The June 2022 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 31-May-2022 ==== Copyright (c) 2022 Corvairs of New Mexico      

   June 2022 / VOLUME 48 / NUMBER 6 / ISSUE 561 

First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012
Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010

EDITOR Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING 	Regular Meeting: June 4th at 10:00 AM
		Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE, Albuquerque 87108

  Officers, Volunteers ........................... The Board
  Dues Due Dates ................................ The Editor
  From the President ........................ Gregory Nelson
  Meeting Notes 05-07-2022 ................. Brenda Stickler
  Appreciation to Maggie & Bob Kitts ....... Brenda Stickler
  Treasury Report ............................ Steve Gongora
  Tri-State 2022 Report - Glenwood Springs ...... Tarmo Sutt
  Glenwood Springs Tri-State ................. Steve Gongora
  Mary Twilley Obituary ........................ Jim Pittman
  New Engine Weatherstrip .................... Steve Gongora
  Calendar of Coming Events ............. Board of Directors
  Birthdays & Anniversaries .................. Heula Pittman
  June Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago .. Club Historian

COVER 	Some of the Corvairs at the Kitts' Pot-luck Lunch
Photos: Greg Nelson, Steve Gongora, Tarmo Sutt, Steve Goodman, Phil Degroot

  President         Greg Nelson    505-400-8670            fesedu @
  Vice-President  Brenda Stickler  505-856-6993          tounce66 @
  Secretary         Lupe Arellanes 505-515-9897 ispeakmedicare505 @
  Treasurer        Steve Gongora   505-220-7401      stevegongora @
  Newsletter         Jim Pittman   505-275-2195              jimp @
  Birthdays        Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             heula @
  Past President     Pat Hall      505-620-5574  patandvickiehall @
  Past President    Dave Allin     505-410-9668          dnjallin @
  Past President   David Huntoon   505-281-9616         corvair66 @

MEETING:   Regular Meeting - Saturday May 7th, 2022 at 10:00 AM
	  Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

INTERNET:      CORSA's home page
	       CNM's newsletters
	New Mexico Council of Car Clubs


2022.05                 NONE           25-JUN-2022

2022.06                 NONE           25-JUL-2022

2022.07   Anne Mae & Robert Gold       25-AUG-2022
2022.07              Mike R Hughes     25-AUG-2022
2022.07               Lloyd Piatt      25-AUG-2022

DUE AUG 2022 ==================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.08     Katherine & Irv Brock      25-SEP-2022
2022.08              Brenda Stickler   25-SEP-2022

INACTIVE ======================== INACTIVE DATE
2021.04               Lesha Kitts      25-MAY-2021
2021.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   25-NOV-2021
2021.12             Darlene Darcy      25-JAN-2022
2021.12                 Lee Reider     25-JAN-2022
2021.12               Leroy Alderete   25-JAN-2022
2022.02    Linda Soukup & Tony Berbig  25-MAR-2022
2022.03    Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski  25-APR-2022
2022.03    Barbara & Gordon Johnson    25-APR-2022
2022.04       Janet & Steve Johnson    25-MAY-2022

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer -- Steve Gongora
	8419 Palo Duro NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87111

Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
form from your Communique.

As of 27-May-2022 we have 39 active family memberships.

Greg Nelson

Greetings CNM Members!

Our next meeting ...
	will be June 4th at the Senior Center. One of the things I'd like to
discuss is a combination meeting/brunch for the July meeting at one of the
restaurants we've previously visited. For example, the SawMill Market near the
Albuquerque Hotel. We can discuss it at the June meeting.

Highway Cleanup
	The second Saturday is our monthly Adopt-A-Highway cleanup of Old Route
66. We will concentrate on the area where the road curves from northeast to
east. We can park on the shoulder in front of the Rock Canyon Taproom. And since
it is warming up a bit let's meet 30 minutes earlier at 08:30am. We typically
stay out for an hour and then head to the Roots Farm Cafe after for tea or
coffee. Hope to see you there.

Photo Request
	Request for the members: If you feature your Corvair in a car show that
I don't attend please take a picture and send to me. A new segment to the
newsletter will be 'CNM Cars at Car Shows'. Which leads us into our first car

CNM Cars at Car Shows
	The NM Council of Car Clubs first event of the year, the Museum Car
Show, was a great success. There were 301 entries including 5 Corvairs from the
Gold Fleet. My favorite, non-Corvair vehicle, is this beautiful yellow 1960 El
Camino low rider. The Council did not award trophies this year but did give out
dash plaques to the first 100 vehicles. This made the logistics of the event
much less stressful and in turn made the event more enjoyable according to some
of the attendees.

Another event ...
	starring the Gold Fleet was at Manzano High School. This was their first
annual car show. It was also well attended but if you go next year be sure to
bring an umbrella or pop-up shade since it was held in the school parking lot.
Very few trees.

Another CNM vehicle ...
	at a Car Show this past month was David Huntoon's early model
convertible at the Caldwell Banker car show. This was a 'small' show due to the
size of the parking lot but was well attended. Free munchies and cool cars seem
to do the trick.

Upcoming Car Show
	The NMCCC sent out an email looking for vehicles for a show at La Vida
Llena Senior Center on June 18th (the day before Father's Day). I've emailed the
organizer for details such as time of show and how many cars can be
accommodated. I live just up the street and will bring my 63 Spyder. I'll
provide an update at the meeting.

Brochure and Old Route 66 Highway Sign
	The Board is designing a tri-fold brochure that members can hand out at
the car shows extolling the benefits of being a club member. Steve Gongora and I
are also shopping around for an A-frame sign (2) that would be used during Route
66 cleanup alerting passing traffic that we are in the area (and that we are not
in fact citizens working off our community service).

Car Council Meeting
	I attended the monthly NMCCC meeting, and the membership discussed the
remaining events NMCCC is sponsoring this year. Be sure to check the website for
up-to-date times and locations. The Museum Car Show discussed above was the
first of four major events this year. The last event is the Swap Meet to be held
in Los Lunas on September 24 & 25. And it's still on the schedule. This is the
13th location the council has approached. Keep your fingers crossed it stays
that way. They'll need lots of volunteers on Thursday the 22nd to set up the
parking lots. Volunteers are needed the rest of the week for directing traffic
and running registration. I've already signed up.

	Steve Gongora has written an article about the Tri-State and took lots
of pictures. Thank you Steve!

Heads Up!
	I just saw on the news recently that red light cameras have returned to
Albuquerque. There's probably an Albuquerque map of their locations but do be
careful. We're probably OK in our Corvairs but I need to be watchful while
driving my 2007 Mazda-Speed3.

Cheers Y'all
	See ya Saturday at the meeting on June 4th.
 	--- Greg

Forgot an article!

Kitts' Potluck
	After the meeting this month several of us made to the Kitts' home for a
potluck lunch. Great food and great company and a few Corvairs to admire. And I
learned how to play Bocce ball. First time ever. Whew. Not as easy as it looks
on the travel shows.


We had a dozen members at our Saturday morning meeting. We believe out of that
group in attendance there will be at least six CNM members at the Colorado
Tri-State. There was a discussion on Corvairs that were spotted in New Mexico
recently. We have a running calendar list in the club Newsletter of upcoming car
council shows and activities, and the two discussed today were the Collector Car
Appreciation Day set for July 8th and the BIG Los Lunas Swap Meet scheduled for
September 24th and 25th. Later we'll receive more detailed information about the
Car Show at Hello Deli.

We went around the room to get any news from all of the members that attended.
It was really great to have Steve and Gordon Johnson in attendance. They sounded
like they had been busy and were glad to be there with us.

We now are getting serious about some new "inside" activities, while the weather
is too hot to take serious nature walks as a group. So, we will want to line up
at the Telephone Museum at 4th and Central [only open on weekdays unfortunately]
and the Moriarty Outdoor Car Museum and the indoor "Soaring Museum" and finish
off with a lunch there. A great number of us were heading out from this meeting
to the Kitts' Potluck. Pat Hall won the raffle of a framed Corvair Ad originally
published in a 1960s magazine.


TREASURY REPORT FOR 05-01-2022 to 05-27-2022 ===============================================
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION                      BALANCE = $ 5,467.47
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.05.03 2555 -$   90.56 J.Pittman   Newsletter printing MAY 2022   -$    65.59 $ 5,401.88
2022.05.03                 J.Pittman   29 Stamps @.70 each            -$    20.30 $ 5,381.58
2022.05.03                 J.Pittman   29 Envelopes @ .161 each       -$     4.67 $ 5,376.91
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.06.01 JUN NEWSLETTER  ============================================ BALANCE = $ 5,376.91
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========


There were over a dozen attendees to the May CNM Pot Luck. Our Pot luck was at
the Kitts' lovely 3,500 Adobe Hacienda in the Tinnan Farms part of the North
Valley. There was a large table set up for all of the wonderful dishes. There
was a separate area for drinks. They have a U-shaped Adobe Portal in their huge
lush back yard. In the back yard there is also a cosy cottage style adobe, which
was their first home, roughly 220 Square Feet with a double garage. Their
present home was designed by Bob, a 3,500 southwestern Adobe abode. The
builder's name was Pleff.

It was a very gracious place to eat. We do appreciate the Kitts Family opening
their home. There were a few of their close friends and family that blended in
well with our CNM members. Maggie, thanks so much for the invitation. It was
enjoyed by all of us who attended.


The trip began Friday morning, May 20. Steve & Rita Gongora picked me up in
their Brand X (Ford Explorer) on the way to Glenwood Springs for the 37th
Tri-State Meet hosted by Rocky Mountain CORSA. Kay had a meeting Saturday she
could not miss, so she could not go to the meet, but I had a great time with the
always-fun Gongoras. It was a beautiful, warm day to drive up Highway 285,
heading through Salida and Leadville to I-70, then west to Glenwood Springs, a
trip of 344 miles from Santa Fe.

We stopped for lunch in Salida, where we learned the weather heading north was
turning colder. None of us had anticipated this cold weather, so we went next
door to the restaurant into a convenient second-hand store and bought coats to
see us through the weekend. As we started rising in elevation after lunch the
temperature began dropping and the clouds began to build. Then it began snowing.
By the time we got to Leadville (elevation 10,150 feet) at about 3 PM, we were
driving in near white-out conditions with an outside temperature of 21 degrees
F. The elevation began to drop as we travelled north, and the snow finally began
to subside and temperatures began to rise, but it was still chilly and cloudy.
We found out later that Vail Pass had been closed shortly after we went through
due to the snow, so several Colorado members couldn't get through and simply had
to turn around and go home.

We arrived in Glenwood Springs, without further incident, about 5 PM. We checked
into the Best Western Antlers motel, an older hotel which was well maintained
and comfortable with great views of the surrounding mountains. The Friday
meet-up was set to be a BBQ outside of Vicco's, a local eatery owned by Bart
Victor. He is a CORSA member with three Corvairs of his own. Due to the cold
temperatures a last-minute change of plans was necessary, so Bart invited us to
his expansive warehouse which was populated by 50's 60's and 70's cars and
memorabilia of the era. It was a lot of fun to visit with our Corvair friends in
those surroundings. Thanks, Bart!

On the way back to the hotel after the event, I rode with another Corvair
enthusiast, Paul DeBruit in his Corvair -- formerly LeRoy's 1965 Monza coupe. We
were followed back to the hotel by a man from Sioux Falls, SD, who was
travelling toward home and saw several Corvairs. He is part of a group starting
a new Corvair club in Sioux Falls, and he was interested in seeing the cars. He
hadn't come to the Tri-State intentionally, and his plans hadn't included a stop
in Glenwood Springs, but when he learned Vail Pass was closed he decided to stay
in Glenwood Springs and enjoy some Corvair hospitality.

Saturday morning dawned clear and warmer, and 33 Corvairs were polished and
shined for the car show in a nearby mall parking lot. The car show lasted from
10 until 2. A few people in "other" great old cars showed up to enjoy the show.
Bart brought more BBQ from Friday night, so we finally had our outdoor BBQ --
just on Mother Nature's schedule.

The banquet began at 6 PM Saturday evening, and we were told about 80 people
attended. The meal was an Italian buffet, and the speaker was Eric Shakel, a
Rocky Mountain CORSA member who spoke about his experiences racing his Yenko
Stinger. Winners of the silent auction, door prizes, 50/50, etc. were announced,
and the Tijuana Club initiated its newest member. The banquet concluded at about
9 PM.

The next morning we arose, said goodbye to all our friends, had a great
breakfast of schnitzel and eggs benedict, and made our way home. We were happy
to have reconnected with all our Corvair friends, gotten updates about their
cars, and to have had an adventure which included a beautiful city in Colorado.

Next year's Tri-State will be held in Salida, CO, May 19 - 21, 2023, hosted by
the Pikes Peak Corvair Club.

My thanks go out to all the good folks from Rocky Mountain CORSA for a memorable
Tri-State 2022 Meet. I look forward to seeing everyone next year in Salida.


This year's event was hosted by the Denver Colorado club, Rocky Mountain Corsa.
Diane and Tony Lawler did an outstanding job organizing and executing another
regional get-together. This unique town offers many sites and activities. One of
the intriguing attractions is the tram cars close to the host hotel. If you were
adventurous, you could have taken the tram to the top to explore the cave
similar to Carlsbad Caverns.

Our adventure started on Friday. We picked up Tarmo Sutt on the way from
Albuquerque to the Tri-State. Tarmo had planned on riding his motorcycle through
the passes. Independence Pass was one of the mountain passes we thought we had
to travel. Neither of us was prepared for the unexpected snow storms that we
encountered when we arrived at Leadville. We were informed that the Independence
Pass was closed for a few more weeks and that route was not an option. The snow
intensified as we traveled north. We reached I70 and had to traverse Aspen Pass.
Visibility was low and the snow was intense. This was the first opportunity to
used the snow and ice dial on my vehicle. The road to Glenwood Springs on I70
consists of an elevated platform that snakes through the mountain. There aren't
any shoulders to speak of. It was better to pass the semis as opposed to getting
behind one to cover your windshield with excess material on your windshield.
Needless to say, Tarmo made the right decision not to ride his motorcycle.

The host hotel was great. All Corvair members were invited to local Corvair
enthusiast, Bart Victor's home for a barbeque. He owns a local restaurant and he
spared no expense or quality in providing a wonderful place to eat and enjoy his
collection of cars and trucks. We enjoyed Friday evening admiring his food and
cars in a huge garage.

On Saturday all converged at a local mall parking lot to display the cars.
Again, Bart was there to help everyone with his tasty menu. Bart is to be
recognized for his tremendous generosity, as he provided all food at his own

Saturday evening brought us to a historic hotel for the banquet. We heard from
Eric Schakel, RMC member and past president, sharing his Yenko Stinger racing
experiences. Recognition was given to Steve Goodman and myself as we have
attended all Tri-States since 1976. The trophies were announced. The Tijuana
Club added Jerry Peevyhouse as new member and it was announced by the Pikes Peak
Corvair Club, that Salida will be the next location for Tri-State 2023.


I happened to see in the Journal the obituary of Mary Twilley. I confess that I
had lost track of Dick and Mary. They were faithful members of CNM back in the
day and Mary was elected Treasurer in 1980 and re-elected in 1981. Here are
images from our December 1980 issue showing our four officers: Sylvan Zuercher,
Bill Reider, Mary Twilley and Robin DeVore. (The young assistant is Robin's
daughter.) Mary was always cheerful, pleasant and helpful, and both of them
attended CNM meetings and events. They were solid, reliable members.

Dick was a wizard Corvair mechanic and in October 1988 we were all surprised --
even shocked -- when he invited club members to an auction at his garage. He was
getting out of the Corvair business and selling or giving away Corvair parts and
special tools. The garage was huge, with an overhead crane and a grease pit.
Dick had done a lot of Corvair work in that garage. Some of us picked up some
good parts.

An event sticks in my memory. Mary knew that I was editing the newsletter with
my Apple II computer and printing it on my Spinwriter letter-quality printer.
She asked me if they could come look at my setup because they were considering
getting a home computer system. They'd like to see one in action, so to speak. I
replied, Sure, come on over.

My parents happened to be visiting and it was a weekday evening. Dick and Mary
arrived in a Corvair and I invited them in.

Now, Dick was a chain smoker. At meetings at Ed Blacks I always sat on the other
side of the room to avoid being asphyxiated. But on this occasion there was no
sign of cigarettes. We all, including my parents, had a pleasant visit. Only
when they were leaving did Dick light up a cigarette.

I don't know if they ever got their home computer but they got an extensive
demonstration that night of some of the things I was doing with my Apple II
system at that early point in my computing career.


Keeping the engine compartment of a Corvair sealed is of the utmost importance
in maintaining a cooler temperature for the motor. This tip I'm sure has been
shared in the past, but you can't overuse a good bit of advice. The Corvair was
influenced by the VW, so why not take advantage of what the German engineers
came up with for an engine seal. I purchased an engine weatherstrip from Foreign
Aide on San Pedro and Constitution to accomplish my goal. The item is from
Pacific Parts International # 411 813 225. The cost is $53.00 plus tax. The
original Corvair seal on the 1960 - 1964 models are rigid and sometimes you
can't get the total seal you need for containment. The VW style fits right in
between the engine and body to create the perfect seal, forcing the air to
converge over the fan where it was intended, leading to a long engine life.

|       June 2022        |      July 2022         |    August 2022         |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
|            1  2  3  4  |                 1  2   |     1  2  3  4  5  6   |
|   5  6  7  8  9 10 11  |  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   |  7  8  9 10 11 12 13   |
|  12 13 14 15 16 17 18  | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16   | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   |
|  19 20 21 22 23 24 25  | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23   | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27   |
|  26 27 28 29 30        | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   | 28 29 30               |
|                        | 31                     |                        |
SAT 04 JUN 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
		131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

WED 15 JUN  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 24 JUN  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the July 2022 newsletter
SAT 02 JUL 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       	131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

MON 04 JUL Early! Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe, with Classic Car Show

SAT 09 JUL ..... .. Collector Car Appreciation Day / NMCCC

WED 20 JUL  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 29 JUL  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the August 2022 newsletter
SAT 06 AUG 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       	131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

SUN  7 AUG ..... .. All-Clubs Picnic at Oak Flat / NMCCC

WED 17 AUG  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 26 AUG  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the September 2022 newsletter
SAT 03 SEP 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
SUN xx SEP Early! State Fair Car Show --- more information later
SAT-SUN 24-25 SEP ..  Swap Meet in Los Lunas .... NMCCC
*** FRI 23 SEP  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the October 2022 newsletter
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================
SUGGESTION: A visit to the Telephone Museum on Fourth Street
SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum
SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty
SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA.

	Bianca Arellanes
	Phil Finch
	Robert Gold
	Rita Gongora
	Tony Lawler
	Timothy Shortle

	Janice & Dave Allin
	Debra & Jon Anderson
	Katherine & Irv Brock
	Sharon & William Heil
	Sarah & Terry Price
	Mary Zelli & James Richardson


2015 V.41 N06 #477
	COVER: Albuquerque Museum and Car Council Car Show, plus the Gongoras at
La Ventana Natural Arch. Ray Trujillo reported on the car show and Robert Gold
reported on two car shows. John Wiker reported on our trip to the Rio Puerco
bridge, the McCarty Lava Flow, the Grants Mining Museum and the natural arch on
NM XXXX. Larry Yoffee reported on a :Spring Dust Off" in New Hampshire which he
was able to catch on a trip back east. Finally, Russ McDuffie provided a
four-page list of the changes from the 1965 Corvair to the 1966s.

2008 V.34 N06 #393
	COVER: The "Library Van" was at the Museum Car Show. Members were
listed: 51 active and 8 inactive. Mike Stickler ran our May meeting and Wendell
Walker reported $2321 in the bank. Sally Williams had a baby. We discussed the
need to increase our dues. New members were Curtis Shimp of Silver City, Fred
Riggs of Las Vegas and Melba & Tommie Anderson of Rio Rancho. Brenda Stickler
reported on plans for the 2009 Taos Tri-State and reported on this year's
Tri-State at Pagosa Springs. Robert Gold reported on an outstanding collection
of Corvairs at the Museum car show. Steve Goodman told two ways to find #1 TDC.
What do those numbers and codes on a tire's sidewall mean? Some are the date the
tire was made.

2001 V.27 N06 #309
	COVER: Photos from the Manitou Springs Tri-State. Wendell said we had
$5,686. New members: Barbara & Gordon Johnson of Corrales. Larry gave the
answers to the Big-I Quiz. Mark previewed the upcoming Chicago CORSA convention.
Some planned to be at the Santa Fe Plaza on July 4th for pancakes and a car
show. Ruth volunteered her Pecos Wilderness cabin for an August campout. Sylvan
reported on former member Will Davis, now in Florida: he picked up a dune buggy
with Corvair 140. Reports on the Tri-State came from Mary Lou Martinek, Kay
Sutt, Steve Goodman, Elizabeth Domzalski, Jim Pittman and Dennis Pleau. Robert
Gold reported on the Museum car show.

1994 V.20 N06 #225
	COVER: The "oldest known" registered Corvette in New Mexico was a 1954
6-cylinder. President Del ran the meeting. Guests were David Patten and Gary
Rudolph. A new member was George White. Treasurer Will Davis reported $918 in
the bank; $50 was sent to the Michelle Goffe Foundation Scholarship Fund and
$200 was used to start our 1996 Convention fund. We discussed upcoming car shows
and a planned rally or econorun. We planned a Villanueva campout. It was our
turn to host the Tri-State next year. It would be at Red River again. Technical
articles included an update on replacing shroud seals and a report on our recent
shifter clinic. Newsletter cartoon character Shoe's old DeSoto got 30 miles per
gallon but it was oil, not gasoline. We had nine photos from our Museum Car

1987 V.13 N06 #141
	COVER: A Mark Morgan fantasy sketch: two CNM members fight Bernalillo
Vice in their Corvair/Ferrari replica. President Clayborne ran the meeting.
LeRoy said we had $529 in the bank. Seven Corvairs went on a rainy trip to
Madrid. New name tags arrived. We planned our participation in the May
Albuquerque Museum car show, a June picnic and a June econorun. LeRoy listed
items to be auctioned in June. An illustrated tech tip by Jerry Goffe told us
how to obtain and install a replacement license plate light housing for our 95
FCs. Other tech tips told how to remove the oil pickup tube when disassembling
an engine and the proper way to use a test light. Bill Reider reported on the
Museum car show. Tarmo's 1964 Monza convertible took Best of Show. Fifteen
Corvairs were entered!

1980 V.6 N06 #57
	COVER: a Porsche, an Elephant and a Beetle, all with racing stripes.
What did they have in common with Corvairs? This was the first Enchanted
Corvairs Newsletter to be edited and printed with Jim's new Apple II Plus and
NEC Spinwriter. Using a computer to produce the newsletter pushed back the
editor's burn-out crisis by many, many years. At our June meeting we may have
had a Club officer in charge, we may have had a treasurer's report and we may
have approved the minutes, but we'll never know for sure because none of this
made it into the newsletter. We learned that Corvairs were no longer wanted at
the State Fair. We were invited to Moriarty for their July Fourth parade. Mary
Twilley donated a Corvair billfold for a drawing. Jim Godlevski demonstrated his
technique for welding and balancing flywheels. Yes, welding. Bill Reider gave a
talk on distributors. A new member was Bill Hector. We donated $100 to the
Kidney Foundation of New Mexico in memory of Ike Meissner. An article on fuel
mileage by your editor discussed EPA gas mileage calculations. Also, since gas
mileage isn't actually measured on the road but rather is calculated from
running an engine in the lab, you can't count on getting the mileage the EPA
says whith your new Chevrolet or Toyota, and you can't readily compare published
road test figures on Corvairs to road test numbers on modern cars. We had an
article about a "Devin" Corvair-powered sports car, a call for statistics on who
in the club were "old timers" and a letter from Seth Emerson who was running for
CORSA director. Tech tips: Where to find a suitable replacement radio speaker.
And believe it or not, a tech tip on how to use a Wisk bottle as an oil funnel.

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter
is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.