KARL MARX (1818-1883)

Marx and Sociology:

                                        -Shared assumptions: 1) human beings are by nature social and 2) human beings
                                                    are shaped by society.

The Conditions of Material Production Shape Society:

                                        --Within the conditions of production determine the historical epochs and the whole of society.

The Formation of Classes:

                                       --An owner of the means of production and a worker--two classes with opposing interests.
                                       --Awareness must be a part of the formation of a class--"class consciousness."

The Resulting Alienation:

                                    --"Human variety" is lost.
                                    --Human beings' private interest must be made to coincide with the interest of humanity.
                                                    This would undermine the root cause of alienation.

The Ensuing Crises:


                                --There is a realignment of self with circumstances.                                --The use of force--Marx had a "contempt for compromise and gradualism as modes of escape
                                            from the necessity of drastic action." (Berlin, 1963)


                            --Species refers to the potential of the whole of humanity.
                            --Communism is the solution to our deepest conflict.                             --Realizing self through interconnection with other.
                            --"The free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." (1848)

Reconciling Marx's Irreconcilable:

                         --There is a search to simultaneously serve public, private, and communal interests.
                         --This implies redefining social relationships through the establishment of a common stake.
                         --This also implies requiring a development process based on inclusion, even of the class Marxists
                                        seek to overthrow