Assignment 2

 New Mexico annual evaporation



To create the New Mexico Pan Evaporation project I first uploaded the files provided for the state of New Mexico and the NM EVAp data.  I changed the symbols to better be visually pleasing.  To focus in and simplify the data I divided the pan evaporation data into 3 classes instead of 5.  I also removed the decimal places from the end.  To create a location map I added a second layer and included the New Mexico shape file as well as a United states shape file. 

Using the directions given I created the graph.  To simplify the graph I used only the stations near the river.  To this I selected the stations I wanted and in the second menu under the graph options I selected use selected data.   My biggest problems in doing this assignment were figuring out how to add the location map, scale bar and index.  These problems were simply solved.  After a bit of trial and error and a few minutes in the help menu I discovered to add the index and scale bar I had to be in layout view.  Once I had the scale bar on my layout, I played around with the scale.  I tried a few things but kept getting values hundreds of times less than what I believed to be actual.  By making the scale on the layer be in decimal degrees and the scale bar in miles, I eventually produced a scale I believed to be accurate.  To create the location map I again used trial and error and eventually found that adding a second layer was an easy way to accomplish this task.