Human Relations/Institutional Climate Grouping Meeting
December 12, 2000

The group attending the meeting was small enough that introductions of everyone in attendance were made. Following introductions John Geissman opened the meeting.

Undergraduate Student Recruitment, Retention, Support, Enrollment Management

Terry Babbitt, committee chair, gave a brief summary of his committee’s report. The following questions, responses, and comments were made from the floor.

Academic Stature/Faculty Development, Recruitment, and Retention

Michael Dougher, committee chair, gave a brief summary of his committee’s report. The following questions, responses, and comments were made from the floor.

Staff Recruitment, Retention, Development and Support

Susan Carkeek, committee chair, gave a brief summary of his committee’s report. The following questions, responses, and comments were made from the floor.

General comments:

Campus Culture/Climate

Tom Dodson, committee chair, gave a brief summary of his committee’s report. The following questions responses and comments were made from the floor.