This page contains material from the September 2000 newsletter.

Updated 05-Dec-2021 - Copyright (c) 2021 Corvairs of New Mexico.

MEETING TIME: First Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM LOCATION: Galles Chevrolet, 1601 Lomas Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 PRESIDENT: Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 hurley.wilvert @ VICE-PRES: Robert Gold 268-6878 beisbol30 @ SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees @ TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 @ MEMBERSHIP: Sylvan Zuercher 299-7577 zuerchero @ NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 casa unm edu DUES: CNM: 12 months $15.00 or 26 months $ 30.00 CORSA: 12 months $35.00 or 26 months $ 70.00 BOTH: 12 months $50.00 or 26 months $100.00 ===== EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday September 6th, 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet 1601 Lomas NE CONTENTS: THIS MONTH: Dues Due Sylvan Zuercher August Meeting Minutes Chuck Vertrees August Board Minutes Chuck Vertrees Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman Cars and Parts For Sale Everybody Coming Events Everybody Report on Pecos Camping Debbie Deck Report on Galles Car Show Steve Gongora Report on Convention Mark Domzalski COVER: The Gang "Camps Out" at Ruth's Cabin ===== "If you want to be heard, speak up. If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be appreciated, shut up." -- Gervaise, Survivor Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: Mark Morgan 06/2000 Wayne Uhl 07/2000 Wendell Walker 08/2000 Sylvan Zuercher 08/2000 Ron Deck 09/2000 Lee Olsen 09/2000 Jon Anderson 10/2000 Jon Lovett 10/2000 Alicia Romero 10/2000 John Topp 10/2000 Doug Gadomski 11/2000 John McMahan 11/2000 If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! While surfing the web, check out the CORSA Home Page: A new site is CNM's home page: Steve Gongora observes that car clubs around the country are volunteering to clean the highway just as we do with our mile of Old Route 66! On July 24 in Arizona he saw a sign at I-17 mile marker 317 by the Flagstaff Corvette Club saying, "Fox Ranch Road Cares for Highway." ===== AUGUST MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The meeting was held at Galles Chevrolet on 8/2/2000, and was called to order at 1930. All officers were present except Vice President Robert Gold. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $500.58 in the checking account and $5,568.75 in the money market account for a total worth of $6,069.33. There were no new members to introduce. Before the regular business began, two ladies representing "Remember the Route" National 75th Anniversary Festival, gave a presentation. More information on this will be elsewhere. OLD BUSINESS: Debbie Deck reported that the campout Plan "A" is a go. There has been enough rain in the Pecos that we can have a campfire at the Boydston cabin. Members were asked to bring tables and chairs, and firewood. A sign up sheet was passed. Jerry Goffe thanked those who provided transportation for "Flicks on 66". It was noted that many of the guests being transported were rather perkier on their return from the vineyard. Dennis Pleau read a note from the last International Convention. They have some model Corvairs left and they are available for sale. (I don't have the details, but they will be brought up at the September meeting.) A sign up list was circulated for those interested. Sylvan reported that the Chevy Show seems to be in pretty good shape. The parking layout is OK but he needs help in the actual parking of the cars on Thursday and Friday. He has the two way radios lined up but still needs vests for the workers. The exiting will be handled by the police. Debbie Pleau thanked the CNM members for their going away party at Rudy's. You know CNM members never want to miss a party. We will really miss the Pleau family when they move to Colorado Springs. Steve Gongora showed the proposed license plate design. It is red and blue on a white background and will be a metal plate. The design was approved by the membership. Quantities will be decided at the next board meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Steve Gongora passed around a sign up for a car show at Galles on Saturday August 12th from 10 to 4. There is no entry fee, and participants will get a T-shirt, a chance at some drawings, and free food and drink. Mark Domzalski has been re-elected as President of CORSA. Sylvan announced that Elliot Knapp's Corvair coupe is for sale. Anyone who knew Elliot knows that it would be in great condition, so see Sylvan if you are interested. Dave Langlois is in Presbyterian Hospital after an emergency appendectomy. (By the time you read this he will probably be home.) CAR COUNCIL REPORT: Mark Martinek reported that the Car Council meeting was held on July 26th at 7:30 PM. There were 13 representatives present. The treasurer reported that the Car Council had $6,067.94 in the checking account and a CD for $9,948.46, having combined two CD's into one for a better rate. Doris Rhodes and Denise Petree of the ABQCVB gave an update on the Route 66 Festival. The caravan (or parade) will run from the Fair Grounds to Coors. They are looking for areas along the route to separate caravaners by makes. Major areas for the festival will be the Fair Grounds, Nob Hill area, UNM area, Downtown and Old Town. The Canadian Route 66 organization will have over 20 cars attending. Sandia Motorsports Park will hold the FIRST ANNUAL CAR SHOW, RALLY AND BAR-B-Q COOKOFF on October 8th. This is to raise funds for the "Big Brothers and Big Sisters" organization. There is no entry fee. The owners of the cars on display will take passengers for two lap tours of the track for a $20 donation to charity. Several local restaurants will conduct a Bar-B-Q cookoff. The show runs from 3 to 8 PM with registration and setup in the morning. Contact Chad DeLong at 837-9285 for more information. The list of car shows was reviewed and clubs were urged to participate in other club-sponsored shows. The main ones covered were: Make a Wish Car Show, 8/20/00 at Eastdale Shopping Center; 1st Annual Orphan Car Show, 9/10/00, at 2120 Menaul NE; and the D.A.R.E. Car Show, 8/13/00 in Corrales. The Car Council picnic will be held on Sunday 8/6/00 from 9 to 5 at the Elks Club Refuge on Buckboard Road. Bring you own soda. Paul McLaughlin has contacted UNM about using the parking lot for the 2000 Swap Meet on October 14-15. No reply from UNM yet. Volunteer organizers and workers are needed. Mark brought up the question of when the workers at last year's swap meet would be paid. Only two clubs had turned in the requested list of names. No action has been taken as of yet. Bob Agnew voiced the opinion, shared by most in attendance, that the workers should not expect pay and the clubs should volunteer to do the work for naught. It was suggested that the clubs' representatives just tell the club to do this or that. (Don't think that will work). After much negative comment re: paying the workers, it was decided that they would pay up as promised earlier. (THE CHECKS ARE IN THE MAIL....) It was discussed and agreed that Car Council representatives should be available to speak to other clubs on the mission works of the Car Council. Let Mark know if and when such a presentation would be desired and he will coordinate one at the next Car Council meeting. Autos are still needed for the Albuquerque on Wheels fundraiser on 23 September. Call 224-2964 or 243-6269 for more information. Are we as a club interested in providing any cars? Anyone interested let Mark know and he will inform them at the next Car Council Meeting. The Car Council meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. The CNM meeting was adjourned at 2034 followed by a presentation on The Animal Humane Association of New Mexico. Because of the heat in the room and the time taken by the "Remember the Route" people the presentation was shortened, and we will have the speaker back at a later date. ===== BOARD MEETING NOTES Chuck Vertrees The CNM monthly board meeting was held at House of Covers on 8/16/00. Present were Jim Pittman, Robert Gold, Steve Gongora, Sylvan Zuercher, Hurley Wilvert and Chuck Vertrees. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as published in the newsletter. The first item of business was the model Corvairs available from the international convention. A sign up sheet was circulated at the last meeting. Steve Gongora has the sheet. It was decided that the information about the models would be published in the newsletter to give anyone else interested in them a chance to order. The order would then be sent in after the next meeting. Next was whether we needed to order another round of CNM shirts, It was decided to bring it up at the next meeting to see if there were enough members interested to make another order worthwhile at this time. The next item discussed was ordering CNM license plates. Steve Gongora has a design that has been approved by the board. He has found that we can order them at a cost of $311/100 or $241/50. The plate is red and blue and will be metal. The board decided to order 100 because of the large price break. It was moved that one plate be given to each new member as a recruiting tool. Additional plates will be sold to members for $6.00 each. We have quite a few business cars left, but they are now obsolete since we are now meeting at Galles Chevrolet. Steve will check on the cost for ordering new cards. We also have about 100 of the postcards for putting under the windshield wipers of Corvairs we spot. The meeting place on them is also wrong now, but Steve says he can print some small stick on labels to show our current meeting place. Robert Gold has a speaker scheduled for September to talk about The Big I. He will reschedule the speaker from the Humane Association for October since so much of his time was preempted at the last meeting. He is scheduling a speaker from the Route 66 Association for November. This is not the group that the two ladies represent who was at our meeting on 8/2. The Corvair that was donated to the Humane Association was mentioned and Sylvan, among others, is familiar with it. It is a 1965 with a 1966 Saginaw transmission. The engine block serial number is for an 80 HP, 40 cubic inch engine but it has had 140 heads put on it. It needs a new top and would take a minimum of $1500 plus an engine rebuild to bring it up to show condition. They have considered putting it on eBay with sealed bids. We felt that they would probably do better with a raffle. Speaking of which, Hurley has raffle tickets from the Humane Association's current raffle. They are $2.00 each and the prize is a Chevrolet Cavalier, and there are 10 other prizes. The drawing is October 29th. The upcoming Chevy show was discussed. Sylvan has the parking all planned and ready to go. He has enough help for Friday but was a little thin on Thursday. Debbie Deck has ordered original key blanks to match the GM design for Corvairs. Most places, including the Chevy dealer, do not have them. Debbie also needs to be paid for the sodas and other items she bought for the campout. Hurley was recently talking with Norton Bicoll of the Santa Fe car club. He felt that all the car clubs should have a representative who has legislative contact, to watch out for legislation being introduced that could have an adverse effect on older collector cars. It was suggested that Joel Nash might be interested in this. (Let us know Joel) It was brought up that California has passed several quite controversial laws that were backed by some of the big polluters, because they could get pollution credits for all older cars they could get destroyed. The board felt that we should try to get CORSA interested also. It would also be a good idea to try and get all the various national car clubs to try and work together in this effort. Election of officers is scheduled for October. We have a full slate at this time; all of your current officers have agreed to run again. However, nominations and volunteers are welcome to enter the contest for any office at the September meeting. It was suggested that CNM host CORSA people coming for the National 75th Anniversary of Historic Route 66. Also have Virtual Vairs contact the group running the Anniversary. Sylvan will look into this. The meeting was adjourned at 1835. ===== FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED FOR SALE: 1961 Rampside with camper. 74,167 miles. $4500.00 with camper or $4000.00 without. Ruth Boydston 821-1506 CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS ===== SEVEN YEARS AGO IN C.N.M. September 1993 Volume 19 Number 9 The cover showed a Ford! It was a nice T-Model. President Del ran the meeting. We had $1439 in the bank, less Will's latest BMW expenses. Guests were Scott Kimball, Ted Yachik and the Huntoons from the Chicagoland club. We discussed plans for a somewhat unusual state fair car show, a campout, a Dukes baseball game, a Funkhana, the Great Western Fan Belt Toss and a trip to Color Works in Los Lunas. LeRoy told about an organization being formed to prevent old cars being legislated off the road. Del said we got the bid for the 1996 convention! We had several tech tips this month, some of them from the Internet. Frank Lux had a rattle that was finally identified: the nut came off the right front shock absorber and lodged inside the coil spring where it bounced around. Raymond Pease replaced the inner speedo cable on a 1968 car only to find it was 3/4 inch too short. Stuart Pearl reported on the brand-new GM Saturn. Steve Cole discussed modes of crank failure (torsional or bending) and how to tell which happened to your broken crank. Mike Kellstrand had a rough running engine; bryan @ suggested backing off the timing and checking for jammed advance weights; kdrolt @ suggested a clogged fuel screen in the gas tank or clogged filters in the carbs; smc9782 @ suggested it might be a vacuum leak, especially in the crossover tube connectors. Steve Robinette asked about a thick red wire in his engine compartment of his recently acquired Corvair. John Dozsa reported on a speedometer repair shop in Baltimore. FOURTEEN YEARS AGO: The September 1986 cover showed Gali Bouhadiba (try saying that three times rapidly) who attended the CORSA National Convention in Grand Rapids. Gali was from France and a CORSA member for the last five years. At our meeting we had $827 in the bank and a visitor was CNM member Jack Bryan of Dallas. Jerry showed us a video he made during the Montrose Tri-State while Bill Reider reported on his trip to the Grand Rapids convention. Bill said traffic everywhere was moving at 60 to 70 in spite of the 55-mph limit; he was stopped in Kansas for doing 46 in a 30-mph zone. Karen provided three more stories in her series on "My First Car" so we found out how Elliott Knapp, Kristin Romer and Dean Sanborn were introduced to a 1926 Buick, a 1965 Monza and a 1918 Model T Ford respectively. Francis told us how to remove the emergency brake cable from the wheel backing plate: tighten a small hose clamp around the three locking protrusions, then tap with a hammer and screwdriver. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO: The September 1979 cover showed a Chevy advertisement: bikers admiring a 1965 Monza sedan. We were planning our state fair car show, an aspencade and October elections. We discussed CORSA's 100 percent membership rule. This issue had no tech tips but an editorial asked whether it was a good idea for the government to require air bags in new cars in light of certain safety considerations. ===== ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | S e p t e m b e r | O c t o b e r | N o v e m b e r | | : : : : : 1 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | : : : 1 2 3 4 | | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 29 30 31 : : : : | 26 27 28 29 30 : : | ============================================================================ Wed 6th Sep 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 9th Sep 10:00 AM CNM Ladies - Brenda Stickler's - in the Jemez Wed 20th Sep 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 22nd Sep 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sun 24th Sep 7:00 AM State Fair Car Show - Information: Robert Gold Wed 4th Oct 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 18th Oct 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 20th Oct 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 1st Nov 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Wed 15th Nov 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 17th Nov 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman - Note: Early! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= SEPTEMBER MEETING PRESENTATION Robert Gold In an amazing engineering feat the "Big I" will be moved to Galles Chevrolet for our September 6 meeting. Representatives of the New Mexico State Highway Department will describe the ongoing construction project. Bring your questions to the meeting and make this talk a lively one! See you there. AUGUST CNM LADIES Anne Mae Gold Happy camping greetings to you all! I must say that the August meeting of the CNM Ladies was wonderful. A few of us sat on Ruth Boydston's cabin's porch and stitched on Debbie Pleau's quilt. Brenda Wilvert had her own piece she was diligently working on. We had champagne and good conversation. The camping was wonderful... I've never roughed it so good! The views were beautiful, the kids had a fantastic time being driven around in the turtle and the guys all seemed to enjoy just sitting around and talking. I don't ever want to hear that women are gossipy... I've got pictures of you all! Our September meeting is slated to be up in Brenda Stickler's cabin in the Jemez... fires permitting. The time will be different. I need to talk to Brenda and get the details... so this note will be a two parter, more later. My warmest thanks to Ruth for her hospitality and for being the wonderful tour guide she turned out to be. SEPTEMBER CNM LADIES Anne Mae Gold It's time for the CNM Ladies to regroup after having August off. This month we hope those who aren't working on any crafts will join us just for the adventure, food and fellowship. On September 9th, Saturday's adventure to the Stickler Jemez Cabin will start at 10 AM on the corner of 528 (Rio Rancho) and Highway 44 (Bernalillo) at the Texaco Station. We will visit there and wait to head out for 15 minutes. Can we suggest carpooling ... to get quality visiting in? From our take off point we will be one hour and 15 minutes from the cabin (50 Fir Drive, Jemez). For those of you who have stopped in at Fred and Brenda Edeskuty's (9/10mile North of the Fenton Lake turn off), our turn off from Highway 4 is one road South of their turn off. We will turn off (West) on Sulphur Creek Road. (Edeskuty's Road is Winter Road.) Sulphur Creek Road has two Y's; stay left both times. After a ten minute ride you will see the Thompson Ridge Sign. Take the third possible Right after this sign. (Stickler Cabin is straight ahead.) A light lunch will be served. We will plan to head "down the hill" between 1:30 PM & 2:30 PM. Hope to see you on Saturday morning, September 9th. Brenda Stickler's mobile phone is (505) 350-9118 Brenda & Fred Edeskuty's home phone is (505) 829-3889. STATE FAIR CAR SHOW Robert Gold Corvairs of New Mexico will be holding our third annual State Fair Car Show on Sunday, September 24. This is the last day of the Fair. We'll meet at the Furr's Cafeteria parking lot on the southwest corner of Central and San Pedro at 7:00 AM and enter the Fairgrounds through gate 3 at 7:30. This is the furthest gate to the south on San Pedro. Admission will be $4.00 per person, payable when we enter. Show times are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Ribbons will be awarded for three "best of" classes and 17 novelty classes. This should assure that you'll be taking at least one ribbon home! New ribbon classes this year will be- longest continuous ownership, worst glass, and most decals. You'll get to display your awards for all to see as soon as the judging is completed. If you have any questions call Robert or Anne Mae Gold in the evenings at 268-6878 or send email to beisbol30 @ Let's make this the best turnout so far!!!!! CAMPOUT 2000 REPORT Debbie K Deck Well, all our Corvair campers would first like to give a giant THANK YOU to Ruth and her sister, for all their great hospitality at our campout. The campground at Ruth's was loaded with every amenity you could imagine. Plenty of woods, views, bird dodging, comradery, great food. We participated in the wet shorts contest -- with Glenna Wilvert as the grand winner. We also had a rousing fishing derby. All who participated, worked very hard trying to locate all the bait. The grand winners were the teams of Ruth Boydston/Kim Patten and the Gongoras for the adults, and Steven and Michael Pleau for the kids. Thanks to all who participated. There was plenty of great food at the cookout and a campfire to end the day. Ruth also provided many turtle rides and a great hike to a real estate venture. Those attending were -- the Domzalskis, the Vertrees, the Pleaus, the Gongoras, the Wilverts, Jerry Goffe and Kalhua, the Pattens, the Golds, and the Decks. All those in attendance voted Ruth's cabin for next year's campout, which might include a corn roast. Again many thanks to Ruth for all her great hospitality. You're the greatest. Thanks again. -- Debbie SUBJECT: CAMPOUT Ruth Boydston My sister and I would like to extend our thanks to all the campers that came to the campout. We both enjoyed the group's activities and the extra food finally got finished up last week. We really enjoyed seeing all of you, and can't wait for next year's campout. Thanks again all you Corvair campers. -- Ruth GALLES CAR SHOW REPORT Steve Gongora The Galles Car Show on Saturday 12 August 2000 had seven Corvair participants among the many Chevrolets gathered into one area of the parking lot. On one side there were modified Chevy Drag racers leading into the Corvairs. Corvettes were set up next to us. This is probably because the Corvettes and Corvairs are cousins in name and twins in suspension parts. The line of cars included Monte Carlos, Cameros, pickups, Nomads and Novas. Corvairs of New Mexico had a great turnout of members. Chuck Vertrees, Larry Blair, Mark Martinek, Steve Gongora, Mark Domzalski, Jerry Goffe, and Robert Gold all drove in at about 9 AM. We were all treated to a free T-shirt and free food and drinks for lunch. The hot sun was free as well. One hundred dollars was given away each hour. What are the odds of CNM members winning? The odds were excellent. Jerry Goffe, Robert Gold, and Steve Gongora each took home a crisp Ben Franklin. David Huntoon, Rita Gongora and Mary Lou Martinek were among the supporters who came to cheer the participants. Water poured on a person's neck and T-shirt will cool you down real quick. Just ask Larry Blair the next time you see him. Joe Trujillo put on a great show. Thank you Joe for your efforts and I look forward to the next one. -- Steve ===== Subject: BOSCH PLUGS W8AC/7502 (VV) Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 15:32:30 -0600 From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau ( dpleau @ ) From: "Louis C. Armer, Jr." ( carmerjr @ ) Hey Gang, We had a long series of posts about the w8ac plugs in early June. Bosch is in the process of changing their inventory identity system. In the process we learned that the new # will be 7502. So if you ask "unadvanced" or "zoned out" for the plug they will say Uhhhh... we don't carry that anymore! NAPA may tell you the same thing unless the plug #s are cross referenced. Chuck Armer ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** ===== Subject: WALKER Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 21:37:17 -0600 From: Steve Gongora ( stevegongora @ ) To: Mark Domzalski ( mdomzalski @ ) Cc: Sylvan Zuercher ( zuerchero @ ) Hurley Wilvert ( hbwilvert @ ) Bill Reider ( breider @ ) Dennis Pleau ( dpleau @ ) Jim Pittman ( casa unm edu ) Fred Edeskuty ( edeskuty @ ) I got a call from Wendy this morning from California. He informs me that Ilva had a serious stroke this past week. After the stroke she had a pretty severe heart attack. The hospital performed an angioplasty and were successful in opening up whatever artery was blocked. I'm not sure what her condition is at this time. I'll keep you posted as I find out. Steve Gongora ===== Subject: ILVA WALKER Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 21:08:09 -0600 From: Steve Gongora ( stevegongora @ ) Wendy's neighbor, Jim Dickerson got an e-mail from Wendy this morning. He wrote that Ilva was supposed to get out the hospital today. They did the angioplasty and put in a shunt in the vein. He didn't mention anything about the stroke that she had. Things are looking up. I don't know how long they'll have to stay in California before she can travel. I'll keep you posted. Steve ===== Subject: ILVA From stevegongora @ Thu Aug 24 08:14:38 2000 Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 22:02:28 -0600 From: Steve Gongora ( stevegongora @ ) Wendy and Ilva's neighbor called me tonight. She said that Wendy called this morning and Ilva was released from the hospital yesterday (Tuesday). If she feels well enough they will fly home Sunday. She was feeling okay. Steve ===== CAMPOUT - AUGUST 4TH, 5TH, AND 6TH Steve Gongora ( stevegongora @ ) The camping was supposed to start on Friday August 4th, 2000 but everyone made the push on Saturday morning on the short trek up to Ruth Boydston's cabin. Chuck and Julia Vertrees had rushed to the Bernalillo stop at 7:15 AM only to find an abandoned meeting place. He continued on to Ruth's to catch up only to find that they were the first family to get there. I guess everyone had the same idea and started later, both in a day late and a later hour. Sorry about that Chuck. The Gongoras and Pleaus caravanned up a couple of hours later. Debbie drove her Ford van trailering her pop-up tent and Dennis followed in his 65 Monza. Dennis was headed up to Colorado Springs after the campout to start his new position at Intel. The Decks, the Pattens, and the Wilverts got to Ruth's cabin just minutes after we arrived. I'm surprised that we didn't see each other on the highway. Ruth had set up a large tent just in case it rained. Everyone set up camp and all pitched in to make each site look like they just came from a Boy Scout School. The afternoon brought the company of the Golds, the Domzalskis, and Mr. Jerry Goffe and Kalhua, the dog. After all settled in we took turns surveying the community with the "Turtle". The "Turtle" is the small gas powered 4-wheel transport that Ruth uses to travel from cabin to cabin in the area. The kids had a blast. Debbie Deck had activities for all the campers. The "fishing tournament" had everyone fishing for items on a special list she had put together. This was a sort of scavenger hunt from copper wire to paperclips. The winners were tied and the prizes went to the Gongoras and Ruth for collecting 14 items each from the list. Everyone brought dishes and meat and were treated to a feast for dinner. I'm sure the neighbors could get a whiff of the meat cooking. After dinner, we sat around the campfire. The copper wire, from the scavenger list, was to be used to throw in the fire. Debbie showed us that the copper wire gives a beautiful green glow. The event was such a hit that we all are looking forward to next year. ===== LUCY THE ULTRAVAN - AUGUST 19, 2000 Steve Gongora This travel of an Ultravan, named Lucy the Ultravan, was titled ARTSPEDITION - Dixie to L.A. Dori and Joseph DeCamillis and their 5-year old son have a collection of art that they display as part of a traveling art exhibit. The tour started in Birmingham, AL and will end in Los Angeles, CA. Lucy the Ultravan is powered by a 350 GM motor. The DeCamillis family specializes in paintings from rooms to tubes of toothpaste. The detail is so fine that you couldn't tell it from a photograph. They are members of the Ultravan group and keep up with other Corvair powered Ultravans. Their Albuquerque stop took place Friday and Saturday at the Art Center at 7th and Mountain Road. An article was written in the Albuquerque Tribune on the same day as their visit. If anyone is interested in their tour check out their website at =end=