George W. - - - '72 Ritalin on reversal - - - - - - - PhD UTenn IS Handlon, Joseph H. - - - '53 Sign/incentive prop of S (Ritchie) PhD UCBer RDRxP.Handlon,J.H. - - - - - - '50 Percep factors in delayed R - - - UCP 5:289 RGRxPHhrH_Door signs facil long-delayed R w/removal during delay - - Han,JH'50- OK Hanek, Michael - - - - - '60 Msmt of elicited fear - - - - - - PhD PennS SARTL.Haner,C.Peterson - - - - '59 Lrng w/minimal R - - - - - - - - - PAb 3134 SGRTLHbCr_Little lrng if pull maze w/distinctive GB around O - - - - Han,C.'57+ SARML.Haney,G.W. - - - - - - - '31. Familiarity on maze perf - - - - - UCP 4:319 SGRMLHbCs_72-hr preexpose to 14-unit maze facil acq re errors - - - - Han,GW'31- SAR Hanford, Peter V. - - - '58 Altern as-f(drive/reinf) - - - - - PhD PennS IKRAR.Hanford,P.V.Zimmerman - '69. Alternation w/automated runway - - PSc14:107 IpRARHafu_Pattern Speed(IR) w/alternating PRF in automated runway - - Han,PV'69+ ISRAR.Hanford,P.V.Zimmerman - '71. Added cond reinf in runway - - - - PSc23:209 IGRARHhaH_W/automated runway, pattern Speed(IR) re altern (FR2) reinf Han,PV'71+ IG haH_Re above, incr Speed(IR) on nonreinf run w/added sec rf cue Han,PV'71+ CSRCe.Hanford,P.V. et al - - - '80. Novel environ on CS extn of CER - BPS16:341 FbRCe-bba_No effect of extn CER in novel context on CER in orig sit - Han,PV'80e FSRGC Hankins, Walter G. - - - '72 Sensory control of CTA - - - - - - PhD NYSBr FRRGC.Hankins,W.G. et al - - - '73 Dissociation of odor/taste - - - - BhB 8:407 FDRXC-caa_Anosmic=Control Ss w/flavor/illness & noise/shock pair - - Han,WG'73e FD caa_Anosmics have less neophobic response than controls Han,WG'73e ASRxx.Hankins,W.G. et al - - - '76 Dissociation of odor/taste - - - - BBi18:345 AERxxxbaa_W/intact O, odor effective cue for AR re shock, Han,WG'76e AE baa_ but not for aversion re illness - - - - - - - - - - - - Han,WG'76e AE baa_W/anosmic O, taste not effective cue for AR re shock, Han,WG'76e AE baa_ but effective for aversion re illness Han,WG'76e AE baa_Sacc taste effective cue for AR re shock only if odorous Han,WG'76e SRhM Hanlon,C. - - - - - - - '60. R variability as-f(age) - - - - - JCP53:267 ARRUP Hann,D.M.Roberts - - - - '84. IRTs/R-chains in operant avoid - - ALB12:175 EGrSJ.Hannum,R.D. et al - - - '76 Lrnd helpless: retention/immune - DvP12:449 EGrSJScaw_Inescapable shock when weanling decr adult ER acq - - - - - Han,RD'76e EGrSJScaw_Escapable sh when weanling decr effect of later inescapable Han,RD'76e CAH B Hansche, Wesley J. - - - '59 Operant/avoid/classcond (Grant) - PhD UWisc CSHVB.Hansche,W.J.Grant - - - '60. Onset/term of S as CS - - - - - - JEx59: 19 CEHVB-beo_Classcond equal w/lite-onset or term as S - - - - - - - - - Han,WJ'60+ IRH B.Hansche,W.J.Grant - - - '65. Instrucond vs avcond/classcond - - PSc 2:305 IPH BObYh_Acq blink IR w/symbolic reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Han,WJ'65+ IbH BObbi_R/Extn of blink IR > CR/ARi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Han,WJ'65+ FRMCC.Hansen,B.C. et al - - - '81 Food intake and meal pattern - - - PhB27:803 FPMCCHaXF_W/free food, meal size correl w/post- not pre-meal interval Han,BC'81e OJ Hansen, Eric L. - - - - '72 Pun and neural mech of reward - - PhD McGil FRm Hansen, Ernst W. - - - - '62 Devel maternal/infant beh - - - - PhD UWisc FRMSP.Hansen,E.W.Mason - - - - '62 Socially mediated changes in OR - PRp11:647 FPMSPHeQH_In choice sit, devel pref for R not assoc w/shock to other Han,EW'62+ DV Hansen,G. et al - - - - '71. Indiv diff in genz/discrim - - - - JCP77:456 ARhOO.Hansen,G.D. - - - - - - '79 Control enuresis w/trng - - - - - ABA12:303 APhOOUbtx_Re trtmt of enuresis, combined ER/AR may be better than CR Han,GD'79- ----- ----- OGPVP.Hanson, Harley M. - - - '56 Discrim trng on S/Genz - - - - - - PhD Duke OGPVP.Hanson,H.M. - - - - - - '57 Discrim on S/Genz for spectrum S - Sc 25:888 OIPVP-SSs_Diffcond not only decr OpR to S-, incr extn OpR to other S Han,HM'57- OGPVP.Hanson,H.M. - - - - - - '59. Discrim on genz - - - - - - - - - JEx58:321 OePVPHbAd_Diff cond re color -->displace S/Genz gradient away from S- Han,HM'59- OGPVP.Hanson,H.M. - - - - - - '61. S/Genz after 3-stim discrim lrng - JCP54:181 OePVPHbAd_Diff cond w/intermediate S-/S+/S- -->incr Rate(OpR) re S+ - Han,HM'61- OLR Hanson,H.M. - - - - - - '62. R after manipulandum change - - - EAB 5:237 OG D Hanson,H.M.Guttman - - - '61. Beh stimulant on S/Genz - - - - - EAB 4:209 ORRCP.Hanson,H.M.Witoslawski - '59. Interaction in chain sched - - - - EAB 2:171 OBRCPHasc_W/chain FI FR, scallop but Rate(OpR) in FI decr-f(FR) - - - Han,HM'59+ ORRCO.Hanson,H.M. et al - - - '62. FI length in FI-FR chain sched - - EAB 5:331 OBRCPHasc_W/chair FI FR, incr in FI --> flatter FI scallop - - - - - Han,HM'62e OJMD Hanson,H.M. et al - - - '67. Drugs on mult sched w/punish - - - EAB10:565 ----- ----- FAP Hanson, John C. - - - - '85 Patch choice and emigration - - - PhD WashU OSPI Hanson,J.Green - - - - - '86. Time + R matching w/diff R - - - - ALB14:435 FRRVP Hanson, Lincoln F. - - - '53 Light avoid/aversion as-f(inten) - PhD Clmba RRP Hanson, Stephen J. - - - '80 Diversity in pigeon - - - - - - - PhD ArizS ZZXXX Hanson,S.J. - - - - - - '91. Beh diversity, search (Commons) - LEA OS Hanson,S.J.Killeen - - - '81. Msmt/modeling beh under FI sched - ABP 7:129 ZZXXX.Hanson,S.J.Timberlake - '83. Lrnd perf under sched constraint - PRv90:261 ZZXXXXMZA_Beh-regulation model of lrnd perf re equilibrium approach - Han,SJ'83+ ZZ MZA_IR/conting-R regulated re free-baseline set points Han,SJ'83+ ZZ MZA_Sched(Reinf) is constraint cross-coupling above systems Han,SJ'83+ ZZ MZA_Molar beh change is compromize between deviatns for set pts Han,SJ'83+ ZZ MZA_Devel math model w/coupled differential equations Han,SJ'83+ DGCVP.Hara,K.Warren - - - - - '61. S additivity/dominance - - - - - - JCP54: 86 DeCVPHben_After trng w/form/size/brightness, perf incr w/combined cue Har,K.'61+ De ben_Above not-f(pre-striate lesion) but brightness pref elim Har,K.'61+ IMF Haralson, John V. - - - '52 Drive level on cond/extn - - - - - PhD Ind U IMx Haralson,J.V. - - - - - '58. Effect of drive on rat/fish - - - JCP51:732 OMx Haralson,J.V. - - - - - '64. Effect of drive on rat/fish - - - JCP58:321 OExCP.Haralson,J.V. et al - - '65 Effort and PRF on rat/fish - - - - PRp16:761 ObxCPHblo_W/rats/fish, R/Extn not-f(effort) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,JV'65e CAOVO.Haralson,J.V. et al - - '75 Classcond in sea anemone - - - - - PhB15:455 CLOVO-nAY_Classcond oral-folding R in anemone w/Pair(lite,shock) - - Har,JV'75e IM Haraway, Maury M. - - - '67 Speed/accuracy as-f(dep) - - - - - PhD UMiss SARTL.Haraway,M.M. et al - - - '71 S adaptation vs latent lrng - - - PRp29:067 SGRTLHndF_Pre-expose to maze segments = maze re latent lrng - - - - - Har,MM'71e OKOAO.Haraway,M.M. et al - - - '81 Vocalization as reinf - - - - - - PRp49:995 OBOAOOaAK_W/gibbon, maint vocal OpR w/reinf = conspecific vocalizatn Har,MM'81e SKRVP.Haraway,M.M. et al - - - '84 Contiguous approach cond - - - - - PRp55:291 SCRVPOnaR W/T-maze, approach lite assoc w/shock-free time in VT shock Har,MM'84e FRRMO Harcum, Eugene R. - - - '55 Exper on 3-dimensional maze - - - PhD UMich FSRVC.Hard,E.Larsson - - - - - '68 Visual stim and mating beh - - - - JCP66:805 FQRVCSdfS_Illium level not important re sex beh of blind/intact male Har,E.'68+ FRRSC.Hard,E.Larsson - - - - - '68 Mounts w/out intromission - - - - AnB16:538 FQRSCSdfS_Mounts w/out intromission decr N/intromissions to ejaculatn Har,E.'68+ CDH1B.Harding, Gordon B. - - - '66 Cond inhib (Wickens) - - - - - - - PhD OhioS CpH1B-nsi_Pair(lite,US)+(lite-buzz,no-US)--CR w/lite-buzz=lite-new S Har,GB'66- CVH B Hardwick, Claudia S. - - '80 Verbal cues w/retarded O - - - - - PhD W.Ont FRRGC Hardy, William T. - - - '76 Tolerance/dependence for ALC - - - PhD UCSD ----- ----- OPH Hare, Robert D. - - - - '63 Pun on avoid of R-class - - - - - PhD W Ont CVHVG.Hare,R.D. - - - - - - - '65 Acq/genz in psychopathic O - - - - Psy59:367 CLHVG-tac_Slower acq, less S/Genz w/psychopathic O - - - - - - - - - Har,RD'65- CGHLE.Hare,R.D. - - - - - - - '65 Cog factors in transfer of meaning PRp17:590 CfHLE-bLg_Transfer of meaning occurred for aware O only - - - - - - - Har,RD'65- OPHCP.Hare,R.D. - - - - - - - '66. Temporal order of reward/punish - PSc 5: 49 OBHCPOcap_R-suppression w/shock B4 reward < during/after reward - - - Har,RD'66- IJH Hare,R.D. - - - - - - - '66. Pref for delay of shock - - - - - PSc 5:393 CVHVG.Hare,R.D. et al - - - - '66. GSR in long delay cond - - - - - - PSc 4:207 CLHVG-nAw_Cond pos-f nonspecific GSR acty, neg-f recovery rate - - - Har,RD'66e IJH Hare,R.D. et al - - - - '66. Latency of self-admin shock - - - PSc 6: 79 ----- ----- REH Hargrave, George E. - - '71 Extn of skill after PRF/CRF - - - PhD UWash FRRXC.Hargrave,G.E.Bolles - - '71. Aversion to flavor after illness - PSc23: 91 FDRXC-cCC_Taste but not smell or location avoidance w/1+illness US - Har,GE'71+ IKR B Harker, George S. - - - '51 Perf as-f(changes in Delay(Reinf)) PhD UIowa IKR B Harker,G.S. - - - - - - '56. Delay of reward and perf - - - - - JEx51:303 FRMCP.Harless,M.D. - - - - - - '72 Group operant beh w/free-feeding - PRp30:572 FBMCPHaaI_W/free-feeding group O, maint OpR w/sucrose/standard pellet Har,MD'72- VMHLL Harleston, Bernard W. - '56 Anxiety/rigidity on transfer - - - PhD Rochr IGH Harleston,B.W. - - - - - '61. Speed-up on spatial S/Genz - - - - JEx61:242 DSF Harley,H.E. et al - - - '96. Object representation in dolphin - ABP22:164 CAHOG.Harley, J. Preston - - - '72 Tempcond as-f instruct/ITI (Badia) PhD BlgGr CAHOG.Harley,J.P. - - - - - - '73. Tempcond as-f instructions/ITI - - JEx00:178 CAHOGSaat_Tempcond w/20/40-sec fixed ITI, facil w/instruct re conting Har,JP'73- OARAP.Harley,P.R.Etaugh - - - '70. Work w/nonting reward - - - - - - PSc19:311 OARAPHoIk_No effect on Rate(OpR) w/1-min VI of cue for FT30 free food Har,PR'70+ ----- ----- Harlow, Harry F. - - - - '30 PhD Stnfd FAREC.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '32 Social facil of feeding - - - - - JGt41:211 FPRECHaCF_Food intake w/group > indiv, indep of past exper - - - - - Har,HF'32- FARCC.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '32 Food pref - - - - - - - - - - - - JGt41:430 FPRCCHaEF_Estab food pref re protein in deficient diet w/out olfactn Har,HF'32- RDxVP.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '32 Complicated delayed reaction tests JC 14:241 RGxVPOhrH_W/2 concur delayed R, baboons > monkey > lemur - - - - - - Har,HF'32- ZZXXX.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '36 Neuro-physiol correlates of lrng - PBl33:479 ZZXXXXZXc_Contend diff types of lrng/intel w/diff neuro-physiol bases Har,HR'36- CAMAE.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '37 The original S in cond - - - - - - PRc 1: 62 CCMAE-ata_CR to S persist even after adapt or recond fear of novel US Har,HF'37- CAFTA.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '39 Forward/backward/pseudo-cond - - - JGt55: 49 CAFTA-aiB_Backward cond same as pseudo-cond control - - - - - - - - - Har,HF'39- DMMVA.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '39 Pattern discrim after lobectomy - JC 27:467 DLMVAOmNd_Elim pattern discr w/unilat occipatal lobectomy, w/recovery Har,HF'39- CMCAx.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '40 Incomplete curare paralysis - - - JGt56:273 CACAx-nmC_Some flight, more pupillary CR under curare than normal - - Har,HF'40- CPCAx-bYp_Some flight, more pupillary CR under curare than normal - - Har,HF'40- FMR P Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '42 Food pref - - - - - - - - - - - - JGt41:430 DAMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '42 Mult sign-value S (McNemar) - - - McG-Hill DBMVLOaId_Acq concur MTS, non-MTS, and S-conting R-diff w/same Ss - - Har,HF'42- ZZAXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '42 Animal behavior (Seashore) - - - - Holt DSMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '43 Matching-from-sample--Weigl prin - JC 36:217 DqMVLOaaz_Acq MTS re both color/form; attrib to abstract principle - Har,HF'43- DLMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '44 Lrng discrim series and reversal - JGn30: 3 DBMVLOadA_W/trng w/diff Ss, rapid acq/reversal - - - - - - - - - - - Har,HF'44- DLMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '44 Discrim lrng w/out primary reinf - JGn30: 13 DEMVLObaa_Discrim based on tapping on S+ B4 test tr - - - - - - - - - Har,HF'44- DDMV .Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '45 Factors facil discrim - - - - - - JGn32:213 DEMV -bCa_Discrim cues on wedges (bases) harder than directly on tray Har,HF'45- DDMV .Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '45 Discrim w/color or form or both - JGn33:225 DEMV -bea_Color discrim easier than form, equal to color+form - - - - Har,HF'45- DSMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '45 S-objects vs patterns in discrim - JGn32:317 DEMVLObea_Discrim w/diff objects (triangle/circle) > pattern Ss - - - Har,HF'45- DAMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '45 Exper-naive monkey on discrim - - JGn33: 3 DEMVLObea_Rapid acq w/exper-naive O w/objects, not w/patterns - - - - Har,HF'45- ZZAXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '48 Studying animal beh (Andrews) - - Wiley ZZXXX.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '49 Formation of lrng sets - - - - - - PRv56: 51 ZZXXXXEZA_Lrng set = lrng how to learn a kind of prob w/min errors - Har,HF'49- ZZ EZA_Lrng set acq over series of prob--from T&E to insight Har,HF'49- ZZ EZA_Lrng set not simple S/Genz--Transfer w/in type of prob Har,HF'49- ZZ EZA_Attrib perf of educated humans to acq lrng sets in exper Har,HF'49- DLMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '50 Series of discrim reversals - - - JCP43:231 DbMVLOaaV_Rate of reversal lrng incr-f(N/reversals) w/different Ss - Har,HF'50- RAMOO.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '50 Intrinsically-motiv complex puzzle JCP43:289 RPRMOObam_Persist/improve disassemble puzzles over days - - - - - - - Har,HF'50- RP bam_Concl: Above perf implies intrinsic manip drive Har,HF'50- DAMVL.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '50 Anal of discrim lrng - - - - - - - JEx40: 26 DbMVLOaaX_Over series of discrims, gradual acq of rapid 1-tr solution Har,HF'50- ZZXXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '51 Thinking (Helson) - - - - - - - - Van N ZZXXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '51 Levels of integration (Rohrer) - - Harper ZZAXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '51 Primate lrng (Stone) - - - - - - - Pren-Hall ZZXXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '51 Learning theories (Dennis) - - - - U Pitt ZZXXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '52 Learning - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARv 3: 29 ZZXXN Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '53 Higher functions of nervous system RPh15:493 ZMXXX.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '53. Mice, monkeys, men, and motives - PRv60: 23 ZZXXXOMXc_Emphasize drive as-f(external stim) vs internal state - - - Har,HF'53- ZZXXX.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '53 Acq of new R (Jones) - - - - - - - U Nebr ZZXXX-CZK_Lrng is-f temporo-spatial contig S w/elicited R, not D-decr Har,HF'53- ZMMXX.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '54 Motiv on lrng (Kentucky symposium) Wiley ZZMXXOMXe_Evidence for S-elicited motives (explor/manip/curiosity) - Har,HF'54- ZZXNX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '56 Current/future in physiol psych - AmP11:273 ZZXXX.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '57 Exper anal of beh - - - - - - - - AmP12:485 ZZXXX-ZXc_Exper anal of beh same for animals/humans, simple/complex R Har,HF'57- ZZXXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '58 Evolution of lrng (Roe) - - - - - Yale ZZXXX.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '58 Nature of love - - - - - - - - - - AmP13:673 ZZXXXXMXc_Ident attachment as-f(contact comfort) vs need reduction - Har,HF'58- DZXXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '59 Error factor + learning set (Koch) McG-Hill ZMmXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '59 Love in infant monkeys - - - - - - ScA00: 68 ZZmXX Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '59 Devel of lrng in rhesus monkey - - AmS47:459 FMS Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '59 Affectional patterns (Foss) - - - Methun FMMSC.Harlow,H.F. - - - - - - '62 Heterosexual affectional system - AmP17: 1 FPMSCSbAa_Motherless-in-infancy-->inadequate adult sex beh - - - - - Har,HF'62- DZM Harlow,H.F.Bromer - - - '38 Test apparatus - - - - - - - - - - PRc 2:434 RDM Harlow,H.F.Bromer - - - '39 Delayed reaction tests - - - - - - JC 28:299 RGM hrH_Delayed Har,HF'39+ CRMDF.Harlow,H.F.Bromer - - - '42 Acq w/inactivation of cortex - - - JGn26:299 CLMDF-mNc_Pair(bell,leg-shock) w/motor/somesthetic cortex inactivated Har,HF'42+ CL mNc_After recovery give diffuse CR diff from normal UR to shock Har,HF'42+ RRMVO.Harlow,H.F.Butler - - - '56 Pursuit perf by mpnkeys - - - - - JGn54: 21 RBMVOOabA_Acq knob-pull R to track moving target w/FR reinf - - - - - Har,HF'56+ DMMNL.Harlow,H.F.Dagnon - - - '43. Discrim reversal w/out prefrontal JEx32:351 DLMNLOnNd_Bilat prefrontal lobectomy decr discrim/reversal lrng - - - Har,HF'43+ ZZXXX Harlow,H.F.Harlow - - - '49 Lrng to think - - - - - - - - - - ScA81: 36 FMMSX.Harlow,H.F.Harlow - - - '62 Social dep in monkeys - - - - - - ScA07:136 FQMSXOdfR_Interact w/peers in infancy nec for adult heterosex beh - - Har,HF'62+ ZZMXX.Harlow,H.F.Hicks - - - - '57. Uni-duoprocess discrim lrng theory PRv64:104 ZZMXX-dXc_Effect of reinf/nonreinf parallel/constant over 90 problems Har,HF'57+ ZZ dXc_Above favor uniprocess th of discrim lrng, w/inhib mech - - Har,HF'57+ RDH Harlow,H.F.Israel - - - '32. Delayed reaction/subnormal humans JC 14:253 RMMNO.Harlow,H.F.Johnson - - - '43. Initiation beh w/out prefrontal - JEx32:495 RLMNOHnNi_Bilat prefrontal lobectomy decr reach-for-food w/brief cue Har,HF'43- DMMJL.Harlow,H.F.McClearn - - '54. Discrim w/manip motiv - - - - - - JCP47: 73 DBMJLOaAK_Acq of discrim w/reinf = object manip - - - - - - - - - - - Har,HF'54+ DKMV .Harlow,H.F.Meyer - - '52. Scales for monkey rewards - - - - JCP45: 73 DBMV -aRK_Rel reinf value: Peanuts/raisins/celery/bread/potato - - - Har,HF'52+ DEMV -aMK_W/paired comparison, peanut reinf proportional to log amt - Har,HF'52+ DMMWL.Harlow,H.F.Moon - - - - '56. Repeated x-radiation on lrng/motiv JCP49: 60 DLMWL-nAw_Total-body X-rad decr acty/consum beh, not acq complex lrng Har,HF'56+ DGMVP.Harlow,H.F.Poch - - - - '45 Discrim genz - - - - - - - - - - - JC 35:353 DeMVPObea_W/Ss diff in size/form/color, S/Genz re color > form - - - Har,HF'45+ DeMVPObez_S/Genz re avoid S- > approach S+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,HF'45+ RRMCP.Harlow,H.F.Settlage - - '34 Patterned string tests - - - - - - JC 18:423 RPMCPOnHk Monkeys > infraprimate mammals w/patterned string prob - - Har,HF'34+ DM Harlow,H.F.Settlage - - '36. Anesthetize motor/sensory cortex - Psy 2:193 CMCDF.Harlow,H.F.Settlage - - '39 Curare on retention of CR - - - - JC 27: 45 CACIF-nmC_Obtain CR of hind limb after curarization of fore parts - - Har,HF'39+ IDMNU.Harlow,H.F.Spaet - - - - '43. Mult-sign S w/out prefrontal - - - JEx33:500 ILMNUOnaa_Bilat prefrontal ablation decr perf re S w/mult-sign value Har,HF'43+ ZZHXE.Harlow,H.F.Stagner - - - '32. Theory of feelings - - - - - - - - PRv39:570 ZZHXE-MXT_4 feelings (pain/pleasure/excitement/depressn) in hypothal Har.HF'32+ ZZHXE.Harlow,H.F.Stagner - - - '33 Theory of emotions - - - - - - - - PRv40:184 ZZHXE-MXT_Emotion is cond elementary affective state + aware of S-sit Har,HF'33+ CMx1P.Harlow,H.F.Stagner - - - '33. Effect of curare on lrng - - - - - JEx16:283 CAx1P-nmC_Classcond/extn of pupillary dilatn w/curare, not striate R Har,HF'33+ CPx1P-bYp_Classcond/extn of pupillary dilatn w/curare, not striate R Har,HF'33+ ALDxJSnaa_After Pair(S,shock) w/curare, no ARi in normal state - - - Har,HF'33+ CACAA.Harlow,H.F.Tolzien - - - '40. Formation of pseudo-CR - - - - - - JGn32:367 CACAA-acp_Shock-alone produces a motor R to buzz - - - - - - - - - - Har,HF'40+ CA acp_Greater pseudocond in apparatus than in neutral environment Har,HF'40+ DLMVL.Harlow,H.F.Warren - - - '52. Formation/transfer on lrng sets - JCP45:482 DbMVL-aaX_Acq discrim lrng set w/transfer plano- to stero-metric S - Har,HF'52+ FMMSC.Harlow,H.F.Yudin - - - - '33 Social facil of feeding--dominance JC 16:171 FPMSCHaCF_Social facil consum beh w/non-preferred food - - - - - - - Har,HF'33+ FMmSA Harlow,H.F.Zimmerman - - '59 Affectional R in infant monkey - - Sc 30:421 RDxVP.Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '32. Delayed reaction tests - - - - - - JC 13:313 RGxVPOhrH_Re delayed-R, gibbon = orangitan > monkey > lemur - - - - - Har,HF'32e RG hrH_Note indiv diff in delayed-R w/"representative factors" - - Har,HF'32e RAMCO.Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '50 Lrng motiv by manip drive - - - - JEx40:228 RPMCOObam_Acq manip mechanical puzzle w/out reinf, not-f(exposure) - Har,HF'50e RP bam_Interp above re manip drive; food reinf disrupt perf Har,HF'50e DVMNP.Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '51 Large cortical lesions on oddity - JCP44:320 DlMNPOtNd_Oddity perf decr w/unilateral cortical, not occipital lsn - Har,HF'51e DAMVx.Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '52. Assoc syndromes in brain-damage - JCP45:419 DLMVxOmNd_Bilat frontal, not posterior lsn decr delay-R, not discrim Har,HF'52e DL mNd_Bilat posterior, not frontal lsn decr discrim, not delay-R Har,HF'52e XRMN Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '55. Implant radioactive cobalt on lrng JCP48:432 RMmOO.Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '56. Manip motiv in infants - - - - - - JCP49:444 RPmOOObam_Observe manip beh at 30-day age, incr-f(age) - - - - - - - Har,HF'56e FMM Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '56. Exposure to cosmic radiation - - - JCP49:195 RVmVP.Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '60. Infants on discrim/delayed-R - - - JCP53:113 DLmOLOnAC_Acq object discrim/lrng set incr-f(60 - 360-d age) - - - - Har,HF'60e RGmOLOhrH_Delayed-R perf incr-f(age) to asymptote at 9-mo - - - - - - Har,HF'60e RSMVR Harlow,H.F. et al - - - '71. Incentive visibility in delayed R L&M 2: 67 RGM hrH_Delayed Har,HF'71e ----- ----- OE Harman, Roger E. - - - - '70 R elim w/2-OpR sit - - - - - - - - PhD UUtah OEP Harman,R.E. - - - - - - '73. R-elimination in concur sit - - - L&M 4:417 DGM Harmon,K. et al - - - - '82. Relational tests of transposition L&M13:495 OA Harnard,S. - - - - - - - '96. Exp analysis & naming capacity - - EAB65:262 DSr Haroutunian, Vahram - - '77 Retention w/prior aversive S - - - PhD KentS CUrSO.Haroutunian,V.Campbell - '79 Intero/exteroceptive beh control - Sc 05:927 CErSO-aeu_Aversion if Pair(odor,intraperitoneal shock) w/2-14-d-olds Har,V.'79+ CE aeu_Aversion if Pair(odor,peripheral shock) only w/10-14-d-olds Har,V.'79+ RAr Haroutunian,V.BACampbell '82 Naural control of HR OrR - - - - - BNB36/ 24 CArCe.Haroutunian,V.Riccio - - '79 Precond aversive exper on retentn BNB26:248 CCrCe-ata_Fear cond at 20-d-age not-f prior shock, but incr retention Har,V.'79+ CArCe.Haroutunian,V.Riccio - - '79. Pretrng stressful exper on retentn JCP93:501 CCrCe-ata_Pretrng w/shock at 16-18-d incr retention fear cond at 20-d Har,V.'79+ OAP Harper, David N. - - - - '96. Resistance to VT food - - - - - - EAB65:549 SAR Harper,D.N. et al - - - '93. Delay on list item memory - - - - ABP19:307 OMRNP Harrell, John V. - - - - '79 Caudate nucleus lsn of OpR - - - - PHD UMiss ORRUP.Harrell,J.V.Fowler - - - '77. Amt(Reinf) and force differentiatn BPS10:358 OFRUPHarw_Perf w/reinf w/in limited force band incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) - - Har,JV'77+ FMRAO.Harriman,A.E.Brian - - - '56 Lrnd inhib of audiogenic seizure - AmJ69:100 FERAO-cAS_Attrib seizure to frustration if cannot escape intense US - Har,AE'56+ AVRUJ.Harrington,G.H. - - - - '79. Strain diff in avcond - - - - - - BPS13:161 ALRUJSnbC_Strain diff in acq shuttle ARi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,GH'79- OKRVP.Harrington, Gordon M. - '63 Optimum S w/lite reinf - - - - - - PRp13:107 OBRVPOaCl_Maint OpR re optimal lite inten w/variable > fixed location Har,GM'63- FSRVP.Harrington,G.M. - - - - '66. Form pref - - - - - - - - - - - - PSc 6: 13 FQRVPOaaL_Pref circle > square in shuttle sit - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,GM'66- ORRUP.Harrington,G.M. - - - - '79. Strain diff in free OpR level - - BPS13:153 OLRUPOnbC_No strain diff in uncond Rate(OpR) re diff in acty - - - - Har,GM'79- OKRTP.Harrington,G.M.Kohler - '66. Strain diff in pos reinf w/shock - PSc 6:419 OBRTPOaAK_Acq OpR w/reinf = shock in total darkness - - - - - - - - - Har,GM'66+ OKRTP.Harrington,G.M.Linder - '62. Pos reinf w/electrical S - - - - - JCP55:014 OBRTPOaAK_Acq OpR w/reinf = shock incr-f(1.2/4/10-v inten) - - - - - Har,GM'62+ ORR Harris, Alan H. - - - - '69 Delay(Reinf) on spaced R - - - - - PhD Clmba ZZXXX Harris,A.H.Brady - - - - '74 Visceral/autonomic cond - - - - - ARv15:107 SARM Harris, Charles S. - - - '59 Lrng on double-pattern maze - - - PhD TxTec IKRAR.Harris,D.R. et al - - - '70. Contrast w/min-conting reinf - - - PSc19:189 IpRARHaku_Neg contrast re small w/put in SB, remove+feed-large B4 run Har,DR'70e CMRDH Harris,G.C.Fitzgerald - '89 D-ala2-meth on classcond HR - - - BNS03: 77 CMRDH Harris,G.C.Fitzgerald - '91 Anxiolytic agents on classcond HR BNS05:134 AAREJ.Harris,H.E. et al - - - '65 Alcohol on countercond avoid - - - PAb 00000 ALREJ-te1_No effect of ALC on countercond of ARi - - - - - - - - - - Har,HE'65e DAR Harris,J.A.Westbrook - - '98. Retroactive revaluation - - - - - ALB26:326 CA Harris, John D. - - - - '43 Nonassoc factors in cond - - - - - PhD Rochr AAHAW.Harris,J.D. - - - - - - '41. Forward/backward/pseudocond - - - JEx28:491 ABHAW-cia_ARc cond w/forward order; backward attrib to pseudo-cond - Har,JD'41- CARAA.Harris,J.D. - - - - - - '43 Nonassoc factors in cond - - - - - CPM18: 1 CGRAA-bac_S-alone B4 classcond decr R level - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,JD'43- CARAA-acp_Shock-alone incr R level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,JD'43- FRXXO.Harris,J.D. - - - - - - '43 Habituatory R decr - - - - - - - - PBl40:385 FEXXOObah_Habituatn universal form of lrng, rapid at first then slow Har,JD'43- IKRAR.Harris,J.H.GJThomas - - '66. Runway altern w/out handling - - - PSc 6:329 IGRARHhaH_Acq single altern beh re altern PRF w/out handling - - - - Har,JH'66+ OYHE Harris,K.B.WRMiller - - '90 Beh self-control trng w/drinkers - PAb OERCP.Harris,P.Nygaard - - - - '61 R/Extn as-f(N/reinf) - - - - - - - PRp 8:233 ObRCPHbna_R/Extn incr-f(45/90/360 reinf in acq) - - - - - - - - - - - Har,P.'61+ OAREP.Harris,R.A. et al - - - '79 Chronic d-amphetamine on sched beh PPm63: 55 OLREPHtm2_W/forced d-AMPH, devel beh tolerance re FR, not FI sched - Har,RA'79e OL tm2_Hypo: Devel beh tolerance if drug decr Freq(Reinf) Har,RA'79e SMRMP.Harris, Robert E. - - - '40 Motiv as-f(genetics) - - - - - - - PhD UMinn SVRML.Harris,R.E. - - - - - - '40 Motiv factors in bright/dull rats PRc 4:130 SLRMLHncC_Attrib diff re maze bright/dull O to motiv (eg gen acty) - Har,RE'40- IKRAR.Harris,S.J. et al - - - '62. Nonreinf effects on beh - - - - - JEx64:388 IERARTafa_Speed(IR) w/50% > 100% reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,SJ'62e IdRARTbaI_Speed(IR) w/100% reinf faster after interpolated extn - - - Har,SJ'62e OMR Harris, Wayne C. - - - - '68 Estrus on food-reinf R - - - - - - PhD UMinn OMR Harris,W.C.Heistad - - - '70. Food-reinf R during estrus - - - - JCP70:206 OSMAP.Harrison,D.W.Isaac - - - '84 Disrupt FI beh w/young/old O - - - PhB32:341 OLMAPUnOC Novel S disrupt FI perf w/old > young O - - - - - - - - - - Har,DW'84+ OV Harrison,D.W.Pavlik - - '83 Age/exposure/noise cond on VI perf BNB39:268 OA Harrison,D.W.Pavlik - - '85 Age diff in retention of FI resp - BNB44:339 AR Harrison, James F. - - - '77 Interference w/2 aversive S - - - PhD Templ ----- ----- CSXXX.Harrison,J.M. - - - - - '49 Correction--Hull S asynchronism - PRv56:252 CAXXXXaiz_Th: Need S-inhib as-f(S-inten/time) to explain optimal ISI Har,JM'49- OS Harrison,J.M. - - - - - '79. Control R w/sounds - - - - - - - - EAB32:167 OSRAP Harrison,J.M. - - - - - '88. Sounds of diff qual - - - - - - - EAB50:521 EARAU.Harrison,J.M.Abelson - - '59. Onset/term of intense noise - - - EAB 2: 23 EERAUOcaa_Acq ER w/reinf = term of inten noise, incr w/AMPH - - - - - Har,JM'59+ ODM Harrison,J.M.Briggs - - '77. Orient and R in auditory discrim - EAB28:233 EMRAP.Harrison,J.M.Tracy - - - '55 Use of auditory S - - - - - - - - Sc 21:373 EERAPOcaa_Acq ER w/reinf = term loud noise, incr-f(duration off) - - Har,JM'55+ OSM Harrison,J.M. et al - - '77. Adjacency of sound and R - - - - - EAB28:243 ----- ----- SRNVP.Harrison,R.Nissen - - - '41 Spatial separation in delayed R - JC 31:427 SGNVPOhrH_Delayed-R w/Ss 60 > 5-in apart; decr perf if shift separatn Har,R.'41+ SSNVP.Harrison,R.Nissen - - - '41 Delayed-R as-f(position) - - - - - JC 31:447 SGNVPOhrH_Delay-R re relative position w/Ss close; absolute if apart Har,R.'41+ RRHfH.Harrison,R.S. - - - - - '75 Fdbk on HR variability (Raskin) - PhD UUtah RBHfH-abA_Noncontin=contingent lite fdbk on vol control HR variablity Har,RS'75- CRB B Harrison, Theresa A. - - '79 Motor control of CR - - - - - - - PhD Harvd DL Harrow, Martin - - - - - '61 Facil lrng reversal shifts - - - - PhD Ind U SARMP Hars,B.Hennevin - - - - '90. Reactivation during sleep/wake - - ALB18:365 SGRMP.Harsh,C.M. - - - - - - - '37 Disturbance and insight - - - - - UCP 6:163 SeRMPHbRs_13/23 O show insight re new path, not-f(prior blocked maze) Har,CM'37- FJ Harsh, John R. - - - - - '75 Pref for signalled shock - - - - - PhD BlGrn CS Harsh,J.Badia - - - - - '75. Shock inten on signaled shock pref EAB23:349 CS Harsh,J.Badia - - - - - '76. Temporal parameters in signal pref EAB25:327 SKRUC Harsh,J. et al - - - - - '83. Choice of signal/unsignal sched - EAB40:265 CS Harsh,J. et al - - - - - '84. S modality and signaled food - - - EAB42:279 FRD Hart, Benjamin L. - - - '64 Spinal sexual reflexes - - - - - - PhD UMinn FRDSC.Hart,B.L. - - - - - - - '68. Prior exper re castration effect - JCP66:719 FQDSCSdfS_Males mate after castration, not-f(prior sex exper) - - - - Har,BL'68- FAREO.Hart,B.L. - - - - - - - '70 Alcohol on sexual reflexes - - - - PAb 331 FLREO-te1_ALC incr sex motiv, incr Lat(ejaculation) - - - - - - - - - Har,BL'70- FPREO-wES_ALC incr sex motiv, incr Lat(ejaculation) - - - - - - - - - Har,BL'70- CRRUO.Hart,B.L. - - - - - - - '83 Role of testosterone secretion - - PhB31:823 CPRUO-bYc_Cond hormone/testosterone secretn to S assoc w/mating acty Har,BL'83- FRPCO Hart, Julie A. - - - - - '97 Foraging w/predator (Schachtman) - PhD U Mo FARGC Hart,J.A. et al - - - - '95. Slow reacq of CTA - - - - - - - - ALB23:297 OAP Hartl,J.A.Fantino - - - '96. Reinf & matching to sample - - - - EAB66: 11 OAP Hartl,J.A. et al - - - - '96. Sample durations in DMTS - - - - - EAB66:231 AERfJ.Hartley,D.L. - - - - - - '68. Sources of reinf in avcond - - - - JCP66: 12 AbRfJ-bKa_Max R/Extn w/R-prod S-off + no-US vs nonconting US or S-off Har,DL'68- Ab bKa_R/Extn incr by short nonconting US, vs long US or no US Har,DL'68- AMRNJ.Hartman,A.M.Klipple - - '66. Place of ECS/recovery of cond AR - JCP61:138 ADRNJSatN_Shuttle ARi decr w/post-trng ECS in safe-box = another room Har,AM'66+ ----- ----- CGHLB.Hartman, Thomas F. - - - '62 Transfer word to object (DAGrant) PhD UWisc CGHLB.Hartman,T.F. - - - - - - '63. Transfer word to object in diff CR JEx65:194 CfHLB-bLo_Small transfer from diff-cond w/words to relevant sensory S Har,TF'63- CGHLX.Hartman,T.F. - - - - - - '65. Semantic cond/genz (Prokasy) - - - A-C-C CfHLX-bLo_Evidence on dynamic transmission--Genz sensory S to word - Har,TF'65- CfHLX-bLz_Genz: Transfer re S meaning exists, but evidence complex - Har,TF'65- CAHVB.Hartman,T.F.Grant - - - '60. Intermit reinf on classcond - - - JEx60: 89 CEHVB-bfu_Classcond incr-f(% reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,TF'60+ CcHVB-bpb_R/Extn decr-f(% reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,TF'60+ CcHVB-bta_Spon-rec decr-f(% reinf) in original acq - - - - - - - - - Har,TF'60+ CDHVB.Hartman,T.F.Grant - - - '62. Diff-classcond and ISI - - - - - - JEx64:131 CpHVB-aia_Max CR to S+ at 600 msec ISI but diff CR incr up to 1 sec - Har,TF'62+ CAHVB.Hartman,T.F.Ross - - - - '61. Criterion for vol responders - - - JEx61:334 CAHVB-aVr_Distinguish vol responders by slope of eyelid R - - - - - - Har,TF'61+ CAHVB.Hartman,T.F. et al - - - '60 Instructed vol eyelid R - - - - - PRp 7:305 CAHVB-aVr_Latency same if instruct to respond vs judged vol CR - - - Har,TF'60e ----- ----- DSR Hartmann,G.W. - - - - - '33. Insight vs T+E in prob solution - AmJ45:663 DSRVL.Hartmann,G.W. - - - - - '36. Spatial separatn of discriminanda JGt49:249 DERVL-bea_Discrim lrng incr-decr-f(spatial separation of Ss) - - - - Har,GW'36- AAO Hartry,A.L. et al - - - '64 Memory transfer thru cannibalism - Sc 46:274 ADRAJ.Haruki,Y.Ishii - - - - - '65 2 discrim procedures - - - - - - - AAN15: 75 ApRAJScaa_Diffcond ARi w/sim Ss facil w/gradual shift from diff Ss - Har,Y.'65+ ZMXSX Harvey,A.J. (Ed) - - - - '63 Motivation + social interaction - Ronald CMHAG.Harvey,B.Wickens - - - - '71. Instructions in GSR cond - - - - - JEx87:137 CLHAG-naL_Incr Mag(UR) to US-alone and incr Mag(CR) w/facil instruct Har,B.'71+ CLHAG-naM_Interp: Instruct affects Mag(UR), w/R-mag cond per se - - - Har,B.'71+ CAHLG.Harvey,C.B.Wickens - - - '73. Cog control of cond GSR - - - - - JEx01:278 CLHLG-naL_Greater CR/UR on trial w/facil vs inhib instruct w/in-O - - Har,CB'73+ CL naL_Trend to higher rating of USI w/facil than inhib instruct Har,CB'73+ ZZBEB.Harvey,J.A.Gormezano - - '86 Drug effects on lrng (TThompson) - LEA ZZBEB-XEc_Drug (scopolamine) effect on cond via decr excit prop of CS Har,JA'86+ ORRNP.Harvey,J.A. et al - - - '65. Septal lesions on cond fear/pun - JCP59: 37 OLRNPTmNp_Bilat septal lsn B4/after trng decr suppression re punish - Har,JA'65e CABEB.Harvey,J.A. et al - - - '82 d-amphetamine on classcond - - - - PAb 00000 CLBEB-te2_d-AMPH incr acq w/lite, not w/tone S w/no UR effect re S/US Har,JA'82e CMBAB.Harvey,J.A. et al - - - '88 LSD as-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - - - PBB30:433 CLBAB-naa_LSD incr CR/UR at 100-800 msec ISI, interp as reflex facil Har,JA'88e FRSOO Harvey,P.J.Mann - - - - '87 Pregnancy-induced autogrooming - - DPb20:593 CRH V Harwood, Charles W. - - '53 Vasomotor cond - - - - - - - - - - PhD UWash ORHCH.Harwood,C.W. - - - - - - '62 Opcond heart rate - - - - - - - - PRc12:279 OPHCHObYv_Fail OpCond HR decel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Har,CW'62- OD Harzem, Peter - - - - - '69 Temporal discrim (Gilbert) - - - - Academic ZZXXX.Harzem,P.RAWilliams - - '83 Science of human beh - - - - - - - PRc33:365 ZZXXXXXXe_Contends reinf th accounts for all aspects of human nature Har,P.'83+ XXXXX Harzem,P.Zeiler (Eds) - '80 Advances in anal of beh - - - - - Wiley XXXXX Harzem,P.Zeiler (Eds) - '81 Anal of beh: Contiguity (Vol 2) - Wiley OSRIB.Harzem,P. et al - - - - '75 Context on aftereffects of reinf QJE27:579 OERIB-aMK_Postreinf pause incr-f Mag(reinf) if mix diff mag w/in-O - Har,P.'75e OAHCP.Harzem,P. et al - - - - '78 Verbal control of operant beh - - PRc28:405 OBHCPOaVz_Post-reinf pause w/FI only if can verbalize temporal sched Har,P.'78e FRRGC.Hasegawa,Y. - - - - - - '83 Food aversion cond w/delay - - - - PAb B7239 FDRGC-caZ_Genz: Food-aversn lrng is-f both lrnd satiety and classcond Has,Y.'83- ----- ----- SSRML Haslerud, George M. - - '35 Free/prescribed maze patterns - - PhD UMinn SARML.Haslerud,G.M. - - - - - '45. Goal and entrance gradients - - - Psy20:249 SPRMLHbqs_Entrance gradient steep re goal gradient w/LLLL***RRRR maze Has,GM'45- SRRMP.Haslerud,G.M. - - - - - '45. Transfer of single altern pattern Psy20:259 SQRMPHhaH_W/altern pattern near goal, genz altern to earlier choices Has,GM'45- SKRMR.Haslerud,G.M. - - - - - '49 Bi-directional subgoal gradients - JGt74: 3 SPRMRHbqr_Pre- + post-food-subgoal gradients, incr-f(food at subgoal) Has,GM'49- SARML.Haslerud,G.M. - - - - - '53 Mechanically guided turns - - - - JEx45:431 SGRML-bCr_Acq w/mech guidance = T&E trng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Has,GM'53- SGRM Haslerud,G.M. - - - - - '57 Beh supports for transfer - - - - TPF16: 1 DLRVL.Haslerud,G.M. et al - - '54 Guidance/handling on fixated R - - Psy37: 27 DbRVL-aad_Acq discrim after devel fixated R not facil w/guidance - - Has,GM'54e ----- ----- IM Hass,R.B. et al - - - - '70. Satiation after PRF - - - - - - - PSc18:296 OSPVK Hassin-Herman, Alison D. '84 Sequential effect in mult (Brown) PhD CUNY CRH H Hastings, Shirley E. - - '68 Heart as bi-directional R-system - PhD U NC CRHVH.Hastings,S.E.Obrist - - '67. Varying ISI on HR during cond - - JEx74:431 CPHVH-bYh_Lat/Amp(decel-CR) incr-f(ISI) .8/7/13-sec, not-f(respiratn) Has,SE'67+ CP bYh_Interp above as antic of US via instruct, not new classcond Has,SE'67+ SKRUP.Hastjarjo,T.Silberberg '92. Reinf delays as-f(income level) - EAB57:119 SFRUPHaKr_Pref large-long-delay > small-short incr-f(N/tr/session) - Has,T.'92+ SF aKr_Above pref w/total daily ration received during session Has,T.'92+ OSHCH Hatch, John P. - - - - - '77 Biofdbk on opcond HR - - - - - - - PhD UTxAr ORHUH.Hatch,J.P.Gatchel - - - '79. Physiol R concomitant w/vol HR - - JCP93:306 OPHUHObYo_Diff physiol R concomitant w/acq of vol incr/decr HR - - - Hat,JP'79+ FAREO Hatfield,G.K. - - - - - '66 Mod drug action w/trtmt - - - - - PhD Purdu CRR Hatton,D.C. et al - - - '81. Autonomic control of HR/BP in cond JCP95:978 CRR H Hatton,D.C. et al - - - '84 Baroreceptor role in cond HR - - - PhB33: 31 OERCP Hatton, Glenn I. - - - - '64 Drive shifts on extn - - - - - - - PhD U Ill OMRCP.Hatton,G.I. - - - - - - '65. Drive shifts during extn - - - - - JCP59:385 ObRCPHbmo_R/Extn incr-f(dep) up to trng dep, decr-f w/longer dep - - Hat,GI'65- FMRGC Hatton,G.I.O'Kelly - - - '65. Adapt to food/water dep sched - - PSc 3:267 CSHIO.Hattori,K. - - - - - - - '65 Tempcond urinary reflex - - - - - JCD 1: 12 CEHIO-baa_Consider temporal factor as CS for cond urinary reflex - - Hat,K.'65- RAHEO.Haubenreisser,T.C. - - - '85 Acute tolerance to alcohol - - - - PhD Wtrlo RMHEO-sEi_Devel acute ALC tolerance re perf w/practice, more if reinf Hau,TC'85- RAHEO.Haubenreisser,T.-Sprott '87 Reinf decr beh impairment w/ALC - PBB26: 29 RMHEO-sEi_Reinf w/info-fdbk facil devel beh tolerance to ALC - - - - Hau,T.'87+ FRMCE Haude, Richard H. - - - '64 Meas explor beh - - - - - - - - - PhD UPitt OKMVP Haude,R.H.Ray - - - - - '67. Visual explor as-f(duration/dep) - JCP64:332 OKMV Haude,R.H.Ray - - - - - '74. Visual observing beh - - - - - - - ALB 2:138 KMV E Haude,R.H. et al - - - - '66. Meas of visual explor - - - - - - JCP62:156 OKMSP.Haude,R.H. et al - - - - '76. Visual observing as-f(dominance) - ALB 4:163 OBMSPOaAK_W/reinf=observe other O, ObR decr-f(observer dominance) - - Hau,RH'76e AER Haude, Ruth M. - - - - - '66 Exnt in approach-avoid - - - - - - PhD UPitt OKSSB Hauser, Herbert - - - - '84 Lever-R for pups (Gandelman) - - - PhD Rutgr FPOVO Hauser,M.D.Kralik - - - '97 Life beyond the mirror - - - - - - AnB54:568 FPOVOOePH_Self-recog Hau,MD'97+ FPXVO Hauser,M.D. et al - - - '95 Self-recognition in primates - - - NAS92:811 FPOVOOePH_Self-recog Hau,MD'97e FARDC.Haussman,M.F. - - - - - '32 Choose food and stimulants - - - - JC 13:279 FPRDCxaXF_Maint caloric intake w/incr ALC and decr food - - - - - - - Hau,MF'32- SKRMP.Havelka,J. - - - - - - - '56 Prob-seeking beh - - - - - - - - - CJP10: 91 SBRMPHaAK_Acq pref re GB w/varied > fixed location of food reinf - - Hav,J.'56- RAR Haverland, Edgar M. - - '54 Box prob and drive structure - - - PhD U Ill OKRNP.Havorka,E.J. - - - - - - '58 ECS as trial terminator - - - - - PRp 4: 35 OBRNPHaxa_No acq if OpR "terminate trial" w/conting ECS - - - - - - - Hav,EJ'58- AER R.Hawk,G.Riccio - - - - - '77 Fear inhibitor during R-prevention BRT15: 97 AbR RSbCf_R/Extn decr w/R-prevention + safety-signal > R-prevention - Haw,G.'77+ ORP Hawkes,L.Shimp - - - - - '74. Choice between R rates - - - - - - EAB21:109 OERCP.Hawkins,J.L.Day - - - - '84 R/Extn after delay - - - - - - - - JGn11:253 OdRCPTbpb_R/Extn after FR > CRF w/H2O/sacc reinf - - - - - - - - - - Haw,JL'84+ Od bpb_Above PREE w/1 or 45-d B4 extn Haw,JL'84+ FRRTx Hawkins, John T. - - - - '67 Beh correlates of shock S - - - - PhD W.Ont CGOXW.Hawkins,R.D.Kandel - - - '84. Cell-biol alphabet for lrng - - - PRv91:375 CeOXW-bez_Cellular mech of cond is extension of sensitizatn--mollusk Haw,RD'84+ Ce bez_Incl mech of habituatn to acct for S/Genz, extn, blocking Haw,RD'84+ CA Hawkins,R.D. et al - - - '83 Cellular mech of classcond - - - - Sc 19:397 DJ Hawkins, Robert P. - - - '65 Drive/incentive on pun-right - - - PhD UPitt FRRDO Hawkins, Thomas D. - - - '76 Audiogenic seizure w/ALC w/drawal PhD AmerU OK N Hawkins,T.D.Pliskoff - - '64. Chaining anal of ESB reinf - - - - EAB 7:285 FAREC.Hawkins,T.D. et al - - - '72 Sched-induced ALC polydip (Gilbert U Toronto FQREC-ga3_Sched-induced ALC polydipsia-->Incr home-cage ALC intake - Haw,TD'72e DSRVL.Hawley,J.M.Munn - - - - '33 Visual discrim of mvmt - - - - - - JC 16:137 DERVLHbaa_Discrim moving B/W stripes vs stationary - - - - - - - - - Haw,JM'33+ YCRNe.Haworth,J.T. - - - - - - '71 CER phen and brain stim - - - - - BJP62: 97 OARNe-oId_Cond suppression w/septal/hypothalamic ESB reinf of OpR - - Haw,JT'71- OA oId_Above CER obtained w/w/out concur OpR Haw,JT'71- ----- ----- SVRNP.Hayes, Keith J. - - - - '48 Cog/emotional effects of ECS - - - PhD Stnfd SVRNP.Hayes,K.J. - - - - - - - '48 Cog/emotional effects of ECS - - - JCP41: 40 SDRNPHatN_Perf decr w/ECS, esp in GB, attrib to "confusion" - - - - - Hay,KJ'48- SVRNL.Hayes,K.J. - - - - - - - '53. Anoxic/convulsive amnesia - - - - JCP46:216 SLRNLHtHV_T-maze lrng decr w/concur ECS or anoxia by thoracic press - Har,KJ'53- ZAXXX Hayes,K.J. - - - - - - - '59 The backward curve - - - - - - - - PRv60:269 FARFA.Hayes,K.J. - - - - - - - '60 Explor and fear - - - - - - - - - PRp 6: 91 FPRFAOtb1_Explor beh decr-f(fear) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hay,KJ'60- RAN Hayes,K.J.Hayes - - - - '52. Imitation in home-raised chimp - - JCP45:450 ZAXXX Hayes,K.J.Pereboom - - - '59. Criterion-reference lrng curves - PRv66: 23 RDNVP.Hayes,K.J.Thompson - - - '53. Nonspatial delayed R - - - - - - - JCP46:498 DGNVPOhrH_Non-spatial delay-R as-f(delay) sim to delay lrng set tr-2 Hay,KJ'53+ DLNVL.Hayes,K.J. et al - - - - '53. Discrim lrng set - - - - - - - - - JCP46: 99 DbNVLHaaX_Discr lrng set facil w/trng to crit early, fixed N/tr later Hay,KJ'53e DANVL.Hayes,K.J. et al - - - - '53. Concur discrim lrng - - - - - - - JCP46:105 DBNVLHaId_Acq concur discrim of 5/10/20 pairs of S in rotation - - - Hay,KJ'53e ----- ----- OA Hayes,L.J. - - - - - - - '96. Listening & speaking - - - - - - - EAB65:282 OA Hayes, Steven C. - - - - '96. Theory of derived stim relations - EAB65:309 OA Hayes,S.C.Barnes - - - - '97. Analyzing derived stim relations - EAB68:235 RRHf Hayes,V.Reeve - - - - - '80 Visual fdbk in typing - - - - - - PMS50:047 SSPV Hayes, William F. - - - '81 Drug effects on wavelength discrim PhD Brown SRoUA.Hayes,W.N.JMWarren - - - '63. Failure of spon altern in chick - JCP56:575 SPoUAUbor_Fail to demonstrate spon altern w/2-6-d-old chicks - - - - Hay,WN'63+ ZZXXX.Hays,R. (Ed) - - - - - - '62 Passages from Hull's 'Idea Books' PMS15:803 ZZXXXXZZA_Hull's 'Idea Books' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hay,R.'62- ZZ ZZA_CLH was concerned w/losing creative capacity w/old age Hay,R.'62- ZZ ZZA_CLH often had related thoughts while working on major theme Hay,R.'62- ZZ ZZA_He meticulously recorded these thoughts for later reference Hay,R.'62- ZZ ZZA_He tried to persuade others (including FAL) to imitate this Hay,R.'62- SAR Hayward, Herbert C. - - '56 Pre-experimental environ - - - - - PhD UTenn AArOA.Hayward,S.C. - - - - - - '57. Mod sex beh of males - - - - - - - JCP50: 70 ADrOA-ata_Diffcond estrus-female vs male at 21d--Avoid female at 120d Hay,SC'57- AA Hazel, John S. - - - - - '78 Pavlovian-instrumental interaction PhD U Ill CRXXC.Hazratian,E.A. - - - - - '35 Action of UR on CR - - - - - - - PAb 5010 CAXXCHaha_Mag(food CR) incr-f(ITI) vs Mag(food UR) decr-f(ITI) - - - Haz,EA'33- RTHEO.Heacock,D.Wikle - - - - '74 Alcohol on RT/distance judgment - JGn91:265 RMHEO-sEa_ALC decr distance judgment more than RT - - - - - - - - - - Hea,D.'74+ CMDAx.Headlee,C.R.Kellogg - - '41. Hypnotic doses of nembutal - - - - AmJ54:353 CADAx-ana_P(CR) incr-sigmoid-f N/Pair(tone,shock) - - - - - - - - - - Hea,CR'41+ CLDAx-mNc_Classcond less efficient under nembutal than normal - - - - Hea,CR'41+ CL mNc_Classcond under nembutal demonstrated later in normal state Hea,CR'41+ CPDAx-bta_Lat(CR) w/2 sec ISI longer under nembutal than normal - - - Hea,CR'41+ CPDAx-blr_Amp(CR) incr-sigmoid-f N/tone-shock pairings - - - - - - - Hea,CR'41+ CDH H Headrick, Mary W. - - - '66 Diffcond w/control respiration - - PhD Vbilt CRH H Headrick,M.W.Graham - - '69. Mult component HR CR - - - - - - - JEx79:486 IGRAR.Healey,A.F. - - - - - - '65. Compound S and S/Genz - - - - - - JEx69:536 IeRARHbai_After trng w/tone + visual cue B4 food cup, decr Speed(IR) Hea,AF'65- Ie bai_ w/change in tone or cue size, more if change both - - - Hea,AF'65- Ie bai_Above S/Genz gradients decr w/decr dep in additive fashion Hea,AF'65- OR D Healey, Margaret L. - - '79 Drug on sched-controlled beh - - - PhD U NC OMPEP.Healey,M.L.Dykstra - - - '79 Ethanol/caffeine on sched beh - - PPm62:141 OLPEP-te1_ALC decr Rate(OpR) w/FR sched, attenuated w/added caffeine Hea,ML'79+ SAO Healy,S.D.Hurly - - - - '95. Spatial memory in hummingbird - - ALB23: 63 CVHLL.Heard,W.G. et al - - - - '63 Classcond and intel - - - - - - - JGt03:227 CLHLL-nAw_Word-meaning highordcond pos-f college entrance scores - - Hea,WG'63e ----- ----- OSPIP.Hearst, Eliot S. - - - - '56 Some temporally defined sched/rein PhD Clmba OSPIP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '58 Some temporally defined sched/rein EAB 1: 45 OBPIP-axa_Altern extn w/reinf 1 R in LH--R/rate decr-f length of LH - Hea,E.'58- OB axa_Beh resembles FI w/long LH Hea,E.'58- OB axa_Beh resembles FR w/short LH Hea,E.'58- OS Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '60. Mult sched time-correl reinf - - - EAB 3: 49 AGMVO.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '60 Appetitive/aversive S/Genz grad - Sc 32:769 AeMVOxbea_W/decr CSI, flat S-Genz gradient re ARi, steep re food OpR Hea,E.'60- OEPVP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '61. R/Extn function in single O - - - EAB 4:133 ObPVPHbna_R/Extn incr-f(N/CRF OpR) and incr-f(FR) w/in O - - - - - - Hea,E.'61- OMREP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '61 D-amphetamine on food/water beh - PRp 8:301 OLREP1te2_d-AMPH-->dose related decr Rate(OpR) w/VI w/food/H2O reinf Hea,E.'61- OGMVB Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '62. Concur S/Genz w/food + shock - - - EAB 5: 19 SRPCP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '62. Delayed altern - - - - - - - - - - EAB 5:225 SGPCPHhrH_Acq altern w/2 keys w/10-sec BO delay; mediate w/orient R - Hea,E.'62- EKR P.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '63. Escape S assoc w/reward/punish - - JCP56:027 EER Pxcea_W/reinf =term of S assoc w/R-indep aperiodic food and shock Hea,E.'63- E cea_ Rate(ER) incr-f(shock inten), decr-f(food dep) - - - - - Hea,E.'63- OGMD Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '64 Drug effects on S/Genz - - - - - - Phm 6: 57 OG Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '65 App/avoid and genz (Mostofsky) - - Stanford ODR P.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '65. Breakdown of discrim by stress - - EAB 8:135 OpR PHaqw_Rate(food OpR) re S- incr w/unavoid shock w/w/out warning S Hea,E.'65- OKRCP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '67. Oscillatory beh during conflict - EAB10: 75 OCRCPxbSK_Maint OpR-->on/off of S assoc w/intermittent food and shock Hea,E.'67- OC bSK_Time spent in above S decr-f(conflict re rel freq shock) - Hea,E.'67- DGPVP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '68 Summation excit/inhib - - - - - - Sc 62:303 DePVPHbea_S/Genz excit/inhib re line tilt predicts S/Genz re discrim Hea,E.'68- AGRAP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '69. S/Genz of app/avoid beh - - - - - JCP68:111 AeRAPxbea_S/Genz ARi re S-inten incr-f(trng CSI), sim to food IR - - Hea,E.'69- OD Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '69. External S control (Campbell) - - A-C-C OD Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '69 Excit + inhib (Mackintosh) - - - - Dalhousie OG Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '71. Contrast and S/Genz - - - - - - - EAB15:355 OGP Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '71. Diff transfer excit/inhib pretrng JCP75:206 ZIX Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '72. Anal of cond inhib (Boakes) - - - Academic OR Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '75. Pavlov cond and directed mvmt - - PLM 9:216 ZZ Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '75. Categories of assoc lrng (Estes) - LEA OSPVL.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '78. S relation/feature selectn (Hulse) LEA ZZPVLHZHp_Acq feature(+) > feature(-) favors perceptual vs R theories Hea,E.'78- YCXXX Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '79 S-substitn/autoshaping (Dickinson) LEA ODP Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '87. Latent lrng of feature-neg discrim ABP13: 52 ODPVP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '88. Feature-positive effect - - - - - BPS26: 73 OpPVPHaaa_Diffcond S+ w/feature vs S- w/out > v/versa, w/ITI feature Hea,E.'88- OSPVP.Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '89. Lrng re S that follow/absent food ALB17:280 OAPVPHaIs_Pretrng w/conting food-lite facil AuSh re conting lite-food Hea,E.'89- RAO Hearst,E. - - - - - - - '99. After the puzzle boxes - - - - - - EAB72:441 CR Hearst,E.Franklin - - - '77. Pos/neg relations of signal/food - ABP 3: 37 OSP Hearst,E.Gormley - - - - '76. Additive (AuSh) th of beh contrast ALB 4:145 OCR Hearst,E.Koresko - - - - '64 Self-control of conflict S - - - - Sc 46:415 OGPVK.Hearst,E.Koresko - - - - '68. Amt(trng) on S/Genz - - - - - - - JCP66:133 OePVK-bsg_Slope of rel/absolute S/Genz gradients incr-f(trng), 2-14 d Hea,E.'68+ Oe bsg_Note: Absolute P(R) to line-tilt genz test S incr-f(trng) Hea,E.'68+ CR Hearst,E.Jenkins - - - - '74 Sign tracking - - - - - - - - - - PSMg 0000 OG Hearst,E.Peterson - - - '73. Transfer between OR - - - - - - - JEx99:360 OGPVP.Hearst,E.Poppen - - - - '65. Steep S/Genz after massed extn - - PSc 2: 83 OePVPHbea_Steeper S/Genz gradient after some extn to 1 S B4 test - - Hea,E.'65+ Oe bea_Note: Above pre-extn w/trng S = diff S along test continuum Hea,E.'65+ OGMN Hearst,E.Pribram - - - - '64. Amygdalectomy on S/Genz - - - - - JCP58:296 ASMNP.Hearst,E.Pribram - - - - '64 Facil avoid w/unavoidable shock - PRp14: 39 AEMNPSbCa_Rate(ARo) incr w/some R-indep shocks w/w/out amygdalectomy Hea,E.'64+ EKR Hearst,E.Sidman - - - - '61. Concur effect of pos/neg S - - - - EAB 4:251 OMPEP.Hearst,E.Vane - - - - - '67 D-amphetamine on beh w/intermit RF Phm12: 58 OLPEPHte2_d-AMPH decr Rate (OpR) w/VI/DRL sched - - - - - - - - - - - Hea,E.'67+ AARDP.Hearst,E.Whalen - - - - '63 Facil diff avcond w/d-amphetamine JCP56:124 AbRDPScpu_After trng w/sign-shock, elim ARo if remove escape conting Hea,E.'63+ ALREPSte2_After trng w/signal-shock, incr ARo w/d-AMPH, decr freezing Hea,E.'63+ AL te2_Above effect w/out incr ITI Rs; did not persist w/out drug Hea,E.'63+ OSP Hearst,E.Wolff - - - - - '89. Addition vs deletion as a signal - ALB17:120 XAM N Hearst,E. et al - - - - '60 Electrophysiol correlates of cond ECN12:137 OGPVP.Hearst,E. et al - - - - '64. S/Genz and R-reinf contingency - - EAB 7:369 OePVPHbea_S/Genz gradient re line-tilt flatter after long vs short VI Hea,E.'74e OI Hearst,E. et al - - - - '70. Inhib and S control of beh - - - - EAB14:373 OGP Hearst,E. et al - - - - '71. Genz gradients after CRF - - - - - PSc24:205 OSP Hearst,E. et al - - - - '80. Cond approach/withdrawal beh - - - BPS16:183 ----- ----- RAMEN.Heath,R.G. - - - - - - - '73 Marijuana effects on EEG - - - - - NPh12: 1 FQMEN-gV3_Septal EEG mod w/THC smoke, not tobacco/ALC/m-AMPH - - - - Hea,RG'73- IKRAR.Heathcote,M.J.Champion - '63 Rel valence theory - - - - - - - - AmJ76:679 IERARHbaa_Speed(IR) incr-f(brightness diff SB vs GB) - - - - - - - - Hea,MJ'60+ ZZHEC.Heather,N. - - - - - - - '91 Impaired control w/ALC (Heather) - Macmillan ZZHEC-XEm_Exper model of impaired self-control w/ALC re decision th - Hea,N.'91- ZZXEX.Heather,N. et al (Eds) - '91 Self-control and addictive beh - - Macmillan ZZXEX-XEc_Self-Control and Addictive Beh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hea,N.'91e ZZ XEc_Australian National Drug/Research Centre Conf, Sydney, '90 Hea,N.'91e ZZ XEc_R.M.Diaz-G.Fruhauf, J.Greeley-F.Westbrook, N.Heather Hea,N.'91e ZZ XEc_W.R.Miller-J.M.Brown, D.A.Wilkinson, others Hea,N.'91e VVH Heatherington,M.Ross - - '63. Sex of O on verbal lrng - - - - - JEx65:572 IKh Heatherington,M. et al - '64 Delay of reward in retarded child CDv63:653 RA Heathers, Glen L. - - - '39 R-decrement as-f(ITI) - - - - - - PhD Yale SRRTP.Heathers,G.L. - - - - - '40. ITI on R repetition - - - - - - - Psy10:359 SPRTPHbor_W/reinf both Rs, altern decr-f(10-120 sec ITI) - - - - - - Hea,GL'40- OERCP.Heathers,G.L.Arakelian - '41 Strength of drive on R/Extn - - - JGn24:243 ObRCPHbmo_R/Extn not-f(extn dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hea,GL'41+ ----- ----- DSRVL.Hebb, Donald O. - - - - '36 Innate org of perception - - - - - PhD Harvd DVRVL.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '37. Figure percep in dark-reared O - - JGt51:101 DNRVLHnCd_Slow acq line orient after dark rearing - - - - - - - - - - Heb,DO'37- DGRVA.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '37. R-trans in bright/size discrim - - JC 24:277 DnRVAHnCd_After slow acq, normal S/Genz re brigtness/size w/dark rear Heb,DO'37- SGRVA.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '38 Location in spatial lrng - - - - - JC 25:333 SeRVAHbCs_After trng w/cue in location, rotate field-->R to location Heb,DO'38- ZZXXX.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '46. Emotion in man and animal - - - - PRv53: 88 ZZXXXXMXc_Emotion in man and animal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heb,DO'46- ZZXXX.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '49 Organization of behavior - - - - - Wiley ZZXXXXZXT_Organization of beh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heb,DO'46- ZZ ZXT_Beh th based on physiol of nervous system (1) - - - - - - - Heb,DO'46- ZZ ZXT_Beh not-f(S alone); need autonomous central proc (set) (11) Heb,DO'46- ZZ ZXT_Lrng-->structural change even tho percept nonspecific (16) Heb,DO'46- ZZ ZXT_Concur acty in 2 neural cells-->percept assn (70) Heb,DO'46- ZZ ZXT_Re above, mult assn = "cell assembly" Heb,DO'46- ZZ ZXT_Phase sequence re reverberation whole/parts-->schema (98) Heb,DO'46- ZZ ZXT_Note: Above schema incl relative prop Heb,DO'46- RPHXXXpdf_Vol/invol is continuum re central/sensory control (144) Heb,DO'46- RPHXXXpdx_Adult lrng is percept; true motor lrng in infancy (156) Heb,DO'46- RP pdx_Eg have lrnd to move hand to pt one thinks of looking at Heb,DO'46- DBXXXXhIH_Insight is-f(experience) re perceive new org of S (165) Heb,DO'46- ZZXXXXZXc_Instinct-lrng is continuum; expect effect may be lrnd (169) Heb,DO'46- ZZXXXXZXc_Motiv = persist conceptual acty; not nec for lrng (181) Heb,DO'46- ZZXXX.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '51 Role of neurological ideas - - - - Per20: 39 ZZXXX-ZXc_Favors use of neurological facts/ideas in psych theories - Heb,DO'51- ZZXXX.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '55. Drives--Conceptual nervous system PRv62:243 ZZXXXXMXc_Drives--Conceptual nervous system - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heb,DO'55- ZZXXX.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '56 Distinction of class/instrucond - CJP10:165 ZZXXX cXc_Notes that salivatn is instrumental for eating in classcond Heb,DO'56- FAAXX.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '71. Altruism: Comparative evidence - - PBl75:409 FPAXXOeHS_Decisive evidence of altruism in large-brained nonhuman O - Heb,DO'71- ZXXXX.Hebb,D.O. - - - - - - - '85 What is psych about? - - - - - - - PAb 5517 ZZXXXXZXc_Psych is biol science; other perspectives invaluable - - - Heb,DO'85- SKRMP.Hebb,D.O.Mahut - - - - - '55 Motiv--Search of percep change - - JPN52:209 SPRMPHbar_Some pref for longer, more difficult path to GB - - - - - - Heb,DO'55+ ----- ----- DGH Hebert, John A. - - - - '68 Genz w/conditional discrim - - - - PhD UAriz DGXXX.Hebert,J.A.Krantz - - - '65. Transposition--A re-evaluation - - PBl63:244 DeXXXXbez_Spence ('37) anal transpositn fail re intermed size/context Heb,JA'65+ De bez_Favors adaptation-level anal (S-inten re background) Heb,JA'65+ YCHE Hedberg,A.G.Campbell - - '74 Beh trtmt approach to alcoholism - PAb RABEN.Hedenstrom,I.Schmidt - - '53 Alcohol on EEG - - - - - - - - - - PAb 819 FQBEN-gV3_ALC incr Lat(visual cortex R) to lite S - - - - - - - - - - Hed,I.'53+ DGHVP.Hedges,D.G. et al - - - '83 S/Genz w/mvmt S - - - - - - - - - JMB15:280 DeHVPObes_After diffcond w/mvmt Ss, peak shift decr-f(diff in trng Ss Hed,DG'83e AARVP.Hefferline, Ralph F. - - '51 Study of avoid - - - - - - - - - - PhD Clmba AARVP.Hefferline,R.F. - - - - '50 Exper study of avoid - - - - - - - GPM42:231 AERVPOccu_Anal (in)consistency of ARi w/US = aversive lite - - - - - Hef,RF'50- ZYXXX Hefferline,R.F. - - - - '62. Lrng theory and clinical psych - - Basic OAH N Hefferline,R.F.Keenan - '61. Amp-induction of EMG R - - - - - - EAB 4: 41 OAH N Hefferline,R.F.Keenan - '63. Amp-induction of covert operant - EAB 6:307 SSOAP.Heffner,R.S.HEHeffner - '86 Localization of tones by horses - BNs00: 93 SBOAPHbea_Horses acq tone localization w/lo (<1kHz), not hi-Hz - - - Hef,RS'68+ OMREP.Heffner,T.G. et al - - - '74 Amphetamine and operant beh - - - JCP86:031 OLREPTte2_Effect of AMPH on OpR is rate-dependent, incr lo, decr hi - Hef,TG'74e OL te2_Above genz re diff Sched(Reinf) and segments of sched Hef,TG'74e DM A Hegge, Frederick W. - - '66 Inten discrim as-f(dep) - - - - - PhD Brown OSRAP.Hegge,F.W. et al - - - - '65. Non-diff cond across sound inten - PSc 2: 11 OERAPHbCa_Rate(OpR) not-f(ambient sound inten) - - - - - - - - - - - Heg,FW'65e FAOCO.Hegner,R.E. - - - - - - '82 Central place foraging - - - - - - AnB30:952 FBOCOOaCs_Incr distance foraging site to nest --> incr foraging time Heg,RE'82- FB aCs_ and size of insect carried by bee-eating bird - - - - - Heg,RE'82- ZZXXX Heidbreder,E.F. - - - - '26 Thinking as an instinct - - - - - PRv33?279 ZZXCX Heider,F. - - - - - - - '39. Environ determinants in psych th - PRv46:383 OAPEP.Heifetz,S.A.McMillan - - '71 Beh tolerance to morphine - - - - PAb B6305 OLPEPHtn2_Indiv diff in devel beh tolerance to MORPH w/MULT, FI > FR Hei,SA'71+ FRH Heilizer, Fred - - - - - '58 Anxiety and hypnotizability - - - PhD Rochr ZZHEC.Heilizer,F. - - - - - - '64 Conflict models and alcohol - - - Psy57:457 ZZHEC-XEc_Disting ALC conflicts re intrinsic/extrinsic approach/avoid Hei,F.'64- ZZ XEc_Ie. intrinsic reward vs extrinsic punishment, v/versa - - - Hei,F.'64- ZZMEx Heilizer,F. - - - - - - '77 Review Miller's conflict models - JGn97:227 VMH Heilizer,F. et al - - - '56 Correlates of anxiety in PA lrng - Psy24:463 IMRS Heimstra, Norman W. - - '60 Chlorpromazine/AMPH on beh - - - - PhD Rochr FRRSO.Heimstra,N.Newton - - - '61 Prior food competition on killing Beh17: 95 FQRSOOefX_P(kill mouse) incr w/prior compete-for-food, esp w/dominant Hei,N.'61+ DMMVP.Heimstra,N.W. et al - - '57 Food dep on lrng w/X-ray irrad - - Psy44:271 DLMVPHmma_Perf on series of pattern discrim problems incr-f(dep) - - Hei,NW'57e DLMVPHnaa_Prior whole-body irradiation decr pattern discrim Hei,NW'57e ----- ----- FSHVO Heinemann, Eric G. - - - '54 Constancy/contrast (JJGibson) - - PhD Cornl OD Heinemann,E.G.Avin - - - '73. Devel of S control - - - - - - - - EAB20:183 OD Heinemann,E.G.Chase - - '70. Conditional S control - - - - - - JEx84:187 OGPAP Heinemann,E.G.Chase - - '70. S/Genz curves for auditory inten - JEx84:483 OG Heinemann,E.G.Chase - - '75 Stim generalization (Estes) - - - LEA OGPVP.Heinemann,E.G.Rudolph - '63 Discrim on S/Genz - - - - - - - - AmJ76:653 OePVPHbea_Slope S/Genz gradient re brightness is-f(size of discrim S) Hei,EG'63+ OD Heinemann,E.G. et al - - '68 Discrim control of attention - - - Sc 60:553 OGPAP Heinemann,E.G. et al - - '69. Anal S/Genz w/phychophysical meth JEx80:215 ODP1P.Heinemann,E.G. et al - - '81 Retroactive interference - - - - - Sc 14:254 ObP1PHapa_After diffcond R1/R2 re noise/colors, perf decr w/random rf Hei,EG'81e ----- ----- OMRRB Heinsbroek,R.P. et al - '87 Gonadectomy on sex diff in R-rate PhB39:269 EVRCJ.Heinsbroek,R.P. et al - '91 Inescapable shock as-f(time) - - - PhB49:257 EGRCJScay_Preexpose w/inescapable shock incr Lat(shuttle ER) - - - - Hei,RP'91e EG cay_Above effect greater w/males at short interval B4 trng Hei,RP'91e FAREC.Heintzelman,M.E. et al - '76 Polydipsia and alcohol dependency Sc 91:482 FQRECOga3_No ALC dependency re vol intake after 3-mo polydipsia exper Hei,ME'76e SVOTL.Heird,J.C. et al - - - - '81 Early experience on lrng w/horses AnS53:204 SNOTLHnd _Acq w/30 tr/day w/reversal after lo hi early handling Hei,JC'81e FSP Heise, George A. - - - - '52 Beh thresholds (GAMiller) - - - - PhD Harvd OGPAP.Heise,G.A. - - - - - - - '53. Auditory S/Genz/discrim - - - - - AmP 8:365 OePAPHbea_S/Genz gradient re pitch only after diffcond re pitch - - - Hei,GA'53- ORR Heise,G.A. et al - - - - '69. Discrete-trial altern - - - - - - EAB12:609 ASRVR.Heistad, Gordon T. - - - '55 ECS on AR - - - - - - - - - - - - PhD U Chi AMRVR.Heistad,G.T. - - - - - - '55. ECS on cond AR - - - - - - - - - - JCP48:482 ADRVRSatN_Gen acty/run-ARi decr w/post-trng ECS - - - - - - - - - - - Hei,GT'55- OMR e.Heistad,G.T. - - - - - - '58. Chlorpromazine/ECS on CER - - - - JCP51:209 OAR eHoIe_CER decr w/post-trng ECS, some decr w/chlorpromazine - - - Hei,GT'58- ODPVP.Hellenthal, Linda B. - - '77 Beh contrast w/mult VR - - - - - - PhD Bostn ODPVP Hellenthal,L.Marcucella '78. S-control w/mult VR sched - - - - ALB 6:198 FRRUA.Heller,R.E. - - - - - - '33 Spon acty re testis hormone - - - PAb 2812 FPRUSObBa_Little effect of castration on acty, not-f(testis hormone) Hel,RE'33- OD Hellige, Joseph B. - - - '74 Hemispheric proc w/diffcond - - - PhD UWisc CAHVB.Hellige,J.B. - - - - - - '76. Finite integrer anal of protocols BPS 7:148 CAHVB-azA_Can fit both V-/C-O indiv data w/2-state Markov model - - - Hel,JB'76- CAHVB-aVr_No evidence that V-O give C-form CR early in trng - - - - - Hel,JB'76- YCHVB.Hellige,J.B.Grant- - - - '74. Classcond to instrucond, v/versa - JEx02:710 ACHVB-nIC_Initial perf on class-avcond incr-f N/prior classical trial Hel,JB'74+ AC nIC_Pos transfer from class-avcond to classcond Hel,JB'74+ AVHVB.Hellige,J.B.Grant- - - - '74. Reinf on R/rate + topography - - - JEx03:574 ALHVB-nAV_Vol O show better US-attenuating R form than cond O - - - - Hel,JB'74+ AL nAV_P(CR) higher w/class-avcond than yoked PRF for cond O Hel,JB'74+ AL nAV_P(CR) lower w/class-avcond than yoked PRF for vol O Hel,JB'74+ AAREJ.Hellman,P.A. et al - - - '83 Stress/amphetamine on irrel S - - BNS97:017 ALREJ-te2_Neither alone, but stress+d-AMPH elim latent inhib B4 cond Hel,PA'83e SMRML.Hellmer,L.A. - - - - - - '43 Temp on beh - - - - - - - - - - - AmJ56:408 SERMLObCa_Maze perf w/rearing/testing in cold > normal/hot environ - Hel,LA'43- FAR C Hellwig, Louis R. - - - '65 Consum beh as-f(volume/lick) - - - PhD U Mo IKR Hellyer, Sydney - - - - '53 Duration of consum R re Amt(Reinf) Phd Ind U IKR Hellyer,S. - - - - - - - '53 Duration of consum R re Amt(Reinf) PhD UInd ORHUG.Helmer,J.E.Furedy - - - '68. Opcond GSR - - - - - - - - - - - - JEx78:463 OPHUGObYv_Opcond Amp(GSR) w/money reinf re yoked control - - - - - - Hel,JE'68+ FJRCP.Helmstetter,F.J.Fanselow '93. Aversively motiv changes in meals ALB21:168 FBRCPHcap_W/Chain(FR-CRF) in free beh sit + random shock in OpR area, Hel,FJ'93+ FB cap_ meal size incr w/incr P(shock); decr intake w/hi P(sh) - Hel,FJ'93+ ----- ----- DS Helson, Harry - - - - - '24 Config th of perception - - - - - PhD Harvd ZZXXX.Helson,H. - - - - - - - '25 Psych of Gestalt - - - - - - - - - AmJ36:342 ZZXXXXZXm_Configurational structures give meaning/order in experience Hel,H.'25- ZZXXX Helson,H. - - - - - - - '25 Psych of Gestalt - - - - - - - - - AmJ36:494 ZZXXX.Helson,H. - - - - - - - '26 Psych of Gestalt - - - - - - - - - AmJ37: 25 ZZXXX-SXT_Every act is a figure re background of total organism - - - Hel,H.'26- ZZ SXT_Configuration recognized in absence of identical elements Hel,H.'26- ZZ SXT_Assoc linkage as-f(repetition) wholly inadequate Hel,H.'26- ZZ SXT_Whole has autonomy of its own w/definite laws Hel,H.'26- ZZXXX Helson,H. - - - - - - - '26 The psych of Gestalt - - - - - - - AmJ37:189 DARVC.Helson,H. - - - - - - - '27. Insight in the white rat - - - - - JEx10:378 DERVC-hAH_Learn to choose brighter (darker) w/var absolute brightness Hel,H.'27- DeRVC-bRs_Transposition re incr/decr brightness, less than orig Ss - Hel,H.'27- ZZXXX.Helson,H. - - - - - - - '33. Propositions of Gestalt psychology PRv40: 12 ZZXXXXZXT_Propositions of Gestalt psych - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hel,H.'33- ZZ ZXT_Config is segregated whole (not all totalities are config) Hel,H.'33- ZZ ZXT_Config has form/structure --- eg qualities on a ground Hel,H.'33- ZZ ZXT_Lrng = Discovery of config prop already present in sit Hel,H.'33- DM Helson,H. - - - - - - - '48 Adaptation level - - - - - - - - - PRv55:297 DM Helson,H. - - - - - - - '64 Adaptation-level theory - - - - - Harp-Row RIH Helson,H.Steger - - - - '62. Inhib effect of 2nd S on RT - - - JEx64:201 ----- ----- DSF Helweg,D.A. et al - - - '96. Aspect-dependent 3-dimen object - ABP22: 19 FRRCC Hellwig,L.R. - - - - - - '66 Choice as-f(volume per lick) - - - PhD U Mo FAREC.Heminway,D.A.Furumoto - '74 Population density on alcohol - - PAb B2729 FQREC-gf3_Fighting beh/ALC intake hi w/mod crowded cage size - - - - Hem,DA'74+ ----- ----- OR Hemmes, Nancy S. - - - - '72 Operant in sched control - - - - - PhD U NC OKPVP.Hemmes,N.S. - - - - - - '73. Beh contrast depends on the OpR - JCP85:171 OpPVxHafu_W/change Mult-VI-Extn, beh contrast w/peck OpR, not treadle Hem,NS'73- ORP Hemmes,N.S. - - - - - - '75. Perf w/DRL as-f(operant) - - - - - L&M 6:344 OG Hemmes,N.S.Eckerman - - '72. Pos interaction in mult sched - - EAB17: 51 ORPUP Hemmes,N.S. et al - - - '79. Collateral beh w/DRL sched - - - - ALB 7:328 OCPVP Hemmes,N.S. et al - - - '90. Trial duration on AuSh - - - - - - ALB18:171 CAPVP.Hemmes,N.S. et al - - - '94 Appetitive backward cond - - - - - PRc44:221 CAPVP-aiB_Backward Pair(food,keylite) facil acq OpR re keylite - - - Hem,NS'94e ORP Hemmes,N.S. et al - - - '97. R recovery in extn - - - - - - - - L&M28:542 ----- ----- DSFVL.Hemmings,G.Mathews - - - '63 Shape discrim - - - - - - - - - - QJE15:273 DLFVLHnAY_Little circle/square discrim lrng w/mouth-breeder - - - - - Hem,G.'63+ ----- ----- CSR1e.Hendersen, Robert W. - - '74 Compounds of cond fear S (Solomon) PhD UPenn ASRAE Hendersen,R.W. - - - - - '73. Cond/uncond fear inhib - - - - - - JCP84:554 CSR1e.Hendersen,R.W. - - - - - '75. Compounds of cond fear S - - - - - L&M 6: 28 CER1e-bsm_Mix Pair(S1,lo-USI) + Pair(S2,hi-USI)--Max CER w/comp S1S2 Hen,RW'75- CDR1e.Hendersen,R.W. - - - - - '78. Forgetting of cond fear inhib - - L&M 9: 16 CpR1e-nsi_Diffcond CER w/Mix Pair(S1,sh)--Pair(S2,sh)--(S2S3,no sh) - Hen,RW'78- Cp nsi_1-d after above, suppression hi w/S1 > S1S3 (cond inhib) Hen,RW'78- Cp nsi_30-d after above, suppression hi w/S1 = S1S3 Hen,RW'78- CpR1e-nsz_Genz: Less retention of cond inhib than cond excit of CER - Hen,RW'78- CAAxe Hendersen,R.W. - - - - - '85. Motiv signif of forgetting (Brush) LEA AUR Hendersen,R.W.Graham - - '79. Context on rapidity of extn - - - L&M10:351 ISR Hendersen,R.W. et al - - '80. Control beh w/cue-signaling air - L&M11:407 ----- ----- ILRAR.Henderson, Kent - - - - '65 W/in-O PREA/discrim (Amsel) - - - PhD Trnto IKRAR.Henderson,K. - - - - - - '66. W/in-O PREA + later discr lrng - - JEx72:704 IERARHafa_W/CRF in 1 alley, Speed(IR) in 2nd alley incr-f(P(Reinf) - Hen,K.'66- IdRARHbpR_R/Extn after CRF in 1 alley incr w/PRF in 2nd alley - - - - Hen,K.'66- ----- ----- CVSAE Henderson, Norman D. - - '62 Critical periods in devel - - - - PhD WRsrv APSAR.Henderson,N.D. - - - - - '63 Prior runway exper on avcond - - - PRp13:575 ALSARSnAC_Acq incr-f(17/23/40/55-d age) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hen,ND'63- ADSARSata_Perf at 85-d age incr-decr-f(17/23/40/55-d age acq ARi - - Hen,ND'63- AVS .Henderson,N.D. - - - - - '64. Effects of early manipulation - - JCP57:284 ANS nCa_Avcond/open-field fear incr-decr-f(age of early handling) - Hen,ND'64- CVSAE.Henderson,N.D. - - - - - '65. Fear cond and devel stage - - - - JCP59:439 CLSAE-nAC_Open-field emotionality incr-decr-f age of fear classcond - Hen,ND'65- CL nAC_Fear cond not-f(age) 14-59 days in mice Hen,ND'65- FARFE.Henderson,N.D. - - - - - '66. Prior stim on later emotional beh JCP62:441 FPRFEOtb1_Adult emotionality after spaced < massed early handling - - Hen,ND'66- FP tb1_Note: No evidence of critical period for early handling Hen,ND'66- CVSAE.Henderson,N.D. - - - - - '68. Genetic anal of cond fear - - - - JCP65:325 CLSAE-nsC_Genetic correlations but independence of acq/extn meas - - Hen,ND'68- ARR x.Henderson,N.D. - - - - - '70 Diff shock-avoid shuttle tech - - PSc21:314 AER xSclu_Perf not-f(USI) w/run-shuttle ARi; decr-incr-f w/jump ARi - Hen,ND'70- SASCL Henderson,N.D. - - - - - '77. Contact w/novel stim re food perf JCP91:320 ----- ----- IK Henderson, Robert L. - - '53 S-inten dynamism and sec reinf - - PhD U Mo OARVP.Henderson,R.L. - - - - - '57. S inten dynamism and sec reinf - - JCP50:339 OCRVPHbSK_Sec reinf not-f(S-inten) between gps - - - - - - - - - - - Hen,RL'57- CAOVO.Henderson,T.B.Strong - - '72 ISI on classcond in leech - - - - PJB 7:210 CLOVO-nAY_Cond mvmt in leech w/Pair(lite,shock) re unpaired control - Hen,TB'72+ CEOVO-alu_Classcond incr-f(USI) w/leech - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hen,TB'72+ CMRVH.Hendrickson,C.W.Hamuy - '67. Cond HR w/neocortical depression - JCP64:510 CLRVH-mNc_Neocortical spreading depression elim cond HR, w/recovery - Hen,CW'67+ ----- ----- OKRUP.Hendry, Derek P. - - - - '60 Correl Amt(reinf) (NEMiller) - - - PhD Yale OKRUP.Hendry,D.P. - - - - - - '62. Correl Amt(reinf) - - - - - - - - JCP55:387 OFRUPHaCK_W/FI, incr/decr IRT w/Amt(Reinf) pos/neg correl w/reinf IRT Hen,DP'62- CIR Hendry,D.P. - - - - - - '67. Cond inhib of cond suppression - - PSc 9:261 ZZXXX.Hendry,D.P. (Ed) - - - - '69. Conditioned reinforcement - - - - Dorsey ZZXXXXXZK_Conditioned reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hen,DP'69- OK Hendry,D.P. - - - - - - '69. Reinf value of info (Hendry) - - - Dorsey Ok Hendry,D.P.Coulbourn - - '67. Informative S not pos discrim S - PSc 7:241 OSPIK.Hendry,D.P.Dillow - - - '66. Observing beh in interval sched - EAB 9:337 OPPIK-bOo_Emit R1 to produce clock S re time since reinf on R2 FI - - Hen,DP'66+ EARCP.Hendry,D.P.Hendry - - - '63. FR escape - - - - - - - - - - - - EAB 6:519 EERCPTcfu_Very lo Rate(ER) w/FR8 unless concur H2O reinf - - - - - - Hen,DP'63+ OKRCO.Hendry,D.P.Rasche - - - '61. New nonnutritive pos reinf - - - - JCP54:477 OBRCOTaAK_Maint lick OpR w/reinf = cool air only w/H2O dep - - - - - Hen,DP'61+ ORRCP.Hendry,D.P.Van-Toller - '64. Correl Amt(reinf) on FR sched - - EAB 7:207 OFRCPTart_Rate(OpR) w/FR9 decr w/neg correl Amt(Reinf) re final IRT - Hen,DP'64+ OJRCP.Hendry,D.P.Van-Toller - '64. FR punish w/CRF - - - - - - - - - EAB 7:293 OBRCPTcap_W/CRF H2O reinf, FR pun-->hi Rate(OpR) after pun, lo B4 - - Hen,DP'64+ CLRAe.Hendry,D.P.Van-Toller - '65. Alleviation of CER - - - - - - - - JCP59:458 OARAe-oIc_Recovery of OpR during S over 39 sessions after CER trng - Hen,DP'65+ CERAe-alu_CER incr-f shock USI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hen,DP'65+ CaRAe-alu_CER w/2-ma shock US less if prior exper w/1-ma shock - - - Hen,DP'65+ cSR Hendry,D.P. et al - - - '69. Periodic shock w/added clock - - - EAB12:159 CGRAe.Hendry,D.P. et al - - - '69. Genz of cond suppression - - - - - EAB12:799 CeRAe-bAd_After diffcond, max/min suppression shifted away from S+/S- Hen,DP'69e ----- ----- CSR1e.Hendry, Jean S. - - - - '80 Summation w/compound S - - - - - - PhD Prntn CSR1e.Hendry,J.S. - - - - - - '82. Summation of undetected excit - - ALB10:476 CER1e-bsm_CER w/compound of CSs after separate acq/extn - - - - - - - Hen,JS'82- IM Henke, Peter G. - - - - '70 Lsns on cond reinf - - - - - - - - PhD U Ga OMRNP Henke,P.G. - - - - - - - '73. Reinf omission w/amygdala lesions JCP84:187 IMRNR.Henke,P.G. - - - - - - - '74 Hypothal lsn and frustration - - - PhB13:143 IDRNRHomf_FE re incr Speed(IR) after nonreinf incr w/hypothal lsn - - Hen,PG'74- IMRAR.Henke,P.G. - - - - - - - '77. Dissociation of FE and PREE - - - JCP91:032 IDRARHomf_W/double runway, amydala lsn but not septal lsn elim FE - - Hen,PG'77- ID omf_W/double runway, septal lsn but not amydala elim PREE Hen,PG'77- CAOTO.Hennessey,T.M. et al - - '79. Classcond in paramecia - - - - - - ALB 7:417 CLOTO-rZP_Cond/recond/diffcond jerk-spin CR w/Pair(vibratory S,shock) Hen,TM'79e FRSFO.Hennessy,M.B. et al - - '82 Handling as-f(foster mother) - - - PhP10:153 FPSFOOtb1_Effect of early handling re adult defecation in open field Hen,MB'82e FP tb1_ is-f(same/diff strain of foster mother) - - - - - - - - Hen,MB'82e YC Hennesy,J.W. - - - - - - '75 Transfer excit/inhib to instrucond PhD U Ill ZZAXX.Henning,H. - - - - - - - '29 Psych of higher mammals - - - - - PAb 1889 ZZAXX-ZXc_Same physical apparatus not psych same for diff animals - - Hen,H.'29- ----- ----- OKREP.Henningfield,J.E. - - - '77 Ethanol as pos reinf - - - - - - - PhD UMinn OKXEX.Henningfield,J.Goldberg '83 Nicotine as reinf w/humans/animals PBB19:989 OFXEX-gO3_Genz: iv nicotine is reinf w/animal/human w/restricted cond Hen,J.'83+ OKREP.Henningfield,J.E.Meisch '75 OpR as-f vol ethanol reinf - - - - PBB 3:437 OFREP-gJ3_OpR maint w/8% ALC, not w/H2O CRF, w/Rate decr-f(Amt(Reinf) Hen,JE'75+ OKMEP.Henningfield,J.E.Meisch '76 Oral ethanol as pos reinf - - - - PBB 4:473 OFMEP-gJ3_Maint OpR w/FR16 w/reinf = 8% oral ALC - - - - - - - - - - Hen,JE'76+ OKMEP.Henningfield,J.E.Meisch '78 Ethanol drinking as-f(concen) - - PPm57:133 OFMEP-gJ3_W/FR sched of ALC reinf, Rate decr-f(concen) w/incr intake Hen,JE'78+ CA E Henningfield,J.E.Meisch '79 Ethanol drinking w/concur H2O - - PBB10:777 FAMEC Henningfield,J.E.Meisch '81 Nutritive preloading on ethanol - PAb ----- ----- ODREL.Henriksson,B.G.Jarbe - - '72 THC as discrim S - - - - - - - - - PSc27: 25 OFREL-gS3_Diffcond T-maze re THC vs solvent w/good retention - - - - Hen,BG'72+ SDRAL.Henry,F.M. - - - - - - - '36 Pure tone discrim - - - - - - - - JC 22:105 SqRALHaaa_Diffcond re presence/absence of pure tone in alternatives - Hen,FM'36- AVSEx.Henry,K.R.Schlesinger - '67. Albino/dilute loci on beh - - - - JCP63:320 AOSEx-tl1_Strain diff in avcond pos correl w/acty/ALC intake - - - - Hen,KR'67+ ZZXXX Henry,N.B. (Ed) - - - - '42 Psych of lrng; 41st NSSE Yearbook U Chicago ----- ----- FSPGP Henton, Wendon W. - - - '66 Suppression w/odorous S - - - - - PhD Fla S YCPSK Henton,W.W. - - - - - - '69. Cond suppression w/odorous S - - - EAB12:175 ASM Henton,W.W. - - - - - - '72. Rate(ARo) during pre-food S - - - EAB17:269 CSSxx.Henton,W.W. - - - - - - '81 Concur classcond - - - - - - - - - PRc31:395 CESxx-bsm_Reciprocal inhib of orient/consum CR w/CSs cond w/diff ISI Hen,WW'81- CRSVx Henton,W.W. - - - - - - '81 Molecular control of R-sequence - PRc31:489 OS Henton,W.W.Brady - - - - '70. Rate(OpR) accel w/pre-reward S - - EAB13:205 CMSAx.Henton,W.W.Fisher - - - '81 Food dep and CR - - - - - - - - - PRc31:377 CLSAx-mma_Pair(S,food) w/10-sec ISI, dep incr consum CR, not orient R Hen,WW'81+ OSMVP.Henton,W.W.Jordan - - - '70 CER as-f(USI) - - - - - - - - - - PRc20: 9 OAMVPHoIu_OpR suppression w/Pair(S,shock) incr-f(USI) w/in O - - - - Hen,WW'70+ CUSVA.Henton,W.W.Spohn - - - - '80. Classcond w/compound US - - - - - PRc30: 47 CESVATaeu_During S B4 2 equal separated USs, orient/approach 1 >other Hen,WW'80+ CDPOP.Henton,W.W. et al - - - '66 Odor discrim - - - - - - - - - - - Sc 53:138 CEPOPSbaa_Obtain CER w/weak odor S, elim w/sectioning olfactory nerve Hen,WW'66e ----- ----- DSrSP.Hepper,P.G. - - - - - - '83 Sibling recog - - - - - - - - - - AnB31:177 DErSPObaa_6-22-day-old pref genetic siblings w/solely prenatal exper Hep,PG'83- AURUR.Heppner,C.C.Kemble - - - '84. Avoid w/ice H2O as US - - - - - - BPS22:577 AERUROcau_Acq 1-way ARi w/ice-H2O as US - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hep,CC'84+ FAREC.Heppner,C.Kemble - - - - '87 Food dep on ethanol pref - - - - - BPS25:126 FQREC-gd3_Food dep incr ALC intake vs H2O w/incr in ALC palatability Hep,C.'87+ FQ gd3_Attrib incr ALC intake over days to reinf prop of ALC Hep,C.'87+ FQREC-gb3_Males > females in incr ALC intake over days - - - - - - - Hep,C.'87+ SLRML.Herb,F.H. - - - - - - - '40. Latent lrng - - - - - - - - - - - JC 29:247 SbRMLHaps_After nonreinf trng, incr cul entry w/food in some culs - - Her,FH'40- FMRNC.Herberg,L.J. - - - - - - '62 Physiol drives w/cerebral injectn QJE14: 8 FPRNC1AXF_Intraventricular inject glucose incr eat, saline incr drink Her,LJ'62- OKRNP.Herberg,L.J. - - - - - - '63. Ejaculation after reinf ESB - - - JCP56:679 OBRNPOaAK_Maint spaced discrim-OpR w/reinf=ESB-->ejac w/out erection Her,LJ'63- OERNP.Herberg,L.J. - - - - - - '63. Extn in ESB - - - - - - - - - - - JCP56:686 ObRNPObbo_R/Extn after FR > CRF w/ESB reinf, decr-f(N/extns) - - - - Her,LJ'63- FRRCO.Herberg,L.J.Stephens - - '77 Hunger/thirst in motiv hoarding - JCP91:359 FPRCO1beE_W/ad-lib food, hoarding not-f(weight loss re H2O-dep) - - - Her,LJ'79+ FP beE_Re above, drink H2O-->hoarding, w/incr w/food dep Her,LJ'79+ OS Herbert,E.W. - - - - - - '70. R-reinf dependencies and B-out - - EAB14: 61 IRR Herbert, Marvin J. - - - '53 Differential GB acty - - - - - - - PhD UMinn CARAO.Herbert,M.J. - - - - - - '46 Cond squeak reaction in rats - - - JGn34: 67 CARAO-acA_Technique for classcond squeak reaction - - - - - - - - - - Her,MJ'46- CaRAO-bha_R/Extn w/distrib > massed extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,MJ'46- Ca bha_Little extn of squeak CR, distrib/distrib ITI Her,MJ'46- IACVx.Herbert,M.J.Harsh - - - '44. Observational lrng - - - - - - - - JC 37: 81 IGCVx-qoH_Acq facil w/observe lrng IR > observe skilled perf of IR - Her,MJ'44+ ASR J.Herdegen, Robert T. - - '81 Functions of warning S - - - - - - PhD U Del AER JSbKx_Shuttle ARi persist as long as warning signal remains on - Her,RT'81- AE bKx_Effect of warning signal term not= external fdbk Her,RT'81- CS S Herendeen, Dennis L. - - '72 Adaptation on classcond - - - - - PhD Emory CEDAS.Herendeen,D.L.Shapiro - '75. Food-reinf inhib of CR - - - - - - ALB 3:103 CaDAS-bCi_Elim CR faster w/extn than w/reinf of nonsalivation - - - - Her,DL'75+ CSDAS.Herendeen,D.L.Shapiro - '76. Specific/gen adapt - - - - - - - - BPS 8: 68 CGDAS-bac_Adapt to sit, nonreinf exposure to same/diff S retards cond Her,DL'76+ CG bac_No effect of nonreinf pre-exposure if concur reinf diff S Her,DL'76+ DA Hergenhahn, Baldwin R. - '66 Extn of P-matching R - - - - - - - PhD UAriz ZZXXX.Hergenhahn,B.R. - - - - '76. Intro to theories of learning - - Pren-Hall ZZXXX-ZZT_Lrng theories in historical perspective w/appl to educ - - Her,BR'76- IS Hergenhahn,B.R.Capehart- '67. R/Extn as-f overtrng w/irrel cue - PSc 7:251 DSHVP.Hergenhahn,B.R. et al - '66 Insertion of 2nd relevant cue - - PRp18:547 DEHVPObso_Acq re ir/relevant cues added after trng w/1 irrel dimensn Her,BR'66e DLUUU.Hergenhahn,B.R. et al - '66 Overlrng reversal w/conditional - PRp18:809 DbUUUUaaT_ORE w/conditional discrim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,BR'66e AARN Heriot,J.T.Coleman - - - '62. ECS on retention of cond AR - - - JCP55:082 OMMEP.Herling,S. et al - - - - '79 Drugs on R maint w/food/cocaine - PPm64:261 OLMEP-te2_COC/d-AMPH incr OpR early, decr late in FI w/food/COC reinf Her,S.'79e ----- ----- FA Herman, Louis M. - - - - '61 Auditory tracking/judgment - - - - PhD PennS DAFAP.Herman,L.M. - - - - - - '75. Auditory STM w/bottlenosed dolphin ALB 3: 43 DBFAP adA_Auditory MTS w/dolphin, decr w/short ITI and long retention Her,LM'75- DAF Herman,L.M.JAGordon - - '74. Auditory delayed MTS - - - - - - - EAB21: 19 DAO Herman,L.M.Uyeyama - - - '99. Dolphins grammatical competency - ALB27: 18 DSFAP.Herman,L.M. et al - - - '84 Comprehend sentences w/dolphin - - Cog16:129 DEFAPObaa Dolphin comprehend novel, reversible sentences - - - - - - Her,LM'84e DGF Herman,L.M. et al - - - '89. Genz of visual MTS w/dolphin - - - ABP15:124 ----- ----- OJ A Herman,R.L.Azrin - - - - '64. Punish w/noise - - - - - - - - - - EAB 7:185 CR Hermann,B.P. - - - - - - '78 Equipotential/sensory-limbic hypo Cor14:451 CAOVR.Hermitte,G.Maldonado - - '92 Cond facil of R to aversive S - - PhB51: 17 CPOVR-bMu_No CR to S w/Pair(S,sh) but S facil recovery of UR to sh - Her,G.'92+ ----- ----- CMBDB Hernandez, Linda L. - - '81 Naloxone on lrng - - - - - - - - - PhD USCar CA Hernandez,L.L. - - - - - '82 Naloxone influences on lrng - - - PhD USCar CABEB.Hernandez,L.L.DAPowell - '86 Ethanol incr Pavlovian/instrucond PPm88: 75 CLBEB-te1_Intra-gastric ALC incr Amp(CR) in acq/extn - - - - - - - - Her,LL'86+ CAB Hernandez,L.L.Powell - - '83 Multiple effects of naloxone - - - BNS97:478 CMBEB.Hernandez,L.L.Powell - - '88 Ethanol on Pavlovian/avcond - - - PPm88: 75 CLBEB-te1_ALC incr Amp(CR) in acq/extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,LL'88+ CAREP.Hernandez,L.L.Valentine '89 Mild ethanol on cond suppression - PPm97:476 CLREP-te1_Lo-dose ALC during Pair(S,sh) incr, hi-dose decr later CER Her,LL'89+ CSBAx.Hernandez,L.L. et al - - '81. Sex/CSI in S-pre-exposure - - - - ALB 9:513 CGBAx-bac_Pre-expose/cond w/60/75/90-db S--Decr blink cond only w/75 Her,LL'81e CG bac_Pre-expose/cond w/60/75/90-db S--Decr HR cond at all CSI Her,LL'81e CLBAx-ngC_Faster blink cond w/females, no diff in concur HR cond - - Her,LL'81e CMBEB.Hernandez,L.L. et al - - '86 Ethanol on Pavlovian cond - - - - BNS00:494 CLBEB-te1_ALC decr blink CR in acq, incr CR in extn - - - - - - - - - Her,LL'86e CL te1_Concur w/above, lo/mod dose ALC incr HR CR Her,LL'86e ----- ----- CGOGC.Herness,M.S.Pfaffmann - '88 Genz of cond taste aversion - - - PAb 384 CeOGC-bea_S/Genz of cond taste aversion w/putative bitters (hamster) Her,MS'88+ RAHEO.Herning,R.I. et al - - - '86 Cocaine incr EEG beta - - - - - - PAb 19452 FQHEO-gV3_Oral or iv COC incr EEG beta during math task - - - - - - - Her,RI'86e ----- ----- SVHML Heron, William T. - - - '24 Diff in ability vs chance - - - - PhD U Chi SVHML Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '24 Indiv diff vs chance in lrng - - - CPM 2: 8 SVRMP.Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '30 Test-retest reliability of lrng - JGt38:101 SBRMPHacA_Low reliability w/retest after interval w/out practice - - Her,WT'30- SVRML.Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '35. Inher of maze lrng ability - - - - JC 19: 77 SLRMLHncC_Breed strains of maze bright/dull O re errors/speed - - - - Her,WT'35- OVRCP.Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '40 Active/inactive O in extn/discrim PRc 4: 23 OLRCPHnAw_Active > inactive O re Rate(OpR) but poor in diffcond - - - Her,WT'40- SVRML.Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '41 Inher of maze lrng ability - - - - JGt59: 41 SLRMLHncC_Breed strains of maze bright/dull O re errors/speed - - - - Her,WT'35- OARUP.Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '42. Diff Rate(reinf) on 2 levers - - - JC 33: 87 OpRUPHaRf_Rate(OpR) w/2 reinf bars > w/1 bar - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,WT'42- Op aRf_Rate(OpR) w/2 reinf bars proportional to reinf rates Her,WT'42- ObRUPHbbo_R/Extn after trng w/2 reinf bars decr-f(reinf rate) - - - - Her,WT'42- SDRTL.Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '49 Time discrim - - - - - - - - - - - JCP42: 27 SqRTLHaaa_Diffcond L/R re time of delay B4 choice, decr-f(difference) Her,WT'49- SSRIP.Heron,W.T. - - - - - - - '49 Internal S and lrng - - - - - - - JCP42:486 SqRIP1ama_Attrib diffcond hunger/thirst to empty/full stomach - - - - Her,WT'49- SMRDP.Heron,W.T.Carlson - - - '41 Metrazol on retention - - - - - - JC 32:307 SLRDPHtDs_After trng, no effect of daily metrazol B4 retention test - Her,WT'41+ SAxML.Heron,W.T.WSHunter - - - '22 Maze lrng w/human and animal subj CPM 1: 1 SLxMLxnsC_Human > rat w/inclined-plane prob, attrib to less distractn Her,WT'22+ DMRIL.Heron,W.T.Peake - - - - '49 Qual food deficiency as drive - - JCP42:143 DBRILOaAK_W/protein deficient O, acq w/casein reinf vs protein-free - Her,WT'49+ OMRUP.Heron,W.T.Skinner - - - '37 Hunger during starvation - - - - - PRc 1: 51 OLRUPHmma_Rate(OpR) incr-f(food dep) up to precipitous inanition - - Her,WT'37+ OZR Heron,W.T.Skinner - - - '39. Apparatus for study of animal beh PRc 3:166 OERVP.Heron,W.T.Skinner - - - '40. Extn w/maze bright/dull rats - - - PRc 4: 11 OLRVPHnbC_Rate(OpR) w/FI w/maze bright > dull, w/no diff in R/Extn - Her,WT'40+ SGRMP.Heron,W.T. et al - - - - '46 Cond or apprehension in lrng - - - JC 39: 1 SeRMPHbRs_Acq run-past-closed door, return to now-open door-->food - Her,WT'46e Se bRs_After above, 3 of 23 O turn into door now open from start Her,WT'46e ----- ----- SNRML.Herren,R.Y.Lindsley - - '35 Cerebral dominance - - - - - - - - JGt47:469 SLRMLHtNs_Cauterize non-dominant hemisphere after orig trng--> Her,RY'35+ SL tNs_ retrain w/same > diff maze pattern - - - - - - - - - - - Her,RY'35+ ----- ----- ODRVL Herrick, Robert M. - - - '54 Discrim as-f(S duration) - - - - - PhD Clmba ORR P Herrick,R.M. - - - - - - '63. Lever displacement - - - - - - - - JCP56:700 RRR P Herrick,R.M. - - - - - - '64. Lever displacement differentiation JCP57:139 ORRCP.Herrick,R.M. - - - - - - '64. Successive differentiation - - - - EAB 7:211 OFRCPHaCK_W/reinf correl w/in range of lever displacement, Her,RM'64- OF aCK_ peak of distrib of OpR near lower bound of range - - - Her,RM'64- ORRRP Herrick,R.M. - - - - - - '65. Lever displacement under FR - - - JCP59:263 ORRRP Herrick,R.M.Bromberger - '65. Lever displacement under VR - - - JCP59:392 ODRVL.Herrick,R.M. et al - - - '59. S+/S- rates during Op-discrim - - JCP52:359 OpRVLHaqv_During diffcond w/VI in S+, Rate(OpR) incr in S+ decr in S- Her,RM'59e SARCP Herrmann,T. et al - - - '82. Stay vs shift in 3-table task - - ALB10: 39 ----- ----- OSPVP Herrnstein, Richard J. - '55 Remove discrim S from VI (Skinner) PhD Harvd OMRD Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '58. Scopolamine on mult sched - - - - EAB 1:351 OSPPP.Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '61. Freq(reinf) on rel/absolute R - - EAB 4:267 OpPPP-afu_Rel Freq(R) = rel Freq(reinf) in concur VI-VI - - - - - - - Her,RJ'61- ORPCP.Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '61 Stereotypy and intermit reinf - - Sc 33:067 OPPCPHbar_W/OpR=peck anywhere along strip, non-random location of OpR Her,RJ'61- OP bar_Above stereotyipy of OpR incr w/intermittent reinf - - - - Her,RJ'61- OKPCP.Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '64. Rate of primary reinf on sec reinf EAB 7: 27 OCPCPHBZK_W/concur VI, rel Rate(OpR) to obtain sec reinf S matched Her,RJ'64- OC BZK_ rel Rate(Reinf) in presence of S - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,RJ'64- OKPCP.Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '64. Aperiodicity as factor in choice - EAB 7:179 OpPCPHaRc_W/concur VI, pref OpR --> VI > FI Sched(Reinf) - - - - - - Her,RJ'64- ORXXX Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '66 Superstition (Honig) - - - - - - - A-C-C ZZXXX Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '69. Method and theory in avoid - - - - PRv76: 49 ZZXXX.Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '70. On the law of effect - - - - - - - EAB13:243 ZZXXXXCZK_On the law of effect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,RJ'70- ZRX Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '74. Formal prop of matching law - - - EAB21:159 ZZXXX Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '77 Evolution of behaviorism - - - - - AMP32:593 OK Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '79. Derivatives of matching - - - - - PRv86:486 ODP Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '79. Acq/genz/discrim w/natural concept ABP 5:116 ZKXXX Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '90. Rational choice th: Nec, not suff AmP45:356 ZKXXX Herrnstein,R.J. - - - - '90. Beh, reinf, and utility - - - - - PSc 1:217 ZZXXX.Herrnstein,R.J.Boring - '65 Source book in history of psych - Harvard ZZXXXXZZT_History of psych - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her,RJ'65+ OD Herrnstein,R.J.Brady - - '58. Component interact in mult sched - EAB 1:293 ZZXXX Herrnstein,R.J.Commons - '82 Quant anal of operant beh - - - - Ballinger OS Herrnstein,R.J.Heyman - '79. Matching/maximizatn w/concur VIVR EAB31:209 AKRCP.Herrnstein,R.J.Hineline '66. Neg reinf/shock freq reduction - - EAB 9:421 ABRCPScoA_Rate(ARo) incr-f(Amt ARo --> decr in shock freq) - - - - - Her,RJ'66+ AbRCPSbbo_R/Extn ARo decr-f(Amt ARo --> decr in shock freq in acq - - Her,RJ'66+ ODPVP.Herrnstein,R.J.Loveland '64 Complex visual concept - - - - - - Sc 46:549 OpPVPHaaa_Rapid diffcond re presence/absence of human in photo - - - Her,RJ'64+ OMP Herrnstein,R.J.Loveland '72. Food-avoid in hungry pigeon - - - EAB18:369 OAP Herrnstein,R.J.Loveland '74. Hunger and contrast w/mult sched - EAB21:511 OKP Herrnstein,R.J.Loveland '76. Matching in a network - - - - - - EAB26:143 OMPDP.Herrnstein,R.J.Morse - - '56 Selective action of pentobarbital Sc 24:367 OLPDP-mDo_W/tandem sched, effect of pentobarbital on FI > FR - - - - Her,RJ'56+ OMPDP.Herrnstein,R.J.Morse - - '57 Pentobarbital w/intermit reinf - - Sc 25:929 OLPDP-mDo_Pentobarb elim FI scallop (constant OpR rate in 15-min FI) Her,RJ'57+ OCPVP.Herrnstein,R.J.Morse - - '57. R-independent pos reinf - - - - - JCP50:461 OCPVPHbSK_Rate(OpR) on DRL baseline incr during S paired w/food - - - Her,RJ'57+ OAPYO.Herrnstein,R.J.Morse - - '58. Conjunctive Sched(reinf) - - - - - EAB 1: 15 OBPUPHaah_Mod pattern, decr Rate(OpR) if add min FR to FI sched - - - Her,RJ'58+ ZZHEC.Herrnstein,R.J.Prelec - '92. Th of addiction (Loewenstein) - - Sage Fdn ZZHEC-XET_"Primrose path" th of addiction as acquired habit - - - - - Her,RJ'92+ ZZ XET_Addictn: Unwanted beh w/immed benefits + neg intrapersonal Her,RJ'92+ ZZ XET_Hypo: average value of addictive beh is-f choice rate Her,RJ'92+ ZZ XET_Hypo: average value of non-addictive beh is-f choice rate Her,RJ'92+ ZZ XET_Meleoration: Long-run choice distrib to equalize returns Her,RJ'92+ ZZ XET_Equilibrium at intersection of above functions (matching) Her,RJ'92+ ZZ XET_Illustrates th for knife-edge, constraints, w/drawal Her,RJ'92+ OSM e.Herrnstein,R.J.Sidman - '58. Unavoid shocks on reinf beh - - - JCP51:380 OAM e-aIa_After pretrng ARo, Pair(S,shock)-->S incr Rate(food OpR) - Her,RJ'58+ ODPVK Herrnstein,R.VanSommers- '62 Sensory scaling - - - - - - - - - Sc 35: 40 ODP Herrnstein,R.J. et al - '76. Natural concepts in pigeons - - - ABP 2:285 ODP Herrnstein,R.J. et al - '89. Teach abstract rule: Insideness - P&P46: 56 ----- ----- RMhVV.Hersh,C.A. et al - - - - '96 Lrng disability and lrnd helpless IJN84:103 RqhVVOber_Difficult reading incr errors w/easy w/lrng-disabled Os - - Her,CA'96e FMRSO Hershberger, Thomas J. - '78 Frustration on aggression - - - - PhD N.Ill IS Hershberger, Wayne A. - '62 Pos fdbk on locomotion - - - - - - PhD UColo IARFR Hershberger,W. - - - - - '86. Approach through the looking glass ALB14:443 FAOGP.Hershberger,W.MPSmith - '67 Cond in Drosophila melanogaster - AnB15:259 FDOGPHcaP_Imagoes reared on scented medium pref that scent - - - - - Her,W.'67+ FShVP.Hershenson, Maurice E. - '64 Visual discrim in newborn (Haber) PhD Yale FShVP.Hershenson,M. - - - - - '64. Discrim in human newborn - - - - - JCP5h:270 FQhVPOaaL_Re fixation, newborns pref intermed brightness, lo complex Her,M.'64- IK Hershiser,D.Trapold - - '71. Prefer unsignaled/signaled reinf - JCP77:323 IE Hershiser, David L. - - '64 R/Extn as-f(N/acq tr) - - - - - - PhD UIowa RRHVP.Hershman,R.L.Hillix - - '65 Data processing in typing - - - - HF 7:483 RPHVPOtfn_Typing speed w/random words = prose > random letters - - - Her,RL'65+ RPHVPOtfj_Typing speed neg-accel-incr-f(N/preview letters) - - - - - Her,RL'65+ RP tfj_Note: Above effect w/prose > random words > random letters Her,RL'65+ CG Hersko, Marvin - - - - - '54 S/Genz as-f(anxiety/USI) - - - - - PhD U Ill DGFVP.Herter,K. - - - - - - - '29 Lrng experiments w/fish - - - - - PAb 4680 DEFVPHbaa_Discrim position of figure w/genz white-on-black to reverse Her,K.'29- DGOVP.Hertz,M. - - - - - - - - '33 Memory of honeybees for structures PAb 539 DeOVPHbRs_Honeybees transpose re white-gray trng to gray-black test - Her,M.'33- DSOVL.Hertz,M. - - - - - - - - '34 Pattern discrim in the bee - - - - ZVP21:604 DEOVLHbcp_W/bee, acq/reversal unless hi initial dominance of figure S Her,M.'34- IJRNR.Herz, Michael J. - - - - '66 ECS on 1-tr lrng - - - - - - - - - PhD USCal CAWVW.Herz,M.J. et al - - - - '64 Temperature on cond in earthworms AnB12:502 CLWVW-rZW_Less w/drawal CR in cold than warm earthworms - - - - - - - Her,MJ'64e CL rZW_Incr in w/drawal CR w/change from cold to warm temp Her,MJ'64e IJSVR.Herz,M.J. et al - - - - '66. Amnesic effects of ether/ECS - - - PSc 4:373 IDSVROatN_1-tr pun IR decr w/post-tr ECS/ether - - - - - - - - - - - Her,MJ'66e CAWVO.Herz,M.J. et al - - - - '67 Classcond extension-R in worms - - PhB 2:409 CLWVO-rZW_Cond body-extension CR only w/forward Pair(lite,vibration) Her,MJ'67e CAREA.Herz,R.S.Beninger - - - '87 Context cond w/amphetamin/caffeine PPm92:365 CAREA-hc3_Context-specific cond acty w/ip AMPH/caffeine US - - - - - Her,RS'87+ ODMVP Herzog,H.L. et al - - - '77. Sample duration/ITI on MTS - - - - ALB 5:347 ----- ----- FROL Hess, Eckhard H. - - - - '48 Chick's R to lite cues - - - - - - PhD JHopk FMRFC.Hess,E.H. - - - - - - - '53. Shyness as factor in hoarding - - JCP46: 46 FPRFCHaHU_Shy O (slow to explor) lo hoard w/open, hi w/walled environ Hes,EH'53- FAOVO.Hess,E.H. - - - - - - - '58 Imprinting in animals - - - - - - ScA98: 81 FGOVOUqaI_Max imprinting at 16-h-age, incr-f(effort-to-follow-S) - - Hes,EH'58- FRXSO.Hess,E.H. - - - - - - - '59 Imprinting and motiv (Jones) - - - U Nebr FGXSOOqaI_Strength of imprinting incr-f(effort re following object) - Hes,EH'59- FG qaI_Strength of imprinting incr w/punish Hes,EH'59- FAOSA.Hess,E.H. - - - - - - - '59. Critical age for imprinting - - - JCP52:515 FGOSA-qaI_Critical age for imprinting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hes,EH'59- FAOSA.Hess,E.H. - - - - - - - '59 Imprinting - - - - - - - - - - - - Sc 30:130 FGOSA-qaI_Imprinting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hes.EH'59- FROVP.Hess,E.H.Gogel - - - - - '54 Natural color pref w/chick - - - - Psy38:483 FQOVP aRP Observe innate color pecking pref w/chick, not-f(lightness) Hes,EH'54+ FAOSA.Hess,E.H.Schaeffer - - - '60 Innate beh pattern at critical age PAb 3938 FGOSA-qaI_Exposure-->Imprinting in chick up to 21h; lrng if older - - Hes,EH'60+ ----- ----- AVr Hess, John H. - - - - - '68 Discrim avoid as-f(age) - - - - - PhD WVaU ORPVK Hesse, Bruce E. - - - - '84 Lat(R) as-f S-reinf/R-reinf contin PhD UMich FASEx.Heston,W.D. et al - - - '74 Diff in ethanol sleep time - - - - PAb 2444 ELSEx-tf1_Loss righting reflex w/short>long sleep, no diff blood ALC Hes,WD'74e OCR e.Heth, C. Donald - - - - '74 Simult/backward cond (Rescorla) - PhD Yale OCR e.Heth,C.D. - - - - - - - '76. Simult/backward cond and N/trials ABP 2:117 OAR e-oIi_Some suppressn after small N/Pair(S,shock) simult/backward Het,CD'76- OA oIi_Above suppression decr w/extended pairings, 10 to 160 Het,CD'76- OA oIi_Extensive backward pairing leads to inhib cond Het,CD'76- FAR Heth,C.D. - - - - - - - '85. W/in-compound assn taste/temp - - L&M16:413 CAR1e.Heth,C.D.Rescorla - - - '73. Simult/backward fear cond - - - - JCP82:434 CAR1e-aiB_Obtain simult/backward fear cond, dec-f(back-ISI) w/long US Het,CD'73+ FRRxC.Heth,C.D.Stefav - - - - '89 W/in-compound lrng - - - - - - - - CJP41:501 FDRxC-csC_Pair(compound,LiCl) facil flavor-flavor assn - - - - - - - Het,CD'89+ OKHCP.Heth,C.D.AGWarren - - - '78 Perf as-f(R-dep/satiation) - - - - ALB 6:294 OBHCPOaAK_Rate(OpR) incr/decr if R-->incr/decr auditory S to optimum Het,CD'78+ CA Hettwer, Joseph P. - - - '21 Studies of cond reflex - - - - - - PhD Harvd ORR Hetzler, Bruce E. - - - '78 Opcond evoked cortical R - - - - - PhD Nwest CGHLG.Hewchuk, Eugene - - - - '81 Semantic/phonetic S/Genz (Schubert PhD Rgina CfHLB-bLg_Pair(aural-word,buzz)--S/Genz re both semantic/phonetic sim Hew,E.'81- FRRxx.Hewitt,F.D.Hill - - - - '67. Sensory/acty dep on choice - - - - PSc 7:195 FQRxxOaaL_Daily 24-hr sensory dep-->devel pref sensory exper vs acty Hew,FD'67+ AVR Hewitt,J.K. et al - - - '82 Genetics of ER/AR w/wild O - - - - PAb 22889 DSMxP.Hewitt,T.D.Ettlinger - - '78 Cross-modal perf - - - - - - - - - NPa16:361 DeMxPObym_Show cross-modal (vision-touch) recog, not transfer discrim Hew,TD'78+ DGxxP.Hewitt,T.D.Ettlinger - - '79 Cross-modal perf - - - - - - - - - NPa17:511 DexxPObym_W/monkey/chimp, cross-modal transfer after lo, not hi trng Hew,TD'79+ SAR Heyer,A.W. - - - - - - - '51 Dehydration on acq/retention - - - CPM20:273 ----- ----- DEASO.Heyes,C.M. - - - - - - - '93 Imitation, culture, cognition - - AnB46:999 ZZASOOiZH_Imitation does not require self-consiousness, goal-directn Hey,CM'93- ZZAVXXaZH_Imitation unique: visual imput = fdbk from own beh; - - - - Hey,CM'93- ZZ aZH_ it does not require representation as basis for culture Hey,CM'93- FPXVO Heyes,C.M. - - - - - - - '94 Self-recognition in primates - - - AnB47:909 FPXVOOePH_Self-recog Hey,CM'94- FPXVO.Heyes,C.M. - - - - - - - '95 Self-recognition in primates - - - AnB50:533 FPXVOOePH_Concl: No convincing evidence of self-recog re mirror beh - Hey,CM'95- FPXVO Heyes,C.M. - - - - - - - '96 Self-recognition in primates - - - AnB51:470 FPXVOOePH_Self-recog Hey,CM'96- RRASO.Heyes,C.M.Dawson - - - - '90. Observational lrng w/control - - - QJE42: 59 DGASOOqHz_Imitatn re R-topography w/2-action task (R1-->S or R2-->S) Hey,CM'90+ ZAASA Heyes,C.M.Galef (Eds) - '96 Social lrng in animals - - - - - - Academic FPASAXeHS_Social lrng Hey,CM'96+ OER Heyes,C.M. et al - - - - '93. Observational extn - - - - - - - - ALB21:221 OAR Heyes,C.M. et al - - - - '94. Imitation w/bidirectional control L&M25:276 ----- ----- OD Heyman, Gene M. - - - - '77 Contin matching (Herrnstein/Luce) PhD Harvd FKRDP.Heyman,G.M. - - - - - - "01 Econ anal of alcoholism - - - - - PAb 16615 FQRDPxhEx_W/OpR1-->ALC + OpR2-->food, maint ALC intake w/incr OpR1 FR Hey,GM"01- FQ hEx_W/above sit, decr food intake w/incr OpR2 FR Hey,GM"01- OSP Heyman,G.M.Herrnstein - '86. Concur interval-ratio sched - - - EAB46:331 OKR B Heyman,G.M.Monaghan - - '87. R requirement+dep on matching law JEx13:384 OKREP.Heyman,G.M.Oldfather - - '92 Inelastic pref for ethanol - - - - PSc 3:122 OFREP-gJ3_W/VI-5 sec sched on 2 bars, pref for ALC-sucrose vs sucrose Hey,GM'92+ OF gJ3_Maint above pref w/incr to VI-30 sec sched for ALC vs 5-sec Hey,GM'92+ OMREP.Heyman,G.M.Seiden - - - '85 Amphetamine effect on R rate - - - PPm85:154 OLREPTte2_Lo dose ip d-AMPH incr VI Rate(OpR); hi dose is-f(VI sched) Hey,GM'85+ OL te2_Interp d-AMPH effects on OpR as changed reinforcer efficacy Hey,GM'85+ OAP Heyman,G.M.Tanz - - - - '95. Maximizing reinf rate - - - - - - EAB64:277 ----- ----- DGR Heyman, Marshall N. - - '51 Transfer after 3 trng cond - - - - PhD UIowa IGR Heyman, William - - - - '54 S-inten and S/Genz - - - - - - - - PhD NYU IGRVR Heyman,W. - - - - - - - '57. S inten and S/Genz - - - - - - - - JEx53:239 SARDL.Heyser, Charles J. - - - '93 Prenatal COC on adult lrng - - - - PhD NYBin SNRDxxnd _No effect of prenatal COC on radial maze, decr H2O maze acq Hey,CJ'93- AVSYL.Heyser,C.J. et al - - - '99 Strain diff in discrim avcond - - BNS13: 91 ALSYLSnaC_Strain diff w/discrim ARi incr-f(ISI/ITI) - - - - - - - - - Hey,CJ'993 OVSUP.Heyser,C.J. et al - - - '00 Reversal lrng w/DARPP-323 KO O - - BrR67:122 OLSUPHnbC_Deficit in reversal, not acq of discrim OpR w/DARPP-32 KO O Hey,CJ'00e RTHf .Hick,W.E. - - - - - - - '49 RT for amendment of R - - - - - - QJE 1:175 RPHf -baj_RT(re incr R)=.3-sec to incr in load, less w/incr inertia - Hic,WE'49- IL Hickey, Albert E. - - - '54 Interpolated R on spon rec - - - - PhD Bostn OER-x.Hickey,A.E. - - - - - - '56. Spon-rec after interpolated trng - JEx51:155 OdR-x-bta_Greater spon-rec of R1 if reinf R2 during interval B4 test Hic,AE'56- ODPVP Hickis,C.F. et al - - - '77. Context stim and memory retrieval ALB 5:161 CMHVB.Hickok, Craig W. - - - - '68 Info/facil instruct (Grant) - - - PhD UWisc CLHVB-naL_Decr P(CR) to S+ w/change facil to neutral instruct v/versa Hic,CW'68- CL naL_Incr P(CR) to S- w/change facil to neutral instruct v/versa Hic,CW'68- CMHVB.Hickok,C.W.Grant - - - - '64 Pattern of reinf and info JGn71:279 CLHVB-naL_W/PRF, P(CR) greater if inform of US B4 each trial - - - - Hic,CW'64+ CAH Hickok,C.W. et al - - - '65. Diff CR in vol responders - - - - PSc 3:583 CDH B.Hickok,C.W. et al - - - '67 Reversal of diff-cond - - - - - - JGn76:125 CrH B-tb1_Some evidence that S- reversal more complete than S+ - - - Hic,CW'67e CaH B-aVS_More CR and more diff-CR w/vol responders - - - - - - - - - Hic,CW'67e DAMVO.Hicks, Leslie H. - - - - '54 Number concept - - - - - - - - - - PhD UWisc DRMVO.Hicks,L.H. - - - - - - - '56. Number-concept formation - - - - - JCP49:212 DEMVOOhcH_Acq concept of "threeness" re choose array of 3 of 5 Ss - - Hic,LH'56- DE hcH_Note: Above Ss varied in color/size/shape/spatial display Hic,LH'56- SLRTL.Hicks,L.H. - - - - - - - '64 Overtrng on place/resp reversal - PRp15:459 SsRTLHbaS_No ORE but incr R-lrng vs place-lrng w/overtrng - - - - - - Hic,LH'64- DSM Hicks,L.H. - - - - - - - '67. S rotation on discrim lrng - - - - PSc 9: 57 DSxVP.Hicks,L.H.Hunton - - - - '64. Form/orientation--monkey/child - - PSc 1:411 DExVPObsa_W/child/monkey, form > orientation after compound discrim - Hic,LH'64+ FRRSO.Hicks,R.A. et al - - - - '79 REM sleep dep and aggression - - - PhB22:097 FPRSOObms_Aggressn re attack/kill mouse incr-f(2-4-day REM sleep dep) Hic,RA'79e SARML.Hicks, Vinnie C. - - - - '11 Different curves of lrng - - - - - AnB 1:138 SBRMLHaxA_Concl: Combination time/error data best re lrng curve - - - Hic,VC'11- SVxML.Hicks,V.C.HACarr - - - - '12 Human reactions in a maze - - - - AnB 2: 98 SLxMLxnsC_No correl N/trials to learn w/group intel (rat/child/adult) Hic,VC'12+ RR Hickson, Robert H. - - - '59 P(R) w/varying P(Reinf) - - - - - PhD Ind U SKRTP.Hickson,R.H. - - - - - - '61. P(R) as-f P(reinf) - - - - - - - - JEx62:138 SFRTPHapL_P(choice) = P(reinf) in 2-choice sit - - - - - - - - - - - Hic,RH'61- OR Hienz, Robert D. - - - - '71 Lat(R) during FI reinf - - - - - - PhD U NC DAxA Hienz,R.D.Brady - - - - '88 Vowel discrim by nonhuman primates JAS84:186 OSPIK.Hienz,R.D.Eckerman - - - '74. Lat/Freq(R) w/discrete-trial FI - EAB21:341 OBPIK-aad_Lat(R) to keylite-on decr-f time since reinf on FI - - - - Hie,RD'74+ ODxAP.Hienz,R.D. et al - - - - '80. Auditory inten discrim - - - - - - JCP94:993 OpxAPHaaa_W/blackbird/pigeon, diffcond re incr tone inten - - - - - - Hie,RD'80e RAOEx.Hienz,R.D. et al - - - - '90 Ethanol's effect on RT in baboon - PAb 14195 RMOEx-sEa_Auditory thresh/RT incr-f ALC self-admin, decr w/exposure - Hie,RD'90e IK Hiers, James M. - - - - '68 Persistence of contrast - - - - - PhD USCar OD Higa, Jennifer J. - - - '87 S-class on dimensional contrast - PhD WashS OAP Higa,J.J. - - - - - - - '96. Dynamics of time discrim - - - - - EAB66:117 ORRUC Higa,J.J.McSweeney - - - '85. AuSh leverpress/polydipsia - - - - ALB13:239 OAR Higa,J.J.Pierson - - - - '98. Analysis of nonlocalized effects - EAB70: 35 DSP Higa,J.J. et al - - - - '91. Dynamics of time discrim - - - - - ABP17:281 SAR Higashida,A.Ogawa - - - '88 Spatial strategy w/radial maze - - PAb 25551 CDHVB.Higgins,J.D.Prokasy - - '68. Transition P(reinf) in cond - - - PSc12: 69 CHHVB-hHa_Observe sequential P(CR) w/nonrandom PRF - - - - - - - - - Hig,JD'68+ CH hHa_Sequential P(CR) w/nonrandom PRF not fit w/linear operator Hig,JD'68+ ORH G Higgins, James L. - - - '66 Cond of GSR - - - - - - - - - - - PhD TxTec RSHf .Higgins,J.R.Angel - - - '70. Correction w/out sensory fdbk - - JEx84:412 RPHf -baj_RT to start error correctn shorter than RT to propriocep S Hig,JR'70+ OAh Higgins, Stephen T. - - '83 Social transmit superstition - - - PhD U Kan AZXXX.Higgins,S.T.EKMorris - - '84. Generality to human beh - - - - - PBl96:247 ALXXXXnAY_Attrib diff re human/nonhuman avcond to beh-environ relatn Hig,ST'84+ FAHEO.Higgins,S.T.Stitzer - - '88 Alcohol on speaking in isolation - PPm95:189 FMHEO-ta1_ALC incr monologue speech in isolation, decr nonverbal beh Hig,ST'88+ FAHEO.Higgins,S.T.Stitzer - - '89 D-amphetamine on monologue speech PBB34:609 FMHEO-ta2_d-AMPH incr amt monologue speech emitted - - - - - - - - - Hig,ST'89+ ODHEP.Higgins,S.T. et al - - - '89 D-amphetamine on social reinf - - PBB34:297 OMHEPxta2_d-AMPH incr choice social interaction vs OpR w/money reinf Hig,ST'89e FAHEO.Higgins,S.T. et al - - - '90 Intranasal cocaine on perf - - - - PPm02:451 FMHEO-ta2_COC incr digit-symbol perf, w/no effect on lrng R-seq - - - Hig,ST'90e FRHVO Higginson, Glenn D. - - '25 Apprehension of mvmt - - - - - - - PhD U Ill SARMP.Higginson,G.D. - - - - - '26 Visual perception in white rat - - JEx 9:337 SdRMPHhIH_Trng w/long path B4 door open --> take short path when open Hig,GD'26- SMRML.Higginson,G.D. - - - - - '30 Emotional situations on lrng - - - JC 10: 1 SLRMLHnaa_Acq decr w/"Emotional sit" (eg place near cat) B4 trials - Hig,GD'30- SSRML.Higginson,G.D. - - - - - '30 Perf in rotated maze - - - - - - - JC 10:355 SeRMLHbCs_After trng in absolute darkness, no effect or maze rotation Hig,GD'30- SSHM Higginson,G.D. - - - - - '37 Knowledge of pattern sim - - - - - JEx20:223 SPHM Higginson,G.D. - - - - - '38 Knowledge of pattern sim - - - - - JGn18: 63 AE Highley, Frank S. - - - '71 R/Extn of avoid - - - - - - - - - PhD Syrac ODMUP.Higuchi,Y. - - - - - - - '84 Successive reversal lrng - - - - - PAb 484 OpMUPUabr_Rate of diffcond acq incr-f(N/reversals) - - - - - - - - - Hig,Y.'84- FASEO.Hilakivi,L.A. et al - - '90 Ethanol on stressed swimming - - - PAb 14199 FLSEO-te1_Lo-dose ALC decr stress-induced immobility in swim test - - Hil,LA'90e AAHAW.Hilden,A.H. - - - - - - '37 Action current study of w/drawal - PMg49:173 ALHAW-naa_Meas muscle-pot ARc against inhib instruct w/out aware - - Hil,AH'37- ----- ----- CAHVB.Hilgard, Ernest R. - - - '30 CR based on resp to sound (Dodge) PhD Yale CAHVB.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '31. CR based on reflex to sound - - - PMg41: 1 CAHVB-aVr_Pair(lite,noise)--5/8 O give CR, all w/in vol RT range - - Hil,ER'31- CAHVB-acA_Pair(lite,noise)--5/8 O give CR, all w/in vol RT range - - Hil,ER'31- USHxB.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '33. Reinf/inhib of eyelid R - - - - - JGn 8: 85 RPHxBObar_UR w/sound US incr-decr-f delay after lite US - - - - - - - Hil,ER'33- CRH1B.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '33 Modification of UR and CR - - - - JGn 9:210 CPH1B-blr_Amp(CR) incr-decr-f(N/Pair(lite,sound)) - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'33- CPH1B-bMs_Amp(UR) to lite S decr-f(N/Pair(lite,sound)) - - - - - - - Hil,ER'33- RPHxB-bar_Lite 100/200-msec B4 sound inhib UR; facil if simult - - - Hil,ER'33- YYHOO.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '34 Savings as meas of retention - - - AmJ46:337 YCHOO-zzV_Should exclude test trials in computing savings score - - - Hil,ER'34- CAHVB.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '34 Reply to Dr Cason - - - - - - - - JEx17:899 CAHVB-aVr_Disting cond/vol resp re Lat(R) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'34- CAXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '36. Nature of CR i - - - - - - - - - - PRv43:366 CAXXX-aZA_Diff of CR/UR, extn, no simult cond disprove S-substitution Hil,ER'36- CZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '36 Alternatives to S substitution - - PRv43:547 ZZXXX-cXc_Reject assn, teleology, physiology for math laws - - - - - Hil,ER'36- ZZXXX Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '36 Convergent trends in psych - - - - PBl33:146 ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '37. Relationship of CR to lrng - - - - PBl34: 61 ZZXXX-ZXc_Disting 2 classes of cond re sim of CR/UR + instr role of R Hil,ER'37- CDHXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '38. Algebraic anal of diff-classcond - PRv45:472 CpHXX-aaz_Diff-CR = Summation of pos/neg cond/vol tendencies + genz - Hil,ER'38- ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '39. The conditioned reflex - - - - - - RPh 1:471 ZZXXXXcXT_Review anatomical locus and neurophysiol th of cond - - - - Hil,ER'39- ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '48. Theories of learning - - - - - - - A-C-C ZZXXX-ZZT_Theories of lrng Hil,ER'48- XZXXX Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '51 Methods/proc in lrng (Stevens) - - Wiley DZ Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '51 Lrng in perception (Blake) - - - - Ronald ZZ Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '55. Probabilistic functionalism - - - PRv62:226 ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '56. Theories of learning (2nd ed) - - A-C-C ZZXXX-ZZT_Theories of lrng (2nd ed) Hil,ER'56- ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '58 Intervening variables/hypo constr AmJ71:238 ZZXXXXZXc_Intervening var/hypothetical constructs - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'58- YXhXL Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '60 Lrng theory--Application (Schramm) Stanford ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '63 Motiv in lrng theory (Koch) - - - McG-Hill ZZXXXXMXc_Motiv in lrng th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'63- ZZhXL Hilgard,E.R. (Ed) - - - '64. Theories of lrng and instruction - U Chicago ZZ Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '64 Place of Gestalt psych (Hilgard) - U Chicago ZM Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '64 Motiv relevance of hypnosis - - - U Nebr ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '67. Classcond + instrucond (Lindsley) U Cal ZZXXXXZXT_Anal of 1-proc vs 2-proc th of classcond/instrucond - - - - Hil,ER'67- ZZXXXXZXT_Incl cog (decision) th w/fdbk prin as alternative Hil,ER'67- ZZXXXXZXT_Consider content (nature of beh) as well as process (lrng) Hil,ER'67- ZZHXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '80 Consciousness in contemp psych - - PRv31: 1 ZZHXXXaZH_Anal of return of consciousness to psych incl whether Hil,ER'80- ZZ aZH_ mind-body problem solved heuristically/metaphyhsically - Hil,ER'80- ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '91. Psych at Iowa B4 Spence (Cantor) - LEA ZZXXXXZZA_Iowa history re C.E.Seashore, G.D.Stoddard, J.McGeoch - - - Hil,ER'91- CUHAW.Hilgard,E.R.Allen - - - '38 Classcond w/motor point stim US - JGn18:203 CEHAW-aeu_Finger CR w/shock to fingertip, not to motorpoint on arm - Hil,ER'38+ CAHVB.Hilgard,E.R.Biel - - - - '37. Sensitizatn w/near simult interval JGn16:223 CAHVB-aiB_Little classcond w/intervals less than 1 sec - - - - - - - Hil,ER'37+ CPHVB-bMs_Reflex blink to lite decr by near-simult Pair(lite,puff) - Hil,ER'37+ ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R.Bower - - - '66. Theories of learning (3rd ed) - - A-C-C ZZXXX-ZZT_Theories of lrng (3rd ed) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'66+ ZZ ZZT_Influence of classic theories, new devel + tech of instruct Hil,ER'66+ ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R.Bower - - - '75. Theories of learning (4th ed) - - Pren-Hall ZZXXX-ZZT_Theories of lrng (4th ed) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'75- CAHVB.Hilgard,E.R.Campbell - - '36 Acq/retention of classcond - - - - JEx19:227 CPHVB-blr_Amp(CR) incr-S-shaped-f N/Pair(lite,puff) - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'36+ CPHVB-bar_Blink CR bilateral - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'36+ CCHVB-ata_Little decr in CR over 20 weeks retention interval - - - - Hil,ER'36+ CAHVB-ana_P(CR) incr-S-shaped-f N/Pair(lite,puff) - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'36+ CVHVB.Hilgard,E.R.Campbell - - '37. Vincent curves of cond - - - - - - JEx21:310 CLHVB-nAv_Vincent curves (P(CR) re %-tr-to-crit) for fast = slow O - Hil,ER'37+ RA Hilgard,E.R.Cook - - - - '49 Distrib practice in motor lrng - - JEx39:169 RV Hilgard,E.R.Dore - - - - '37 Spaced practice and maturation - - Psy 4:245 ZV Hilgard,E.R.Dore - - - - '38 2 proc of mental growth - - - - - JEx23:359 YMHSX Hilgard,E.R.Hilgard - - '64 Teacher role in motiv (Hilgard) - U Chicago CMHVB.Hilgard,E.R.Humphreys - '38. Vol instructions on diff-classcond JEx22:291 CLHVB-naL_Cond even w/vol restraint, but CR modified by induced set - Hil,ER'38+ CIHVB.Hilgard,E.R.Humphreys - '38. Retention of cond discrim - - - - JGn19:111 CcHVB-btD_Retain diff-CR 4-19 mo after acq/extn w/out verbal recall - Hil,ER'38+ CADVB.Hilgard,E.R.Marquis - - '35. Acq/extn/retention of CR - - - - - JC 19: 29 CADVB-acA_Incr P(CR), incr Amp(CR), + decr Lat(CR) w/Pair(lite,puff) Hil,ER'35+ CCDVB-ata_CR retained as long as 3 mo w/rapid recond after long time Hil,ER'35+ CEMVB.Hilgard,E.R.Marquis - - '36. Cond eyelid resp - - - - - - - - - PMg47:186 CaMVB-bba_Little decr in CR over protracted extn - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'36+ ZZXXX.Hilgard,E.R.Marquis - - '40. Conditioning and learning - - - - A-C-C ZZXXXXZZT_Conditioning and lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'40+ RM Hilgard,E.R.Sait - - - - '41 Past perf and aspiration - - - - - AmJ54:102 RA Hilgard,E.R.Smith - - - '42 Distrib practice on motor lrng - - JEx30:136 ZV Hilgard,E.R.Tart - - - - '66 Responsiveness to suggestions - - JAb71:196 VS Hilgard,E.R.Unemoto - - '61 PA lrng as-f(sim) - - - - - - - - JEx62: 97 CAHVB.Hilgard,E.R. et al - - - '37. Diff-cond w/w/out verbal report - AmJ49:564 CAHVB-aVr_Verbal report re contin not nec for, but correl w/diff-cond Hil,ER'37e CDHVB.Hilgard,E.R. et al - - - '38. Knowledge of S relationships - - - AmJ51'498 ClHVB-nmL_Diff-classcond facil by instructions re S relationships - - Hil,ER'38e CRHAP.Hilgard,E.R. et al - - - '41. Pupillary cond w/near threshold CS JEx29: 89 CPHAP-bYp_No constriction/dilation CR obtained w/near threshold CS - Hil,ER'41e CRHAP.Hilgard,E.R. et al - - - '49 Attempted pupillary cond and ISI - JEx39:683 CPHAP-bYp_Pair(buzz,lite)--Some CR w/3/6-sec ISI, not shorter/longer Hil,ER'49e CVHVB.Hilgard,E.R. et al - - - '51 Anxiety and diff-classcond - - - - JEx42: 94 ClHVB-mmx_Diffcond w/hi < lo anxious O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,ER'51e DA Hilgard,E.R. et al - - - '53 Memorization and transfer - - - - JEx46:282 DA Hilgard,E.R. et al - - - '54 Errors in transfer/understanding - JEx47:457 ----- ----- CI Hill, Chester J. - - - - '41 Retroactive inhib w/CR (Hovland) - PhD Yale SARML.Hill,C.J. - - - - - - - '39. Compound T+E lrng - - - - - - - - JEx25:566 SPRMLHbqs_W/4 4-choice units, bi-directional incr-decr error gradient Hil,CJ'39- OERUP.Hill,C.J.Calvin - - - - '39. Joint extn of 2 simple R - - - - - JC 27:215 ObRUPHbna_After N/reinf OpR1 > OpR2, N/OpR1 in concur extn > N/OpR2 - Hil,CJ'39+ Ob bna_Re above, N/OpR1 in separate extn = N/OpR1 in concur extn Hil,CJ'39+ SLMUL.Hill, Charles W. - - - - '66 Lrng of directional mvmt - - - - - AnB14:320 SsMULObaR_Fail to acq position reversal lrng set - - - - - - - - - - Hil,CW'66- DLMVL.Hill,C.W. - - - - - - - '67 Concur conditional discrim reverse AnB15: 67 DbMVLOaaX_Acq conditional-cue discrim lrng set - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,CW'67- SRR+L.Hill,C.W.Thune - - - - - '52. Place/resp lrng - - - - - - - - - JEx43:289 SPR+LHboc_R-lrng w/homogeneous environ < place lrng w/extra-maze cues Hil,CW'52+ CMHAG.Hill, Frances A. - - - - '65 Instructions on cond GSR (Wickens) PhD OhioS CMHAG.Hill,F.A. - - - - - - - '67. Instructions in GSR cond - - - - - JEx73:461 CLHAG-naL_Greater Mag(CR) w/facil instruct - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,FA'67- CLHAG-nAw_Greater Mag(CR) w/hi need for approval - - - - - - - - - - Hil,FA'67- CDH G.Hill,F.A. - - - - - - - '69. US predictability in cond - - - - PSc17:195 CpH G-afu_Lower Mag(CR) w/PRF if US occurrence predictable - - - - - Hil,FA'69- OAREP.Hill,H.E. et al - - - - '59 Morphine on bar-press rate - - - - PAb 3953 OLREPHte2_MORPH decr rate OpR and elim CER w/Pair(tone,shock) - - - - Hil,HE'59e RAHEO.Hill,J.C.Toffolon - - - '90 Alcohol on sensory functions - - - PAb 19268 FQHEO-gV3_ALC decr visual field/accomodation, not acuity/color - - - Hil,JC'90+ ODP Hill, Rachel T. - - - - '70 BO on beh contrast - - - - - - - - PhD Ind U FRRGC Hill, Robert E. - - - - '71 Eating w/flavor signalling dep - - PhD Ind U FAREC.Hill,S.Y. - - - - - - - '78 Addiction liability w/MORPH/ALC - PBB 9:107 FQREC-gb3_Intake w/MORPH, Tryon strains S3 > S1; w/ALC, S1 > S3 - - - Hil,SY'78- RAREO.Hill,S.Y.Reyes - - - - - '78 Ethanol on sleep parameters - - - PPm58:229 FQREO-gV3_ALC decr REM, incr slow-wave sleep - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,SY'78+ ----- ----- FMRxA.Hill, Winfred F. - - - - '54 Acty as autonomous drive - - - - - PhD Stnfd FMRxA.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '56. Acty as autonomous drive - - - - - JCP49: 15 FPRxAObEa_Field/wheel acty incr-f(acty dep), field > wheel - - - - - Hil,WF'56- ZM Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '57. Comment on Taylor drive theory - - PBl54:490 FMRCA.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '58. Confinement on acty - - - - - - - JCP51:570 FPRCAObEa_2-day confinement --> temporary incr in acty - - - - - - - Hil,WF'58- FMRWA.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '58. Long confinement on vol running - JCP51:770 FPRWAObEa_Wheel acty decr by long acty dep w/confinement - - - - - - Hil,WF'58- ZM Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '60. Lrng theory--Acq of values - - - - PRv67:317 SMRTP.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '61. Acty dep on acty incentive choice JCP54: 78 SERTPOasa_W/out H2O/food dep, pref maze > box w/w/out acty dep - - - Hil,WF'61- FRRWA.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '61 Attempt to canalize acty drive - - PRp 8: 86 FPRWAObBa_Fail to cnalize acty to wheel-run vs alternative forms - - Hil,WF'61- ZZXXX.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '63. Learning--Psych interpretations - Chandler ZZXXX-ZZT_Short intro to old and new theories of lrng - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'63- YZhXL Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '64 Devel in S-R theory (Hilgard) - - U Chicago ZKXXX Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '68. Sources of evaluative reinf - - - PBl69:132 ZMXXX Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '68. Clarification--Frustration theory PRv75:173 ZZXXX.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '71. Learning--Psych interp (2nd ed) - Chandler ZZXXX-ZZT_Short intro to old and new theories of lrng - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'71- ZZXXX.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '77. Learning--Psych interp (3rd ed) - Crowel ZZXXX-ZZT_Short intro to old and new theories of lrng - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'77- DSAXX Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '78. Exposure on pref - - - - - - - - - PBl85:177 ZZXXX.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '85. Learning--Psych interp (4th ed) - HarperRow ZZXXX-ZZT_Issues of long-term learning/motivation - - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'85- ZZXXX.Hill,W.F. - - - - - - - '90. Learning--Psych interp (5th ed) - HarperRow ZZXXX-ZZT_Survey of connectionist/cognitive approaches to learning - Hil,WF'90- IERAR.Hill,W.F.Spear - - - - - '62. R/Extn and trial spacing - - - - - JEx64:636 IbRARHbki_R/Extn incr-f(Amt(Reinf in acq) + extn ITI w/no interaction Hil,WF'62+ SKRTL.Hill,W.F.Spear - - - - - '63. Choice between Mag(reinf) - - - - JCP56:723 SqRTLHaaa_Acq decr-f(Amt(Reinf)) for wrong R vs large reinf - - - - - Hil,WF'63+ SLRTL.Hill,W.F.Spear - - - - - '63. Overlrng and reversal - - - - - - JEx65:317 SsRTLHbaT_Overtrng decr reversal lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'63+ IERAR.Hill,W.F.Spear - - - - - '63. Extn as-f(acq level) and % reinf - JEx65:495 IbRARHbna_Speed(IR) in extn incr-f(8/16/32/64/128 massed trng tr) - - Hil,WF'63+ IKRAR.Hill,W.F.Wallace - - - - '67. Percent + Mag(reinf) - - - - - - - JEx73:544 IERARHaIa_Re Speed(IR), no interaction Amt(Reinf) w/CRF/PRF - - - - - Hil,WF'67+ IERAR.Hill,W.F.Wallace - - - - '67. Mag(reinf) + N/trials on extn - - PSc 7:267 IbRARHbna_R/Extn monotonic incr-f(8-128 N/trng tr) - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'67+ IbRARHbki_R/Extn monotonic incr-f(1-8 N/pellets reinf) Hil,WF'67+ IbRARHbbz_No interaction N/trng-tr w/Amt(Reinf) in R/Extn Hil,WF'67+ SKRTL.Hill,W.F. et al - - - - '62. Mag/percent(reinf) on acq/extn - - JEx64: 81 SERTLHaMK_Acq w/large > small reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'62e SBRTLHaae_Acq w/noncorrection > correction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'62e SERTLHafa_Acq w/CRF > 50% PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'62e SsRTKGbaS_Reversal w/large > small reinf after CRF/PRF trng - - - - - Hil,WF'62e Ss baS_Reversal after CRF > PRF trng, esp w/correction - - - - - - Hil,WF'62e SLRTL.Hill,W.F. et al - - - - '62. Overtrng proc on reversal - - - - JEx64:533 SsRTLHbaT_No ORE w/different patterns of overtrng - - - - - - - - - - Hil,WF'62e SARTP.Hill,W.F. et al - - - - '63. Reinf/nonreinf incorrect trials - JCP56:489 SeRTPHbef_Pref not-f(diff in N/reinf forced tr to both sides) - - - - Hil,WF'63e IARAR.Hill,W.F. et al - - - - '65. Reminiscence/forgetting in runway JEx70:201 IBRARHanw_Speed(IR) decr w/in-day, incr on 1st tr of next day - - - - Hil,WF'65e IB anw_Above reminiscence only w/massed CRF trng Hil,WF'65e SART Hill,W.F. et al - - - - '69. Retention after PRF/CRF - - - - - JEx79:584 ----- ----- FAQ Hillard,S. et al - - - - '98. Appetite - consumatory dissoc - - ALB26: 20 RAREH.Hillborn,M.vnBoguslawsky '78 Ethanol on cardiac function - - - PBB 8:109 FQREH-gV3_ALC incr HR for longer duration w/ALC-accepting O - - - - - Hil,M.'78+ ORPCP.Hiller, George W. - - - '87 Stereotypy w/spatial OpR (JRPlatt) PhD MMast OPPCPHbar_W/72-OpR continuum, vary OpR over continuum w/CRF/VR sched Hil,GW'87- OP bar_W/above VR sched, greater shift in location after nonreinf Hil,GW'87- OP bar_Note: O can acq OpR at specific location w/target reinf Hil,GW'87- CAQVA.Hilliard,S.Domjan - - - '95. Devaluing US through satiation - - QJE48: 84 CLQVA-mma_Decr (male) cond approach S re copulation w/sex satiation - Hil,S.'95+ FA Hillix, William A. - - - '58 Intake as-f(dep/taste) - - - - - - PhD U Mo EAR Hillix,W.A.Denny - - - - '86. Lrng by escape and spon altern - - BPS24: 69 DKH Hillix,W.A.Marx - - - - '60. Info/effect in human lrng - - - - JEx60: 97 DS Hillix,W.A. et al - - - '56 Sim patterns in hypo - - - - - - - JGn54: 39 SMRML.Hillman,B. et al - - - - '53. Drive level on maze perf - - - - - JCP46: 87 SLRMLTmma_Speed but not errors incr-f(dep) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hil,B.'53e CSR1e.Hilp,H.A. - - - - - - - '84 CS/US preexposure in classcond - - PhD UCRiv CGR1e-bac_W/lite S, acq decr by S-alone pre-expose - - - - - - - - - Hil,HA'84- CG bac_Above also w/Mix w/US-alone or w/signalled US Hil,HA'84- CG bac_W/noise S, acq not-f S-alone pre-expose or Mix w/signal US Hil,HA'84- CERAe.Hilton, Anthony - - - - '68 PRF on CER - - - - - - - - - - - - PhD MMast CERAe.Hilton,A. - - - - - - - '69. PRF on CER - - - - - - - - - - - - JCP69:253 CcRAe-bpp_PREE eliminated by large block of reinf trials early - - - Hil,A.'69- Cc bpp_No PREE from large block of nonreinf trials in CRF sched Hil,A.'69- OMREP.Hiltunen,A.J. et al - - '89 THC on DRL perf - - - - - - - - - NPh28:183 OLREP-te2_Lo-dose THC incr, hi-dose decr OpR w/DRL reinf sched - - - Hil,AJ'89e ODREx.Hiltunen,A.J. et al - - '89 Ethanol on rebreathed air - - - - PAb 35824 OFREx-gS3_Correl disc-S effect w/injected ALC w/ALC in rebreathed air Hil,AJ'89e CSHVG.Hinchy,J. et al - - - - '95. Blocking in electrodermal cond - - QJE48: 2 CEHVG-bso_Pair(S1,US) block acq re added S2 re CR/expectancy - - - - Hin,J.'95e ZZXXX.Hinde, Robert A. - - - - '59 Recent trends in ethology (Koch) - McG-Hill ZZXXXXZXc_Trends in ethology - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hin,RA'59- ZMXXX.Hinde,R.A. - - - - - - - '60. Energy models of motiv - - - - - - SEB14: 1 ZZXXXXMXc_Questions need for motiv as source of energy for beh - - - Hin,RA'60- ZZ MXc_Organism always doing something, w/P(R) mod by int/ext Ss Hin,RA'60- RZAXX.Hinde,R.A. - - - - - - - '69 Control of mvmt patterns - - - - - QJE21:105 RPAXXXpdF_Anal of control of mvmt patterns in animals - - - - - - - - Hin,RA'69- RP pdF_Above differ in role (if any) of peripheral fdbk Hin,RA'69- FZXXX Hinde,R.A. - - - - - - - '70 Animal behaviour - - - - - - - - - McG-Hill ZZXXX.Hinde,R.Stevenson (Eds)- '73 Constraints on learning - - - - - Academic ZZXXXXCZA_Constraints on lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hin,RA'73+ ZVAXX Hinde,R.A.Tinbergen - - '58 Species-specific beh (Roe) - - - - Yale EAr Hinderliter,C.F. et al - '78. Escape from cold - - - - - - - - - BPS12:437 RAHEx.Hindmarch,I. et al - - - '91 Alcohol on psychomotor perf - - - PAb 26869 RLHEx-Dpa_Concl ALC has neg effect on psychomotor perf, < other drugs Hin,I.'91e CSR x Hine, Arthur B. - - - - '72 ECS on skeletal/HR CR - - - - - - PhD Purdu ----- ----- AA Hineline, Philip N. - - '67 Warm-up effect (Herrnstein) - - - PhD Harvd EK Hineline,P.N. - - - - - '70. Neg reinf w/out shock reduction - EAB14:259 FJRCP.Hineline,P.N. - - - - - '72 Avoid session as aversive event - Sc 76:430 FPRCPxaCF_Pattern of OpR re food intake disrupted w/daily avoid sessn Hin,PN'72- AK Hineline,P.N. - - - - - '77. Neg reinf and avoid (Honig) - - - P-Hall AARCJ.Hineline,P.N.Alloy - - - '78. Warm-up in shuttle ARo - - - - - - BPS12:447 ABRCJScoA_Rapid acq shuttle ARo, w/daily warm-up - - - - - - - - - - Hin,PN'78+ ARRCx.Hineline,P.N.Harrison - '78. Lever-biting as ARo - - - - - - - BPS11:223 APRCxSbax_ARo perf w/lever-press > lever-bite, w/little acq w/latter Hin,PN'78+ AR Hineline,P.N.Herrnstein- '70. Timing in avoid - - - - - - - - - EAB13:113 ERP Hineline,P.N.Rachlin - - '69. FR/FI escape - - - - - - - - - - - EAB12:397 AAP K Hineline,P.N.Rachlin - - '69. Escape/avoid of shock - - - - - - EAB12:533 ----- ----- FRRGC.Hindeliter,C.F.Misanin - '88 Odor/taste as-f(age) - - - - - - - BNB49:112 FDRGC-csC_Odor facil CTA w/young/aged O; compete w/taste w/adult - - Hin,CF'88+ FAREC.Hines,G. - - - - - - - - '90 Lithium of adjunctive alcohol - - PAb 14200 FQREC-gf3_Adjunctive ALC w/FT 90-m shock if LiCl in drinking H2O - - Hin,G.'90- CA Hinrichs, Grace B. - - - '63 All-or-none vs incremental lrng - PhD UMinn OSPIK.Hinrichs,J.V. - - - - - '68. Disinhib/delay in FI instrucond - PSc12:313 OePIK-bsh_Change key color on discrete trial FI elim scallop - - - - Hin,JV'68- RAHEO.Hinrichsen,J.J. et al - '74 State-dependent lrng w/alcohol - - PBB 2:293 CAHEO-gx3_Asymmetrical state-dep lrng w/hi-dose ALC w/verbal>motor/HR Hin,JJ'74e ----- ----- ODHCP Hinson, John M. - - - - '81 Maximizing as basis for choice - - PhD Duke ODPVP Hinson,J.M. - - - - - - '88. Mes of dimensional contrast - - - EAB50:249 DSPV Hinson,J.M.Cannon - - - '99. S-spacing and contrast - - - - - - ALB27:472 ODPVP Hinson,J.M.Higa - - - - '88. Massed/spaced S sequences - - - - BPr17:239 DSP Hinson,J.M.Lockhead - - '86. Range effects in discrim - - - - - ABP12:270 ODHCP.Hinson,J.M.Lockhead - - '87 Momemtary/global maximizing - - - BPr14: 21 OpHCPOaRc_W/3 concur VI sched, maximize re hi momentary P(reinf) - - Hin,JM'87+ OKPUP Hinson,J.M.Staddon - - - '83. Matching/maximizing, hill-climbing EAB40:321 DZX Hinson,J.M.Tennison - - '97. Model of dimensional contrast - - ABP23:295 DSP Hinson,J.M.Tennison - - '98. Range effects in choice procedures ALB26: 60 DSP Hinson,J.M.Tennison - - '99. W/in session anal of discrim - - - EAB72:385 DSP Hinson,J.M. et al - - - '99. Orthological variation&attention - ALB27:181 ----- ----- CUBCB.Hinson, Riley E. - - - - '80 Assn w/US pre-exposure (Siegel) - PhD McMst CUBCB.Hinson,R.E. - - - - - - '82. US pre-exposure and contextual S - ABP 8: 49 CGBCB-bCu_US pre-expose decr later excit cond, less if diff context - Hin,RE'82- CG bCu_US pre-expose facil later inhib cond in same context Hin,RE'82- CGBCB-bau_Less US-preexposure effect if expose to context B4/after US Hin,RE'80- CGBCB-baZ_Interp: US pre-expose effect due to context-US assn - - - - Hin,RE'82- CA E Hinson,R.E.Poulos - - - '81 Sensitization to cocaine - - - - - PBB15:559 CAB B Hinson,R.E.SSiegel - - - '80. Tracond as inhib proc - - - - - - ALB 8: 60 YCRdO Hinson,R.E.SSiegel - - - '83 Antic hyperexcit/tolerance w/morph BNS97:759 CIR Hinson,R.E.SSiegel - - - '86. Inhib cond and tolerance - - - - - ABP12:363 CRRDO.Hinson,R.E. et al - - - '83 Lrng tolerance to haloperidol - - PAb B5208 CARDO-hb3_Haloperidol tolerance cond to drug context vs saline contxt Hin,RE'83e FAREC.Hinson,R.E. et al - - - '86 Cond and addictive beh - - - - - - BNs00:368 FQREC-gt3_sc MORPH incr analgesic tolerance, incr intake in context - Hin,RE'86e CAREP.Hinson,R.E. et al - - - '92 Place avoid cond w/d-amphetamine - PAb 8385 CAREP-ho3_Avoid place assoc w/d-AMPH injection - - - - - - - - - - - Hin,RE'92e ----- ----- YYHfL.Hintzman,D.L. - - - - - '67 Articulatory coding in STM - - - - VLB 6:312 YCHfL-zzV_Errors in STM based on articulatory features of visual S - Hin,DL'67- ZZXXX.Hintzman,D.L. - - - - - '78. Psych lrng/memory - - - - - - - - Freeman ZZXXX-ZZT_Animal cond/human memory w/history/phil/evolutionary issues Hin,DL'78- DER J.Hirai,H. - - - - - - - - '58 R fixation - - - - - - - - - - - - PAb 1291 DBR J acD_R-fixation incr-f N/inconsistent reinf/pun in trng - - - - Hir,H.'58- ARCAB.Hirano,T. et al - - - - '87 Short latency CR w/lengthened ISI BrR00:171 APCAB-bta_Diffcond Lat(CR) w/long ISI shorter than w/short ISI - - - Hir,T.'87e ORR P Hiraoka,K. - - - - - - - '84. Discrete-tr probability lrng - - - ALB12:343 RPNOO.Hirata,S. et al - - - - '98 Use of leaf cushions to sit on - - AJP44:215 RPNOOObtH_Chimps collect/arrange leaves to make cushion re sit on wet Hir,S.'98e DLcVL Hirayoshi,I.JMWarren - - '67. Overtrng on reversal lrng - - - - JCP64:507 DRPV Hirota, Theodore T. - - '68 ObR as conflict reduction - - - - PhD Trnto OR Hirota,T.T. - - - - - - '72. Reappraisal of observing R - - - - EAB18:263 ORP Hirota,T.T. - - - - - - '74. Observing beh w/mixed/mult sched - EAB21:259 ODPVP.Hirota,T.T. et al - - - '73. Chroma on S and attn - - - - - - - ALB 1:102 OePVPHbAd_Post-diffcond S/Genz re line tilt not-f color vs black line Hir,TT'73e AA Hiroto, Donald S. - - - '74. Lrnd helplessness/locus of control JEx02:187 AAHXX Hiroto,D.S.Seligman - - '75 Generality of lrnd helplessness - JPS31:311 FAGCC Hirsch, Edward S. - - - '72 Food/H2O intake - - - - - - - - - PhD Rutgr FMG C Hirsch,E. - - - - - - - '73 Intake/patterns of feeding - - - - PhB11:687 ZZXXX.Hirsch,E.Collier - - - - '74. Ecological determinants of reinf - PhB12:239 FBGCCHaaJ_N/meals not-f, w/Rate(OpR) decr-f(Amt(Reinf)) in free beh - Hir,E.'74+ FBgCCHaaJ_Maint growth w/incr meal size w/N/meals decr-f(FR) - - - - Hir,E.'74e FAGCC.Hirsch,E.Collier - - - - '74. Effort as determinant of drinking PhB12:647 FBGCCTaaJ_N/drinking bouts, intake/bout incr-f(FR) in free beh sit - Hir,E.'73+ FB aaJ_Re above, daily H2O intake decr-f(FR) Hir,E.'73+ ORHLL.Hirsch, Jerome E. - - - '55 Lrng w/out awareness (Postman) - - PhD UCBer OEHLL.Hirsch,J. - - - - - - - '57. Lrng w/out awareness and extn - - JEx54:218 OdHLL-bpb_R/Extn of verbal cond after CRF > PRF - - - - - - - - - - - Hir,J.'57- CAFxO.Hirsch,J.McCauley - - - '77 Breeding for classcond in blowfly AnB25:784 CLFxO-nAY_Evidence of classcond proboscis extension in blowfly - - - Hir,J.'77+ DS Hirsh, Ira J. - - - - - '48 Interaural summation (SSStevens) - PhD Harvd FARSC.Hishimura,Y. - - - - - - "00 Poisoned-partner effect - - - - - BPr50: 95 FDRSCOcaA_Expose w/poisoned O decr sacc intake w/w/out sacc B4 expose His,Y."00- FARSC.Hishimura,Y. - - - - - - "00 Aversion w/exposure to conspecific PAb 598 FDRSCOcaA_Pair(flavor1.fl2,LiCl) then expose to poisoned conspecific, His,Y."00- FD caA_ greater CTA re flavor paired w/LiCl to conspecific O - - His,Y."00- OGPVP.Hiss,R.H.Thomas - - - - '63. Test proc on meas of genz - - - - JEx65:587 OePVPHbea_W/discrim operant, S/Genz re wavelength w/in-O = between-O His,RH'63+ YCRAE Hitchcock,J.M.Davis - - '87 Amygdala lesion on cond startle - PhB39:403 DVxVL.Hitchcock,L. et al - - - '63 Discrim lrng--squirrel vs raccoon PMS16:405 DExVLHbea_Squirrel = raccoon w/rotation > sidedness > asymmetry cues Hit,L.'63e SpFxL Hitt,J.C.Gerall - - - - '66. Isolation on simple/complex lrng - PSc 4:179 CUP1e.Hittesdorf, William M. - '80 Aversive 2nd-order cond - - - - - PhD ColoS CUP1e.Hittesdorf,W.M.Richards '78 Aversive 2nd-order cond - - - - - PRc28:605 CCP1e-aaH_Pair(S1,shock)--CER w/Pair(S2,S1) on baseline - - - - - - - Hit,WM'78+ CEPVe.Hittesdorf,M.M.Richards '82 Aversive 2nd-order cond - - - - - CJP36:462 CaPVeHbba_After 2nd-order cond, extn re CS1 decr CER re CS2 - - - - - Hit,M.'82+ Ca bba_Note: CER re CS2 not decr w/truly-random CS1/shock Hit,M.'82+ OAPUP.Hitzing,E.W.Safar - - - '70 Devel/maint of AuSh - - - - - - - PRc20:347 OAPUPHaIs_Concl pairing lite-reinf nec for maint AuSh OpR - - - - - - Hit,EW'70+ CRREO.Hjeresen,D.L. et al - - '86 Tolerance to hypothermia w/alcohol PPm89: 45 CAREO-he3_No cond tolerance w/ALC US if prevent hypothermia UR w/heat Hje,DL'86e ORHfH.Hnatiow,M.Lang - - - - - '65 Lrnd stabilization of HR - - - - - PPh 1:330 OPHfH-bYv_Opcond decr HR-variability w/biofdbk, no persist w/out fdbk Hna,M.'65+ CRSEC.Ho,A. et al - - - - - - '89 Manip of alcohol pref w/poisoning PAb 11237 CASEC-hi3_W/C57s, elim ALC pref w/(ALC--poison), incr w/(H2O--poison) Ho.,A.'89e FASEC.Ho,A. et al - - - - - - '90 Early experience on alcohol intake PAb 11814 FQSEC-gx3_Early post-weaning exposure to ALC choice incr adult intake Ho.,A.'90e RAHf .Ho,L.Shea - - - - - - - '78 Rel freq of KR on retention - - - PMS46:859 RBHf -abz_Retention as-f rel freq of KR contrary to closed-loop th - Ho.,L.'78+ FYHEC.Ho,R. - - - - - - - - - '91 Motiv for maint smoking beh - - - PAb 21004 FQHEC-gx3_Motiv for maint smoking beh: Addiction/habit and pleasure - Ho.,R.'91- SLRML Ho,Y.H. - - - - - - - - '28 Transfer and degree of integration JC 8: 87 FR Hoagland, H. - - - - - - '27 Mech of an instinct - - - - - - - PhD Harvd RAHOO.Hoagland,H. - - - - - - '36. Judgments of duration - - - - - - JGn 9:267 RBHOO axa_Short(1-min) time estimatn decr-f(body temp) re chem clock Hoa,H.'36- CRRGC Hobbs,S.H.Elkins - - - - '76 Baitshyness w/olfactory-bulb lesn PhP 4:391 OVRUP.Hobbs,S.H.Elkins - - - - '83. OpR perf w/strong/weak CTA strains BPS21:383 OLRUPHnbC_Init OpR acq w/hi >lo-CTA strain, but no perf diff w/FR/DRL Hob,SH'83+ CRRGC Hobbs,S.H.Elkins - - - - '85 Devel CTA after anesthesia - - - - PhP13: 37 CRTGC Hobbs,S.H. et al - - - - '76 CTA in normal/bulbectomized O - - PhB17:235 SVRRP.Hobbs,S.H. et al - - - - '93. Radial maze lrng w/diff strains - BPS31:171 SLRRPHnbC_No diff in radial-maze perf w/strains bred re CTA - - - - - Hob,SH'93e CA Hobkirk, Janice S. - - - '57 Acq of fear (WAShaw) - - - - - - - PhD UPenn CA G Hobson, Gordon N. - - - '65 Ethanol/adaptation on cond - - - - PhD Albta CAHEB.Hobson,G.N. - - - - - - '67 Ethanol and cond - - - - - - - - - PAb 6851 CMHEB-ta1_ALC decr CR acq - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'67- CXHAB.Hobson,G.N. - - - - - - '68. Anxiety on US adapt - - - - - - - JEx76:360 CLHAB-nAX_Anxiety + US adapt independent and signif - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- CGHAB-bau_Anxiety + US adapt independent and signif - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- CLHAB-mmx_Anxiety + US adapt independent and signif - - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- CLHAB-ngC_No sex diff in classcond w/hi + lo anxious O - - - - - - - Hob,GN'68- CUHAB.Hobson,G.N. - - - - - - '69. US adapt on classcond - - - - - - JEx80:386 CGHAB-bau_Limit of adapt effect after about 70 US-alone trials - - - Hob,GN'69- CLHAB-nAX_US-adapt effect equal w/hi and lo anxious O - - - - - - - - Hob,GN'69- ORPCP Hobson, Sally L. - - - - '70 Discrim of FR sched - - - - - - - PhD Clmba ZM Hoch,P.H.Zubin (Eds) - - '50 Anxiety - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grune & S DMRVL.Hochhauser, Mark - - - - '73 Drive/incentive on lrng - - - - - PhD UPitt DMRVL.Hochhauser,M.Fowler - - '75. Drive/reward on discrim difficulty ABP 1:261 DERVLHaMK_Acq incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) w/effect incr-f(difficulty) - - - - Hoc,M.'75+ DLRVLHmma_Acq incr--f(dep) w/effect incr-f(difficulty) - - - - - - - Hoc,M.'75+ RAHVP.Hockett,C.F. - - - - - - '73 Where the tongue slips (Fromkin) Mouton RPHVPOtej_Attrib typing errors to analogy/blending/editing - - - - - Hoc,CF'73- ZZXXX Hocking,W.E. - - - - - - '21 Dilemma of concept of instinct - - JAb16: 73 FMR C Hockman, Charles H. - - '63 Food intake re internal drive - - PhD Brown FVRFA.Hockman,C.H. - - - - - - '61. Prenatal maternal stress - - - - - JCP54:679 FPRFAPbBa_Offspring of stressed pregnant O decr acty if foster-reared Hoc,CH'61- DLh Hochman,C.H. - - - - - - '66. Overtrng on reversal/nonreversal - PSc 4:235 DKhVL.Hockman,C.H.Lipsitt - - '61. Delay(reinf) in discrim w/child - JCP54: 24 DEhVLOaDK_Delay(Reinf) decr acq w/3-S > 2-S problems - - - - - - - - Hoc,CH'61+ ZZXXX.Hocutt,M. - - - - - - - '67. Skinner concept of S - - - - - - - PRv74:530 ZZXXXXSXc_Skinner concept of S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hoc,M.'67- OKRAP.Hodge,C.C.Crowder - - - '60 Sec reinf and interpair interval - PRp 6: 71 OCRAPHbSK_Pair(buzz,food)--Sec reinf re acq OpR not-f(20/60/180-s ISI Hod,CC'60+ DS V Hodge, Milton H. - - - - '57 Irrel S on complex discrim - - - - PhD U Va OA E Hodgson,R. et al - - - - '79 Alcohol dependence and priming - - BRT17:379 ----- ----- OKRNx.Hodos, William - - - - - '60 Motiv variables w/ESB rf (WAShaw) PhD UPenn OKRCP.Hodos,W. - - - - - - - - '61 Progressive ratio meas of reward - Sc 34:943 OERCPHaMK_W/progressive ratio sched, max ratio incr-f(Amt/conc(Reinf) Hod,W.'61- OKRNx.Hodos,W. - - - - - - - - '65. Motiv prop of long-duration ESB - JCP59:219 OBRNxOaNc_Re Lat(shuttle OpR) and max bar FR, reinf incr-f(ESB inten) Hod,W.'65- ZZAXX.Hodos,W.C.GBCampbell - - '69 No theory in comparative psych - - PRv76:337 ZZAXXXZXc_No "scala naturae" vs evolutionary tree w/divergent lineage Hod,WC'69+ ZZ ZXc_Use zoological model re interp species sim/diff in beh Hod,WC'69+ ZZ ZXc_Goals: describe animal beh, systematic trends, gen mech Hod,WC'69+ OKRCP.Hodos,W.Kalman - - - - - '63. Increment size--progressive ratio EAB 6:387 OERCPTaMK_Max w/progressive ratio incr-f(Amt(Rf)) w/large increments Hod,W.'63+ OE aMK_Max w/progressive ratio decr-f(Amt(Rf)) w/small increments Hod,W.'63+ OE aMK_Attrib above to satiation w/large reinf, small increments Hod,W.'63+ OKN Hodos,W.Trumbule - - - - '67. Strategies of sched pref - - - - - EAB10:503 OKRN Hodos,W.Valenstein - - - '60. Motiv var w/ESB - - - - - - - - - JCP53:502 OKRNP.Hodos,W.Valenstein - - - '62. R/rate as meas of ESB reward - - - JCP55: 80 OBRNPOaNc_Pref hi > lo-inten ESB reinf but Rate(OpR) w/hi < lo - - - Hod,W.'62+ ORMCP.Hodos,W. et al - - - - - '62. Complex R patterns w/spaced R - - EAB 5:473 OPMCPHbio_O emit collateral R during DRL perf, suppress w/pentobarb - Hod,W.'62e ----- ----- OM Hoebel, Bartley G. - - - '62 Hunger on self-stim (Teitelbaum) - PhD UPenn OKRNP.Hoebel,B. - - - - - - - '68. Inhib/disinhib of self-stim/eating JCP66: 89 OBRNPHaNc_Intragastric feeding decr reinf w/hypothal, not septal ESB Hoe,B.'68- FMRNC Hoebel,B.G. - - - - - - '74 Reinf/aversive ESB--eat/sex (Cole) U Nebr OKRNP.Hoebel,B.G.Teitelbaum - '62 Hypothalamic control of self-stim Sc 35:375 OBRNPHaNc_Rf w/lateral hypothal ESB decr w/feeding/ventromedial stim Hoe,B.'62+ ----- ----- CKB B Hoehler, Fred K. - - - - '76 Instru contingencies in classcond PhD Purdu CDBAB.Hoehler,F.K.Leonard - - '73. Single altern as-f(ITI) - - - - - JCP85:277 CHBAB-haH_Single CR altern w/short/long ITI after reinf/nonreinf tr - Hoe,FK'73+ CH haH_Above altern not based solely on ITI cues or aftereffect Hoe,FK'73+ CRBAB.Hoehler,F.K.Leonard - - '76 Double R w/single CS + dual ISI - PJB11:180 CPBAB-bta_Mix Pair(S,US) at 2 ISI--Double CR on long-ISI trials - - - Hoe,FK'76+ CUBAB.Hoehler,F.K.Leonard - - '81. Motiv/assoc role of US - - - - - - ALB 9:239 CEBAB-gcB_CR incr-f(USI) paired w/S, not-f interpolated USI-alone - - Hoe,FK'81+ CABAB.Hoehler,F.K.Thompson - - '80 Hippocampal acty as-f(ISI) - - - - JCP94:201 CPBAB-nNc_W/Pair(S,puff), hippocamp unit acty correl w/CR at diff ISI Hoe,FK'80+ CEBAB.Hoehler,F.K. et al - - - '73. Overtrng and successive extn - - - L&M 4: 91 CcBAB-nee_R/Extn decr-f(N/prior extns) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hoe,FK'73e CaBAB-bna_No effect of extended trng on R/Extn w/diff USI - - - - - - Hoe,FK'73e ----- ----- FRR Hoffberg, Caroline - - - '59 Physiol of hoarding (JPFlynn) - - PhD Yale AG Hoffeld, Donald R. - - - '58 S/Genz as-f(strength of cond) - - PhD UWisc AGCAO.Hoffeld,D.R. - - - - - - '62. S/Genz and sec extn - - - - - - - JCP55: 27 AeCAOSbea_ARi S/Genz decr-f(strength of cond) - - - - - - - - - - - - Hof,DR'62- AeCAOSbeE_Sec extn re CS not-f(difference CS vs primary extn S) - - - Hof,DR'62- CAC1A.Hoffeld,D.R. et al - - - '58. Time relations in sensory precond JEx56:437 CEC1A-gAC_Sensory precond not precise, continuous f(ISI) - - - - - - Hof,DR'58e CA xO.Hoffeld,D.R. et al - - - '60. Amt(trng) on sensory precond - - - JEx59:198 CE xO-gAR_Cross-modal S/Genz of AR not incr-f N/Pair(lite,tone) - - - Hof,DR'60e AVrTL.Hoffman,B.A. et al - - - '84 Age diff in avcond - - - - - - - - PRc34:149 ALrTLSnAC_10-d-old = 13-d w/run ARi, but 13 > 10 w/spatial choice ARi Hof,BA'84e SARMP Hoffman,C.M. et al - - - '99. Radial maze beh and search - - - - ALB27:426 FARCx.Hoffman,C.S. - - - - - - '59 Early environ restriction on beh - PRc 9:171 FPRCxOtb1_No effect (un)restricted rearing environ on explor/emotion Hof,CS'59- DL Hoffmann,F.K. et al - - '56. Prob diff on discrim reversal - - JCP49:547 FArGC.Hoffmann, Heather L. - - '89 CTA in preweanling O - - - - - - - PhD NYBin FRrGC.Hoffmann,H.Spear - - - - '88 Ontogenetic diff in CTA w/shock - BNB50: 16 FDrGC-caU_CTA w/Pair(sucrose,footshock) at 5/10-d age, not 15-d - - - Hof,H.'88+ FRrGE.Hoffmann,H.Spear - - - - '89. Pre-exposure w/pre-weanling rats - ALB17: 63 FDrGE-tOs_Decr effect of S-pre-exp on cond aversion 10-d < 18-d-age - Hof,H.'89+ CRRGC Hoffmann,H. et al - - - '87 Ontogenetic limits on CTA - - - - DPB20:455 FRrGx.Hoffmann,H. et al - - - '91. Ontogenetic diff in palatability - L&M22:329 FDrGx-cRU_Age-related diff in CTA re LiCl/shock/acid USs - - - - - - Hof,H.'91e SASMP.Hoffmann,H.J.Balschun - '91 Circadian diff in maze perf - - - PAb 8478 SLSMP naa_Observe circadian variation in maze perf, best at midnight Hof,HJ'91+ ----- ----- ORHXL Hoffman, Howard S. - - - '57 Cues/voiced-stopped con (Liberman) PhD UConn AS Hoffman,H.S. - - - - - - '65. S aspects of aversive control - - EAB 8: 89 ZZXXX.Hoffman,H.S. - - - - - - '65. Computer simulation (Prokasy) - - A-C-C ZZXXX-dXT_Computerize Hull-Spence theory w/H=f(avoid) x D=f(escape) - Hof,HS'65- ZZ dXT_Stat rats w/above theory fit data if add temp emotionality Hof,HS'65- CGPVe.Hoffman,H.S. - - - - - - '65. S/Genz of cond suppres (Mostofsky) Stanford CePVe-beb_Symm S-Genz gradient devel during extn, decr-f(motiv) - - - Hof,HS'65- CgPVe-neu_Reinstate cond suppressn after extn w/shock not assoc w/CS Hof,HS'65- AD Hoffman,H.S. - - - - - - '66. Discrim avoid (Honig) - - - - - - A-C-C YC Hoffman,H.S. - - - - - - '69. S factors in suppressn (Campbell) A-C-C CG Hoffman,H.S. - - - - - - '69. S/Genz vs discr failure (Gilbert) Academic OCPAK.Hoffman,H.S.Barrett - - '71 Overt acty during suppression - - EAB16:343 OAPAK-oIz_CER trng w/out OpR--Suppressn not due to punish or other R Hof,HS'71+ EKPTO Hoffman,H.S.Fleshler - - '59. Aversive control - - - - - - - - - EAB 2:213 CGPAe.Hoffman,H.S.Fleshler - - '61. S/Genz of CER - - - - - - - - - - EAB 4:371 CePAe-bec_Broad S/Genz gradient of CER narrowed during extn testing - Hof,HS'61+ CePAe-bsg_Width of S/Genz gradient decr-f(dep) - - - - - - - - - - - Hof,HS'61+ AMRUx.Hoffman,H.S.Fleshler - - '62. Emotionality during avcond - - - - JEx64:288 ABRUxxcxa_Re amt suppress concur food OpR, on/off of S for ARi Hof,HS'62+ AB cxa_ incr/decr emotionality - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hof,HS'62+ ACR X Hoffman,H.S.Fleshler - - '63. Discrim and S/Genz during conflict JEx65:280 CDPAe.Hoffman,H.S.Fleshler - - '64. S/Genz of suppression after discr EAB 7:233 CePAe-bAd_Asym S/Genz gradient of CER after diffcond, steepen w/extn Hof,HS'64+ Ce bAd_Asym post-diffcond S/Genz gradient of CER reestab w/free sh Hof,HS'64+ SKP e Hoffman,H.S.Fleshler - - '65. R-contingent shock - - - - - - - - EAB 8: 89 ZZXXX Hoffman,H.S.Ison - - - - '80. Reflex mod in domain of startle - PRv87:175 FAOSA.Hoffman,H.S.Kozma - - - '67. Beh control by imprinted S - - - - EAB10:495 FGOSA-qoH_ Hof,HS'67+ FCOVO Hoffman,H.S.Ratner - - - '73. S/environ familiarity on imprint - JCP85: 11 FCOCO Hoffman,H.S.Ratner - - - '73. Reinf model of imprinting - - - - PRv80:527 USRAJ Hoffman,H.S.Searle - - - '65. Acoustic var in startle R - - - - JCP60: 53 OAPCP.Hoffman,H.S.Selikman - - '67 Stability of R/rate w/pos reinf - PMS24: 91 OLPCPHnAw_Maint indiv diff in Rate(OpR) w/VI reinf 1-5-yr after trng Hof,HS'74+ FAOSA Hoffman,H.S.Solomon - - '74. Affective dynamics in imprinting - L&M 5:149 FGOSA-qoH_ Hof,HS'74+ ULRAJ Hoffman,H.S.Stitt - - - '69. Habituation of startle R - - - - - JCP68:276 RAHxB Hoffman,H.S.Stitt - - - '80. Incr R w/concur visual/acoustic S BPS15:115 AARAP.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '61. Discrim avoid - - - - - - - - - - EAB 4:309 ABRAPSciA_Acq signalled ARi; some O show session warm-up - - - - - - Hof,HS'61e OSPAe.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '62 Long-term effects of aversive trng Sc 38:269 OAPAeHoIc_Observe CER 2-1/2-yr after Pair(S.shock) on food reinf OpR Hof,HS'62e CAPAe.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '63. Retention of CER - - - - - - - - - EAB 6:575 CCPAe-ata_S/Genz gradient of CER after 2-1/2-yr interruption - - - - Hof,HS'63e URRTJ Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '64. Startle R to shock - - - - - - - - JCP58:132 IKOSO.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '66 Enhanced distress vocalization - - Sc 51:352 IBOSO-aAK_Incr P(distress call) w/imprinted S as reinf - - - - - - - Hof,HS'66e CGPAe.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '66. Equal trng to 2 S - - - - - - - - EAB 9:649 CePAe-bec_Bimodal S/Genz gradients after equal pair 2 tones w/shock - Hof,HS'66e Ce bec_Above gradients summated re separation of trng tones Hof,HS'66e CAPAe.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '66. Long-term effects of suppression - EAB 9:659 CCPAe-ata_S/Genz gradient of suppression after 5 years - - - - - - - Hof,HS'66e OKcSP.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '66. Beh control by imprinted S - - - - EAB 9:177 OBcSPOaAK_Duckling acq OpR w/reinf = imprinting S; distress w/extn - Hof,HS'66e FAOSA.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '69. Control feeding w/imprinted S - - EAB12:847 FGOSA-qoH_ Hof,HS'69e USRAJ Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '69. Background acoustic S on startle - JCP68:280 FA Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '70. Beh control w/imprinting S - - - - JCP71:229 CAOVE.Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '72 Suppress distress call in duckling JCU80:357 CEOVE-baS_S paired w/imprinted S decr distress call, if forward ISI - Hof,HS'72e CE baS_Repeat above effect w/diff-cond proc Hof,HS'72e RAH Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '80. Reflex mod independent of USI - - ALB 8: 81 RAHAB Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '81. Acoustic augmentation/inhibition - HPP 7:357 RAR Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '84. Reflex mod w/startle habituation - BPS22:574 CVh B Hoffman,H.S. et al - - - '86 Classcond in adults/infants - - - PAb 14159 ----- ----- CAR H Hoffman,J.W.Fitzgerald - '82. Bidirectional HR re excit/inhib S ALB10: 77 FRSXO.Hoffman,M.L. - - - - - - '94 Devel of altruistic motiv (Puka) - Garland FPXSOXeQH_Hypo: Animal/human altruism not based on selfish motiv - - Hof,ML'94- CR Hoffman, Melvin M. - - - '70 Cond aggression/pun - - - - - - - PhD U Ill OMPEP.Hoffman,S.H. et al - - - '87 FR size on cocaine tolerance - - - EAB47:363 OLPEP-tm2_COC decr OpR w/FR, w/devel beh tolerance at lo, not hi FR - Hof,SH'87e OKMEP.Hoffmeister,F. - - - - - '79 Progressive-ratio perf for heroin PPm62:181 OFMEP-gJ3_Max progress-ratio incr-f(dose heroin reinf) (FR=12,800) - Hof,F.'79- DSPV Hogan, David E. - - - - '79 Identity in MTS - - - - - - - - - PhD U Ky DAP Hogan,D.E. - - - - - - - '86. Observational lrng of hue discrim L&M17: 40 DGPVP.Hogan,D.E.Zentall - - - '77 Backward assns - - - - - - - - - - AmJ90: 3 DGPVPHhHE_Temporary backward assn w/delayed not simult symbolic MTS - Hog,DE'77+ DRPVP Hogan,D.E. et al - - - - '81. Prior trial on delayed MTS - - - - ALB 9:395 DRPVP.Hogan,D.E. et al - - - - '83 MTS re diff sample-R requirements AmJ96: 37 DqRVPHaaD_Require diff ObR (FR vs DRL) re sample B4 choice Ss Hog,DE'83e Dq aaD_ w/hue MTS, test choice re ObR > hue - - - - - - - - - - Hog,DE'83e FRF Hogan, Jerry A. - - - - '61 Motiv aspects of instinctive beh - PhD Harvd ORPCO.Hogan,J.A. - - - - - - - '64. Opcond preening - - - - - - - - - EAB 7:351 OPPCOHbYo_Maint preening OpR w/VI reinf w/stereotypy of part preened Hog,JA'64- IKFAR Hogan,J.A. - - - - - - - '67. Fighting/reinf in betta splendens JCP64:356 CROVO.Hogan,J.A. - - - - - - - '74 CR in Pavlovian cond sit - - - - - Sc 86:156 CPOVO-bar_Peck/snuggle CR in chicks to lite S B4 heat is part of UR - Hog,JA'74- OKF Hogan,J.A. et al - - - - '70. Display/food as reinf - - - - - - JCP70:351 DKRVL.Hoge,M.A.Stocking - - - '12 Rel value of pun/reward as motives AnB 2: 43 DERVLxbkc_Lite-inten discrim w/reward + pun > pun > reward - - - - - Hog,MA'12+ IMRTC.Holden,F. - - - - - - - '26 Starvation on beh - - - - - - - - CPM 3: 17 ILRTC-mma_N/crossings of elec grid incr-f(dep) to 36 hrs, then decr - Hol,F.'26- OSRS .Holder,E.E. - - - - - - '58. Lrng factors on social facil/inhib JCP51: 60 OpRS aaa_Presence of another rat as discrim S re reinf/nonreinf - - Hol,EE'58- ----- ----- SSRAP.Holder, Mark D. - - - - '84 Discrim as-f(S duratn) (SRoberts) PhD UCBer SqRAPHaaa_Acq L/R OpR re 3 vs 12-sec duration of S - - - - - - - - - Hol,MD'84- Sq aaa_Re above, short bias w/correct R after short > after long S Hol,MD'84- Sq aaa_Short bias incr w/cond trials w/Pair(short/long S,food) Hol,MD'84- FRRGC.Holder,M.D. - - - - - - '88. Confound in cond taste averion - - ALB16:231 FDRGC-caa_Notes poss confounded taste w/plastic bottle in cond aversn Hol,MD'88- OEP P Holder,M.D.Burstein - - '81. Spon-rec evoked w/nonreinf S - - - ALB 9:483 DSR Holder,M.D.SRoberts - - '85. Timing and classcond - - - - - - - ABP11:172 OSRUP Holder,M.D.SRoberts - - '88. ITI on discrete VI - - - - - - - - ALB16:340 FRRGC.Holder,M.D. et al - - - '87. Taste preexposure on cond aversion ALB15: 55 FDRGC-tOs_Taste pre-expose decr taste, incr compound odor cond aversn Hol,MD'87E FRRGC Holder,M.D. et al - - - '88 Taste-facil noise-illnes assn - - BNS02:363 ----- ----- IKRAR Holder,W.B. et al - - - '57. Delay(reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - JEx53:316 ZZHXX.Holding,D.H. - - - - - - '89 Human skills (2nd Ed) - - - - - - Wiley ZZHXXXrXe_Survey research/theory human perceptual-motor skills - - - Hol,DH'89- CRRUx.Holdstock,T.Schwartzbaum '65 Classcond HR and GSR - - - - - - - PPh 2: 25 CPRUx-bYh_Heart decel and GSR classcond w/minimal overt somatic R - - Hol,T.'65+ SA Holland, Glen A. - - - - '47 T&E lrng as-f(ITI) (Hull) - - - - PhD Yale RAR x.Holland,G.A. - - - - - - '53. ITI on initially unequal habits - JCP46: 90 RBR x-aha_T&E lrng w/distrib > massed trng - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hol,GA'53- FVR A Holland,H.C.Gupta - - - '66 Acty in rats bred for avcond - - - AnB14:574 IM Holland, James G. - - - '55 Test general D concept - - - - - - PhD U Va YYHXX.Holland,J.G. - - - - - - '60. Teaching machine principles - - - EAB 3:275 YCHXX-zzV_Applies lrng prin to devel of teaching machine programs - - Hol,JG'60- FMRFC Holland,J.G. - - - - - - '54. Exper/dep on hoarding - - - - - - JCP47:244 ----- ----- CRR1x Holland, Peter C. - - - '76 Form of CR as-f(CS) (Rescorla) - - PhD Yale CRR1x.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '77. Form of CR as-f(CS) - - - - - - - ABP 3: 77 CPR1x-bar_Diff overt antic CR w/Pair(lite,food) vs Pair(tone,food) - Hol,PC'77- CRR1x.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '79. Qual/quant variation in US - - - - ALB 7:424 CPR1x-bar_CR varies w/nature of S early in ISI and varies w/US later Hol,PC'79- CAR1x.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '79. Omission contingencies on CR - - - ABP 5:178 CER1x-bfu_PRF Pair(S,food) has diff effects on acq/extn of diff beh - Hol,PC'79- CRRVx.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '80. Char of visual CS on form of CR - ABP 6: 81 CPRVx-bar_Antic beh directed at localized S, esp if near site of food Hol,PC'80- CRR1x.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '80. Form of CR as-f(ISI) - - - - - - - ABP 6:155 CPR1x-bar_Antic CR (eg startle/rear/walk) is-f(ISI) w/trace=delay - - Hol,PC'80- CPR1x-baz_Interp: Nature of CR is-f orienting UR to S + antic R to US Hol,PC'80- CU Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '80. 2nd-order cond w/w/out US - - - - ABP 6:238 CUR1A.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '81 Satiation after 1st/2nd-order cond PJB16: 18 CCR1A-aaH_Satiation decr 1st-order CR based on food US, not 2nd-order Hol,PC'81- CC aaH_2nd-order classcond of gen acty w/food US Hol,PC'75+ CC aaH_No effect on 2nd-order CR of extn of 1st-order S Hol,PC'75+ CR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '81. Representation-mediated aversions L&M12: 1 CAXXX Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '83 Occasion setting (Commons) - - - - Ballinger FRRxC.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '83. Representation-mediated effects - ABP 9: 1 FDRxC-csC_Pair(tone,taste)--Tone overshadows diff taste paired w/LiCl Hol,PC'83- FD csC_Pair(tone,taste)--Tone facil odor paired w/LiCl Hol,PC'83- CSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '84. Reinf after feature-neg discrim - ABP10:461 CSR1A.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '84. Unblocking in appetitive cond - - ABP10:476 CER1A-iaC_Incr P(CR) to S2 added to CS1 only if incr/decr USI - - - - Hol,PC'84- CSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '85. Compound cond as-f element pretrng ABP11:367 CSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '85. Pretrng w/compound decr unblocking BPS23:237 CD Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '85. Cond inhib w/feature neg (RMiller) LEA CSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '86. Occasn setting w/feature-pos discr ALB14:111 CDRVE.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '86. Transfer after serial feature pos L&M17:243 CpRVE-ass_Diff-cond w/simult feature-neg > serial feature neg - - - - Hol,PC'86- CAR .Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '88. Excitation/inhib in unblocking - - ABP14:261 CER -iaC_Added S-->excit/S-->inhib w/add/omit 2nd US when add S - - Hol,PC'88- CD Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '89. Acq/transfer conditional discrim - ABP15:154 CDR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '89. Occasion setting w/simult compound ABP15:183 CI Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '89. Transfer neg occasn setting/inhib ABP15:311 CD Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '89. Feature extn incr occasion setting ALB17:269 CRRxO.Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '90 Event representation in cond - - - Cog37:105 CERxO-baS_Reviews evidence of CS-controlled imagery re US - - - - - - Hol,PC'90- DSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '91. Occasion-setting w/feature pos/neg L&M22:366 CD Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '91. Transfer control w/ambiguous discr ABP17:231 ODR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '95. Transfer of occasion setting - - - L&M26:239 ODR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '95. ITI on serial feature-pos discrim ALB23:411 OSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '99. Occasion setting and ITI - - - - - ALB27:127 OSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '99. Overshadowing and blocking - - - - QJE52:307 CSR Holland,P.C. - - - - - - '99 Temporal control in occasn setting BPr44:225 IDR1P.Holland,P.C.Block - - - '83. Unique cue in pos patterning - - - BPS21:297 IpR1PHaaa_Reinf compound + extn elements-->unique R-topograph re S+ - Hol,PC'83+ ODR Holland,P.C.Coldwell - - '93. Transfer of inhib control - - - - L&M24:345 CSRGC Holland,P.C.Forbes - - - '80. Compound/element preexposure w/CTA ALB 8:199 CDR Holland,P.C.Forbes - - - '82. CS-evoked event representations - ALB10:249 CERxC.Holland,P.C.Forbes - - - '82. Representation-mediated extn - - - L&M13:454 FbRxC-bba_Pair(tone,taste)--Pair(taste,LiCl)--Tone-alone incr taste - Hol,PC'82+ Fb bba_Interp: Extn can be mediated by CS-evoked representation Hol,PC'82+ DSP Holland,P.C.Gory - - - - '86. Extn re serial/simult feature neg QJE38:245 DSR Holland,P.C.Haas_- - - - '93. Target salience in feature pos - - L&M24:119 CD Holland,P.C.Lamarre - - '84. Transfer inhib after feature-neg - L&M15:219 DSR Holland,P.C.Morell - - - '96. ITI and feature-target intervals - L&M27: 21 CD Holland,P.C.Reeve - - - '91. Acq/transfer w/ambiguous cue - - - ALB19:113 CUR1A Holland,P.C.Rescorla - - '75. 2nd-order cond w/food US - - - - - JCP88:459 DUR Holland,P.C.Rescorla - - '75. Devaluing the US - - - - - - - - - ABP 1:355 CAR1O.Holland,P.C.Ross - - - - '81. W/in compound assn in serial S - - ABP 7:228 CER1O-bsc_Pair(lite,food)--Rearing (but not head-jerk) CR to lite - - Hol,PC'81+ CE bsc_Pair(lite,tone,food)--Head-jerk CR to lite alone Hol,PC'81+ CE bsc_After above, extn to tone-alone decr CR to lite-alone Hol,PC'81+ CAR Holland,P.C.Ross - - - - '83. Savings test for assn w/neutral Ss ALB11: 83 CURAx.Holland,P.C.Straub - - - '79. Devaluing the US after classcond - ABP 5: 65 CGRAx-baw_Pair(S,food)--Pair(food,LiCl)--Decr CR to S - - - - - - - - Hol,PC'79+ DSP Holland,P.C. et al - - - '97. Temporal specificity w/feature pos ABP23: 95 ----- ----- OLHVK Holland, Sally L. - - - '84 Instruct on transition beh - - - - PhD WVaU OE Holland, Thomas A. - - - '72 Overlrng/frustration w/extn - - - PhD Hustn OK P Hollard,V.Davison - - - '71. Pref for qual diff reinf - - - - - EAB16:375 OAO Holliday,M.Hirsch - - - '86 Comment on lrng in diptera - - - - BGn16:439 CAFGO.Holliday,M.Hirsch - - - '86. Excitatory cond in indiv fruitfly ABP12:131 CLFGO-nAY_Classcond proboscis CR in some fruitflies, males > females Hol,M.'86+ ----- ----- RRH Hollingworth, Harry L. - '09 Inaccuracy of mvmt - - - - - - - - PhD Clmba FRHDX.Hollingworth,H.L. - - - '24 Influence of alcohol - - - - - - - JAS18:311 FLHDXOte1_Indiv diff in effect of ALC, decr-f(gen competence) - - - - Hol,HL'24- CZXXX.Hollingworth,H.L. - - - '28 Gen laws of redintegration - - - - JGn 1: 79 ZZXXX-cXc_CR is redintegrative process from partial detail of stim - Hol,HL'28- CSXfX.Hollingworth,H.L. - - - '28 How we learn our reflexes - - - - PRv35:439 CEXfX-baz_Lrnd reflex may produce its own S, cond by past assn - - - Hol,HL'28- ZZXXX Hollingworth,H.L. - - - '30 Omission of intermediate acts - - AmJ42:457 ZMXXX Hollingworth,H.L. - - - '31 Effect/affect in lrng - - - - - - PRv38:153 ----- ----- SMRTP.Hollis,J.H. et al - - - '60 Acceleration forces on maze beh - PRp 6:185 SLRTPHnaa_No effect of acceleration forces on perf - - - - - - - - - Hol,JH'60e ----- ----- CAFNO Hollis, Karen L. - - - - '79 Telencephalon on reinf (Overmier) PhD UMinn CAXXX Hollis,K.L. - - - - - - '82 Cond signal-center R (Rosenblatt) Academic CRFVO.Hollis,K.L. - - - - - - '84. Biol function of classcond - - - - ABP10:413 CPFVO-bYc_Antic aggression CR to S B4 rival male--Facil fighting beh Hol,KL'84- ZZXXX Hollis,K.L. - - - - - - '84 Cause/functn of lrng proc (Marler) SpringerV ZZXXX Hollis,K.L. - - - - - - '89 Search of hypo construct - - - - - AnB37:162 CKF Hollis,K.L. - - - - - - '90 Cond in aggression (Dewsbury) - - Sinauer CZXXX Hollis,K.L. - - - - - - '92 Ecological approach to cond - - - IJP37:422 CZXXX Hollis,K.L. - - - - - - '97. Contemp research on Pavlovian cond AmP52:956 FSF Hollis,K.L.Overmier - - '82. Telencephalon ablation of reinf - JCP96:574 CZo Hollis,K.L. et al - - - '84. Biol function of Pavlovian cond - L&M15:459 CKF Hollis,K.L. et al - - - '89. Biol function of cond: mating - - JC 03:115 FAO Hollis,K.L. et al - - - '91. S representation: Imprinting - - - JC 05:307 CRFSO.Hollis,K.L. et al - - - '95. Cond aggressive beh - - - - - - - JC 09:123 CPFSO-bYc_Pair(S,intruder US)-->S facil aggressive beh - - - - - - - Hol,KL'95e CP bYc_Note: If above facil-->win, incr later P(win) w/out S Hol,KL'95e CKF Hollis,K.L. et al - - - '97. Cond and paternity advantage - - - JC 11:210 ----- ----- OMCNx Holloway, Frank A. - - - '66 Beh effects of amygdala/septum S - PhD Hustn CAREx.Holloway,F.A. - - - - - '72 State-dependent avcond w/ethanol - PPa25:238 CAREx-gx3_State-depend lrng symmetrical w/1-way, asymm w/shuttle ARi Hol,FA'72- ZZREx-XEc_Concl only drug-placebo order is state-dependent dissociatn Hol,FA'72- AKROO.Holloway,F.A.Baum - - - '89. 1-way avcond as-f "safe" time - - BPS27:452 AEROOSbfu_Acq jump-up ARi incr-f time in "safe" area, indep of ITI - Hol,FA'89+ OMREP.Holloway,F.A.King - - - '89 Ethanol tolerance and compensation PBB34:855 OLREP-tm1_Beh tolerance to ALC re FR perf genz to incr rate w/DRL - - Hol,FA'89+ EER Holloway,F.A.Sturgis - - '76. Memory of nonreinf on R/Extn - - - ABP 2:335 AARCR.Holloway,F.A.Wansley - - '73 Retention at periodic intervals - BBi 9: 1 AERCRSbCa_Perf ARi max w/test at same time-of-day-night as trng - - - Hol,FA'73+ AE bCa_Above effect not-f(absolute time in 12-12 lite-dark cycle) Hol,FA'73+ OAREP.Holloway,F.A.Wansley - - '73 DRL perf and ethanol - - - - - - - PPa28:351 OLREP-te1_ALC impair DRL perf as-f baseline rate and cue presence - - Hol,FA'73+ IDREA.Holloway,F.A.Wansley - - '73 Alcohol on discrim beh - - - - - - BPS 2:159 ILREA-te1_Mod dose ALC decr R to S+, incr R to S- in diffcond - - - - Hol,FA'73+ AAREJ.Holloway,F.A.Wansley - - '74 State dependent avcond w/ethanol - PhP 2: 71 ALREJ-te1_Acq 1-way ARi decr-f(ITI on grid floor), w/no effect ip ALC Hol,FA'74+ AL te1_Decr above ARi w/switch ALC/saline if cond w/long ITI - - - Hol,FA'74+ FAREC.Holloway,F.A. et al - - '85 Periodic availability of alcohol - PAb 11595 FQREC-gp3_Incr ALC selection w/periodic availability, not continuous Hol,FA'85e OAREP.Holloway,F.A. et al - - '88 Behavioral factors in tolerance - PBB29:105 OLREP-tm1_Attrib beh tolerance to ALC effect on FR to intox practice Hol,FA'88e OAREP.Holloway,F.A. et al - - '89 Tolerance to ethanol's effects - - PPm99:479 OLREP-tm1_Devel tolerance to ALC effect on FR OpR only w/ALC practice Hol,FA'89e CAREP.Holloway,F.A. et al - - '92 Context in ethanol tolerance - - - PAb 34350 CAREP-hn3_Acq place avoid w/ALC US unless prior acq OpR beh tolerance Hol,FA'92e ----- ----- FMQSC Holloway, Keven S. - - - '93 Motiv on acq of sex beh (Domjan) - PhD UTxAu CUQSO.Holloway,K.S.Domjan - - '93. US factors in sex-approach cond - ABP19: 38 CEPSO-aeu_Sex-approach CR w/US = expose to female but < copulation - Hol,KS'93+ CMQSO.Holloway,K.S.Domjan - - '93. US-devaluation w/sex-approach CR - ABP19: 47 CLQSO-naa_Decr sex dep decr sex-approach, not food-approach CR - - - Hol,KS'93+ DA Holman, Eric W. - - - - '64 Test 2-choice lrng (RRBush) - - - PhD UPenn SRRTP.Holman,E.W. - - - - - - '66. Tests for spon altern - - - - - - PRv73:427 SPRTPHbor_W/both R's reinf, spon altern only if altern on previous tr Hol,EW'66- OKR Holman,E.W. - - - - - - '75. Dissociation of consum/IR - - - - L&M 6:358 YCRGC Holman,E.W. - - - - - - '76. Drug habituation B4/after lrng - - ALB 4:329 FSRGP Holman,E.W. - - - - - - '80. Irrel-incentive lrng w/flavors - - ABP 6:126 OK Holman, Garvin L. - - - '69 Intragastric reinf effect - - - - PhD UWash OKRGP.Holman,G.L. - - - - - - '69. Intragastric reinf effect - - - - JCP69:432 OBRGPHaAK_OpR not maint w/reinf = intragastric injection liquid diet Hol,GL'69- OB aAK_ or oral S alone, but maint OpR w/oral S + injection - - Hol,GL'69- YCR Holman,J.G.Mackintosh - '81 Control of appetitive IR re cond - QJE33: 21 CAXXX.Holmes,C.B.SFDavis - - - '79. Backward cond: Artifact of design? BPS14:431 CAXXX-aiZ_Attrib backward cond to long-trace forward re prior S - - - Hol,CB'79+ CVH Holmes, David S. - - - - '65 Activation level and personality - PhD NWest DMMN Holmes, Edward J. - - - '80 Cortex lsn on orient discrim - - - PhD Prntn DLMxC Holmes,E.J. et al - - - '83 Mammillary lesions on reversal set PhP11:159 CABAB.Holmes, John D. - - - - '71 Backward Pair(S,US) (Gormezano) - PhD UIowa CEBAB-bfu_Backward ISI=S-alone=unpaired on later cond/diffcond - - - Hol,JD'71- CABAO.Holmes,J.D.Gormezano - - '70. PRF and CRF on cond jaw mvmt - - - L&M 1:110 CEBAO-bfu_Lower acq level w/random and alternating PRF, jaw mvmt CR - Hol,JD'70+ CcBAO-bpb_Greater R/Extn after random or alternating PRF, jaw mvmt CR Hol,JD'70+ CHBAO-haH_CR patterning w/alternating PRF only w/in session - - - - - Hol,JD'70+ CSHVO Holmes, Joseph L. - - - '23 RT to light as-f(inten) - - - - - PhD Clmba CAFVU Holmes, Nan K. - - - - - '69 Sensory precond in goldfish - - - PhD BMawr CSR e Holmes, Peter A. - - - - '68 S-inten on sensory precond - - - - PhD U Del SLOTL.Holmes,P.A.Bitterman - - '66. Spatial/visual reversal in turtle JCP62:328 SsOTLUbaS_W/turtle, evidence of reversal spatial > visual discrim - - Hol,PA'66+ IJRAR.Holmes,P.A.Brookshire - '68. Exposure to shock in app/avoid - - JCP65:531 IBRARHcap_Decr P(IR) w/gradual incr shock pun inten < hi inten - - - Hol,PA'68+ IB cap_Resist shock pun re P(IR) decr w/extended reinf pretrng Hol,PA'60+ CKRUe.Holmes,P.A. et al - - - '71. Acq/extn CER w/2 trng proc - - - - L&M 2:334 CARUe-ace_Generalized (non-S) cond suppession w/random vs paired US - Hol,PA'71e CaRUe-bba_Persistence cond suppression after random > paired US - - - Hol,PA'71e YCPVK Holmes,P.W. - - - - - - '72. Extn as signalled S for CER - - - EAB18:129 DSPVP.Holmes,P.W. - - - - - - '79. Transfer of matching - - - - - - - EAB31:103 DGPVPHhHD_W/form/hue Ss, S/Genz MTS w/1 > 2 novel Ss - - - - - - - - Hol,PW'79- DGPVPHhHF_W/form/hue Ss, S/Genz decr w/recovery of symbolic MTS - - - Hol,PW'79- DGPVPHhHG_S/Genz of MTS/symbolic MTS favors S-R chaining account - - Hol,PW'79- ZZXXX.Holmes,S.J. - - - - - - '22 Classification of animal beh - - - JC 2:173 ZZXXXXRXc_Disting adaptive/nonadaptive beh, former maintain self/race Hol,SJ'22- ZZ RXc_Self: sustentative/protective..race: sexual/parental/social Hol,SJ'22- ZZXXX.Holmes,S.J. - - - - - - '45 Altruism: Reproductive beginnings PRv52:1-0 FPXXXOeHS_Altruism as basic as egoism: derives from reproductive beh Hol,SJ'45- FP eHS_Altruism favors species survival (vs indiv) Hol,SJ'45- FRRSO.Holmes,W.G. - - - - - - '85 Sibling recog - - - - - - - - - - PAb 5906 FQRSOOafX Recog (re explor) is-f(rearing familiarity), not-f(sibling) Hol,WG'85- SAhML.Holodnak,H.B. - - - - - '43 Pos/neg guidance in child - - - - JEx34:341 SBhMLOaAK_Bell-right > bell-wrong w/6-10-yr old boys/girls - - - - - Hol,HB'43- SVSWL.Holschneider,D.P. et al '99 Age-related lrng deficits - - - - LSc65:757 SLSWLOnbC_H2O maze lrng/perf decr-f(age) w/MAO-B KO = wild - - - - - Hol,DP'99e OK Holstein, Solon B. - - - '65 Reversibility of ESB/lick reinf - PhD U Mo OKRNO.Holstein,S.B.Hundt - - - '65. Reinf of self-stim by licking - - PSc 3: 17 OBRNOOaAK_W/P(lick) > P(self-ESB), incr Rate(self-ESB) w/lick reinf - Hol,SB'65+ DM V Holston, Robert P. - - - '50 Motiv on discrim - - - - - - - - - PhD UMich ZR f Holt,E.B. - - - - - - - '15 Resp and cognition - - - - - - - - PPS12:365 DA Holt, Gary L. - - - - - '70 Extn/correction in MTS - - - - - - PhD W.Va CGB1B.Holt,P.E.EJKehoe - - - - '85. Cross-modal transfer as-f(task) - ALB13: 51 CaB1B-aqc_Cond/diffcond w/visual S facil cond/diffcond w/auditory S - Hol,PE'85+ ZR f Holt,R.R. - - - - - - - '64 Imagery: Return of the ostracized AmP19:254 IKR Holton, Ruth B. - - - - '56 IR after reward cessation - - - - PhD UIowa AAREO.Holtzman, Stephen G. - - '74 Tolerance to morphine in avoid - - PPm39: 23 ALREO-tm2_Lo-dose MORPH incr, hi-dose decr avoid; tolerance to both - Hol,SG'74- OKAEX.Holtzman,S.G. - - - - - '86 Drug discrim studies - - - - - - - PAb 8551 OFAEX-gO3_Disting opioids re discrim S prop, eg MORPHlike/reinf drugs Hol,SG'86- AMREU.Holtzman,S.G.Jewett - - '72 Effect of morphine as-f(USI) - - - LSc11:085 ALREO-te2_Dose-related incr in Rate(AR) w/MORPH if hi shock USI - - - Hol,SG'72+ CMMEP.Holtzman,S.G.Villarreal '69 Morphine on CER - - - - - - - - - PSc17:161 OLMEP-te2_Dose-related decr in Rate(OpR) during CER S w/MORPH - - - - Hol,SG'69+ OAMEP.Holtzman,S.G.Villarreal '76 Operant beh w/morphine - - - - - - PAb 441 OLMEPHte2_Acute MORPH decr Rate(OpR) w/VI/FR w/w/out punish - - - - - Hol,SG'76+ ONMEPHtg2_Rate(OpR) decr w/MORPH w/drawal except if lo rate w/punish Hol,SG'76+ DSXXX Holway,A.H.Pratt - - - - '36 Weber-ratio in intensitive discrim PRv43:322 CAXXX.Holyoak,K.J. et al - - - '89. Cond theory: Induction w/default - PRv96:315 CAXXX-aZA_Th: Inductive lrng re inference heuristics (eg unusualness) Hol,KJ'89e CA aZA_Above is parallel rule-based perf system w/default hierarch Hol,KJ'89e ----- ----- OJ Holz, William C. - - - - '60 Discrim prop of pun - - - - - - - PhD S Ill OJRCP.Holz,W.C. - - - - - - - '68. Punish and rate of pos reinf - - - EAB11:285 OBRCPHclp_W/concur diff VIs, equal rel decr Rate(OpRs) as-f(pun inten Hol,WC'68- ObRCPHcap_Pos contrast re Rate(OpR) on VI sched w/elim shock pun Hol,WC'68- OJRCP.Holz,W.C.Azrin - - - - - '61. Discrim prop of punish - - - - - - EAB 4:225 OBRCPHcap_Rate(OpR) incr w/pun if concur w/reinf in diffcond - - - - Hol,WC'61+ OB cap_Rate(OpR) decr w/pun if concur w/extn in diffcond Hol,WC'61+ OB cap_Attrib above to pun as discrim cue re reinf/nonreinf Hol,WC'61+ OJRCP.Holz,W.C.Azrin - - - - - '62. Discrim/aversive prop of punish - EAB 5:229 OBRCPHczp_Discrim prop of pun interacts w/aversive prop as-f(inten) - Hol,WC'62+ OJPCP.Holz,W.C.Azrin - - - - - '62 Recovery during punish w/noise - - PRp11:655 OBPCPHcap_W/VI reinf sched, temporary decr in Rate(OpR) w/noise pun - Hol,WC'62+ OxP K Holz,W.C.Azrin - - - - - '63. Several proc for elim beh - - - - EAB 6:399 ORH L Holz,W.C.Azrin - - - - - '66. Opcond verbal beh (Honig) - - - - A-C-C OJ Holz,W.C. et al - - - - '63. Punish temporally spaced R - - - - EAB 6:115 ----- ----- SAR Holzhauer,M.S.Bures - - '86 ECS/naloxone on spatial navigation PhB38:551 IJRAR Hom, Harry L. - - - - - '71 Shock in GB after acq - - - - - - PhD UMont AERAR.Hom,H.L.Babb - - - - - - '75. Self-punitive beh w/goal shock - - ALB 3:152 AbRARScap_R/Extn incr w/brief GB shock, less if change color of GB - Hom,HL'75+ OL Homme, Angela S. - - - - '53 Recond as-f(extn) - - - - - - - - PhD Ind U IER Homme, Lloyd E. - - - - '53 Spon rec as-f(N/reinf)) - - - - - PhD Ind U ZZHIL.Homme,L.E. - - - - - - - '65. Coverants--Operants of mind - - - PRc15:501 ZZHILORXc_Thinking/imaging are covert operants, maint w/self-reinf - Hom,LE'65- YKh Homme,L.E. et al - - - - '63 Use Premack prin w/nursery child - EAB 6:544 DGHVO Hommel, Leonard S. - - - '61 Transfer w/2-choice events - - - - PhD Stnfd ISRAR.Hommel,L.S. - - - - - - '66 Pre-expose to visually complex sit PRc16:243 IGRARHbCp_Speed(IR) w/sucrose reinf incr w/preexpose to complex GB - Hom,LS'66- IERAR.Hommel,L.S.Altman - - - '66. R/Extn after expose to complex sit PSc 6:415 IbRARHbbp_R/Extn incr w/pre-expose to complex GB B4 each extn tr - - Hom,LW'66+ OCRAe.Homra, Charles A. - - - '66 USI/reinf proximity on CER - - - - PhD Fla S OARAe-oIc_Suppression decr-f N/R-left-in-FR100, incr-f(USI) - - - - - Hom,CA'66- ----- ----- CDHAB Homzie, Marvin J. - - - '64 Separate-phase diff-cond w/masking PhD UIowa CLHAB.Homzie,M.J. - - - - - - '67. Lengthening of ISI - - - - - - - - PSc 7:211 CaHAB-ais_Decr in P(CR) w/original latency if incr ISI substantially Hom,MJ'67- Ca ais_Acq of new Lat(CR) decr-f amt of change in ISI Hom,MJ'67- CDHAB.Homzie,M.J. - - - - - - '68. Separate-phase diff-cond w/masking JEx76:630 CpHAB-aaa_Rel ease of diff-classcond related to genz of excit/inhib - Hom,MJ'68- OERAR Homzie,M.J. - - - - - - '74. Nonreward anticipated w/extn - - - ALB 2: 77 ILRAR.Homzie,M.J.Ross - - - - '62. Reduction in sucrose concen - - - JCP55:029 IbRARHaka_Gradual decr speed(IR) w/decr sucrose concen w/no depressn Hom,MJ'62+ IKRAR Homzie,M.J.Rudy - - - - '71. Reinf conting re empty GB placemt L&M 2: 95 CUHAB.Homzie,M.J.Weiss - - - - '65. USI w/masked proc - - - - - - - - JEx69:101 CEHAB-alu_P(CR) w/Mix Pair(S,hi-USI) + (lo-USI alone) > reverse - - - Hom,MJ'65+ IARAR.Homzie,M.J. et al - - - '70. Perf as-f GB placements - - - - - JCP71:283 IERARHafi_Inter-trial reinf after nonreinf tr facil acq - - - - - - - Hom,MJ'70e IdRARHbpr_Intertrial reinf after nonreinf decr PREE only w/small N/tr Hom,MJ'70e Id bpr_Intertrial nonreinf incr R/Extn only w/small N/tr Hom,MJ'70e IbRARHbji_R/Extn incr w/partial Delay(Reinf) - - - - - - - - - - - - Hom,MJ'70e IARAR Homzie,M.J. et al - - - '71. Perf as-f value of intertr reinf - JCP74: 90 ----- ----- IGR Honey,R.C. - - - - - - - '90. S/Genz as-f(S novelty/familiarity) ABP16:178 DSR Honey,R.C. - - - - - - - '96. Temporal dynamics of visual discr ABP22:461 CSRGC.Honey,R.C.GHall - - - - '88 Overshadowing/block/latent imhib - QJE40:163 CGRGC-bax_Latent inhib re S1 by pre-expose to S1S2 compound - - - - - Hon,RC'88+ CG bax_Above < pre-expose w/S1 alone, decr-f(S2 novelty) Hon,RC'88+ CRRGC Honey,R.C.GHall - - - - '89. Enhance discrim w/flavor preexpose L&M20:262 CSR Honey,R.C.GHall - - - - '89. Acquired equivalence/distinct cues ABP15:338 CSR1e.Honey,R.C.GHall - - - - '89. Latent inhib w/compound preexpose QJE41:355 CGR1eH _Hi acq CER re tone S after preexpose w/tone-click compound Hon,RC'89+ CG _Note: Obtain latent inhib w/preexpose to tone or tone-lite Hon,RC'89+ CS Honey,R.C.GHall - - - - '91. Acquired equivalence/distinct cues QJE43:121 CSR Honey,R.C.GHall - - - - '92. CS memory after trace cond - - - - L&M23:145 DGR Honey,R.C.Watt - - - - - '98. Acq relational equivalence - - - - ABP24:325 YC Honey,R.C. et al - - - - '87. PRF in serial autoshaping - - - - L&M18:288 YCPC Honey,R.C. et al - - - - '90. Context specificity in AuSh - - - L&M21:125 CSR Honey,R.C. et al - - - - '93. Neg priming w/serial cond proc - - ABP93: 90 CSR Honey,R.C. et al - - - - '98. Neg priming in assoc lrng - - - - ABP24:229 ----- ----- OGPVP Honig, Werner K. - - - - '58 Pref/transpositon as-f(Genz) - - - PhD Duke OGPVP.Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '61 S/Genz of extn - - - - - - - - - - PRc11:269 OePVPHbeE_After trng w/13 Herz values, decremental S/Genz gradient Hon,WK'61- Oe beE_ after extn at 1 intermed Herz; elim w/retrng all values Hon,WK'61- OGPVP.Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '62. Transposition from genz gradient - JEx64:239 OePCPHbez_Derive transposition from post-diffcond S/Genz gradient - - Hon,WK'62- Oe bez_Note: Diff results w/simult/successive diffcond Hon,WK'62- OJPVP.Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '66. Discrim trng on S/Genz of punish - EAB 9:377 OePVPHbAd_Flat S/Genz re line tilt after pun vertical line but Hon,WK'66- Oe bAd_ orderly gradient if diff pun vertical line vs no-line S Hon,WK'66- ZZXXX.Honig,W.K. (Ed) - - - - '66. Operant beh - - - - - - - - - - - A-C-C ZZXXX-gZc_Operant beh: Areas of thought/research, 19 articles - - - Hon,WK'66- ZZ gZc_N.H.Azrin-W.C.Holz, S.W.Bijou-D.M.Baer, D.S.Blough Hon,WK'66- ZZ gZc_J.J.Boren, J.V.Brady, A.C.Catania, C.B.Ferster-C.E.Hammer Hon,WK'66- ZZ gZc_J.D.Findley, R.J.Herrnstein, H.S.Hoffman, W.C.Holz- Hon,WK'66- ZZ gZc_N.H.Azrin, R.T.Kelleher, G.B.Kish, W.H.Morse, F.H.Rohles Hon,WK'66- ZZ gZc_M.Sidman, B.F.Skinner, P.Teitelbaum, H.S.Terrace Hon,WK'66- OG Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '69. Attention/generalization (Gilbert) Academic DGP Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '74. Extradimensionsl trng on S-control L&M 5: 1 ZZAXX.Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '78. Nature of cog terms (Hulse) - - - LEA ZZAXXXaZH_Cog concepts may be descriptive/explanatory/theoretical - - Hon,WK'78- ZZPXX.Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '78. Working memory (Hulse) - - - - - - LEA DGPXXXhHG_Working memory incl all-or-none "instruction" re pre-S - - Hon,WK'78- DG hHG_Instruction determines criterion R, terminates after R Hon,WK'78- OA Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '82 Working-mem/temporal-map (Spear) - LEA ODP Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '87. Memory interval distrib effects - ALB15: 6 ODP Honig,W.K. - - - - - - - '91. Mixture/uniformity in S arrays - - ABP17: 68 OGP Honig,W.K.Beale - - - - '76. S duration as meas of S/Genz - - - EAB25:209 OGPVP.Honig,W.K.Day - - - - - '62 Discr/genz on dimension of S diff Sc 38: 29 OpPVPHaaa_W/2 R-keys, acq choice re ident vs diff Herz on keys - - - Hon,WK'62+ Op aaa_S/Genz after above trng re decr/incr diff in Herz Hon,WK'62+ ODPV Honig,W.K.Dodd - - - - - '83. W/in-tr location of cond cues - - ALB11: 1 ZZAXX.Honig,W.K.James (Eds) - '71. Animal learning - - - - - - - - - Academic ZZAXX-CZA_Animal lrng: Symposium at Dalhousie Univ, 1969, 7 articles Hon,WK'71+ ZZ CZA_B.W.Agranoff, E.J.Capaldi, H.Gleitman, J.L.McGaugh- Hon,WK'71+ ZZ CZA_R.G.Dawson, S.Revusky, N.E.Spear, E.Winograd Hon,WK'71+ ODP Honig,W.K.Lindsay - - - '75. Transfer R controlling S duration L&M 6:157 DSP Honig,W.K.Matheson - - - '95. Rel numerosity/S mixture - - - - - ABP21:348 OJPVP.Honig,W.K.Slivka - - - - '64. S/Genz of effects of punish - - - EAB 7: 21 OePVPHceE_After trng on 7 Herz values, pun at central value --> Hon,WK'64+ Oe ceE_ broad gradient of decr Rate(OpR), steepen w/testing - - Hon,WK'64+ ODP Honig,W.K.Spetch - - - - '88. STM for rate of alternation - - - BPS26:152 ZZXXX.Honig,W.K.Staddon (Ed) - '77. Hdbk of operant beh - - - - - - - Pren-Hall ZZXXX-gZc_Hdbk of operant beh: Conceptual/theoretical devel - - - - Hon,WK'77+ ODPV Honig,W.K.Stewart - - - '88. Discrim locations in pictures - - EAB50:541 ODP Honig,W.K.Stewart - - - '89. Discrim relative numerosity - - - ALB17:134 DGP Honig,W.K.Stewart - - - '93. Relative numerosity as dimension - ALB21:346 DSPVL.Honig,W.K.Wasserman - - '81. Delayed simple/conditional discrim L&M12:149 DGPVLHhHF_Discrim line tilt re sample color Ss w/CRF after 1 S and Hon,WK'81+ DG hHF_ nonreinf after other S > PRF correct R after both Ss - - Hon,WK'81+ DG hHF_Interp above re prospective and retrospective memories Hon,WK'81+ OGPVP,Honig,W.K. et al - - - - '59. Extn vs discrim trng and genz - - JEx58:145 OePVPHbAd_Diffcond --> shift in S/Genz gradient away from S- - - - - Hon,WK'59e OGPVP.Honig,W.K. et al - - - - '63. Pos/neg S/Genz gradients - - - - - JCP56:111 OePVPHtb1_Sim line-tilt S/Genz after trng w/vertical line pos or neg Hon,WK'63e OGPVK Honig,W.K. et al - - - - '63. Pos/neg S/Genz gradients - - - - - JCP56:111 OIP Honig,W.K. et al - - - - '72 S/R decr--Inhib control (Boakes) - Academic DAPVL.Honig,W.K. et al - - - - '84 Outcome expectancies as mediators CJP38:196 DqPVLHaad_Acq 2 concur conditional discrim re colors w/same test Ss Hon,WK'84e Dq aad_ w/same > diff outcomes re line-tilt test Ss - - - - - - Hon,WK'84e Dq aad_Interp above re mediation of choice by outcome expectancy Hon,WK'84e ----- ----- DZAXX.Honigmann,H. - - - - - - '42 Number conception in animal psych BiR17:315 DEXXXXhdH_Concl: Number concept in human sense not in animals - - - - Hon,H.'42- FROCP.Honigmann,H. - - - - - - '42 Altern problem w/fowl - - - - - - ExB19:141 FEOCPHhcH_Fowl acq R=peck altern grains in row, not skip every 3rd - Hon,H.'42- ----- ----- SSRML Honzik, Charles H. - - - '33 Lrng w/out specific S (Tolman) - - PhD UCBer RDRVC.Honzik,C.H. - - - - - - '31. Delayed R in rats - - - - - - - - UCP 4:307 RGRVCHhrH_After B/W trng, perf delayed R re position of brief S+ - - Hon,CH'31- SZRML.Honzik,C.H. - - - - - - '33 Cerebral control of maze lrng - - JC 15: 95 SBRMLHaxA_Interp perf of blind O as cerebral control vs sensory Ss - Hon,CH'33- SARML.Honzik,C.H. - - - - - - '33. Lrng w/out intra/extra-maze S - - UCP 6: 99 SBRMLHaxa_Acq w/blind O decr if frequently interchange maze parts - - Hon,CH'33- SB axa_Attrib above lrng to cog spatial relations, not kinesthesis Hon,CH'33- SSRfL.Honzik,C.H. - - - - - - '36 Role of kinesthesis in maze lrng - Sc 84:373 SERfL-bFa_Kinesthesis inadequate/unnec for maze lrng - - - - - - - - Hon,CH'36- SSRfL.Honzik,C.H. - - - - - - '36. Sensory basis of maze lrng - - - - CPM13: 64 SERfL-baz_Base maze lrng on all available senses w/some surgicly elim Hon,CH'36- SE baz_Rel import of any sense depends on other available senses Hon,CH'36- SE baz_W/elevated maze, vision > olfaction > audition > tactual Hon,CH'36- SE baz_Can learn maze w/any sense except proprio alone Hon,CH'36- SE baz_Exterocep cue nec for acq; propriocep cue devel skill later Hon,CH'36- SSRMP.Honzik,C.H. - - - - - - '38 Exteroceptive S and maze blinds - JC 25:355 SPRMPHbqr_Similar error distribution w/similar elevated/alley mazes - Hon,CH'38- SMRML.Honzik,C.H. - - - - - - '39 Specificity vs patterning - - - - JC 27:149 SERMLHbaz_Results of lengthening/shortening/changing maze units, Hon,CH'39- SE baz_ imply olfactory cues w/blind rats are continuous process Hon,CH'39- SARTC.Honzik,C.H.Tolman - - - '36. Percep of spatial relations - - - JC 22:287 SGRTCHcCp_After non-diff reinf, avoid R to GB where placed-shocked - Hon,CH'36+ DJRML.Honzik,C.H.Tolman - - - '38 Punish on lrng - - - - - - - - - - JC 26:187 DFRMLHcas_Require jump gap B4, not after B/W doors facil acq - - - - Hon,CH'38+ ----- ----- ZZXXX Hook,S. (Ed) - - - - - - '60 Dimensions of mind - - - - - - - - NYU DLRVL.Hooper,R. - - - - - - - '67. Overlrng reversal effect - - - - - JEx73:612 DbRNLHaaT_Extended trng facil B/W reversal w/large, not small reinf - Hoo,R.'67- Db aaT_Above ORE w/correction > noncorrection proc Hoo,R.'67- CDDOE.Hopfield,J.F.Gelperin - '89 Diffcond in terrestial mollusc - - BNS03:329 CpOOE-asa_Cond aversn w/compound odors, approach elements in mollusc Hop,JF'89+ DR Hopkins, Billy L. - - - '62 ObR in lrng/recog - - - - - - - - PhD Ind U SKR Hopkins, Charles O. - - '52 Sec reinf as-f(Amt(Reinf) - - - - PhD U Ill IkRAR Hopkins,C.O. - - - - - - '55. Quant/qual of food on sec reinf - JEx50:339 IJN Hopkins,W.D.Bennett - - '94. Handedness and approach-avoid beh ABP20:413 ORHCO.Hopkinson, Peter - - - - '88 Opcond electrodermal R - - - - - - PhD SHamp OPHCOObYv_Opcond of electrodermal R only w/covert mediating OpR - - - Hop,P.'88- IARN Hoppe, Susan A. - - - - '75 Hippocamp lsn on latent inhib - - PhD Purdu DSM Hopper, David L. - - - - '76 Parathion toxicity on DMTS - - - - PhD IowaS ORRCC.Hoppmann,R.A.JDAllen - - '79 Sched-induced polydipsia - - - - - PhB22:195 OPRCCHbip_Wild Norway rats fail to devel polydipsia w/1-min FT food - Hop,RA'79+ DA N Horel, James A. - - - - '62 Remove neocortex on visual habit - PhD OhioS DSMVL.Horel,J.A. et al - - - - '61. Spatial S arrangement on discrim - JCP54:546 DEMVLObds_Acq w/small S displays, espec if near R buttons - - - - - - Hor,JA'61e ORMSO.Horel,J.A. et al - - - - '63. Coercive beh - - - - - - - - - - - JCP56:208 OEMSOHbCa_W/food rf handleturn OpR only by submissive of paired Os, Hor,JA'63e OE bCa_ dominant O acq proficiency at intercepting pellets - - - Hor,JA'63e OE bCa_W/satiated submissive O, dominant O coerced perf of OpR Hor,JA'63e OMRCP.Horenstein,B.R. - - - - '51 R as-f(hunger) - - - - - - - - - - JCP44:210 ObRCPHbmo_W/trng w/23-h dep, R(Extn)/Rate(OpR) incr-f(1/2/6/12/23-h) Hor,BR'51- OKREP.Horger,B.A. et al - - - '90 Preexposure to cocaine - - - - - - PBB37:707 OFREP-gJ3_Preexposure w/COC injection incr OpR w/reinf = COC - - - - Hor,BA'90e CRCNN.Hori,Y.Yoshi - - - - - - '65 Cond change in neural discharge - PRp16:241 CPCNN-bYN_Cond discharge of single neuron of medial thalamus - - - - Hor,Y.'65+ CRCNN.Hori,Y. et al - - - - - '67 Cond unitary acty - - - - - - - - PhB 2:255 CPCNN-bYN_Cond subcortical unit acty w/ESB as S/US - - - - - - - - - Hor,Y.'67e IKRAR.Horie,K. - - - - - - - - '72 Perf w/partial Delay(Reinf) - - - PAb 8544 IERARHajv_Speed(IR) w/partial Delay(Reinf) > CRF w/no delay - - - - - Hor,K.'72- IKRAR.Horie,K. - - - - - - - - '72 Perf w/PRF sched - - - - - - - - - PAb 8545 IERARHafa_Speed(IR) w/PRF > CRF even in goal area - - - - - - - - - - Hor,K.'72- IKSSO Horn, Joseph M. - - - - '69 Pref for aggression as-f(isolatn) PhD UMinn CXHAB.Horn, Paul W. - - - - - '61 Cond as-f(CSI/USI) (Thune) - - - - PhD Vbilt CEHAB-bIG_Acq CR incr-f(USI) w/no effect of CSI or CSIxUSI interactn Hor,PW'61- ZAHXX.Horne,J.A.McGrath - - - '84 Consolidation hypo re REM sleep - BiP18:165 ZZHXXXCZA Critical of consolidation hypo re function of REM sleep - - Hor,JA'84+ OAh Horne,P.J.Lowe - - - - - '96. Naming & other symbolic beh - - - EAB65:185 OA Horne,P.J.Lowe - - - - - '97. Toward a theory of verbal beh - - EAB68:271 SRRMP Horner, John - - - - - - '84. Maze structure w/mult-goal task - ALB12: 55 ODP Horner, John M. - - - - '86 Choice as reward-following - - - - PhD Duke DK Horner,J.M.Staddon - - - '88 Probabilistic beh--An invariance PAb 28624 OKP Horner,J.M. et al - - - '97. Integration of reinf - - - - - - - ALB25: 84 OK Horney, Julie - - - - - '73 Cond reinf in concur-chain - - - - PhD UCSD OK Horney,J.Fantino - - - - '84. Choice of cond reinf w/out primary EAB41:193 OERxP.Horns,H.L.Heron - - - - '40. Disinhib - - - - - - - - - - - - - JC 30: 97 OdRxPHbaO_After extn after FI trng, Rate(OpR) incr w/brief buzz/shock Hor,HL'40+ FASEO.Horowitz,G.P.Allan - - - '82 Morphine w/drawal re ALC sensitive PBB16: 35 FNSEO-tp2_MORPH w/drawal severity w/ALC short > long sleep O - - - - Hor,GP'82+ CRREC.Horowitz,G.P.Whitney - - '75. Alcohol-induced cond aversion - - JCP89:340 FQREC-il3_Genotype specif (DBAs not C57s) aversn to sacc, ALC US - - Hor,GP'75- FV EC Horowitz,G.P. et al - - '77 Genetic control of morphine intake PPm52:119 VLH Horowitz, Arnold E. - - '55 Linguistic structure (Solomon) - - PhD Harvd DMRNP.Horowitz,M.W.Stone - - - '47. ECS on lite-discrim habit - - - - JCP40: 15 DDRNPHatN_Decr in lite/dark perf w/post-tr ECS, w/recovery - - - - - Hor,MW'47+ ZZHEC.Horton,D. - - - - - - - '44 Alcohol in primitive societies - - PAb 806 ZZHEC-XEe_Cross-cultural anal of customary insobriety in primitives - Hor,D.'44- ZZ XEe_Hi insobriety w/primitive econ, incr-f(subsistence hazards) Hor,D.'44- RAC Horton,G.P.Guthrie - - - '38 Further study: Cat in puzzle box - PBl36:521 DEhVP.Horton,R.B. - - - - - - '61 Amp of R w/extn - - - - - - - - - ChD21:107 DbhVPObbd_Acq w/marble reinf w/noncorrection, incr in Amp(R) w/extn - Hor,RB'61- AMCN Horvath, Fred E. - - - - '62 Amygdalectomy on avoid beh - - - - PhD UMich ESOAR.Hosey,G.R. et al - - - - '85 Social facil w/centipede - - - - - BPr10:123 EEOARUbCa_Speed(ER) incr w/runway flanked by tubes w/other centipedes Hos,GR'85e FMRN Hostetter, Gaule M. - - '67 Hippocamp lsnk on beh - - - - - - PhD U Ill SMRNL.Hostetter,G.GJThomas - - '67. Thigmotaxis in lrng w/hypocamp lsn JCP63:105 SLRNLHtNs_Acq decr w/hipocampal lsn, w/w/out walls to follow - - - - Hos,G.'67+ FMSFA.Hostetter,R.C. - - - - - '66. Time-of-day effects on lrng/acty - PSc 5: 57 FPSFA-bCa_Interaction of DBA/1J + C57B1/6 O re acty as-f(time-of-day) Hos,RC'66- ORROH Hothersall, David - - - '68 Opcond HR w/curarized O - - - - - PhD UTenn OERCP.Hothersall,D. - - - - - '66. R/Extn w/CRF after PRF - - - - - - JEx72:109 OdRCPHbpc_Pretrng w/CRF decr R/Extn after PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - Hot,D.'66- ORROH.Hothersall,D.Brener - - '69. Opcond changes in heart rate - - - JCP68:338 OPEIGIbYv_Opcond incr/decr HR w/fdbk S and ESB reinf in curarized O - Hot,D.'69+ OMRNP Hothersall,D. et al - - '70. FR beh w/septal lesions - - - - - JCP73:470 OARUP.Hothersall,D. et al - - '73. Free vs R-prod food - - - - - - - ALB 1:241 OERUPHbCf_Prefer free food vs R-produced food, w/pref incr-f(FR) - - Hot,D.'73e SAOML.Houpt,K.A. et al - - - - '82 Lrng w/orphan/normal foals - - - - AnS55:027 SLOMLHnAC_Lrng w/orphan=normal foals, w/acq by young > older horses - Hou,KA'82e FAOGC.Houpt,K.A. et al - - - - '90 Taste aversion lrng in horses - - AnS68:234 FDOGCHcia_Horses acq CTA w/immed, not 30-min delayed apomorphine US - Hou,KA'90e FDOGCHcaU_Horses have difficulty lrng CTA w/hi-palatable food - - - - Hou,KA'90e ----- ----- SR House, Betty J. - - - - '53 Test altern th - - - - - - - - - - PhD UConn DVh House,B.J.Zeaman - - - - '58 Discrim w/normal/mental defective CDv29:411 DVh House,B.J.Zeaman - - - - '58 Reward/nonreward w/imbeciles - - - JCP51:614 DVh House,B.J.Zeaman - - - - '59. Position disc/reversal in retarded JCP52:564 DVh House,B.J.Zeaman - - - - '60. Transfer disc objects to patterns JEx59:298 DVh House,B.J.Zeaman - - - - '62. Practice on delayed R w/retarded - JCP54:223 DVhVL.House,B.J.Zeaman - - - - '62. Reversal/nonreversal w/retarded - JEx63:444 DbhVLOaqs_W/retardates, extradimen shift < reversal/intradimen shift Hou,BJ'62+ DVh House,B.J.Zeaman - - - - '63. Lrng sets w/minimum S w/retarded - JCP56:735 DVh House,B.J. et al - - - - '57 Pos/neg cues in disc w/defectives PMS 7: 73 ----- ----- IE House, Robert F. - - - - '63 R/Extn as-f(sucrose concen) - - - PhD UMich RPHVP.House,S.D. - - - - - - - '22 Another comedy of errors - - - - - PAb 689 RPHVPOtej_Interp typing errors as "revelation of Freudian law" - - - Hou,SD'22- DMRD Houser, Vincent P. - - - '69 Drugs on discrim lrng - - - - - - PhD UMass FAMEA.Houser,V.P. - - - - - - '75 Chronic d-amphetamine on acty - - BPS 5:313 FLMEA-tm2_Chronic daily d-AMPH incr acty, w/decr acty during w/drawal Hou,VP'75- AAMEP.Houser,V.P.Cash - - - - '75 Chronic morphine w/R-indep shock - PPm41:255 ALMEP-tm2_Chronic sc MORPH decr ARo, incl during S B4 R-indep shock - Hou,VP'75+ OZX Houston, Alasdair I. - - '91. Risk-sensitive foraging th - - - - EAB56:585 ZRXXX.Houston,A.I.McNamara - - '89 Value of food in open/closed econ AnB37:546 ZZXXXXkXm_Model re amt time devoted to various acty re reproduction - Hou,AI'89+ ZZ kXm_Concl open econ for foraging, closed for time-allocation Hou,AI'89+ OS Houston,A. et al - - - - '87. Sched parameters in concur sched - EAB47:127 OK Houston,A.I. et al - - - '87. Reinf rate max on concur chains - EAB48:133 ZZXXX.Houston,J.P. - - - - - - '76. Fundamentals of learning - - - - - Academic ZZXXX-ZZT_Eclectic coverage of field, integrating animal/human lrng - Hou,JP'76- ----- ----- IM Hovancik, John R. - - - '75 Nonconting pairings as-f(dep) - - PhD Purdu IAR Hovancik,J.R. - - - - - '78. Dep level during nonconting pair - L&M 9: 1 IDRUP.Hovancik,J.R. - - - - - '80 Pos induction in acq/extn - - - - AmJ93:593 IpRUPUCIi_During diffcond acq/extn, Lat(IR) after S- < S+ trials - - Hov,JR'80- Ip CIi_Note: Above pos induction only if emit IR to S- Hov,JR'80- IDRDR Hovancik,J.R. - - - - - '83 Elim pos induction w/sodium amytal PRp53:151 IER Hovancik,J.R.Capaldi - - '74. Predictive value of GB placements PRp35:550 IERAR.Hovancik,J.R.Lehr - - - '80 Non-rewarded GB placements - - - - PRp46:219 IbRARHbbp_Nonreinf GB placements interspersed w/CRF running trials Hov,JR.80+ Ib bbp_ incr R/Extn only if give GB placements B4 extn trials - Hov,JR'80+ ----- ----- DSHVO Hovey, H. Birnet - - - - '34 Concept of limen - - - - - - - - - PhD USCal CAWVO.Hovey,H.B. - - - - - - - '29 Assoc hysteresis in flatworm - - - PAb 4429 CLWVO-rZW_Cond inhib of reflex creep to lite by Pair(lite,touch) - - Hov,HB'29- DG Hoving, Kenneth L. - - - '62 Genz as-f(trng) - - - - - - - - - PhD UWash OGH Hoving,K.L. - - - - - - '63. Type of discrim trng on S/Genz - - JEx66:514 ----- ----- CGH Hovland, Carl I. - - - - '36 S/Genz of CR (Hull) - - - - - - - PhD Yale CEHAG.Hovland,C.I. - - - - - - '36 Inhib w/reinf and extn - - - - - - NAS22:430 CaHAG-blr_Initial incr Mag(CR) if begin extn immed after massed trng Hov,CI'36- CEHxG.Hovland,C.I. - - - - - - '37 Extn, spon-rec, disinhib - - - - - JEx21: 47 CeHxG-bex_R/Extn less for generalized CR than for trng S - - - - - - Hov,CI'37- Ce bex_R/Extn of generalized CR decr-f(N/acq trials) Hov,CI'37- CcHxG-bta_Spon-rec greater for generalized CR than for trng S - - - - Hov,CI'37- CeHxG-bCg_Reduce illum produces disinhib in diff-classcond - - - - - Hov,CI'37- CeHxG-beE_Pair US w/2 S--Extinguish 1--Incr that CR by exting other - Hov,CI'37- CGHAG.Hovland,C.I. - - - - - - '37 S/Genz w/tone freq - - - - - - - - JGn17:125 CeHAG-bei_Neg-accel S/Genz gradient w/equal jnd steps in pitch - - - Hov,CI'37- CRHAG.Hovland,C.I. - - - - - - '37 S/Genz and varying Amt(reinf) - - JEx21:261 CPHAG-blr_Amp(CR) incr-sigmoid-f N/tone-shock pairings - - - - - - - Hov,CI'37- CaHAG-bna_R/Extn incr-f N/acq trials - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hov,CI'37- CGHAG.Hovland,C.I. - - - - - - '37 S/Genz w/tone inten - - - - - - - JGt51:279 CeHAG-bei_Rel flat neg-accel S/Genz gradient along tone inten - - - - Hov,CI'37- CeHAG-beE_S/Genz gradient of extinctive inhib sim to excit - - - - - Hov,CI'37- CeHAG-bAd_S/Genz diminished by diff-classcond - - - - - - - - - - - - Hov,CI'37- CGHAG.Hovland,C.I. - - - - - - '49 Comments on Littman S/Genz of GSR JEx39:892 CeHAG-bez_Discuss discrepant results of S/Genz of GSR to tones - - - Hov,CI'49- RRHFA.Hovland,C.I.Sears - - - '38. Resolution of motor conflict - - - JEx23:477 RBHFAOcap_Make R w/app-approach; leave field w/avoid-avoid conflict - Hov,CI.38+ ----- ----- OS Hovorka, Edward J. - - - '52 Freq(R) as-f(ESB inten) - - - - - PhD Ind U AVr .Howard,E. et al - - - - '76 Active avoid w/postnatal food dep DPB 9:217 ANr SnCa_No effect of food dep from 2 to 20-d age on adult AR acq - How,E.'76e OD Howard, Jane S. - - - - '78 Reinf in transfer of S-control - - PhD WMich CRCAx.Howard,J.L. et al - - - '74. Mult somatic meas of cond - - - - JCP87:228 CPCAx-bYh_Antic heart decel correl w/somatic acty, not respiratn/EMG How,JL'74e DSP Howard, Rodney C. - - - '79 S relevance on memory - - - - - - PhD MichS OCPAe.Howard,R.C.Rilling - - - '78. Time-dependent changes in CER - - EAB29:199 OAPAe-oIo_CER inc-dec-f(time) since Pair(S,shock), 0-60 min w/in O - How,RC'78+ CAPAe-ace_CER incr-decr-f(time) since truly-random(S/shock) - - - - - How,RC'78+ DARM Howard,R.L.DRMeyer - - - '71. Motiv control of amnesia - - - - - JCP74: 37 OAR Howard, Robert W. - - - '77. S-control over time allocation - - L&M 8:171 OSRxP.Howard,R.W. - - - - - - '78 Control w/compound S - - - - - - - AuJ30:169 OeRxPHbes_Summation re Rate(OpR) w/compound S1/S2 trnd separately - - How,RW'78- Oe bes_Above only if trng incl extn re no-S1 and no-S2 How,RW'78- OKPCx.Howard,R.W. - - - - - - '79 Beh contrast w/diff R - - - - - - JGn01:265 OpPCxHaqv_Beh contrast w/MULT Sched(Reinf) w/Rs = key-peck/bar-press How,RW'79- IGHVU.Howard,R.W. - - - - - - '83 S/Genz of R latency - - - - - - - PAb 4912 IeHVUObAd_After diffcond, stepwise S/Genz re R lat implies categories How,RW'83- CMM Howard, Thomas C. - - - '60 Cond hunger drive - - - - - - - - PhD WashS AARAE.Howard,T.C. - - - - - - '62 Cond temp drive - - - - - - - - - PRp10:371 ACRAE-nII_Pair(box,cold) w/escape ER--Rapid escape when not cold - - How,TC'62- EMROV.Howard,T.C. - - - - - - '63 Hunger on escape from cold - - - - PRp12:299 ELROVOnaa_Lat(ER) re cold ambient temp decr w/added food dep - - - - How,TC'63- IMMVP.Howard,T.C.Young - - - - '62. Cond hunger and sec reinf - - - - JCP55:392 ICMVPHnaM_No cond hunger re 1/2-hr expose to lite B4/after feeding - How,TC'62+ IC naM_Above concl re perf w/satiation on lrng/perf of food IR How,TC'62+ OERCP.Howarth,C.I.Deutsch - - '62 Drive decay w/brain stim - - - - - Sc 37: 35 ObRCPObbo_Little R(Extn) w/removal ESB reinf - - - - - - - - - - - - How,CI'62+ DGRVP.Howarth,E. - - - - - - - '55 S convergence beh - - - - - - - - AuJ 7:163 DLRVPUnAv_Accentuate indiv diff as incr difficulty of form discrim - How,E.'55- FARFA.Howarth,E. - - - - - - - '62. Acty decr/recovery w/repeated test JCP55:102 FPRFAObBa_Acty decr-incr-f(daily expose to environ) - - - - - - - - - How,E.'62- AMRN Howarth, Harry H. - - - '79 Avoid beh w/septal lsn - - - - - - PhD OhioS CEHVB.Howat,M.D.Grant - - - - '58. ITI during extn on spon-rec - - - JEx56: 11 CaHVB-bha_Greater R/Extn w/massed (7.5 vs 35 sec) ITI, w/distrib trng How,MD'58+ CcHVB-bth_20-min/24-hr spon-rec not-f extn ITI, 7.5 vs 35 sec - - - - How,MD'58+ EKRAR.Howe,E.S. - - - - - - - '61 Incr vs decr in shock incentive - AmJ74:462 EbRARScae_Decr Amt(shock decr)-->decr Speed(ER); no change w/incr rf How,ES'61- ZAH Howe,M. (Ed) - - - - - - '77 Adult learning - - - - - - - - - - Wiley EKRAR.Howe,S. - - - - - - - - '61 Incr/decr reduction in shock - - - AmJ74:462 EbRARSclu_Speed(ER)decr w/decr Amt(shock decr); no change w/incr - - How,S.'61- OAMEP.Howell,L.L. et al - - - '86 White noise/cocaine on Rate(OpR) - EAB46:381 OLMEP-te2_Effect on Rate(OpR) w/FI sched w/COC = inten white noise - How,LL'86e ZZXXX.Howells,T.H. - - - - - - '45. Dogmas of heredity - - - - - - - - PRv52: 23 ZZXXXXZXc_Concl: Not nature vs nurture but nature and nurture - - - - How,TH.45- OKP Howerton,L.Meltzer - - - '83. FI beh after signaled reinf duratn BPS21:161 DM Howes,D.H.Solomon - - - '50 Emotionality/perceptual defense - PRv57:229 OR Hoyer, William J. - - - '72 Topographical variability - - - - PhD W.Va ASO .Hoyer,W.J. - - - - - - - '73 Discontinuous shock w/tadpole - - PRp33:143 AEO Scau_W/tadpole, discontinuous US incr N/ER but not ARi - - - - - Hoy,WJ'73- AVOVO.Hoyer,W.J. et al - - - - '71. Escape/avoid w/tadpole - - - - - - PSc24:247 ALOVOSnAY_Acq forward-mvmt ER w/some (25%) acq of ARi w/tadpole - - - Hoy,WJ'71e DGC Hranchuk, Kenneth B. - - '74 Interocular transfer - - - - - - - PhD Crltn CAHNB Hrudova,L. et al - - - - '83 EEG acty during classcond - - - - ANS25:177 CAHAG.Hrudova,L. et al - - - - '89 Forward/backward cond - - - - - - PAb 709 CAHAG-aiR_Backward > forward vasomotor cond w/puff US - - - - - - - - Hru,L.'89e IGOVP.Hrycenko,O.Harwood - - - '80 Shape similarity w/dove - - - - - AnB28:586 IeOVPUbea_W/dove after diffcond w/simple vs complex shapes, Hry,O.'80+ Ie bea_ S/Genz gradient re N/sides of test shape - - - - - - - - Hry,O.'80+ FROSC.Hsia,L.C.Wood-Gush - - - '84 Social facil feeding w/pigs - - - PAb 27932 FPOSCHaCF_Pigs resume feeding w/presence of feeding pig in next stall Hsi,LC'84+ SMREL.Hsia,Y. - - - - - - - - '37 Morphine on lrng - - - - - - - - - PAb 5565 SLRELHte2_MORPH incr time/errors in maze lrng - - - - - - - - - - - - Hsi,Y.'37- SARMC.Hsiao,H.H. - - - - - - - '29. Insight in spatial complex - - - - UCP 4: 57 SPRMCHhIH_Evidence of insight re avoid R to blocked common final path Hsi,HH'29- FRRSC.Hsiao,S. - - - - - - - - '65. Female variation in sex satiation JCP60:467 FQRSCSdfS_After sex exhaustion, diff female rearouse male sex acty - Hsi,S.'65- FARCC.Hsiao, Sigmund - - - - - '70 Intake of salted food/H2O - - - - CJP24: 8 FPRCC1aXW_After 24-hr food/H2O dep, NaCl in food incr liquid intake - Hai,A.'70- FPRCC1aXF_Food intake not-f(NaCl in food), decr-f(NaCl in liquid) Hai,A.'70- FMR C Hsiao,S.Trankina - - - - '69. Thirst-hunger interaction - - - - JCP69:448 SNRML.Hu,C.N. - - - - - - - - '38 Brain injury on retention - - - - JGn18:267 SLRMLHtNs_Decr in lrng/relrng 8-unit maze incr-f(amt cortical injury) Hu.,CN'38- ----- ----- IK Huang, I-Ning - - - - - '68 Contrast as-f(Amt(Reinf)) - - - - PhD UTxAu ILRAR Huang,I. - - - - - - - - '69. Successive contrast as-f(Mag(Reinf JEx82: 64 IA Huang,I.Huang - - - - - '70. Effect of initial reward - - - - - PSc18: 39 OSRSP.Huang,I.GAWood - - - - - '84 Presence of conspecific - - - - - JGn10: 3 OERSPHbCa_No effect of conspecific visible during acq/extn - - - - - Hua,I.'84+ IERAR Huang,I.Yeh - - - - - - '73. Small-tr PREE as-f(goal approach) JEx01:406 OARSP.Huang,I. et al - - - - - '83 Observational lrng - - - - - - - - JGn08:103 OGRSPUqoH_Acq facil w/observe conspecific emit OpR - - - - - - - - - Hua,I.'83e ----- ----- ODREP.Huang,J.Ho - - - - - - - '74 Discrim S prop of d-amphetamine - PBB 2:669 OFREP-gS3_Diff-cond d-AMPH vs saline w/genz to stimulants - - - - - - Hua,J.'74+ IVR Hubbard,H. - - - - - - - '15 Age on habit formation - - - - - - BMG 2: 1 FAREx.Hubbard,J.E.Gohd - - - - '75 Tolerance to nicotine - - - - - - PBB 3:471 FLREx-tm2_Daily nicotine-->Tolerance re acty/EEG - - - - - - - - - - Hub,JE'75+ DSRVL.Hubbard,R.M. - - - - - - '27 Stim for visual discrim - - - - - JC 7: 75 DERVLHbea_Acq re lighted circle < lighted hole thru which O goes - - Hub,RM'27- DKHVC.Hubbard,W.R. - - - - - - '51 Sec reinf of simple discrim - - - JEx41:233 DbHVC-bbd_Pair tone w/reinf during acq, tone during extn incr R/Extn Hub,WR'51- FAREC.Hubbell,C.L. et al - - - '88 Morphine on alcohol intake - - - - PAb 25883 FQREC-gx3_Lo-dose MORPH incr sweet ALC intake vs H2O, attrib to taste Hub,CL'89e FAREC.Hubbell,C.L. et al - - - '89 Morphine on ethanol intake - - - - PAb 25239 FQREC-gx3_Constant infusion MORPH incr intake of sweetened ALC - - - Hub,CL'89e SVR Hubbert, Helen B. - - - '15 Habit as-f(age) - - - - - - - - - PhD JHopk SRRML.Hubbert,H.B. - - - - - - '14 Time vs distance in lrng - - - - - AnB 4: 60 SPRMLHbaz_Exper factors have diff effects on time vs distance in lrng Hub,HB'14- SARML.Hubbert,H.B. - - - - - - '15 Elimination of errors - - - - - - AnB 5: 66 SPRMLHbqs_Rate of elim errors not-f(distance from GB) - - - - - - - - Hub,HB'15- SARML.Hubbert,H.B.Lashley - - '17 Retroactive assn and elim errors - AnB 7:130 SPRMLHbar_Acq sense of direction in maze, esp near goal - - - - - - - Hub,HB'17+ SAR Hubbert,H.B.Lashley - - '17 Retroactive assn in maze - - - - - AnB 7:130 DSP Huber,L. et al - - - - - '99. Limits on symmetry - - - - - - - - QJE52:351 OKREx.Hubner,C.B.Kornetsky - - '92 Drugs on thresh for reinf/escape - PAb 26616 OFRExUgO3_Re reinf/aversive thresh w/ESB, heroin potency much > MORPH Hub,CB'92+ OMREP.Hubner,C.B. et al - - - '87 Morphine/d-amphetamin on reinf ESB PBB28:311 OLREP-te2_ESB reinf thresh decr w/MORPH/d-AMPH, max w/both - - - - - Hub,CB'87e CRH P Hudgins, Clarence V. - - '32 Vol control of pupillary reflex - PhD Clark CRHLP.Hudgins,C.V. - - - - - - '33. Cond + vol control of pupillary R JGn 8: 3 CPHLP-bYp_Classcond w/Pair(bell,lite) accompanied by vocal command - Hud,CV'33- CP bYp_Fade out bell/vocal S until CR to subvocal command Hud,CV'33- AAR Hudson, Bradford B. - - '47 1-tr lrng (Tolman) - - - - - - - - PhD UCBer IJRVC.Hudson,B.B. - - - - - - '50. 1-trial lrng - - - - - - - - - - - GPM41: 99 IBRVCHcaP_Acq 1-tr punish IR incr-f(30-145 d age), incl push shavings Hud,BB'50- IB caP_Less 1-tr lrng if remove S concur w/shock-on Hud,BB'50- IB caP_Retention 1-tr punish IR decr-f(13-140 d delay B4 test) Hud,BB'50- IB caP_Note: Above 1-tr lrng specific re S in home cage context Hud,BB'50- ORMVC.Hudson,R.Singer - - - - '79 Polydiopsia w/visual displays - - PhB22:379 OPMVCObip_Fixed sched to view film of other monkey-->polydipsia - - - Hud,R.'79+ OM Hudspeth, William J. - - '66 4th rhinencephalic system - - - - PhD Clrmt ZSXNX Hudspeth,W.J.Gerbrandt - '64. ECS-Conflict/competitn/consolidatn PBl63:377 AARN Hudspeth,W.J.McGaugh - - '64. Aversive/amnesic effects of ECS - JCP57: 61 SMRML.Hudspeth,W.J.Thomson - - '62 1757 I.S. on maze lrng - - - - - - PRp10:222 SLRMLHtDs_1757 I.S. injected after each trial facil acq - - - - - - - Hud,WJ'62+ ZKXXX Hue,W.F. - - - - - - - - '60. Lrng theory and values - - - - - - PRv67:317 CAHLL.Huertas-Rodriguez,E. - - '82 S-R reversibility - - - - - - - - PAb B7293 CAHLL-aiB_Pair(syllable,aversive-S)--Choose syllable-R to aversive-S Hue,E.'82- OR Huff, Edward M. - - - - '66 Markov anal of R-timing - - - - - PhD TCU AURCP.Huff,F.W. et al - - - - '67. Serially presented US inten - - - PSc 8:111 AERCPSclu_Rate(ARo) incr-f(USI) w/incr/decr in rate w/incr/decr USI - Huf,FW'67e IER Hug, James J. - - - - - '69 Overlrng extn effect w/PRF (Amsel) PhD Trnto IMRAR.Hug,J.J. - - - - - - - - '70. FE after altern reinf - - - - - - PSc21: 61 IDRARHomf_Decr in FE w/devel of patterning of IR w/altern PRF in GB1 Hug,JJ'70- ZMXXX Hug,J.J.Amsel - - - - - '69. Frustration theory and PRF - - - - PRv76:419 CUHVB.Hug,J.J.Porter - - - - - '68. USI on habit and drive - - - - - - JEx77:150 CEHVB-gcB_Mix Pair(S,USI1) + USI2-alone--P(CR)=incr-f(paired USI) - - Hug,JJ'68+ CE gcB_Mix Pair(S,USI1) + USI2-alone--P(CR)=incr-f(mean USI) Hug,JJ'68+ CE gcB_No stat interaction in P(CR), paired-USI and mean USI Hug,JJ'68+ CEHVG.Hugdahl, Kenneth - - - - '78 Cond to phobic S - - - - - - - - - BRT16:315 CaHVGSaVz_Immed decr in CR w/instruct no-US after Pair(picture,sh) - Hug,K.'78- Ca aVz_Above w/neutral picture; no decr w/snake-picture CS) Hug,K.'78- CSHVE.Hugdahl,K. et al - - - - '82 Effects of moving CS - - - - - - - PAbB11886 CEHVE-gap_Pair(S,shock)--Some evidence snake-S>shape-S, slide>motion Hug,K.'82e CRHxG.Hugdahl,K. et al - - - - '87 Hemispheric asymmetry w/verbal S - PPh24:557 CEHxG-bea_Max cond w/verbal S to left, color S to right hemisphere - Hug,D.'87e CRRAB.Hughes,B.Schlosberg - - '38 Cond lid reflex in the white rat - JEx23:641 CARAB-acA_Pair(buzz,puff) produces antic lid closure in rat - - - - - Hug,B.'38+ CARAB-anw_Classcond w/Pair(buzz,puff), w/P(CR) incr-decr w/in session Hug,B.'38+ CPRAB-bta_Lat(CR) decr w/Pair(buzz,puff) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hug,B.'38+ OAMEP.Hughes,C.E.Branch - - - '91 Tolerance to cocaine as-f(sched) - EAB56:345 OLMEP-tm2_Devel beh tolerance to decr effect of COC w/lo FR > hi - - Hug,CE'91+ OAP Hughes,C.E. et al - - - '96. Cocaine tolerance & food dep - - - EAB65:145 DLRxL.Hughes,C.R.North - - - - '59. Partial correl between cues - - - JCP52:126 DERxLUbSc_Acq same > reverse B/W discrim after irrelevant B/W made Hug,CR'59+ DE bSc_ partially relevant during initial form discrim - - - - - Hug,CR'59+ FA Hughes, Carroll W. - - - '73 Early exper on domestication - - - PhD U Mo IJR Hughes,C.W. - - - - - - '76. Shock/ice-H2O avoid w/wild/lab rat ALB 4: 66 AVR x.Hughes,C.W.Boice - - - - '73. Domestication and avcond - - - - - JCP84:408 ALR xSnaC_Domesticated = wild subj re ER/AR w/1-way/2-way ARi - - - - Hug,CW'73+ DLR Hughes, Dolores - - - - '72 Reversal as-f(N/tr) - - - - - - - PhD CUNY IERAR.Hughes,D. et al - - - - '60. GB/alley sim in latent extn - - - JCP53:612 IbRARHbbp_GB exposure B4 extn decr R/Extn w/distinctive > sim GB - - Hug,D.'60e OkRAB Hughes,H.Adams - - - - - '67. Term shock as sec reinf - - - - - PSc 8:179 OCRAe.Hughes, Heidi B. - - - - '66 P(losing pos reinf) on CER - - - - PhD S.Ill OARAe-oIc_If not complete, suppress less if reinf sched in 30-sec ISI Hug,HB'66- AMRN Hughes, Kenneth A. - - - '62 Hippocamp lsn on aversive beh - - PhD U Chi SARNL Hughes,K.R. - - - - - - '65 Hippocamp lesions on maze lrng - - CJP19:325 SVRML.Hughes,K.R.Zubek - - - - '56 Glutamic acid w/bright/dull rats - CJP10:132 SLRMLHnaa_Glutamic acid supplement incr lrng w/dull, not bright O - - Hug,KR'56+ SVRML.Hughes,K.R.Zubek - - - - '57 Glutamic acid w/bright/dull rats - CJP11:182 SLRMLHnaa_Facil effect of glutamic acid persisted 60-d w/out trtmt - Hug,KR'57+ SMRML.Hughes,K.R. et al - - - '57 Glutamic acid w/bright/dull rats - CJP11:253 SLRMLHnaa_No effect of glutamic acid supplement w/dull O on maze lrng Hug,KR'57e IKRAR.Hughes, Larry F. - - - - '72 PRF as-f(Amt(Reinf)) - - - - - - - PhD Tulan OMRxP.Hughes,L.F.Dachowski - - '73. Reinf/nonreinf in operant FE - - - ALB 1: 73 OBRxPHasc_W/chain FR4 on 2 bars, Bar2 rate after Bar 1 nonreinf>reinf Hug,LF'73+ OB asc_Above FE was incr in Rate(OpR) vs nonreinf control Hug,LF'73+ IMRAR.Hughes,L.F. et al - - - '74. Mag(Reinf) and PREA - - - - - - - JCP87:563 IERARHafa_PREA in all alley segments, incr-f(Amt(Reinf) - - - - - - - Hug,LF'74e IDRARHomf_FE w/PRF re GB acty on nonreinf tr incr-f(Amt(Reinf)) - - - Hug,LF'74e EK Hughes, Lawson H. - - - '59 Delay of shock-escape reinf - - - PhD Ind U SKRTL.Hughes,L.H. - - - - - - '57. Saccharine reinf - - - - - - - - - JCP50:431 SERTLHaMK_Speed + %-correct incr-f(amt) not concen sacc reinf - - - - Hug,LH'57- IARN Hughes, Richard A. - - - '68 Amnesia w/hippocamp injection - - PhD Rutgr AUR1J.Hughes,R.A.Bardo - - - - '84 Shuttle avoid as-f(noise inten) - PAb 488 AER1JOclu_Perf ARi incr-decr-f(inten of white noise US) - - - - - - - Hug,RA'84+ AUR J.Hughes,R.A.Brett - - - - '76. Shuttle avcond w/white noise US - ALB 4: 33 ADR JOata_Shuttle avcond w/noise US, w/retentn decr-incr-f(interval) Hug,RA'76+ IJRNJ Hughes,R.A. et al - - - '70. Trng-to-test interval re ECS - - - JCP71:318 OD Hughes, Ronald G. - - - '74 Beh contrast w/mult sched - - - - PhD UNCGr ----- ----- SROYP.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '64 R by ferret to S-change - - - - - BJP55:463 SPOYPObos_W/arms of equal brighness, pref arm w/changed brightness - Hug,RN'64- SROYP.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '65. Spon altern in ferret - - - - - - JCP60:149 SPOYP bos_Observe spon altern in ferret, interp re S-change novelty - Hug,RN'65- FARFA.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '65 Food dep on explor - - - - - - - - AnB13: 30 FPRFAHbEa_Food dep incr acty but not pref for novelty in explor box - Hug,RN'65- SRRTP.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '66 S-change w/forcing on altern beh - PRp19:515 SPRTPHbor_Altern not-f(forced tr-1 turn w/wooden vs transparent block Hug,RN'66- SP bor_Note: Observed more investigatory beh w/remove wooden block Hug,RN'66- SROTP.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '67 Turn altern in woodlice - - - - - AnB15:282 SPOTPObor_Altern w/woodlice incr-f(N/forced turns), incr w/warmth - - Hug,RN'67- SROYP.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '67 Confinement on altern - - - - - - PRp20:679 SPOYPObor_Altern w/ferret incr-f(confine in GB) and change other arm Hug,RN'67- SRxTP.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '87 Mech of turn altern - - - - - - - BPr14: 89 SPxTPOboz_Mech (tactile/kinesthetic) of altern diff re invert species Hug,RN'87- SRTTP.Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '88 Sex diff in spon altern - - - - - PAb 6749 SLTTP ngC_Spon altern w/females > males, attrib to faster habituation Hug,RN'88- FSR Hughes,R.N. - - - - - - '99. Sex diff in R to novelty - - - - - QJE52:235 ----- ----- SMRNL Hughey, Donna J. - - - - '85 Hippocamp lsn re intra-maze cues - PhD NYU OMRCP.Hulicka, Irene M. - - - '60 Add vs mult comb--drive/incentive PRp 6:403 OLRCPHmDo_Rate(OpR) incr-f(dep)/Amt(Reinf)) w/no interaction - - - - Hul,IM'60- OERxP.Hulicka,I.M. et al - - - '60. S variation on P(R) in extn - - - JCP53: 79 OdRxP-bpR_R/Extn incr-f N/acq-S present during extn - - - - - - - - - Hul,IM'60e IMRUP.Hulicka,I.M. - - - - - - '60 Comb of drive/incentive - - - - - QJE12:185 IERUPHaMK_N/short-lat-R incr-f(Amt(Reinf)/food-dep w/additive combine Hul,IM'60- OKRAP.Hulicka,I.M.Capehart - - '60 Is the click a sec reinf? - - - - PRc10: 29 OCRAPHbSK_No effect of prior Pair(click,food) of click during acq, Hul,IM'60+ OC bSK_ but click incr R/Extn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hul,IM'60+ SAROO.Hulicka,I.M.Johnson - - '58 Insight vs cond - - - - - - - - - JGt92:127 SdROO1hIH_No insight beh w/change food dep/reinf to H2O, v/versa - - Hul,IM'58+ SPHML.Hulin,W.S.Katz - - - - - '35. Emphasis on right/wrong R - - - - JEx18:638 SBHMLOcap_Acq w/bell-right > w/bell-wrong - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hul,WS.35+ ----- ----- VAHLL Hull, Clark L. - - - - - '18 Quant aspects of concepts - - - - PhD UWisc CZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '29. Functional interp of cond reflex - PRv36:498 ZZXXX-cXc_CR=f(excit-inhib) w/redintegration the basis of excit - - - Hul,CL'29- CEXXX-bsz_Irrel S undergo extn, w/cond inhib account of S patterning Hul,CL'29- RPXXX-pdz_Antic tendency is basis of short-circuiting w/complex lrng Hul,CL'29- CpXXX-aaz_Irradiation + diff-inhib produce adaptive state of affairs Hul,CL'29- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '30. Simple T+E lrng - - - - - - - - - PRv37:241 ZZXXXXZXc_T&E beh is-f(strongest act at that time); intelligent and Hul,CL'30- ZZ ZXc_ purposive beh important but derived from basic principle Hul,CL'30- ZZXfX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '30. Knowledge and purpose as habit - - PRv37:511 ZZXfX-ZXT_Knowledge: Chain of antic CRs matchs environ event sequence Hul,CL'30- ZZ ZXT_Pure S act: R w/sole function to provide fdbk S for other R Hul,CL'30- ZZ ZXT_Short-circuit to immed perf of final R is-f of persisting S Hul,CL'30- ZZXfX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '31. Goal attraction, directing ideas - PRv38:487 RPXfX-pdF_Propriocep S from each act evokes next R - - - - - - - - - Hul,CL'31- ZZXML.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '32. The goal gradient hypo - - - - - - PRv39: 25 ZZXMLXsXT_Lrng decr-f(Delay(Reinf)); implies correct > error path - - Hul,CL'32- ZZ sXT_Above goal-gradient hypo implies backward elim of errors Hul,CL'32- SSRTL.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '33 Habituation to internal S - - - - JC 16:255 SqRTL1ama_Acq L/R spatial R re hunger-->food vs thirst-->H2O - - - - Hul,CL'33- VSH Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '33 Meaning of nonsense syllables - - AmJ45:730 IARAR.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '34 Speed of locomotion gradient - - - JCP17:393 IPRARHbta_Speed(IR) decr-f(distance from GB) w/terminal decr in speed Hul,CL'34- IP bta_Maint above goal gradient, with aggressive beh w/extn Hul,CL'34- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '34. Habit-family hierarchy - - - - - - PRv41: 33 ZZXXXXRXC_Habit-family hierarchy: group of Rs w/R/Genz gradient - - - Hul,CL'34- ZRXXX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '34. Concept of habit-family hierarchy PRv41:134 ZRXXX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '35. Mechanism of problem solution - - PRv42:219 DPXXXXbaz_Anal novel assembly of habits (reasoning?) re rg-sg - - - - Hul,CL'35- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '35 Conflicting psychologies of lrng - PRv42:491 ZZXXXXZXc_Sound theory: definitions/postulates/theorems/exper test - Hul,CL'35- ZZ ZXc_Ideal procedure is to direct experiments re theory Hul,CL'35- VAHD Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '35 Caffeine on rote lrng - - - - - - JGn13:249 ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '37. Mind, mechanism, adaptive beh - - PRv44: 1 ZZXXX-ZXc_Can derive adaptive beh from physical system w/out 'mind' Hul,CL'37- SAR Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '38 Field-force problems in children PRv45:271 SAR Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '39 Simple T+E lrng - - - - - - - - - JC 27:233 ZZHXX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '39 Behaviorism and psychoanalysis - - NYA 1: 78 XGXfX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '39. Problem of S equivalence - - - - - PRv46: 9 CfXfX-bGz_Mediated S/Genz--R cond to fdbk from common implicit R - - Hul,CL'39- CAHxG.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '40 Patterning of S - - - - - - - - - JEx27: 95 CEHxG-gdc_Small unstable evidence of patterning (comp > sum elements) Hul,CL'40- CeHxG-ben_Small unstable evidence of patterning (comp > sum elements) Hul,CL'40- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '43 Intervening var in beh theory - - ARv50:273 ZZXXXXZXc_Intervening var in beh th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hul,CL'43- ZKXXX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '43 Value, valuation, natural-science PhS11:125 ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '43. Principles of behavior - - - - - - A-C-C CAXXX-aiz_S-trace = incr-decr-f(time) w/incr in sHr=f(S-trace) (168) Hul,CL'43- CEXXX-bsz_Each S interacts w/concur S, each changing re compound (47) Hul,CL'43- CE bsz_Prin of Habit Summation: H1+2 = H1 + H2 - (H1 x H2) (223) Hul,CL'43- CAXXX-azA_Excit Pot sEr = neg-accel-incr-f(N/reinf) (327) - - - - - - Hul,CL'43- CA azA_P(CR) = P(sEr > threshold) w/random oscillatn in sEr (327) Hul,CL'43- CA azA_Implies P(CR) = S-shaped-incr-f(N/reinf) (331) Hul,CL'43- CeXXX-bez_T: S/Genz--sHr=neg-accel-f(N/jnd betwen test S and CS (199) Hul,CL'43- Ce bez_S/Genz is-f N/identical components in complex S (190) Hul,CL'43- CfXXX-bGz_Sec S/Genz mediated by fdbk from common CR (193) - - - - - Hul,CL'43- CaXXX-bbz_T: Reactive inhib (Ir) incr-f(R-evocatn), decr-f(time)(300) Hul,CL'43- Ca bbz_T: Cond inhib (sIr)--S assn w/cessation of R (300) Hul,CL'43- Ca bbz_T: Ir and sIr summate to oppose excit tend (300) Hul,CL'43- CcXXX-btz_Spon-Rec result of dissipation of reactive inhib (Ir) (298) Hul,CL'43- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '45 Indiv diff in theory - - - - - - - PRv52: 55 ZZXXXXVXc_Innate indiv diff in empirical constants in formal theory; Hul,CL'45- ZZ VXc_ eg fine discrim w/O/species w/steep excit/inhib gradient Hul,CL'45- ZZHXX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '45 Moral values and behaviorism - - - NYA 7: 90 ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '45 Afferent neural interaction - - - PRv52:133 ZZXXXXSXc_W/compound S, each element modified by afferent interactn Hull,CL'45- ZZ SXc_Above modificatn is-f(S relative inten) meas re ext inhib Hull,CL'45- ZZ SXc_Anal diffcond re patterns (eg AB- vs A+ and B+) Hull,CL'45- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '47 Primary S/Genz - - - - - - - - - - PRv54:120 ZZXXXXGXc_Complete S/Genz early in trng w/gradual devel of gradient - Hul,CL'47- ZZ GXc_Generalized CR more susceptible to extn Hul,CL'47- ZZ GXc_Diffcond steepens S/Genz gradient, w/S-inten effect Hul,CL'47- SARML Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '47 Terminal reinf on T+E lrng - - - - JEx37:118 SPRMLHbqr_Max errors at central choice pts w/distrib tr + terminal rf Hul,CL'47- SP bqr_Derive above from S/Genz gradients w/heterogeneous Rs Hul,CL'47- SARML.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '48 Serial reinf on T+E lrng - - - - - JEx38: 17 SPRMLHbqr_W/4 altern at 4 pts w/serial reinf, acq at 1 and 4 >2 and 3 Hul,CL'48- SP bqr_Interp above re summation of antedating/perseverative genz Hul,CL'48- SP bqr_Notes similarity of above w/human serial position curve Hul,CL'48- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '49 Stim inten dynamism - - - - - - - PRv56: 67 ZZXXXXMXc_Postulates react pot is-f S-inten dynamism incr-f(S-inten) Hul,CL'49- YZHSX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '50 A primary social science law - - - ScM71:221 DSXXX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '50 Qual discrim lrng - - - - - - - - PRv57:303 ZZXXX Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '50. Beh postulates and corollaries - - PRv57:173 ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '51. Essentials of behavior - - - - - - Yale ZZXXX-ZXT_S-R reinf theory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_S initiates molar stim trace (s)=log(CSI) incr-decr-f(time) Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_Primary drive (D) arises from state of survival need Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_Reinf = decr in drive S; applies to classcond/instrucond Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_S-R assn (sHr) results from contiguity of s/r/reinf Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_sHr incr-neg-accel-f(N/reinf) Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_Excitatory potential (sEr) = f(sHr x D x V x K) Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_Stim inten dynamism (V) incr-f(log S) Hul,CL'51- ZZ ZXT_Incentive motiv (K) incr-f(amt of reinf) Hul,CL'51- ZZXXX.Hull,C.L. - - - - - - - '52. A behavior system - - - - - - - - Yale ZZXXX-GXT_Th: S/Genz gradient of sHr on qual/inten continua (10) - - Hul,CL'52- ZZ GXT_Th: Above S/Genz applies to interoceptive (eg sD) stim (ll) Hul,CL'52- CEXXX-bsz_Th: Afferent impulses interact, convert each to diff s (11) Hul,CL'52- ZZXXX-EXT_Th: Occur of R-->Reactive inhib (Ir), dissipates w/time (9) Hul,CL'52- ZZ EXT_Th: Above=neg D, reinf cessatn of R-->Cond inhib (sIr) (10) Hul,CL'52- CeXXX-bAd_Steepen S/Genz w/diffcond is-f extn re incidental cues (69) Hul,CL'52- Ce bAd_Post-diffcond-gradient height=decr-f(sim of S+/S-) (74) Hul,CL'52- Ce bAd_Post-diffcond-gradient slope incr-f(sim of S+/S-) (74) Hul,CL'52- CpXXX-aaz_Diffcond based on excit pot re S+, inhib re S-/incidental S Hul,CL'52- Cp aaz_Both excit/inhib genz along S+/S- continuum (87) Hul,CL'52- Cp aaz_Due to S-inten-dynamism, inten diffcond best w/strong S+ Hul,CL'52- CPXXX-btz_S initiates molar S-trace, incr/decr-f(time) (100ff) - - - Hul,CL'52- CP btz_CR cond to age of trace at time of US Hul,CL'52- CP btz_Antic CR due to genz along S-trace Hul,CL'52- CP btz_Delayed CR due to diff-reinf re age of trace Hul,CL'52- CcXXX-bpz_W/massed PRF tr, S-trace of nonreinf becomes CS on next tr Hul,CL'52- Cc bpz_W/massed CRF tr, only trace of reinf becomess CS on next tr Hul,CL'52- Cc bpz_W/massed tr, greater S/Genz decrement from CRF to extn Hul,CL'52- Cc bpz_Above implies no PREE w/distrib trials (121) Hul,CL'52- Cc bpz_Above S-R reinf th applies to classcond and instrucond Hul,CL'52- CAXXX.Hull,C.L.Baernstein - - '29 Mechanical parallel to cond reflex Sc 70: 14 CAXXX-aZA_Polarizable cells, switchs, w/lite bulb mimic prop of CR - Hul,CL'29+ SARTL.Hull,C.L.Spence - - - - '38 Correction vs noncorrection - - - JC 25:127 SBRTLHaae_Acq/reversal w/correction > noncorrection - - - - - - - - - Hul,CL'38+ ZZXXX Hull,C.L. et al - - - - '40. Math-deductive theory of rote lrng Yale IRR Hull,C.L. et al - - - - '47 Latency and N/reinf - - - - - - - JEx37:214 ZAR Hull,C.L. et al - - - - '47 Quantification of habit - - - - - PRv54:237 ZAR Hull,C.L. et al - - - - '47 Momentary react-pot - - - - - - - JEx37:510 ZAR Hull,C.L. et al - - - - '48 Pooled react-pot - - - - - - - - - PRv55:216 ZER Hull,C.L. et al - - - - '51 React-pot in extn - - - - - - - - JEx40:194 IKDTx.Hull,C.L. et al - - - - '51 True/sham feeding as reinf - - - - JCP44:236 IBDTxHaAK_Reinf w/sham feeding (w/fistula discharge) < true feeding - Hul,CL'51e IB aAK_Subj refuses to eat after 8 d sham feeding - - - - - - - - Hul,CL'51e ----- ----- ZZHEC.Hull,J.G.Bond - - - - - '86. Social/beh consequences of alcohol PBl99:347 ZZHEC-XEe_Meta-anal: ALC expectancy incr ALC intake/arousal to sex S Hul,JG'86+ IRR Hull, John H. - - - - - '75 IR topography - - - - - - - - - - PhD KentS ORRUP Hull,J.H. - - - - - - - '77. IR topographies - - - - - - - - - ALB 5:207 ARROP.Hull,J.H. et al - - - - '75. Consistent lever ARI - - - - - - - BPS 6:297 AEROPSbKy_Maint hi P(ARi) w/lever-in S and lever-out after R - - - - Hul,JH'75e ORRUP Hull,J.H. et al - - - - '81. R-topography w/food/H2O reinf - - ALB 9:406 CAWVO.Hullett,J.W.Homzie - - - '66. Sensitization in dugesia dorotocep JCP62:227 CLWVO-rZW_No cond in planaria w/lite-off as S or if reared in lite - Hul,JW'66+ ----- ----- IKRAR.Hulse, Stewart H. - - - '57 Sched/Amt(Reinf) on cond/extn - - PhD Brown IKRAR.Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '58. Amt/percent(reinf) - - - - - - - - JEx56: 48 IERARHajd_Acq Speed(IR) incr-f(Amt/%(Reinf)), not-f GB confinement - Hul,SH'58- IbRARHbbj_Note effects of Amt/%(Reinf), GB confinement, on R/Extn Hul,SH'58- IKRAR.Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '62. Discrim of the reward - - - - - - JEx64:227 IERARTafz_PRF --> powerful discrim H2O vs dry drinking tube in GB - - Hul,SH'62- IKROO.Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '62. Reinf shift effects - - - - - - - JEx64:451 IbROOHaka_W/lick IR, shift in sacc concen-->shift rate w/PRF, not CRF Hul,SH'62- UURGC Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '66. Reflex mag as-f(S inten) - - - - - PSc 6: 33 OKRUO Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '67. Lick R as-f sacc concen and FR - - JCP64:478 ORR C Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '68. 1-drop licking - - - - - - - - - - JCP66:536 IKR Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '73. Patterned reinf - - - - - - - - - PLM 7:313 OKRAP.Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '73. Reinf contrast w/Mag(Reinf) - - - JCP85:160 OCRAPHbSK_Magazine trng w/hi/varied reinf decr acq OpR w/small reinf Hul,SH'73- DSR Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '80. Memory for reward/formal structure ALB 8:689 ZZAXX.Hulse,S.H. - - - - - - - '93. Status of animal cogition - - - - PSc 4:154 ZZAXXXcZH_Comparative cog --> info re prop that make humans unique - Hul,SH'93- IKROO.Hulse,S.H.Bacon - - - - '62. PRF and Amt(reinf) on licking R - JEx63:214 IEROOHaMK_Rate(lick IR) w/large > small Amt(Rf) w/PRF; reverse w/CRF Hul,SH'62+ DKRT Hulse,S.H.CECampbell - - '75. "Thinking ahead" in discrim lrng - ALB 3:305 DSO Hulse,S.H.Cynx - - - - - '85. Rel pitch percep re absolute pitch JC 99:176 DSO Hulse,S.H.Cynx - - - - - '86. Interval/contour in serial percept JC 00:215 DSR Hulse,S.H.Dorsky - - - - '77. Structural complexity w/pattern - L&M 8:488 IKRAR.Hulse,S.H.Dorsky - - - - '79. Serial pattern lrng - - - - - - - ALB 7:211 IpRARHsku_Acq serial pattern Speed(IR) re w/in-day incr/decr Amt(Rf) Hul,SH'79+ OKRCO.Hulse,S.H.Firestone - - '64. Mean Amt(reinf) and R strength - - JC 67:417 OERCOHaMK_Rate(lick OpR) equal w/equal mean sacc reinf (ratio x amt) Hul,SH'64+ ObRCOHbko_R/Extn incr-f(FR) w/equal mean sacc reinf (ratio x amt) Hul,SH'64+ DSB Hulse,S.H.Kline - - - - '93. Perception of time relations - - - ALB21:281 DSR Hulse,S.H.O'Leary - - - '82. Serial pattern lrng: Alphabet - - ABP 8:260 IERAR.Hulse,S.H.Stanley - - - '56. Extn and partial/sec reinf - - - - JEx52:221 IdRARHbpb_R/Extn w/open > w/closed door to food cup (sec reinf) - - - Hul,SH'56+ Id bpb_Obtain PREE only if above sec reinf on nonreinf PRF acq tr Hul,SH'56+ IdRARHbpZ_Attrib PREE to frustration-excitement hypo re mech of reinf Hul,SH'56+ IRRGC Hulse,S.H.Suter - - - - '68. 1-drop licking - - - - - - - - - - JCP66:536 FKR C Hulse,S.H.Suter - - - - '70. Emitted/elicited beh: fluid intake L&M 1:304 IKR C Hulse,S.H. et al - - - - '60. Sched/amt of saccharine reinf - - JEx60:359 ZZAXX.Hulse,S.H. et al (Eds) - '78. Cog proc in animal beh - - - - - - LEA ZZAXXXZZc_Conference on cog proc; Dalhousie U, June 1976; 14 papers - Hul,SH'78e ZZ ZZc_R.C.Bolles, R.M.Church, H.Fowler, E.Hearst, W.K.Honig, - - Hul,SH'78e ZZ ZZc_S.H.Hulse, N.J.Mackintosh, E.M.Menzel, D.S.Olton, Hul,SH'78e ZZ ZZc_D.Premack, R.A.Rescorla, D.A.Riley-H.L.Roitblat, A.R.Wagner Hul,SH'78e DSOAL.Hulse,S.H. et al - - - - '84. Serial pitch discrim w/birds - - - JEx13: 38 DEOALUbaa_Starlings discrim 4-tone sequence incr vs decr in pitch - - Hul,SH'84e SDOAP.Hulse,S.H. et al - - - - '85 Discr rhythmic pattern w/starling PAb 19311 SqOAPHaaa_W/starling, diffcond rhythmic vs arrhythmic tone pattern - Hul,SH'85e DSBAL Hulse,S.H. et al - - - - '90. Frequency rqnge on auditory percep ALB18:238 ----- ----- ODR Hume,A.L.Irwin - - - - - '74. Bias and operating char - - - - - EAB21:285 ----- ----- CAHOO Humphrey, George - - - - '20 CR in education - - - - - - - - - PhD Harvd ZZXXX.Humphrey,G. - - - - - - '25 Is CR the unit of habit? - - - - - JAS20: 10 ZZXXXXRXc_Pavlovian CR may be simplified habit, but not unit of habit Hum,G.'25- ZZXXX.Humphrey,G. - - - - - - '26 Imitation and the CR - - - - - - - PAb 5430 ZZXXXXiZH_Imitation is not instinctive; may be of self or of another Hum,G.'26- ZZ iZH_Imitation --> new combinations of lrnd acts, not new lrng Hum,G.'26- CGHAU.Humphrey,G. - - - - - - '27 Indiff S on CR - - - - - - - - - - JAS22:194 CeHAU-bsg_No CR to musical tone S when presented as part of phrase - Hum,G.'27- CAHXX.Humphrey,G. - - - - - - '28 CR and laws of lrng - - - - - - - JEd19:424 CLHXX-nAZ_CR laws may not genz dog to human; eg 1-tr acq/extn w/human Hum,G.'28- CZXXX.Humphrey,G. - - - - - - '30 Extn and neg adaptation - - - - - PRv37:361 CaXXX-bbz_Extn and neg adapt show sim phen; hence have same physiol - Hum,G.'30- ----- ----- CAHVB.Humphreys, Lloyd G. - - '39 Distrib of reinf on acq/extn - - - PhD Stnfd CEHVB.Humphreys,L.G. - - - - - '39. Random altern of reinf - - - - - - JEx25:141 CcHVB-bpb_Obtain PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hum,LG'39- CEHVB-bfu_Classcond w/PRF=CRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hum,LG'39- CAHVB-ahn_Spaced trials better than equal N/massed trials - - - - - - Hum,LG'39- CAHVL.Humphreys,L.G. - - - - - '39. Verbal expectation analog of cond JEx25:294 CcHVL-bpb_Obtain PREE w/verbal expectations of occurrence of lite - - Hum,LG'39- CAHVL-acA_Verbal expectation of occurrence of lite sim to classcond - Hum,LG'39- CGHAG.Humphreys,L.G. - - - - - '39 Method of reinf on S/Genz - - - - JEx25:361 CeHAG-bec_S/Genz neg-accel-f diff in jnd units except octave - - - - Hum,LG'39- CeHAG-bpg_Greater S/Genz following PRF than CRF - - - - - - - - - - - Hum,LG'39- CEHAG.Humphreys,L.G. - - - - - '40. 2 cond of reinf on R/Extn - - - - JEx27: 71 CcHAG-bpb_Obtain PREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hum,LG'40- CaHAG-bpr_P(CR) decr-neg-accel-f N/extn trials after CRF - - - - - - Hum,LG'40- CaHAG-bpr_P(CR) initial-pos-accel-f N/extn trials after PRF Hum,LG'40- CAHVB.Humphreys,L.G. - - - - - '40. Distrib practice in classcond - - JGn22:379 CAHVB-ahn_1 min better than 30 sec ITI w/trials or time constant - - Hum,LG'40- OERUP.Humphreys,L.G. - - - - - '40. Variability of extn scores - - - - JEx26:614 ObRUPHbzo_Decr indiv diff in R/Extn w/fixed duration vs extn crit - - Hum,LG'40- OERAP.Humphreys,L.G. - - - - - '43 R strength as-f(N/trials) - - - - JCP35:101 ObRAPHbna_W/discrim OpR, R/Extn incr-f(N/trials) not N/reinf - - - - Hum,LG'43- CPXXXXbaz_Mag(CR) most reliable meas of R strength, correl w/Mag(UR) Hum,LG'43- CEHVL.Humphreys,L.G. et al - - '40. Extn of verbal expect as-f(ITI) - JEx27:195 CaHVL-bha_R/Extn of verbal expect not-f acq ITI (5/10/20-sec) - - - - Hum,LG'40e ----- ----- IK Hundt, Alan G. - - - - - '64 IR as-f(reinf density) - - - - - - PhD U Mo OKRCx.Hundt,A.G.Premack - - - '63 Running as both pos/neg reinf - - Sc 42:108 OBRCxOaaz_Acq bar IR -->forced run-in-wheel and then drink to stop - Hun,AG'63+ OB aaz_Interp above as self-initiated beh both pos/neg reinf Hun,AG'63+ EGR Hunsberger, Jack C. - - '83 S/Genz of escape - - - - - - - - - PhD ColoS DAR Hunsicker, James P. - - '76 Mult retention deficits - - - - - PhD UOkla IJRGA Hunsicker,J.P.Mellgren - '77. Deficits in retention of pos beh - ALB 5: 14 IARAR.Hunsicker,J.P.LDReid - - '74. Priming effect w/H2O reinf - - - - JCP87:618 IBRARTaha_Speed(IR) decr-f(ITI), attrib to priming w/prior reinf - - Hun,JP'74+ AERNO.Hunsicker,J.P. et al - - '73. Countercond w/ESB - - - - - - - - PhP 1:227 AbRNOSbCf_Pos-reinf ESB during flooding decr perf climb-on-shelf ARi Hun,JP'73e Ab bCf_Above decr > mvmt-producing ESB or no ESB Hun,JP'73e OK Hunsicker, John H. - - - '79 TO as pos reinf - - - - - - - - - PhD UMiss CS Hunt, Darwin P. - - - - '60 Sim of S+/S- on acq/extn - - - - - PhD OhioS CDHAG.Hunt,D.P. - - - - - - - '67. Diff-cond w/extended ISI - - - - - JEx74: 20 CpHAG-aia_Max CR to S+ at 1-sec ISI, but max diff-cond at 4-sec ISI - Hun,DP'67- ZV Hunt,E.Lansman - - - - - '75 Cog theory/indiv diff - - - - - - LEA CAOAF.Hunt,E.R. - - - - - - - '49 CR in chick embryos - - - - - - - JCP42:107 CLOAF-nAY_Kick CR at 15th day in chick embryos, lost after hatch - - Hun,ER'49- ----- ----- Hunt, Howard F. - - - - '43 Organic brain disease - - - - - - PhD UMinn ONRNe.Hunt,H.F.Brady - - - - - '51 ECS on CER - - - - - - - - - - - - JCP44: 88 OARNeHoIe_CER elim by post-cond ECS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hun,HF'61+ OJRAP.Hunt,H.F.Brady - - - - - '55. Effects of punish and "anxiety" - JCP48:305 OBRAP-cap_Suppression of OpR w/punish < w/CER trng - - - - - - - - - Hun,HF'55+ CRRDE.Hunt,H.F.Otis - - - - - '53. Cond/uncond defecation - - - - - - JCP46:378 CPRDE-bYc_Classcond defecation as component of gen emotional R - - - Hun,HF'53+ ONRNe.Hunt,H.F. et al - - - - '52. ECS on CER w/post-ECS extn - - - - JCP45:589 OARNeHoIe_After elim CER w/ECS, extn of CER decr later reacq - - - - Hun,HF'52e OCRNe.Hunt,H.F. et al - - - - '53 ECS w/anesthesia on CER - - - - - JCP46: 64 OARNe-oIe_Decr effect of ECS on CER if decr seizure w/anesthesia - - Hun,HF'53e OCRNe.Hunt,H.F. et al - - - - '53. Carbon disulphide on CER - - - - - JCP46:465 OARNe-oIe_Decr CER w/carbon disulphide, but not if prevent convulsion Hun,HF'53e ----- ----- OKRTP.Hunt,J.M.Quay - - - - - '61. Early vibratory exper on reinf - - PRv68:149 OCRTPObSK_After rear in vibrating cage, no OpR w/reinf = vibration - Hun,JM'61+ OC bSK_Note: Above rearing did decr Rate(ER) to stop vibration Hun,JM'61+ ----- ----- FRRFO.Hunt,J.McV. - - - - - - '41. Infant food-frustratn on hoarding JAS36:338 FPRFOHbHU_Early food dep incr adult hoarding only w/adult dep - - - - Hun,JM'41- YMHXX Hunt,J.McV. (Ed) - - - - '44. Personality + behavior disorders - Ronald FRRFA.Hunt,J.McV.Schlosberg - '39. Gen acty in male white rat - - - - JC 28: 23 FPRFA-bTa_W/ad lib food/H2O, gen acty in dark > lite - - - - - - - - Hun,JM.39+ FRRFA.Hunt,J.McV.Schlosberg - '39. Illumination on acty - - - - - - - JC 28:285 FPRFAObBa_W/ad lib food/H2O, gen acty not-f(castration) - - - - - - - Hun,JM.39+ FRRFA.Hunt,J.McV.Schlosberg - '50 Beh in continuous conflict - - - - JCP43:351 FBRFATcap_Contin conflict w/shock H2O --> biting + "tantrums" beh - - Hun,JM'50+ FRRFO.Hunt,J.McV. et al - - - '47. Infantile feeding and hoarding - - JCP40:291 FPRFOHbHU_Replicate early food dep incr adult hoarding w/incr intake Hun,JM'47e ----- ----- CAR Hunt,M. et al - - - - - '97. CT topography dissociates w/age - ALB25: 53 OSP Hunt,M. et al - - - - - '99. Sources of S control - - - - - - - QJE52:203 OKHLL.Hunt,S.L.Battig - - - - '66. Verbal cond--Reinf or discrim - - PSc 6: 59 OPHLLObVo_Verbal reinf of emotional words did not incr word rate Hun,SL'66+ OP bVo_ but did facil tachistoscopic recog of emotional words - Hun,SL'66+ CRREC.Hunt, Tony - - - - - - - '85 Aversive prop of self-admin drugs PhD Cncrd CRREC.Hunt,T. et al - - - - - '85 Drug preexposure on CTA w/morphine NGN44: 60 FQREC-ii3_Pre-expose w/lo, reinf MORPH decr later CTA w/hi dose MORPH Hun,T.'85e CRREC.Hunt,T. et al - - - - - '85 Maint CTA w/lo, nonaversive MORPH BNB44: 74 FQREC-ii3_Pre-expose w/lo, nonaversive MORPH decr later CTA w/hi dose Hun,T.'85e FQ ii3_Lo-dose MORPH maint CTA estab w/hi dose Hun,T.'85e ZZHEO.Hunt, William A. (Ed) - '70. Lrng mech in smoking - - - - - - - Aldine ZZHEO-XEc_Lrng mech in smoking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hun,WA'70- ZZ XEc_Conference by American Cancer Society, 8 articles w/comment Hun,WA'70- ZZ XEc_D.A.Bernstein, C.B.Ferster, W.F.Hill, W.A.Hunt- Hun,WA'70- ZZ XEc_J.D.Matarazzo, M.E.Jarvik, F.A.Logan, N.K.Mello- Hun,WA'70- ZZ XEc_J.H.Mendelson, D.Premack, C.R.Schuster, J.T.Spence - - - - Hun,WA'70- ZZHEC.Hunt,W.A.Matarazzo - - - '70 Habit mech in smoking (Hunt) - - - Aldine ZZHEC-XEc_Smoking habit: Overlrnd w/decr aware, incr sec reinf - - - Hun,WA'70+ ZZ XEc_2 lrng proc: Gradual cond and sudden decision-making set Hun,WA'70+ RAREN.Hunter,B.E. et al - - - '73 Neural correlates of ALC w/drawal PBB 1:719 FQREN-gV3_Cond ALC w/drawal tremor/ataxia not-f epileptiform EEG acty Hun,BE'73e FAREx.Hunter,B.E. et al - - - '75 Ethanol dependence - - - - - - - - PBB 3:619 FLREx-tm1_ALC dependence w/10-d forced intake, w/incr audio seizure Hun,BE'75e IK Hunter, George F. - - - '61 Sec reinf w/shock term (WAShaw) - PhD UPenn DGRVC.Hunter, Ian M. L. - - - '52 Lrng/transposition in water tank - QJE 4: 91 DeRVCObez_W/water escape, transposition re size incr-f(trng) - - - - Hun,IM'52- DGh Hunter,I.M.L. - - - - - '52 Transposition beh in children - - BJP43:113 DGRV .Hunter,I.M.L. - - - - - '53. Theories of transposition - - - - JCP46:493 DeRV -bez_Transposition beh favor absolute th - - - - - - - - - - - - Hun,IM'53- Hunter, John E. - - - - '64 Math models and extn - - - - - - - PhD U Ill CA Hunter, John J. - - - - '64 Cond fear as-f(ISI) - - - - - - - PhD U Ill SRROP.Hunter,R.R. - - - - - - '41 Symbolic perf in delayed-altern - JGt59:331 SQROPHhaH_Acq delayed altern w/handling/turning/rotation during delay Hun,RR'41- ----- ----- RAxUU Hunter, Walter S. - - - '12 Delayed R in animals/children - - PhD U Chi SVPML.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '11 Labyrinth habits - - - - - - - - - AnB 1:278 SLPMLUnsC_Pigeon < rodent re maze lrng; use visual/kinesthetic cues - Hun,WS'11- IARCO.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '12 Behavior of white rat - - - - - - AnB 2:137 IBRCOHaxa_Perf climb-and-jump-in-box after being put thru w/out reinf Hun,WS'12- DAAVL.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '13 Question of form perception - - - AnB 3:329 DBAVLXacc_Need to control light inten, position B4 infer form discrim Hun,WS'13- DSRAL Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '14 Auditory sensitivity - - - - - - - AnB 4:215 DSRAL Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '15 Auditory sensitivity - - - - - - - AnB 5:312 SS f Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '20 Temporal maze and kinesthesis - - Bio 2: 1 DLRVL.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '22 Habit interference - - - - - - - - JC 2: 29 DbRVLHaaR_No correl, indiv diff in rate of initial acq w/reversal - - Hun,WS'22- ZZXXX.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '24 Prob of consciousness - - - - - - PRv31: 1 ZZXXXXLXc_Attrib consciousness to assn of language R to sensory proc Hun,WS'24- ZZXXX.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '24 The symbolic process - - - - - - - PRv31:478 ZZXXXXLXc_Symbolic char of language substitutes S and R w/foresight - Hun,WS'24- SROML.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '28 Beh of raccoons w/double altern - JGt35:374 SQOMLHhbH_Raccoons acq temporal rrll, attrib to symbolic proc - - - - Hun,WS'28- SARML.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '29 Sensory control of maze habit - - JGt36:505 DHRMLOhHe_Temporal maze difficult--requires symbolic proc - - - - - - Hun,WS'29- SARML.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '30 Sensory control of maze habit - - JGt38: 3 SQRMLOhbH_Double-altern w/blind O disrupted w/interchange segments - Hun,WS'30- ZZXXX.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '32 Psych study of beh - - - - - - - - PRv39: 1 ZZXXXXZXc_Disting psych from physiol re adapt to extrinsic environ - Hun,WS'32- CRHxP.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '32 How animals learn - - - - - - - - U Chicago CPHxP-bYp_W/cond, subj eventually able to control pupil size at will Hun,WS'32- ZZXXX.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '33 Basic phenomena in lrng - - - - - JGn 8:299 ZZXXXXEZA_Essential cond for lrng: temporal gradient re uncond R - - Hun,WS'33- AIRxR.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '35 Disinhib of exper extn - - - - - - Sc 81: 77 AeRxRSbCh_After extn ARi re lite/buzz CS, dishib run R w/buzz/lite - Hun,WS'35- AERWR.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '35 Curve of exper extn - - - - - - - Sc 82:374 AbRWRSbpr_Observe sudden elim of ARi during exper extn - - - - - - - Hun,WS'35- AARAR.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '35 Cond/extn in rat - - - - - - - - - BJP26:135 ABRARSciA_Pair(buzz,shock)--Running R cond quicker if no-shock if CR Hun,WS'35- AbRAR-bbi_Extn may be fast/slow if acq fast but extn fast if acq slow Hun,WS'35- AbRARScap_R/Extn w/pun ARi < no pun - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hun,WS'35- AVRxx.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '35 Cond and maze lrng - - - - - - - - JC 19:417 ALRxxxnAV_Correl quick acq ARi w/quick maze lrng and hi R/Extn - - - Hun,WS'35- CSRAJ.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '36. Locomotor R w/serial S - - - - - - Poznan CERAJSbsc_W/4-serial Ss B4 shock, P(run CR) incr-f(serial order) - - Hun,WS.36- SARML.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '36 Lrng curves - - - - - - - - - - - JEx19:121 SBRMLXazA_Rate of lrng incr-f(amt to-be-lrnd) re slopes of curves - - Hun,WS'56- CRRNO.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '37 Muscle potentials and cond - - - - JEx21:611 CPRNO-nNc_Observe incr in acty of indiv motoneurones w/Pair(lite,sh) Hun,WS'37- AIHxW.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '38 Disinhib of vol R - - - - - - - - JEx22:419 AeHxWSbCh_After diff-avcond w/visual/verbal S, disinhib ARi w/buzz - Hun,WS.38- SRRML.Hunter,W.S. - - - - - - '40 Kinesthetical maze habit - - - - - Sc 91:267 SQRMLHhaH_Blind O acq rlrlrlrl altern pattern w/interchange/rotation Hun,WS'40- SRRML.Hunter,W.S.BEHall - - - '41 Double altern beh w/spatial maze - JC 32:253 SQRMLHhbH_Blind O acq double altern only w/out interchange/rotation - Hun,WS'41+ RZHXX.Hunter,W.S.Hudgins - - - '34 Voluntary acty re behaviorism - - JGn10:198 ZZHXXXrXc_Ident voluntary beh re self-excited proc w/char latency - - Hun,WS'35+ SRRML.Hunter,W.S.Nagge - - - - '31 Double altern temporal maze - - - JGt39:303 SQRMLHhbH_Some O acq temporal rrll after pretrng w/diff cues - - - - Hun,WS'31+ SDRAL Hunter,W.S.Yarbrough - - '17 Interference of auditory habits - AnB 7: 49 ----- ----- RTHEP.Huntley,M.S. - - - - - - '74 Alcohol on choice RT - - - - - - - PAb B2610 RMHEP-sEa_ALC incr RT to extrafoveal S w/no effect on foveal task - - Hun,MS'74- OAR Hunziker,M.H.L. et al - '96. Genetic strain,environ contingency EAB65:129 CSBNB.Hupka, Ralph B. - - - - '69 ESB as CS - - - - - - - - - - - - PhD UMass CSBNB.Hupka,R.B. - - - - - - - '70 ESB as CS - - - - - - - - - - - - PhB 5:355 CEBNB-gda_Mix 2 ESB loci as S in Pair(S,shock)--Best cond w/neutral S Hup,RB'70- CE gda_Best diff-cond w/S+ as aversive ESB and S- as neutral ESB Hup,RB'70- 1YB B Hupka,R.B. et al - - - - '68. Compare av/classcond as-f(ISI) - - PSc12: 93 CGBAB.Hupka,R.B. et al - - - - '69. S/Genz as-f position of S- and S+ PSc15:129 CpBAB-aes_Better diff-cond w/400 vs 1600 hz S than same diff at hi hz Hup,RB'69e CeBAB-bAd_Flatter post-diff-cond S/Genz gradient w/same diff at hi hz Hup,RB'69e CRBAB.Hupka,R.B. et al - - - - '70. Cond diminution of UR - - - - - - JEx83: 45 CPBAB-bMu_UR to US-alone decr if mix w/Pair(S,US) - - - - - - - - - - Hup,RB'70e CEBAB-bfx_Classcond decr if mix US-alone trials w/Pair(S,US) - - - - Hup,RB'70e FMR Hurder, William P. - - - '50 Exposure to anoxic anoxia - - - - PhD OhioS SMRML.Hurder,W.P. - - - - - - '51 Anoxia on maze perf - - - - - - - JCP44:473 SLRMLUnaa_Exposure to altitude anoxia decr later mult-T maze lrng - - Hur,WP'51- SARN Hurlbut,B.J. et al - - - '87 Basal forebrain HC-3 on maze lrng PhB39:381 RGR Hurlock, Richard E. - - '69 Interhiemispheric transfer - - - - PhD U NM ----- ----- OKPUP Hursh, Steven R. - - - - '72 Sched reinf on cond rf (Fantino) - PhD UCSD FAMCP.Hursh,S.R. - - - - - - - '78. Econ of daily consuption - - - - - EAB29:475 FBMCP1aaI_W/daily sessions of concur VI VI for unlimited food reinf, Hur,SR'78- FB aaI_ total Rate(OpR1 + OpR2) decr-f(max Rate(Reinf)) - - - - Hur,SR'78- FB aaI_In above, maint constant food, w/incr Rate(OpR3) w/H2O rf Hur,SR'78- FB aaI_W/limited daily food reinf, Rates(OpR) not-f(max Rate(Rf)) Hur,SR'78- FB aak_W/daily sessions of concur VI VI for unlimited food reinf, Hur,SR'78- FB aak_ match rel Rate(OpR1/OpR2) but not re OpR3 w/H2O reinf - Hur,SR'78- FB aak_Matching also obtained w/limited amt of daily food reinf Hur,SR'78- FZXXX.Hursh,S.R. - - - - - - - '80. Econ concepts for anal of beh - - EAB34:219 ZZXXXXkXT_Closed econ: Total consumptn determined by O re Sched(Reinf Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_Continuum closed-->open econ re degree that consumption is Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_ controlled independently of beh in test sit (eg body wt) Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_Prin of beh re Rate(OpR) in open econ don't apply to closed Hur,SR'80- ZZ kST Eg incr VI w/food-->incr/decr Rate(OpR) in closed/open econ Hur,ST'80- ZZ kXT_Equilibrium consumption in closed econ is-f(supply/demand) Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_Supply as-f(Sched(Reinf) = incr-f(Rate(Reinf) / Rate(OpR)) Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_Demand as-f(Sched(Reinf) = decr-f(Rate(Reinf) / Rate(OpR)) Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_Demand is determined empirically, varies in elasticity Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_Reinforcers interact as substitutes (incr one-->decr other) Hur,SR'80- ZZ kXT_Reinforcers interact as complements (incr one-->incr other) Hur,SR'80- ZZXXX.Hursh,S.R. - - - - - - - '84. Behavioral economics - - - - - - - EAB42:435 ZZXXXXkXT_In closed cond, Rate(OpR) and Rate(Reinf) interdependent - Hur,SR'84- ZZ kXT_Elasticity of demand: slope of intake as-f(price(R/reinf)) Hur,SR'84- ZZ kXT_Disting elasticity from reinf value and R-strength Hur,SR'84- ZZ kXT_Elasticity is-f(commodity/open-closed econ/price) Hur,SR'84- ZZXXXXMXT_Anal motiv var re elasticity/intensity of demand - - - - - Hur,SR'84- OKPUP.Hursh,S.R.Fantino - - - '73. Delay(Reinf) and choice - - - - - EAB19:437 OpPUPHaRf_Pref MI > FI is-f(rel sum Delay(Reinf) squared) - - - - - - Hur,SR'73+ ODP Hursh,S.R.Fantino - - - '74. Pref for mult vs mixed sched - - - EAB22: 31 FARCP.Hursh,S.R.Natelson - - - '81 ESB and food reinf - - - - - - - - PhB26:509 FBRCPxaaI_In closed econ, Rate(OpR1) w/ESB reinf decr-f(VI) and Hur,SR'81+ FB aaI_ concur Rate(OpR2) w/food reinf incr-f(VI) - - - - - - - Hur,SR'81+ FB aaI_Re above, ESB intake decr-f(VI) >> decr in food intake Hur,SR'81+ FKRCP.Hursh,S.R.Natelson - - - '81 ESB and food reinf - - - - - - - - PhB26:509 OAM Hursh,S.R.Winger - - - - '95. Normalized demand for rein (drugs) EAB64:373 OAP Hursh,S.R. et al - - - - '74. Automaint: role of reinf - - - - - EAB21:117 FARCP.Hursh,S.R. et al - - - - '88. Cost-benefit anal of demand - - - EAB50:419 FBRCPHaaI_Def: Price = cost/benefit ratio = effort per unit of food - Hur,SR'88e FB aaI_Vary price re FR/Amt(Reinf)/P(Reinf)/R-Force Hur,SR'88e FB aaI_FAL: Above "price" same as "terms" (Logan, 1960) Hur,SR'88e FB aaI_Rate(OpR) incr-decr-f(price); 1 demand curve re above var Hur,SR'88e ZZxCC Hursh,S.R. et al - - - - '89 Anal of econ beh (Grunert) - - - - Kluwer IVx Hurst, Joan W. - - - - - '74 Fish/rat perf as-f(dep) - - - - - PhD IllIT DS V Hurvich, Leo M. - - - - '36 Size/inten on brightness - - - - - PhD Harvd ----- ----- ORR P.Hurwitz, Harry M. B. - - '54 R duration - - - - - - - - - - - - QJE 6: 62 OPR P-bar_OpR duration decr during acq, incr during extn - - - - - - Hur,HM'54- IER P.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '55 R elim w/out perf - - - - - - - - QJE 7: 1 IbR P-bbp_Decr IR by placement in empty GB - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'55- OKRVP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '56 CR w/lite reinf - - - - - - - - - BJA 4: 31 OBRVP-aCl_Acq OpR w/onset of lite-flash as only reinf - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'56- OERUP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '57 R periodicity in extn - - - - - - QJE 9:177 ObRUPHbbz_Extn is-f incr no-R times, not decr Rate(OpR) when respond Hur,HM'57- ORR B Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '58. Error in estimating N/reinf - - - EAB 1:149 OMRCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '60 Food dep on nonreinf R - - - - - - PRp 6:347 OPRCPHbao_No effect of food dep on nonreinf operant level of OpR - - Hur,HM'60- OKRVP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '60 Food/lite onset as concur reinf - PRp 6:359 OBRVPHaCl_Rate(OpR) persist w/lite reinf after trng w/lite+food reinf Hur,HM'60- OKRVP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '60 Illum cond on lite reinf - - - - - BJP51:341 OBRVPOaCl_Rate(OpR) w/reinf=lite-on after preexpose to dark>lited box Hur,HM'60- OER B Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '61 Freq(reinf) and R/Extn - - - - - - PRc11:395 OERCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '62 R periodicity in extn - - - - - - QJE14: 1 OPRCPHbaz_CRF and FR reinf -->diff R-patterns re pause/burst in extn Hur,HM'62- ORRCx.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '62 Beh under FR and counting sched - BJP53:167 OERCxHhcH_Rate(OpR1) w/FR B4 OpR2 > w/counting sched on OpR1 - - - - Hur,HM'62- ORRCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '63 Facil of counting-like beh - - - - AnB11:449 OERCPHhcH_Acq counting-like beh (4-or-more-R1 B4 R2) w/cue after 4 R1 Hur,HM'63- OE hcH_After above, some maint beh w/out cue but not symbolic proc Hur,HM'63- OKRVP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '64 Successive cond/extn - - - - - - - PRp15:959 OBRVPOaCl_Rate(OpR) during extn after lite-on reinf > operant rate - Hur,HM'64- OB aCl_Above implies that lite-on is reinf, not simply facil OpR Hur,HM'64- AARUP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '65. Prelim trng/signal duration - - - PSc 3:529 ABRUPSciA_Maint discrim ARi facil w/escape-avoid proc vs avoid-only - Hur,HM'65- AARCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '65 Length of exper session - - - - - QJE17:247 AbRCPScaa_Rate(ARo) incr w/shift from long to short exper session - - Hur,HM'65- aRR B Hurwitz,H.M.B. - - - - - '67. Lever-holding under Op-avoid - - - EAB10:551 ASR Hurwitz,H.M. - - - - - - '74. CS control of postshock responding BPS 4:554 OKRVP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Appel - - '59. Lite/dark maint on lite reinf - - JCP52:710 OBRVPOaCl_Initial facil of OpR w/reinf=lite-on if fed in lite phase - Hur,HM'59- OB aCl_Note: Above tests B4 feeding time, hence differ home illum Hur,HM'59- AARVP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Brush - - '64 Discrim avcond - - - - - - - - - - Sc 45:070 ABRVPSciA_W/discrim ARi, hi N/ER rather than ARi if escape possible - Hur,HM'64+ OERAP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Cutts - - '57 Discrim and operant extn - - - - - BJP48: 90 ObRAP-bbo_Facil extn w/S (buzz) added to OpR during extn - - - - - - Hur,HM'83+ CARAe.Hurwitz,H.M.Davis - - - '83. Anal of cond suppression - - - - - ALB11:383 CARAe-aZA_Opposes suppressn ratio meas because both S/no-S rates vary Hur,HM'83+ ODRVP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.De - - - - '58 Food dep/stress on lite reinf beh PRp 4: 71 OBRVPHaCl_Rate(OpR) w/lite reinf not-f(food dep) - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'58+ AURCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Dillow - - '66. Constant current shock inten - - - PSc 5:109 AERCPSccu_Acq discrim ARi w/low > hi constant current shock US - - - Hur,HM'66+ AURCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Dillow - - '66. Constant power shock - - - - - - - PSc 5:111 AERCPSccu_Acq discrim ARi not-f(shock power) - - - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'66+ AVRUP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Dillow - - '66. Strain diff in diff-avcond - - - - PSc 6:401 ALRUPSnbC_Acq discrim ARi w/brother-sister-bred strain = random-bred Hur,HM'66+ ASRAP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Dillow - - '67 Length of warning period - - - - - PRc17:517 ABRAPScia_W/buzz-off warning S, P(ARi) incr-f(ISI) - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'67+ APRAPSbta_Lat(discrim ARi) at midpoint of warning ISI - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'67+ AARfB.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Dillow - - '68 Warning signal on R char - - - - - PRc18:351 AERfB-bKf_Buzzer better as CS (decr bar-holding) than as AR-prod fdbk Hur,HM'68+ DI Hurwitz,H.M.B.Dillow - - '69. Discrim lrng/avoid (Gilbert) - - - Academic OARCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Harzem - - '68. Progressive ratio perf - - - - - - PRc18:553 OBRCPHaxa_P(reset progressive ratio) incr-f(size of progressive sched Hur,HM'68+ AARUP.Hurwitz,H.M.Herrmann - - '84. Avoid w/short/long R-S intervals - ALB12:350 ABRUPScar_Rate(ARo) decr-f(R-shock interval) - - - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'84+ AB car_Re above, N/shocks re N/available incr-decr-f(R-S interval) Hur,HM'84+ OKRCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.James - - '60. Deferment of ICS reinf - - - - - - PhB 5:309 OERCPOaDK_Rate(OpR) rapid decr-f(time after OpR B4 reinf w/OpR avail) Hur,HM'60+ OKR Hurwitz,H.M.James - - - '78. Rate(OpR) w/signalled defer ESB - BPX12: 99 AKRCP.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Millenson- '61 Temporally defined contingencies - Sc 33:284 ABRCPScoA_Rate(ARo) incr-decr-f(time during which AR postpones US) - Hur,HM'61+ OSR Hurwitz,H.M.B.Roberts - '69. Suppress avoid by pre-aversive S - PSc17:305 YCRAB Hurwitz,H.M.B.Roberts - '71. Cond suppression of AR - - - - - - EAB16:275 AARCP.Hurwitz,H.M.AERoberts - '71. TO as determinant of Rate(ARo) - - PSc24:131 ABRCPScoA_Rate(ARo) incr w/TO period, w/1-min < 16 sec - - - - - - - Hur,HM'71+ YC Hurwitz,H.M.B.Roberts - '77. Anal of cond suppression (Davis) - LEA AARCP.Hurwitz,H.M.AERoberts - '78. Rate(ARo) as-f TO duration - - - - BPS12:103 ABRCPScoA_Rate(ARo) decr during signalled TO, incr-f(duration of TO) Hur,HM'78+ DARVA.Hurwitz,H.M.B.Rowell - - '58 Drive and adapt to stress - - - - BJP49:335 DLRVAOmma_Reversal of discrim to escape incr-f detention in H20 B4 tr Hur,HM'58+ FMRFC.Hurwitz,H.M.B. et al - - '58 Feeding/fasting sched on weight - PRp 4:333 FPRFCHaiF_Requires 3-wks of restricted feeding to stablize wt loss - Hur,HM'58e AJRAR.Hurwitz,H.M.B. et al - - '61 Shock inten on vicious circle beh Psy52:377 AbRARScap_Incr R/Extn w/pun ARi is-f(ISI/USI); interp re discrim extn Hur,HM'61e OKRGP.Hurwitz,H.M.B. et al - - '65 FR beh w/2 sucrose solutions - - - PRc15:145 OERGPHaqa_Initially lower, then higher Rate(OpR) w/8% re 32% sucrose Hur,HM'65e ASR Hurwitz,H.M. et al - - - '71. Signal utilization w/discrim avoid PSc22:153 ASRCP.Hurwitz,H.M. et al - - - '71. Deterioration of ARo w/preshock S PSc25:148 ACRCPSnIO_Pair(S,shock) w/ARo baseline-->Rate(ARo) incr-decr during S Hur,HM'71e AERCP.Hurwitz,H.M. et al - - - '72. Extn/maint ARo w/R-indep shock - - PSc28:176 AERCPScCu_Maint ARo w/R-indep shocks immed after acq, 24-h after extn Hur,HM'72e ARRfP.Hurwitz,H.M. et al - - - '72 ARo as-f R-fdbk - - - - - - - - - QJE24: 92 AERfPSbKy_ARo perf facil w/visual R-produced fdbk - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'72e AARfB.Hurwitz,H.M.B. et al - - '74 Free-op avoid w/R-fdbk - - - - - - QJE24: 92 AERfB-bKf_R-produced visual fdbk facil Op-avoid - - - - - - - - - - - Hur,HM'74e AVRNP.Hurwitz,H.M. et al - - - '81 R-S interval w/septal O - - - - - PhB26:135 ALRNPSnMa_Septal lsn O>normals re maint ARo w/6/10/20-sec RS interval Hur,HM'81e AL nMa_Attrib above diff to decr freeze-R w/septal lsn Hur,HM'81e ----- ----- SVxML.Husband,R.W. - - - - - - '29. Humans/rats in maze lrng - - - - - JC 9:361 SLxMLxnsC_Humans > rats, with altern rather than direction tend - - - Hus,RW'29- SVHML.Husband,R.W. - - - - - - '30 Age effects on perf - - - - - - - JGt37:325 SLHMLOnAC_Re maze lrng, Os around 20 > over-30 year age - - - - - - - Hus,RW'30- AAT J.Hussey, Frederick A. - - '71. Avcond w/hamster as-f(ISI) - - - - PSc23: 5 ABR JScia_Perf and Lat(ARi) incr-f(2/4/6/8/10-sec ISI) - - - - - - - Hus,FA'71- ODRSL.Husted,J.R.McKenna - - - '66. Rats as discrim S - - - - - - - - EAB 9:677 OpRSLHaaa_Diffcond re presence/absence 2nd rat, or 2 same-sex rats - Hus,JR'66- VRH Huston,J.P. - - - - - - '63 N/mediating assns (Walker) - - - - PhD UMich CRRAC.Huston,J.P.Brozek - - - '72 Classcond w/hypothalamic S - - - - PhB 8:973 CPRAC-bYn_Fail to cond eating/drinking w/ESB-elicited consum UR - - - Hus,JP'72+ CP bYn_Did cond orient/app to food/water source w/above proc Hus,JP'72+ AARN Huston,J.P.Tomaz - - - - '86 Subtelenceph locale of reinf/lrng BBR22:153 ----- ----- IER Hutchinson, Ronald R. - '62 Discrim S- on R/Extn (NEMiller) - PhD Yale OAHUP.Hutchinson,R.R.Azrin - - '61. Opcond mental-hospital patients - EAB 4: 87 OBHUPOaAK_Maint OpR w/FR50 w/cigarette/candy reinf w/schizophrenics - Hut,RR'61+ OAXXX.Hutchinson,R.R.Emley - - '72. Sched-indep factors (Gilbert) - - Toronto OPXXXXbio_Use collateral beh to infer effects of sched(reinf) - - - - Hut,RR'72+ OP bio_Eg: Attack beh w/extn implies aversive effect (see Hull'34) Hut,RR'72+ FRM Hutchinson,R.R.Emley - - '77. Shock produced drinking - - - - - EAB28: 1 FRRSO.Hutchinson,R.R. et al - '65. Pain-aggression as-f(age) - - - - JCP59:365 FQRSOSefX_P(pain-->aggression) incr-f(20-90-d age) - - - - - - - - - Hut,RR'65e FRMOO.Hutchinson,R.R. et al - '68. Shock inten/duration on attack - - EAB11: 83 RPMOOSfaa_P(bite rubber tube) incr-f(tail shock inten/duration) - - - Hut,RR'68e ORMUP.Hutchinson,R.R. et al - '68. Attack produced by intermit reinf EAB11:489 ObMUPHapa_Observe aggressive (bite) beh w/incr in FR sched and w/extn Hut,RR'68e US Hutchinson,R.R. et al - '71. Long-term shock on aggression - - EAB15:141 ----- ----- FRRGC.Hutchison,S.L. - - - - - '73 Taste aversion w/centrifugal spin PRp33:467 FDRGC-caC_Cond aversion w/Pair(lemonade,centrifugal spin) - - - - - - Hut,SL'73- FD caC_Initial pref for flavor of S nec for cond aversion Hut,SL'73- OKRCP.Hutt, Paul J. - - - - - '53 Rate(OpR) as-f(qual/quant reinf) - PhD Duke OKR P.Hutt,P.J. - - - - - - - '54. Qual/quant(reinf) - - - - - - - - JCP47:235 OER P-aMK_Rate OpR incr-f(Amt/Qual(Reinf)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hut,PJ'54- FARDP.Hutto, Cecil W. - - - - '93 Cond re Mag(Rf) (WCrowder/Wilkes) PhD UMiss FQRDPOaRP_Pref context assoc w/higher of .32/1/3.2/10 mg/kg MORPH - - Hut,CW'93- DSP Hutton, Larrie V. - - - '79 Von Restorff effect - - - - - - - PhD OhioU CR Hutton,R.A. et al - - - '70. Cond hypoglycemia: Pseudocond - - JCP71:198 AVPVJ.Hutton,R.S. et al - - - '74 Avcond after olfactory nerve lsn - PhB13: 57 ALPVJSnMa_Acq shuttle ARi facil w/olfactory nerve section - - - - - - Hut,RS'74e SAR Huxter, John R. - - - - '98 Map orient re cue (Harley/GMartin) PhD Newfd FPNSO.Hyatt,C.W.Hopkins - - - '98 Interspecies object exchange - - - BPr42:177 FPNSOHeNH_Observe exchange of non-edible items for food items - - - - Hya,CW'98+ ----- ----- OCRAB.Hyde, Thomas S. - - - - '69 Pavlovian CS on discrim IR - - - - PhD UMinn OCRAB.Hyde,T.S. - - - - - - - '76. Pavlovian S on food-reinf R - - - ALB 4:293 OARAB-oIc_S suppresses food-reinf OpR after truly-random (S/shock) - Hyd,TS'76- OA oIc_Above suppression not obtained if R-indep shock in baseline Hyd,TS'76- OA oIc_S suppresses food-reinf OpR after Pair(S,shock) Hyd,TS'76- OA oIc_Above suppression obtained if R-indep shock in baseline Hyd,TS'76- OCRAB.Hyde,T.S. - - - - - - - '76. Pavlovian S on acq of new R - - - L&M 7:223 OARAB-oIo_S facil OpR w/R-indep shock after Pair(S,no-shock) - - - - Hyd,TS'76- ICRAE.Hyde,T.Trapold - - - - - '67. S/Genz of food-R to S for water - PSc 9:513 IERAE-aIc_S/Genz of food-reinf R incr if test S prior paired w/water Hyd,T.'67+ FSR A Hyde,T.Trapold - - - - - '75. Acty incr to food S - - - - - - - ALB 3:282 IKR Hyde,T. et al - - - - - '68. Test of incentive motiv theory - - JEx73:423 ----- ----- CAHAG.Hygge, Staffan - - - - - '76 Vicarious classcond - - - - - - - JPS33:764 CGHAG-qoH_Vicarious classcond facil by info re aversiveness of US - - Hyg,S.'76- CAHUG.Hygge,S. - - - - - - - - '79 Acquaintance w/S in vicarious cond PAb 6693 CGHUG-qoH_Pre-expose to weak (not to strong) US facil vicarious cond Hyg,S.'79- CAHAG.Hygge,S.Dimberg - - - - '84 Vicarious instigation - - - - - - PAb 19554 CGHAG-qoH_Weak cond to S paired w/vicariously instigated R - - - - - Hyg,S.'84+ AS Hyman, Arnold - - - - - '66 Pre-shock warning S - - - - - - - PhD Cinci ASM Hyman,A. - - - - - - - - '69. Temporal parameters in avoid - - - EAB12:641 ASM P.Hyman,A. - - - - - - - - '71. Sequential effects in discrim ARo PSc23: 38 ApM PScaa_Lat(ARo) incr-f(1-16-sec warning S duratn B4 shock), w/in-O Hym,A.'71- Ap caa_Above w/ascending > descending order of S durations Hym,A.'71- ALM P.Hyman,A. - - - - - - - - '71. 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