UNM-Valencia Library: Banned Books

Activity 1

  1. Search sources in "Tools."
  2. Identify why books are "banned or challenged."
  3. Open Padlet and write a potential reason.

Activity 2

  1. Open online version of "Reasons Connect".
  2. Play game as class.


  • Connect the "reason" hexagons with the "book" hexagons.
  • Be prepared to defend a challenge to a connection.
  • More book hexagons used / more points.
  • Activity 3

    1. Divide into pairs.
    2. Open plastic bag and remove the 10 laminated "reason cards."
    3. Remove the white "book cards" and place them upside down in a pile.
    4. Goal of game to create connections with all reason cards in the most complicate shapes possible.
    5. Draw 3 white "book cards" and connect to the reason cards.
    6. Be prepared to defend any challenges to your connections.
    7. If you are unable to use a white "book card," you may draw another.
    8. Used cards will score points based on number of book cards in shape.
    9. Unused cards will cause points to be deducted.
    10. Rounds are timed.

    Game Scoring

    • 1 token per card for connection with 1 book card
    • 2 tokens per card for connections with 2 book cards
    • 3 tokens per card for connections with 3 book cards
    • Challenges that cannot be proven must be removed.
    • Unused cards deduct 1 token per card.
    booktokens (32K)