The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2007 as of Census date: September 7, 2007
Campus: Main Campus -- College: EN-School of Engineering

Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
CHNE 101 L 001 Introduction to CHNE *Datye, Abhaya; Busch, Robert DSH 233 F 1200A - 1250A 1 51 51
CHNE 230 L 001 Princ Radiation Protection *Busch, Robert MECH 214 M W F 900A - 950A 3 16 48
CHNE 251 L 001 Chem Processes Calc I *Fulghum, Julia MECH 210 M W F 900A - 950A MECH 214 M 100P - 150P 3 25 75
CHNE 311 U 001 Intro Transport Phenomena *Petsev, Dimiter WOOD 149 M W F 1100A - 1150A WOOD 149 M 100P - 150P 3 33 99
  ITV section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 311 U 002 Intro Transport Phenomena *Petsev, Dimiter M W F 1100A - 1150A M 100P - 150P 3 5 15
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 317 U 001 CHNE Analysis *Mendez, Sergio MECH 310 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 35 105
CHNE 318L U 002 Chemical Engineering Lab I *Datye, Abhaya MECH 124 T 100P - 400P 1 18 18
  Rescheduled from CRN 27992 CHNE 318L 001.      
CHNE 323L U 001 Radiation Detection Measuremnt *Cooper, Gary MECH 210 M W 1000A - 1050A NUCL LAB M 200P - 600P 3 1 3
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 523L 001.      
CHNE 323L U 020 Radiation Detection Measuremnt *Cooper, Gary MECH 210 M W 1000A - 1050A NUCL LAB T 200P - 530P 3 2 6
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 523L 020.      
CHNE 323L U 024 Radiation Detection Measuremnt *Cooper, Gary M W 1000A - 1050A T 200P - 530P 3 1 3
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 323L U 030 Radiation Detection Measuremnt *Cooper, Gary MECH 210 M W 1000A - 1050A NUCL LAB W 1230A - 350P 3 8 24
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 523L 030.      
CHNE 361 U 001 Biomolecular Engineering *Dirk, Elizabeth; Canavan, Heather MECH 208 M W F 1000A - 1050A 3 21 63
CHNE 372 U 001 Nuclear Materials Engineering *Gill, Walter BANDE 105 T R 100P - 150P 2 15 30
CHNE 403 U 001 Heterogeneous Catalysis Sem *Datye, Abhaya ARR . 2 1 2
  Offered with CHNE 503 001.      
CHNE 404 U 001 Nanomaterials Seminar *Brinker, C ARR . 2 1 2
  Offered with CHNE 504 001.      
CHNE 405 U 001 High Performance Engines *Khalil, Imane MECH 310 W 330P - 600P 3 2 6
  XL: ABQ-ME405      
  Offered with ME 505 001 and CHNE 505 001.      
CHNE 410 U 001 Nuclear Reactor Theory I *Prinja, Anil MECH 210 T R 930A - 1045A 3 11 33
  ITV Section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 418L U 002 Chemical Engineering Lab III *Datye, Abhaya MECH 124 R 100P - 400P 1 17 17
  Rescheduled from CRN 27993 CHNE 418L 001.      
CHNE 439 U 001 Radioactive Waste Mgmt *Busch, Robert MECH 214 M W 400P - 515P 3 7 21
  XL: ABQ-CHNE539: ABQ-CE539      
  ITV Section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 451 U 001 Senior Seminar *Ward, Timothy FEC 145 T 1230A - 230P 1 17 17
CHNE 461 U 001 Chem Reactor Engineering *Dirk, Elizabeth MECH 210 M W F 1200A - 1250A MECH 210 F 100P - 150P 3 20 60
CHNE 462 U 001 Monte Carlo Tech for Nucl Sys *Ueki, Taro DSH 143 M W F 900A - 950A 3 11 33
CHNE 464 U 001 Thermal-Hydraulic Nuclear Syst *El-Genk, Mohamed MECH 214 T 300P - 350P MECH 214 T R 400P - 515P 3 11 33
  ITV Section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
  Offered with CHNE 564 001.      
CHNE 470 U 006 Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Materials *El-Genk, Mohamed MECH 210 M 300P - 350P MECH 210 M W 400P - 515P 3 9 27
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 515 003.      
  Rescheduled from 28056 CHNE 470 001.      
CHNE 491 U 023 Undergrad Problems *Canavan, Heather ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 493L U 001 Chemical Engr Design *Ward, Timothy MECH 208 M W F 900A - 950A 3 17 51
CHNE 495 U 001 CHNE Honors Prob I *Fulghum, Julia ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 497L U 001 Intro NE Design Lab *Busch, Robert ESCP 109 M W 100P - 150P MECH 300 W 200P - 350P 3 11 33
CHNE 499 U 009 ST:Characteriz Nanostruct *Datye, Abhaya; Fulghum, Julia WOOD 147 M W 1000A - 1115A 3 8 24
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 512 009.      
  Rescheduled from 26029 CHNE 499 008.      
CHNE 499 U 010 ST:Nanoscale Quantum Struct Gr *Han, Sang WOOD 149 T R 930A - 1045A 3 1 3
  Offered with CHNE 515 009.      
  Rescheduled from 26028 CHNE 499 007.      
CHNE 501 M 001 CHNE Seminar *Prinja, Anil; Datye, Abhaya TAPY 201 T 200P - 400P 1 42 42
CHNE 502 M 001 CHNE Research Methods Seminar *Han, Sang FEC 145 F 300P - 350P 1 7 7
CHNE 503 M 001 Heterogeneous Catalysis Sem *Datye, Abhaya ARR . 2 11 22
  Offered with CHNE 403 001.      
CHNE 504 M 001 Nanomaterials Seminar *Brinker, C ARR . 2 4 8
  Offered with CHNE 404 001.      
CHNE 505 M 001 High Performance Engines *Khalil, Imane MECH 310 W 330P - 600P 3 1 3
  XL: ABQ-ME505      
  Offered with ME 405 001 and CHNE 405 001.      
CHNE 506 M 001 Bioengineering Seminar *Lopez, Gabriel MECH 208 W 300P - 500P 2 12 24
  Offered with CHNE 406 001.      
CHNE 515 M 003 ST: Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Matls *El-Genk, Mohamed MECH 210 M 300P - 350P MECH 210 M W 400P - 515P 3 1 3
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 470 001.      
CHNE 515 M 004 ST: Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Matls *El-Genk, Mohamed M 300P - 350P M W 400P - 515P 3 1 3
  ITV students only. call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
CHNE 515 M 009 ST:Nanoscale Quantum Struct Gr *Han, Sang WOOD 149 T R 930A - 1045A 3 6 18
  Offered with CHNE 499 010.      
  Rescheduled from CHNE 515 001.      
CHNE 515E M 005 ST: Research Seminar *El-Genk, Mohamed ARR . V 4 8
  Offered with CHNE 499E 005.      
CHNE 515P M 019 ST: Surface Science & Enging *Han, Sang ARR . V 1 3
  Offered with CHNE 499P-019.      
CHNE 520 M 001 Radiation Interactions & Trans *Prinja, Anil MECH 310 F 900A - 1130A 3 4 12
CHNE 523L M 004 Environmental Measurement Lab *Cooper, Gary M W 1000A - 1050A M 200P - 600P 3 5 15
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 523L M 020 Environmental Measurement Lab *Cooper, Gary MECH 210 M W 1000A - 1050A NUCL LAB T 200P - 530P 3 8 24
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 323L 020.      
CHNE 523L M 030 Environmental Measurement Lab *Cooper, Gary MECH 210 M W 1000A - 1050A NUCL LAB W 1230A - 350P 3 2 6
  ITV section available call 277-8821 or 277-7959.      
  Offered with CHNE 323L 030.      
CHNE 523L M 034 Environmental Measurement Lab *Cooper, Gary M W 1000A - 1050A W 1230A - 350P 3 1 3
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 524 M 001 Interac Radiation with Matter *Mohagheghi, Amir MECH 210 T R 800A - 915A 3 8 24
  ITV section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 524 M 002 Interac Radiation with Matter *Mohagheghi, Amir T R 800A - 915A 3 5 15
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 525 M 001 Methods Analysis in CHNE *Roderick, Norman DSH 134 M W 100P - 215P 3 15 45
CHNE 529 M 001 Internal Radiation Dosimetry *Potter, Charles MECH 210 M 530P - 815P 3 17 51
  ITV section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 529 M 002 Internal Radiation Dosimetry *Potter, Charles M 530P - 815P 3 5 15
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 539 M 001 Radioactive Wste Mgt *Busch, Robert MECH 214 M W 400P - 515P 3 4 12
  XL: ABQ-CHNE439: ABQ-CE539      
  ITV section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 539 M 002 Radioactive Wste Mgt *Busch, Robert M W 400P - 515P 3 2 6
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 539 M 005 Radioactive Wste Mgt *Busch, Robert M W 400P - 515P 3 1 3
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 542 M 001 Advanced Chem Engr Thermo *Canavan, Heather MECH 214 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 9 27
  ITV section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 542 M 002 Advanced Chem Engr Thermo *Canavan, Heather T R 1100A - 1215A 3 1 3
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
CHNE 551 M 003 Problems *Cooper, Gary ARR . V 3 9
CHNE 551 M 006 Problems *Dirk, Elizabeth ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 551 M 007 Problems *Edwards, Jeremy ARR . V 1 3
CHNE 551 M 009 Problems *Prinja, Anil ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 551 M 011 Problems *Atanassov, Plamen ARR . V 6 16
CHNE 551 M 015 Problems *Datye, Abhaya ARR . V 2 6
CHNE 551 M 016 Problems *Han, Sang ARR . V 1 3
CHNE 551 M 018 Problems *Brinker, C ARR . V 3 9
CHNE 551 M 020 Problems *Lopez, Gabriel ARR . V 1 3
CHNE 551 M 024 Problems *Petsev, Dimiter ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 564 M 001 Thermal-Hydraulic Nuclear Syst *El-Genk, Mohamed MECH 214 T 300P - 350P MECH 214 T R 400P - 515P 3 1 3
  ITV section available. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
  Offered with CHNE 464 001.      
CHNE 564 M 002 Thermal-Hydraulic Nuclear Syst *El-Genk, Mohamed T 300P - 350P T R 400P - 515P 3 2 6
  ITV students only. Call 277-8821 or 277-5431.      
  Offered with CHNE 464 002.      
CHNE 591 M 001 Radiation Protection Practicum *Busch, Robert ARR . 6 1 6
CHNE 599 M 003 Masters Thesis *Cooper, Gary ARR . V 2 4
CHNE 599 M 004 Masters Thesis *El-Genk, Mohamed ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 599 M 005 Masters Thesis *Busch, Robert ARR . V 2 4
CHNE 599 M 009 Masters Thesis *Prinja, Anil ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 599 M 011 Masters Thesis *Atanassov, Plamen ARR . V 5 16
CHNE 599 M 015 Masters Thesis *Datye, Abhaya ARR . V 1 3
CHNE 599 M 016 Masters Thesis *Han, Sang ARR . V 1 6
CHNE 599 M 018 Masters Thesis *Brinker, C ARR . V 1 1
CHNE 599 M 020 Masters Thesis *Lopez, Gabriel ARR . V 2 7
CHNE 699 P 003 Dissertation *Cooper, Gary ARR . V 3 21
CHNE 699 P 004 Dissertation *El-Genk, Mohamed ARR . V 1 7
CHNE 699 P 009 Dissertation *Prinja, Anil ARR . V 7 65
CHNE 699 P 011 Dissertation *Atanassov, Plamen ARR . V 3 24
CHNE 699 P 014 Dissertation *Fulghum, Julia ARR . V 1 6
CHNE 699 P 015 Dissertation *Datye, Abhaya ARR . V 2 9
CHNE 699 P 016 Dissertation *Han, Sang ARR . V 1 3
CHNE 699 P 018 Dissertation *Brinker, C ARR . V 5 33
CHNE 699 P 020 Dissertation *Lopez, Gabriel ARR . V 4 30
CHNE 699 P 021 Dissertation *Ueki, Taro ARR . V 1 9
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