The July 2022 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 27-Jun-2022 ==== Copyright (c) 2022 Corvairs of New Mexico       

   July 2022 / VOLUME 48 / NUMBER 7 / ISSUE 562 

First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012
Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010

EDITOR 	Jim Pittman, 1112 Westerfeld NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112

THIS MONTH ONLY: 	Breakfast Meeting at the Sawmill Market,
Saturday July 2nd at 10:00 AM 1909 Bellamah Ave NW (505) 563-4473

  Officers, Volunteers ............................ The Board
  Dues Due Dates ................................. The Editor
  From the President ......................... Gregory Nelson
  Board Meeting Notes 06/15/2022 ............. Lupe Arellanes
  Birthdays & Anniversaries ................... Heula Pittman
  Treasury Report ............................. Steve Gongora
  Telephone Museum Tour ..................... Brenda Stickler
  20 Years Ago: New Members ................. Sylvan Zuercher
  20 Years Ago: President's Letter .............. Robert Gold
  Jonathan Reider Obituary .............. Albuquerque Journal
  Calendar of Coming Events .............. Board of Directors
  July Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago ... Club Historian

COVER   1965 Monza at our printer of many years, ABQGrafix
 John Wiker's 1966 Monza on I-25, Santa Fe in the distance

  President         Greg Nelson    505-400-8670            fesedu @
  Vice-President  Brenda Stickler  505-856-6993          tounce66 @
  Secretary         Lupe Arellanes 505-515-9897 ispeakmedicare505 @
  Treasurer        Steve Gongora   505-220-7401      stevegongora @
  Newsletter         Jim Pittman   505-275-2195              jimp @
  Birthdays        Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             heula @
  Past President     Pat Hall      505-620-5574  patandvickiehall @
  Past President    Dave Allin     505-410-9668          dnjallin @
  Past President   David Huntoon   505-281-9616         corvair66 @

THIS MONTH ONLY: Breakfast Meeting, Sawmill Market, Saturday July 2nd, 10:00 AM
		 1909 Bellamah Ave NW - Phone: (505) 563-4473

INTERNET:   CORSA's home page
            CNM's newsletters
New Mexico Council of Car Clubs

SCHEDULE        CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00
  OF	      CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00
DUES	CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00


DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.06                 NONE           25-JUL-2022

DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.07   Anne Mae & Robert Gold       25-AUG-2022
2022.07              Mike R Hughes     25-AUG-2022
2022.07               Lloyd Piatt      25-AUG-2022

DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.08     Katherine & Irv Brock      25-SEP-2022
2022.08              Brenda Stickler   25-SEP-2022

DUE SEP 2022 ======================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.09        Maggie & Bob Kitts      25-SEP-2022

INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2021.04               Lesha Kitts      25-MAY-2021
2021.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   25-NOV-2021
2021.12             Darlene Darcy      25-JAN-2022
2021.12                 Lee Reider     25-JAN-2022
2021.12               Leroy Alderete   25-JAN-2022
2022.02    Linda Soukup & Tony Berbig  25-MAR-2022
2022.03    Elizabeth & Mark Domzalski  25-APR-2022

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer -- Steve Gongora
	8419 Palo Duro NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87111

Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
form from your Communique.

As of 25-Jun-2022 we have 40 active family memberships.

Greg Nelson

July Meeting Reminder!!!

We are meeting at the Sawmill Market for 'brunch'. We met there once before (Nov
2020) during the pandemic and I recall the meeting went rather well. It should
be rather cool at 10 am but if we meet outside be sure to bring a hat.

Route 66 Safe Parking Spots

For the Route 66 cleanup I recommended that we park our cars in the following
locations. For cleanup near Mile Marker 5 we'll use the parking lot of the Rock
Canyon Taproom. This is an eastbound lot. For Middle Mile cleanup we'll use the
west bound shoulder near the west end of the curve. Be mindful of the slight
drop off. For the area around Mile Marker 6 we'll use the west bound shoulder
just in front of our Highway Sign. There is also a place where we should NOT
park since there is a significant drop off and will result in a cringing metal
scraping noise coming from your car's undercarriage. See the attached photos.

1964 Monza Update

I've installed the rocker moulding rails on the passenger side. I have a few
more holes to drill before I'm finished and then of course there will be more on
the driver side. Below is a picture of Clark's Front and Rear Ultimate
suspension kits. Both fit in one small box. Care to guess the amount? If curious
I'll let ya know at the July meeting. The suspension parts are being installed
this week and next. Looking forward to driving it home and not worrying about
something falling.

Daring the Darien

At last month's meeting we watched an old video (1961) of 3 Corvairs crossing
the Darien Gap between Latin America and South America (Colombia and Panama). I
wondered aloud if the Darien is still a jungle or an expansive palm oil
plantation. According to Wikipedia it's still a mountainous rain forest area and
no Highway traverses it. Apparently the abandoned Corvair is still there (as of
1996) but in rather rusty shape.

Telephone Museum Tour

Our VP Brenda is working on organizing a tour of the telephone museum on 4th
Street. The museum is open by appointment on Saturdays if we can scare up enough
members to attend. We'll have more details at the meeting and Brenda has written
a separate article.

Car Council Meeting

This month's NMCCC meeting was full of bad news. The Swap Meet has been
cancelled due to lack of setup volunteers. The Collector Car Show in not an
official event this year. However, several board members are working on an
informal drive and meet up. The Club Picnic is still a go, however, that depends
on fire conditions at Oak Flat. As always be sure to check the website for
up-to-date announcements and cancellations.

Highland Senior Center Car Show

Chris Rogers at the Senior Center has once again suggested an informal car show.
The date is a bit unusual: Thursday September 8th. The reason is simple enough:
they can serve food on Thursday and Chris is inviting his sponsor to serve root
beer floats or Kona Ice snow cones. There'll be burgers and dancing inside. He'd
like us to be there from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM. So we will need a half dozen
Corvairs and another half dozen Corvettes. I've asked Brenda to chat with Maggie
Kitts to invite a few of her fellow Corvette Club members.

Donation Car

We had a visitor at our June meeting - Barb Jacob. Her partner of 40 years
wanted to donate his Corvair to the club. I inspected the car and it's in rough
shape. Her partner's son also expressed an interest in the car and I told Barb
this would be the easiest solution for disposing of it. However if someone in
the club is really interested I have her number. We looked for the engine but
could not find it. Front and rear suspension have been removed as well as the
interior. It is a convertible but would need a new cover.

Club Pamphlet

We should have some photos for the club members to look over, and vote for, that
would go into the club pamphlet. The intent is to pass the pamphlets out at car
shows and for each member, if willing, to have a dozen or so in their car to
hand out when approached by Corvair enthusiasts while out driving.

Cheers, Greg

BOARD MEETING, 06-15-2002
Lupe Arellanes

Begun: 7:00 PM

Next Meeting Location change: July 2, 2022; moved to SawMill at 10:00 AM.

Steve G & Greg M: Continue to work on Brochures. Seeking more member pictures of
Corvairs. Quantify to be discussed later; for 100 quote $457.

Trash Pick-Up:
Last Date four attendees, June 11th.
Next Date: Sat 9th, same date at Unofficial NMCC Car Appreciation Day.

Highland Center expressing interest in having "End of Summer Car Show" on
Thursday, September 8 at Noon -- 1:30 PM.

Tijeras/Oak Flat All-Club Meeting likely to be cancelled due to park closures
Lupe A offered to have coffee & cake at her home off Oak Flats.

Telephone Museum tentatively planned for club members around July 23rd or 30th.

Adjourned 7:45 PM.

6 Attendees.

Happy Birthday Wishes to July CNM'ers:
	Debra Anderson
	Larry Blair
	Terry Hall
	Kelli Pogue Morgan
	James Richardson
	Tarmo Sutt
	Cade Ward
	Valerie Nye

Happy Anniversary Wishes to July CNM'ers:
	Linda & Dick Cochran
	Maggie & Bob Kitts
	Kelli Pogue & Mark Morgan

=TREASURY REPORT FOR 05-31-2022 to 06-25-2022 ===============================================
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION                      BALANCE = $ 5,376.91
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.05.31 2556 -$   32.36 Sign & Image Factory Caution Signs         -$    32.36 $ 5,344.55
2022.06.06 xxxx +$   81.90 Deposit     David Huntoon - CNM Jacket     +$    81.90 $ 5,426.45
2022.06.06 xxxx +$   50.00 Dues        S.Johnson      26 m CNM        +$    50.00 $ 5,476.45
2022.06.06 xxxx +$   70.00 Dues        G.Johnson      12 m CNM,CORSA  +$    70.00 $ 5,546.45
2022.06.06 2557 -$   45.00 CORSA       G.Johnson      12 m CORSA      -$    45.00 $ 5,501.45
2022.06.06 2558 -$  125.36 J.Pittman   Newsletter printing JUN 2022   -$    65.59 $ 5,435.86
2022.06.06                 J.Pittman   29 Stamps @.70 each            -$    20.30 $ 5,415.56
2022.06.06                 J.Pittman   29 Envelopes @ .161 each       -$     4.67 $ 5,410.89
2022.06.06                 J.Pittman   60 Sunshine Stamps @ .58 each  -$    34.80 $ 5,376.09
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.07.01 JUL NEWSLETTER  ============================================ BALANCE = $ 5,376.09
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ===============~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~=====~======


The featured event for this month will be a tour of the Telephone Museum at 110
Fourth Street NW, between Central and Copper in downtown Albuquerque. It is
expected to take about two hours to go through all three levels of this gem. It
will cost $5.00 a person. We will meet downtown at 10:00 AM on Saturday July 23,
2022. The closest restaurant for those who will want to stay in that area for
lunch is probably Garcia's Mexican Restaurant. We are getting a private viewing
but of course you can invite friends to go with you. Normally this museum is
only opened Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

So, you wondered about the Corvettes? Highland Senior Center wants to have an
"End of the Summer" celebration during a week day so that there will be staff to
prepare a lunch for participants. This event will be on Thursday, September 8th,
to be called "Vetts & Vairs Car Show" in the parking lot of Highland Senior
Center from 12:00 to 1:30. We will be treated to Burgers, Root Beer Floats or
Kona Ice Snow Cones. We are pleased that the Kitts are members of the Corvette
club and it should be a wonderful shared event.

I'm sure Greg reminded you of the Old Route 66 cleanup on the Second Saturday
Morning, which will be July 9th. If extremely hot they may start a little
earlier. Of course the more members who help out, the shorter the shift will be.

Can you believe this year is Half over? Thanks to all you active members who
give us something to look forward to each month!

Enjoy the Ride! 	Brenda

		It Was Twenty Years Ago Today
		Sylvan Zuercher was our ace recruiter of new members for many
		years and he always told us interesting information about them.
		Here's what he had to report in the July 2002 issue.

Sylvan Zuercher

	Kevin & Leslie Sullivan
	1609 California St. NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87110 Ph: 266-1328

Kevin & Leslie have an Ultravan purchased from Jim Craig's collection at Joshua
Tree, Ca. The Ultravan is equipped with a 95 HP engine and has made several
trips around the state, the latest involved driving up to Ruth's cabin in the

It has been reported that there was no difficulty experienced in the climb to
the cabin. Is there a possibility of an hill climb challenge to Richard & Gayle
Finch? Interesting thought! Richard, any comments? Could this lead to a whole
new line of driving events?

CNM extends a warm welcome to Kevin & Leslie! -- Sylvan

		It Was Twenty Years Ago Today
		Over the years Robert Gold has contributed far more than his
		share of excellent articles to our newsletter. This one was his
		regular President's column for the July 2002 issue.

Robert Gold

I write this column after returning from a pleasant stay at Ruth Boydston's
cabin in the Pecos. The annual CNM campout, though not heavily attended, was
still a great time.

A crisis involving the development of my wife's plot of land resulted in her
leaving for the Pecos a day early and that left me to hitch a ride with Wendell
Walker. I want you to know I usually overpack for a trip. But this time I
decided to travel light and I figured what I brought, a small suitcase, a small
cooler and a jacket would fit just fine in whatever Wendell decided to drive.

For those of you who don't know, Wendell has an extremely eclectic collection of
cars. I showed up at the designated meeting spot to discover a flashy red sports
car, specifically a Pantera, parked on the side of the street. And as Arlo
Guthrie put it in his song, Alice's restaurant, I realized at that moment I was
to be subjected to blind justice. In this case justice was telling me that I
didn't have a chance in Hades to fit my luggage in that machine. I transferred
my possessions into two shopping bags feeling much like a street person.

What followed was somewhat of blur. Even counting our detour due to an accident
I arrived at Ruth's cabin far ahead of the time I normally get there in my
classy Aerostar van. So, for a short time during the trip up and back I got to
sample the feeling that those jet setters feel when they tool around in their
fancy wheels.

I want to thank Wendell for his good company and kindness in transporting me and
to thank Ruth Boydston for hosting the weekend (and sending that cherry cheese
cake down to me - I ate the whole thing!).

Another thought occurred to me when I thought about packing for the trip up to
the Pecos. What occurred to me is that way back in my youth I used to carry a
briefcase to work. It was a high class way I thought to transport my sack lunch
to work and it also provided some space to hold on to important documents that
needed my attention. What it eventually became was a portable attic stuffed with
paperwork I would never get around to looking at. So you ask what does that have
to do with Corvairs of New Mexico? Well... as President I now have a brief case
that I carry to the meetings. I thought it would be a handy way to carry the
gavel and a book that I could write notes in when I attend the monthly
membership and Board meetings.

The case is now completely full of all manners of stuff.  Most of which I should
toss since the paperwork refers to events that have long since taken place. One
constructive thing I did do was to copy the information that Joel Nash gave me
on my Transvair. I got around to doing that after being given the stuff months
ago. I may even remember to give it back to Joel at the next meeting.

Speaking of the next meeting, I want to remind everyone that we will be meeting
on July 3. There was some thought about waiting 'til the next week to meet since
the 4th is the day after, but most folks said that they could make the meeting
on the 3rd. I hope that makes sense. If not, just look at the calendar Jim
Pittman has in the newsletter.

After mentioning Jim Pittman it occurred to me that I should thank Jim for his
impromptu talk on the joys of owning a sports car. I think we all have stories
of how we went on a journey of discovery concerning cars. I mentioned in my
first column how I had been impressed by an article in Hot Rod about the
mid-engine Corvair, and upon my move to New Mexico many years later, took the
opportunity to buy one (or two, or three, or maybe 5!)

Moving right along, at the meeting in May I suggested that we might use the CNM
newsletter as a means to tell our worst Corvair stories. I thought we could call
the column, "Corvair Catastrophes". I know that probably everyone has a tale to
tell about how their trusty car let them down and got them through a tough time
in one manner or another. I would encourage the members to jot those stories
down and send them on to Jim Pittman for inclusion in the newsletter. I have one
story that includes such elements as an ice storm in Kansas, an overloaded
Corvair, and a jackknifed travel trailer. Sounds interesting doesn't it? That
might be the one I pick to send in. Then there's the one about the politician,
the banker and the duck --- no I guess that's not the story I should tell --
never mind.

The days are counting down to the National Convention in Flagstaff. My wonderful
wife will be taking on the responsibility of setting up a caravan to the
convention for the CNM group. I talked to some folks about it at the last
meeting and we think that an early start on Tuesday, June 25th would work out
well. I guess we need to decide what an early start means. I'll be driving my
little-used black 64 convertible while the rest of the clan will be driving in
support in a shiny rental car. I can't wait.

Lastly, I want to mention that the Route 66 cleanup has come around again and is
scheduled for Saturday morning, July 6. We had a great turnout at the last
cleanup and let's keep up that good work. See you there.

I guess that's it for now. See you at the next CNM meeting on Wednesday, July 3.

-- Robert Gold

|       July 2022        |     August 2022        |    September 2022      |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
|                  1  2  |     1  2  3  4  5  6   |              1  2  3   |
|   3  4  5  6  7  8  9  |  7  8  9 10 11 12 13   |  4  5  6  7  8  9 10   |
|  10 11 12 13 14 15 16  | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17   |
|  17 18 19 20 21 22 23  | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27   | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24   |
|  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  | 28 29 30 31            | 25 26 27 28 29 30      |
|  31                    |                        |                        |

SAT 02 JUL 10:00 AM == Special Breakfast Meeting at the Sawmill Market
                    == 1909 Bellamah Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104
                    == Phone (505) 563-4473

MON 04 JUL Early! Fourth of July on the Plaza in Santa Fe, with Classic Car Show

SAT 09 JUL  9:30 AM  Old Route 66 Cleanup - Mile 5-6

WED 20 JUL  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

SAT 23 JUL 10:00 AM AT&T Telephone Museum - 110 Fourth Street NW
	        Cost: $5.00 per person. Lunch at Garcia's Mexican Restaurant

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 29 JUL  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the August newsletter


SAT 06 AUG 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

SUN  7 AUG ..... .. All-Clubs Picnic at Oak Flat / NMCCC

WED 17 AUG  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 26 AUG  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the September newsletter

SAT 03 SEP 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center

       131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

THU 08 SEP 12:00 NOON - "VETTS AND VAIRS CAR SHOW" Highland Senior Center

SUN xx SEP Early! State Fair Car Show --- more information later

WED 21 SEP  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED

SAT-SUN 24-25 SEP ..  Swap Meet .... CANCELLED .... NMCCC

                    Location is the Military Vehicle Association's Collection

*** FRI 23 SEP  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the October newsletter

SAT 01 OCT 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
WED 19 OCT  7:00 PM Board Meeting: >>>>>>>> TO BE DETERMINED
*** FRI 28 OCT  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the November newsletter
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================
SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum
SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty
SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA.

SEVEN YEARS AGO [ JULY 2022 VOL 48 Nr 7 ISSUE 562 ] Jim Pittman

2015 V.41 N07 #478

COVER: Larry Yoffee's maroon Corsa turbo coupe at Durango. Lube Lubert received
the Tri-State hard luck award. Ray Trujillo said we had 6 members cleaning up
Route 66 on the 6th day of the 6th month. In 1990 Larry Blair's yellow Spyder
and the Silverton locomotive posed for a Communique cover photo. A map showed
the route of the 2015 "Great Race" across America. We praised the Tri-State at
Durango and thanked Rocky Mountain CORSA for a great job! Eric Schakel received
the Boydston Award. Lee and Bill Reider celebrated their 65th Anniversary with a
fine party.

2008 V.34 N07 #394

COVER: Bill Reider's silver-and-black 1965 Corsa. New members were Brian Rowe
and Curtis Shimp. Pat Hall ran our June meeting and announced our first scrap
metal drive. Wendell Walker reported $2,552. Sylvan headed a committee to
modernize the Meissner Award. Could we save money by not mailing newsletters now
that they are available on-line? Secretary Chuck Vertrees received a member list
from CORSA and we published it, noting errors. Brenda Stickler told about
preparations for the Taos Tri-State. Yes, we worked on it for a year. Laura
Wilshire (Denver club) reported on the 2008 Pagosa Springs Tri-State. Bob Helt
(Las Vegas) gave a history of CORSA with emphasis on publications; Richard M.
Langworth placed an ad in CAR AND DRIVER magazine stating an interest in a
national club. In October 1969 he sent out Preliminary Newsletter #1. CORSA was
founded on 7 March 1970. Preliminary Newsletter #4 was dated Jul/Aug 1970 and
was called the "Corsa News." It was 17 pages and contained the proposed
constitution and by-laws. A "CORSA Quarterly" started in June 1971 and the
"CORSA Communique" as we know it today started in September 1978.

2001 V.27 N07 #310

COVER: Jerry Goffe's June Mystery Tour. The photos were made at Bien Mur near
I-25 and Tramway. Today you'd see a huge Sandia Casino! New members: Tamara &
Anthony Couture, owners of a yellow 1964 convertible, and Barbara, Gordon and
Steve Johnson. Our Sponsor Joe Trujillo said that Galles was having a car show
in June and we should bring Corvairs. Steve Gongora reported on our new
embroidered jacket patches. We criticized the upcoming Route 66 Diamond Jubilee
as not well organized, in the wrong place and too expensive. Could we have a car
show on Central near Richmond NE? We planned a Fall Aspencade to the Shidoni Art
Studio near Pojoaque. Should we send our newsletters to the western CORSA
directors? Mark suggested sending newsletters by e-mail but your editor vetoed
the idea. President Hurley's column was written from a hotel room in Houston. He
praised the Corvair's front fresh air vent windows which allowed many of us to
survive without air conditioning. We planned a campout at Ruth's cabin in the
Jemez. Del wrote a "tech tip" on forgetting to replace the oil filler cap
leading to an oily mess. Brent Covey in the "VAIR-IETY" newsletter told about
late model wheel alignment. You could do it yourself!

1994 V.20 N07 #226

COVER: an award presented to Terry Price for hazardous duty at the Pagosa
Springs Tri-State: a firearm was discharged in his direction! We had $873 in the
bank. The Museum car show had 440 vehicles with few Corvairs. Kay Sutt reported
on the Pagosa Springs Tri-State. Next year we planned to host the event at Red
River. We planned a Saturday tech session on Heim joint carb linkage. We looked
forward to the Santa Fe July Fourth car show, an All-Chevy show at Galles
celebrating their 86th anniversary and a July 10th econorun. New members Clint
and Angela Collins were married in June and Bert Weil was restoring a 1964
sedan. Tech tips: How to finish back window trim. Preventing Corvair skin cancer
with a screen under the front air intake. Preventing condensation during
storage. Installing a Chevy S-10 air dam on late Corvairs. We told about Don
Yenko and his Corvair Stingers.

1987 V.13 N07 #142

COVER: a Mark Morgan fantasy. The library van's seats were done and body work
was next. Corvairs at the Museum car show were scattered, not grouped. Eleven
Corvairs went to Ouray. Total attendance was 65. Jerry showed a video of the
trip. Clayborne told us the technique of "sparking" front wheel bearing races so
they wouldn't spin. Connect your engine ground straps so your brake cable won't
melt. Things to do when rebuilding an engine. Easy removal of weatherstrips.
Using a test lamp to check electrical circuits. Otto Mechanic had a new use for
Armor All. This was the first CNM newsletter to feature "Burma Shave" signs.

1980 V.6 N07 #58

COVER: a mid-sixties NSU Prinz 1000 with 1960 Corvair styling. New members were
Del Patten, Sheldon Dike and Ike's son John Meissner. Bill Reider gave a talk on
Corvair mufflers. Can you use a "turbo" muffler on non-turbo cars? In CAR AND
DRIVER: the most significant cars of the last 25 years... the Corvair "opened
the door to government regulation of the automobile" -- no mention of its
intrinsic values. Book review: "The (in)Compleat Corvair Story" by Dave Newell.
Technical: How to connect a condenser to a generator: it goes to the ARMATURE
terminal, not to the FIELD terminal and its function is to suppress radio noise.

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter
is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.