The June 2016 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 24-Sep-2016 = Copyright (c) 2016 Corvairs of New Mexico  

   JUNE 2016 / VOLUME 42 / NUMBER 6 / ISSUE #489  

Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2005
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, Third Place, 2010
Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, First Place, 2012

EDITOR: Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING:   Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 at 7:00 PM
North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

 Mechanically Un-inclined .......................... Ray Trujillo
 Dues Due .................................. Membership Committee
 May Meeting Minutes ................................ Jim Pittman
 May Board Meeting Minutes ........................ Anne Mae Gold
 Easy Come, Easy ... May Car Council Report ......... Robert Gold
 Pennies From Heaven: Albuquerque Museum Car Show ... Robert Gold
 Treasury Report .................................... Robert Gold
 In Praise of ASCII ................................. Jim Pittman
 Birthdays & Anniversaries ................. Membership Committee
 Trading Out Early Model Axles .............. Chris Kimberly PPCC
 Calendar of Coming Events ................... Board of Directors
 June Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ........ Club Historian
 Photos from the Car Show Appear Here and There ......  Photo Guy
COVER: ... We Happy Few: Six Corvairs at the 2016 Museum Car Show
 Montrose Tri-State Logo, T-Shirt Design: Pikes Peak Corvair Club


 President:          Ray Trujillo  505-814-8373              ray
 Vice President:    John Wiker     505-899-3076         wikerj63
 Secretary:     Anne Mae Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30
 Treasurer:       Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30
 Car Council:     Robert Gold      505-268-6878        beisbol30
 Merchandise:     Vickie Hall      505-865-5574 patandvickiehall
 Membership:       Larry Yoffee    505-321-5909         corsa180
 Newsletter:         Jim Pittman   505-275-2195             jimp
 Old Route 66:      Lube Lubert    505-256-9331    williamlubert
 Past President:     Pat Hall      505-620-5574 patandvickiehall
 Past President:   David Huntoon   505-281-9616        corvair66
 Past Vice-Pres:   Tarmo Sutt      505-690-2046            tarmo

MEETINGS: First Wednesday of each Month at 7:00 PM
 North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, Wyoming & Carmel NE

INTERNET:     CORSA's home page:
              CNM's newsletters:
           Steve Gongora's page:
       Larry Yoffee's home page:
New Mexico Council of Car Clubs:


DUES:	        CNM: 12 months = $25.00 -or- 26 months = $ 50.00
	      CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 -or- 26 months = $ 90.00
	CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 -or- 26 months = $140.00


INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2015.01   Darlene & William Darcy      25-FEB-2015
2015.02               Frank Stadler    25-MAR-2015
2015.08     Linda & Anthony Berbig     25-SEP-2015
2015.09          Lisa & Dan Thompson   25-OCT-2015
2016.04                 Art Gold       25-MAY-2016

DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2016.05           (none)               25-JUN-2016

DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2016.06           (none)               25-JUL-2016

DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2016.07         Anne & John Wiker      25-AUG-2016

DUE AUGUST 2016 ===================== INACTIVE DATE
2016.08                Alan Gold       25-SEP-2016
2016.08          Lee & Bill Reider     25-SEP-2016

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer c/o Robert Gold
	1301 Valencia NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87110

Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
form from your Communique.

	On 22-MAY-2015 we had  45  active family memberships.


Ray Trujillo

Hello everyone!

The Tri-State in Montrose is fast approaching and if you're going I hope you've
made your reservations. Sadly, I won't be able to attend this year due to a
family wedding scheduled for the same weekend. The events planned for the
Tri-State sound pretty good. In addition to the customary Show-N-Shine car show
and dinner, the Pikes Peak Corvair Club has set up a couple of guided tours. The
first one is planned for Saturday June 4th to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.
The canyon tour will last around two and a half hours. This tour should be
outstanding as I just viewed a program on KNME (channel 5) and it is a
spectacular area and looked to be well worth the time to see. The second tour
takes place on Sunday June 5th and it is to the Gateway Automobile Museum. This
is an all day tour and will leave Montrose at 9am and cover 235 scenic miles. If
you're going to Montrose I hope you have a great time and here's wishing you
happy and safe travels.

Before I go on to other items, I'd like to encourage you to vote for Ed Halpin
to the Board of Directors of CORSA. Ed is a member of all three Tri-State clubs
and would be a great representative for the Western Division. To vote, go to
your April Communique and fill out the ballot and follow the voting
instructions. Please get your vote in before the June 1st deadline.

Okay, now let's go on to CNM's upcoming events. On Saturday June 11th we'll hold
an Old Route 66 Cleanup. If you recall, our first scheduled cleanup in April was
cancelled due to rain, so if you can spare a few hours please sign up at our
next membership meeting for this civic duty. It usually takes us about an hour
if we have six to ten members helping with the cleanup, so remember the more the
merrier. Then on the 4th of July, there's the Car show on the Plaza in Santa Fe
and this starts at around 7am and continues with a pancake breakfast. Speaking
of breakfast, at the last CNM board meeting we added a breakfast on July 9th to
be held at the Central Grill and Coffee restaurant located at 2056 Central SW.
Terry Price suggested this place to a few of us at the Museum car show and so we
went with Terry's recommendation. We were really impressed with the delicious
homemade food of this restaurant. The owner talked to us about our group and
invited us to come and bring our Corvairs one summer Saturday and so that's what
we're planning on. The Grill has a good size parking lot on the east side of the
building for us to park our classics and it also has a nice outdoor area for a
summertime breakfast right along Old Route 66. It's a perfect spot to show off
our cars a little bit too. Next up is the CORSA International Convention and
this year it is being held in Springfield, Illinois on June 12-16. If you're
planning on going please read the latest Communiques for all the details. One
other activity the Board discussed was going to an Isotopes baseball game. At
the next meeting we'd like to see if you're interested in this event and if we
have enough interest we'll plan the date.

Okay, let's review a few past events from last month. First of all, the club
owes a big thank you to Pat and Vickie Hall for hosting a barbecue down at their
place in San Antonio NM. We had a nice spring day for it and we had 19 people
attend. The hamburgers and hot dogs were delicious and we all had a good time
visiting with each other for a few hours. Thanks again Pat and Vickie! The other
activity we had members involved in was the 32nd Albuquerque Museum/NMCCC car
show. CNM had seven members bring their Corvairs. Those seven were Robert and
Anne Mae Gold, Art Gold, Lube Lubert, Terry Price, John Wiker and yours truly.
Terry Price won first place in the 1964-1966 category. Terry brought Robert
Garrecht's beautiful red 1966 Monza coupe. Congratulations Terry! As usual there
were lots of really awesome classics to see but my favorite of the day had to be
a 1959 gray four door Jaguar. It had exquisite indoor wood trim that looked
brand new. It was the perfect example of what a well taken care of classic car
should be. Truly a gem. The Albuquerque Museum also began their Route 66 Exhibit
on May 14 and all car show participants were given passes to go see the exhibit.
I went to the exhibit and it is very interesting with lots of great pieces to
observe and many intriguing facts that I didn't know. It's well worth the time
to see, but don't wait too long as the exhibit runs through October 2nd, which
coincidently is the official birthday of the Corvair.

Well I guess that's enough said for now, so I hope to see you at the next
club meeting. -- Ray


May Meeting Minutes - 2016.05.04
Jim Pittman

Present: Ray Trujillo, Gordon Johnson, Hurley Wilvert, Belinda Sanchez, Victor
Sanchez, Terry Price, Lube Lubert, Pat Hall, Bill Reider, Steve Gongora, LeRoy
Rogers, Brenda Stickler, Vickie Hall, Steve Johnson, Heula Pittman, Jim Pittman,
Guests Jordan and Sean from Baton Rouge.

Call to order at 7:03 PM and last month's minutes were approved.

President Ray reported on the 2016 Tri-State in Montrose, Colorado on June 3-4-5
and the message from Pikes Peak Corvair Club that registration MUST be completed
by MAY 15th, preferably by logging on the the PPCC web site: or maybe by downloading the
registration form and emailing it to them, or printing the form and mailing it.
Those NOT registered by May 15th will NOT be able to participate in the
show-and-shine car show and the banquet.

Ray then mentioned that at this Tri-State, the attendance award will be based on
the percentage of the club's membership count who attend. Ray is reporting to
Pikes Peak that our membership count as of today is 44 family memberships. There
will be guided tours to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison and an all-day tour to
an auto museum. Read all about it on Pikes Peak's web site.

Steve Gongora asked who might want to caravan to Montrose? Some will leave on
Thursday, some on Friday and we will organize caravans at the June 1st regular

Vice President Wiker was in Florida.

Secretary Anne Mae Gold was out sick.

Treasurer Robert Gold was out sick, but sent the treasurer's report showing a
balance of $4,652.49 in the bank.

Editor Jim Pittman said the deadline for the June newsletter was Friday May 20th
as this is a "short" month. He asked for an introduction of our guests.

Heula Pittman introduced Jordan and Sean from Baton Rouge, Louisiana who were
visiting for several days. Sean owns a performance car, a Scion FR-S and had a
test drive in Jim's 1965 Monza which he found interesting. Jim said he and Sean
went to the Unser Museum.

Car Council Rep Robert Gold has not reported on last month's meeting but the
council is busy preparing for the May 15th Museum Car Show.

Merchandise: Vickie Hall reported a $5.00 sale of one jacket patch.

Tri-State 2017: Terry Price reported progress. He visited the Kachina Lodge
which is upgrading their facilities. Prices are expected to be $99 for a king
size bed or $89 for double beds, and the club prices will be extended a few days
before and after the event. There is much to see in and around Taos! We will
have a police-escorted parade around the town before coming back to the hotel
for the car show. There will probably be a raffle and prizes. Indian dancers
around a campfire will be there on one or two evenings. Terry is looking for a
special speaker and has some possibilities in mind. All CNMers are instructed to
cancel all vacations, weddings, birthdays, funerals, hospital visits and any
other distractions that would prevent their attendance!

Membership: Larry Yoffee may still be in New England.

Upcoming events include:

MAY 15 Car Council and Albuquerque Museum car show. Corvairs will arrive by
7:00 AM to drive in and park together.

JUN 3-5 Tri-State in Montrose

JUN 11 Old Route 66 Cleanup. Meet at the I-40/Carnuel triangle at 8:30. A
signup sheet passed.

Recent events:

The April Old Route 66 and  Smith's Car Show at Paseo del Norte were both rained
out. The barbecue at the Vickie & Pat Hall "Southern Corvair Ranch" was a great
success. Those who missed it missed good food and good conversations.

Steve Gongora mentioned that former member Brian Ballou stopped by his shop and
left a steel adapter for installing a V-8 in a Corvair. If anyone wants it they
can have it. Brian is retired and will move to California soon to be closer to
relatives. Brian had at least one V-8 modified Corvair when he was in the club
in the 1970s.

The 50/50 totaled $22, Hurley Wilvert won, he gave his $11 to Vickie for
Sunshine expenses. Thanks, Hurley!

We adjourned and several members left to meet again at Jason's Deli.


May Board Meeting Minutes
Anne Mae Gold

Present: Ray, Jim, John, Terry, Lube, Robert, Anne Mae

Call to order: at 4:58 pm

President: Support Ed Halpin by voting for him to the CORSA board, Western
Division. Ballots can be found in the April CORSA magazine or vote on-line.
Deadline for voting is June 1st. The CNM board will not meet in June; business
via email.

Vice President: Thanked Robert for leading the Museum Car show participants in
to the parking lot. A good time was had by all. Mentioned having a baseball
night at the Isotopes... show your colors!

Treasurer: $4,652.49

Secretary: Thanked Jim for taking notes when Anne Mae was sick for the April
Membership meeting. Rob and AM will miss the June Membership meeting, but Art
will take notes.

Membership: Larry Yoffee was not in attendance.

Editor: Newsletter deadline is Friday the 20th.

Car Council: Robert thanked everyone for turning out for the Museum Car Show.
Two of our members helped tally votes. CNM is held in great esteem. The Car
Council president has resigned, the current Vice President (Jaime Saavedra) will
step into the role until elections are held. Robert has also volunteered to run
as VP on the next ballot.

Tri-State: Terry is working on a handout to take up to Montrose to advertise our
Taos Tri-State next year. Ray has asked him to make an announcement at the
Montrose Tri-State.

New Business:
June 3-5 Tri-State in Montrose, CO
June 11  Old Route 66 Cleanup at 8:30am.
	 Meet at I-40 Carnuel Triangle
July 4th on the Plaza in Santa Fe
July 9th breakfast at Central Grill (Central near
	 Rio Grande), 10-noon
July 12-16 CORSA International Convention in
	 Springfield, Illinois
August:  Possible Isotopes baseball game.
	 Robert will look into this.

Old Business:
Albuquerque Museum Car Show - several CNM members showed up with a total of six
Corvairs. Terry Price won first place in his category with the beautiful maroon
1966 Monza coupe!

Miscellaneous topics:
October elections are around the corner.
* Anne Mae is willing to stand for Secretary.
* Robert is willing to stand for Treasurer.
* John may be willing to stand as President.
* Lube is being encouraged to stand for VP.
Ray will also ask for nominees at the membership meeting. Who would make good
officers? Someone said, we can't keep having the same few individuals running
the club lest they burn out.

Adjourned: at 6:05 pm


How many saw the B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" flying over
the city during the Museum Car Show?


You could own this car! It's the same beautiful 1963 coupe
that Ruth Boydston used to drive to our meetings. Sherry Gray
tells us it is available. Contact Sherry if interested:
sg730 AT comcast DOT net


May Car Council Report
Robert Gold

It sorta came up all of a sudden. By that I mean Lauri Rector's resignation from
the position of President of the Car Council. She had only been the Prez since
last year's elections so this came as quite a shock to the membership. It seemed
that various concerns were raised over Lauri's involvement in an upcoming car
event that will be nameless. I will say the unnamed event will take place on
Saturday, July 9. It will be an event worth attending. See you there!!??

The balance of the meeting was mostly taken up stuffing goody bags for the
upcoming May 15 Museum Car Show. I really think I'll be dreaming about dumping
stuff in bags when I finally get to sleep. It was a nice time, as usual, except
no food. Come on Joyce, please don't do that again.

Oh by the way, for the June meeting, there will be an envelope stuffing event in
preparation for the September Swap Meet. The meeting will begin around 6:00.
This time Joyce has promised to feed us... after we finish the envelopes.

The balance of the meeting was a quick summary of the usual things like the
treasury (we have lots of $), the website (I added a link to Jamie Saavedra's
facebook page), and Jamie's report on the facebook page (we have 1,000-plus

Really, I can't take credit for the facebook link. It was my son, Javi, who got
it done almost faster than it took to ask him, so I want to give a public thanks
to him for bailing me out.

We also had short discussions about the upcoming Museum Car Show, the September
Swap Meet, and the Collector Car Appreciation Day. The Appreciation Day is
scheduled for July 9, 2016. If you want more particulars about these events
please check out the extraordinary website

Lastly, Joyce mentioned that next month will mark elections for various offices
with the Council. We now have openings for President, Vice-President and
possibly one or more Board Members. I offered to be vice-president for the
coming year. I have found there is always something interesting to do in the Car
Council. They will mail out ballots to the reps in the next couple of weeks.
That means at the next Council meeting I'll get to see which lofty position I'll
be holding for the next year or so.

With that we adjourned. Check out next month's report for the election results!

	-- Robert Gold


The 2016 Car Council Museum Car Show
Robert Gold

Quick... here is a test... True of False?.. Albuquerque is located in a desert.
I thought I knew the answer until I listened to the rain fall all night before
this year's Car Council Albuquerque Museum Car Show. How does a desert get soooo
much rain? But not to worry, by the time the early morning CNM crew had
congregated to enter the parking lot where the show took place, the rain had
ended! So here is a list of those CNM'ers who got together for the show:

1. Art Gold   - 1964 Monza Coupe   4. Terry Price  - 1966 Monza Coupe
2. John Wiker - 1966 Monza Coupe   5. Ray Trujillo - 1965 Corsa Convertible
3. Anne Mae Gold - 1961 Lakewood   6. Lube - 1963 Monza Sedan - Great White Hope

Because of those folks scared off from the show by the threat of rain, it was
very easy for us to find a nice, comfortable place to set things up. By sheer
luck we were adjacent to the GTO owned by the newly installed President of the
Car Council, Jamie Saavedra. Here is a message to those of you who worried about
the rain and didn't show up: "The weather for the day turned out to be ideal-
moderate temps, nice cloud cover, and a hint of a breeze. Your loss for not
being here!"

Though attendance was down, that didn't mean there weren't still lots of great
cars to see. In honor of the newly opened Route 66 exhibit in the Museum, a
section of the parking lot was lined with cars that might have actually
traversed the Mother Road during its heyday in the 1930's, 1940's and the
1950's. Among them was a 1948 Pontiac Torpedo owned by former CNM'er, Geoff
Johnson and family. The opinion of the spectators was that his car had the
sweetest running 6-cylinder flathead you'll ever see. Good work Geoff!

As I mentioned, this show reflected the theme of a new exhibit at the Museum --
A Celebration of the Mother Road. I would highly recommend you take a little
time to check out all the artifacts that the Museum have brought together. My
personal observation is that it was a real wakeup call when I realized that
things I saw on Route 66 in the 1980's are now considered of historical
significance. Maybe if I hang out on Route 66 long enough I could acquire some
historical significance. Just a thought....

So concluded another wonderful show... we had "enough" Corvairs this year,
but... maybe we'll see more of you attend with Corvairs next year??!!

-- Robert Gold

At the May 18th Board Meeting we learned that Terry Price received First Place
in his group! He showed us a very nice full-color plaque. This was for the 1966
maroon Monza coupe. Apparently those voting were very sophisticated and
discerning individuals!


TREASURY REPORT ************* 04-23-2016 to 05-19-2016 ************* ROBERT GOLD
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION           BALANCE = $4,831.34
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
2016.04.20 2242 -$   45.00 CORSA Dues  C.Johnson      12 m CORSA      -$   45.00
2016.04.25 2245 -$ $110.82 R.Trujillo  Anniversary Dinner             -$ $110.82
2016.04.25 2246 -$   32.53 H.Pittman   APR 2016 Newsletter_Printing   -$   32.53
2016.04.29      +$    9.50 Credit      Correction by Wells Fargo      +$    9.50
2016.05.17      +$   25.00 Dues        L.Rogers       12 m CNM         $   25.00
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
2016.06.01 JUN NEWSLETTER = END OF PREVIOUS MONTH ==================== $4,677.49

2016.05.04      +$    5.00 Deposit     Sale of One Jacket Patch       +$    5.00
2016.05.04      +$   11.00 Deposit     50/50 ($11 to Sunshine Funds)  +$   11.00


In Praise of ASCII
Jim Pittman

I have been editing our club newsletter since 1978 and have maintained a web
site dedicated to the newsletter since about 2000. Some may take these things
for granted and pay little attention to the details, but others may wonder why I
make the newsletter and the web site look the way they do. Is there a method to
my madness?

Part of the answer is that I have been a serious reader since about fourth
grade, and part is that I have been a computer geek since about 1975 when I got
my first personal programmable device, a Hewlett-Packard HP-25 calculator. Yes,
my first "computer" was a $200 pocket calculator.

Not only was I an avid reader of any and all printed material that came my way,
but I paid attention to the form and style of this material, particularly as it
was published in quality magazines such as Road & Track, Car and Driver, Life,
Newsweek and Time. I am sensitive to the way material is presented on the page,
the size and font of the printed words, and the way photographs and graphics are
integrated with the text. I love it when a book or magazine is so easy to read
that you do not notice the font, and I hate it when a book uses a font that
looks "cute" or "modern" or "sophisticated" or otherwise makes you stop and
notice it, when instead it should simply read smoothly.

I consciously copy good style and layout and use of illustrations in books and
magazines that I read, and I try to avoid fonts or styles I regard as
pretentious or excessively artsy.

Then why, with plenty of nice fonts to choose from, do I often use Courier, a
font that used to be a standard on IBM Selectric typewriters?

Everyone knows by now that computers use only ones and zeroes to do their magic,
and humans are not very good at communicating in ones and zeroes (think how
often, or how seldom, you carry on a conversation by saying only "yes" or "no")
and the computer needs to code those ones and zeroes to human-understandable
symbols like alphabet letters, numerals, punctuation, and, lately, emoticons. In
the prehistoric days of computing (circa 1960) one method for this encoding was
the American Standard Code for Information Interchange or ASCII. Pronounce it
like "ask-key." ASCII has 128 characters. The printable ones are the ten decimal
digits, the 26 lower-case letters, the 26 upper-case letters, and 32 punctuation
characters including period, comma and space. The other 33 codes are "control
characters" such as telling a teleprinter to "return" to the start of a line or
to "delete" the previous character or to "form feed" to advance the paper to a
new page.

One of the glories of the English language, in my opinion, is the absence of
diacritical marks over or under letters. You can write up all the plays of
Shakespeare with just the 26 letters and the ten digits and a smattering of
punctuation symbols -- that is, with the ASCII character set. How can people
type in French or German with all those accent marks and cedillas and tildes and
umlauts? And how can people possibly learn to read and write Chinese with
thousands of intricate characters to learn? I could never do it.

But I digress. I was going to tell why I often use the Courier font in my
newsletter and on my web page. It's mainly due to the phenomenon known as
mono-spacing or fixed-pitch.

Back in the early days of typewriters each letter printed on the paper advanced
the platen exactly one unit to be ready for the next letter or a space or a
punctuation character. As a result, every line of type had room for the same
number of characters, and the characters on following lines all lined up exactly
with the characters above. The letters produced by a typewriter all had to be
the same width. This made for some ugly compromises. The rich letters "W" and
"M" had to be shrunken to be the same width as, for example, an "O" while the
tiny letters "i" and "l" had to be artificially widened with serifs to look as
wide as an "O". To make type look better, somewhere around the late 1970s
typewriters (and printers designed to be used with computers) began to have
"proportional" spacing where, for example, an "M" or "W" was wider than an "i"
or "l" and other letters were as wide or as narrow as they "ought" to be.
Documents typed with a proportional-space typewriter or printer looked much
nicer and were easier to read than documents using Courier or another monospaced

As everyone knows, Steve Jobs introduced the Macintosh computer in 1984 and the
Mac had a variety of fonts built-in, some fixed pitch like Courier but most
variable pitch. With the appearance of laser printers it became easy to produce
a document that looked much nicer than a typical document produced on a
typewriter -- it looked like a typeset book or magazine.

To keep the newsletter easy to read, I tend to use a few good fonts. I like New
Century Schoolbook for text and Ariel Black for headlines. Other publications
use Times and Helvetica for text and headlines. If I have tables of data to put
in the newsletter (think of the treasury report) I will use a monospaced font
such as Courier or American Typewriter because then all the characters in the
table will be lined up vertically in nice neat columns so you can follow the
numbers from the top to the bottom of the table. If I used a proportional font
the characters would wander all over the place. To see how absurd this would be,
here's this month's treasury report in Times. Compare this to the original on
Page 6.

TREASURY REPORT FOR 04-22-2016 to 05-19-2016
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
2016.04.20 2242 -$ 45.00 CORSA Dues C.Johnson 12 m CORSA -$ 45.00
2016.04.25 2245 -$ $110.82 R.Trujillo Anniversary Dinner -$ $110.82
2016.04.25 2246 -$ 32.53 H.Pittman APR 2016 Newsletter_Printing -$ 32.53
2016.04.29 +$ 9.50 Credit Correction by Wells Fargo +$ 9.50
2016.05.17 +$ 25.00 Dues L.Rogers 12 m CNM $ 25.00
========== ==== ========== =========== =========================================
2016.06.01 JUN NEWSLETTER = END OF PREVIOUS MONTH ==================== $4,677.49

While I am talking about laying out the newsletter I will mention two pet
peeves: columns and hyphens. I nearly always use three (sometimes two, sometimes
four) columns for articles. Compare one column at the top of this page for poor
readability. Narrower columns are easier to read. I almost never allow a hyphen
to break a word in a paragraph. Typeset books and magazine articles always use
hyphens and almost always make both the right and left margins "straight" or
fully justified. I almost always use left-justification only. Why? Because I
believe it makes articles easier to read. Well, see for yourself in the examples
at the right. If you don't agree, let me know what you think.

The two boxes at right compare left-justified text with no hyphens (Example 1)
to fully-justified text with my page layout program's automatic hyphenation
(Example 2). Which do you think is easier to read, or at least which looks
"better" on the page?

While we are talking about the use of hyphens, have you noticed in newspapers or
magazines that hyphens are often inserted inappropriately? Often a quite short
word will be hyphenated, or a word is hyphenated so it looks like two completely
different words. I find this more often in newspapers than in high-quality
magazines. My belief is that it is because editors have become more dependent on
automated page layout programs which follow rigid hyphenation rules. There just
isn't time to have an experienced human editor do the hyphenation "by eye."

We see a lot of newsletters from other clubs and there's a wide range of styles
among these newsletters. I can't help comparing them in terms of layout and
readability. Some of them give me good ideas for improvement!

My web page is perhaps too plain and simple for many people. I keep it simple so
it is easy to maintain as well as easy to read. I am not a fan of fancy fonts
and many-colored text. Is this boring? Maybe. I may be kidding myself that the
web page is easy to read and easy to navigate. You could help me out here. Tell
me what you like or dislike about the web page and the newsletter.


Eight Special CNM'ers have June Birthdays:
 Mary Ellen Feasel
 Robert Gold
 Rita Gongora
 Heula Pittman
 Jonathan Reider
 Victor Sanchez
 Timothy Shortle
 Sylvia Trujillo

Four Special Couples Have a June Anniversary:
 Debra & Jon Anderson
 Carolyn & Dan Palmer
 Heula & Jim Pittman
 Sarah & Terry Price



More Lessons Learned: One Under the Car
Chris Kimberly

As you all know, I've been learning the mechanics of my car, which takes place
almost monthly.

Last Fall, before the Palm Springs trip, Dave Feasel was going through the car,
resolving the oil leaks for me. He had the tires off in the rear, and noticed a
wheel bearing going bad. Having a couple spares on hand, he replaced both axles
before that long trip, and I sent mine off to Clark's to have new ones pressed

Well, my axles came back quickly, but then I had to wait for a warm day to swap
out the loaners with the ones that had just been refurbished.

I was assured the install process wasn't too difficult... nine bolts on each
side, and the use of a gear puller. A gear puller???? New tool for me!!!

On a warm day in March, between the Spring Blizzard and "Snowmageddon" Ed Halpin
came over to help me trade out the axles, bringing along his collection of gear
pullers and socket wrenches.

We put the car on the jack stands, removed the tires, and crawled under to find
the location of those "nine bolts."

The first four bolts were on the brake backing plate, and had to be removed by a
socket going through an access hole in the axle shaft flange.

After removing the first 4 bolts, we then moved under the center of the car, to
remove the 4 bolts for the U-Joints, right next to the differential. This was a
little tricky because the exhaust pipe was in the way. It took many short turns
to loosen those bolts, and a screwdriver wedged in the axle shaft to keep it
from spinning.

NOW, it was time to use the gear puller to get the last bolt which attached the
yoke to the end of the axle. Ed had several, and we decided on one. It was
attached and slowly the axle came out from the yoke, the last bolt removed, and
the borrowed axle was free to take off and be replaced with the one from

We checked over the universal joints, making sure there was plenty of grease
packed in the bearings. Then the process began to secure the axle in place doing
everything in reverse order.

It took two hours to replace both axles and I now know about universal joints,
gear pullers and how to change out the axles.

I just hope these new axles last as long as I have the car!!


|       June 2016        |      July 2016         |     August 2016        |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
|            1  2  3  4  |                 1  2   |     1  2  3  4  5  6   |
|   5  6  7  8  9 10 11  |  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   |  7  8  9 10 11 12 13   |
|  12 13 14 15 16 17 18  | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16   | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   |
|  19 20 21 22 23 24 25  | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23   | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27   |
|  26 27 28 29 30        | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   | 28 29 30 31            |
|                        | 31                     |                        |
	at Wyoming & Carmel, north of Wyoming & Paseo del Norte NE.
	After the meeting, we may go to "JASON'S DELI" at 5920 Holly Ave. NE.

FRI 03 JUN Tri-State == Montrose, Colorado - Sponsor Pikes Peak Corvair Club
SAT 04 JUN Tri-State == the Holiday Inn Express has been confirmed
SUN 05 JUN Tri-State == Stay tuned for phone numbers, T-shirts, other details
* HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS = 1391 S. Townsend Ave. Montrose, CO 81401 970-240-1800
* Room rate: $99 + tax includes hot breakfast buffet. "Pikes Peak Corvair Club"
* Contact = Chris Kimberly = 775-830-4739 =
* More information ==

SAT 11 JUN  8:30 AM   Old Route 66 Cleanup -- meet at I-40 / Carnuel Triangle

WED 15 JUN  No Board Meeting This Month! Conduct any required business by email


FRI 24 JUN  9:00 PM Deadline for items for July 2016 newsletter
MON 04 JUL Early! Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe


FRI 08 JUL ........ Collector Car Appreciation Day - N. M. Council of Car Clubs

SAT 09 JUL 10:00 AM  Club Breakfast: Central Grill 2056 Central SW 505-554-1424

TUE 12 JUL  CORSA International Convention - Springfield, Illinois
WED 13 JUL  Corvairs on the Prairie - Host: Prairie Capital Corvair Association
THU 14 JUL  Crowne Plaza Springfield Hotel
FRI 15 JUL  3000 S Dirksen Pkwy --- Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: 1-217-529-7777
SAT 16 JUL  Interstate 55 (Old Route 66) at the intersection with Interstate 72

WED 20 JUL  5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE

FRI 22 JUL  9:00 PM Deadline for items for August 2016 newsletter


SUN 14 AUG  ....... NMCCC Picnic - Oak Flat Picnic Area, South 14, Tijeras

SUN 15 AUG  5:30 PM Isleta Casino Car Show (yes 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM)

WED 17 AUG  5:00 PM Board Meeting: HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER at 131 Monroe NE


FRI 26 AUG  9:00 PM Deadline for items for September 2016 newsletter
SUN 18 SEP  State Fair Car Show --- CHECK ON DATE AND TIME!
FRI-SAT 23-25 SEP  NMCCC Swap Meet, Los Lunas
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================

SEVEN YEARS AGO May [ JUNE 2016 Vol 42 Nr 6 Issue 489 ] Jim Pittman

2009 Vol 35 Nr 6 # 405

Cover: a blue early model adjacent to the ubiquitous yellow Wiker Monza. Mike
Stickler ran the May meeting, Art Gold reported $3,718 and this was the 25th
anniversary of the Museum car show and the 100th anniversary of the Ford
Model-T. Many details about planning for the Taos Tri-State. Mike said when he
installed quiet stock mufflers he was able to hear the squeal of a bad blower
bearing. Another childhood photo was presented for identification. John Wiker,
Sally Williams, Dave Huntoon and Jim Pittman reported on the Museum Car Show
which featured only five Corvairs. There were twenty Ford T-models. Larry Blair
reminded us of the need to close those carburetor warming plates for the summer.

2002 Vol 28 Nr 6 # 321

Cover Corvairs stopped at a pass in the mountains on the way to Grand Junction,
Colorado. Wendell reported $5,581 in the bank. The Car Council planned a big car
show at Los Lunas. Mark said CORSA would have an annual "best newsletter" award.
We voted to quit giving a free license plate to new members. Jerry complimented
Steve on the new CNM web site. Several members attended John Wiker's carb
tune-up session at Del Monte high school where we learned to use the Uni-Syn.
President Robert depleted the city's water supply by washing all his cars in one
day. Wendell reported on plans for the Grand Junction Tri-State.

1995 Vol 21 Nr 6 # 237

The cover photo was one of 45 illustrating our fabulous "Red River Rendezvous
II" Tri-State. We mailed a copy of the newsletter to everyone who attended this
Tri-State. Larry ran our meeting. Will reported $1,186 in the bank. Lots of Red
River expenses had to come out of that. Several automotive events were scheduled
for the same May 19-20-21 weekend. Corvair Underground wanted to sell Bill's
CARE & FEEDING book. We regularly met at the Pleau residence to plan for the
convention. A cookout "in the unspoiled wilds of Placitas" was announced. Larry
Blair reported on the Tri-State and how the Corvair Caravan came up behind a
slow-moving house near Taos.Thirty-three Corvairs were in our parade. Wayne
Christgau drove a thousand miles from Iowa in his famous 1969 Monza. Mark had a
broken valve spring and Ben Benzel lost a 2-spinner wheel cover.

1988 Vol 14 Nr 6 # 153

Our cover featured the Fiero, an attractive rear-engine GM car full of promise
which suffered an early demise. Jim predicted that it would one day become a
classic. We had $722 in the bank. Bill had a $15 "CORVAIRS PARKING ONLY" sign to
sell. Tom Martin told how he helped build a cabin in the Pecos Wilderness and
hauled water to mix concrete in the trunk of his new 1961 Monza coupe.

1981 Vol 7 Nr 6 # 69

Our happy CNM dragon cavorted in a swimming pool improvised in the back of a
Loadside. We raised our dues to $10 a year. We planned a slalom in Los Alamos
and a flea market event. Ten of us won trophies in the Car Council car show.
Inflation during the last 16 years meant that spending $3,000 for a Corvair in
1966 was equivalent to spending $8,500 on the new car of your choice today. Tech
tips: getting stubborn brake drums off and how to make your Corvair quieter. An
article about "Slaloms and Car Shows" said that taking your car to a slalom was
a great way to learn how to keep control of your car in an emergency situation.

1974 (no newsletter) The Club met at Ed Black's Chevrolet.

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. I still print
mailing labels with a 1989 Apple IIgs on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIp. The
newsletter is composed using Apple computers. Software includes OSX, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. Transportation: 1965 Corvair Monza, 1990 Honda Civic, 1996 Mazda
Miata and 2016 Honda Civic. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my