The October 2022 newsletter - Text Version 

Updated 26-Sep-2022 = Copyright (c) 2022 Corvairs of New Mexico      

   October 2022 / VOLUME 48 / NUMBER 10 / ISSUE 565 

First Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2005 & 2012
Third Place, Tony Fiore Memorial Chapter Newsletter Award, 2010

EDITOR Jim Pittman

NEXT MEETING 	Saturday October 1st, 10:00 AM
		Highland Senior Center 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque

  Officers and Volunteers .................... Board of Directors
  Dues Due Dates ........................... Membership Committee
  From the President ............................. Gregory Nelson
  September Regular Meeting ..................... Brenda Stickler
  Birthdays & Anniversaries ....................... Heula Pittman
  Tour to Los Luceros Plantation Historic Site .. Brenda Stickler
  Treasury Report ................................. Steve Gongora
  Report on the State Fair Car Show ................. Robert Gold
  Adventures in Swapping Engines ............. Christine Kimberly
  Calendar of Coming Events .................. Board of Directors
  October Issues, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 Years Ago .... Club Historian

COVER	Chris Kimberly's 1964 Monza at the 2022 Tri-State
  	Chris and her new 1964 Monza convertible, February 2015

  President         Greg Nelson    505-400-8670            fesedu @
  Vice-President  Brenda Stickler  505-856-6993          tounce66 @
  Secretary         Lupe Arellanes 505-515-9897 ispeakmedicare505 @
  Treasurer        Steve Gongora   505-220-7401      stevegongora @
  Newsletter         Jim Pittman   505-275-2195              jimp @
  Birthdays        Heula Pittman   505-275-2195             heula @
  Past President     Pat Hall      505-620-5574  patandvickiehall @
  Past President    Dave Allin     505-410-9668          dnjallin @
  Past President   David Huntoon   505-281-9616         corvair66 @

MEETING:   Regular Meeting - Saturday October 1st, 2022 at 10:00 AM
    Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

INTERNET: CORSA's home page .................
	  CNM's newsletters .................
	  New Mexico Council of Car Clubs ...

SCHEDULE        CNM: 12 months = $25.00 or 26 months = $ 50.00
OF	      CORSA: 12 months = $45.00 or 26 months = $ 90.00
DUES	CNM & CORSA: 12 months = $70.00 or 26 months = $140.00

DUES DUE DATES October 2022

DUE LAST MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.09        Maggie & Bob Kitts      25-OCT-2022

DUE THIS MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.10         Debra & Jon Anderson   25-NOV-2022
2022.10    William & Sharon Heil       25-NOV-2022

DUE NEXT MONTH ====================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.11        Linda & Dick Cochran    25-DEC-2022
2022.11  Mary Zelli   James Richardson 25-DEC-2022
2022.11                Anne Wiker      25-DEC-2022

DUE DEC 2021 ======================== INACTIVE DATE
2022.12               David Huntoon    25-JAN-2023
2022.12                Tony Lawler     25-JAN-2023

INACTIVE ============================ INACTIVE DATE
2021.04               Lesha Kitts      25-MAY-2021
2021.10        Sylvia & Ray Trujillo   25-Nov-2021
2021.12             Darlene Darcy      25-JAN-2022
2021.12                 Lee Reider     25-JAN-2022
2021.12               Leroy Alderete   25-JAN-2022
2022.02  Linda Soukup, Tony Berbig     25-MAR-2022
2022.07              Mike R Hughes     25-AUG-2022
2022.08     Katherine & Irv Brock      25-SEP-2022

Send your Dues to:
	CNM Treasurer -- Steve Gongora
	8419 Palo Duro NE
	Albuquerque, NM 87111

Past due memberships become inactive after a one-month grace period.
The Club will mail in your National Dues if you send us the renewal
form from your Communique.

As of 24-Sep-2022 we have  41  active family memberships.


	On Thursday September 8 we held the first annual 'Vetts & Vairs' Car
Show for the patrons of the Senior Center. We had seven Corvairs and five
Corvettes on display. Steve Gongora unfortunately was not able to make it
because he was at the memorial service for Jerry Goffe. (We will have more on
that next month.)
	Chris Rogers, the administrator of the Center said the event was a
complete success. I am in agreement and look forward to the next show. I brought
my 1963 Spyder and had the top down. Be sure to check the website for additional
color photos of everyone's amazing cars.

	This was my first State Fair Car Show and it was fantastic. I arrived at
the Mercado parking lot early and was the first one there. Is this the right
spot, I wondered. But soon a GTO showed up. And then another, and then finally a
long line of Corvairs pulled into the parking lot. We set up our cars in an
orderly fashion so that Jim Pittman could take a few photos for the newsletter

Then promptly at 7:00 AM we headed into the Fair through Gate 3. It did not take
long for us to line up our cars on the street between the Home and Creative Arts
Building and the Lujan Exhibit Complex. We had plenty of shade throughout the
day and while the temperature did get up there a bit it wasn't uncomfortable.

Since this was my first 'all-day' car show I thought what the heck am I going to
do for seven hours? Well, turns out, plenty! There was plenty of car talk and I
learned even more about my car. For example, the hood to my 1964 Monza is
actually from a 1961. It still looks good.

Of course, there was still plenty to see at the Fair including the other car
clubs' vehicles. To fill the time, I also brought my Clark's catalog to finalize
my next BIG purchase. This will be mainly turbo engine parts for the 1963 Spyder
and a couple of items for the 1964 Monza.

At 3 PM sharp all the cars started their engines and proceeded in a long convoy
to leave the State Fair grounds through Gate 6. Robert Gold gets my thanks for
organizing a very pleasant event for us.

	We had our monthly Board meeting, and everyone was in attendance.
Briefly the topics of discussion were:
   * Monroe's Lunch on Saturday
   * A suggested trip to Los Luceros in Alcade, NM for the October social event
   * Elections are at the next meeting, October 1st
   * Our last trash pickup is October 8th
   * The club brochure is ready. We'll have a stack to pass out at the meeting

Thank you, Lupe, for taking minutes. Your delivery method was pure genius.

	No report from NMCCC this month as the newsletter articles are due
before the next NMCCC meeting (September 28th) and our first Saturday meeting is
October 1st. As always check the website for upcoming shows and events.

	I've recently heard from a couple of people that there are a couple of
lonely Corvairs in the middle of a field on Highway 314 between Los Lunas and
Belen on the east side of the highway. So, I decided to try and track them down.
I could not see them driving south so I turned around at the Belen City limits
and headed back north. And there they were. But not exactly in the middle of a
field. I'm guessing they've been moved closer to the street. If anyone needs the
phone number let me know. I took a photo of the business billboard. If anyone
sees or hears rumors about Lonely Corvairs let me know.

	Every other Saturday morning around 7:30 to 8:00 AM I can be found at
the Watermill Express water station at Zuni and San Mateo. I'll fill up three
5-gallon jugs of reverse osmosis water for my frogs. (Did I ever mention I have
Poison Dart Frogs? Actually, they are not poisonous in captivity.) Anyway, while
waiting for the jugs to fill I heard a distinct sound of a Corvair engine. Sure
enough there was an early model Corvair headed east on Zuni. I brought this up
at the State Fair and it turns out it could very well have been club member
Robert McBreen who just happened to be at the State Fair Show! So, we spoke for
a bit, and he said it could have been him. Bob and I spoke for quite a while
since we have something in common: the vehicle he brought was also a 2-door 1964
Coupe. His has a correct year hood. I took lots of pictures.

	We have a new member: Clifton Trujillo. He attended the September
meeting and told us a little about himself. He and his son are working on his
early model coupe. Since I neglected to get the exact details, we'll just have
to get a few pictures from him for the next newsletter. Clifton and his two
young children stopped by to say hello at the State Fair Car Show. Welcome to
the club Clifton!

	Last one of the year is October 8th. We'll clean up the west end so
let's park in front of the Taproom Bar. However, I may venture up to the
forbidden parking area and drag all the road construction buckets and tarp
that's been stashed in the bushes. I don't want that mucking up our mile of
Old Route 66.

CHEERS Y'ALL -- Greg Nelson


Our September meeting started on a somber note. We just got the news that Jerry
Goffe, a long time Corvair member, had passed away. Some commented on his
amazing photography, his dedication to do the Sound Box at the North Valley
Alvarado Follies, and his use of our city bus system by himself with a wheel
chair to get to the Botany Park.

We finally got to meet our newest member, Clifton Trujillo. He was  very pleased
to talk  about his newly acquired Corvair. There followed a kind of a makeshift
tech talk when Clifton told us what his first needs would be to start driving
the Corvair to our club meetings. Of course our club members "Came Alive" and
gave sources for parts, special service providers and tips on working on a 1960

We were all pleased that the Thursday "Vetts and Vairs" Car Show at Highland was
still on the schedule.  I was able to give more information on our October plans
to head North to Los Luceros to visit the famous New Mexican Plantation.

Larry Blair brought in a clutch system for a Corvair and demonstrated how it
would not work properly. He illustrated how he made it work. -- Brenda --
filling in for Lupe.

	Jon Anderson
	Erica Anderson
	Katherine Brock
	William Heil
	Terry Price
	Matthew Shortle

	Katie & Clifton Trujillo


Very few people in our club have ever heard of or visited Los Luceros
Plantation. Yes, we have a plantation north of us that was built in 1712. It is
north of Espanola, NM. CNM members plan to meet up at 9:30 AM at the Buffalo
Thunder in Santa Fe, off Highway I-25 North. That will be our only planned pit
stop before we trek further north. We stay on I-25 until St. Francis which takes
us north on Highway 84 which turns into Highway 285 heading towards Pojoaque.
Lastly, we then take Highway 68 which will will then take us to Country Road 41
that has the Historic Marker where we enter the Los Luceros 148-acre property.

The main residence is 5,700 square feet. The Property is opened 10 AM to 4 PM.
It costs $7.00 each and for those under 16 years old it's free. The actual
address is 253 Country Rd 41 Alcade, NM 87511. The phone number is 505-476-1165.

This will be a Full Day event. You should plan to eat a breakfast on your way up
or stock your car with snacks. Espanola is the last large town with drive
through eateries. Heading back home, Espanola will be fine stop for a late lunch
or early dinner. I am counting on Tarmo to let us know which places are the best
up there. Please, come to October's meetings with questions.

Happy Trails... to us CNM explorers!

TREASURY REPORT FOR 08-30-2022 to 09-24-2022 ===============================================
DATE      CHECK#    AMOUNT PAYEE       DESCRIPTION                      BALANCE = $ 5,358.16
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.08.29      +$   50.00 Dues        M.Domzalski    26 m CNM        +$    50.00 $ 5,408.16
2022.08.29      +$   10.00 CASH        CNM Raffle Proceeds            +$    10.00 $ 5,418.16
2022.08.29 2564 -$   85.49 J.Pittman   Newsletter printing SEP 2022   -$    56.46 $ 5,361.70
2022.08.29                 J.Pittman   29 Stamps @.84 each            -$    24.36 $ 5,337.34
2022.08.29                 J.Pittman   29 Envelopes @ .161 each       -$     4.67 $ 5,332.67
2022.09.07 2565 -$  393.09 Business Printing Systems - Brochures      -$   393.09 $ 4,939.58
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========
2022.10.01 OCT NEWSLETTER  ============================================ BALANCE = $ 4,939.58
========== ==== ========== =========== ========================================== ==========


Well it finally happened! CNM got a chance to have a car show at the complete,
authentic New Mexico State Fair. We've finally gotten past the wet blanket COVID
brought. This year's State Fair saw a full complement of fairgoers from all
parts of the State. On September 18 those attending the Fair were treated to a
first class exhibit of Corvairs. They got to see a total of 16 cars (16!) that
included 5 Late, 8 Early, 2 FC Corvairs and a Corvair-powered VW bus. It was a
nice lineup to be sure!

We were greeted with first class weather. You might be interested to know that
in the 25+ years that CNM has put on its show we had only one year with lousy
weather. Unlike last year, your show chairman actually stayed for the whole
event. All I can say is that surgery can be sooo inconvenient. I must say I'm
very happy that I didn't miss anything this year and I'm sure all the CNM'ers
who were there would say the same thing.

I now want to recognize our volunteer drivers who ferried cars to the Fair for
us. Alas, it is hard for us to drive more than one car at a time. I know one
thing for sure, our show would not have been so spectacular without the help of
Annette, Mike, Sarah, Cary, and Betty. Thanks to all of you!

With all this said let's take a look at who entered cars and how they did at
this year's show:


1. Best car - early (1960-1964).............. Greg Nelson.... 1964 Monza
2. Best car - late (1965-1969)............... Tarmo Sutt..... 1966 Corsa
3. Best Forward Control...................... Robert Gold.... 1961 Rampside
4. Special Exhibitor's Choice Green Ribbon... Tarmo Sutt..... 1966 Corsa


 1. Robert Gold .......... 1961 Rampside
 2. Robert Gold .......... 1966 Monza
 3. Robert Gold .......... 1964 500
 4. Sara Gold ............ 1974 VW Bus (Corvair engine)
 5. Tarmo Sutt ........... 1966 Cosa Convertible
 6. Geoff Johnson ........ 1961 Lakewood
 7. Geoff Johnson ........ 1963 Rampside
 8. Geoff Johnson ........ 1965 Corsa Convertible
 9. Pat Hall ............. 1966 Monza
10. Robert Gold .......... 1963 Monza Convertible
11. Greg Nelson .......... 1964 Monza
12. Art Gold ............. 1964 Monza
13. Anne Mae Gold ........ 1961 Lakewood
14. Robert Gold .......... 1960 Monza
15. Anne Wiker ........... 1966 Monza
16. Bob McBreen .......... 1964 Monza

I guess that's it for this year. Remember to circle your 2023 calendar for the
last Sunday of the State Fair. That's when we'll have the next Fair show. See
you then!

- Robert Gold, Show Manager

	 Chris Kimberly has been a member of the Pikes Peak Corvair Club
	 since 2014. Her beautiful 1964 Monza convertible is often seen
	 near Castle Rock, Colorado.


As you all know, my Corvair decided at the end of July to "give up" while
driving on the freeway in Colorado Springs heading toward the Cripple Creek
Show. So, a quick recap.... The car was towed home and Rick and Charlie Beets
came over to listen to her motor make bad noises idling in the garage. The
diagnosis wasn't good! It seemed they heard a possible rod knocking on the
piston and a replacement engine was needed. You all know I sent out letters
looking for a possible rebuilt engine sitting in the back of someone's garage or
shop. I received many responses from club members, and want you to know I
appreciated all the responses offering help and advice.

One club member who lives in Albuquerque, Jim Pittman, read my plea for help and
contacted another CNM member, Pat Hall, who rebuilds Corvair engines in his
spare time. Pat gave me a call and let me know he had a rebuilt 110 engine
sitting on one of his engine-stands ready to go! I told Pat I also needed a new
PG transmission and torque converter since my tranny fluid showed signs of gear
wear with LOTS of silver glitter in the red fluid. He said no problem. We agreed
on a price and arranged a weekend at the end of August to trailer the car to his
home/shop in Los Lunas, NM.

I talked with Rick Beets and Tony Lawler and they both agreed to go to New
Mexico with me to help Pat do the engine swap. Tony offered to trailer my car
and on Thursday, August 22nd, my car was loaded up and off we all went to Los
Lunas, twenty-five miles south of Albuquerque. We left in the late afternoon and
were quickly caught in delayed traffic in Colorado Springs due to a large
accident. South of the Springs, we stopped for a quick dinner and then back on
the road. We arrived in Los Lunas at 11:00 pm, tired and ready for a good
night's sleep.

I had had several conversations with Pat about the engine swap prior to arriving
in Los Lunas, and on one occasion we talked about some of the CNM members I
knew. One of the members we spoke about was Tarmo Sutt who lives in Santa Fe. He
and I met at the Durango Tri-State. Pat said he would let Tarmo know we would be
coming down with my car for the engine swap. Later that night, Tarmo called me
and said he would be happy to meet up with us at Pat's place to help swap out
the engines. I was thrilled to have so much help from the Corvair community!

Early Friday morning, we met Tarmo and Pat at Pat's house and he showed us
around. Then we all drove together to one of Pat's favorite breakfast
restaurants, where he treated us all to a hearty breakfast!

Back at the house, the guys unloaded my car and we all listened to the newly
rebuilt 110 that would soon be in my car. The guys started the prep work to drop
the engine from my car and shortly Pat announced that lunch was ready! His
stepson, Tim, had made burgers, hotdogs, and chips for us all! After that, it
was back to work. My job was collecting the various bolts and screws as the guys
handed them to me into a variety of cups Pat had available. While Rick, Tony and
Tarmo were busy, Pat showed me his outbuildings and all his driving Corvairs. He
was on hand often for the guys, giving them all the necessary tools they needed
and helpful advice as well. I power-washed some parts that would later go back
on the car.

Finally, the car was moved to the lift and up she went! Pat drove his fork lift
with a wood pallet and the guys all worked together to release the remaining
bolts and lower the old engine out of the car. What a day! We all went to dinner
and enjoyed lots of conversations about the day and the car. Tarmo told me he
planned to spend the night at the hotel where we were, and continue working with
us the next day. We dropped Pat off and headed back to the hotel. Tarmo and I
sat up visiting, sharing stories, and enjoying some wine, while Rick and Tony
headed for their pillows for the night.

Saturday morning came and we were all up bright and early! We met Pat at another
fun breakfast restaurant that had a 1950s theme and then it was back to Pat's to
continue working on the swap. The guys had a plan and they worked as a team
getting the new engine ready to install. Pat was ready with the tools as the
guys needed them.

Pat would often stop to sit with me in his shop to rest and he showed me other
outbuildings with his parts stashes. It was extra hot and everyone stopped for
breaks out of the sun and Pat had plenty of water to go around. I fixed lunch of
more burgers, hotdogs and chips for everyone and we were glad to be out of the
sun for a while.

After lunch, the guys were ready to put the rebuilt 110 into the car. Pat pulled
out the fork lift and the guys guided Pat as he skillfully got the engine in
place so they could bolt it down. I was impressed with how Pat could move the
pallet with the engine on it just an inch at a time in the direction the guys
were telling him.... "Up two inches; to the right one inch" and so on. The car
came down from its high perch on the lift. Rick, Tarmo and Tony then began the
process of reattaching wiring, various lines, and other parts. Finally, it was
time to start the engine... I jumped in and started it up! It was humming;
however, it wouldn't shift into gears. The car went back up and the guys found
the shift cable was damaged. A new one would have to be ordered. Pat thought he
had a spare cable but unfortunately, he didn't. We lowered the car and decided
we'd load the car up, trailer it back to Denver and work on the shift cable

It was getting close to 6:00 pm by the time we loaded the car into the trailer
and cleaned up the shop and tools for Pat. After the day's activities Pat was
feeling a bit shaky to stand and walk. We told him he needed to go inside and
get some rest and dinner. He was just going to lock up his shop, when he tripped
on some loose asphalt at the entrance to his shop, falling face-first to the
ground. Tim yelled for me and I yelled for the guys! I got Pat up and supported
him to his chair in the shop while Tim got an icepack and wash cloths to put on
the wounds on Pat's face. Tony pulled Pat's car up and we helped Pat to the car.
Tony and I drove Pat to the VA hospital Emergency Room in Albuquerque. The ER
wasn't busy and got Pat in right away. I kept in touch with both Tim and Pat's
sister-in-law Debbie and Pat was given many tests and eventually released so
that Tony and I could drive him back home. Thank you to Tarmo for taking Rick
back to the hotel on his way back to Santa Fe.

On Sunday morning Rick, Tony and I drove to Pat's to hook up the trailer to the
truck. We found Pat greeting us at the door. He said he was feeling better but
he was not going to work in the shop that day. We agreed he should be resting in
his chair and taking it easy. Tim was going to watch him. I called Tarmo with
updates as we got on the I-25 freeway and headed home. We stopped for a quick
brunch in Las Vegas, New Mexico which turned into a two-hour stop. It seems the
place we chose must have been the number-one restaurant to go to for Sunday
brunch in Las Vegas!

Now, back in Denver, the Corvair has been sitting patiently on Tony's trailer
while the shift cable was ordered. Clarks sent the cable out via USPS and it
reached Denver, then traveled back to New Jersey and then back to Denver! It is
always fun tracking packages and seeing where the post office sends the box
between Point A and Point B! The car is now at Rick's garage and, with fingers
crossed, the shift cable will soon be installed. Then the Corvair will soon be
seen, driving happily around the Castle Rock and Denver area again!
I again thank all the club members for their help in the past several months,
starting with Jim Pittman who connected me with Pat Hall. I'm forever grateful
to Pat Hall for having a rebuilt, ready-to-go engine and for being so giving of
his time and knowledge to a new friend. Many thanks and appreciation to Tony
Lawler and Rick Beets for offering the use of Tony's trailer, for traveling with
me, and the hours they spent working on the swap. I'm very thankful to Tarmo
Sutt, for offering to spend his weekend and spending the night to help a
long-distance friend with the engine swap. The Corvair community is the best!

	Jim says, "Actually, I played a very small part in this story.
	When I read Chris' email my contribution was to know the man to
	call about spare engines. Then when Tarmo phoned on Sunday after
	the busy weekend and told me the story, I knew it was an epic
	tale of Corvair derring-do that had to be made 	into a newsletter
	article! My thanks to Tarmo, and to Chris for writing the article!"

|      October 2022      |    November 2022       |    December 2022       |
|  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
|                     1  |        1  2  3  4  5   |              1  2  3   |
|   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  |  6  7  8  9 10 11 12   |  4  5  6  7  8  9 10   |
|   9 10 11 12 13 14 15  | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19   | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17   |
|  16 17 18 19 20 21 22  | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26   | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24   |
|  23 24 25 26 27 28 29  | 27 28 29 30            | 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   |
|  30 31                 |                        |                        |

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT TODAY'S MEETING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
SAT 01 OCT 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center    Phone: (505) 767-5210
                    131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

SAT 08 OCT  8:30 AM Last Trash Pickup of the year - Old Route 66 Cleanup

WED 19 OCT  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom

SAT 22 OCT  Tour to Los Luceros Plantation - They open at 11:00 AM
            9:00 AM Stop at BUFFALO THUNDER on the way
                    Los Luceros is near Velarde, New Mexico

                    Manzano Mesa Senior center - 501 Elizabeth St SE

*** FRI 28 OCT  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the November newsletter


SAT 05 NOV 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
                 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

WED 16 NOV  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom

*** THU 17 NOV  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the December newsletter
***             >>>>>>>>>>>> EARLY DUE TO HOLIDAYS <<<<<<<<<<<<

                    Manzano Mesa Senior center - 501 Elizabeth St SE



SAT 03 DEC 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
                 131 Monroe St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: (505) 767-5210

WED 21 DEC  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom

XXX xx DEC  .... .. Christmas Party -- more information later

*** THU 22 DEC  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the January 2023 newsletter
***             >>>>>>>>>>>> EARLY DUE TO HOLIDAYS <<<<<<<<<<<<

SAT 07 JAN 10:00 AM Meeting: Highland Senior Center
WED 18 JAN  7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom
*** FRI 27 JAN  9:00 PM Deadline for items for the February newsletter
See the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs Web Site for more "NMCCC" activities
======================== ======================

SUGGESTION: A visit to the new WEATHER LAB at the Balloon Museum
SUGGESTION: A visit to the Soaring Museum in Moriarty
SUGGESTION: Activities with other clubs such as VMCCA

SEVEN YEARS AGO [ OCTOBER 2022 Vol 48 Nr 10 ISSUE 565 ] Jim Pittman

2015 V.41 Nr 10 #481

COVER: Corvair owners attend the 2015 New Mexico State Fair. We voted not to
undertake the 2017 CORSA convention but we were planning the 2017 Tri-State. We
were still seeing early failures in fuel pumps. We had a surprise visit from
Mark Morgan, one of the founders of the club in 1974. Robert Gold reported on
our twentieth State Fair car show with 13 Corvairs! Robert recounted what went
on at a couple of Car Council meetings. Your editor continued his story about
"Zero to $10,000 in several easy steps" which I suspect many of us have done. A
photo showed a "Double Rampside" at the Forney Museum. Bill Reider showed a
series of photos from his service in Korea in 1953.

2008 V.34 Nr 10 #397

COVER: Ray was proud of his early sedan. Photos of airplanes at an EAA fly-in in
Moriarty. President Stickler was not worried about the dire economy because
classic cars hold their value well. Brenda Stickler reported on planning for the
Taos Tri-State. Art Gold said we were trying to stop legislation for front
license plates. An article on steering boxes and steering arms and steering
shafts for all years was put together from articles by Seth Emerson. Robert Gold
reported on the TUNA at Pat Hall's place.

2001 V.27 Nr 10 #313

COVER: A view of the New York skyline before the twin towers were destroyed. We
tried to make sense of the events of 9/11. Now it sounds like being on a desert
island, separated from both the pre-9/11 world and the post-9/11 world, unable
to let go of one, unsure how to survive in the other. New members were John
Stichman and Steve Johnson. Our campout in the Pecos featured rain and mud. We
planned a visit with Dennis & Debbie when they were in town. Jim told about
computers and the internet. We planned a tour to the Shidoni bronze works near
Santa Fe. We should do better to explain our traditionals to new members.  We
had an article on the first CORSA convention in 1971. Tech tips: Modifying FC
throttle cables. Repairing a thermistor. Head rests on Corvair seatbacks.

1994 V.20 Nr 10 #229

COVER: The 1960 Corvair was introduced 35 years ago and customers stared into
the trunk (no engine!) and the engine (no trunk!) of the revolutionary car. New
members were David Asher of Tucson and Steve West of Las Vegas, NV. President
Del ran the meeting; V-P Dennis was in Oregon. The bank held $1048 for us, with
$168 in the Convention account. Bill Reider reported on the all-club picnic. We
planned a pot-luck and an auction of "junque" or "treasures" at House of Covers.
This year's Aspencade: a trip to Rancho de las Golondrinas. President Del said
farewell after two years in office but he'd compete with Sylvan's famed "Blue
Crud" at car shows. An article from another publication lamented the death of an
active club member, SOMEONE ELSE, the person who actually did all the work in
the club. A  "Dummy of the Month" article told about an FC transmission
assembled with the backup light switch permanently turned on. All seemed well
until the owner installed a backup safety beeper and it wouldn't quit beeping!
Mark Martinek reported on the State Fair car show. Twelve Corvairs showed up,
the most cars for any club present. The CNM Exhibitor's Choice trophy vote was a
tie between Mary Lou's 1963 convertible (in 2022 still being cared for by David
Huntoon) and Jon Anderson's 1965 500 coupe. Chairperson Debbie Pleau reported on
the CORSA Convention's complex rules and regulations. Our Vairs In The Air
patch/logo design was ready.

1987 V.13  Nr 10 #145

COVER:  Election! Bert Romer reported on the upcoming swap meet. Five spaces
were reserved for CNM members. We planned a trip to Carlsbad to see the
stalactites, stalagmites and bats. The library van was ready for sanding and all
were invited to help. LeRoy conducted another fun-filled auction. Outgoing
president Clayborne reviewed the accomplishments of his administration. Mark
Morgan reported on freeway road rage in California. The club planned an
Aspencade to the Boydston's cabin in the Pecos. Sylvan previewed the November
"Architecture Tour" and LeRoy reported on the Christmas dinner. A tech tip noted
the value of a 4-ounce tube of special Positraction lube to quiet down a noisy
rear end.

1980 V.6 Nr 10 #61

COVER:  a 1965 Corsa convertible, the star of Jim's "Autumn Rally" story which
concluded in this issue. Jim used to fantasize that he'd get this story
published in Road & Track magazine alongside a Peter Eagan article, but it has
never happened. There were several tech tips in this issue. Could you really mix
leaded regular with unleaded regular to get a higher octane fuel for Corvairs?
Could you really change an early model from generator to alternator without a
major re-wiring chore? Could you determine what metric size tire to buy from our
handy tire size chart? Could you fix a broken clutch cable with our
instructions? Do you believe that 1969 windshields are different from other
late-model Corvair windshields?

Enchanted Corvairs Newsletter is published monthly by Corvairs of New Mexico,
chartered Chapter #871 of CORSA, the Corvair Society of America. Copyright by
the Authors and by Corvairs of New Mexico. Articles may be reprinted in any
CORSA publication as a service to CORSA members, provided credit to the Author
and this Newsletter is clearly stated. All opinions are those of the Author or
Editor and are not necessarily endorsed by Corvairs of New Mexico or CORSA.
Material for publication should reach the Editor by the 15th of the month. Send
material via e-mail ( jimp @ ) or submit a readable manuscript. I prefer
ASCII TEXT, but MS Word or RTF are fine. Photographs are welcome. The newsletter
is composed using Apple computers. Software includes Mac OS-X, AppleWorks,
Photoshop CS, GraphicConverter, BBEdit and InDesign CS. If you care, ask for
more details. When I'm 64, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.