This page contains material from the November 2000 newsletter.

Updated 05-Dec-2021 - Copyright (c) 2021 Corvairs of New Mexico.

MEETING TIME: First Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM LOCATION: Galles Chevrolet, 1601 Lomas Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 PRESIDENT: Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 hurley.wilvert @ VICE-PRES: Robert Gold 268-6878 beisbol30 @ SECRETARY: Charles Vertrees 299-0744 vertrees @ TREASURER: Wendell Walker 892-8471 defarge505 @ MEMBERSHIP: Sylvan Zuercher 299-7577 zuerchero @ NEWSLETTER: Jim Pittman 275-2195 casa @ DUES: CNM: 12 months $15.00 or 26 months $ 30.00 CORSA: 12 months $35.00 or 26 months $ 70.00 BOTH: 12 months $50.00 or 26 months $100.00 ===== EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday November 4th, 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet 1601 Lomas NE CONTENTS THIS MONTH: Dues Due Sylvan Zuercher October Meeting & Board Notes Chuck Vertrees The Driver's Seat Hurley Wilvert Cars and Parts For Sale Everybody Coming Events Everybody Seven Years Ago Jim Pittman State Fair Report Robert Gold TECHNICAL: 1961 Monza Bill Hubbell (VV) 1961 Monza Doug Mackintosh (VV) Backlight Fears Smitty (VV) Spark Plug Lube Richard Finch Flooding Carbs Bob (VV) Who Makes Tools Corey Homer (VV) Late Convertible Seats Joel Rushworth (VV) Out of Oil Mary Lou & Mark Martinek Corvair Handling Study Kenneth Schifftner (VV) COVER: Mark Domzalski at the State Fair ===== "Good advice is of doubtful remedy, but of little value since it is so rarely followed." ---- Jung With the above caveat, here's my advice: On election day, go out to the polls and vote. Vote for somebody, don't just vote against Bill. If you vote with your heart, vote for Dubya. If you vote with your mind, vote for Big Al. If you can't stomach voting for either of the above airbags, don't just stay home and waste your vote; at the very least go out and vote for Ralph. - the Editor Dues Expired or Due or Approaching Due: Jon Anderson 10/2000 Jon Lovett 10/2000 Alicia Romero 10/2000 John Topp 10/2000 Doug Gadomski 11/2000 John McMahan 11/2000 Wayne Christgau 12/2000 David Huntoon 12/2000 Jerry Goffe 01/2001 LeRoy Rogers 01/2001 If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! The CORSA Home Page: CNM's home page: Also, see: and: ===== OCTOBER MEETING NOTES by Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at 19:32 at Galles Chevrolet. All officers were present. Jim and Marlene Craig were introduced. They are from Joshua Tree, California and were driving their Ultravan. There were no new members to introduce. The minutes of the last meeting were approved after the correction by Sylvan Zuercher that the members who helped him with parking at the Chevy show were Hurley Wilvert and Chuck Vertrees. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $121.11 in the checking account and $5,624.96 in the Money Market for a total worth of $5,746.07. Wendell also reported that Ilva is better. She drove to the store by herself the other day, but she was so tired afterwards that she slept all afternoon. Ilva hopes to attend the next CNM meeting. Joe Trujillo asked that when we leave that we all leave together because of the problem of getting someone to the exit gate at multiple times. Mark Domzalski reported that he is going to go to Flagstaff to check a few things. The 2002 convention will be in Flagstaff and CNM is committed to assist them in putting on the convention. Mark is going over to confirm the banquet site at the University and to check on a spot for the autocross. Robert Gold reported on the State Fair car show. There were eleven Corvairs on display. By going in together we got in without having to pay admission. The weather was much different than last year. Instead of hunting shade, everyone was trying to find a spot to stand or sit in the sun. There were ribbons enough so that everyone got at least one award. The CNM ladies met at the Stickler cabin in the Jemez. Brenda said everything went OK. The next meeting will be at the Pleau household unless they are able to sell their house first. Steve Gongora has the Fitch Sprint cars from the convention and also the CNM T-shirts that were ordered, so those who placed an order should check with Steve. He will also check on the new license plates this week and hopes to have them at the next board meeting. It was announced that CNM had decided to join with the Santa Fe Old Car Club on their "Frost Bite Tour" on the 21st of October. Details are in the newsletter of the time and route. CNM needs someone to take over the maintenance of our web page since Dennis Pleau has gone to Colorado Springs. Carl Johnson's son, Jeffrey, is a possibility. The election of chapter officers for the following year took place. The train rushed through the station without slowing down and last year's officers were reelected by acclimation. The Chevy Show went quite well. It was slow on Saturday but the attendance on Sunday was very good. Everyone seemed pleased with the way it went. Wendell suggested that the next time we need T-shirts we check with Rio Rancho T-shirt, since another club that he belongs to got a very good price. The meeting was adjourned at 20:15 ===== OCTOBER BOARD MEETING NOTES by Chuck Vertrees The meeting was called to order at 17:22 at House of Covers on 10/18/00. Present were Wendell Walker, Jim Pittman, Sylvan Zuercher, Steve Gongora, Hurley Wilvert and Chuck Vertrees. The minutes of the last board meeting were approved as published in the newsletter. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $281.86 in the Checking Account and $5,652.03 in the Money Market for a total worth of $5,933.89. He was also given about $150.00 at the board meeting to add to the checking account. Hurley was given a pre-approved credit card from MasterCharge that we did not ask for. It will be canceled. Sylvan Zuercher said that he had done some calculations and that if CNM has 41 or 42 paying members, we will break even on our newsletter expenses. This includes the newsletters that are exchanged with other clubs. At the present time we have over 50 members. At the last regular meeting it was brought up that CNM needs someone to take over keeping our web page updated. Jeffrey Johnson volunteered to do this and was planning to attend this board meeting, but was unable to attend. Steve Gongora will try to get the password from Dennis Pleau and will try to find time with the help of Jim Pittman. There was rather prolonged discussion on what we would like to have on our web page. Pictures take a long time to load so there should not be too many of those. Once Steve and Jim get it under control, they will try and teach me what I would need to know to take over. It is time to start thinking about the Ike Meissner Award. This is the job of the last three recipients. In the past this has been awarded at the Club's Christmas celebration. We need to know what the exact date of the Christmas dinner will be in December. It is not in the newsletter schedule. Steve will ask Rita. As mentioned previously, the board feels that we need a representative to keep track of what our legislature is up to when it comes to things automotive. Joel Nash just does not have the time to take this on at this time. Possible someone on the Car Council would be interested. Sylvan will talk to LeRoy Rogers to see if he might be interested. Steve reported that the company that is doing the license plate does not have them ready. They are being deluged with political poster business. They will try to get them out by the next meeting. Steve has not had a chance to get the new business card because House of Covers is short handed and they are swamped. (Steve does more for CNM than most members realize.) Steve reported that all the T-shirts have been picked up and paid for, and all but two of the model cars have been delivered. Sylvan will check with Joe Trujillo to see if it might be possible to hang some of our plaques in the meeting room. The meeting was adjourned at 18:20. ===== FROM THE DRIVER'S SEAT Hurley Wilvert For those of you who were not at the October meeting, all of last year's officers were re-elected for another term by unanimous vote. I appreciate your vote of confidence in the work that we are doing and I want to thank all of the officers for the fine work that they have done. I have never belonged to a club that works so well together as CNM. The new officers are: President, myself, Vice President, Robert Gold, Secretary, Chuck Vertrees, and Treasurer, Wendell Walker. I also want to thank all those people in the background who help out during the year and make all our job much easier. And thanks to Galles Chevrolet for providing our meeting place. I also want to thank the membership for great attendance at meetings and participation in our events. This past weekend I participated in the Route 66 cleanup. This may not sound like a lot of fun, but it makes a person feel good to help make our environment look a little better. Thanks to Ollie Scheflow for keeping this program going and for always being there. October is the Fall Tour, this year held in conjunction with the Santa Fe Car Club. It is a drive through the Jemez Mountains, a beautiful place anytime, but especially in the fall. Thanks to Tarmo Sutt for organizing this. I'm sure Kay had a hand in this too. For those of you who have wondered when our website would be updated, hang in there. Due to the Pleaus, Dennis and Debbie, leaving New Mexico, things have not kept pace, but that will soon be rectified. Keep you eyes on the website over the next month for new information and photos of events. Once again, thank you for the vote of confidence we look forward to a great year ahead for CNM. Hurley Wilvert - President ===== STATE FAIR CAR SHOW Robert Gold The third annual State Fair Car Show, held on September 24, is now history. I think all who attended would agree that it was a fun time. All but three of the entrants won the admission lottery and got in for free. What I mean is that the first group who entered the fairgrounds got in before the ticket taker got there! The weather was on the cool side for most of the day, so we really appreciated the New Mexico sunshine for warming us up. As in the past two years, there were plenty of fairgoers to look at the 11 Corvairs we had on display along Heritage Ave. The cars vied for 18 ribbon classes. I want to thank Hurley Wilvert for driving my V8 into the Fair. That allowed me to win the farthest from 100 point car award. I agree with Mike Stickler that my hybrid wouldn't stand a chance in concours judging. Since I've won that award the last two out of three years I'm going to drop Del Patton as the honorary namesake for that award and add mine until someone can unseat me. I want to thank the members of the club for helping in the judging. I also want to thank Mark Domzalski individually for his judging of the Best of Show classes. This year I was true to my word and everyone left with at least one ribbon! Winners of the ribbon classes were: Best Car early Larry Blair 1964 Monza Convertible 2nd Place Anne Mae Gold 1961 Lakewood Best Car late Steve Gongora 1966 Corsa Coupe 2nd Place Dave Huntoon 1966 Corsa Coupe 3rd Place Mike Stickler 1966 Corsa Coupe Best Forward Control Mark Domzalski 1962 Rampside 2nd Place Ruth Boydston 1961 Rampside 3rd Place Robert Gold 1961 Rampside Best Daily Driver Chuck Vertrees 1967 Monza Sedan Show Stopper Larry Blair 1964 Monza Convertible Best Custom Work Steve Gongora 1966 Corsa Coupe Best Sound System Steve Gongora 1966 Corsa Coupe Best Interior (stock) Dave Huntoon 1966 Corsa Coupe Best Interior (custom) Steve Gongora 1966 Corsa Coupe Farthest from 100 point car Robert Gold 1966 Corsa Coupe Highest Mileage Car Mark Domzalski 1962 Rampside Car I would most like to drive home Steve Gongora 1966 Corsa Coupe Most Chrome Mike Stickler 1966 Corsa Convertible Best White Car Chuck Vertrees 1967 Monza Sedan Farthest distance traveled to show Ruth Boydston 1961 Rampside Judge's Choice Dana Doyle & Glen Gollrad 1965 Monza Convertible Emptiest Gas Tank Mark Domzalski 1962 Rampside I want to thank my fellow CNM members for their support of the show this year. I'm hoping that next year's show is even better. Remember to circle the date of the last day of the Fair on you calendars and I'll see you there! --Robert Gold ===== * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE: 1961 Rampside with camper. 74,167 miles. $4500.00 with camper or $4000.00 without. Ruth Boydston 821-1506 FOR SALE: 1965 Monza 4-door $500.00 Dennis Pleau 345-0351 * * * * * CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS * * * * * ===== SEVEN YEARS AGO IN C.N.M. November 1993 Volume 19 Number 11 A 1961 station wagon adorned the cover. President Del ran the meeting. Treasurer Will reported $1285 in the bank. Our State Fair report said there were seventeen Corvairs in a very nice show. Dennis planned an article for the Communique to get more national attention for CNM as we plan for the 1996 convention. Francis said the CNM constitution called for the treasurer to be bonded; this has never been done. We voted for the board to look into this. Election night! President, secretary and treasurer agreed to run for re-election; Dennis agreed to run for vice president. We sold twelve copies of Bill's Care & Feeding booklet to Lon Wall's Corvair Underground. Larry said he was getting a valve train geometry kit to determine optimum pushrod lengths. Kay Sutt FAXed her report on the trip to Embudo: a good Aspencade despite the dreary weather. Quiz: Why was Otto Mechanic's uncle known as the "Wicked Winch of the West" and why wasn't the 1916 Gillette one sharp car? Fourteen Years Ago: the November 1986 cover featured a Mark Morgan race-prepared Corvair. We had $853 to spend. LeRoy reported progress on the Library Van project. New officers were Clayborne Souza, Tarmo Sutt, LeRoy Rogers and Chuck Vertrees. LeRoy provided a summary of expenses and income for 1985; we took in a little more than we spent. Our next meeting was to be in Santa Fe and our Aspencade was to be a trip to Bandelier National Monument. Bill's technical column addressed winterizing our cars. Other tech tips told what's in those heavy black cylinders in the trunks and engine compartments of late convertibles and why it was a bad idea to remove them, and warned of the electromagnetic effects of CB radios, neon signs, radar and cosmic rays on electronic ignition, fuel injection and anti-lock brake systems. According to Ride Pool, depreciation is the biggest expense in owning a car. Of course, their 1984 data was based on buying a new car. If you go out and buy a Corvair today, will it depreciate? Twenty-one Years Ago: The November 1979 cover previewed our first CNM crossword puzzle; with 84 across and 79 down there were 163 words to guess, most of them Corvair-related. The board reported efforts to get our dues up-to-date and to achieve 100% CORSA membership. We needed to construct barriers (stanchions?) for future car shows. The board voted to reimburse the editor $15 for photocopying and photography. New officers were: Norm Brand, Bill Reider, Francis Boydston and Sylvan Zuercher. We had a report on the Aspencade to Valle Grande and an article on an "articulated" experimental ATV with Corvair drive train. Tech tips included a comparison of bolting vs welding to fix loose flywheels and how to fix rear cooling door hinge pins. ============================================================================ C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================ | N o v e m b e r | D e c e m b e r | J a n u a r y | | : : : 1 2 3 4 | : : : : : 1 2 | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | | 26 27 28 29 30 : : | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | 28 29 30 31 : : : | | : : : : : : : | 31 : : : : : : | : : : : : 2001 | ============================================================================ Wed 1st Nov 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 11th Nov 10:00 AM CNM Ladies - meet at Debbie Pleau's - Antiques! Wed 15th Nov 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 17th Nov 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman - One Week early! Wed 6th Dec 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE ... ... Dec ........ CNM Christmas Party - TBA Wed 20th Dec 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 22nd Dec 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sun 31st Dec 2000 11:59 PM: The actual last minute of the Twentieth Century! Wed 3rd Jan 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 13th Jan 2001 CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 17th Jan 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 26th Jan 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= NEW MEXICO COUNCIL OF CAR CLUBS CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS October 7 - Ruidoso Annual Car Show October 7 - VMCCA Moriarty Wildlife Tour October 6 - 8 - Collector Car Weekend (Farmington) /Swap Meet October 13 & 14 - SWDBA Drag Boat Racing at Elephant Butte (296-0542) October 14 - EarthBound Second Annual Car Show (Los Alamos Park) October 21 - 22 - NMCCC Annual Fall Swap Meet October 22 - SW Packards' Chimayo Tour October 22 - 27 - VMCCA Millennium Chrome Glidden Tour (Tucson AZ) October 20 - 22 - Fifth Annual Swap Meet of SouthEast NM (VVMCC/ACE/CARS) October 29 - Bright Light City Cruise & Car Show 4 - Las Vegas NV Mustang Club of Las Vegas / Mustang Museum (770-482-7044) November 5 Big Brothers / Big Sisters Barbecue / Burnout and Car Show at Sandia MotorSports Park November 11 Truth or Consequences Veterans Center Car Show (894-6900) November 18 Festival of the Cranes Tour - Bosque del Apache Refuge 2001 February 2- 4 SuperNationals Annual Car Show at the State Fairgrounds! July 20-22 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Festival of Route 66 Albuquerque Convention & Visitor's Bureau (247-9101) ALBUQUERQUE CRUISE NIGHTS: Owl Cafe (Eubank & I-40) - Pre-1960 Rides - first Tuesday of each month May thru October Owl Cafe (Eubank & I-40) - Muscle Cars - third Thursday of each month May thru October Christian Rods & Customs and Route 66 Rodders (SONIC at Juan Tabo & Candelaria) - third Saturday of each month April thru October HOOTERS Car Show series (west) - June 17, July 22, October 7 (east) - May 13, June 10, July 8, August 5, September 9, October 28 ALBUQUERQUE RACING VENUES: Albuquerque National SpeedWay - (505) 873-2684 (Event Line 299-9478) Sandia MotorSports Park - (505) 352-8888 ===== CAR COUNCIL MEETING NOTES for the CNM meeting. I thought it would be easier to forward the e-mail so you can cut, paste or dissect as needed. I remembered I was asked to attend the meeting on Friday (two days too late). I contacted the secretary and he mailed the notes. - Steve Gongora From: JohnDoran [mailto:jdoran @] Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 11:36 PM To: Steve Gongora Subject: Re: Meeting Notes GUEST SPEAKER: The Route 66 Association provided the guest speaker in September. Susan Simmons spoke of the Route 66 Association, and their plans to celebrate the Mother Road on October 9, 2000. She invited all NMCCC clubs and all members to a road dedication in Tijeras, a Route 66 awareness celebration to be held October 9 at Molly's, at 11:30 AM. The Route 66 Dedication Celebration and Show - n - Shine will be free, and open to the public (call 255-6755 for information or reservations). The host businesses would like to have a few NMCCC members' classic cars on display for the event. Don't forget plans for the anticipated 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Festival of Route 66 (July 20 - 22, 2001) include a caravan up Route 66/Central Ave from the State Fair to Coors Blvd, with shows along the way at East Central, the State Fair, Nob Hill, UNM, Downtown, Old Town, the Bio Park and West Central. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY NMCCC MEETING: NMCCC President Ken Halvorsen called the monthly meeting of the NMCCC to order on September 20, 2000 at about 7:30 PM, more or less. OLD BUSINESS / NEW BUSINESS: Treasurer's report - Treasurer was excused from the meeting. Treasurer's report will be published later. WHAT'S HAPPENING: President Halvorsen and Swap Meet Chairman Paul McLaughlin discussed last year's Swap Meet. As unfinished business, payments of fifty dollar stipends from the proceeds of the swap meet were distributed to the ten Car Clubs represented on the Swap Meet Volunteer List who provided volunteers who made the event possible. NMCCC member clubs who were present were issued checks. Secretary John Doran will mail remaining payments to other organizations who were not present, along with a report of this meeting so that the intent of the payments is clear. PS - that includes Corvairs. The representative of the SouthWestern Packard Car Club reported to the other clubs that the Orphan Car Show on September 10, 2000 was eminently successful. NMCCC Club Members attended, participated and showed cars. The Orphan Car Show will become an annual event. Thanks to all the car clubs who helped put on the event, and to the NMCCC Members who attended this show, and displayed their rides. The EARTHBOUND Cruisers Club invited all NMCCC Clubs and members to attend the Second Annual Car Show on October 14. This annual event is open to all clubs, all members and all rides (not just low-riders). The event is planned for Los Altos Park (I-40 and Eubank, across from Owl Caf), registration begins at 7 AM. Event begins at 10 AM, and awards are at 4 PM. Pre-registration is $ 15, or $ 20 the day of the show. T-Shirts are $ 12 for adult sizes S thru XXL ($ 2 more for larger sizes), available in advance or at the show. Details & forms available from EARTHBOUND, 5853 Avenida la Mirada, zip 87114, or phone 440-1301. It was reported to the NMCCC that the Festival of the Cranes Tour of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge will be held on November 18, 2000. This annual event is a traditional favorite tour for NMCCC Clubs and club members, and you are cordially invited to sample the hospitality in southern New Mexico. Support this annual activity, participate in this event and enjoy an old-fashioned good time. Bring your Club and attend, it is already too late to enjoy the changing colors of Autumn! The representative of the Old Car Club reported to the other clubs that the Veterans Center Car Show will be held on November 11, 2000 in Truth or Consequences (NM). This annual event should be one of the highlights of the end of the millennium car show season. All NMCCC Clubs and club members are cordially invited to sample traditional T or C hospitality. Thanks to all the local businesses and members of the public who support this annual activity, all of the car clubs who participate in this event and display their rides are treated to a memorable, old-fashioned good time. Plan to attend! Call Calahan's Car Museum (505-894-6900) for more details! Secretary John Doran reported that the Post Office has acquired a new, automatic Mangler/Sorter to deal with oversize mail (such as the NMCCC NewsLetter). Four copies were returned in postal body bags, a number were reported missing in action, or mangled on arrival. Other clubs' newsletters have arrived at PO Box 37324 in tatters and in PO envelopes, so we must conclude that the new machine is effective in dealing with oversize mail. The PostMaster suggests that future "oversize mail" be stapled at the top rather than at the bottom to minimize damage inflicted by the automatic sorter. Better yet, the mail should be tri-folded and stapled at the top (which is about the same size as a legal envelope). This is a more expensive to create than the current bi-fold, so our next NMCCC newsletter will try the address-page fold on the bottom, stapled at the top process suggested by the PostMaster. President Ken Halvorsen and Swap Meet Chairman Paul McLaughlin discussed this year's Swap Meet. The event has been confirmed at UNM Tailgate 2 Parking Lot, October 21 - 22 (start at 6 AM Saturday and Sunday, end at 3 PM, with Friday and Saturday night security). Friday night, Paul will need help labeling and assigning stalls. The usual accouterments (port-a-potties, trash cans, dumpster, barriers, security, etc. have been contracted). Help will be needed with advertising, fliers, etc. There were calls for volunteers from member clubs to pull off the event, our single, annual fund-raiser. President Halvorsen suggested that the Monthly Meeting of NMCCC be advanced a week to October 18 so that we (NMCCC) could FINALIZE VOLUNTEER LISTS, COMPLETE SHIFT ASSIGNMENTS for the entire event, and deal with any other contingencies that arise. It was moved and approved by voice vote. Shift assignments will be two hour increments beginning at 6:00 AM each day (Saturday, Sunday) and member Club representatives should be prepared to select their first, second, etc. choices. First come, first served. Please be prepared to fill the schedule, two volunteers per shift! Paul McLaughlin acknowledged that the second day of the Swap Meet will conflict with the Chimayo Tour. This was considered the price to be paid for dealing with UNM, and SW Packards accepted this penalty gracefully. The Chimayo Tour will go on as scheduled. Chad DeLong from Sandia MotorSports Park invited NMCCC member clubs to participate in their Big Brothers / Big Sisters Barbecue / Burnout and Car Show November 5, 3 PM to 8 PM. No fee for participating cars. Hot Laps! Take some riders for laps, enjoy live radio broadcast, television coverage, professional still photographers on hand to capture cars and drivers for posterity! (Flier elsewhere.) Don't miss this event, and be sure that your club members are invited! Meeting adjourned. - John Doran, Secretary ===== Subject: 1961 MONZA (VV) From: Bill Hubbell ( whubbell @ ) Until recently, I had a '61 Sedan as well as two '64 sedans. I loved the '61 and had no major problems with it, sold it only because it was no longer getting daily use and I needed space for my other projects. You should be aware of a few differences, though, between the "early-earlies" (60-61) and "late-earlies" (62-64) that may not be so obvious. ENGINE and ENGINE COMPARTMENT: --The manual choke on '61 has already been addressed. This is often removed or bypassed, converting to later style automatic chokes. Of course, to do this you need a later model engine or cylinder head. --'61 distributor is different. Easy to just put in a '62-69 style, though. (although the early style may be better). --'61 engines use road draft tube instead of PVC system. --'61 engines used the heavier blower fan. It pumps a little more air than the later style, but may be more likely to throw fan belts. --'61 engines had the "folded fin" oil cooler -- generally conceded as the most efficient. --'61 engine wiring harness is different from later years. Voltage regulator is mounted on back wall of engine compartment. Nothing really wrong with this, though. BODY: --Doors are different (different locks, hinge screws, regulators). Don't attempt to replace a '61 door with a '64 or vice-versa. It could be done, but only with modifications. --Door jamb light switches are different and not interchangeable. --Early-earlies have better glovebox doors (constructed better, so they don't fall apart as easily). --'61 Monza was available with either front bench or bucket seats. These could have a cloth and vinyl upholstery, which was, in my opinion, one of the nicest interiors ever offered on Corvair. --Trunk lid on '61 has insulation imbedded in it. This is not easily replaced or repaired. --Early-earlies have horns installed out in the wheel wells where they often corrode. Make sure the horns have the protective sheet metal shields installed over them. Late-earlies have the horns moved inboard to protect them. HEATER: --Early-early heater uses full metal ducts under rear seat (plastic duct and hoses on late-earlies). Often the metal ducts are badly rusted (from water leaks in the passenger compartment). You can convert to either style without trouble. Also, late-earlies have ability to completely shut off heat to rear seat by means of flapper door; '61s have an open grill which causes constant heat flow to rear, resulting in reduced volume to defrosters. Can be fixed by replacing grill with later style. --Heater cables are different, but can use '64 style with minimal modification. --You can easily install optional gas heater in a '61 but not in a '64. BRAKES: --'61 uses a different master brake cylinder, and you cannot easily convert to the more readily available later style. This is perhaps the biggest liability of getting a '61. --'61s have brakes you have to manually adjust every so often (a real pain). Late-earlies have self-adjusting brakes (which only work well if they aren't all rusted, I might add). Brake conversion is also possible with later style parts. SUSPENSION: --'64 has best suspension of the earlies (rear transverse spring, front sway bar). You can always convert an earlier suspension to '64 style with correct parts. OTHER: --'61s use a different windshield wiper motor. Probably a better motor, but not as common as later styles. Washer mechanism is the same, though (just as lousy). I am sure I have left out a lot (anybody care to add to it?) Hope it helps. Bill Hubbell ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** Subject: RE: 1961 MONZA (VV) From: "Doug Mackintosh" ( dougmackintosh @ ) Great list of the differences between early-earlies and late-earlies. Glad you took the time to share it with us. You reminded me of some of the differences I had forgotten and, as usual, told me some I didn't know about. I think you have the transition date wrong on a few of the items: Snippets from Bill Hubbell's post, then my suggested corrections. This based on having owned one 1/2 '60-1/2 '61, two '62s, one '63, and two '64s (so far): } --61 engines had the "folded fin" oil cooler -- generally conceded as the most efficient. The '62 still had folded-fin (as does my current '62). Don't know if the change to plate type was in '63 or '64. } --'61 engines use road draft tube instead of PVC system. The '62 still had a road draft tube. PCV swept the industry in the '63 model year. } --Horns are installed out in the wheel wells where they often corrode on early-earlies. Make sure the horns have the protective sheet metal shields installed over them. Late-earlies move the horns inboard to protect them. The '62 still has the horns out there under the protective covers. Not sure which year they changed to the '64 location. } --'61s have brakes you have to manually adjust every so often (a real pain). Late-earlies have self-adjusting brakes (which only work well if they aren't all rusted, I might add). Brake conversion is also possible with later style parts. Again, the self-adjusting brakes were a '63 model year feature. The '62 has manual adjusters. SUSPENSION: } --'64 has best suspension of the earlies (rear transverse spring, front sway bar). You can always convert an earlier suspension to '64 style with correct parts. WARNING. THIS IS A STATEMENT OF OPINION, NOT FACT! Some demented early lovers actually prefer the early suspension which delivers pure unadulterated oversteer rather than understeering tendency induced by soft rear springs and stiff front sway bar. Besides, the early setup doesn't throw sway bars in the way of your gas tank removal, nor leaf springs in the way of your powertrain removal. ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** Subject: BACKLIGHT FEARS (VV) From: ( vairologist @ ) } Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 13:21:25 -0700 (PDT) } From: Rusty Rose ( vairboy2001 @ ) } Subject: (VV) Backlite fears... Smitty says: Rusty, the last thing I want to do is set myself up as some kind of authority on the subject of glass installation but I have developed a method which has been leakproof in every case since I developed it. It consists primarily of this: Make sure the glass, gasket and frame are all clean. Install the glass and gasket. Get a caulk tube of clear RTV sealant and cut the end as close to the point as you can and still get sealant out. Stick the nozzle into the crack between the glass and the gasket and literally fill the cavity with sealant (outside only). Don't worry about what squeezes out. It will clean up with razor blades and white gas later (after it hardens). Then get a caulk tube of 3M 08509 from your local glass or paint shop. (They don't give it away) Cut the nozzle the same as the RTV. Inject as much as you care to into the crack between the gasket and the paint. It will clean up with white gas too. The 08509 (bedding and glazing compound) is black and squishy. In ten years it will still be black and squishy. Once you wipe off the excess, the thin line remaining will not cause a problem with wiping or washing the car. I will go so far as staking on my reputation that if you do a conscientious job it WILL NOT LEAK. Both substances will be readily removable from paint and gasket if you ever have to remove the glass again. Good Luck End of Virtual Vairs Digest V2 #1376 ************************************ This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs-digest" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ************************************ ===== Subject: SELF FLOODING CARB PROBLEM (VV) From: "Diane Galli" ( rdgalli @ ) From: ThreeRCB @ } Bob, You have my undivided attention, when you said "vapor lock." Can you go into more details about your return line? I'm sure you will have a lot of people's eyes tuned in. } Anybody? I think my 1968 smog has, or had a 1/8" return fuel line, I'll have to check it out. -- RichB Rich, in 1964, GM added a return line port to the turbo fuel filter. This was primarily to help eliminate vapor lock problems that the turbo cars were having because of the higher engine room temps because of the proximity of the exhaust operated turbocharger. All this did was to allow the fuel pump to pump full capacity of cool fuel. This went back to the tank and recirculated back to the fuel pump. It also eliminated fuel pump back pressure to the carb. All I did was to replace the "tee" on the outlet of the fuel pump with the "tee" from a 1960 that has the tap for the gasoline heater. I ran the 1/8 line to the gas tank vent hose into a homemade steel "tee." In the early 1970s, almost all GM cars had a bypass fitting on their fuel pumps to accomplish the same thing. I am sure the electric fuel pump guys will tell you to switch to electric and save all this hassle. Bob ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** Subject: LATE CONVERTIBLE REAR SEAT (VV) From: Joel Rushworth ( westerncanadacorsa @ ) Ran across an interesting and useful part substitution. Late model convertible rear seat bottoms are hard to come by. I met a gent this morning who used a rear seat bottom out of an '89 Chevy Cavalier. Apparently is was a perfect fit, and it even took new 'Vair skins to boot. He only had to drill two new holes to hold down the front of the seat. Something worth tuckin' away for future reference eh? Regards, Joel CORSA member 1966 Corsized Monza } From: ( Sethracer @ ) } To: ( westerncanadacorsa @ ) } Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 10:13 AM } Subject: Re: ( VV ) LM 'vert rear seat } } Which Cavalier - 2-dr, 4-dr or Convertible? - Seth To clarify further.... This rear seat came out of an '89 Chevy Cavalier 2-door with the fixed rear seat (he thinks there is a folding rear seat option?). It is entirely possible that other models used the same rear seat bottom, however this was the first one he found that worked and didn't measure any further. Regards, Joel ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** Subject: NHTS HANDLING STUDY ON CORVAIRS (VV) From: Kenneth Schifftner ( scrubbr @ ) I just received and read NTIS PB211015 on the handling of the EM Corvairs versus some of its contemporaries. I learned that: a. The cars were tested in "a condition that represented the manufacturer's maximum recommended load." b. The Corvair achieved the second highest lateral acceleration (0.6 Gs) of the cars tested and was on stock bias ply tires (the highest lateral of the cars tested was a '67 Corvair). c. Unlike the "conventional" cars tested, the Corvair did not exhibit a "Critical Speed" wherein, if the steering wheel were pulled sharply through a predetermined arc and then let go, a car WITH a Critical Speed would not self correct. Up to 80 mph, the Corvair DID self corrected without driver input. d. In maneuvers above the 0.6 g limit, wheel rim contact was NOT "the precipitating cause of Corvair rollover, but occurs in the course of rollover." Jacking does, of course, occur (given the swing axles) but "tuck under is not observed until the vehicle is well into the rollover mode." e. Ralph Nader's letters posted in the appendix seem to be written to grab headlines rather than convey factual information. They are quite laughable and nearly all of his accusations are refuted by the study. Recent car magazine articles on modern SUVs show skid pad rates in the 0.6 G range as well. These tests are not conducted fully loaded, however. I'd like to see a modern SUV with its high center of gravity loaded to its manufacturer's maximum loading go through the same tests as the 1971 study. I doubt if it would hold a 0.6 G lateral acceleration, probably would exhibit a dangerous Critical Speed, and might truly be judged "unsafe" if the same yardstick were used. Ken Schifftner ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** ===== Subject: OUT OF OIL? Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 20:23:18 -0600 From: mjmartinek @ There are a lot of folks who can't understand how we ran out of oil here in the USA. Well, here's the answer: It's simple - nobody bothered to check the oil. They didn't know we were getting low. The reason for that is geographical - most of the oil is in Texas and Oklahoma, and all the dipsticks are in Washington, D.C. Mary Lou & Mark Martinek - 505 275-3271 ===== Subject: SPARK PLUG LUBRICANT From: Richard F Finch ( finchbird @ ) To: casa @ Jim, That was a good topic for the tech session. Corvair people and other owners of cars with aluminum cylinder heads would be interested to know that piston engine aircraft manufacturers such as Lycoming and Continental all advocate the use of graphite lubricant for spark plugs used in aluminum cylinder heads. Champion Spark Plug company makes a liquid based graphite spark plug thread lubricant that comes in a small bottle with an applicator brush inside that is a lot like a bottle of finger nail polish, except that the consistency of the liquid graphite in the bottle is like thin paint. This spark plug thread lubricant is intended to be applied each time spark plugs are removed and re-installed which is usually at 100 hour intervals in most piston engined aircraft Even the FAA recommends graphite thread lubricant as a prevention of galled or stripped threads in aircraft engines. The Champion Spark Plug Lubricant can be purchased at most local aircraft service centers and aircraft supply stores. To prevent thread galling from rough threads on new $1.50 apiece spark plugs, dress each new spark plug on a rotary motor wire brush to remove the manufacturing burrs. Even brand-new $30.00 apiece aircraft spark plugs have burrs on their threads. Jim, you can put this tech tip on Virtual Vairs if you choose. I don't have time to surf the net. Richard Finch ===== Subject: WELDER REVISITED (NO Corvair) (VV) The VV's were discussing welders one day and Corey replied with this on tools. I can't vouch for the accuracy but if it is real it gives some good insight - Dennis From: Corey Homer ( Corey.Homer @ ) Here is another tidbit it will throw out to the group regarding tools. I read this on the internet a few days ago. If this is common knowledge, I apologize and will crawl back under the rock I live beneath. The article was titled "Who makes Craftsman tools." We all know that Sears, like many other major brand names, just put their logo on products made by other manufacturers. Well, what about hand tools. Today there are only 3 major players in the hand tool market; Stanley, Danaher, and Snap-On. Now, this is where it gets interesting. Up until 1994, Craftsman brand was made by Stanley. The tools came down the same assembly lines and went through the same forging processes. After 1994, Danaher won the contract. Danaher is also produces Matco brand tools. Stanley currently builds MAC tools, Proto tools, the Home Depot Husky brand, and their own label within the same assembly plants. About the only difference is that the Proto tools go through additional quality control since they are used by NASA, the military, and industrial customers. Snap-On produces the Lowe's Kobalt brand as well as their own label. In addition to these three companies, there are a handful of minor player like Vermont American and many import brand tools. All the hand tools today carry similar "lifetime" warranties. In fact, Husky will replace any Craftsman tool with an equivalent version of their brand. As for things like torque wrenches, and special application tools, you get what you pay for. In many cases the calibrated tools that are more expensive tend to have tighter tolerance bands and higher limits. As far a run of the mill 12-pt 3/8" drive 1/2" socket, I think I will look for the cheapest of the aforementioned companies. Unfortunately, from what I have seen Stanley doesn't make as wide a variety of socket and hand tool sizes as some of the other companies like Craftsman (Oops, I mean Danaher). The original memo was written by a gentleman who worked at the Proto division of Stanley Tools. He by no means claims to be the final word on tools, but felt he should inform people of what he knew. I hope this won't turn into a vitualvairs debate as to WHO has the best / highest quality tool collection! I only wanted to inform people like me who are doing their Corvair on a budget and cannot afford to restore a car as well as turn their garage into a Snap-On distribution center. With kind Regards, (Mit freundlichen Gruessen) Corey P. Homer Behr America, Inc. Customer Project Manager Direct: 248.669.8560 Fax: 248.669.9111 e-mail: corey.homer @ ****************************** This message was sent by the Corvair list, all copyrights are the property of the writer, please attribute properly. To unsubscribe, mailto:majordomo @ with "unsubscribe virtualvairs" (without the quotes) as the first line of the message. To post, mailto:virtualvairs @ For help, mailto:vv-help @ ****************************** =end=