Academic Programs Focus Group
December 8, 2000
Woodward Hall Rm 101
2:00 pm

Facilitator: Karl Benedict

Recorder: John Probasco

Committees and Presenters

Undergraduate Education: Dr. White
Academic and Research Organization Research Initiatives,
        Interdisciplinary Interactions, Collaborating and Shared Governance: Dr. McIver
Support for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity: Dr. Malloy
Globalization, Internationalization, and Latin America: Dr. Tolman
Graduate and Professional Education, Mentorship and Recruitment: Dr. Campana

Committee Presentations Made

Comments from Forum

    1. Objections to entire process
    1. Globalization
    1. Academic Research
    1. Undergraduate Research
    1. Graduate and Professional Ed.
    1. Concerning Retention of Funds and Overhead
    1. Reward mechanism for those who generate money is necessary
    2. Problem is that those who are rich will get richer
    3. There should be a better mechanism to distribute funds due to generation of funds
    4. This should be campus wide
    5. Opposing viewpoint is that this could be done by funds going back to the departments not the administration.
    6. Maybe shouldn’t go back to departments at all
    7. Needing more tenure track
    1. Another Set of Issues with Process
    1. Though supposed to be committee of faculty
    1. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity Committee
    1. Reorganization
    1. Interdisciplinary Programs
    1. Problems with current structure of departments
    1. Difficult to understand implications of work in one are in relation to others
    2. Current structure limits cooperation and ability to work across departments
    3. There should be more overlap
    4. Perhaps no departments? Possible, should be looked into
    5. Disciplines are becoming very broad
    6. Right now, difficult to work across departments unless structurally close
    7. Why so many accountants for instance? Streamlining
    8. Mass communication needed but difficult in current paradigm
    9. Do we need all of the staff support?
    1. Department structure can change
    1. Support of Plan but Learn from past
    1. College of Education Fiasco
    1. Whatever we do must have support of the central administrations
    1. Back to Interdisciplinary Programs
    1. Don’t want to see edict of assignments of programs
    2. Should be a bottom up process
    3. Should be faculty who want to work together
    4. Should be nurtured by higher levels
    1. But charge doesn’t say this
    1. $ goes to top
    2. right now says that it is too decentralized
    3. appears no trickle down right now
    4. $ not from bottom up
    5. a burden on the administration
    6. Administration should be furthest from involvement
    1. No edicts
    1. but need support
    2. can start program, but need support
    3. need structure
    4. some decisions that need to be made can not be made by one person or faculty member
    5. must recognize that can’t do everything collectively
    6. decide to support certain things strongly and to go as a university
    7. don’t have resources to do everything
    8. question is how to make decision and move along
    1. Involvement of Faculty Senate
    1. Not too much control, but should be approved by a body of some sort, like the Senate
    2. Need a decision maker and control
    1. Dichotomy of Decision making process
    1. Fields evolving rapidly but department structure is against it
    2. Credit hour struggle
    3. Resources decentralized and competition for these resources
    4. Don’t give all of decision making power to administration
    5. Asking for a breaking down of impediments
    1. Balance of Centralized vs. Decentralized
    1. Interdisciplinary programs that are succeeding are doing things on own
    2. When department chair changes, decrees change
    3. Too dependent on chair to do program
    4. Need support also in permission to do and realize goal
    5. Supports committees work in this are and appreciates their presentation and focus
    1. More Concerns of general process and considerations
    1. Concerning Resources
    1. Only one committee for finance
    1. Should focus on increasing resource base
    2. Process parameters seem not to be addressed
    1. Barking up wrong tree in whole enterprise
Forum ended at 3:35 pm