Literature and Culture of the 18th Century

General Background Information on Sarah Fielding:

Literary Encyclopedia’s entry for Sarah Fielding

This entry for Sarah Fielding is written by Linda Bree and includes a short biography and a very brief overview of Fielding’s works, along with some remarks about critical reactions to Fielding’s work by Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson, and Clara Reeve. This site also lists modern critical editions of some of Sarah Fielding’s works.’s entry for Sarah Fielding’s entry on Sarah Fielding can help to put Fielding’s works in a historical context. It includes a brief biography that provides the dates for each of Sarah Fielding’s major literary publications. The dates are provided as hypertext links that lead to general historical information for each particular year. Within the biography, major names and places with which Sarah Fielding was associated, such as “Samuel Richardson” or “Utopia” are also hypertext links for easy access to more information surrounding these terms.

Online versions of The Governess, Or Little Female Academy:

Project Gutenberg
This is Project Gutenberg’s complete online version of The Governess, Or Little Female Academy.

Other Online Resources:

This is Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade’s short bibliography of select sources surrounding Fielding’s life and language.

Biography and bibliography
Chawton House Library’s website includes this biography of Sarah Fielding, written by Rebecca Garwood. The site also includes a bibliography of primary literature written by Sarah Fielding.

Review of Peter Sabor’s edition of The Adventures of David Simple, Volume the Last, written by April London for The University of Toronto Quarterly.


Links to Web Sources on Jane Austen:

“Jane Austen Information Page”

This site includes links to many of Austen’s works online, including links to online versions of Austen’s major novels, as well as links to full-text online versions of her juvenilia, and even some of her letters. The site also includes an extensive number of links to web resources on Austen’s life, culture, and literature.

“Jane Austen”

This is another site offering an extensive list of links to online versions of Austen’s works, as well as a link to the first biography of Jane Austen, written by her nephew Edward Austen-Leigh. The site also contains links to various critical resources on Austen’s work and on the Regency period, as well as a list of links to various Jane Austen societies and internet message boards.

“The Jane Austen Society of North America”

This is the official webpage of the Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA), a society that currently comprises around 4000 members, including “professional scholars and dedicated, well-read amateurs who have joined together on equal ground in their enthusiasm and admiration for the genius of Jane Austen.” The Society includes various regional organizations, including one in New Mexico. The website contains information about the activities of these societies, as well as information about how to join JASNA.

The Victorian Literary Studies Archive Hyper-Concordance of Jane Austen’s novels

This site allows the researcher to search all of Austen’s novels for the appearance of certain words or passages. For example, a search option allows the user to find out how many times the word “dance” appears in Pride and Prejudice, and gives the user the novel’s context for each time the word “dance” is used in the novel.


Links to Web Sources on the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century:

Jack Lynch’s “Eighteenth-Century Resources”

This is one of the most extensive, well-edited compilations of eighteenth-century resources on the web. The site includes links to important and reliable resources on the culture and literature of the long eighteenth century. These links are divided into subject areas that cover Art, Architecture, Gardening, History, Literature, Science, Philosophy, and Religion, among others. The site also includes links to professional eighteenth-century societies, journals, and individual experts working on the eighteenth century around the world.

“Restoration and the Eighteenth Century” by Voice of the Shuttle

This is another very extensive site with links to all kinds of useful eighteenth-century material. Aside from links to general eighteenth-century resources, the site includes many links to primary and secondary materials on important eighteenth-century authors.

University of York’s Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies Online Research Resources

This website contains links to general eighteenth-century resources as well as links to eighteenth-century projects, institutions, and societies, including links to eighteenth-century e-journals and various sites that carry full-text online versions of eighteenth-century literature. The site was last updated in 2002, so some of the information may be outdated.

Jack Lynch’s Eighteenth-Century Chronology

This link off of Jack Lynch’s “Eighteenth-Century Resources” page covers the time period between 1660 and 1800 and provides literary, cultural, political, scientific, religious, and philosophical highlights for each year in this period.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature’s site on “Restoration and the Eighteenth Century”

This site provides some excellent background information on the culture, politics, and history of the eighteenth century. One of the interesting features on this website is a vivid description of “A Day in Eighteenth-Century London.”

“The European Enlightenment”

This professional website contains a wealth of information on the cultural and political movements of the Enlightenment Period in Europe. One link titled “The Case of England” provides the reader with access to information on the British Enlightenment, covering the reign of James I (1603) to the Glorious Revolution (1688). Among various other themes, the site also discusses the impact of such Enlightenment thinkers as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.

“The Diary of Samuel Pepys”

This site offers a first-hand account of what life was like in Britain in the 1660s. The site offers a new entry of Samuel Pepy’s Diary every day. Previous entries are archived, and each entry contains many useful annotations that provide important background information.

“A Web of English History:” Britain from 1760 to 1830

This website contains information about major political themes that dominated Britain, Ireland, India, France, and America in the late Eighteenth Century.

“The Dictionary of Sensibility”

This is a wonderful site that contains an abundance of information on the important eighteenth-century concept of “sensibility.” The site lists various eighteenth-century definitions for terms surrounding sensibility such as “benevolence,” “sense,” “pity,” “heart,” and “imagination.” The site discusses the importance of these terms to eighteenth-century culture, and includes a bibliography of scholarly sources that deal with the concept of sensibility.

“Women and Eighteenth-Century Literature”

This site contains an extensive bibliography of scholarly resources for anyone interested in eighteenth-century women writers.

“18 th Century Costume Resources Online”

his site includes a wealth of links eighteenth-century décor, style, and fashion. The site may be a little difficult to navigate for the serious researcher since some of these links are to commercial or personal websites. Nevertheless, many of the links lead to serious, reliable sites, some of which contain interesting and potentially useful pictures of eighteenth-century costumes for men, women, and children.