Introduction and motivation:



        More than 38,000 people die annually in crashes on U.S. The rate of fatality in USA is 12.4 per 100,000 persons traffic. And annually 4.4 million are injured. And car crash is one of main cause of death for people age from 1 to 54. In addition, there is 871 billion dollars economic impact for U.S citizen because of car crashes.


        It is worth mentioning, most of car crashes happen in high income state in U.S. which is 50% higher that high income place in Australia, Canada etc.


        Base on National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities continue to rise in the United States, and it reaches to its peak in 2018 than in any year since 1990.


        according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), There are ten main reasons of fatal car crash in USA, the first is drowsy driving, it is the most common cause for nonperformance errors during driving. It embraces 3 percent of annual crashes. the other factor is poor weather which leads to poor visibility, unsafe roads, and unpredictable driving conditions. The other reasons for car crash are swerving, Reckless driving, failure to obey Traffic signals and signs, Overcorrecting/oversteering, Careless driving, Distracted driving, veering into another lane, use alcohol, speeding.


        My motivation for this project is to increase awareness about car crashes in New Mexico and demonstrate reliable information about it based on data analysis.