Professor E. A. Sanabria


Second Writing Assignment


You are to write a 5-7 page, double-spaced, printed, essay due in class on Tuesday, October, 25th.  Remember that late papers will be docked a third of a grade for each day they are late, so a paper that would have been an A- if turned in on time, will garner a B+ if turned in on the 28th, and a B- if turned in on the 29th, and so on.  Add a bibliography page to the back of your essay.


Your essay is based on your reading and response primarily to the primary documents in the Griffin and Moeller collections of sources on Nazi Germany. These are, of course, primary documents or first-hand sources that are produced at the time of an even or an era, and written by direct participants or observers.  You may choose several documents in the book in order to select have sources rich enough to sustain an entire essay.  Choose one (1) of the following prompts for your paper:


A.)                   More so than just about any other fascist movement or phenomenon, German Nazism

seemed anchored in its anti-Semitic and racialist understandings. Prepare an essay in

which you make and defend a claim about what how anti-Semitism and racism/racialist

thinking infiltrated many (one could say all) facets of Nazism, including but not limited

to their criticism of Liberalism and the Weimar Republic, women and children, the

concept of “Social Death.”


B.)                   Prepare an essay in which you make and defend a claim about what Nazis saw

as the appropriate roles for women in society, especially juxtaposed against the “new woman” of the interwar period, and if or how Nazi ideology attracted German women.


C.)                   Prepare an essay in which you make and defend a claim about whether the Nazi regime

 was pronatalist or anti-natalist. Explore both the why and how the Nazi state/regime

either (or both) encouraged Germans having more births or/and prevented some

Germans from having children.


Documentation Style


Because this is an upper division History course, I would be remiss if I didn’t require you to document your sources using the style used by the historians’ profession: Chicago Manual of Style footnotes or endnotes.  In general, the first citation of a book or article should be complete.  For example:


²  Stanley G. Payne, Fascism:  Comparison and Definition (Madison, WI:  University of Wisconsin, 1980), 47.


Subsequent references to that book can look like this:


  ³Payne, 22.



Here’s an example of an article citation:


¹Bruce Lincoln, “Revolutionary Exhumations in Spain, July 1936,” in Comparative Studies in Society and History, 27, no. 2 (April 1985): 241-260.


Any library reference section should have a copy of the Chicago Manual of Style for you to consult, or simply Google “Chicago Manual of Style” to find examples of Chicago style footnotes or endnotes.


Because so many of our primary sources come in edited collections, here’s an example of how to cite from the Griffin book:


³Joseph Goebbels, “Christ-Socialism,” in Fascism, Roger Griffin, ed. (Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 1995), 119-120.


Or from Stone:


³Benito Mussolini, “The Twentieth Century:  Inauguration Speech Given at the Opening of the First Novecento Exhibition. February 15, 1926,” in The Fascist Revolution in Italy:  A Brief History with Documents, Marla Stone, ed. (Boston:  Bedford St. Martin’s, 2013), 129.