The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2008 as of Census date: September 12, 2008
Campus: Main Campus -- College: US-University Studies

Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
CHMS 201 L 001 Intro To Chic Hisp Mex Studies *Ramirez, Carlos MITCH 107 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 27 81
  Offered with AMST 200 001.      
CHMS 201 L 003 Intro To Chic Hisp Mex Studies *Encinias, Mario SSCO 1111 M W 400P - 545P 3 9 27
  Offered with AMST 200 003.      
CHMS 201 L 601 Intro To Chic Hisp Mex Studies *Arellano, Catherine EDUC 101A T R 1230A - 145P 3 20 60
  FLC see advisor.      
CHMS 332 U 021 Intro to Chicana Studies *Vizcaino, Melina MITCH 119 T R 200P - 315P 3 9 27
  XL: ABQ-WMST332      
CHMS 342 U 001 Chicanos & Manifest Destiny *Ramirez, Carlos MITCH 111 T R 200P - 315P 3 8 24
CHMS 351 U 001 Expediciones *Gurule, Jerry MITCH 213 T R 330P - 445P 3 8 24
  Offered with SPAN 301 013 and HIST 300 013.      
CHMS 393 U 001 T: Immigration & Borders *Baca, Jacobo MITCH 212 T R 1230A - 145P 3 10 30
  Offered with HIST 220 001.      
CHMS 393 U 003 T: Ballads, Romances, Corridos *Lamadrid, Enrique COMMJ 104 M W 200P - 315P 3 4 12
  Offered with SPAN 479 003 and SPAN 579 003.      
CHMS 393 U 004 T: NM Arts & Traditions *Montano, Mary MITCH 204 T R 530P - 645P 3 3 9
  Offered with FA 329 004.      
CHMS 393 U 008 T: Contemp Southwest Lit *Aleman, Jesse DSH 123 W 700P - 930P 3 5 15
  Offered with ENGL 474 001, ENGL 574 001, AMST 360 001,      
  and MA 330 001.      
CHMS 393 U 009 T: Hispanics in U.S. Politics *Sierra, Christine DSH 228 W 400P - 630P 3 2 6
  Offered with POLS 308 009.      
CHMS 393 U 010 T: Violin Making Culture *White, Peter COMMJ 144 T R 900A - 1200A 3 1 3
  Offered with AMST 313 001 and NATV 450 002.      
CHMS 393 U 014 T: Encuentros-Escritoras *Rosas Lopategui, Pa MITCH 110 M W 400P - 515P 3 8 24
  Offered with SPAN 301 014.      
CHMS 393 U 015 T: Survey of Chicano Lit *Nogar, Anna DSH 132 T R 1230A - 145P 3 1 3
  Offered with SPAN 370 002.      
CHMS 490 U 001 Adv Chicano Hisp Mex Studies *Perea, Patricia DSH 126 M 400P - 630P 3 5 15
CHMS 495 U 003 Undergraduate Problems *Trujillo, Michael ARR . 3 4 12
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