CALCULUS III Math 264 Fall 2016, sections 52051-MATH 264 001 and 52052-MATH 264 002
Instructors: Lectures: MWF 8:00-8:50 DSH-324, Dimiter Vassilev, Associate Professor; Office: SMLC, Office 326; Email:
Recitation Sections: Section 001 T 8:00-8:50 DSH 324 & Section 002 R 8:00-8:50 DSH 324 TA: Bishnu Sedai; Office: SMLC 306 305; Email:
Office Hours of TA: R 10:30-11:30 in SMLC 306 and T&R 9:20-10:20 at the Algebra Table (note the Algebra not Calculus table).
Textbook: Stewart, J., Calculus, 7th edition, with Webassign and E-Book access. CONTENTS : Chapters 12-16: scalar functions of several variables, vector-valued functions of 1 or more variables; partial derivatives; integrals in 2-D, 3-D; line integrals; curl, divergence, Green's Theorem.
NOTE: For Webassign you
will need to enter the access code that came with your book or purchase online
in order to receive access to the book and the webassign homework. The Class Key
I gave you in class (you can also find it on the course website on UNMLearn)
puts you in the right class and section.
Catalog Description: Vector operations, vector representation of planes and curves, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradient, tangent planes, optimization, multiple integrals in Cartesian cylindrical and spherical coordinates, vector fields, line integrals and Green’s theorem. (I)
Prerequisite: C (not C-) or better in 163.
Please note the following guidelines for the course
CALCULATORS: We will not use any (graphing or non-graphing) calculators on the exams. You are allowed to use calculators on the homework.
HOMEWORK: Daily homework problems are listed on the course website. No makeup or late homework is allowed. The exams will consist of problems similar to those in the homework. You need to work on all homework problems on a daily basis (about 2-3 hours per homework day) in order to be well prepared for the exams. You should be able to write your solutions without referring to the book. While you are encouraged to work in groups and seek help while doing your homework, the final solutions/answers need to be "your own work".
EXAMS: The exam dates are given in the syllabus. No makeup exams will be given unless you contact your instructor ahead of time with a documented “university authorized absence” (illness, family emergency, active participation in scholarly or athletic events). All exams will include multiple-choice questions.
total course grade is based on your ranking and percentile in the class computed
using the in-class exams, homework, and
the final exam scaled as follows:
• Three in-class exams: 100 points each (300 total)
• Daily Homework - written homework (highest 20 will be counted, lowest 6 will
be dropped) and Webassign homework (highest 8 will be counted, lowest 2 will be
dropped): 200 points (70% from written homework and 30% from Webassign
homework). Each homework is worth 30 points.
• Final Exam: 200 points
700 points
To get full credit on any written assignment or exam you need to show all your work in clear and correct mathematical notation. You will be graded based on the work shown. Note on Ws: If you withdraw after the 3rd week of class, you will receive a W. If you do not withdraw, you will receive a letter grade of A,B,C,D or F (and not a W).
RESOURCES to help you succeed:
Your Instructors: this should be your first place to seek help.
Recitation: This is a problem solving session.
Calculus Table: by elevators on 3rd floor in DSH, start Wed 8/21/2013.
CAPS: see
Common Calculus III website NOTE: the rules and homework set in our class supersede all other common Calculus III course rules and assignments.
CATS: Counseling and Therapy Services (Student Health Center, 277-4537) can help with exam anxiety.
ATTENDANCE: Attendance at UNM and homework is mandatory. If you have missed more than 4 classes and/or homework assignments in the first three weeks you may be dropped from the course. Similarly, students with absences and lack of work during the rest of the semester may be dropped. Tardiness or early departure may be regarded as absence. Please note that it is the students responsibility to drop the course if he/she stops attending. A failing grade of F may be assigned if the student stops attending and does not drop.
STUDENT BEHAVIOR: Be courteous and respectful towards the class: be on time for lectures, turn off cell-phones and refrain from talking in class, leaving the classroom in the middle of a lecture or doing any other activity that could be disruptive to the class. Cheating will not be tolerated.
ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: We will accommodate students with documented disabilities. During the first two weeks of the semester, those students should inform the instructor of their particular needs.
Math 264 — HOMEWORK: FALL 2016 Sections 001 and 002.
Written homework (hw1 - hw26): the Monday & Wednesday homeworks are due at the beginning of the following lecture class; to help the grader, you are required to write your solutions neatly and clearly, staple the sheets and write your name and homework number in the upper right corner (hw1 or hw8 etc). The grader will pick at random and grade 3 of the problems on each homework.
Webassign homework (whw1-whw10): the Friday homework must be completed on-line on Webassign. It is always due 11:59pm the day before the next lecture class. You are allowed two attempts on each problem. All Webassign problems are graded. Note that the Webassign homework will appear on the Webassign calendar in the week it is due, not in the week it was assigned. Once you submit the homework, you should use the print option in Webassign and print or save the submitted homework for future reference or in case you have questions on it. If you prefer, you can print the homework and workout the problems on paper after which you can enter the answers on-line.
Every written and Webassign homework is worth 30 points.
You should check and do some of the extra problems on the common Calculus III website; these include Level 1 problems (strengthen the basics, often short answer) & Mixed Review (mixed review of earlier material, often slightly more challenging). NOTE: the rules and homework set in our class supersede all other common Calculus III course rules and assignments.