The May 2010 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 29-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico    

   MAY 2010 / VOLUME 36 / NUMBER 5 / ISSUE #416  

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 5 May 2010 at 7:00 PM
              Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE

 Dues Due ................................ Membership Committee
 Drive a Corvair! .......................... President Pat Hall
 April Meeting Minutes ............................... Art Gold
 April Board Meeting Minutes ......................... Art Gold
 Birthdays and Anniversaries ............... Sunshine Committee
 Route 66 Cleanup and the Weather ............. Oliver Scheflow
 Route 66 Clean Up: My Years on the Road .......... Javier Gold
 Talking During Meetings ........................ Heula Pittman
 Raring Retreat To Red River 2011 ............. Brenda Stickler
 Calendar of Coming Events ................. Board of Directors
 Powerglide TUNA Report ............................ Dan Palmer
 CORSA Corner - May 2010 .............. Director Jamie Reinhart
 Installing Clark's A/C in a 1963 Coupe Part 2 .. Richard Finch
 Late-breaking News on Canon City Tri-State ..... Paul Campbell
 Map with locations of all 26 Tri-State Events ......... Editor
 Seven, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ............... Club Historian
COVER: Admiring 1960 & 1966 Corvair Coupes at the April Meeting


    President:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
    Vice-Pres:     Ray Trujillo  505-839-7436              ray @
    Secretary:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
    Treasurer:  Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
  Car Council:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
  Merchandise:  Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
   Membership:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
     Sunshine:   Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
   Newsletter:     Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
    Past Pres:    Mike Stickler  505-856-6993         sticorsa @
Correspondent: Charles Vertrees  505-299-0744         vertrees @
   Membership:  Sylvan Zuercher  505-299-7577            flat6 @
     Emeritus: Wendell Walker    505-892-8471       defarge505 @

        DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
             CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
       CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00
              CORSA's home page:
           Steve Gongora's page:
              CNM's newsletters:


== DUE LAST MONTH = INACTIVE 25-MAY-2010: (none)

2010.05                Jack Bryan      1982.02

2010.06   Melba & Tommie J. Anderson   2008.06
2010.06                Mark Jones      2009.06
2010.06                John Myers      2003.05
2010.06                Joel Nash       1974.12
2010.06                Fred Riggs      2008.06

====== DUE JUL = INACTIVE 25-AUG-2010:
2010.07            Geoffrey Johnson    2002.03

2009.03               Sally Williams   2003.09
2009.07               Jerry Goffe      1977.05
2009.08        Marci & Gary Calabrese  2008.08
2009.11       Pam & Charlie Mann       2008.11
2009.12              Robert Galli      2007.10
2010.01           Kim & Del Patten     1980.07

Send your Dues to:
    Robert Gold
   CNM Treasurer,
  1301 Valencia NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships will become inactive after a
one-month grace period. The Club will mail in your
National Dues when you renew, if you send us the
renewal form from your CORSA Communique!


Drive A Corvair!
Pat Hall

May the Best Car Win! The 2010 Tri-State in Canon City, Colorado, sponsored by
Pikes peak Corvair Club, is just a few short weeks away. Let's go for the GUSTO
and show up with as many Corvairs as possible. Some will drive up on Thursday
and some on Friday. If you want to go in a CNM Cor-a-van (that's a "Corvair
caravan") on either day, be sure to coordinate with others who are going up the
same day so you are all at the starting place at the same time.

The TUNA at my house on April 17, 2010, which was performed by Alan Gold on the
Powerglide automatic transmission, was a great success. We had 15 members in
attendance and everyone seemed to enjoy the demonstration, lecture and
questions-and-answers by Alan, as well as the coffee, sodas and snacks provided
by Vickie. After the TUNA, lunch at Sopa's Restaurant was enjoyed by 13 CNM
friends. It was a really nice day and I thank all who participated.

If you didn't make it to the Galles Chevrolet Open House on Wednesday April 21st
you missed a great opportunity to see a first rate restoration shop. Vehicles
from several car clubs were there along with several cars and frame-off
restorations done by Galles. They looked fantastic. Galles provided catered food
and no one should have left hungry. A big thanks to Galles Chevrolet. There were
14 members from CNM in attendance and at least five Corvairs were to be seen.


Minutes Regular Meeting - 04-07-2010
Art Gold

THE MEETING COMMENCED at 7:03 pm at the Highland Senior Center with 23

Officer Reports

Pat Hall (President) asked for approval of the previous minutes. Pat also
introduced guests from Galles Chevrolet, who were to give a presentation at the
end of the meeting.

Ray Trujillo (Vice President) stated that the anniversary dinner was tremendous,
and that the Ike Meissner award was presented to Ruth Boydston. She had left
early from the dinner and Ray presented her the award personally at her home.

Art Gold (Secretary) stated that he had nothing to report.

Robert Gold (Treasurer) was not in attendance but gave a paper report of the
funds to Alan Gold who reported that the funds are: Cash Account $2,701.89 and
GMAC Account $1,161.39 for a total of $3,863.28.

Sylvan Zuercher (Membership) stated that he had a guest who wanted to sell a
nice 1963 Spyder. The car is in Albuquerque and has been in the family for 30
years. Pictures of the car were circulated. There is no set price for the car.

Dave Huntoon (Membership, Car Council) discussed that a faded club resurfaced
for the NMCCC: the Las Cruces Rod Runners. He also stated that the NMCCC website
is still not completely up and running. The council is trying to buy back its
privilege to use its old web name. Temporarily it is using the name
"" instead of "" which is
the original name. The topic of the upcoming museum show was discussed. The main
attraction is that this is the 50th anniversary of the Year of the Compacts, as
well as the 100th anniversary of the Hudson. We don't know of a Falcon club or a
Valiant club, but there's a Corvair club! CNM wants as many people as possible
to show up, especially since this year there's no conflict with the Tri-State.
The time to meet for the show on 05-16-2010 is 7:00 AM, location TBA. (In
previous years we have gathered at the northwest corner of the parking lot of
the Sheraton Hotel just north of Old Town at Rio Grande & Bellamah NW.) Dave
also stated that he sent CNM and CORSA application forms to an Ultra Van
enthusiast named William Panzer who lives in Taos.

Jim Pittman (Editor) discussed the club's appreciation for our tour of
Galles/Kraco Racing back in 1996. For the Canon City Tri-State, Jim passed out
T-shirt order forms and passed around a sign-up list for the banquet dinner at
the Tri-State. Jim also had printed out maps to Canon City. Pat asked if there
were plans for a caravan up to the Tri-State. Maybe Steve Gongora would organize
that? Some may go up on Thursday, some on Friday.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine Committee) stated that there was an error in the
newsletter concerning Ruth's time as head of merchandise. It was 9-10 years not
5 years. Heula also thanked Pat and Vickie Hall on behalf of the club for the
scrap metal recycling venture. Pat's truck was really loaded tonight!

Mike Boushey and Steve Esqueda of Galles Collision, 1601 Lomas NE, made a
presentation at the end of the meeting. He told us that Galles is setting up a
restoration group for older cars. It is menu priced, and they offer much support
for car collector clubs. Wednesday, 04-21-2010 marks the date for an open house
to be held at Galles Chevrolet from 5:30 - 7:30pm. We are invited.
Upcoming events:

 Old Route 66 clean up at 9am, maybe lunch afterwards.
 TUNA at Pat Hall's place at 10am, conducted by Alan Gold. Topic is automatic
transmissions. Lunch will be afterwards at Sopa's in Bosque Farms.
 Albuquerque Tour hosted by Chuck Vertrees, possible meeting place to begin the
tour will be at the Winrock Mall parking lot.
 NMCCC and Albuquerque Museum 32nd Annual Car Show.
(05-21 to 05-23-2010)
 Tri-State at Canon City, Colorado will be sponsored by the Pikes Peak Club and
the Boydston Award will be presented there. If going to the Tri-State, please
sign the sign-up sheet for the banquet.
 Old Route 66 clean-up 8:00am
 Annual Father's Day Car Show - Valley View Christian Church - Edgewood, NM -
(06-21 to 06-25-2010)
 CORSA International Convention - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm

That's all folks! -- Art Gold



Mary Alice Scheflow     May  2
Marilyn Foster          May 11
Samantha Wilvert        May 19
Stephanie Wilvert       May 19
Pat Hall                May 22
Brenda Wilvert          May 23
Mary Lou Martinek       May 26
Anne Mae Gold           May 28


Mary Lou & Mark Martinek        May  1
Mary Alice & Ollie Scheflow     May  6
Leslie & Kevin Sullivan         May 13
Lee & Bill Reider               May 27
Julia & Chuck Vertrees          May 30


April Board Meeting Minutes 04-22-2010
Art Gold

Meeting started late due to traffic and weather (rain, wind) issues. Brenda and
Mike Stickler had phoned that they would be late. Meeting came to order at

Officer Reports

Pat Hall (President) first stated that he wanted to cancel May's board meeting
due to the copious amounts of activities in May. All present agreed. (Pat
repeated this later in the meeting for Brenda's benefit.) Then he introduced
Hector Gongora who wished to speak to the board.

Hector Gongora (Guest) stated that he was attending for an organization that is
trying to lobby the legislature for a law for people that are being held back
due to people who are put in prison for sex crimes. This is to assist in
allowing the people to reintegrate into society. The organization is called
"Citizens for Change" and Hector came to us with a proposal that we organize a
car show to benefit this organization.

Ray Trujillo (Vice President) stated  he had no new business to report.

Art Gold (Secretary) stated that he enjoyed the Galles Restoration open house,
and the meatballs were scrumptious.

Robert Gold (Treasurer) stated that there is $2,671.59 in the CNM checking
account and $1,161.39 in the GMAC Account for a total of $3,832.98. Also he
stated that this newsletter will be the one that will publicize the Museum Show
which will be on Sunday May 16th. The club will meet at the hotel near Old Town
(tall building at Rio Grande Blvd and Bellamah NW) and be prepared to enter no
later than 7:00am. We need a good turnout because if there is low attendance,
then there is a chance that the Corvairs could loose their class in the show.
Dave Huntoon (Membership/NM Car Council) was not present.

Jim Pittman (Editor) discussed organizing caravans to drive to the Tri-State.
Some want to go on Thursday and some on Friday. The location for departure for
those in the Albuquerque area is on I-25, just north of the exit to Bernalillo
and Placitas, at a possible time of 6:30am. Pat asked Steve Gongora when he
planned to leave (Friday). Jim brought an issue of the "Dripline" (Pikes Peak
Club newsletter) and told us that the banquet has changed locations to Buckskin
Joe's Frontier Town 10 miles west of Canon City.

Jim brought up the 100% CORSA membership question. CNM has 53 paid members.
According to CORSA, 5 of these are past due in their CORSA dues. Jim had printed
member lists for Pat. Also he stated that there is a lot of information in the
Communique, and on Virtual Vairs (online). He stated that this month there will
be a section in the newsletter called the CORSA Corner. There was talk about
CORSA's financial problems, how costs are increasing and the membership is
decreasing. Talked about possible recruitment of new members, and the
possibility of fewer issues of the Communique each year or dues increases, all
of which may come to reality after the national convention. Urged the members to
read the Communique and be prepared.

Heula Pittman (Sunshine Committee) stated that she had coupons for Walgreens for
bags that are 3 for a dollar, which would be good for door prizes for future
events. Also stated that Dave Huntoon's father fell about a month ago and broke
a hip bone. She sent a get-well card. Heula also brought up that it would be a
good idea for future door prizes to be more "men" oriented. She brought up a pet
peeve that she has about people having side bar conversations during the regular
meeting and read a statement that discussed this issue.

Vickie Hall (Merchandise) turned over $39.00 in cash to the treasury. The topic
of new CNM license plates came up, and they still can be made, but the board
decided that there still are plates available for $5 until they are gone.

New Business

2011 Tri-State

Brenda Stickler (Tri-State) stated that there are five questions from the last
board meeting. Question 1: Would we still have to pay $25 to enter a Corvair in
the car show. YES. 2: Can we have a Corvair show that is separate from the main
show? YES. 3: Could a Corvair be on the T-shirt? YES, maybe. 4: Where would the
banquet be? The Red River Conference Center will be available and the club could
walk or drive to it. 5: What if we decide we would prefer the 2nd weekend in
June, would we have a discounted rate at the hotel? YES, a discounted rate would
apply ($63 plus tax).

For the Lift West hotel, there is parking underneath the hotel. The hotel is set
up in a lodge format and the cost of $63 would be for each bed. Some rooms have
one bathroom, or two bedrooms would share. (Lift West is the name of the hotel,
and there may be a website with pictures).

Robert Gold loves the idea of piggy-backing on the bigger car show, for less
work for the club. Jim Pittman stated that the voting for Tri-State Corvairs at
the car show should be done by and for Tri-State Corvair people only
independently of the large car show. Heula Pittman urged that we should not have
it in the second week in June because of teachers and students, and it would be
rather late in the summer for the event.

We voted on the date for the 2011 Tri-State and on the location. By unanimous
vote (8-0) it will be the first weekend in June (3rd-5th) and at Red River, NM.

Committees for this event will be organized at a later date.

N M Car Council Web-Site

Should CNM help with the web-site. Robert Gold stated that it may be prudent to
stay out of their situation. Chuck Vertrees stated that the Car Council is quite
affluent in economic terms. There was a discussion of how the original decision
was made for the first web-site. A motion was posed to table a vote for a
decision for donating funds to the Car Council until they initiate the money
issue or until we get more information.

Old Business

A car show as proposed by Hector Gongora topic was discussed further. Discussion
entailed that the lead time is not long enough to organize a show. How is this
show going to raise money? Robert Gold wants to support Hector, but it's really
difficult to put a show together on such short notice.

Robert Gold stated that the recent Powerglide TUNA was great. The weather stayed
at bay. Alan Gold explained the operation of the Powerglide transmission in such
a way that anyone could benefit from the discussion.

Vickie Hall stated that the Edgewood Show will be conflicting with the date of
Hector's proposed car show and that the Edgewood Car Show last year was awesome.
It's on Father's Day (June 20th, 2010). A meeting spot will be discussed at the
June regular meeting where we will meet to drive our Corvairs to the show.

Topic of talking during the regular meeting.

Ray Trujillo stated he had an opinion on the topic of side bar conversation. He
stated that it would be nice to let people who have the floor be able to speak
and be heard. Would it be appropriate for the president to keep order (quiet)
and have the group know that they can discuss topics at the 66 Diner.

Discussed the topic of passing around newsletters and sign-up or for sale

Art Gold stated he uses the attendance sheet for an account of the attendees at
the regular meeting.

Heula Pittman brought up the idea of having a Parliamentarian who will keep
order during the regular meetings might help. Pat asked if Heula would serve as
this Parliamentarian and she agreed.

Jim Pittman said he would stop circulating the other clubs' news-letters during
the meeting times but just give the newsletters to the president. Pat Hall
stated that newsletters should not circulate but will be held until the end of
the meeting to help keep more order. Vickie Hall stated that the newsletters
have been collected for the benefit of certain members.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:35pm

That's All Folks, says Art Gold


Route 66 Cleanup and New Mexico Weather
Oliver Scheflow

Back in 2009 I was looking forward to a nice spring day for our switch from
March to April for our first cleanup period of the year. The results were
freezing temperatures, strong winds and a light rain, which fortunately stopped
before we started our cleanup chore. This year our first cleanup was on Saturday
April 10th and the weather was 100 per cent the opposite: sunny, warm, beautiful
skies, and little wind. We couldn't have asked for better weather, and we had a
full crew.

Some of us found a lot less trash than usual. Some of the crew said the most
interesting item they saw was a dead cat. It was a great pick-up-trash morning
and I think we all had a pleasant time. With a large crew we were done pretty
early. Some gathered afterward at our usual spot, the Golden Corral, for
breakfast or brunch or at least coffee.

Participating were: Robert Gold, Javier Gold (15 years old, who has been part of
our crew since he was seven), Larry Hickerson, Dave Huntoon, Lube Lubert, Dan
Palmer, Jim Pittman, Bill Reider, Ollie Scheflow and Larry Yoffee.

Thanks to all the above for a record turnout. Hope to see you all for the June
cleanup. -- Ollie


ROUTE 66 CLEAN UP -- My Years on the Road
Javier Gold

Eight years ago my father asked me if I wanted to go with him to do the Old
Route 66 Clean Up. It has since turned in to a tradition for him and me. I'm now
15 years old, so I've been doing this for over half my life. Every few months my
dad and I, along with Ollie Scheflow, Jim Pittman, and other CNM members, drive
up to our spot near Central and Tramway and pick up trash along the highway.
We've found many interesting items along the road. On one occasion as we were
walking along I picked up what I thought was a strand of rope. It turned out to
be a corn snake! I was able to find out the kind of snake because of Geoff
Johnson who is a real animal enthusiast. Geoff was able to identify it from the
picture I took with my camera phone. On another clean up we found a "well
preserved" steel Pepsi can that had a pull tab opening from the late 1970's.

I know Ollie has been doing this clean up longer than I have, and I really
appreciate all his hard work. My dad and I are part of a small group of
regulars, but the number of people doing this important job needs to increase.
At the last pickup we had just 6 people. We have a lot of ground to cover and
having more people would make it a lot easier and faster. It is a great thing to
do and it is one of those things that makes you feel good when you're done
because you know that you've done something good for the city and the historic
highway in New Mexico. You would be amazed what people throw out of their cars.
Everything from beer bottles to auto parts. Every time I go there I find
something new.

Even though not many people show up regularly to pick up the trash, those who do
come have done a great job. If you drive through that stretch of road you can
see how nice it looks. Ollie has done a great job organizing the effort. He can
be counted on being there no matter what kind of weather we have or how early it

I don't know if all of you know this, but picking up the trash is not the only
activity we do out there. It's become a tradition for some of the people to meet
at the Golden Corral resturaunt afterwards for a late breakfast. Not only do you
feel good about the job you've done, but you also get to eat delicious food and
lots of it!

So next time there is another clean up I encourage as many people as possible to
come out and help preserve our Mother Road.


Talking During Meetings
Heula Pittman

For many years my mother was a school teacher. She would be happy to know that
some of her lessons permanently rubbed off on me! One of the things she
emphasized was that I should not talk nor interrupt while another person is
speaking. I'll bet you were taught the same thing by your parents. I'll bet you
taught this to your own children!

But at CNM, month after month when we gather for our meetings, we have small
groups of people who talk to their neighbors while the meeting is going on. I
think our last general meeting was the noisiest ever! There were so many
conversations going on around the room it was impossible for me to hear much of
what was supposed to be the important business of the meeting.

To me, carrying on private conversations while a meeting is in progress is one
of the rudest, most uncouth and most ignorant things a person can do. And yet we
have all been guilty of this thoughtless behavior. Apparently it is just too
hard NOT to reply when someone leans over to us and asks a question or makes a
comment. We just don't seem to realize that talking during a meeting can prevent
others from hearing what is going on.

Why do we keep on doing this? One reason is, many of us do not hear as well as
we used to (even though we don't want to admit it) and consequently it's easy to
feel isolated from whatever is going on at the meeting. As for me, I feel I'm
gradually experiencing more and more short-term memory loss. (Maybe it's
information overload, not memory loss!) Either way, I have found it helps me to
keep a pad and pencil handy to jot down thoughts before I forget them. Then at a
more appropriate time I'll have my ideas available. Maybe we should issue pads
and pencils at the door?

As for poor hearing, well, this is partly up to the speaker. It should be the
speaker's responsibility to stand up if possible, speak clearly and speak loudly
enough to be heard, after being recognized by our president.

We all owe it to each other to be considerate of other members and allow the
person who has the floor to have the floor! Can't we all try to keep our
conversation times to either before or after the meetings in the future? I
believe that we would all be much happier campers if we would use these

Remember, these are our CNM meetings where business is to be conducted. While
the meeting is in progress it is not party time and it is not visiting time. We
should save that till later. We could come to the meetings early or stay late to
socialize. Or, we could join the members who routinely go to the "66 Diner"
after meetings for snacks and socializing.

Thanks for all of your lessons over the years, Mama. -- Heula


Raring Retreat To Red River 2011
by Brenda Stickler & Heula Pittman

BRENDA PRESENTED the final items to be discussed before the CNM board at the
April board meeting. Then it was time for the board to vote whether to approve
Red River as our Tri-State for 2011 location.

By a unanimous vote it was decided that we will trek to Red River in 2011. The
date for the event, first weekend of June, was approved as well.

Expect plenty of updates from us, as well as pleas for members to head up the
different Tri-State committees.

So mark your Calendar for June 3rd, 4th & 5th 2011 for the Lifts West Hotel in
the heart of Red River. Be prepared to have a great time. Thanks in advance for
those who chip in to make this Tri-State a success. As usual Heula and Brenda
will look forward to working with each of you!


  C O R V A I R S   o f   N E W   M E X I C O    C O M I N G   E V E N T S
|          May           |          June          |          July          |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|                     1  |         1  2  3  4  5  |               1  2  3  |
|   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  |   6  7  8  9 10 11 12  |   4  5  6  7  8  9 10  |
|   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  |  13 14 15 16 17 18 19  |  11 12 13 14 15 16 17  |
|  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  |  20 21 22 23 24 25 26  |  18 19 20 21 22 23 24  |
|  23 24 25 26 27 28 29  |  27 28 29 30           |  25 26 27 28 29 30 31  |
|  30 31                 |                        |                        |
Wed  5 May  7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  5 May  8:30 PM  After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  8 May  1:00 PM  Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starting in Bosque Farms at the
                     Wells Fargo Bank. This is every second Saturday.
Sun 16 May  7:00 AM  Corvairs: meet at Sheraton Hotel parking lot, NW corner,
                     Rio Grande Blvd & Bellamah NW so we can go in together!
Sun 16 May 10:00 AM  NMCCC and Albuquerque Museum 32nd Annual Car Show
                     Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd NW, Albuquerque
 NOTE: this year's show celebrates the introduction of the 1960 Compact Cars!
       There will be Corvairs! Will there be Falcons and Valiants? We'll see.
NOTICE: the Board Meeting has been cancelled, this month only.
Wed 19 May  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman - EARLY THIS MONTH!
Fri-Sat-Sun May 21-22-23 The Tri-State will be held in Canon City, Colorado.
                   Sponsored by Pikes Peak Corvair Club, Colorado Springs, CO.
=  BOYDSTON AWARD: Sponsored by the Pikes Peak club.

Wed  2 Jun  7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  2 Jun  8:30 PM  After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  5 Jun  8:00 AM  Second Old Route 66 Clean-up of 2010.
                     Brunch afterwards? Ollie Scheflow 897-2611
Sat 12 Jun  1:00 PM  Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starting in Bosque Farms at the
                     Wells Fargo Bank. This is every second Saturday.
Wed 16 Jun  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Sun 20 Jun  7:00 AM  Annual Father's Day Car Show to be held at Valley View
    Christian Church in Edgewood, NM. As early as 7:00am and continues all day.
    This event includes live entertainment, a silent auction, all types of
    vehicles to see and free food. From the Edgewood exit go North on Hwy 344
    past Church St., which is the first traffic light. Continue on just past
    the next traffic light and the Church is on the right.
Note: We, The Halls, went last year and this event is well worth the drive.
Pat Hall- President - Corvairs of New Mexico
MON-FRI JUNE 21-25   CORSA International Convention - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
See the web site: for latest information
Fri 25 Jun  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman

Sun  4 Jul  early!   Santa Fe Plaza -- Pancake breakfast, Car Show, Parade
Wed  7 Jul  7:00 PM  Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  7 Jul  8:30 PM  After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat 10 Jul  1:00 PM  Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starting in Bosque Farms at the
                     Wells Fargo Bank. This is every second Saturday.
Wed 21 Jul  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 23 Jul  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman

Sat  7 Aug  8:00 AM  Third Old Route 66 Clean-up of 2010 - Ollie 897-2611
Sun 15 Aug  .......  NMCCC All-Clubs Picnic - Nambe Lake near Espanola
Fri-Sun 24-25-26 Sep NMCCC Los Lunas Annual Swap Meet
Sat  9 Oct  9:00 AM  Fourth Old Route 66 Clean-up. Ollie Scheflow 897-2611

2011: 3-4-5 June -   Tri-State - sponsored by CNM - Red River, New Mexico
2011: 20-23 July -   Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denver - CORSA Convention
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities:
======================== ===========================


Powerglide TUNA
Dan Palmer

Alan Gold was our Corvair Powerglide transmission presenter at the TUNA on
Saturday April 17 held at the Pat Hall shop in Los Lunas. Fifteen members of
Corvairs of New Mexico observed the table covered with parts of many shapes and
sizes usually hidden inside the transmission case. Alan identified the parts and
functions of the gears, clutches, fluid pumps and control block that make this
two speed transmission work.

Some say that due to the exceptional durability of the Powerglide design there
has not developed an aftermarket production of repair parts. When needed, parts
are scavenged from parts cars. Their strength has led to the full size
Powerglide frequently being used in high power dragsters.

Alan showed the signs to look for to decide whether parts needed replacement. He
has an expert sense of the correct condition and fitting together for the
transmission to operate with proper engagement and release of clutches for
smooth shifts.

He showed the fluid pickup screen position for full flow to the pump. If a blow
to the transmission pushes the bottom up against the screen, both parts must be
replaced. In the middle of the control block the infamous "E-clip" maintains a
control valve in correct position. This 50 cent part can break or fall off
making for unpredictable shifting.

The speeds at which low to high shifts occur are set by the governor flyweights
and throttle linkage position. The modulator is supplied with an intake manifold
vacuum that varies the shift from "soft" to "firm" to match the engine power
level. Manual control of Reverse, Neutral, Drive and Low are by cable from the
dash lever to the transmission.

Corvair Powerglide overhaul is done mainly with the seal and gasket kits from
Clarks Corvair Parts -- see catalog pages 133-135. Some bushings can be machined
locally, friction surface on the Low band can be replaced. Other parts may need
to come from parts cars. The Corvair Powerglide is the same design but has
smaller size parts as compared with the full size Chevrolet.

Many thanks to Alan Gold for his clear explanations and practical wisdom. He
brought us the know-how from his career as a General Motors mechanic and
transmission rebuilder over the years in Florida and St. Louis. Club members
appreciated learning from his presentation at this top quality TUNA.

Our thanks to Pat and Vicki Hall for their hospitality and for arranging for the
excellent weather. After the TUNA most of us retired to Sopa's Restaurant in
Bosque Farms for an excellent lunch.         -- Dan Palmer

An observation:  The interest and comments/questions of those attending was
impressive.  Most of us have never disassembled an automatic and possibly never
will, but the knowledge given by Alan was a definite plus to the group.

It is my hope that we can continue to have a variety of these kinds of TUNAs
where we can learn more of the workings of the various Corvair components.

-- Sylvan Zuercher


CORSA Corner - May 2010
Jamie Reinhart --- CORSA Central Director

I have talked a lot about change lately and about a plan to make those changes.
The plan is finished and I would like to take this opportunity to give you a
very brief overview of it. First some numbers from CORSA's five year strategic

2012 Strat. Plan Numbers
Total assumed profit of convention, advertising fees, merchandise, donations,
filing fee: $11,003
Administration: $15.48/person/year
Communique:     $28.29/person/year
        Total:  $43.77/person/year

By 2012 we are getting too close to the $45 yearly dues even with the estimated
profits added into the equation. As I said above we will need to act to fix this
by the end of the year 2012 or earlier. The two easiest ways to fix this problem
are to raise dues or revert to a bi-monthly or quarterly Communique. Obviously
along with one of these two options we need to continue to try and grow or
sustain the membership we have.

2015 Strat. Plan Numbers
Total assumed profit of convention, advertising fees, merchandise, donations,
filing fee: $12,176
Administration: $17.59/person/year
Communique:     $33.03/person/year
        Total:  $50.62/person/year

By 2015 we are way beyond the $45 dues level. The strat. Plan indicates that if
we continue on our current course, by the end of 2015 CORSA will have a budget
deficit of $32,410. Even if we opted to go to a bi-monthly Communique before
that point to save money, about $16,000 if we did it today, at a $5/member
savings, using 3903 as the number of paying members, we are still over the $45

If we could retain the 4503 members that we had in 2009 at $45 dues, the cost
per member would be $46.08, still too much.

At 5000 $45 dues paying members the cost per member would be $43.72/year.

One last scenario, if we could do both, meaning go to a bi-monthly issue and
retain a 4503 paying membership, we would be at $41.00/person/year.

I hope you can see that by just adding members, or reducing some of our expenses
we are not helping ourselves that much, we need to do both together.

If these numbers anger, upset, or intrigue you, go to, click on the
forms and event rules link either on the bottom of the front page or under the
events and calendar info drop down menu, and read the rest of the story entitled
"Planning for the Future."

It takes about 25 minutes to read, but isn't CORSA's future worth that small
amount of your time?


Installing a new Clark's Corvair Air Conditioner in a 1963 Monza Coupe
Part 2 -- by Richard Finch

When I left off this report in the March newsletter, I had explained how I had
quickly installed the a/c compressor, the condenser and the evaporator, plus a
new 100 amp chrome alternator and the trunk-lid-mounted drier. At that point my
500,000 mile 1965 Corvair 4-door was demanding a new rear engine mount and new
lube in the rear wheel bearings. I had also decided to install a new CD and FM
radio to replace an old Realistic brand radio and cassette player that was
constantly running my battery down. This work required me to take the 1963 Monza
coupe out of the work shop so I could put the 1965 in for work. The 1965 is
still in the work shop, but is due to come out in a few days.

But, I will tell the club members about some other upgrades I had already made
to the 1963 Monza. Installing a new Blaupunkt brand CD player, FM radio and
Bluetooth hands-free phone machine.

The 1963 Monza had been purchased as a Standard Oil company car and the company
had required the buyer to only purchase an AM radio. However, I quickly got
tired of only hearing baseball games and political talk programs on the AM
radio, so my wife, Gayle bought me a new FM/AM radio and CD player to install in
the car for our mutual travel pleasure. I also decided that we needed a
Bluetooth adapter so I could simply talk to the radio while driving rather than
have a cell phone up to my ear if phone calls come in while I am driving. The
adapter comes with a microphone that I can talk to that picks up the phone

I bought the new radio from Crutchfield's catalog and it came in 3 days. It is
one of the newer DIN packages that uses a standard width and height case to
slide the radio into. So, I cut a larger slot in the Corvair radio housing and
made a new face plate to cover the housing. I want to note here that I have
attempted to make all my changes to the car so that it can be returned to stock
if I should decide to do that later. Some things will not be easy to cover up,
like the air conditioner holes in the firewall and in the trunk, but they will
not be so obvious I think. I am saving all the stuff I take off for possible use

Radio off-on switch. You may have read that if you leave your ignition switch on
while running a transistor ignition, it will burn out your ignition within 5
minutes sometimes. The same is partly true if you are still running points
ignition, only it will just cause your points to burn out a lot faster,
depending on the position of the points when the engine is off with the ignition
switch in the "on" position. That is why I have installed the new off-on switch
for listening to the radio while we are parked at a Sonic Drive-In. I don't want
to take a chance of burning out my ignition. Now, I can listen to the radio as
long as I want to without burning up my ignition. And the Monza did come with a
Zenith brand electronic ignition, which could explain why I got 29.5 mpg while
driving the car home from Reno, NV where I bought it.

The new radio also came with leads for plugging in an MP3 player that can be
stored in the glove box with up to 1,500 songs stored on the card. That will be
a new experience of me. The radio also has RCA leads for plugging in an
amplifier if I become hard of hearing some day.

Radio speakers. The radio installation instructions said that the radio must
have all four stereo speakers hooked up, so I built a new aluminum panel and
installed two 4-inch
stereo speakers where the original speaker was installed in the top of the dash.
I used the foam insulator to surround the speakers and keep the housing from
squeaking and rattling on the dash panel. That job took at least 8 hours total.
Then I started looking for a place to install the new 8" stereo speakers in the
doors. As many of you already know, there is not enough room to install speakers
in the Monza Coupe doors. Many people just buy small box speakers and leave them
laying in the back seat, but I had already spent too much money on the speakers,
so I decided to install them under the two front bucket seats. That way , I did
not have to cut out any upholstery from the doors.

I took some fiberboard speaker mounting material that I got from House of Covers
several years ago, and mounted each speaker on a panel that measured 12" wide by
14" long and mounted that assembly under each seat. The speakers point down and
we will have to wait to see how they sound on the highway. The radio
installation instructions are specific that the speaker wires MUST be wired
exactly per the diagram or the radio will burn out!

GPS device. When I left Tularosa on the trip to Reno to pick up the Monza, I
decided to buy a new GPS receiver to keep me occupied on the trip home. It was
supposed to let me know if I was speeding and it also had a storage for
listening to music as I drove home from Nevada. But being somewhat ignorant of
such things, I did not realize when I bought it that I had to install the songs
on the device while on my computer!

So, the GPS mostly provided me with time and speed information on the trip. But
now I have my favorite Roy Orbison songs installed on it so I can hear good
music while I drive. One problem is that the GPS receiver was made in Germany
and it is not easy to program for trips here in New Mexico, USA. While on our
trip to Santa Fe for the Ultra Van Convention, it kept trying to get me to turn
right at every dirt road we passed on our way up to Santa Fe. However, it was
pretty accurate on the return trip to our house in Tularosa, NM.

The GPS device is a MIO brand unit that I bought at the local Alamogordo Staples
store. A clerk at Staples told me later that he preferred the TOM-TOM brand of
GPS for easier programming.

Summing this report up. I have spent several months with all these mods to my
Monza, trying to not make any changes that can not be returned to stock should I
decide to do so at a later time. The main problem is that I am not as young as I
was when I was installing air conditioners in new 1956 Buicks back in the olden
days. I will be 75 years old this coming July and I also have two new titanium
knees that don't let me get down on the concrete floor anymore. I have to lie
down on a creeper to take tires off vehicles and when I want to get back up, I
have to find something like a door handle to pull up on. I also have two new
plastic lenses in my eyes for cataract repair and there are times I can't see
the screws or nuts unless I adjust my tri-focal glasses. That is my excuse. I am
sticking with it too.

Tomorrow, I plan to lube the grease fittings on the rear axles of my 1965
Corvair 4-door and then I will be able to put the 1963 Monza back in the shop to
continue with my Clark's air conditioner installation. I should have pulled the
power train out the first day of the project and should have painted the engine
compartment to match the wonderful outside paint job. More in a couple of
months, to be continued. The pictures are of the chrome plated engine, the
chrome alternator, the new compressor installation and the new engine lid
mounted condenser.

Richard Finch, SAE, AWS


Jim Pittman

Seven Years Ago - May 2003 - Volume 29 - Number 5 - Issue 332

On the cover: Mark Martinek and Elvis in Mesquite, Nevada. Maybe it wasn't
really Elvis. No matter, Mark reported on the Nevada Corvair gathering. We had
photos of our visit to Trinity Site. A new member was John Myers, a graphic
artist who had recently purchased his first Corvair, a 1965 Monza 110 HP 2 door
coupe. At Galles Chevrolet, Anne Mae Gold conducted our meeting. A guest was
Dwight Simmons who had a Corvair rail. Treasurer Wendell reported a net worth of
$5,716.16. Mark Martinek was not present to give a Car Council report. Ollie
Scheflow was ill and hoped to be able to attend the next meeting. Gayle Finch
had a serious eye infection. Steve Gongora's mother passed away. Jerry Goffe
said he had talked to former member Will Davis who fondly remembered CNM.
President Robert told several stories includeing how he got more power for his
Corvair-powered VW van. Anne Mae reported on CNM Ladies activities. David brown
(Houston club) listed all the differences between '65s and '66s. Finally, we
reprinted an article by Rebecca Sullivan focused on Wendell Waker and his 1972
Pantera supercar. Well, just ask Wendell about it the next time you see him.

Fourteen Years Ago - May 1996 - Volume 22 - Number 5 - Issue 248

On the cover, a fantasy Monza / Ferrari melding by Mark Morgan. Mark Domzalski
ran the April meeting and we had new members Lisa Meissner, Angela Goguen and
Peter Vellero. We had a total of 825 in the bank. Bill Reider reported on plans
by the Car Council for the Museum car show, a picnic and the swap meet. A car
show at Nob Hill was mentioned and a musical event at Inez Park was to include
ten nice classic cars. On the Convention front, Bill reported we had sold 1,383
raffle tickets so far, bringing the convention treasury up to $5,882. The raffle
car was just about done. A training session was scheduled for convention
workers. A refined version of the convention rally was done and members
volunteered to run the route to check for last-minute errors. The club planned a
tour to Trinity Site but apparently no one made it this time. The latest
Dummy-of-the-month award went to an unnamed member who went to get some 3/8
coarse bolts to mount the starter on an engine. On returning from the bolt
store, he could not find the starter. After searching the entire garage and
innumerable storage boxes, a visitor pointed to the starter already mounted on
the engine.

Ollie Scheflow reported on possibilities for our "Adopt-a-Highway" project.
Possibilities included a section of I-25, a mile of Tramway or a mile of old
Route 66. Our tech talk was presented by Tracy Bates of Albuquerque Brake and
Alignment on front and rear wheel alignment.

At the board meeting we decided to aim for old Route 66 for our highway cleanup
project. We also discussed starting a club web page and expertise from the
membership was solicited.

Twenty-one Years Ago - May 1989 - Volume 15 - Number 5 - Issue 164

A map of the April rally as seen by Christopher Barbarone was our cover art. VP
Tom Martin ran our meeting. Discussed were the museum car show, the Car Council
picnic, the Aspencade, the Library Van, orders for Clark's catalogs and an
effort to get our Corvairs on television. We had a report on a weekend trip to
Alamogordo and Cloudcroft for a party by the Otero Sports Car Association. LeRoy
conducted a fun auction and netted the club $57. President Bill Hector told
about a child who asked "What kind of car is that?" and on being informed it was
a Corvair Spyder, drew a blank. Bill said it was too bad modern cars had no soul
or personality. Finally, a newspaper article from the San Diego Evening Tribune
told the true story of Ralph (who?) and related how a senate subcommittee proved
the Corvair innocent of the charges leveled against it in 1965.

Twenty-eight Years Ago - May - 1982 - Volume 8 - Number 5 - Issue 80

The cover showed two Corvair fans underneath their car which had apparently
broken down on the way to the mini-convention in Phoenix. Bob Wilson of Cylinder
Heads, Inc. gave a talk on reconditioning Corvair heads. Norm Brand reported on
the four Corvairs that went to Phoenix and the actual mechanical difficulties
encountered along the way. Jim Pittman continued his story on "Why I own a
Corvair" with a description of the steps taken to keep the 1966 turbo Corsa
running through the Alaska winter in Fairbanks.

Thirty-five Years Ago - May 1975 - Volume 1 - Number 5 - Issue 5

The cover featured a convertible Corsa running an Ohio rally in 1966. Yes, the
navigator really did do his calculations with a six-inch slide rule. At our
meeting we worried about money and how to get some: could we obtain a Corvair to
raffle; could we design and sell Corvair license plates; could we set up car
clinics and charge to have car problems diagnosed and repaired? Jim provided a
tech tip on engine air exhaust doors. In an interview Jim provided some
interesting stories on driving various sports cars and events that led to his
decision not to buy a new 1964 Mustang.