The March 2022 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 28-Feb-2022 = Copyright (c) 2022 Corvairs of New Mexico       

   March 2022 / VOLUME 48 / NUMBER 3 / ISSUE 558 

First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012
Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010

EDITOR 	Jim Pittman, 1112 Westerfeld NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112

NEXT MEETING 	Regular Meeting: March 5th at 10:00 AM
		Highland Senior Center 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

  President's Letter ......................... Gregory Nelson
  Dues Due Dates ....................... Membership Committee
  Our Anniversary Party ..................... Brenda Stickler
  Take a Hike ............................... Brenda Stickler
  Treasury Report ............................. Steve Gongora
  Birthdays & Anniversaries ............ Membership Committee
  Upgrade 1964 Corvan Taillights with LEDs .... Steve Gongora
  Corvair engine, 1963 Spyder .......... Photos by Tarmo Sutt
  Two Years of Covid ............................ Jim Pittman
  Forty-four Years Ago .................... Newsletter Editor
  Rodney Patton Hall ............................... Obituary
  Glen Shakel's 1971 VW/Vair Bus ................ Mark Morgan
  Flight to San Antonio (no Corvair content) .... Jim Pittman
  Calendar of Coming Events .............. Board of Directors
  March Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago .. Club Historian

COVER: Pat Hall has too many Corvairs and Parts. Come and see them!

  President         Greg Nelson    505-400-8670            fesedu @
  Vice-President  Brenda Stickler  505-856-6993          tounce66 @
  Secretary         Lupe Arellanes 505-515-9897 ispeakmedicare505 @
  Treasurer        Steve Gongora   505-220-7401      stevegongora @
  Newsletter         Jim Pittman   505-275-2195              jimp @
  Past President     Pat Hall      505-620-5574  patandvickiehall @
  Past President    Dave Allin     505-410-9668          dnjallin @
  Past President   David Huntoon   505-281-9616         corvair66 @

MEETING:  Regular Meeting - Saturday March 5th, 2022 at 10:00 AM
          Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

INTERNET: CORSA's home page ............
         CNM's newsletters ..............
        New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ..


DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.02  Linda Soukup, Tony Berbig     25-MAR-2022

DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.03    Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski  25-APR-2022
2022.03    Barbara & Gordon Johnson    25-APR-2022
2022.03        Kelli & Mark Morgan     25-APR-2022
2022.03    Sui-Fong & David Neale      25-APR-2022
2022.03  Valerie Nye & Joel Yelich     25-APR-2022

DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.04      Deborah & John Dinsdale   25-MAY-2022
2022.04               Terry Hall       25-MAY-2022
2022.04       Janet & Steve Johnson    25-MAY-2022
2022.04                Fred Riggs II   25-MAY-2022

DUE MAY 2021 ======================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.05             --- NONE ---       25-JUN-2022

INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2021.04               Lesha Kitts      25-MAY-2021
2021.12               Leroy Alderete   25-JAN-2022

Send your Dues to:

CNM Treasurer -- Steve Gongora
8419 Palo Duro NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
form from your Communique.


* Tri-State

The next Corvairs Tri-State Meet is May 20-22, 2022 in Glenwood Springs
Colorado. Head to the website: to reserve your
room. The website is updated regularly so check back often.

* The Hall Collection

Several club members once again made the trek to see the Hall collection. I
hitched a ride with Dave Huntoon because I intended to return home with Pat
Hall's Blue 1963 Spyder Convertible (featured on the February Newsletter Cover).
So yeah, my garage is full and I'm looking forward to sprucing up the paint on
the Spyder. Just waiting for MVD to send me new plates and for the weather to
warm up so I can cruise with the top down. As part of the deal, I picked up a
Turbo engine that Dave has graciously agreed to help rebuild. We had our first
repair session recently which primarily consisted of disassembly and inspection.
I have a bunch of parts to polish and I'm thinking of remodeling my porch and
turning it into a work area. Because you know... my garage is FULL.

[Bonus!!! - While cleaning out the glove box I discovered three original manuals
that came with the car. Wow!]

* Club Anniversary Party

Don't forget that the club is celebrating its 48th Anniversary at Mimi's Cafe on
March 12 at 11:00 am. This is the Saturday following the club meeting.

* April Outing

One of the topics of discussion at the March meeting will be for a proposed club
outing in April. Perhaps we can meet for breakfast now that the mask
restrictions have lifted (fingers crossed, no new variants), or we could meet at
a local museum (e.g. the Soaring Museum in Moriarty?). Both are great ideas and
whichever we decide for April the other can be done in the future.

* Adopt a Highway

Don't forget we have a new mile: Markers 5 to 6 east of Tramway on the way to
Tijeras. First trash pickup will be the morning of the Anniversary Get Together.
So I think this one time we will meet at 08:30 am instead of the usual 09:00 am.
That will give volunteers a chance to clean up before lunch.

* Tech Talk Topic

Paint repair. Looking for club members' experience.

* NM Council of Car Clubs

Main topics from the February 23 Meeting:
A deep dive review of NMCCC's four events this year:

* Albuquerque Museum Car Show on May 15.
  Dash plaques instead of trophies this year.
* Collector Car Appreciation Day on July 9
* All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flat on August 7
* Swap Meet on September 24-25. Originally set for Moriarty but
  the Board members are looking for a new location.

Check out the website for more info. Robert Gold is revamping the Facebook page.

* March Meeting Topics of Discussion

Meissner Award - Keep It or Retire It?

Steve and Rita Memorabilia Donation - Raffle off to members or sell on
Corvair Trader/Facebook/Etsy.....

I'll bring a few of these items to the club meeting.

Cheers Y'all -- Greg


* All current members should check their calendars and make sure to have
Saturday, March 12th marked for our yearly Anniversary celebration. We should be
proud that our club is close to reaching the half a century milestone. This
accomplishment took a great deal of dedication from our club members for us to
still be thriving. We will meet at Mimi's Cafe at 11:00 AM. We each purchase our
own lunch, from a complete menu. The club is providing a cake for us to
celebrate our great association. We welcome your favorite Corvair Stories.


* Soon it will be perfect weather for us to venture out for a hike (fondly
named: "Go Take a Hike") and there are lots of opportunities. We should have
some great walking weather towards the third or fourth weekend in March, here in
Albuquerque. Do contact me if you have a favorite trail, that is a medium walk.
One upcoming venture already suggested needs to have clearer roads up North. If
you are interested in being contacted, if we get one set in March, please, look
for a CNM update on this is a couple of weeks via E-mail.

Look forward to hearing from you -  Brenda Stickler

TREASURY REPORT FOR 01-30-2022 to 02-26-2022 ===============================================
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION                      BALANCE = $ 5,094.94
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.02.01 2547 -$   92.19 J.Pittman   Newsletter Printing FEB 2022   -$    61.19 $ 5,033.75
2022.02.01                 J.Pittman   36 Stamps @ .70 each           -$    25.20 $ 5,008.55
2022.02.01                 J.Pittman   36 Envelopes @ .161 each       -$     5.80 $ 5,002.75
2022.02.07 Cash +$   90.00 Greg Nelson   Payment for CNM Jacket       +$    90.00 $ 5,092.75
2022.02.07 3359 +$   81.80 Steve Gongora Payment for CNM Jacket       +$    81.80 $ 5,174.55
2022.02.07 4265 +$   88.30 David Huntoon Payment for CNM Jacket       +$    88.30 $ 5,262.85
2022.02.07 5101 +$   50.00 Dues        J.Arellanes    26 m CNM        +$    50.00 $ 5,312.85
2022.02.07 1073 +$  140.00 Dues        Art Gold       26 m CNM, CORSA +$   140.00 $ 5,452.85
2022.02.07 2548 -$   90.00 CORSA Dues  Art Gold       26 m CORSA      -$    90.00 $ 5,362.85
2022.02.12 2549 -$   35.00 CORSA       CORSA Annual Chapter Fee 2022  -$    35.00 $ 5,327.85
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.03.01 MAR NEWSLETTER  ============================================ BALANCE = $ 5,327.85
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========


	Dave Allin
	Jim Arellanes
	Tony Berbig
	Linda Cochran
	Art Gold
	Barbara Johnson
	John McMahan
	Lloyd Piatt
	Brenda Stickler
	Joel Yelich

	Anne Mae & Robert Gold


I have been wanting to change the rear tail lenses on my van for quite some
time. I figured if I was going to install these new lenses, this would be a
great time to upgrade to LED taillight inserts. I went to the local Autozone to
give the local guys a chance on their products. Sylvania makes a replacement for
the rear taillights (original part #1157). Their part number is 7528 at a cost
of $19.99 for the pair. You must purchase a load equalizer to make the LED bulb
work properly with the blinkers. The Sylvania part number is 771931. Cost for
the equalizer is $15.99 for the set of two. Total cost for all with tax was

I installed one side to see the difference of brightness. I had to modify from
the instructions and attach one end of the load equalizer to the body for
ground. When I connected the wires as per the instructions, it wouldn't work. I
was disappointed with the performance of the Sylvania bulbs because the
improvement of light was negligible.

I made the decision to order online from a company that I had great success in
the past with my previous Corvairs. I ordered from .
Their bulbs cost $9.95 each. The LED placement is far superior to the Sylvania
bulbs. The part number is 1157-A27-T (color Amber). Shipping was $5.25.

I had some trouble getting the bulb to lock properly. With patience and
perseverance, the bulbs were installed and I feel safe that my taillights are

APRIL 2015

One of the details of the restoration of my 1962 Rampside was the license plate
lighting. You can buy replacements from Clark's Corvair Parts (part #C872R) but
the problem is when you use the regular #1172 bulb replacements. The bulb gets
so hot when the lights are on that they melt the housing, which is plastic, not
metal. One solution is to buy LED lights for replacement. I purchased mine from
a website - Part #67-W15. This bulb has a 210 degree beam
angle. The illumination is great and now I don't have to worry about a meltdown.


The LED wafers for my taillights and backup lights cost $126.70. I ordered them
from the address in the Las Vegas newsletter. Ben Carey assembled the lights and
sent them to me. I used my own butyl adhesive to attach them to the taillight
housings. It is a very clean installation. The backup lights are tremendously
bright. It was well worth the money.
Here is Ben's information:
		Ben Carey
		37 Bennitt Rd
		Bowersville, GA 30516
		carey_b @

Five photos at Pat Hall's place with Corvairs and Parts -- Tarmo Sutt

Two years ago, March 7th, we had our 46th Anniversary Party at Highland Senior
Center. The World Health Organization was about to declare Covid-19 a pandemic
but few of us had a clue. Maybe we were vaguely aware of the worrisome illness
happening in China, but mostly we were concerned about the Tri-State event to be
held in Albuquerque in May. Time was getting short! A lot of preparation was
already done, but a lot of work was left to do.

It seems now that going into the pandemic was a slow-moving escalator to
ever-more scary danger. And you couldn't get off. Every day brought more dire
news and more confusion about what to do about it. Not least of our worries was
finding out what steps to take to stay safe. When vaccines became available in a
matter of months, not years, many of us eagerly sought them out. We were going
to be saved by a century of scientific research! No such thing was available for
the 1918 flu which had to burn itself out leaving millions dead. That couldn't
happen now in the enlightened twenty-first century! Could it? Surely with
medical science we would beat this thing.

Cautious optimism turned to more worry as our social and political systems
melted down in front of our eyes. People wouldn't get vaccinated. All kinds of
excuses were given: religious, political, a feeling of invulnerability or just
rebellion against authority.

There seemed to be ways to avoid getting Covid. No more shaking hands! (We had
already been doing that for years to ward off the flu.) How about wearing a
mask? What kind of mask? Where to get effective masks?

There was a lot of confusion and conflicting information. It started at the top
of government and trickled down. Don't buy masks, save them for hospital staff
and health care workers.

We were ignorant of the 1918 flu but we knew a lot about polio. People our age
remember when parents were terrified every summer that their children would get
polio. We all knew kids who got it. Some recovered and had to walk with a limp
for the rest of their lives. Some were in a wheel chair and were lucky to be
able to drive a car with hand controls and walk with crutches. Some were kept
alive in iron lungs. Some died young. Some just died.

The March of Dimes raised money for medical research to beat this horrible
disease. Children sent in their dimes. And by 1955 an effective vaccine was
finally available.

Polio is not the only disease treatable by modern medical science. Children used
to die of cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox, whooping cough, influenza,
even mumps and measles. There are now vaccinations available. I well remember
the first time there was a mass inoculation at my grade school. We all stood in
line and watched the nurses sterilize needles and syringes and we were all
terrified. But our parents were happy to have these preventative shots
available. I don't recall any refusals.

Two years ago our lives were disrupted and changed forever. No matter how much
we want to go back to "normal" it is gone forever.

As in automotive history: there will never be time like the 1960s. I remember
those days as automotive perfection. No, cars weren't perfect but they were
getting better and better. Want a big car with luxury and power everything? No
problem. Want a car with a big V-8 and a 4-barrel and lots of red-light power?
No problem. Gas was cheap. Want a strange little bug with four-on-the-floor that
used little gas and lasted forever? Germany was happy to provide. Want an
American-made sports car that you didn't have to tune up every Saturday and
didn't cost an arm and leg? General Motors and Ed Cole had one just for you.
They made one for me. Corvairs lasted only ten years but they made millions of
them. I was able to own one brand-new and then several good ones that I picked
up used for cheap.

No, some things are gone forever. Things we used to worry about may be gone, but
they have been replaced by other worries.

We are all living in the future now.


Forty-four years ago the March 1978 Corvair Club newsletter was prepared and
mailed out to some forty-six addresses.  Sylvan Zuercher took care of getting
the newsletter photocopied, folded, stapled, stamped and put in the mail.  This
was the second issue produced by your current editor.   That means the little
guy in the back of my head has been on duty for 529 monthly issues. Sometimes I
thought he might quit but so far he's hanging in there.  Who can tell why he
keeps working?  Not I.



FUNERAL HOME: Noblin Funeral Service - Los Lunas
2211-D Main Street, SE Los Lunas, NM

Rodney Hall, son of Easter Hall-Warschauer and Rayce (Pat) Hall, died on
Wednesday, February 9, 2022. He leaves behind his beloved "Baby", a Dodge Ram
Pickup truck he "birthed" by building up a vehicle that most would have turned
away from. He is survived by his siblings, Patrica Davis (Rick) of Tennessee,
Roger Hall (Sue) of North Carolina, Susan Pisano of Arizona, Denise Laughery of
California, and Jill Warschauer of Tennessee, as well as several nieces,
nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and many great friends. He is preceded in death
by his adoptive father, Ralph Warschauer and his two brothers, Randy Hall and
Carl Hall.

He was a gentle giant, who loved his Pugsy, a pug dog stuffed animal given to
him by his favorite 11 year old, Mary Wilson, the daughter of his best friend,
Phillip Wilson, who used her allowance to purchase this get well gift for him.
Pugsy devoted his time to Rodney, giving him comfort during his hospital stay.
Rodney was loved by all those who knew him. He could be stubborn, determined,
playful, and kind. He made friends every where he went, even touching the lives
of those who cared for him at the hospital; primarily his favorite nurses, John,
Zadine, and Zaryah.

Rodney accepted Jesus as his Savior and we trust in the Lord that we will see
him again.

Visitation will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00
a.m., with a Celebration of his life beginning at 10:00 a.m. Services will be
held at Calvary Chapel New Harvest in Los Lunas, officiated by Pastor Julian
Ortega. Refreshments will be served following the service. Rodney will be
cremated and interred in Kentucky, per his wishes.
Noblin Funeral Service and Crematory Los Lunas Chapel is in charge of the

To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Rodney, please visit
our floral store. Published by Noblin Funeral Service - Los Lunas on Feb. 10,
2022. To plant trees in memory, please visit the Sympathy Store.



Member Glen Shakel, currently working for the government Bureau of Reclamation
in scenic Yuma, Arizona, got into Corvairs in a round about way. Where most of
us go out and buy the cars because of their handling or some- thing of that
sort, Glen needed a new engine for his 1971 Volkswagon Bus.

The whole thing started when his bus blew its engine at 46,000 miles in 1973.
Rather than replacing it with another VW motor, Glen answered an ad in a
magazine advertising a Corvair engine swap by Hadley Engineering.

Glen and his brother did all the work at Rose Brothers in Seaside, California,
Glen taking his wife and six children out to the coast in the summer of 1974.
His brother had found a shot engine and transaxle in November, and the original
idea was a simple engine swap after rebuilding. They got into a little more than
expected! The engine they eventually installed had the wrong heads, the original
140 heads and Holley carb didn't fit, etc. The two spent most of the 4th of July
de-bugging the car.

Returning to Albuquerque, it was found the original 1965 transmission was too
fast for the bus, so Glen bought a 1963 Monza convertible for the transmission.
The Monza was so much fun he decided to buy another Corvair, obtaining a 1967
500 sedan with 95. He still has the latter car. It was through a need for parts
and getting the second car that he found out about the Corvairs of New Mexico
club through friend John Morgan.

As it runs now, the bus has a 1965 110 engine, Glen having traded the 140
equipment for the 110 heads and carbs. The VW/Vair gets around 17 miles per
gallon in town, 22 on the highway. This is a loss of about 2 MPG from the stock
VW engine, but what mileage lost is more than made up for by increased
versatility and power. Going to California, the bus had a hard time keeping at
55 MPH; on the return trip, Glen had trouble keeping it down to 55!

Glen has no regrets with the conversion, and says he would recommend it to
anyone. The cost was about $600 without labour; one could invest about
$1,000-$1,200 and recover half by selling the old VW engine and transaxle.

With a 3:55 rear end, the bus cruises at 60 MPH at 3,000 rpm, which makes quite
a difference over the previous set-up.

   "Some stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Others just flow
    from one arbitrary point in time to another. This is that kind of story."


It was May 4th, 1968 and I was a junior officer working at the Aeromedical
Research Laboratory at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico. I
was thinking of leaving the Air Force to enroll in a PhD graduate program but
had not decided yet, so maybe I was still on track to make the Air Force a
career doing research. It made sense to participate in any career-enhancing
opportunities that came along. Under the tutelage of my boss, Lt Col William
Kaufman, I had already attended several scientific meetings during my seven
years in uniform. One was in Cleveland, one in Atlantic City, one in New Your
City. The upcoming meeting was happening in Miami. I don't remember, but it may
have been the AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
There was also some kind of meeting in San Antonio which I no longer remember.
Several of us from Holloman were planning to go.

For some reason -- probably to save travel funds -- we were to go by military
airplane instead of flying commercial, and we were to leave early on Saturday
May 4th. There were maybe a dozen of us, all in blue uniform because we would be
flying on a USAF C-131 from one military base to another. The airplane was out
at a rather remote corner of the airfield and we got there dark and early on a
military bus. We got off the bus, it drove away, and we anticipated the start of
a glorious morning. It was now just about daylight and it would be a beautiful
clear day, just a little chilly out there in the desert. Runways and taxiways
faded off into the distance, the mountain chain west of White Sands looked like
a huge blue-gray cardboard cut-out, and Sierra Blanca poked its snow-covered
cone above the desert to the northeast. The shiny C-131 twin-engine airliner in
USAF markings was parked all by itself on the tarmac next to a taxiway.

There was not a soul to be seen anywhere.

We looked around for the ground crew. Nobody. The nearby small buildings were
locked up.

You don't just get on a C-131 and fly away. There has to be a ground crew to
open up the plane and get it ready to go and there has to be at least a pilot
and navigator to fly the thing.

We milled around and muttered to each other. It was up to our senior officer,
Major Pratt, to do something. We weren't ready to walk a mile back to
headquarters and this was long before cell phones. He eyed a building that might
have contained a telephone and found a screwdriver or some other tool to jimmy
the lock and break in. There was a telephone. I don't know who he talked to
early on a Saturday morning but soon he assured us that the ground crew and
flying crew had been aroused and were on their way.

We waited around in the chilly morning until people started arriving, and then
waited some more, because military flying like this is rarely a matter of
urgency or fixed schedule. Any number of things can go wrong and often do.

Finally the airplane was opened up and we got all our bags stowed and found
comfortable seats. Meanwhile the crew were finishing their pre-flight check list
in what was basically a stone-cold airplane. After many more minutes of delay we
heard number one engine starting to crank over.

Finally (yes, it was well after sunup by now) both engines were running
smoothly, the cabin was beginning to get something like warm air circulating
through it, and the brakes were released for the slow, long taxi to the end of a
runway. As I recall we took off toward the sun.

Now, Holloman AFB is west of Alamogordo which is immediately west of the
Sacramento Mountains. Holloman AFB is at an altitude on some 4,000 feet and the
Sacramentos near Alamogordo are well over 9,000 feet. The C-131, not the most
powerful airplane in the land, took off smoothly if noisily and headed east.
Toward the mountain range. As we flew over the base then the desert and then
Alamogordo, it did not seem that we were climbing especially fast. The mountains
grew in size as we watched through the windows. It seemed we'd soon be able to
count the individual boulders and bushes! We continued along and it felt like we
missed the rocks by a couple of dozen feet.

My memories of the trip stop at that point. We must have flown on through the
clear sky over the plains of eastern New Mexico and western Texas, we may have
encountered clouds and weather as we continued east, we must have landed safely
at Kelly AFB, we must have deplaned and found our overnight quarters. My memory
says I went to see a "HemisFair" in San Antonio. We probably boarded the same
C-131 for the flight to Miami. None of this sticks in my memory. I do remember
seeing the tops of the Sacramento Mountains from very close up!

|       March 2022       |      April 2022        |       May 2022         |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
|         1  2  3  4  5  |                 1  2   |  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   |
|   6  7  8  9 10 11 12  |  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   |  8  9 10 11 12 13 14   |
|  13 14 15 16 17 18 19  | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16   | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21   |
|  20 21 22 23 24 25 26  | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23   | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28   |
|  27 28 29 30 31        | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   | 29 30 31               |
SAT 05 MAR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

=-=  SAT 12 MAR  8:30 AM - Old Route 66 Cleanup - Mile markers 5 to 6 =-=
=-=                                                                   =-=
=-=  SAT 12 MAR 11:00 AM - 48th Anniversary Party - MIMI'S CAFE       =-=
=-=                        4316 The 25 Way NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109  =-=

WED 16 MAR  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 25 MAR  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the April 2022 newsletter
SAT 02 APR 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

WED 20 APR  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 29 APR  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the May 2022 newsletter
SAT 07 MAY 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

SUN 15 MAY ..... AM Car Show / Albuquerque Museum / NMCCC

WED 18 MAY  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

FRI-SAT-SUN 20-21-22 MAY - Tri-State Meet - Glenwood Springs, Colorado
                         - Sponsored by Rocky Mountain CORSA

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 27 MAY  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the June 2022 newsletter
MON 04 JUL Early!  Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe. Classic Car Show
SAT 09 JUL .... ..  Collector Car Appreciation Day / NMCCC
SUN 07 AUG ..... ..  All-Clubs Picnic at Oak Flat / NMCCC
SAT-SUN 24-25 SEP ..  Swap Meet in .... (searching for a home) .... NMCCC
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================

SUGGESTION: A visit to the Telephone Museum on Fourth Street
SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum
SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty
SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA.


2015 Vol 41 Nr 3 #474

Cover: LeRoy Rogers' bright red 1960 Coupe was at a Sonic Car Show in April
2005. A poster illustrated Wendell Walker's engineering career. Ray Trujillo
told about a childhood mis-adventure resetting clocks for Daylight Saving Time.
We planned for our Anniversary dinner. Bill Reider received a proclamation of
"Ambassador for Peace" from the Counsel of the government of South Korea for his
service in the Army. An article honoring Wendell Walker was reprinted from the
VMCCA newsletter. Jim told about getting a software update from Honda for a 2013
Civic and wondered if modern cars are really computer-controlled? Robert Gold
told about adding modern sound to his Corvair.

2008 Vol 34 Nr 3 #390

Cover: we went to see the B-17 "Liberty Belle" at Double Eagle Airport thanks to
Steve Johnson. No fewer than nine B-17 photos were shown! Treasurer Wendell said
we had $2944 in the bank. We learned about a database of cars in the city
available to be used in movies filmed in New Mexico. David suggested going to
the CORSA convention in Ventura, CA by Amtrak: cheap and easy. Tarmo showed us
the rebuilt turbo unit destined for his 1966 Corsa convertible. LeRoy led a
great garage tour to the Lewis Antique Auto and Toy Museum in Moriarty.
President Mike was eloquent in his praise for the museum and the value to car
nuts of auto junk yards. Finally, the history of the Boydston Award and a
nomination form finished up this issue.

2001 Vol 27 Nr 3 #306

The cover featured many snapshots of members and Larry's tech talk on gas
heaters. Billiken mourned the upcoming death of Plymouth. Our bank balance was
$5861. Mark, CORSA President, said that Debbie Pleau was now CORSA Merchandise
Chair. Preparations for the summer CORSA Convention in Chicago were going well.
Larry Blair gave last-minute information on our tour to the Big-I construction
site. Steve polished up the new CNM web page. It was described as "short on
flash and long on content." After the meeting, several members tried out the
Route 66 Diner on Central. The board approved a sum of $125 to help with
newsletter expenses. The little guy in the back of Jim's head was still working
for free, but the printer needed toner and paper. Hurley claimed spring was on
its way and told about finishing up lots of detail work on his 1968 coupe. Joel
reported on last month's tour to the Tool Museum where we all had a great time.
Anne Mae previewed several activities planned by the CNM Ladies Group. Dennis
reminded us that there were plenty of CORSA Tech Guides available and anyone who
wanted to work on a Corvair really needed a copy. Tech tips this month were
mostly about cams. After a short article by Bryan Blackwell, a two-page article
by Ray Sedman explained how cams work and why certain cams are best for certain
engines. The cam is truly the heart of your engine, and an engine rebuild
mandates making an informed choice on the cam you use.

1994 Vol 20 Nr 3 #222

The 20th Anniversary cover featured tiny copies of nineteen March newsletter
covers spanning 1975 to 1993. President Del ran the meeting. Treasurer Will
reported $886 in the bank. A guest was Kit Tras. We intended to produce some
"Corvair" belt buckles as a fund-raiser if we could obtain permission from the
Atlanta club. We voted not to require our treasurer to be bonded: it would be
too expensive. We learned that former member Roland Pool had died. We planned
events for the year: a 20th Anniversary party on March 26th and the Tri-State in
Pagosa Springs in May. Debbie reported on our "Vairs in the Air" committees.
Our first planning meeting for the 1996 CORSA convention was held in October
1993. Yes, we really did spend two and a half years getting ready for this
major event!

1987 Vol 13  Nr 3 #138

Our cover showed a 1960 engine compartment. Who can point out the features that
make it unique? V-P Tarmo ran the meeting. We had a rich $798 bank balance. New
members were Terry Lingle and Bill Wallace. Francis planned to check prices for
a Club name tag with CORSA logo. President Clayborne wrote about robbing
convertible parts to keep his sedan going through the winter, then robbing them
back to keep the convertible going through the summer. LeRoy had a list of items
for the March auction. Steve Goodman told about fun events planned for the
Tri-State in Ouray, Colorado. Francis told us about the heater hose gremlin
which eats your battery's power by making a short to the starter solenoid
connector. Bill Reider told us the details of rear suspension alignment. He said
you could do it yourself but it was pretty tricky.

1980 Vol 6 Nr 3 #54

Our cover featured a Rampside on our sixth birthday. Twenty-eight members showed
up for our meeting at Norm Brand's office. We made a $100 donation to the New
Mexico Kidney Foundation in memory of Ike Meissner. John Lawrence suggested an
annual award to the CNM member who best exemplified Ike's enthusiasm and help
with the Club: the start of the Meissner Award. Tech tips: we listed theoretical
modifications to a turbo engine. The "wet newspaper pulp" method of removing a
pilot bushing -- reputed to be messy! A table of front and rear suspension specs
for 1960-1964 Corvairs to take to your friendly alignment shop! Lakewoods have a
removable floor plate to get at the starter from above -- who knew?

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter
is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.