This page contains material from the August 2005 newsletter

Updated 30-Jan-2007 =-= Copyright (c) 2007 Corvairs of New Mexico. EDITOR: Jim Pittman NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 3 August 2005 at 7:30 PM Galles Chevrolet, Lomas & University THIS MONTH: Dues Due Membership Chair July Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees July Board Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees Birthdays & Anniversaries Sunshine Committee Car Council Picnic at El Morro Robert Gold President's Letter David Huntoon CNM Calendar Everyone For Sale, Wanted, Free Everyone Seven Years Ago Club Historian Dear God Letters Rowland Croucher Breakfast at Mimi's Heula Pittman Letter from Domzalskis Elizabeth Letter from Finches Richard New Element Discovered William Kaufman Route 66 Cleanup Report Oliver Scheflow Cover Story: North to Alaska Jim Pittman COVER: Graph of the CNM Treasury over Recent Years COVER: Driving to Alaska - Thirty-Nine Years Ago =+=CNM=+= DUES DUE, PAST DUE, COMING DUE SOON: EXPIRED: Mark L Morgan 2005-Jun Robert Gold 2005-Jul Tarmo Sutt 2005-Jul THIS MONTH: Tom Bunter 2005-Aug Dan Clifford 2005-Aug Jacob Schlessinger 2005-Aug Ray Trujillo 2005-Aug Sylvan Zuercher 2005-Aug COMING DUE SOON: Richard Foster 2005-Sep Doug Gadomski 2005-Sep Sally Williams 2005-Sep Lee Olsen 2005-Sep Bernard Urbassik 2005-Sep Jon Anderson 2005-Oct Larry Hickerson 2005-Oct Del Patten 2005-Nov If your membership is due or has expired, please send your dues to: Wendell Walker, CNM Treasurer, 301 Utah Meadow, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Note: the Club will mail in your National dues when you renew, but only if you send us the renewal form from CORSA Communique! COVER PHOTO: It's hard for me to believe that, 39 years ago, I drove my brand-new 1966 turbocharged Corsa from Dayton, Ohio to Fairbanks, Alaska! -- Jim =+=CNM=+= July Meeting Notes Chuck Vertrees THE MEETING WAS called to order at 19:44 on July 6th at Galles Chevrolet. All officers were present. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as published in the newsletter. There were 19 members present. We have a new member, Bud Moore. Treasurer Wendell Walker reported that CNM had $219.62 in the checking account and $2,568.28 in the GMAC account for a total worth of $2,787.90. Geoffrey Johnson reported on the Car Council Meeting. It started out calmly and then became rather raucous. The Museum Car Show came in with a loss of $944.88. This was followed by a discussion on how to correct this in future Museum shows. There were many good suggestions to give to the show committee for next year. Things then got rough. The NOMADS Club lectured the Car Council about how the Car Council should take action to stop the Mayor and City Council from enacting and enforcing laws that punish cruising, confiscating vehicles for running red lights (?) or DWI, prohibit inoperative vehicles on private property, etc. They demanded that the Car Council attend City Council meetings and make our presence known. There was much more and the NOMADS insisted that the Car Council spend its "war chest" and sue the city for violating our rights. There was much further discussion and finally the NOMADS resigned from the Car Council and walked out in a huff. There were further normal discussions and the meeting adjourned at 21:07. Your Secretary has the complete Car Council report if you would like to look at it. There are many automotive functions listed in coming times. Members were reminded of the "Route 66" cleanup on the following Saturday. The monthly breakfast is scheduled for Mi-Mi's on the 23rd and the next Isotopes game that CNM is going to is on July 28th. We will get reserved seats. Get your money to Sally ASAP or you can drop it off at House of Covers. =+=CNM=+= July Board Meeting Chuck Vertrees THE MEETING WAS called to order on 7/20/05 at 17:13 at House of Covers. Present were Jim and Heula Pittman, Robert Gold, Steve Gongora, Dave Huntoon, Wendell Walker, Sally Williams and Chuck Vertrees. Visiting from back east was Allen Gold, Robert's brother. Wendell reported that CNM had $279.62 in the checking account and $2,568.28 in the GMAC fund for a total worth of $2,847.90. Wendell also mentioned that the Santa Fe car club that he belongs to is planning a tour on Saturday September 17th. They will start at the J & R Museum, have lunch in Bernalillo, drive up into the Jemez, visit the Gilmore tunnel, the Ponderosa Winery and hopefully Los Alamos. This could be a fun trip. Talk to Wendell. It was mentioned that Mark Domzalski's tour of TDY ends in the 30th. He and Elizabeth will do some visiting of friends and relatives on their way home. It will be good to have them back. Robert Gold reported on the Car Council Annual Picnic which is being run by CNM this year. Carl Johnson contacted the ranger at El Morro about giving a special talk while we were there and he found out that there would be a special fee of $100.00 for large groups. The Car Council has been contacted about this. The Car Council has purchased soft drinks and water for the picnic. It is being arranged for some club to bring them to El Morro. Everyone is responsible for their own food and heating if needed. I am sure fires would be allowed only in the park's official grills and it would be wise to bring your own fire supplies. Robert also reported on the State Fair Car Show on September 25th. CNM is all signed up and will have our same place on Heritage Avenue. The only difference this year is that we will only have to stay until 14:30 instead of 17:00 as in the past. Robert assured us that anyone who is there will get at least one ribbon. The next Isotopes ball game that CNM plans to attend will be on Thursday July 28th. Hopefully those interested in going already know the date or will get their newsletter before that date. We will meet in front of the stadium. WENDELL SAID THAT several old members who are not attending meetings on a regular basis have expressed that the reason was the lack of an interesting "tech" talk after the end of the meeting. I can remember that in the past we always had a talk of some kind, and that many were very fascinating. Some were given by club members, like Larry Blair's presentation on the Corvair gas heater and how they ran. We have also had great talks about painting, batteries, oil and the list goes on. At the next meeting we will beat the bushes to find out what topics the members would like to hear about and how many have an outside contact or could make a presentation themselves. SPEAKING OF "tech" talks at meetings -- at the August meeting Geoff Johnson will have a presentation on downloading the newsletter PDF file to your home computer and he may address many other computer-related topics, such as, How do I keep those pesky viruses off my computer? How can I reduce spam? How can I speed up download time? Why would I want to download the newsletter PDF file? Why can't I view that movie clip I got as an email attachment? Why does it take so long to download the short, simple WORD document my friend sent me? Can I tell WORD to send a document as TEXT? What the heck is a PDF anyway and why should I care? This was followed by a discussion on how to control the ride in the Corvair. Wendell says his rides so hard that when running over a dime, he can tell if it is heads or tails. (My exaggeration, CV). Truth: Boydston's Corvair rides as smooth as silk. This was followed by many suggestions about tire pressure (do you want a soft ride or do you want it to handle), tire types, shocks and springs. Possibly we have here another topic for a "tech" talk! It was reported that Bill McClellan had back surgery and the Sunshine Committee sent him a card along with the monthly birthday and anniversary cards. The meeting was adjourned at 17:47. -- Chuck Vertrees =+=CNM=+= Happy Birthday to the following CNMers: Nathan Williams August 3 Geoff Johnson August 4 Joel Nash August 8 Lee Reider August 11 Bill McClellan August 16 Lee Olsen August 16 Marian McClellan August 24 Bernie Urbassik August 24 Marian and Bill McClellan celebrate their 69th wedding anniversary this month! CONGRATULATIONS to the happy couple! The Sunshine Committee =+=CNM=+= August 7 Car Council Picnic Robert Gold THE Corvairs of New Mexico club invites you to join with the members of the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs and attend the annual council picnic to be held this year on Sunday, August 7 at the El Morro National Monument, also know as Inscription Rock, near Grants. You can reach the monument by taking the NM Highway 53 exit south from Interstate 40 and traveling 42 miles to the monument. For those who would like to caravan to the picnic we are planning on meeting at the parking lot of the Route 66 Casino beginning at 8:30 am and leaving 9:00 am. The Route 66 Casino is located at exit 140 on Interstate 40. That is somewhere near the top of Nine Mile Hill on the far west side of Albuquerque. Admission to the Monument is $3.00. Children under 17 are free. The Car Council will be providing some drinks, however you should take your own food and any additional drinks you may want. For those of you who have not been to El Morro, the monument features a hiking area that goes past a sheer cliff containing hundreds of Spanish and Anglo inscriptions dating back hundreds of years, as well as many prehistoric petroglyphs. The trail continues around the north side of the cliff to the top, where there are pueblo and kiva ruins. The view of the surrounding countryside from the top is pretty spectacular, too. Join us for a fun time. If you have any questions contact Robert Gold at 268-6878 or by email at: beisbol30 @ -- Robert =+=CNM=+= President's Letter for August David Huntoon SO, HOW DO YOU like the heat? Seems like it has been in the mid to upper 90s for the last several weeks at least. Of course that is for you guys in town. At my place it 10 degrees cooler with more cloud cover and the occasional shower. Still, even for us mountain men, it is still hot! I can work outside in the mornings up until 11 am and then later in the day after 6 pm. Then again maybe I am just lazy and like to take the afternoons off. That is probably more like it. I now have the eight-door "library van" registered and licensed and have run through about two tanks of gas. I drove it to our last club meeting and heard some nice comments. So far, so good. This morning I cleaned and lubed the rear axle bearings and adjusted and bled the brakes. Just did get it all done by my self-imposed deadline of 11 am. I plan to take it to El Morro for the car council picnic, this year sponsored by our club. Should be a good shakedown, 300 miles or so. We will see if anything falls off, especially anything vital. At the last board meeting there was some discussion concerning tech talks. Specifically having more of them. I am guessing nearly all would endorse having more talks. Of course, the other aspect of this is someone willing to present a tech session. So the question is, who would be willing to give a presentation? Not exactly fair to have the same 3 or 4 people presenting tech topics. My thoughts are tech sessions are good, but they need not be every month. Let me know at our next meeting and if you have any session ideas or are willing to give a tech talk speak up. At our next meeting, Geoff Johnson will talk to us about how we can better use our computers. File formats, images, attachments... stuff like that. Since Geoff is a bona fide geek, it should be fun. Enjoy the summer, beware of the heat. I hear by virtue of Virtual Vairs (VV) that it is in the 100 degree range in Idaho and eastern Oregon for those people crossing the Rockies on their way to the Portland convention. Those driving their Corvairs must surely have their cooling systems in tip top shape. If not I am sure we will hear about some interesting adventures. Be cool.......... DAVID =+=CNM=+= ============================================================================= C O R V A I R S o f N E W M E X I C O C O M I N G E V E N T S ============================================================================= | | | | | August | September | October | | | | | | : 1 2 3 4 5 6 | : : : : 1 2 3 | : : : : : : 1 | | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | 28 29 30 31 : : : | 25 26 27 28 29 30 : | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | | : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : | 30 31 : : : : : | ============================================================================= Wed 3 Aug 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Tech topic: Geoff Johnson on downloading newsletter PDF files and other computer-related topics for Corvair owners. Sun 7 Aug early! NMCCC Picnic - El Morro National Monument - 43 miles SW of Grants, NM, about 78 miles from Albuquerque west side. Contact: Robert Gold - 505-268-6878 Wed 17 Aug 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Sat 20 Aug 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Fri 26 Aug 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Wed 7 Sep 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 10 Sep 1:00 PM CNM Ladies - TBA Sat 17 Sep early! Wendell tells us that the Santa Fe group will have a tour in the Jemez to include the Gilman Tunnel road and a visit to the Ponderosa Winery. This promises to be a fun outing. Wed 21 Sep 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 23 Sep 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 24 Sep 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Sun 25 Sep early! State Fair Car Show! Another great event! Ribbons galore! Show your Corvair! Contact Robert Gold - 505-268-6878 or by e-mail at ( beisbol @ ) Wed 5 Oct 7:30 PM Regular Meeting - GALLES CHEVROLET 1601 Lomas NE Sat 8 Oct 1:00 PM CNM Ladies - TBA Wed 19 Oct 5:00 PM Board Meeting - House of Covers Fri 21 Oct 9:00 PM Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman Sat 22 Oct 8:30 AM CNM Breakfast - TBA Sat 22 Oct 10:30 AM Car Project, Ray Trujillo's place. H:839-7436 W:266-4011 =+=CNM=+= * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE, TRADE OR WANTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NOTE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Next month I will purge all old advertisements, so tell me if yours should stay. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NOTE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + FOR SALE: 1968 Corvair Monza Convertible, 110 HP, 4-speed. New front seat upholstery, New carpet, 2-year old top. Sheet metal in floor has been replaced. Needs paint, has rust. $3,000 -- John Arnold 505-281-5542 FOR SALE: 1965 Monza coupe 1966 Corsa coupe Both are parts cars - there are various extra parts. Both are in Carlsbad, New Mexico Need about $100 each OBO - Contact George Haile 505-885-5641 FOR SALE: 1963 Monza Convertible in Albuquerque Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 19:33:13 -0500 From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau ( ddpleau @ ) To: House of Covers ( stevegongora @ ) I got a email from a former coworker in Albuquerque whose son has a 1963 Monza Convertible for sale. It was garage kept until a year ago and has 41K on the odometer. She says the body is good, but the top has a tear. Her son just bought it but she is making him sell it because of the other unfinished car projects he has. If you are interested, let me know and I'll have her contact you. -- Dennis WANTED: Wire hubcap with prong spinner -- Bernie Urbassik -- 294-7751 FOR SALE: 1963 Corvair Monza coupe, Automatic, one previous owner. All original interior. Runs great, needs nothing, well, maybe gas! $5,500.00 - Ruth Boydston - 821-1506 FOR SALE: NOS parts: Call Bill Reider 299-4597 Distributor Plate 1993395 Delco............... $20 W/S wiper & washer switch 67-69 GM............ $35 Distributor Cap 60-61 Delco................... $ 4 Push Rod Tubes GM 6255650 5 @................. $10 ea. Starter Lever Delco D4909..................... $ 8 PVC Valve for Corvair CV584C.................. $ 6 FOR SALE: New Parts: Call Bill Reider 299-4597 Shifter shaft seals early & late.............. $ 3 ea. Late front top shock bushings................. $18 pr. Rear strut rod bushings. Late................. $17 pr. or $30 for 4 Defroster deflectors late..................... $ 6 pr. Distributor vacuum advance Standard Ing....... $18 Headlight switch 64-69........................ $16 Air Cleaner Gaskets Late Tube to Cleaner Base. $ 1.50 Air Cleaner Gasket Top of Carb................ $ 1.50 pr. Ing. Switch 65 w/ key light................... $20 not original FOR SALE: Used Parts: Call Bill Reider 299-4597 Distributor vacuum advance used............... $ 2 to $ 8 ea. Distributor Shafts............................ $12 Distributor Cams.............................. $ 6 Distributor weights........................... $ 5 pr. Push Rod Tubes excellent...................... $ 7 Push Rod Tubes good........................... $ 5 Bare Distributors no point plate, vac adv etc. $25 Cleaned up Distributors....................... $40-$80 FOR SALE: Stickers: Call Bill Reider 299-4597 1/4 Moon Shaped Sticker 164 Turbo-Air 110 HP.. $ 1.50 Axle Oil Level Check.......................... $ 2 110 HP Decal Cross Flags...................... $ 2 Jacking Instructions 65-66 non A/C............ $ 3.50 Glove Box Info Sticker early.................. $ 2 Engine Warning 65-69 Glove Box door........... $ 2 Tire Pressure 65 Glove Box door............... $ 2 Tire Pressure 67 Glove Box door............... $ 3 W/S Washer Bottle paper label W/ Self Adhesive $ 2 W/S Washer Bottle paper label................. $ 1.50 FOR SALE: 1964 Corvair 4-door sedan. Needs windshield, paint. Upholstery okay. Engine starts but some smoke (blowby?) Needs tires. Was red, red interior. Has title - last registered 1978. In Bernalillo, NM. Anthony Salas - 505-867-0883 FREE PARTS CARS: FREE: 1963 Corvair Convertible. Mostly disassembled. Has a fair amount of rust, floor boards are good, has no body sag, it could be saved. 80hp 4speed Powertrain is in place. Has title. Geoff Johnson - Pictures available, email geoffj @ - 505-720-1484 FREE: 1964 Corvair Monza Coupe. Fairly straight body with little rust. Has all windows. PG, has early crankcase in place, would need new engine. No title. Geoff Johnson - Pictures available, email geoffj @ - 505-720-1484 FOR SALE: 1962 Wagon 700 $1.500.00 OBO -- Terry Price 872-0100 1967 Monza 2-door coupe, 110-HP, automatic. $2,500.00 OBO Great interior, good condition. -- Terry Price 872-0100 AVAILABLE: Bernie Urbassik - Upholstery work - reasonable price - 294-7751 FOR SALE: 1961 Monza coupe, '66 110-HP engine, Powerglide. New interior, needs paint and minor body work. Make offer - Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 - hurbrenwil @ FOR SALE: 1968 Monza coupe, 110-HP rebuilt engine with 4 carbs, Powerglide. New paint, good interior. Make offer - Hurley Wilvert 281-1732 - hurbrenwil @ FOR SALE: 1966 Corvair Monza 2 dr hardtop - 110-HP stick John Wiker 899-3076 / 239-3311 WANTED: Late Model - complete - cash - Robert Philips - 505-898-1255 * * * * * CNM ADS ARE FREE TO CNM MEMBERS, $5.00 TO NON-CNM MEMBERS * * * * * =+=CNM=+= SEVEN YEARS AGO Jim Pittman Seven Years Ago - August 1998 - Volume 24 - Number 8 The flagpole crew posed for a cover photo at the Boydston cabin in the Pecos mountains. While president Dennis ran our July meeting and Chuck was away, our editor took notes. Monetary assets were $6652 and change. Car Council news: no more swap meets at the University since reservations were not honored. NMCCC officer candidates were needed. The museum car show was a success. Santa Fe Fourth of July the coming weekend. Picnic at the Elks' in August. State Fair car show in September. Tour to Chimayo in October. Larry Blair reported on a visit to Holloman AFB and seeing F-117 stealth fighters and German Air Force pilots. A long-time member who had not paid his CNM dues complained about being dropped but refused to join CORSA. Clayborne and Karen were moving to California. Our speaker was David Mick who told about his experience at General Motors during the late forties. Jerry Goffe wrote a long report for us on the planting of the flagpole at the Boydston's cabin. It was quite an experience and those who went really enjoyed the day. Finally, this issue was full of tech tips: what tools and parts to carry along on a trip, electronic ignition systems in great detail, keeping an eye on the carb crossover tube. Fourteen Years Ago - August 1991 - Volume 17 - Number 8 The cover showed "trunks" - a Lakewood with both the front and the back open, plus three elephants. President Gongora ran the meeting. We had $460 in the bank. We thanked Milton Sanchez for his contributions to the success of the All-Chevy Show at Ed Black Chevrolet. We had a dinner meeting at Charlie's Chili restaurant. We planned to go to Santa Fe for the July 4th car show, and later Jim and Sylvan reported on it. We planned an econo-run, an auction and a show at the State Fair. Several members planned a Corvair trip to Flagstaff in August. Francis Boydston chaired a committee to pick a jacket patch design for next year's Tri-State at Las Vegas, New Mexico. No tech tips this month. Twenty-one Years Ago - August 1984 - Volume 10 - Number 8 Our cover showed a 1966 Fitch Sprint. In place of a July meeting we all drove up through San Ysidro and the Jemez Valley to Bandelier National Monument in a relaxed econo-run. Norm Brand got best mileage in an automatic: 30.77 MPG, while George Morin got the best with a manual: 30.02 MPG. LeRoy Rogers called for CNM members to attend the Car Council picnic next month. Bill Reider reported on installing two Holly 2-barrel carbs on a 110-HP engine using the Clark's kit. It didn't exactly go smoothly. (Jim will be glad to provide details.) Tips on transmission maintenance and wheel balancing rounded out this skimpy issue. Twenty-eight Years Ago - August 1977 - Volume 3 - Number 6 Our meeting attracted 31 people, several of whom were guests. Three members were to be on a KOB talk show in August. We did - but who remembers how it turned out? Not your editor. Did we make any impression? Francis was working on the problem of affordable insurance for Corvair daily (or occasional) drivers. The Newsletter reprinted a letter from Denmark thanking Francis for sending a part for a 1964 Corvair to a gentleman in that country. The gentleman said he loved his Monza convertible and there was a Corvair club in Denmark. =+=CNM=+= CHILDREN'S LETTERS Rowland Croucher - May 30, 10:30 1. Dear God, Please put another holiday between Christmas and Easter. There is nothing good in there now. Amanda 2. Dear God, Thank you for the baby brother, but what I asked for was a puppy. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up. Joyce 3. Dear God, I wish you would not make it so easy for people to come apart. I had to have 3 stitches and a shot. Janet 4. Dear God, I read the bible. What does beget mean? Nobody will tell me. Love Alison 5. Dear God, How did you know you were God? Who told you? Charlene 6. Dear God, Is it true my father won't get into Heaven if he uses his golf words in the house? Anita 7. Dear God, I bet it's very hard for you to love all of everybody in the whole world. There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it. Nancy 8. Dear God, I like the story about Noah the best of all of them. You really made up some good ones. I like walking on water, too. Glenn 9. Dear God, My Grandpa says you were around when he was a little boy. How far back do you go? Love, Dennis 10. Dear God, Do you draw the lines around the countries? If you don't, who does? Nathan 11. Dear God, Did you mean for giraffes to look like that, or was it an accident? Norma 12. Dear God, In bible times, did they really talk that fancy? Jennifer 13. Dear God, How come you did all those miracles in the old days and don't do any now? Billy 14. Dear God, Please send Dennis Clark to a different summer camp this year. Peter 15. Dear God, Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they each had their own rooms. It works out OK with me and my brother. Larry 16. Dear God, I keep waiting for spring, but it never did come yet. What's up? Don't forget. Mark 17. Dear God, My brother told me about how you are born, but it just doesn't sound right. What do you say? Marsha 18. Dear God, If you watch in Church on Sunday, I will show you my new shoes. Barbara 19. Dear God, Is Reverend Coe a friend of yours, or do you just know him through the business? Donny 20. Dear God, I do not think anybody could be a better God than you. Well, I just want you to know that. I am not just saying that because you are already God. Charles 21. Dear God, It is great the way you always get the stars in the right place. Why can't you do that with the moon? Jeff 22. Dear God, I am doing the best I can. Really !!!! Frank 23. Dear God, I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday night. That was really cool. Thomas 24. Dear God, Is it true when my daddy was my age there wasn't any internet? If so where was it? Jessica =+=CNM=+= Breakfast at MiMi's - Saturday July 23 Heula Pittman THE Pattens, Pittmans, Huntoon, Rogers, Williams and Johnson members met this morning for breakfast at MiMi's. Walker came in later and was reminded that the CNM breakfast time is always 8:30. As usual, the food was pretty good and the fellowship even better. All around the table, conversations about Corvair problems (oops - I mean opportunities for learning) could be heard among the guys. Sally, Kim and I exchanged ideas for herb gardens. Sally gave us a demonstration on making "things," I'm not sure what they are called, with lavender and ribbon woven together. They sure smelled nice! She also told us a little bit about her upcoming trip to Spain. We informed her that we would be expecting a nice long, interesting article for the newsletter after she gets home. Who knows, she may find Spanish web cafes and send reports along the way. Dave arrived in the Library Van. It was really great to see it up and running around town. We drove our little Miata. Kim had the nerve to say that it wasn't good for anything! that it was too small to carry anything! Del asked why we had the hard top on. Oh, it was so hurt! But then Kim said that it was kinda pretty. I think she was just jealous!! Maybe next month more of our members can join us for some good chit chat and breakfast. I don't know where it is to be, but I'm sure Sally has somewhere nice to meet in mind. =+=CNM=+= Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 09:16:52 EDT From: EDomzalski @ Subject: Coming Home!!! Hello everyone! Just a quick update to let you all know that we are leaving Washington and heading for home. We will begin our journey July 29th, making a stop to visit Mark's Dad in north GA for a couple of days. We are also picking up a generator Tom gave Mark about six years ago. We will be home some time the first week in August. We wanted to swing down through FL for a quick visit with my family, but time does not permit as Mark has to report to work the week we get home. We look forward to seeing our NM friends. Please let our other Corvair friends who are not on this e-mail know we will see them soon. With much love, Mark and Elizabeth =+=CNM=+= Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 08:05:54 -0600 From: Richard Finch ( finchbird @ ) To: Jim Pittman ( casa @ ) Subject: Fw: New contact information As of today, July 16, 2005, our new contact information is as follows: * e-mail ================ rfgefinch @ * cell phone, Richard === 1-505-430-1258 * cell phone, Gayle ===== 1-505-439-9452 * mailing address: 1418 Apple Avenue * Tularosa, NM 88352-2006 ------------------------------------------------------- This means that our P.O. box is no longer active, and that our office phone and fax numbers are no longer active. ----- Just use the new contact listed above.... Thanks, Richard Finch, RETIRED!!!! =+=CNM=+= Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 14:49:39 -0400 From: William Kaufman ( beaux @ ) To: jim pittman ( casa @ ) Subject: new element discovered A major research institution has announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science: "governmentium." It has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons and 111 assistant deputy neutrons for an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons that are further surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like sub particles called peons. Governmentium has no electrons and is therefore inert. It can be detected, however, since it impedes every reaction it comes into contact with. A tiny amount of governmentium can take a reaction that normally occurs in seconds and slow it to the point where it take days. Governmentium has a normal half-life of three years. It doesn't decay but "re-organizes"; a process where assistant deputy neutrons and deputy neutrons change places. This process actually causes it to grow as, in the confusion, some morons become neutrons, thereby forming isodopes. This phenomenon of "moron promotion" has led to some speculation that governmentium forms whenever sufficient morons meet in concentration, forming critical morass. Researchers believe that in Governmentium, the more you re-organize, the morass you cover. =+=CNM=+= OLD ROUTE 66 Clean-Up Oliver Scheflow THE CLUB HELD its second clean-up of the year on Saturday July 9. We had a beautiful morning and most crews were finished by 9 AM, and all of us were done by 9:30. We had a record turn-out, helped by some out-of-town volunteers. PARTICIPANTS WERE: Robert and Javier Gold; Dave Huntoon; Gordon Johnson; Geoffrey Johnson; Del Patten and guest Mike Sutton from Alabama; Oliver Scheflow and son-in-law Jim Kenny and grandchildren Corrigan and Atticus from Ohio; Hurley Wilvert. Thanks to all who participated. We hope to see all of you for our next clean-up in October. -- Ollie =+=CNM=+= Cover Story: North to Alaska! Jim Pittman IN 1966 AS AN AIR FORCE lieutenant I was reassigned from Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio to Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Alaska for a four-year tour at the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory. Thinking that my Austin-Healey would never survive the winters there, I bought a new turbocharged Corsa coupe. (Why a Corvair? Because I had several friends who loved their Spyders, and of course the Corvair had no antifreeze to worry about, so I thought it would be a good car for weather extremes.) On the morning of June 12, 1966, with 3265 miles on the odometer, I left Dayton and headed west. My first view of the Rocky Mountains was as I approached Colorado Springs where I spent a day or so. I proceeded across Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon to Portland where I had the Chevy dealer change the plugs, points, oil and filter. Doubling back through Washington, I drove by Grand Coulee Dam (it was much less impressive than I expected) and crossed into Canada. I drove up through British Columbia's magnificent mountain scenery to the Pacific coast where I boarded a ferry to take me up to the corner of Alaska. After leaving the ferry at Haines I was soon back in Canada in the Yukon Territory, driving up the famous (and mostly unpaved) Alaska Highway. I reached Fort Wainwright in the early morning of June 24th. Not counting the distance on the ferry, I drove 5,373 miles from Dayton to Fairbanks, spending $116 on 266 gallons of gasoline for an average of 20 miles per gallon. Not bad for a turbo Corvair that sometimes got to travel faster than the speed limit! And, the cost of the gasoline averaged out to 44 cents a gallon for the trip. The Corvair took me through a year in Alaska and never failed to start even at 40 below - yes, it had an electric heater. In addition to driving to Anchorage and Nenana and a few other places, I participated in an autocross on a frozen lake. The front-wheel-drive Saabs with studded tires won easily. When the Air Force closed our lab the following year, I had a pleasant 5,000-mile trip down the Alaska highway and through the western states to New Mexico. Along the way I got lots of photos of beautiful scenery and had a few adventures. Maybe I'll write up some of them for the newsletter one of these days. =+=CNM=+=