Books in the Quad-L Library
Alphabetical Listing

Drugs Abel, E.M. et al - - - - '   Beh/social Effect Marijuana (V 73)        MSS
C  32 Abel, T.M. et al - - - - '87 Psychotherapy and Culture - - - - -       UNM
M  29 Abraham, W.C. et al (Eds)'91 Mem Mech: Tribute to Goddard  - - -       LEA
H  36 Adams,J.A. - - - - - - - '67 Human Memory  - - - - - - - - - - -  McG-Hill
L  21 Adams,J.A. - - - - - - - '76 Learning and Memory - - - - - - - -    Dorsey
G   8 Adler,A. (Wolfe, trans)  '27 Understanding Human Nature  - - - -    Garden
C     Andronico,M.P. (Ed)  - - '96 Men in Groups   - - - - - - - - - -       APA
Paper Agras,W.S. et al - - - - '79 Behavior therapy  - - - - - - - - -   Freeman
Paper Aichhorn,A.  - - - - - - '35 Wayward Youth - - - - - - - - - - -    Viking
B  37 Alcock,J.  - - - - - - - '89 Animal Behavior - - - - - - - - - -   Sinauer
Paper Alexander,J.Parsons  - - '82 Functional Family Therapy - - - - -    B-Cole
H  26 Alhadeff,D.A.  - - - - - '82 Microeconomics and Human Beh  - - -     U Cal
Grad  Allen,E.S. - - - - - - - '31 Six-place tables (4/ed) - - - - - -  McG-Hill
G  14 Allen,M.J.Yen  - - - - - '79 Intro to Measurement Theory - - - -    B-Cole
Paper Alsip,J.E.Chezik - - - - '74 Research guide in psych - - - - - - GenlrngCo
L  55 Amsel,A.Rashotte - - - - '84 Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior   -  Columbia
G   9 Anastasi,A.Foley - - - - '49 Differential Psychology - - - - - - Macmillan
B  22 Andersen,P.Andersson - - '68 Physiol Basis of Alpha Rhythm - - -     A-C-C
Paper Anderson,B.F.  - - - - - '66 The Psychological Experiment  - - - Wadsworth
E   6 Andreas,B.G. - - - - - - '60 Experimental Psychology - - - - - -     Wiley
Paper Andreas,B.G. - - - - - - '68 Pscyhological science and education     Wiley
Car3  Andrews,L.M.Karlins  - - '75 Psych: What's in it for us? (2/ed)     Random
G  64 Angell,J.R.  - - - - - - '06 Psychology  - - - - - - - - - - - -      Holt
Study Annis, L.F.  - - - - - - '83 Study Techniques  - - - - - - - - -       WCB
E  42 Antinucci,F. (Ed)  - - - '89 Primate Cognitive Structure & Devel       LEA
Paper Ardrey,R.  - - - - - - - '61 African Genesis - - - - - - - - - -      Dell
Car5  Ardrey,R.  - - - - - - - '66 The Territorial Inperative  - - - -  Atheneum
Grad  Arkin,H.Colton - - - - - '62 Tables for Statistician   - - - - - B & Noble
      Arm,D.L. (Ed)  - - - - - '67 Journeys in Science   - - - - - - -     Adosr
P  12 Arnoult,M.D. - - - - - - '72 Scientific Method in Psychology - -       WCB
P  12 Arnoult,M.D. - - - - - - '76 Scientific Meth in Psych (2nd Ed) -       WCB
C     Aron,L.  - - - - - - - - '96 Meeting of Minds  - - - - - - - - -  Analytic
M  19 Atkinson,J.W.  - - - - - '64 An Introduction to Motivation - - -  Nostrand
Paper Ayllon,T.Azrin - - - - - '68 The Token Economy: Motivation - - -     A-C-C
C  20 Ayres,A.J. - - - - - - - '72 Sensory Integratn & Lrng Disorders    Western
Paper Bachrach,A.J. -  - - - - '72 Psych Research (3rd Ed)   - - - - -    Random
B   9 Barber,T.X. et al (Eds)  '70 Biofeedback and Self-Control  - - -    Aldine
Paper Barlow,J.A.  - - - - - - '68 Stimulus and Response - - - - - - -     H-Row
Paper Barnet,G. et al  - - - - '78 NIDA research monograph #24 - - - -      NIDA
Paper Barnett,A. - - - - - - - '61 The Human Species - - - - - - - - -   Pelican
E  33 Bartley,S.H. - - - - - - '69 Principles of Perception (2nd Ed) -  Harp-Row
      Bates,D.R. (Ed)  - - - - '57 Earth and its Atmosphere  - - - - -     Basic
G  56 Bates,M.Humphrey - - - - '56 The Darwin Reader - - - - - - - - -    Scribn
Paper Baughman,E.E.  - - - - - '71 Black Americans - - - - - - - - - -  Academic
G  54 Baur,E. et al (Paul, tr) '31 Human Heredity  - - - - - - - - - - Macmillan
M  10 Beck,R.C.  - - - - - - - '83 Motiv: Theories/Principles  - - - -    P-Hall
L  76 Beecroft,R.S. - - - - - - '66 Classical Conditioning - - - - - -    Pnomic
L  92 Beecroft,R.S.  - - - - - '66 Classical Conditioning  - - - - - -    Pnomic
B   4 Bekesy,G.Von - - - - - - '67 Sensory Inhibition  - - - - - - - -    Printn
Paper Benedict,R.  - - - - - - '34 Patterns of Culture - - - - - - - -    Pengun
B  10 Bennett,T.L. - - - - - - '77 Brain and Behavior  - - - - - - - -    B-Cole
B  11 Bennett,T.L. - - - - - - '78 The Sensory World - - - - - - - - -    B-Cole
B  20 Bergamini,L.Bergamasco - '67 Cortical Evoked Potenials in Man  -    Thomas
E  37 Bermant,G. (Ed)  - - - - '73 Perspectives on Animal behavior - - Scott-For
C  24 Berne,E. - - - - - - - - '64 Games People Play - - - - - - - - -     Grove
P   9 Berofsky,B.  - - - - - - '71 Determinism - - - - - - - - - - - -    Printn
Car3  Bigge,M.L. - - - - - - - '64 Lrng Theories for Teachers  - - - -  Harp-Row
Paper Bijou,S.W.Baer - - - - - '67 Child Develop: Experimental Analy -  Meredith
H  37 Bilodeau,E.A.  - - - - - '66 Acquisition of Skill  - - - - - - -  Academic
Paper Birney,R.C.Teevan  - - - '61 Instinct  - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Nostrand
L  28 Black,A.H.Prokasy (Eds)  '72 Classical Conditioning II - - - - -     A-C-C
Drugs Black,P. (Ed)  - - - - - '69 Drugs and the brain - - - - - - - - J-Hopkins
G  12 Bloomfield,L.  - - - - - '33 Language  - - - - - - - - - - - - -      Holt
T  29 Boakes,R.A.Halliday  - - '72 Inhibition and Learning - - - - - -    Acad P
H   6 Bock,R.D.Jones - - - - - '68 Msmt/Prediction of Judgment/Choice      H-Day
L  99 Boe,E.E.Church - - - - - '68 Punishment: Issues and Experiments      A-C-C
M  18 Bolles,R.C.  - - - - - - '67 Theory of Motivation  - - - - - - -  Harp-Row
T  27 Bolles,R.C.  - - - - - - '75 Learning Theory - - - - - - - - - -      HR&W
T  27 Bolles,R.C.  - - - - - - '79 Learning Theory (2nd Ed)  - - - - -      HR&W
Car5  Bolles,R.C.  - - - - - - '79 Learning Theory (2nd Ed)  - - - - -      HR&W
L 105 Bolles,R.C.Beecher (Eds) '88 Evolution and Learning  - - - - - -       LEA
L  77 Bond,N.W. (Ed) - - - - - '84 Animal Models in Psychopathology  -  Academic
Paper Bondi,H. - - - - - - - - '62 Relativity and Common Sense - - - -     Dover
      Bootzin et al(Eds) - - - '06 Strengthening Research Methodology   Psych Pr
G   3 Boring,E.G.  - - - - - - '29 History of Experimental Psychology        A-C
E  21 Boring,E.G.  - - - - - - '29 History of Experimental Psychology        A-C
E   1 Boring,E.G.  - - - - - - '42 Sensation/Perception in History - -       A-C
H  31 Bourne,L.E. et al  - - - '86 Cognitive Processes (2nd Ed)  - - -    P-Hall
T  16 Bower,G.H.Hilgard  - - - '81 Theories of Learning (5th Ed) - - -    P-Hall
Car4  Bower,G.H.Spence - - - - '69 Psych of Lrng/Motiv (4th Ed)) - - -  Academic
H 32  Bransford,J.D. - - - - - '79 Human Cognition - - - - - - - - - - Wadsworth
B 17  Brazier,M.A.B. - - - - - '68 Electrical Acty of Nervous System      Pitman
Paper Breland,K.Breland  - - - '66 Animal behavior - - - - - - - - - - Macmillan
Car4  Brenner,D. - - - - - - - '82 The Effective Psychotherapist - - -  Pergamon
P   1 Bridgman,P.W.  - - - - - '46 Logic of Modern Physics - - - - - - Macmillan
Car5  Britt,S.H. - - - - - - - '78 Psych Principles of Marketing - - - Lexington
Paper Broadhurst,P.L.  - - - - '63 Science of Animal Behavior  - - - -   Pelican
B  19 Brodie,B.B.Bass (Eds)  - '59 Evolution of Nervous Control  - - -      AAAS
B   7 Brown,B.B. (Ed)  - - - - '75 Biofdbk Syllabus  - - - - - - - - -    Thomas
M   2 Brown,J.S. - - - - - - - '61 Motivation of Behavior  - - - - - -  McG-Hill
Car5  Brown,J.S. - - - - - - - '61 Motivation of Behavior  - - - - - -  McG-Hill
G  80 Brownstein,A.J. (Ed) - - '89 Progress in behavioral studies (I)        LEA
L  10 Brush,F.R. (Ed)  - - - - '71 Aversive Conditioning and Learning     Acad P
L  78 Brush,F.R.Overmier (Eds) '85 Affect, Conditioning, & Cognition -       LEA
L  37 Bugelski,B.R.  - - - - - '64 Psych of Lrng Applied to Teaching - B-Merrill
Paper Bugelski,B.R.  - - - - - '75 Psych of learning - - - - - - - - -   Hackett
M  11 Bull,N.  - - - - - - - - '51 Attitude Theory of Emotion  - - - -      N&MD
R   3 Bush,R.R.Estes (Eds) - - '50 Studies in Math Learning Theory - -  Stanford
L   5 Campbell,B.A.Church (Ed) '69 Punishment and Aversive Behavior  -     A-C-C
P  15 Campbell,D.T.Stanley - - '63 Experimental & Quasi-Exper Designs  H-Mifflin
Paper Cannon,W.B.  - - - - - - '29 Bodity changes in pain, hunger, etc    Harper
G  79 Cantor,J.H. (Ed) - - - - '91 Pscyh @ Iowa: Centennial Essays - -       LEA
Car3  Carnegie,D.  - - - - - - '48 How to stop worrying & start living    Pocket
Paper Carpenter,F.Haddan - - - '64 Applicatn of psych to education - - Macmillan
Paper Carroll,J.B. - - - - - - '64 Language and thought  - - - - - - -    P-Hall
Car5  Cartter,A.M. - - - - - - '66 Quality of grad education - - - - -     Gov't
Paper Cassirer,E. (Swabey tr)  '53 Substance and Funx: Einstein's th -      Dove
Paper Catania,A.C. - - - - - - '68 Contemp research in op beh  - - - -  Scott-Fo
L  24 Catania,A.C. - - - - - - '79 Learning  - - - - - - - - - - - - -    P-Hall
L  94 Catania,A.C. - - - - - - '84 Learning 2/e  - - - - - - - - - - -    P-Hall
L 102 Catania,A.C.Harnard (Eds)'88 Selection of beh: Beh of Skinner  - Cambridge
Car3  Cattell,R.B. - - - - - - '65 Scientific anal of personality  - -   Pelican
L  44 Chance,P.  - - - - - - - '79 Lrng and beh  - - - - - - - - - - - Wadsworth
Paper Chapanis,A. et al  - - - '47 Lectures on men and machines  - - -
T  36 Chaplin,J.P.Krawiec  - - '60 Systems/Theories of Psych - - - - -  Holt/R&W
C  16 Chapman,A.H. - - - - - - '76 Harry Stack Sullivan: Life & Work -    Putnam
Paper Clark,D.H. - - - - - - - '67 The psych of education  - - - - - -  Freepres
Paper Cofer,C.N. (Ed)  - - - - '76 Structure of human memory - - - - -   Freema
M   8 Cofer,C.N. Apply - - - - '64 Motivation--Theory and Research - -     Wiley
Car5  Cofer,C.N. Apply - - - - '64 Motivation--Theory and Research - -     Wiley
Car3  Cohen,E.L.Poppino  - - - '82 Discovering college study skills  -   Holt-R-
P   3 Cohen,M.R.Nagel  - - - - '34 Logic and Scientific Method - - - - Har-Brace
E  24 Cohen,M.R.Nagel  - - - - '34 Logic and Scientific Method - - - - Har-Brace
Car4  Cohen,S. - - - - - - - - '81 Substance Abuse problems  - - - - -   Haworth
C  15 Colby,K.M. - - - - - - - '51 Primer for Psychotherapists - - - -    Ronald
H  45 Commons,M.L. et al (Eds) '91 Neural Network Models of Cond/Action  Erlbaum
B  38 Commons,M.L. et al (Eds) '90 Quant Anlayses of Behavior  - - - -       LEA
Paper Conant,J.B.  - - - - - - '51 Science and common sense  - - - - -      Yale
Paper Conant,J.B.  - - - - - - '59 The American high school today  - -  McG-Hill
Paper Conant,J.B.  - - - - - - '   On understanding science  - - - - -    Mentor
P   2 Cooley,J.C.  - - - - - - '42 Primer of Formal Logic  - - - - - - Macmillan
E  27 Coren,S. et al - - - - - '79 Sensation and Perception  - - - - -  Academic
B   5 Corso,J.F. - - - - - - - '67 Exper Psych of Sensory Behavior - -  Holt-R-W
H  47 Coulson,J.E. (Ed)  - - - '62 Program lrng,computer-based instruct    Wiley
Paper Cowan,P.A. - - - - - - - '78 Piaget with Feeling - - - - - - - -  Holt-R-W
P  10 Cozby,P.C. - - - - - - - '77 Meth in Beh Research  - - - - - - -    Mayfld
E  19 Crafts,L.W. et al  - - - '50 Recent Exper in Psych (2nd Ed)  - -  McG-Hill
C  42 Craighead,W.E. et al - - '76 Behavior Modification - - - - - - - H-Mifflin
Paper Crow,L.D.Crow  - - - - - '54 Readings in gen psych - - - - - - -  B & Nobl
L  20 Crowder,R.G. - - - - - - '76 Principles of Learning/Memory - - -       LEA
C  30 Cunningham,M.  - - - - - '72 Intel: Organization/Devel - - - - -  Academic
L1 01 Dachowski,L.Flaherty (Ed)'91 Animal Lrng: Brain,Emotion,Cognitn    Erlbaum
E  20 D'Amato,M.R. - - - - - - '70 Exper Psych - - - - - - - - - - - -  McG-Hill
G  47 Darwin,C. (2 Vol)  - - - '17 Descent of Man  - - - - - - - - - -    Murray
G  76 Darwin,C.  - - - - - - - '65 Expression of emotions:man/animals  U Chicago
Paper Darwin,C.  - - - - - - - '65 Expression of emotions:man/animals  U Chicago
G  62 Darwin,C.  - - - - - - - '81 Origin of Species - - - - - - - - -   Penguin
L  65 Davey,G. - - - - - - - - '81 Animal Lrng and Cond  - - - - - - -    UnivPP
L  67 Davis,H.Hurwitz  - - - - '77 Operant-Pavlovian Interactions  - -       LEA
H  46 DeCecco,J.P. - - - - - - '68 Psychology of learning + instructn     P-Hall
L   7 Deese,J. - - - - - - - - '58 Psychology of Learning  - - - - - -  McG-Hill
L  91 Deese,J.Hulse  - - - - - '58 Psychology of Learning (3rd Ed) - -  McG-Hill
L  52 Deese,J.Hulse  - - - - - '67 Psych of Lrng (3rd Ed)  - - - - - -  McG.Hill
Paper Dember,W.  - - - - - - - '64 Visual perception: the 19 century -     Wiley
Paper Dement,W.C.  - - - - - - '72 Some watch while some must sleep  -    Norton
G  24 Dennis,W. (Ed) - - - - - '48 Readings--History of Psychology - -     A-C-C
M  22 Denny,M.R. - - - - - - - '   Fear, Avoidance, and Phobias  - - -
E  11 Denny,M.R.Ratner - - - - '70 Comparative Psychology  - - - - - -    Dorsey
B  23 Deutsch,J.A.,Deutsch - - '66 Physiological Psych - - - - - - - -    Dorsey
E  31 DeVore,I. (Ed) - - - - - '65 Primate Behavior  - - - - - - - - -  Holt-R-W
Car5  DeVore,I. (Ed) - - - - - '65 Primate Behavior  - - - - - - - - -  Holt-R-W
Drugs Dews,P.B. et al  - - - - '73 Marihuana: Biochem, physio aspects        MSS
T   6 Dickinson,A. - - - - - - '80 Contemp Animal Lrng Theory  - - - - Cambridge
L  64 Dickinson,A.Boakes (Eds) '79 Mech of Lrng/Motiv (To Konorski)  -       LEA
M  23 Dienstbier,R. (Ed) - - - '90 Perspectives on Motivation  - - - -    U Nebr
E  41 Dienstbier,R.A.Leger (Ed)'88 Compar Perspectives in Modern Psych    U Nebr
Car4  Diet,Nutritn,Cancer Comm '82 Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer - - - -  N Acadmy
Car4  Dinsmoor,K. et al  - - - '58 EAB Cumulative Index (Vols 1-20)  -    SocEAB
      Dobzhansky,T.  - - - - - '55 Evolution, Genetics, and Man  - - -     Wiley
G  11 Dollard,J. - - - - - - - '37 Caste/Class in a Southern Town  - -      Yale
C   7 Dollard,J.Auld - - - - - '59 Scoring Human Motives - - - - - - -      Yale
C   6 Dollard,J.Miller - - - - '50 Personality and Psychotherapy - - -  McG-Hill
C   5 Dollard,J. et al - - - - '39 Frustration and Aggression  - - - -      Yale
B  27 Domino,E.F.Davis (Eds) - '75 Neurotransmitter Balances - - - - -   Edwards
L  35 Domjan,M.Burkhard  - - - '82 Prin of lrng/beh  - - - - - - - - -    B-Cole
L  75 Domjan,M.Burkhard  - - - '86 Prin of lrng/beh (2nd Ed) - - - - -    B-Cole
G  61 Doncaster,L. - - - - - - '12 Heredity---Recent Research  - - - - Cambridge
L  32 Donahoe,J.W.Wessells - - '80 Learning, Language, and Memory  - -     H-Row
Paper Dulany,D.E. et al  - - - '63 Contrib to modern psych - - - - - -    Oxford
Paper Dunnette,M.D.Kirchner  - '65 Psych applied to industry - - - - -     A-C-C
Paper Dyal,J.A.  - - - - - - - '62 Readings in psych (Human Behavior)-  McG-Hill
Car3  Dye,T.R. - - - - - - - - '79 Power and society - - - - - - - - - Wadsworth
      Easton,A. et al(Eds) - - '05 Cognitive Neuroscience of Social Behav  PsyPr  
B  21 Eccles,J.C.  - - - - - - '69 Inhibitory Pathways of CNS  - - - -    Thomas
E  25 Einstein,A.  - - - - - - '34 Essays in Science - - - - - - - - -    Phil-L
L  41 Ellis,H.C. - - - - - - - '78 Fund--Human Lrng/Memory/Cognition -    W.C.B.
L  27 Ellis,H.C. - - - - - - - '78 Fund--Human Lrng/Memory/Cognition -    W.C.B.
L  45 Ellis,H.C.Hunt - - - - - '83 Fund--Human Memory/Cognition 3/e  -    W.C.B.
Car5  Ellis,H.C.Hunt - - - - - '89 Fund--Human Memory/Cognition 4/e  -    W.C.B.
L  25 Ellis,H.C. et al - - - - '79 Psychology of Learning/Memory - - -    B-Cole
Paper Elms,A.C.  - - - - - - - '72 Social psych & social relevance - -   Little-
      English,H.B.English  - - '58 Dictionary of Psych Terms - - - - -   L-Green
S  11 Epstein,R.A. - - - - - - '67 Theory of Gambling/Stat Logic - - -  Academic
H  10 Epstein,W. - - - - - - - '67 Varieties of Perceptual Learning  -  McG-Hill
Paper Erikson,E. - - - - - - - '63 Childhood and Society (2/e) - - - -    Norton
Paper Erikson,E. - - - - - - - '64 Insight and responsibility  - - - -    Norton
Car3  Erikson,E. - - - - - - - '68 Identity: youth and crisis  - - - -    Norton
C  19 Erskine,A. - - - - - - - '32 A Hypnotist's Case Book - - - - - -     Rider
L  68 Estes,W.K. (Ed) (6 Vol)  '76 Hdbk--Learning/Cognitive Processes        LEA
S  15 Estes,W.K. - - - - - - - '91 Statistical models in beh resarch -   Erlbaum
T  19 Estes,W.K. et al (Eds) - '54 Modern Learning Theory  - - - - - -     A-C-C
Car5  Estes,W.K. et al (Eds) - '54 Modern Learning Theory  - - - - - -     A-C-C
B  24 Evans,C.Mulholland (Eds) '69 Attn in Neuropsych  - - - - - - - -     A-C-C
Paper Evans,R.I.Rozelle  - - - '70 Social psych in life  - - - - - - - A & Bacon
      Eysenck,H.J. - - - - - - '80 Know your own I.Q.  - - - - - - - -   Penguin
E  12 Fantino,E.Logan  - - - - '79 Experimental Analysis of Behavior -   Freeman
M   7 Ferguson,E.D.  - - - - - '76 Motivation--Experimental Approach -      HR&W
Car5  Ferguson,E.D.  - - - - - '76 Motivation--Experimental Approach -      HR&W
Car5  Ferraro,D.P. Hodge - - - '81 Psych: Contemporary Concepts  - - -      Ginn
Car5  Ferraro,D.P. et al - - - '79 Introductory psych reader - - - - -      Ginn
E  14 Ferster,C.B.Skinner  - - '57 Schedules of Reinforcement  - - - -    P-Hall
H  40 Fitzgerald,H.E.McKinney  '70 Developmental Psychology  - - - - -    Dorsey
L  71 Flaherty,C.F.  - - - - - '85 Animal lrng and cognition - - - - -     Knopf
L  38 Flaherty,C.F. et al  - - '77 Learning and Memory - - - - - - - -  Rand-McN
C  38 Foreyt,J.P.Rathjen - - - '78 Cognitive behavior therapy  - - - -    Plenum
Paper Fowler,H.  - - - - - - - '65 Curiosity & exploratory beh - - - - Macmillan
Paper Frank,L.K. - - - - - - - '66 Importance of infancy - - - - - - -    Random
P   5 Frank,P.G. - - - - - - - '56 Validation of Scientific Theories -    Beacon
M  20 Franken,R.E. - - - - - - '82 Human Motivation  - - - - - - - - -   Br-Cole
L  73 Frese,M.Sabini - - - - - '85 Goal direct beh: concept of action    Erlbaum
G  17 Freud,S. (Brill, trans)  '14 Psychopathology of Everyday Life  -    Fisher
G  16 Freud,S. (Strachey, tr)  '49 Outline of Psychoanalysis - - - - -    Norton
G  67 Freud,S. (Strachey, tr)  '53 Collected Papers (5 vol)  - - - - -   Hogarth
Car3  Freud,S. - - - - - - - - '54 The origins of psychoanalysis - - -  Doubleda
C   3 Freud,S. - - - - - - - - '66 Intro Lectures on Psychoanalysis  -    Norton
H  22 Fromkin,V.A. (Ed)  - - - '81 Errors in Linguistic Perf - - - - -    Acad P
Paper Fryer,D.H. et al - - - - '54 General psych - - - - - - - - - - -  B & Nobl
Paper Fullagar,W.A. et al  - - '64 Readings for educational psych 2/ed    Crowel
      Furst,B. - - - - - - - - '44 Way to a Better Memory  - - - - - -    DR&Dun
L  84 Gagne,R.M. - - - - - - - '65 The Conditions of Learning  - - - -  Scot-For
L  61 Gagne,R.M. - - - - - - - '70 The Conditions of Learning (2nd Ed)  Scot-For
H  51 Gagne,R.M. (Ed)  - - - - '67 Learning and Individual Differences   Merrill
Car5  Galanter,E.  - - - - - - '66 Textbook of Elementary Psychology -  Holden-D
      Gamow,G. - - - - - - - - '58 Matter, Earth, and Sky  - - - - - -    P-Hall
C  14 Garattini,S.Sigg (Eds) - '69 Aggressive Behavior - - - - - - - -     Wiley
B  13 Gardner,E. - - - - - - - '47 Fundamentals of Neurology - - - - -    Saundr
H   9 Garner,W.R.  - - - - - - '74 Processing Information + Structure        LEA
E  23 Garrett,H.E. - - - - - - '41 Great Experiments in Psych  - - - -       A-C
Paper Gauss,C.F. (Clarke tr) - '65 Disquisitiones Arithmeticae - - - -      Yale
E  22 Gay,W.I. (Ed)  - - - - - '65 Meth in Animal Exper  - - - - - - -  Academic
T  35 Gazda,G.M.Corsini  - - - '80 Theories of Learning  - - - - - - -   Peacock
Car5  Gazda,G.M.Corsini  - - - '80 Theories of Learning  - - - - - - -   Peacock
Car3  Geddes,D.P. (Ed) - - - - '54 Anal of the Kinsey Reports -- - - -    Mentor
Paper Geiss,G.L. et al - - - - '65 Reflex and operant conditioning - -     A-C-C
E  34 Geldard,F.A. - - - - - - '53 The Human Senses  - - - - - - - - -     Wiley
B  26 Geldard,F.A. - - - - - - '72 Human Senses (2nd Ed) - - - - - - -     Wiley
S  13 Ghiselli,E.E. et al  - - '81 Msmnt theory for Behavioral Science   Freeman
E  30 Gibson,E.J.  - - - - - - '69 Principles of Percept Lrng + Devel      A-C-C
E  28 Gibson,J.J.  - - - - - - '66 The Senses as Perceptual Systems  - H-Mifflin
L  66 Gilbert,R.Sutherland(Ed) '69 Animal Discrimination Learning  - -    Acad P
Drugs Gilbert,R.M.Keehn  - - - '72 Schedule effects: drugs, drinking -  UToronto
L  83 Gilbert,R.M.Millenson  - '72 Reinforcement Behavior Analysis - -  Academic
Car5  Ginsburg,H.Opper - - - - '79 Piaget's theory of intellectl devel   P -Hall
M  12 Glass,D.C. (Ed)  - - - - '67 Neurophysiology and Emotion - - - - Rockfller
C   2 Glasser,W. - - - - - - - '75 Reality therapy - - - - - - - - - -     H-Row
H  18 Glucksberg,S.Danks - - - '75 Experimental Psycholinguistics  - -       LEA
C  41 Goldfried,M.R.Davison  - '76 Clinical behavior therapy - - - - -  Holt-R-W
L  95 Gordon,W.C.  - - - - - - '89 Learning and Memory - - - - - - - -   Br-Cole
B   3 Granit,R.  - - - - - - - '47 Sensory Mechanisms of the Retina  -    Oxford
B  34 Granit,R.- - - - - - - - '55 Receptors and Sensory Perception  -      Yale
      Granville,W.A. et al - - '41 Differential/Integral Calculus  - -      Ginn
Paper Green,D.R. - - - - - - - '64 Educational psychology (Vol 1)  - -    P-Hall
H  50 Green,E.J. - - - - - - - '62 Lrnng and Programmed Instruction  -  Holt-R-W
Paper Green,E.J.O'Connell  - - '69 Visual discrim lrng - - - - - - - -  Teachers
Paper Greenberg,J.S. - - - - - '80 Comprehensive stress management - -       WCB
S   5 Greene,E.B.  - - - - - - '41 Msmt of Human Behavior  - - - - - -    Odysey
H  14 Greeno,J.G. et al  - - - '78 Associative Lrng--Cognitive Anal  -    P-Hall
Paper Gregory,R.L. - - - - - - '66 Eye and brain - - - - - - - - - - -  McG-Hill
Car5  Grey,D.A.Gilani  - - - - '79 Issues in behavior  - - - - - - - -      Ginn
S   4 Guilford,J.P.  - - - - - '36 Psychometric Methods  - - - - - - -  McG-Hill
S   1 Guilford,J.P.  - - - - - '42 Fund Statistics in Psych/Education   McG-Hill
G  63 Guthrie,E.R. - - - - - - '35 Psych of Lrng   - - - - - - - - - -    Harper
Paper Guthrie,R.V. (ed)  - - - '68 Psychology in the world today - - - Ad-Wesley
M   3 Haber,R.N. (Ed)  - - - - '66 Current Research in Motivation  - -      HR&W
Car5  Haber,R.N. (Ed)  - - - - '66 Current Research in Motivation  - -      HR&W
E 16  Haber,R.N.Hershenson - - '80 Psych of Visual Perception (2d Ed)       HR&W
      Hagen,W.Von  - - - - - - '61 Ancient Sun Kingdoms of Americas  -     World
C  39 Hall,C.S.Lindzey - - - - '57 Theories of Personality - - - - - -     Wiley
L 107 Hall,G.  - - - - - - - - '91 Perceptual and Associative lrng - -    Oxford
M  16 Hall,J.F.  - - - - - - - '61 Psychology of Motivation  - - - - - Lippincot
L  86 Hall,J.F.  - - - - - - - '66 The Psychology of Learning  - - - - Lippincot
H  34 Hall,J.F.  - - - - - - - '71 Verbal Learning and Retention - - - Lippincot
L  11 Hall,J.F.  - - - - - - - '76 Classical Cond/Instrumental Lrng  - Lippincot
Car5  Hall,J.F.  - - - - - - - '76 Classical Cond/Instrumental Lrng  - Lippincot
Paper Hardyck,C.Petrinovich  - '75 Research in social sciences - - - -  Saunders
Paper Harlow,H.F.Woolsey Eds)  '58 Biological/chemical bases of beh  -     UWisc
Paper Harriman,P.L.  - - - - - '63 Modern psychology   - - - - - - - - Littlefil
Paper Harris,I.D.  - - - - - - '61 Emotional blocks to lrng  - - - - -   Freeman
E  35 Harris,R.S. (Ed) - - - - '70 Feeding/Nutrition of Primates - - -  Academic
Paper Hartley,R.E.Hartley  - - '65 Readings in psychology  - - - - - -    Crowel
Paper Harvey,J.H.Weary - - - - '81 Perspectvs on atrrributnl processes       WCB
Paper Hassett,J. - - - - - - - '78 Primer of psychophysiology  - - - -   Freeman
C  23 Havens,L.  - - - - - - - '76 Participant Observation   - - - - -   Aronson
G  45 Hayakawa,S.I.  - - - - - '40 Language in Action  - - - - - - - - Har-Brace
      Hayakawa,S.I.  - - - - - '63 Symbol, Status, & Personality - - - H-B-World
      Healy,A.F. - - - - - - - '05 Experimental Cognitive Psychology - - - PsyPr
G  72 Hebb,D.O.  - - - - - - - '49 Organization of behavior  - - - - -     Wiley
Car5  Helson,H.Bevan (Eds) - - '67 Contemporary Approaches to Psych  -  Nostrand
      Henderson et al. (Eds) - '04 Interface of Language, Vision, & Action PsyPr  
E  10 Hendry,D.P. (Ed) - - - - '69 Conditioned Reinforcement - - - - -    Dorsey
Car5  Hendry,D.P. (Ed) - - - - '69 Conditioned Reinforcement - - - - -    Dorsey
T  32 Hergenhahn,B.R.  - - - - '76 Intro to Theories of Learning - - -    P-Hall
Paper Herrick,C.J. - - - - - - '56 Evolution of human nature - - - - -    Harper
H  30 Higbee,K.L.  - - - - - - '77 Your memory - - - - - - - - - - - -    P-Hall
M  26 Higgins,E.T.Sorrentino - '90 Motivation and Cognition  - - - - -  Guilford
T  15 Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '48 Theories of Learning  - - - - - - -     A-C-C
L  47 Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '48 Theories of Learning  - - - - - - -     A-C-C
T  15 Hilgard,E.R. - - - - - - '56 Theories of Learning (2nd Ed) - - -     A-C-C
T  33 Hilgard,E.R. (Ed)  - - - '64 Theories of Lrng and Instruction  - U Chicago
G   4 Hilgard,E.R. (Ed)  - - - '78 Amer Psych in Historical Perspect      A.P.A.
T  15 Hilgard,E.R.Bower  - - - '66 Theories of Learning (3rd Ed) - - -     A-C-C
G  41 Hilgard,E.R.Bower  - - - '66 Theories of Learning (3rd Ed) - - -     A-C-C
T  15 Hilgard,E.R.Bower  - - - '75 Theories of Learning (4th Ed) - - -    P-Hall
L   1 Hilgard,E.R.Marquis  - - '40 Conditioning and Learning - - - - -       A-C
L  14 Hill,W.F.  - - - - - - - '77 Learning--Survey of Psych Interp  -   Crowell
T  38 Hill,W.F.  - - - - - - - '85 Learning--Survey of Psych Interp  -  Harp-Row
L  42 Hill,W.F.  - - - - - - - '81 Prin of lrng--Hdbk of applications     Alfred
L  96 Hill,W.F.  - - - - - - - '85 Lrng:Psychological Interpretations   Harp-Row
L  97 Hill,W.F . - - - - - - - '90 Lrng:Psych Interpretations 5/e  - -  Harp-Row
E  36 Hinde,R.A. - - - - - - - '66 Animal Behaviour:Ethology - - - - -  McG-Hill
T  44 Hinde,RA.Stevenson-Hinde '73 Constraints on learning - - - - - -     Wiley
L  23 Hintzman,D.L.  - - - - - '78 Psychology of Learning/Memory - - -   Freeman
Car5  Hintzman,D.L.  - - - - - '78 Psychology of Learning/Memory - - -   Freeman
B  30 Hirsch,J. (Ed) - - - - - '67 Behavior-Genetic Analysis - - - - -  McG-Hill
E  29 Hirsh,I.J. - - - - - - - '52 The measurement of hearing  - - - - H-Mifflin
      Hodge,C.Duisberg - - - - '63 Aridity and Man - - - - - - - - - -      AAAS
Car5  Hodges,J.C.Whitten - - - '82 Harbrace College Handbook - - - - -       HBJ
Car4  Hofmann,F.G. - - - - - - '75 Drug/ALC abuse: biomedicl aspects -    Oxford
G  15 Holland,J.G.Skinner  - - '61 The Analysis of Behavior  - - - - -  McG-Hill
L   4 Honig,W.K. (Ed)  - - - - '66 Operant Behavior  - - - - - - - - -     A-C-C
L  15 Honig,W.K. (Ed)  - - - - '71 Animal Memory - - - - - - - - - - -    Acad P
Car5  Honig,W.K. (Ed)  - - - - '71 Animal Memory - - - - - - - - - - -    Acad P
L  29 Honig,W.K.Staddon  - - - '77 Hdbk of Operant Behavior  - - - - -    P-Hall
G  32 Hopkins,K.D.Stanley  - - '81 Ed psych msmt/evaluation  - - - - -    P-Hall
L  16 Horton,D.L.Turnage - - - '76 Human Learning  - - - - - - - - - -    P-Hall
L  18 Houston,J.P. - - - - - - '76 Fundamentals of Learning  - - - - -    Acad P
Car5  Houston,J.P. - - - - - - '76 Fundamentals of Learning  - - - - -    Acad P
L  36 Houston,J.P. - - - - - - '81 Fundamentals of Lrng/Memory 2nd Ed     Acad P
G  10 Hovland,C.I. et al - - - '53 Communication and Persuasion  - - -      Yale
L  60 Howard,D.V.  - - - - - - '83 Cognitive Psych: Mem, Lang,Thought  MacMillan
M  13 Howe,H.E. (Ed) - - - - - '79 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation  -    U Nebr
M  24 Howe,H.E.Bernstein (Eds) '82 Response Structure and Organizatn -    U Nebr
E  40 Howe,H.E.Flowers (Eds) - '81 Cognitive Processes - - - - - - - -    U Nebr
H  29 Howe,M.J.A.  - - - - - - '83 Intro to the psych of mem - - - - -  Harp-Row
G  36 Hull,C.L   - - - - - - - '30 Studies in Psych Theory--Reprints -  PRev APA
T   7 Hull,C.L.  - - - - - - - '43 Principles of Behavior  - - - - - -       A-C
Car5  Hull,C.L.  - - - - - - - '43 Principles of Behavior  - - - - - -       A-C
G  31 Hull,C.L.  - - - - - - - '43 Principles of Behavior  - - - - - -       A-C
T   8 Hull,C.L.  - - - - - - - '51 Essentials of Behavior  - - - - - -      Yale
T   9 Hull,C.L.  - - - - - - - '52 A Behavior System - - - - - - - - -      Yale
H   1 Hull,C.L. et al  - - - - '40 Math-Deductive Theory of Rote Lrng       Yale
G  37 Hull,C.L. et al  - - - - '40 Math-Deductive Theory of Rote Lrng       Yale
L     Hulse,S.H. et al - - - - '75 The Psych of lrng (4th Ed)  - - - -  McG-Hill
L  63 Hulse,S.H. et al - - - - '78 Cognitive Processes in Animal Beh -       LEA
L  33 Hulse,S.H. et al - - - - '80 Psychology of Learning (5th Ed) - -  McG-Hill
H   4 Hunt,E.B.- - - - - - - - '62 Concept Learning  - - - - - - - - -     Wiley
G  34 Hunt,E.F.- - - - - - - - '84 Soc Sci--Study of Society - - - - - Macmillan
C   9 Hunt,J.McV. (Ed) (2 vol) '44 Personality and Behavior Disorders     Ronald
H   1 Hunt,W.A. (Ed) - - - - - '70 Learning Mechanisms in Smoking  - -    Aldine
Car5  Hunt,W.A. (Ed) - - - - - '70 Learning Mechanisms in Smoking  - -    Aldine
Paper Hurvich,L.M.Jameson  - - '66 Perception of brightness/darkness - A & Bacon
Paper Huxley,A.  - - - - - - - '32 Brave New World - - - - - - - - - -  Harp-Row
Paper Hyman,R. - - - - - - - - '64 Nature of psychological inquiry - -    P-Hall
G  53 Ilg,F.L.,Ames  - - - - - '55 Child Behavior  - - - - - - - - - -    Harper
Car3  Isaacson,R.L.  - - - - - '64 Basic Readings in neuropsychology -  Harp-Row
G   2 James,W. - - - - - - - - '09 Talks to Teachers of Psychology - -      Holt
G   1 James,W. - - - - - - - - '48 Psychology  - - - - - - - - - - - -     World
G  73 James,W. - - - - - - - - '50 The Principles of Psychology (Vol 1)    Dover
G  74 James,W. - - - - - - - - '50 The Principles of Psychology (Vol 2)    Dover
C   8 Janis,I.L. et al - - - - '59 Personality and Persuasibility  - -      Yale
P  20 Johnson,M.G. Henley (Eds)'90 Reflections on the Prin of Psych  -       LEA
Car5  Johnson,R.N. - - - - - - '72 Aggression in man and animals - - -  Saunders
C  13 Johnson,W. - - - - - - - '46 People in Quandaries  - - - - - - -    Harper
      Jones,G.O. et al - - - - '56 Atoms and the Universe  - - - - - -    Scribn
M   4 Jones,M.R. (Ed)  - - - - '56 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation  -    U Nebr
Drugs Jones-Witters,P. Witters '83 Drugs and society - - - - - - - - - Wadsworth
Drugs Joyce,C.R.B. (Ed)  - - - '68 Psychopharmacology  - - - - - - - - Lippincot
Drugs Julien,R.M.  - - - - - - '81 Primer of drug action (3/e) - - - -   Freeman
G  18 Jung,C.G. (Baynes, Tran) '44 Psychological Types - - - - - - - - Har-Brace
Car3  Jung,J.  - - - - - - - - '71 The experimenter's dilemma  - - - -  Harp-Row
Car3  Kagan,J. - - - - - - - - '71 Personality development - - - - - -  Har-Brac
Drugs Kalant,O.J.  - - - - - - '66 Amphetamines:toxicity and addiction  UToronto
      Kandel,E.R.  - - - - - - '06 In Search of Memory - - - - - - - -    Norton
Car4  Kaplan,R.  - - - - - - - '70 Drug Abuse: Perspectives on drugs -       WCB
Car3  Karoly,P.Kanfer (Eds)  - '82 Self mgmt & beh change  - - - - - -   Pergamo
Car3  Katz,B.  - - - - - - - - '66 Nerve, Muscle, and synapse  - - - -  McG-Hill
Car3  Kazdin,A.E.  - - - - - - '80 Beh Modificatn applied settngs 2/e     Dorsey
Car4  Keller,F.S.  - - - - - - '37 Definition of psychology  - - - - -     A-C-C
Car3  Keller,F.S.  - - - - - - '54 Learning: Reinforcement theory  - -    Random
H  16 Kelso,J.A. (Ed.) - - - - '82 Human Motor Behavior  - - - - - - -       LEA
T  24 Kendler,H.H.Spence (Eds) '71 Essays in Neobehaviorism  - - - - -     A-C-C
G  75 Kendler,H.H. - - - - - - '87 Historical Foundatn of Modern Psych    Dorsey
T  47 Kendrick, al (Eds) '86 Th of Animal Memory - - - - - - - -       LEA
Car3  Kimble,D.P. (Ed) - - - - '65 Anatomy of mem (Vol 1)  - - - - - -   Science
B  25 Kimble,D.P.  - - - - - - '77 Psych as Biol Science - - - - - - -  Goodyear
L   2 Kimble, G.A. - - - - - - '61 Hilgard/Marquis--Cond and Learning      A-C-C
Car5  Kimble, G.A. - - - - - - '61 Hilgard/Marquis--Cond and Learning      A-C-C
L  49 Kimble,G.A.  - - - - - - '67 Foundations of Cond/Lrng  - - - - -  Meredith
Car5  Kimble,G.A.  - - - - - - '67 Foundations of Cond/Lrng  - - - - -  Meredith
L  88 Kimble,G.A.  - - - - - - '67 Foundations of Cond/Lrng  - - - - -     A-C-C
G  81 Kimble,G.A.Schlesinger - '85 Topics in the history of psych (I)    Erlbaum
G  82 Kimble,G.A.Schlesinger - '85 Topics in the history of psych (II)   Erlbaum
E   8 Kimmel,H.D. (Ed) - - - - '71 Experimental Psychopathology  - - -    Acad P
Car3  King,R.A. (Ed) - - - - - '66 Readings for intro to psych - - - -  McG-Hill
C  22 Kinsey,A.C. et al  - - - '53 Sexual Beh in Human Female  - - - -  Saunders
L  39 Kintsch,W. - - - - - - - '77 Memory and Cognition  - - - - - - -     Wiley
L  59 Klatzky,R.L. - - - - - - '75 Human Mem: Structures & Processes -   Freeman
M   9 Klein,S.B. - - - - - - - '82 Motiv: Biosocial Approach - - - - -  McG-Hill
Car5  Klein,S.B. - - - - - - - '82 Motiv: Biosocial Approach - - - - -  McG-Hill
L  90 Klein,S.B. - - - - - - - '87 Learning:Principle + Applications -  McG-Hill
B  15 Knights,R.M.Bakker (Eds) '76 Neuropsych of Lrng Disorders  - - -  UnivPark
T  16 Knights,R.M.Bakker (Eds) '76 Neuropsych of Lrng Disorders  - - -  UnivPark
G  39 Koch,S. (Ed) - - - - - - '59 Psych--Study of Science Vol I - - -  McG-Hill
Car5  Koch,S. (Ed) - - - - - - '59 Psych--Study of Science Vol I - - -  McG-Hill
G  39 Koch,S. (Ed) - - - - - - '59 Psych--Study of Science Vol II  - -  McG-Hill
G  35 Kohler,W.  - - - - - - - '29 Gestalt Psychology  - - - - - - - -    Livert
T  17 Kohler,W.  - - - - - - - '51 Mentality of Apes - - - - - - - - -      R&KP
Car5  Kohler,W.  - - - - - - - '51 Mentality of Apes - - - - - - - - -      R&KP
Car3  Kohler,W.  - - - - - - - '59 Mentality of Apes - - - - - - - - -   Vintage
G  26 Kohler,W.  - - - - - - - '69 Task of Gestalt Psychology  - - - -    Printn
G  52 Korzybski,A. - - - - - - '41 Science and Sanity  - - - - - - - -   Science
G  19 Krafft-Ebing,R. Von  - - '45 Psychopathia Sexualis - - - - - - -   Pioneer
Drugs Krasneger,N.A. (Ed)  - - '78 NIDA Research monograph #18 - - - -      NIDA
G  50 Kroeber,A.L. - - - - - - '53 Anthropology Toda - - - - - - - - - U Chicago
G  83 Krushinsky,L.V.  - - - - '90 Exper studies of Reasoning  - - - -   Amerind
Car3  Kuhlen,R.G.  - - - - - - '63 Psych studies of human devel  - - -     A-C-C
P  13 Kuhn,T.S.  - - - - - - - '70 Struct of scientific revolutions  -  UChicago
Car3  Lambert,W.W.Lambert  - - '64 Social psychology - - - - - - - - -    P-Hall
Car5  Landey,F.J.Trumbo  - - - '76 Psych of work beh - - - - - - - - -    Dorsey
G  5  Lashley,K.S. - - - - - - '29 Brain Mechs and Intelligence  - - -  UChicago
Car5  Lashley,K.S. - - - - - - '63 Brain Mechs and Intelligence  - - -     Dover
H  27 Lashley,T.H.Harris - - - '89 Human Lrng (2nd ed) - - - - - - - -    P-Hall
H  28 Lashley,T.H.Harris - - - '85 Human lrng  - - - - - - - - - - - -    P-Hall
T  21 Lawrence,D.H.Festinger - '62 Deterrents and Reinforcement  - - -  Stanford
B  28 Lawson,C.A.  - - - - - - '67 Brain Mech and Human Lrng - - - - - HMifflin
L   8 Lawson,R.  - - - - - - - '60 Learning and Behavior - - - - - - - Macmillan
Car3  Lawson,R.  - - - - - - - '65 Frustration   - - - - - - - - - - - Macmillan
Car3  Lazarus,R.S. - - - - - - '63 Personality & adjustment  - - - - -    P-Hall
Drugs Leavitt,F. - - - - - - - '74 Drugs and Behavior  - - - - - - - -  Saunders
C  12 Lee,I.J. - - - - - - - - '41 Language Habits in Human Affairs  -    Harper
T  18 LeFrancois,G.R.  - - - - '72 Kongor Report--Human Learning - - -    B-Cole
M   4 Levine,D. (Ed) - - - - - '64 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation  -    U Nebr
C  43 Liebert,R.M.Spiegler - - '87 Personality:Strategies + Issues - -    Dorsey
Car3  Liebow,E.  - - - - - - - '67 Tally's Corner  - - - - - - - - - -   Little-
Car3  Liebowitz,H.W. - - - - - '65 Visual perception - - - - - - - - - Macmillan
S   2 Lindquist,E.F. - - - - - '40 Statistical Anal in Educ Research - H-Mifflin
H  41 Lindzey,G. (Ed)  - - - - '54 Handbook of Social Psych (Vol I)  - Ad-Wesley
H  42 Lindzey,G. (Ed)  - - - - '54 Handbook of Social Psych (Vol II) -     Knopf
T  11 Locurto,C.M. et al (Eds) '81 Autoshaping and Cond Theory - - - -    Acad P
L   3 Logan,F.A. - - - - - - - '60 Incentive - - - - - - - - - - - - -      Yale
T  12 Logan,F.A. - - - - - - - '60 Incentive - - - - - - - - - - - - -      Yale
      Logan,F.A. - - - - - - - '70 Fund of Learning and Motivation - -    W.C.B.
      Logan,F.A. - - - - - - - '76 Fund of Lrng/Motiv (2nd Ed) - - - -    W.C.B.
Car5  Logan,F.A. - - - - - - - '76 Fund of Lrng/Motiv (2nd Ed) - - - -    W.C.B.
      Logan,F.A.Ferraro  - - - '78 Systematic Anal of Lrng/Motiv - - -     Wiley
      Logan,F.A.Wagner - - - - '65 Reward and Punishment - - - - - - -       A&B
      Logan,F.A. et al - - - - '55 Behavior Theory/Social Science  - -      Yale
      Longwell,C.R.Flint - - - '55 Introduction to Physical Geology  -     Wiley
C 11 Lorenz,K. - - - - - - - '63 On Aggression - - - - - - - - - - Bantom
Car3 Louttit,R.T. - - - - - - '65 Research in physiological psych - Wadswort
C 37 Lovaas,O.I.Bucher - - - '74 Perspectives in beh modification Pren-Hal
L104 Lubow,R.E. - - - - - - - '89 Latent Inhib & Cond Attn theory Cambridge
R  5 Luce,R.D. (Ed) - - - - - '60 Developments in Math Psychology - Free P
Car5 Luce,R.D. (Ed) - - - - - '60 Developments in Math Psychology - Free P
R  4 Luce,R.D. et al (Ed)(2V) '65 Hdbk of Mathematical Psychology - Wiley
Lunde,D.T.Lunde - - - - '80 The Next Generation - - - - - - - HR&W
Car1 Lynch, Wesley C. - - - - '71 S selectn in temporal comp (Logan) PhD
Car3 Lyons,J.L. - - - - - - - '65 Primer of experimental psychology - Harp-Ro
H 49 Lysaught,J.P.Williams - '63 A guide to Programmed Instruction - - Wiley
B 33 Mach,E. - - - - - - - - '59 Sensations:physical-psychical relation Dover
H  7 Machol,R.E.Gray (Ed) - - '62 Information and Decision Processes Macmillan
Car3 MacKay,D.M. - - - - - - '69 Info, mechanism, and meaning - - - MITPres
L 12 Mackintosh,N.J. - - - - '74 Psychology of Animal Learning - - Acad P
L103 Mackintosh,N.J. - - - - '83 Cond and assoc lrng - - - - - - - Oxford
Mackintosh,N.J.Honig(Ed) '69 Fund Issues in Associative Lrng - Dalhousie
Car5 Mackintosh,N.J.Honig(Ed) '69 Fund Issues in Associative Lrng - Dalhousie
Car4 Mager,R.F. - - - - - - - '62 Preparing instructional objectives Fearson
Car4 Mager,R.F. - - - - - - - '75 Preparng instructnl objectives (2/e) Fearson
E  4 Maier,N.R.F.Schneirla - '35 Principles of Animal Psychology - McG-Hill
T 46 Malone,J.C. - - - - - - '90 Th of lrng: historical approach Wadsworth
Car3 Malpass,L.F. et al - - - '65 Human behavior - - - - - - - - - - McG-Hil
P 8 Mandler,G.Kessen - - - - '59 Language of Psychology - - - - - - Wiley
Car5 Mandler,G.Kessen - - - - '59 Language of Psychology - - - - - - Wiley
Car3 Mandler,J.M.Mandler - - '64 Thinking:Association to gestalt - Wile
Car3 Manning,S.A.Rosenstock '68 Classical Psychophysics & Scaling McG-Hill
B 35 Manocha,S.L.Shantha - - '70 Macaca Mulatta:enzyme histochemistry Academic
Car3 Martin,R.A.Poland - - - '80 Learning to change - - - - - - - - McG-Hil
T 28 Marx,M.H. - - - - - - - '63 Theories in Contemp Psychology - - Macmillan
T 39 Marx,M.H.Hillix - - - - '63 Systems and Theories in Psychology McG-Hill
L 82 Marx,M.H. - - - - - - - '69 Learning:Processes - - - - - - - - Macmillan
L 17 Marx,M.H.Bunch (Eds) - - '77 Fund/Applications of Learning - - Macmillan
T 25 Marx,M.H.Hillix - - - - '73 Systems/Theories in Psychology - - McG-Hill
T 25 Marx,M.H.Hillix - - - - '79 Systems/Th in Psych (3rd Ed) - - - McG-Hill
Car5 Marx,M.H.Hillix - - - - '79 Systems/Th in Psych (3rd Ed) - - - McG-Hill
Car3 Maser,J.D.Seligman - - - '77 Psychopathology:Expermentl models Freema
C 10 Masters,R.E.L. (Ed) - - '67 Sexual Self-stimulation - - - - - Sherbn
Car5 May,M.A. - - - - - - - - '50 Toward a science of human beh - - Yale
L 40 Mayer,R.E. - - - - - - - '79 Thinking and Problem Solving - - - HR&W
L 80 Mazur,J.E. - - - - - - - '86 Learning and Behavior - - - - - - Pren-Hall
Car3 McCain,G.Segal - - - - - '69 Game of science - - - - - - - - - B-Col
Car3 McClelland,D.C. - - - - '61 The achieving society - - - - - - Nostra
M 15 McClelland,D.C. - - - - '85 Human Motivation - - - - - - - - - Scott-For
G  6 McDougall,W. - - - - - - '21 Intro to Social Psychology - - - - Luce
B 36 McGaugh,J.L. et al (Eds) '90 Brain Organiztn and Memory - - - - Oxford
H  2 McGeoch,J.A. - - - - - - '42 Psychology of Human Learning - - - Long-G
H  3 McGeoch,J.A.Irion - - - '52 Psychology of Human Learning - - - Long-G
E 32 McGill,T.E. (Ed) - - - - '65 Reading in Animal behavior - - - - Holt-R-W
Car5 McGill,T.E. (Ed) - - - - '65 Readings in Animal Behavior - - - Holt-R-W
L 13 McGuigan,F.Lumsden (Eds) '73 Contemp Approaches to Cond/Lrng - Wiley
Car3 McKinney,F. - - - - - - '67 Psychology in action - - - - - - - Macmilla
H 43 McLaughlin,B. - - - - - '71 Learning and Social Behavior - - - Free
G 59 McLellan,J.A.Dewey - - - '95 Psychology of Number - - - - - - - Appleton
     Medin,D.L. et al (Eds) - '76 Proc of Animal Memory - - - - - - LEA
Car3 Megargee,E.I.Hokanson - '70 Dynamics of aggression - - - - - - Harp-Ro
Drugs Mendelson,J.H. et al Eds '74 Marihuana use:Psych/Physio inquiry Plenum
S 12 Mendenhall,W. - - - - - '71 Intro to Prob/Stat - - - - - - - - Duxbury
Car4 Meyer Markle,S, - - - - '64 Good frames and bad - - - - - - - Wiley
S  8 Meyers,L.S.Grossen - - - '74 Behavioral Research - - - - - - - Freeman
Car5 Meyers,L.S.Grossen - - - '74 Behavioral Research - - - - - - - Freeman
T 37 Miller,G.A. et al - - - '60 Plans and Structure of Beh - - - - Holt/R&W
L 57 Miller,N.E. - - - - - - '71 N.E.Miller: Selected Papers - - - - Atherton
Car5 Miller,N.E. - - - - - - '71 N.E.Miller: Selected Papers - - - - Atherton
G 38 Miller,N.E.Dollard - - - '41 Social Learning and Imitation - - Yale
L 74 Miller,R.R.Spear - - - - '85 Info processing in animals - - - - Erlbaum
C 40 Miller,W.R.Jackson - - - '85 Practical psychology for pastors - Pren-Hal
Car4 Miller,W.R.Munoz - - - - '76 How to control your drinking - - - Pren-hall
C 46 Miller,W.R. et al - - - '90 Adjustment:the psychology of change Pren-Hal
Car3 Mink,O.G. - - - - - - - '68 The beh change process - - - - - - Harp-Ro
B  1 Morgan,C.T. - - - - - - '43 Physiological Psychology - - - - - McG-Hill
B  1 Morgan,C.T. - - - - - - '65 Physiological Psych (3rd Ed) - - - McG-Hill
Car3 Morgan,C.T.Reese - - - - '57 How to study (2/e) - - - - - - - - McG-Hil
B 32 Morgan,C.T.Stellar - - - '50 Physiological Psychology - - - - - McG-Hill
L100 Mostofsky,D.I. - - - - - '65 Stimulus Generalization - - - - - Stanford
T 20 Mowrer,O.H. - - - - - - '60 Learning Theory and Behavior - - - Wiley
Car3 Mueller,C.G. - - - - - - '65 Sensory psychology - - - - - - - - P-Hal
     Munitz,M.K. - - - - - - '57 Theories of the Universe - - - - - Free P
G 44 Murdock,G.P. - - - - - - '49 Social Structure - - - - - - - - - Macmillan
G  7 Murphy,G. - - - - - - - '29 Historical Intro to Modern Psych - Har-Brace
Car3 Murray,E.J. - - - - - - '64 Motivation and emotion - - - - - - P-Hal
Car4 Mussen,P.Rozenzweig (eds)'71 Annual review of psych (vol 22)
P  4 Nagel,E. - - - - - - - - '61 Structure of Science - - - - - - - Har-Brace
C 10 Masters,R.E.L. (Ed) - - '67 Sexual Self-stimulation - - - - - Sherbn
Drugs Natl comsn on drug abuse '74 Drug use in America - - - - - - - MSS
L 22 Navarick,D.J. - - - - - '79 Principles of Learning - - - - - - Ad-Wesley
Car5 Neff,W.S. - - - - - - - '68 Work and human behavior - - - - - Atherton
T 40 Neimark,E.D.Estes - - - '67 Stimulus Sampling Theory - - - - - Holden-D
G 57 Neurath,O. et al (Eds) - '55 Encyc of Unified Science (2 Vol) - U Chicago
E 39 Nevin,J.A. (Ed) - - - - '73 Study of Beh:Lrng,Motiv,emotion Scott-For
H 38 Newman,B.M.Newman - - - '86 Adolescent Development - - - - - - Merrill
P  6 Newman,J.R. (Ed) - - - - '55 What is Science? - - - - - - - - - S&S
G 46 Newman,J.R. (Ed) - - - - '56 World of Mathematics (4 Vol) - - - S&S
R  7 Nett,R.Hetzler - - - - - '59 Electronic Data Processing - - - - Free P
L 98 Norman,D.A. - - - - - - '69 Memory + Attention:Info processing Wiley
L 43 Norman,D.A. - - - - - - '82 Lrng and Memory - - - - - - - - - Freeman
E  7 Notterman,J.M.Mintz - - '65 Dynamics of Response - - - - - - - Wiley
Car3 Obler,P.C.Estrin - - - - '62 The new scientist - - - - - - - - Doubleday
H 52 O'Day,E.F. et al - - - - '71 Programmed Instruction:Techniques A-C-C
Car3 O'Leary,K.D.O'Leary - - '72 Classroom management - - - - - - - Pergamon
Car3 Olds,J. et al - - - - - '65 New directions in psychology (II) Holt-R-
Car4 Olson,R.E. (Ed) - - - - '86 Nutrition Reviews (Vol 44)
Car3 Ornstein,R.E. - - - - - '72 The psychology of consciousness - Freeman
Car3 Ornstein,R.E. - - - - - '91 The evolution of consciousness - - - Touchstone
E  3 Osgood,C.E. - - - - - - '53 Method/Theory in Exper Psychology Oxford
Car3 Oswald,I. - - - - - - - '66 Sleep - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pelican
Drugs Otis,L.S. et al (Eds) - '62 Animal research in psychopharm Pub Health
Car3 Packard,V. - - - - - - - '57 The hidden persuaders - - - - - - Pocket
Car1 Padilla, Amado M. - - - '69 Incentive/beh contrast (Logan) - - PhD
Car3 Padilla,E.R.Padilla - - '77 Transcultural psychiatry - - - - SSMH
Car4 Palmer,J.O. - - - - - - '70 The Psych assessment of children Wiley
Car5 Parsey,J.M. - - - - - - '68 New media in education theories - - EPS
Car1 Paul, Robert C. - - - - '75 Social influences on perf (Logan) PhD
G 30 Pavlov,I.P. (Gantt,Tran) '29 Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes - IntNat
C  4 Pavlov,I.P. (Gantt,Tran) '41 Cond Reflexes and Psychiatry - - - IntNat
C  4 Pavlov,I.P.(Gantt,Trans) '41 Cond Reflexes & Psychiatry Vol II IntNat
T  1 Pavlov,I.P. (Belsky, Tr) '55 Selected Works - - - - - - - - - - Moscow
T  2 Pavlov,I.P.(Amrep,Trans) '60 Conditioned Reflexes - - - - - - - Dover
Car4 Pavlov,I.P.(Amrep,Trans) '60 Conditioned Reflexes - - - - - - - Dover
Car3 Perls,F.S. - - - - - - - '69 Ego, Hunger, & Aggression - - - - Random
Drugs Perry,J.A.Perry - - - - '80 Contemp society (3rd Ed) - - - - - H-Row
Car3 Peter,L.J. - - - - - - - '72 The Peter Prescription - - - - - - Bantam
Car4 Petersen,R.C. (Ed) - - - '76 NIDA research monograph #14 NIDA
Car4 Petersen,R.C. (Ed) - - - '78 NIDA research monograph #19 - - - NIDA
Car4 Phillips,J.L.Jr. - - - - '69 Origins of intellect:Piaget's theory Freeman
Car4 Piaget,J.Inhelder - - - '73 Memory and Intelligence - - - - - Basic
Car4 Piaget,J. et al - - - - '60 The child's conception of geometry Basic
Car3 Planck,M. - - - - - - - '60 Survey of physical theory - - - - Dover
Car3 Plutchik,R. - - - - - - '62 The emotions - - - - - - - - - - - Random
H 53 Posner,M.I. (Ed) - - - - '89 Foundations of cognitive science MIT Press
E 15 Postman,L.Egan - - - - - '49 Experimental Psychology - - - - - Harper
Paper Pribram,K.H. (Ed) - - - '69 On the biology of learning - - - - Har-Brace
B 31 Pribram,K.H. - - - - - - '71 Languages of the brain:neuropsych Pren-Hall
L 93 Prokasy,W.F. - - - - - - '65 Classical Conditioning - - - - - - A-C-C
Car4 Prokop,C.K.Bradley - - - '81 Medical Psychology - - - - - - - - - Academic
C 18 Quackenbos,J.D. - - - - '08 Hypnotic Therapeutics - - - - - - Harper
G 69 Quarton,G.C. et al (Eds) '67 Neurosciences: Study Program - - Rockfller
C 28 Quay,H.C.Werry (Eds) - - '72 Psychopath of Childhood - - - - - Wiley
Car1 Rabedeau, Ronald G. - - '60 Devel of hamster sex beh (Logan) - PhD
L  9 Rachlin,H. - - - - - - - '76 Behavior and Learning - - - - - - Freeman
Car4 Rachlin,H. - - - - - - - '76 Behavior and Learning - - - - - - Freeman
     Rahman, Mohammed Mujeeb- '70 Pre-exposure on curiosity (Logan) PhD
C  1 Rahman,M.M. (Ed) - - - - '77 The Freudian Paradigm - - - - - - N-Hall
     Rahman,M.M. - - - - - - '87 Psychological quest: Socrates-Freud UCanada
P  7 Ramsperger,A.G. - - - - '42 Philosophies of Science - - - - - Crofts
G 66 Rapaport,D. - - - - - - '46 Diagnostic Psych Testing (2 vol) - Year Book
C 25 Rapaport,D. (Ed) - - - - '51 Organization/Pathology of Thought Columbia
Car3 Rapaport,D. - - - - - - '61 Emotions and memory - - - - - - - Science
R  1 Rashevsky,N. - - - - - - '38 Mathematical Biophysics - - - - - U Chicago
Car3 Ray,W.S. - - - - - - - - '67 Psych of original thinking - - - - Macmillan
C 45 Redd,W.H. et al - - - - '79 Behavior Modification - - - - - - Random
C 17 Reich,W. (Tr. Wolfe) - - '49 Character Analysis - - - - - - - - Orgone
Car3 Reichenbach,H. - - - - - '61 Rise of scientific philosophy - - UCAL
Drugs Remman,E. et al - - - - '62 Psychochemotherapy:Physicians manual WestMed
L 46 Rescorla,R.A. - - - - - '80 Pavlovian Second-order Cond - - - LEA
H  5 Restle,F. - - - - - - - '61 Psychology of Judgment and Choice Wiley
L 87 Restle,F. - - - - - - - '75 Learning:Animal beh/Human Cognition McG-Hill
L 53 Reynolds,G.S. - - - - - '68 Primer of Operant Conditioning - - ScottF
Car4 Reynolds,G.S. - - - - - '68 Primer of Operant Conditioning - - ScottF
Car1 Rickert, Edward J. - - - '68 Fdbk in discrim/differtatn (Logan) PhD
     Rietz,H.L. et al - - - - '36 Plane/Spherical Trigonometry - - - Macmillan
Car4 Riley,D.A. - - - - - - - '68 Discrimination learning - - - - Allyn-Bacon
C 44 Rimm,D.C.Masters - - - - '79 Behavior therapy:techniques 2/e Academic
C 26 Rioch,M.J. et al - - - - '76 Dialogues for Therapists - - - - - J-Bass
Car1 Rodriguez, Ward A. - - - '77 Reciprocal S/Genz (Logan) - - - - PhD
M 30 Roediger,F.Craik - - - - '89 Variety of Memory and Consciousness - - - LEA
Car1 Rogers, Jon G. - - - - - '67 Input/output speed in lrng (Logan) PhD
     Rohwer,W.D. et al - - - '80 Educ psych - - - - - - - - - - - - H-Row
Car3 Rohwer,W.D. et al - - - '80 Educ psych - - - - - - - - - - - - H-Row
Car3 Rosenbloom,P. - - - - - '50 Elements of mathematical logic - - Dover
S  9 Rosenthal,R.Rosnow (Eds) '69 Artifact in Behavioral Research - Acad P
C 31 Ross,A.O. - - - - - - - '76 Psych Aspects of Lrng Disabilities McG-Hill
B 12 Routtenberg,A. (Ed) - - '80 Biology of Reinf - - - - - - - - - Acad P
G 42 Royce,J.E. - - - - - - - '61 Man and his Nature - - - - - - - - McG-Hill
Car3 Royce,J.E. (ed) - - - - '65 Psych and the symbol - - - - - - - Random
P 14 Rubinstein,J.Slife - - - '86 Taking Sides: Psych issues (4/ed) Dushkin
Car3 Rubinstein,S.L.Weaver - '64 The plain rhetoric - - - - - - - - A & Bacon
H 13 Rumelhart,D.E. - - - - - '77 Human Information Processing - - - Wiley
Car4 Runyon,R.P.Haber - - - - '84 Fund of behavioral stats (5/e) Ad-Wesley
G 43 Russell,B. - - - - - - - '21 Analysis of Mind - - - - - - - - - Macmillan
P 19 Russell,B. - - - - - - - '62 The Scientific Outlook - - - - - - Norton
H 17 Ryan,T.A. - - - - - - - '47 Work and Effort - - - - - - - - - Ronald
L  6 Sahakian,W.S. - - - - - '70 Psychology of Learning - - - - - - Markham
L 30 Sahakian,W.S. - - - - - '76 Psychology of Learning - - - - - - Rand-McN
Car4 Sahakian,W.S. - - - - - '76 Psychology of Learning - - - - - - Rand-McN
T 26 Sahakian,W.S. (Ed) - - - '76 Learning--Systems/Models/Theories Rand-McN
H 11 Saltz,E. - - - - - - - - '71 Cognitive Bases of Human Learning Dorsey
G 25 Sargent,S.S. - - - - - - '44 Teachings of Great Psychologists - Perma
H 48 Sawrey,J.M.Telford - - - '68 Educational Psychology - - - - - - A & Bacon
Car3 Scain,R.J. - - - - - - - '72 Neurolgy of childhood lrng disorders W&W
H 39 Schaie,K.W.Willis - - - '86 Adult Development and Aging - - - Little-B
G 55 Scheinfeld,A. - - - - - '39 You and Heredity - - - - - - - - - Stokes
M 25 Scherer,K.R.Ekman (Eds) '84 Approaches to emotion - - - - - - Erlbaum
G 70 Schmitt,F.O. (Ed) - - - '70 Neurosciences: 2nd Study Program - Rockfllr
G 71 Schmitt,F.O.Worden (Eds) '74 Neurosciences: 3rd Study Program MIT
T 23 Schoenfeld,W.N. (Ed) - - '70 Theory of Reinforcement Schedules A-C-C
T  7 Schoenfeld,W.N.Cole - - '72 Stimulus Schedules--The T-System - H-Row
Car3 Schoenfeld,W.N.Cole - - '72 Stimulus Schedules--The T-System - H-Row
E 38 Schrier,A.M. et al (Eds) '65 Behavior of Nonhuman Primates - - Academic
H  8 Schroder,H.M. et al - - '67 Human Information Processing - - - HR&W
Car1 Schroeder, James E. - - '71 S-prop w/change Mag(reinf) (Logan) MA
Car1 Schroeder, James E. - - '73 Mean Mag(reinf) vs PRF/VRF (Logan) PhD
H 54 Schultz,D. Schultz - - - '87 A History of Modery Psych 4th ed -- HBJ
L 19 Schwartz,B. - - - - - - '78 Psych of Learning and Behavior - - Norton
Car4 Schwartz,B. - - - - - - '78 Psych of Learning and Behavior - - Norton
T 3 Schwartz,B. - - - - - - '84 Psychology of Learning - - - - - - Norton
P 11 Schwartz,B.Lacey - - - - '82 Behaviorism/Science/Human Nature - Norton
Car4 Schwartz,B.Lacey - - - - '82 Behaviorism/Science/Human Nature - Norton
Car5 Scientific American - - '76 Progress in psychobiology - - - - - Freeman
Car5 Scientific American - - '80 Mind and Behavior - - - - - - - - - Freeman
H 21 Seamon,J.G. (Ed) - - - - '80 Readings--Human Memory - - - - - - Oxford
Car4 Sechenor,I.M. - - - - - '65 Reflexes of the brain - - - - - - MITPress
Car4 Selye,H. - - - - - - - - '56 The stress of life - - - - - - - - McG-Hill
Car1 Sermat, Vello - - - - - '61 Coop-beh w/mix-motive game (Logan) PhD
Car4 Sherrington,C. - - - - - '61 Integrative action of Nervous systems Yale
S  3 Sidman,M. - - - - - - - '60 Tactics of Scientific Research - - Basic
P 16 Sidowski,J.B. (Ed) - - - '66 Experimental Methods+Instrumentation McG-Hill
H 15 Sills,T.R.Lesly - - - - '46 Public Relations - - - - - - - - - Irwin
Car3 Singer,C. - - - - - - - '57 History of anatomy and physiology Dover
G 48 Singer,C. et al (Eds) - '58 History of Technology (5 Vol) - - Oxford
Car3 Singer,J.L. - - - - - - '66 Daydreaming - - - - - - - - - - - Random
Car4 Sjursen,F.Beach (Eds) - '73 Readings in psychology - - - - - - Holt-R-W
G 40 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '38 Behavior of Organisms - - - - - - A-C
Car4 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '38 Behavior of Organisms - - - - - - A-C
E 13 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '53 Science and Human Behavior - - - - Macmillan
E 13 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '53 Science and Human Behavior - - - - Macmillan
L 54 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '57 Verbal Beh - - - - - - - - - - - - A-C-C
G 33 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '68 Tech of Teaching - - - - - - - - - P-Hall
Car4 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '68 Tech of Teaching - - - - - - - - - P-Hall
T 22 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '69 Contingencies of Reinforcement - - A-C-C
G 21 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '72 Beyond Freedom and Dignity - - - - Knopf
T 41 Skinner,B.F. - - - - - - '74 About Behaviorism - - - - - - - - - Knopf
Car3 Skolnick,A.Skolnick - - '74 Intimacy, family, and society - - Little-B
Car4 Sleinkirchner,A. - - - - '74 Self Psychotherapy (Vol 1) - - - - Aquin
Car4 Sluckin,W. - - - - - - - '65 Imprinting and early learning - - - Aldine
Drugs Smith,D.E. - - - - - - - '70 Marijuana: the new social drug - - P-Hall
L 50 Smith,F. - - - - - - - - '71 Understanding Reading - - - - - - H-R&W
H 19 Smith,M. - - - - - - - - '44 Hdbk of Industrial Psychology - - Phil-L
Car3 Smith,W.I.Moore - - - - '62 Programmed lrng - - - - - - - - - Nostrand
S 10 Snedecor,G.W. - - - - - '46 Statistical Methods - - - - - - - Iowa S
T 34 Snelbecker,G.E. - - - - '74 Lrng/Instructional Theory/Design - McG-Hill
B  8 Sollberger,A. - - - - - '65 Biological Rhythm Research - - - - Elsevr
L 31 Solso,R.L. - - - - - - - '79 Cognitive Psychology - - - - - - - Har-Brace
L 62 Spear,N.E.Campbell (Eds) '79 Ontogeny of Lrng & Memory - - - - LEA
     Spear,N.E.Miller (Eds) - '81 Info proc in animals: Memory mech LEA
T 10 Spence,K.W. - - - - - - '36 Discrimination Learning--Reprints PRev APA
G 29 Spence,K.W. - - - - - - '56 Behavior Theory and Conditioning - Yale
Car4 Spence,K.W. - - - - - - '56 Behavior Theory and Conditioning - Yale
T 14 Spence,K.W. - - - - - - '60 Behavior Theory and Learning - - - P-Hall
L 56 Spence,K.W. - - - - - - '60 Behavior Theory and Learning - - P-Hall
E 17 Spigel,I.M. - - - - - - '65 Readings--Visually Perceived Mvmt H-Row
L 79 Squire,L.R. - - - - - - '87 Memory and Brain - - - - - - - - - Oxford
L106 Squire,L.R. et al (Eds) '91 Memory: Organiztn & Locus of Change Oxford
     Squire,L.R. et al (Eds) '02 Neuropsychology of Memory 3rd Edition Guilford
H 12 Staats,A.W. - - - - - - '64 Human Learning - - - - - - - - - - HR&W
M 17 Stacey,C.L.DeMartino - - '65 Understanding Human Motivation (rev) World
E 26 Staddon,J.E.R. (Ed) - - '80 Limits to action - - - - - - - - - Acad P
L 85 Staddon,J.E.R. - - - - - '83 Adaptive behavior and learning - - Cambridge
Car4 Steinberg,J. (Ed) - - - '79 NIDA research monograph # 24 - - - NIDA
H 25 Stelmach,G.E.Requin (Ed) '80 Tutorials in motor beh - - - - - - No.Hol
Car4 Steers,R.M.Porter - - - '79 Motivation and Work beh - - - - - McG-Hill
Car3 Sternberg,R.J. - - - - - '86 Intelligence applied - - - - - - - Har-Brace
Car4 Sternberg,R.J. - - - - - '88 The triarchic mind - - - - - - - - Penguin
E 18 Stevens,S.S. (Ed) - - - '51 Hdbk of Exper Psych - - - - - - - Wiley
B  2 Stevens,S.S.Davis - - - '38 Hearing - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wiley
G 84 Stone,G.C. et al - - - - '79 Health Psych-- A handbook - - - - Jossey-Bass
C 21 Sullivan,H.S. - - - - - '47 Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry - White
C 27 Sullivan,H.S. - - - - - '56 Clin Studies in Psychiatry - - - - Norton
Car4 Sulzer,B.Mayer - - - - - '72 Beh modif proc for school personnel Dryden
Car4 Sulzer,B.Mayer - - - - - '77 Applying beh-anal proc w/youths Holt-R-W
H 44 Sulzer-Agaroff,B.Mayer - '77 Applying beh-anal proc w/youths Holt-R-W
R  6 Suppes,P.Atkinson - - - '60 Markov Learning Model--Multiperson Stanford
T 31 Sutherland,N.Mackintosh '71 Mech of Animal Discrim Learning - Acad P
Car4 Sziland,L. - - - - - - - '61 The voice of dolphins - - - - - - - S&S
H 45 Taber,J.I. et al - - - - '65 Learning and programmed instruction Ad-Wesley
T 30 Tapp,J.T. - - - - - - - '69 Reinforcement and Behavior - - - - Acad P
L 48 Tapp,J.T. - - - - - - - '69 Reinforcement and Behavior - - - - Acad P
Car4 Tapp,J.T. - - - - - - - '69 Reinforcement and Behavior - - - - Acad P
L 81 Tarpy,R.M. - - - - - - - '82 Principles of Animal Lrng/Motiv Scot-For
L 26 Tarpy,R.M.Mayer - - - - '79 Readings--Learning and Memory - - Sc-For
Car4 Task force on Alzheimers '84 Alzheimer's disease - - - - - - - - USHHS
Car1 Tate, Michael - - - - - '79 S in temporal control (Logan) - - PhD
Car3 Teevan,R.C.Birney - - - '61 Color vision - - - - - - - - - - - Nostrand
G 13 Terman,L.M. - - - - - - '16 Measurement of Intelligence - - - H-Mifflin
B 29 Teyler,T.J. - - - - - - '75 A Primer of Psychobiology:Brain/Beh Freeman
B  6 Thompson,R.F. et al (Ed) '80 Neural mech of beh/lrng - - - - - Acad P
G 60 Thompson,S.P. - - - - - '14 Calculus Made Easy (2nd/3rd Ed) - Macmillan
Drugs Thompson,T.Schuster - - '68 Behavioral Pharmacology - - - - - P-Hall
E 43 Thompson,T.Zeiler (Eds) '86 Anal & Integratn of behavioral units Erlbaum
Car4 Thoreson,C.E. - - - - - '74 Behavioral self-control - - - - - Holt-R-W
L 51 Thorpe,W.H. - - - - - - '64 Lrng/Instinct in Animals - - - - - W&Viney
S  6 Thurstone,L.L. - - - - - '47 Multiple-Factor Analysis - - - - - U Chicago
H 24 Tiffin,J. - - - - - - - '47 Industrial Psychology - - - - - - P-Hall
T  4 Tighe,T.J. - - - - - - - '82 Modern Lrng Theory - - - - - - - - Oxford
Car4 Tighe,T.J. - - - - - - - '82 Modern Lrng Theory - - - - - - - - Oxford
Car4 Timbergen,N. - - - - - - '67 Herring Gull's World - - - - - - - Anchor
G 27 Tolman,E.C. - - - - - - '32 Purposive Behavior in Animals/Men Century
T  5 Tolman,E.C. - - - - - - '42 Drives Toward War - - - - - - - - A-C-C
T 43 Trabasso,T.Bower - - - - '68 Attention in learning:Theory/Research Wiley
L 34 Travers,M.W. - - - - - - '67 Essentials of Learning (2nd Ed) - Macmillan
Car3 Tyler,L.E. - - - - - - - '69 Intelligence: recurring issues - Nostrand
H 33 Ulrich,R. et al - - - - '66 Control of Human behavior - - - - Scot-For
Car3 Ulrich,R. et al - - - - '74 Control of human behavior (Vol 3) Scot-For
E  5 Underwood,B.J. - - - - - '49 Experimental Psychology - - - - - A-C-C
S   7 Underwood,B.J. - - - - - '57 Psychological Research  - - - - - -     A-C-C
S  14 Underwood,BJ.Shaughnessy '75 Experimentation in Psychology   - -     Wiley
H  20 Underwood,G.Stevens (Ed) '79 Aspects of consciousness (Vol I)  -    Acad P
B  14 Uttal,W.R. - - - - - - - '73 Psychobiology of Sensory Coding - -     H-Row
M   6 Valle,F.P. - - - - - - - '75 Motivation--Theories and Issues - -    B-Cole
T  42 Vanderplas,J.M.  - - - - '66 Controversial Issues in Psychology  H-Mifflin
L  88 Verhave,T. - - - - - - - '66 Experimental Analysis of Behavior -     A-C-C
C  29 Vogel,S.A. - - - - - - - '75 Syntactic Abil in Normal/Dislexic - Univ Park
Car4  Von Frisch,K.  - - - - - '50 Bees  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   Cornell
Car4  Von Frisch,K.  - - - - - '53 The Dancing Bees  - - - - - - - - - Har-Brace
Car4  Vroom,V.H. - - - - - - - '64 Work and Motivation   - - - - - - -     Wiley
B  18 Walker,A.E.  - - - - - - '38 Primate thalamus  - - - - - - - - - U Chicago
Car4  Walker,C.E.  - - - - - - '81 Clinical practice of psychology   -  Pergamon
Car3  Walter,W.G.  - - - - - - '63 The living brain  - - - - - - - - -    Norton
Car4  Walters,G.C.Grusec - - - '77 Punishment  - - - - - - - - - - - -   Freeman
Car4  Ward,D.A.  - - - - - - - '80 Alcoholism: Intro to theory/trtmt -    K/Hunt
Car3  Wapner,S.Werner (Eds)  - '65 The body percept  - - - - - - - - -    Random
G  78 Washburn,M.F.  - - - - - '36 Textbook of Comparative Psych 4/e   MacMillan
G  58 Wasmann,E. - - - - - - - '09 The Problem of Evolution  - - - - -    Dryden
C  34 Watson,D.L.Tharp - - - - '77 Self-Directed Behavior 2/e  - - - -   Br-Cole
C  35 Watson,D.L.Tharp - - - - '87 Self-Directed Behavior 3/e  - - - -   Br-Cole
G  28 Watson,J.B.  - - - - - - '19 Psychology--Standpoint of Behavior   Lippinct
G  65 Watson,J.B.  - - - - - - '30 Behaviorism (Revised Ed)  - - - - -    Norton
G  77 Watson,J.B.  - - - - - - '63 Behaviorism - - - - - - - - - - - - U Chicago
G  23 Watson,R.I.  - - - - - - '78 The Great Psychologists (4th Ed)  - Lippincot
Car3  Webb,W.B.  - - - - - - - '73 Sleep: an active process  - - - - -  Scot-For
Car3  Wegner,D.M.  - - - - - - '89 Unwanted thoughts - - - - - - - - -   Penguin
M   5 Weiner,B.  - - - - - - - '72 Theories of Motivation  - - - - - -   Markham
M  28 Weiner,B.  - - - - - - - '89 Human Motivation -  - - - - - - - -       LEA
Car4  Weiner,N.  - - - - - - - '61 Cybernetics: control/communication  MIT Press
Car3  Weinstein,G.Fantini  - - '70 Toward humanistic education - - - -  Fordfdtn
P  17 Weiss,B. - - - - - - - - '73 Digital Computers in Beh lab  - - -     A-C-C
      Wenzel,A. et al. (Eds) - '05 Cognitive Methods & Their Application   PsyPr
      Whishaw,I.Q. et al.(Eds) '05 Behavior of the Laboratory Rat  - -    Oxford
Car3  Whitehead,A.N. - - - - - '25 Science and the modern world  - - -    Mentor
Car3  Whitehead,A.N. - - - - - '29 Aims of education - - - - - - - - -    Mentor
G  68 Whitehead,A.N.Russell    '35 Principia Mathematica - - - - - - - Cambridge
Car3  Whyte,L.L. - - - - - - - '48 The next development in man - - - -    Mentor
G  51 Wiggam,A.E.  - - - - - - '23 New Decalogue of Science  - - - - - B-Merrill
E   9 Wike,E.L.  - - - - - - - '66 Secondary Reinforcement - - - - - -     H-Row
Car4  Wike,E.L.  - - - - - - - '66 Secondary Reinforcement - - - - - -     H-Row
L  89 Williams,J.L.  - - - - - '73 Operant Learning:Changing behavior    Br-Cole
Car3  Williams,R.J.  - - - - - '59 Alcoholism: nutritional approach  -    UTexas
G  20 Wilson,G.  - - - - - - - '29 Great Men of Science  - - - - - - -    Garden
H  35 Winokur,S. - - - - - - - '76 Verbal Behavior:An Operant View - - Pren-Hall
      Wood,N.V.  - - - - - - - '78 College reading/study skills  - - -      HR&W
E   2 Woodworth,R.S. - - - - - '38 Experimental Psychology - - - - - -      Holt
T  13 Woodworth,R.S. - - - - - '48 Contemp Schools of Psychology - - -    Ronald
Car3  Wooldridge,D.E.  - - - - '63 The machinery of the brain  - - - -  McG-Hill
Car3  Worden,F.G.Galambos  - - '   Auditory proc: Neurosciences Resrch          
L  72 Wyrwicka,W.  - - - - - - '72 Mech of Cond Beh  - - - - - - - - -    Thomas
M   1 Young,P.T. - - - - - - - '36 Motivation of Behavior  - - - - - -     Wiley
M  21 Young,P.T. - - - - - - - '61 Motiv + Emotion:human/animal acty       Wiley
M  14 Zimbardo,P.G.  - - - - - '69 Cog Control of Motiv  - - - - - - -   Scott-F
Car4  Zimbardo,P.G.  - - - - - '69 Cog Control of Motiv  - - - - - - -   Scott-F
Car4  Zimny,G.H. - - - - - - - '61 Method in Exp. Psychology - - - - -    Ronald
P  18 Zucker,M.H.  - - - - - - '69 Electronic Circuits:beh science - -     A-C-C