The November 2010 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 29-May-2013 ==== Copyright (c) 2013 Corvairs of New Mexico    

   NOVEMBER 2010 / VOLUME 36 / NUMBER 11 / ISSUE #422  

Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING:   Wednesday 3rd November 2010 at 7:00 PM
                Highland Senior Center at 131 Monroe NE

 Dues Due                                       Membership Committee
 Obituaries: Robert Garrecht and Julia Vertrees   Sunshine Committee
 "AIRTIME"                                   President David Huntoon
 October Meeting Minutes                                    Art Gold
 Christmas Items For Safe House Needed           Christmas Committee
 Birthdays and Anniversaries                      Sunshine Committee
 October Board Meeting Minutes                              Art Gold
 Bingo Night                                            Ray Trujillo
 Time to Park                                  Ex-President Pat Hall
 A Case of Mistaken Identity                             Vickie Hall
 The Great 2010 Balloon Fiesta Car Show                  Jim & Heula
 Video Stills of Rescue of Chile Miners                  Jim Pittman
 Last Old Route 66 Clean-up for 2010                  Ollie Scheflow
 Calendar of Coming Events                        Board of Directors
 How to Build an Engine Removal Cart              Richard Finch, SAE
 Steering Adjustments                       Bob Hall - Group Corvair
 Seven, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago                      Club Historian
COVER: Waiting to Drive into the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, October 3rd.

      MEETING: First Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM
     LOCATION: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE, Albuquerque, NM
    President:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
    Vice-Pres:     Ray Trujillo  505-839-7436              ray @
    Secretary:     Art Gold      505-620-7434        rollerart @
    Treasurer:  Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30 @
  Car Council:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
  Merchandise:  Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall @
   Membership:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66 @
     Sunshine:   Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
   Newsletter:     Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp @
    Past Pres:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall @
Correspondent: Charles Vertrees  505-299-0744         vertrees @
   Membership:  Sylvan Zuercher  505-299-7577         opal.zue @
     Emeritus: Wendell Walker    505-892-8471       defarge505 @
        DUES:  CNM: 12 months $25.00 -or- 26 months $ 50.00
             CORSA: 12 months $45.00 -or- 26 months $ 90.00
       CNM & CORSA: 12 months $70.00 -or- 26 months $140.00
           CORSA's home page:
        Steve Gongora's page:


2010.10         Debra & Jon Anderson   1992.10
2010.10    Barbara & Gordon Johnson    2001.06
2010.10     Mary Lou & Mark Martinek   1990.08
2010.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   2003.08

2010.11        Linda & Dick Cochran    2006.09

2010.12               David Huntoon    1994.11
2010.12              Walter Huntoon    1992.11
2010.12               Roger Pape       2002.12
2010.12               Larry Yoffee     2009.12

====== DUE JAN = INACTIVE 25-FEB-2011:
2011.01   Darlene & William Darcy      2009.01
2011.01               Wibke Garrecht   2005.09
2011.01       Carolyn & Dan Palmer     2006.01

2010.01           Kim & Del Patten     1980.07
2010.05                Jack Bryan      1982.02
2010.06                John Myers      2003.05
2010.08                Russ McDuffie   2008.08
2010.09         Kay & Tarmo Sutt       1976.07

Send your Dues to:

Robert Gold
CNM Treasurer,
1301 Valencia NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships will become inactive after a one-month grace period. The
Club will mail in your National Dues when you renew, if you send us the renewal
form from your CORSA Communique!

CNM's newsletters:

Heula Pittman -- Sunshine Committee

On Wednesday, September 29, 2010, Robert Garrecht died. Robert was a CNM member
since September 2005. He usually attended our meetings and was especially
interested in technical details on car restoration. We will miss Robert and we
extend our condolences to his family and especially to his wife Wibke.

On Saturday, October 16, 2010, Julia Vertrees died. Julia was the wife of Chuck
Vertrees and they had been married 61 years. Chuck and Julia joined CNM in May,
1983. In her younger years, Julia was quite active in club events and always
supported and worked right alongside Chuck in everything connected with our
club. In recent years she attended most meetings and events. We will miss
Julia's ever-smiling face. Our sympathy goes to Chuck and to his children and


David Huntoon

For those not at the last meeting I would like to announce the results of our
latest election. Actually not much changed. Ray is still the VP, Robert is the
Treasurer and Art is the Secretary. The change is that I decided to run for Pres
and it happened! Pat needed a break from his role as Pres for a year and VP for
2 years. I talked to Pat about it and he readily agreed!

I know things will work out just fine as we have many good reliable people as
the core of this club. Thinking ahead, our biggest responsibility for the next
year is the TriState in Red River. Short notice and out of turn, but we need to
do this to support our Colorado friends in their effort to have a great CORSA
national convention in Denver 2011. I know we can do this but we will likely ask
for more volunteers for the Red River event.

So, the beat goes on. We have our events, a few people change their roles here
and there, people volunteer and things get done. Thanks again for allowing me to
lead this fine group. And thanks to Pat for his hard work these last few years.
Any questions or suggestions, let me know.

later, David Huntoon -


Art Gold

Meeting came to order at 6:03 pm, with 23 in attendance.

Officer Reports

President - PAT HALL called for approval of last month's minutes. He also stated
that at this meeting we will have the elections for the officers. Pat called for
nominations to be given to V-P Ray Trujillo.

Vice President - RAY TRUJILLO stated that he had 2 items: 1) the potluck and
bingo party at HOUSE OF COVERS is on for 5:30 PM, Saturday November 6th, and 2)
the 66 DINER is reserved for us tonight.

Secretary - ART GOLD stated that he had submitted a logo design for the
Tri-State. He remarked that traffic was especially bad tonight.

Treasurer - ROBERT GOLD stated that the accounts possess: Cash $2,631.19; Ally
$1,174.14 for a total of $3,805.33.

Committee Reports

Membership - DAVE HUNTOON & SYLVAN ZUERCHER stated that we have a guest and new
member, DAVID FRANCO. David discussed his interest in the club, since he has a
1964 Coupe. He also became very interested in the club at the Los Lunas Swap
Meet. The members of the club introduced themselves to David. Welcome David!

NM Car Council - DAVE HUNTOON stated that the meeting was rather short, and
stated that the Swap Meet was a success. The Council is then shut down for the
holidays. Their meetings do resume in February.
Editor - JIM PITTMAN stated that the newsletter articles are due by Friday the
22nd. Jim said they drove to the top of Sandia Crest yesterday and the fall
colors were just coming in and were very pretty. He said that last Sunday they
took their Corvair to the Balloon Fiesta Car Show, which was a very pleasant
experience. He also thanked Robert Gold for organizing and reporting on the
State Fair Show.

Jim informed the club that WENDELL WALKER had been in an accident, and damaged
his Cadillac. He was in the ER, then in UNM Hospital. Pat reported that Wendell
was sent home today from the hospital.

Sunshine - HEULA PITTMAN stated that CNM member ROBERT GARRECHT passed away on
September 29th. Two others in our Corvair community are in ailing health: We
learned that GAYLE FINCH is back home after being hospitalized for a heart
attack, and we learned that BETTIE JO BENZEL of the Pikes Peak club had fallen
and as a result was in a nursing home. Bettie Jo's late husband, BEN BENZEL, was
a past winner of the Boydston Award. The club has sent out cards to their

Merchandise - VICKIE HALL stated that she had club merchandise for sale, and she
had made $5.00 since the last meeting.

Red River Tri-State Chairperson - BRENDA STICKLER announced that the deadline
for the competition to design a logo for the 2011 Red River Tri-State would be
extended to the next meeting, November 3rd.

The 50/50 drawing was conducted by LUBE LUBERT in the absence of Chuck Vertrees.
To his surprise, the winner was none other than Lube Lubert!

Upcoming Activities/Events


Election of Officers was held tonight. DAVE HUNTOON was elected president. The
other three officers were elected to retain their respective positions.

10/09/2010 9:00 AM
Old Route 66 Clean-up - Brunch afterwards at Golden Corral. Last one of the
year. Ollie Scheflow.


11/06/2010 5:30 PM
Bingo and Potluck - House of Covers. Bring auction items if you have them.
Organized by Ray Trujillo.

Meissner Award - Deadline for recommending changes to rules to the Board.


12/04/2010 5:30 PM
Christmas Party at Roper's Restaurant - 8810 Central SE. Organized by RITA

Meissner Award - Deadline for the board to decide on proposed changes to rules.

Old Business or anything else

The club recognized Jim Pittman for his 3rd place Newsletter award from CORSA.

VICKIE HALL reported that membership drives at the Los Lunas Swap Meet and the
State Fair were very successful, since all 25 packets available were handed out
and two people expressed an interest in joining us..

RAY TRUJILLO gave a one-minute tech tip dealing with brake lights. The blinker
switch must be in the neutral position or it will cancel out the brake light on
the corresponding side. Having time for an additional minute, Ray reported that
"fabric paint" saved him the cost of a new carpet. He took out the carpet,
cleaned it and sprayed it with black Krylon fabric paint.He was very pleased
with the result. Paint works!

MEETING ADJOURNED at 6:55pm and many went to the 66 Diner.

-- Art Gold reports


Christmas Committee

Emma Rogers and Lee Reider are once again asking for donations for the Safe
House, a place that houses men and women who have been abused.

Anything will be accepted EXCEPT large stuffed toys and used toys! Books, games,
school supplies, new toys, personal toiletries for all ages and clothing for
men, women, children and babies are needed. Actually, just about anything one
could imagine when thinking about people who have been displaced!

These items can be taken to the Christmas party on December 4th. It will be at
Roper's Restaurant, 8810 Central SE, at 5:30 PM. Lee and Emma will deliver them
to the proper location.

Thanks to all who helped last year. We look forward to having a good supply of
items to share this year too.


Five CNMers celebrate birthdays this month:
 Anne Wiker      November  6
 Jim Pittman     November 13
 Sylvan Zuercher November 16
 Opal Zuercher   November 22
 John Wiker      November 23

Our November Anniversary is:
 Brenda & Mike Stickler  November 21


October Board Meeting 10-20-2010
Art Gold

President - Dave Huntoon - called the meeting to order at 5:02pm. He said he was
recovering from a 10-day bout with the flu - or a bad cold.

Vice President - Ray Trujillo - gave details about arrangements for the
potluck/bingo at the Gongoras' place of business HOUSE OF COVERS on Saturday
11-6-2010 starting at 5:30 PM.

Secretary - Art Gold - stated that he had no report.

Treasurer - Robert Gold - could not attend, but sent a report concerning our
funds: Checking $2,632.00; Ally $1,174.14 for a total value of $3,806.14.

Committee Reports

Membership - Dave Huntoon & Sylvan Zuercher (Sylvan not present) - stated that
they know of no new prospects at the moment.

NM Car Council - Dave Huntoon - stated that the meeting reviewed the success of
the Swap Meet. The Council has a meeting later this month, then will be out of
session until February.

Editor - Jim Pittman - stated that the president should confirm re-appointment
of the board members. David said if all present agreed to remain on the board,
then they were re-appointed. Jim stated that the newsletter deadline is on
Friday, 10-22-2010.

Jim discussed our club awards as follows:

(1) The Boydston Award now belongs to those participating in the Tri-States and
is the responsibility of the club putting on a Tri-State, so it is our
responsibility for the 2011 Red River Tri-State;

(2) The Meissner Award for the future is being evaluated and Sylvan Zuercher has
agreed to call a committee meeting and report any recommendations to the board
by the November board meeting, Nov 17;

(3) John Wiker has made suggestions for a club participation award and he will
present them to us today, and his suggested award could either replace, modify
or be in addition to the Meissner Award.

Sunshine - Heula Pittman - stated that Julia Vertrees had passed away, and the
services are on Thursday October 21 at 3:00pm. She also stated that the majority
of the Vertrees family is in town for the services. Heula suggested that we ask
Robert Gold (Treasurer) to write a check for $25.00 as a donation to their
church's Mission Fund in Julia Vertrees's name in lieu of flowers. The board
decided that $25.00 will be donated, and Heula will contact Robert Gold.

Merchandise - Vickie Hall - stated that she has nothing new to report.

New Business

2011 Red River Tri-State - Brenda Stickler - stated that Rita Gongora will be in
charge of the door prizes. Pat Hall is contacting Clark's Corvair Parts for
donations. The logo contest will occur at the next regular meeting. Whether to
get T-shirts is still up in the air. A decision still has to be made between a
jacket patch, a dash logo, or both. Heula suggested that she would like to have
someone volunteer to do a tech session. A volunteer is still needed for the
hospitality room. John Wiker asked who is helping out with registration and it
was asserted that registration will be computerized this year.

Participation Award - John Wiker - suggested a point system (as opposed to the
nomination system) for an annual club award. He wants to quantify the award, and
show that the award should be earned by attendance at meetings (name tag,
driving a Corvair), and participation in official, club sponsored events such as
the Old Route 66 Cleanup, Tri-State, State Fair Car Show, TUNA sessions. Heula
suggested that John should contact Sylvan ASAP to see about integrating John's
ideas with the Meissner Award.

Jim stated that historically the Meissner award was originally based on
objective criteria but came to be based more on subjective judgements. He said
that in recent years there have been few nomination forms submitted, indicating
a lack of interest. He pointed out that the award originally was presented at
the Christmas party but was changed to the Anniversary party in March. He said
that an essential question is, what is the reason for the award in modern times?
What purpose do we want the award to serve? John suggested that the award should
coincide with the calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 25) and we could have the award
presented at the anniversary party.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm

Submitted by Art Gold


Ray Trujillo

Hello everyone and happy fall season to everybody! That's right, my favorite
season of the year has arrived. With fall in the air that also means CNM holds
its annual fundraising event. Over the years we've had many successful auction
and potluck nights. As the years went on our donated auction items started to
dwindle and we thought adding bingo to the mix would be worth a try. Members
who've attended this event have had a great time so we'll continue with the
bingo games and the always popular potluck. Also if you'd like to donate an item
for the silent auction that would be fine also.

So save Saturday November 6th at 5:30 pm to attend this always family fun event.
As always, Steve and Rita have graciously offered to host this event at their
House of Covers business located at 115 Richmond NE.

As we did last year, we'll play several games of bingo, with cards costing $2
per game with half the proceeds to the winner and the other half going to CNM's
bank account. So if you come please bring a dish for the potluck and several
dollar bills for your bingo cards. I'm looking forward to seeing you there and
hopefully you'll be lucky enough to yell bingo.

-- Ray Trujillo


Pat Hall

Well I've been driving a Corvair, via the newsletter, for the past year and now
it's time to park it for awhile.

I want everyone to know that it has been a pleasure to have served as CNM's
President for the past year and Vice-President for two years prior to that. I am
now going to relax for awhile although I will help CNM in other ways, as I am

The job now belongs to Dave Huntoon and I feel sure that he will keep our Club
going strong.

Thanks to everyone, especially my wife Vickie, for all the support that I
received this past year.



Vickie Hall

A personals ad recently ran in a major city's newspaper. It read: Single female
seeks male companionship. I'm a very good-looking girl who loves to play. I love
long walks in the woods, riding in pickup trucks, hunting, camping, going on
fishing trips and, in particular, cozy winter nights lying by the fire.
Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front
door each and every night when you get home from work, waiting only for you.
Call and ask for Daisy.

When more than 15,000 men picked up the phone, they found themselves talking to
the local Humane Society about an 8 week-old black Labrador retriever dog.

What's not to love, boys?


Jim & Heula Pittman

This year we decided it was finally time to to participate in the car show at
Balloon Fiesta Park. On Sunday October 3 we drove the 1965 Corvair north on
Edith and joined a long line of "classic" cars near the Alameda overpass. We
arrived early, about 7:10 AM, and soon the line of parked cars stretched out of
sight in both directions! It was after 8:00 AM before the first cars started to
move onto the field. We had plenty of time to look at what seemed like thousands
of colorful ballons taking off and floating overhead and landing. It was a
marvelous sight. It appeared that the "Albuquerque Box" winds were just about
perfect. We enjoyed looking at the classic cars and talking with John Wiker, the
McBreens, Geoff & Ann Johnson, Art Gold and Chuck & Julie Vertrees. Perfect
weather. Next year you owe it to yourself to bring your classic car to the
Balloon Fiesta!


We had been hearing about the 33 Chilean miners, trapped thousands of meters
underground in a collapsed shaft, for over two months. Now the rescue attempt
was about to be made. I found a live video feed on the internet and we watched
as the miners were brought up, one at a time, to be greeted by their families,
co-workers and the President of Chile. What an amazing achievement. The people
of Chile are to be congratulated for a superbly successful effort.


Ollie Scheflow

The club held its fourth and final cleanup for the year on October 9th. We had a
beautiful Fall day to finish up the year, to top off three earlier nice weather

We were lucky. The highway department had recently paved the berm up to the
fence line on the south east one half of our mile and it was extremely clean.

We had eleven participants which allowed us to finish in less than one hour.
Robert remarked that we had more pickers today, so it would take less time. Jim
remarked that, if we got more and more pickers, it would take less and less
time. Robert agreed that this was so.

Then Jim asked, how many pickers would we have to have to reduce the required
time to zero? Robert wouldn't play that game and just said, Well, as the number
of pickers approached infinity, the amount of time would approach zero - but it
would never get there!

I guess some of us needed to have a mathematics lesson at a Cleanup event. Who
would have thought.

Those participating were:

Dave Franco (new member - Pat Hall's friend), Robert Gold, Pat Hall, David
Huntoon, Lube Lubert, Dan Palmer, Jim Pittman, Bill Reider, Ollie Scheflow, Ray
Trujillo and Larry Yoffee.

Total workers in 2010 = 37
Total individual workers for 2010 = 19

Thanks for all the help from everybody, and I hope to see all of you in 2011.

-- Ollie


  C O R V A I R S   o f   N E W   M E X I C O    C O M I N G   E V E N T S
|      November 2010     |      December 2010     |      January 2011      |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  |
|      1  2  3  4  5  6  |            1  2  3  4  |                     1  |
|   7  8  9 10 11 12 13  |   5  6  7  8  9 10 11  |   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  |
|  14 15 16 17 18 19 20  |  12 13 14 15 16 17 18  |   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  |
|  21 22 23 24 25 26 27  |  19 20 21 22 23 24 25  |  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  |
|  28 29 30              |  26 27 28 29 30 31     |  23 24 25 26 27 28 29  |
|                        |                        |  30 31                 |

Wed  3 Nov  Deadline for submitting Logo design for Red River Tri-State.
Wed  3 Nov  6:00 to 7:00 PM     Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  3 Nov           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE

Sat  6 Nov  5:30 PM  Potluck and Bingo at HOUSE OF COVERS - details elsewhere.

Sat 13 Nov Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.

Wed 17 Nov  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
    19 Nov  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman

Tue 30 Nov MEISSNER AWARD: Deadline for recommending changes to rules.


Wed  1 Dec  6:00 to 7:00 PM     Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  1 Dec           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE

Sat  4 Dec  5:30 PM  Christmas Party - ROPER'S RESTAURANT - 8810 Central SE

Sat 11 Dec Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.

Wed 15 Dec  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Wed 15 Dec MEISSNER AWARD: Deadline for the board to decide on changes to rules.
Fri 24 Dec  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman
Fri 24 Dec MEISSNER AWARD: Nomination Form will be in the January newsletter.


Wed  5 Jan MEISSNER AWARD: Nomination Form is in the January newsletter.
Wed  5 Jan  6:00 to 7:00 PM     Meeting: Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE
Wed  5 Jan           After our meeting, we go to the 66 Diner, 1405 Central NE
Sat  8 Jan Second Saturdays: Los Lunas "66 Cruise" starts in Bosque Farms at the
           Wells Fargo Bank. 1:00 PM in Winter, 6:00 PM during Daylight Time.
Wed 19 Jan  5:00 PM  Board Meeting: Business Printing Service - 4316 Silver SE
Fri 21 Jan  9:00 PM  Newsletter Deadline - Jim Pittman

2011: 3-4-5-June -  Tri-State Event - Red River, NM - Corvairs of New Mexico
2011: TUE-SAT 26-30 July -- Rocky Mountain CORSA - Denver - CORSA Convention
2011: August -- All Car Clubs Picnic will be held at Nambe Falls again.
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities:
===================== =====================


by Richard Finch, SAE

About 48 years ago I had to remove the engine and transaxle from my then-nearly
new 1960 Corvair 4-door because the flywheel had begun to rattle due to loose
rivets. The Corvair was my only form of transportation, so I really needed to do
the flywheel repair in one week end so I could have the car ready to drive to
work at Vandenberg AFB on Monday morning.

I built the first engine cart to the minor dimensions shown on page 150 in the
book, "How to Keep Your Corvair Alive" which was 20" wide x 16" long and with a
total height of 8-1/4" tall, using 3" tall rubber casters. The casters were
American made and they have lasted quite well as you can see in the attached
photo. I doubt that foreign made casters would have held up as well. I did not
want to use steel casters because I have always painted the floor of my garages
with white paint and steel casters would have caused the floor paint to chip.
Since this first engine cart, I have built other carts that had different
dimensions and have even built one larger cart that has larger plastic casters,
but all in all, the best cart I have ever built was this very first one.

The first engine cart has been used to remove and install many engines for
myself, for family, and friends as well as for business-only people. I estimate
that this very first cart has been used to pull at least 100 engines during its
48 year life. The thing that makes this cart so useful is that it can be built
at home with only a skill saw and a power drill to drive the screws for the
casters. It is also quite safe as I have never once had an engine fall off the
cart. I have heard of several owners who have tried to remove engines by using a
large hydraulic truck jack and they have dropped the whole engine and caused
significant damage to the engine or to the differential when they dropped it.

The engine in the attached photo is a 110 hp engine and Powerglide transaxle
from my 1961 Rampside that was removed because the torque converter needed to be
replaced due to worn-out ring gear teeth. This picture was taken just this year,
2010. "How to Keep your Corvair Alive" books are now only available from Clark's
Corvair Parts, Inc.

-- Richard Finch


Bob Hall - Group Corvair - Corvanatics

Reprinted from 'VAIR-ATIONS
VOLUME 38, NUMBER 7 Aug-Sept 2010

From HallGrenn at  Sat, 21 Aug 2010 22:59:06
Subject: ( VV ) Diagnosing/fixing loose steering on 1967 Monza -- adjustment

In a message dated 8/21/2010 9:26:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Chaz at writes:

> I did notice wet oil on lower end of steering box shaft
> though, which is not good, I'm thinking? The steering
> arm from box looks wet, and has fresh oil on end of
> its shaft. Thanks, Charlie


If the box hasn't been butchered by careless adjustment of just the top
adjustment (under the plug in the trunk) then you should be able to improve it
some at least by adjusting it as intended by the manual. Doing it is tedious,
but necessary.

"Correct adjustment of the steering gear is very important. Only two adjustments
are possible but they must be made in the following manner, step by step, in the
order given." -- Steering page 9-2 in the manual.

There is a high spot on the groove of the worm shaft that is attached to the
steering column. It is necessary because most wear is "on center" so you want as
little play as possible when the steering wheel is centered on the highway. If
you think the box is loose now "on center" just try it one turn in either
direction. It is normal for a steering box to have much more play off dead
center -- it is designed that way.

You must adjust the shaft when the worm is centered so that the adjustment will
be only in that high spot. Many boxes have been further damaged or ruined by
having only the top adjustment tightened when the worm shaft was not centered --
so the adjustment is done to one side or the other of the high spot causing
accelerated wear when the shaft passes this point and binds. You can feel this
when passing the center point on some poorly adjusted boxes.

Pull the steering arm (Pitman arm) from the box first, then using a large wrench
(1-7/8" if I remember correctly) adjust the worm adjustment big nut on the front
of the steering box under the car so you get the proper torque reading of 3.5 to
4.5 inch pounds of torque at the nut under the horn button on the steering
wheel. If the steering worm doesn't turn smoothly and binds at times (the manual
says "feels lumpy") then you probably have damaged bearings, a damaged Pitman
shaft bushing or other damage and should rebuild or replace the box with a good
one. Once this preload is correct then you can go to the lash adjuster
accessible in the trunk.

To adjust the lash through the trunk access hole the steering shaft (worm
shaft), and not necessarily the steering wheel, must be centered. Many cars have
tie rod adjustments that don't center the steering shaft and steering wheels are
frequently pulled and reattached off center so you can't be sure the
worm/steering shaft is centered unless you count the turns lock-to-lock and
divide by one half to properly center the wheel (but remember the Pitman arm is
not attached now and be very careful not to allow the steering wheel to bump to
a stop when counting the turns or you can damage the worm ball bearing cages).
There was a small notch or indentation on the head of the shaft, probably for
use during assembly, to center the steering wheel, but usually a steering wheel
puller has obliterated it sometime in the past.

On badly worn boxes you may be able to feel the high point/center by adjusting
the lash adjuster a bit tight and then by slowly turning the wheel to feel the
center high spot bind you can be sure you've found it -- then back off the
adjuster, center the shaft and do the final tightening. When properly adjusted
the torque to turn the steering shaft (at the steering wheel nut) "should be
between 8 and 10 inch pounds in excess of the worm bearing preload, but not more
than a total of 14 inch pounds." After tightening the lock nut on the lash
adjuster recheck the torque reading to be sure it hasn't changed.

Section 9 of the Chassis Shop Manual has the complete details of course.

Remount the Pitman arm, install the horn button and drive the car -- the
steering box is now adjusted properly. If the steering wheel isn't centered
and/or the car doesn't drive straight then it is time to have the tie rods
adjusted to center the steering wheel. Don't let anyone tell you that you can
center the steering by pulling the steering wheel and reattaching it again
"centered" (as two Chevy dealer mechanics have told me) because it just ain't

Hope you can resurrect your steering box.

Bob Hall - Group Corvair - Corvanatics



_07_ Nov 2003 - Vol 29 - Nr 11 Issue #338

The Concorde flew over our Library Van. Sylvan passed the torch to a new
publisher, Heula, and he passed the torch to a new membership chair, David. We
met in the parking lot of the Saturn dealership. Wendell reported $5,637.39.
Mark Martinek received a certificate of appreciation for his work as Car Council
representative. Robert Gold took over this job. Joel Nash had registration forms
for the Fan Belt Toss. Election results: President, Mark Domzalski; VP Sally
Johnson; Secretary, Chuck Vertrees; Treasurer, Wendell Walker.

An Owl Cafe breakfast was coming up as was a pot luck at House of
Covers. Rita reported plans for the Christmas dinner at Kirtland AFB. Geoff
reported that the swap meet, held at Sandia Motor Sports, went well. There were
complaints of it being "too far out of town" and having too few volunteers.

Tech tips from Steve Goodman came from work on a Greenbrier. Someone had
installed a second muffler with a bracket that made it impossible to remove the
oil pan. This person also slopped too much silicon RTV on a new oil pan gasket.
It took Steve an irritating afternoon to make things right.

Mark Domzalski told us of his plans for the coming year. Del Patten
reported on a purple Corsa trip to Provo, UT, Las Vegas, NV and Riverside, CA.
Anne Mae Gold reported that "CNM Ladies" were still meeting and planning. Robert
Gold reported on the State Fair, then gave us a terrific article on driving home
from Bella Vista in a 1965 Corsa convertible -- with NO BRAKES.

_14_ Nov 1996 - Vol 22 - Nr 11 Issue #254

Ouch! Is it possible to drive right past the end of NM 536 at the crest? A guest
tried to sell a Corvair he inherited from his grandmother who only drove it to
church on Sundays. Treasurer Will reported $1288 in the bank. Sylvan introduced
new member Paul Campbell who bought a 1965 Monza and found a copy of "Care &
Feeding" in the glove box. Bill reported on Car Council activities. The Old Town
"Unfair" car show was successful. Bill provided some convention details. We had
some 56 people who worked on the convention. All members who worked would have
two years of dues paid for by the club. Bill said he and Debbie received many
expressions of thanks from vendors and other clubs for the fine job we did.
There was $15,583.40 in the convention account with all bills paid. We sent
$7,831.36 to CORSA and $1,000 to the Corvair Preservation Society. We donated
$250 to the San Diego club's "ResQ-921" project. We also donated $250 to the
Michelle Goffe Foundation.

Election results: Mark Domzalski, president; Jon Anderson,
vice-president; Charles Vertrees, secretary; Will Davis, treasurer.

Our "Convention How-to" packet was nearly ready to send to CORSA and the
clubs working on the Lake Placid convention. Larry Blair announced a carburetor
rebuild session at his garage, to be directed by carbmeister Sylvan. Rita
previewed our Christmas party. Debbie said there were plenty of CNM cookbooks to
use for Christmas presents. Mark told us of an upcoming "Ethnic Potluck" with
German, Italian, Japanese, Cajun, Polish, English and Mexican dishes. Mark gave
a how-to on winterizing a Rampside to keep cold air out. Mary Lou told about the
adventure of having her convertible filmed by a Czeck crew for a Israeli
television. Chuck told about the real-life history of the forward control
locomotives used by the Southern Pacific railroad in the 1940s to climb the
steep grades in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

_21_ Nov 1989 - Vol 15 - Nr 11 Issue #170

A 1960 Corvair was the subject of a Road & Track road test. We had $678 in the
bank. LeRoy reported on a successful swap meet. Bob McBreen and William Denison
were new members. Evaluation of other club newsletters for newsletter exchange
was ongoing. Francis told us that 25 Ultravans were at the Balloon Fiesta this
year. We elected Dale Housley, Tom Martin, Brian Zolna and Charles Vertrees as
our officers. Tom's monthly article, LA VENTANA, told about past president Bill
Hector and his Corvair career. Bill's CARE & FEEDING column featured the new
driving control computer in his 1967 sedan. Jim told about test driving the new
1990 Mazda MX-5 Miata. Tech tips included a cylinder head temperature sensor
adapter and what a voltmeter can tell you about your battery.

_28_ Nov 1982 - Vol 8 - Nr 11 Issue #86

The cover paraded CORSA logos. Robin DeVore reportrd we had $355 in the bank and
we had not heard from CORSA about our bid for a convention. There was an effort
to get the legislature to approve a special license plate for old cars. We
elected LeRoy Rogers, George Morin, Chuck Hollingsworth and Bill Hector as our
officers. Our speaker was Mike Wiener who had a collection of old license
plates. Tech tips included filling your new oil filter with oil before
installing it, a discussion about oil additives, and Cal Clark's way to adjust
valves. Jim provided a story about the club's recent trek to Trinity Site and
his awe at standing on the site of the first nuclear demon.

_35_ Nov 1975 - Vol 1 - Nr 10 Issue #10

Mark Morgan's cover drawing showed a "Cavalier" which was a Corsa modified for
better handling and distinctive styling. How many were actually sold? Do any
survive? At our last meeting we had 32 members and guests and membership stood
at 52. We looked forward to being fully chartered as a CORSA chapter. New
officers: Sylvan Zuercher, Joel Nash and Steve Gongora - Secretary-treasurer was
one job back then. Editor Mark Morgan reviewed the new Chevrolet "Monza Spyder"
and compared it to Corvair Monzas and Spyders. No, he didn't like it. Today's
new members were Brian Ballou, Ralph DeBush, O.C. Love and Fletch Miller.
