The Politics of Logic: Badiou, Wittgenstein, and the Consequences of Formalism (full manuscript)


Individual Chapters:

Front matter, Table of Contents, Methodological Preface, Acknowledgments

1 Introduction: An Inquiry into Forms of Life

2 Origins of Paradoxico-Criticism: Structuralism and Analytic Philosophy

3 Deleuze, Plato, and the Paradox of Sense

4 Derrida and Formalism: Formalizing the Undecidable

5 Wittgenstein and Parmenides

6 Wittgenstein and Turing

7 Formalism and Force: The Many Worlds of Badiou

8 Badiou vs. Paradoxico-Criticism

9 Paradoxico-Critique of Badiou

10 The Politics of Logic: Critical and Practical Consequences


