Intro to Topology/ Found to Topology
Instructor: Dimiter Vassilev Office: SMLC 326 Email: Phone: 505 277 2136
Math 431 Introduction to Topology & Math 535 Foundations of Topology
Description: Metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, algebraic topology. Basic point set topology. Separation axioms, metric spaces, topological manifolds, fundamental group and covering spaces.
Prerequisite: MATH401
Text: Introduction to Topology, Th. Gamelin & R.E.Greene, Dover Publ., 2nd edition
note the following guidelines for the course:
Grades: The final grade will be determined by homework & quizzes
(25%), two midterms (50%) and a final exam (25%).
All grades will be posted on
Homework: Homework from the previous week is due Monday at the beginning of class. There will be one HW
weekly or a quiz. You can work together on the homework, but you do need to
write up your own solutions in your own words. To help the grader, please write
your solutions up neatly and clearly (no points for work that the reader
cannot follow- this is also true for exams), and staple the sheets.
The best ten homework/quiz grades only will be counted for a total of
100pts. Please no late homework
Exams: Make-up exams can be
arranged for exams missed with a VALID excuse (illness, family emergency,
active participation in scholarly or athletic activities), and ONLY if prior
notice is given.
We will accommodate students with documented disabilities. During the first two
weeks of the semester, those students should inform the instructor of their
particular needs and they should also contact Accessibility Services in Mesa
Vista Hall, Room 2021, phone 277-3506. In addition, they should see CATS-
Counseling and Therapy Services;
Syllabus – Fall 2012 (please check after class as advanced postings of homework
could change)
of |
Covered |
Due Homework – turn in Monday
following week at the beginning of class. (Note 3.1/ 2 means problem 3.1.2,
i.e. problem #2 from section 3.1) |
Aug. 20 |
Metric Spaces |
Aug. 27 |
Sep. 3 |
Sep. 10 |
Topological Spaces |
Sep. 17 |
Sep. 24 |
Oct. 1 |
Oct. 8 October 11–12 Fall Break |
Exam 1, Wednesday, October 10 |
Oct. 15 |
Oct. 22 |
Oct. 29 |
Nov. 5 |
Nov. 12 |
Nov. 19 November 22–23 Thanksgiving |
Nov. 26 |
Dec. 3 |
14 Finals week |
Friday, December 14, 12:30‐2:30 p.m. |