Teaching F06
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These pages contain the study aids for the courses I teach.  They include lecture notes, study questions, practice exams, reading lists.  To obtain this information, click the box of the appropriate course.

PEP 470/502 Designs for Fitness A course in exercise physiology for undergraduate and graduate students in Exercise Science, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Sports Trainers.  The course teaches basic testing and exercise prescription techniques for cardiorespiratory fitness, strength testing, body composition, flexibility, and weight control.
PEP 476/508 Exercise Testing and Interpretation A course in exercise physiology for undergraduate and graduate students in Exercise Science and Sports Trainers.  The course teaches testing and training procedures for special clinical populations with a focus mostly towards cardiac rehabilitation.
PEP 532 Body Composition An advanced course in exercise physiology for graduate students in Exercise Sciences and Nutrition.  The course covers body composition methodology and application to specific healthy and diseased populations.

PEP 625

Writing for Publication A course for advance graduate students in Exercise Sciences.  The course covers how to review, write and publish scientific journal articles. 
PEP 471 Exercise and Disease Prevention A course for undergraduate students in exercise/health related fields.  The course will critically explore popular health trends and literature to better understand the relation between disease processes and exercise/fitness.
PEP 604 Research Seminar A course to assist and motivate graduate students to write the first 3 chapters of their dissertation.
PEP 562 Exercise in Extreme Environments A graduate level course consisting of lectures and labs to explore exercise physiology topics in extreme environments such as heat, cold, altitude, hyperbaria, air pollution, radiation exposures, spaceflight.