Ten Things About HTML

Charles DeFilippo

Topics covered
Simple Tags and their use. Description, Code, and Viewable resultant effects.
TryIt Quizzes and TryIt Your own Code. (See pre-test)
A great HTML reference cheat sheet.
Write single or multiple line HTML tag code, experiment and see the instant results.

  1. Ten things about HTML
  2. The HTML tag
  3. Text and Formatting.
  4. Using different fonts in varied colors and sizes.
  5. Graphic Images
  6. Hyperlinks to other pages
  7. Tables
  8. Forms(You can e-mail them to yourself)
  9. Text Input Lines
  10. Text Areas(Multiple Lines)
  11. Select from Pull Down Menu of Options
  12. CheckBoxes
  13. Radio Buttons
  14. Buttons
  15. Full example of a Form
What is HTML?
HTML is a subset of a markup type setting program called SGML, still used by publishers.
Hyper Text Markup Language
Hyper Text means that HTML documents could be linked together across the web based on hot word reference links.
What are Tags?
<html></html> The greater than and less than markers identify the tags, so they are not confused with other regular or formatted text.
Is this really programming?
JavaScript programs can be inserted in to HTML, because it is not a programming language and sometimes needs help to do any more than formatting text and gathering user input in forms. <form></form>
Is it difficult? (Take an easy pre-test and see!)
<form> form, <b> bold, <i> italics, <font> to change fonts.
Target audience
The student has been using a tool like Dreamweaver or Netscape Composer and has noticed the HTML code it writes. They have visited other sites and have looked at other peoples code with View>Source Code. They have their own web page and they want to understand this underlying code in order to fine tune it, or understand what has happened when they do not get exactly what they want from the authoring tool. The basic codes are not as difficult as they might think.
  1. They have a web browser and have used it.
  2. They have an autoring tool like Dreamweaver and can look at the code produced.
  3. They have visited sites on the web.
  4. They have a site to build.
  5. They can practice off line on their home computer.
  6. They want a beginners knowledge of HTML.
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Copyright © 2004 Charles DeFilippo, All rights reserved.