Criteria |
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Questions |
Authority (Author or Source)
- Look at the URL.
- Look for the "author."
- Stated on the page.
- About us link
- Who am I link
- Philosophy link
- Background information link
- Use your search engine to look up the author.
- Search name without quotes - FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
- Search name within quotes - "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME"
- TRUNCATE BACK the URL to find source.
- In the location box of browser, delete the end characters of the URL until you reach a slash /.
- Hit enter, examine that page for more information about the source of the web page.
- Delete the next set of characters to the slash, examine.
- Continue until you reach the first slash which is the home of the web page.
- What is the domain?
- .edu
- Used by educational institutions.
- .com or .biz
- Used by business or companies.
- .org
- Used by not-for-profit organizations.
- .gov
- Used by governments (primarily in the U. S.)
- .mil
- Use by the U.S. military.
- .net
- Used by networks and some companies
- .us
- Country code for interet page. May be any type of organization.
- Who published the page or site?
- Is there a personal name within the URL?
- Does the page represent a person, group, or organization?
- Who wrote the page?
- A person?
- An organization?
- Is the author an expert?
- What are the author's qualifications?
- Is there contact info for the author?
Criteria |
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Questions |
Content or Coverage
Why is this important?
Back to criteria.
- Look for a title.
- Look for sources of more info.
- Links page.
- Additional sites link.
- Related link.
- Bibliography link.
- Webliography link.
- Look for footnotes.
- Is special software needed to view material on the page?
- Is it available?
- Is it free?
- Does it cost money to see the material on the page?
- Is the page under construction?
- Is this original material?
- Previously published where?
- Abstracted from where?
- Print equivalent?
- If materials is from another source, has it been
- copied completely?
- altered?
- faked or forged?
- cited correctly?
- Is the page factual or opinion?
- Are there omissions in the topic?
- Do the links work and are they relevant?
- Does the level of the material reflect the author's qualifications?
- brief overview
- in-depth analysis
- Do the graphics and charts support the text?
Criteria |
Actions |
Questions |
Why is this important?
Back to criteria
- Look for accurate statements.
- Are words misspelled?
- Is correct grammar used?
- Can facts be verified in another source?
Criteria |
Actions |
Questions |
Why is this important?
Back to criteria
- Look for a date.
- Where?
- At the bottom?
- Near the navigation links?
- When was it created?
- When was it updated?
- Are the links to other sites?
- Are they current pages also?
- Are the links broken?
- Is the infomation on the page time sensitive?
- How important is "current" to the topic?
Criteria |
Actions |
Questions |
Why is this important?
Back to criteria
- Look for advertising.
- Look at what other people say about the page.
- Use to find info.
- Copy/Paste the page URL into's search box.
- Evaluate for the following:
- Traffic rank.
- Contact info.
- Linking statistics.
- Use a search engine to LINK: search the site.
- Copy the page's URL.
- Type link: in the search engine' search box.
- Paste the URL. Truncate the URL as necessary.
- Evaluate the list of sites that link to this web page.
- Is there an obvious bias?
- Political?
- Religious?
- Cultural?
- Ideological?
- Is only one point of view presented?
- Is the language or graphics inflammatory?
Criteria |
Actions |
Questions |
Why is this important?
Back to criteria
- Look for advertisements.
- Look for a shopping cart.
- Look for required site registration.
- Look for a mailing list.
- Look for a newsletter.
- What is the purpose?
- To sell?
- To inform?
- To persuade?
- To explain?
- Is the purpose stated clearly?
- Who is the audience?
- Children?
- General public?
- Scholars?
- Members of an organization?
Criteria |
Actions |
Questions |
To Summarize
Why is this important?
Back to criteria
- Why was this web page created?
- Does this web page have a credible author you can contact?
- Does this web page provide accurate information appropriately?
- Is this web page current and updated regularly?
- Does this resouce meet the requirement of the assignment?
- Is this web page the best resource for the assignment?