Math 1215 Spring 2025 - Intermediate Algebra  - All sections

Welcome:We are delighted to welcome you to this course. Our goal in this course is to provide you with a supportive learning environment.
We are available to support you.  So please contact us  whenever you have a question.

Instructors: Kornelus Adeline, Schwartz David, Komagata Daishu
, Schwartz Douglas, Ifzarene Khalid, Dinh Huynh,Baca Daniel, Mokhtar Sassan.
Most classes meet in person. Follow UNMs guidelines regarding COVID-19.

Course Topics:This course covers:Linear equations,Lines,Basic algebraic operations,Equations and Inequalities ,Polynomials Expressions,Rational expressions,Exponents and Radicals,Quadratic equations and Graphing,Exponential and logarithmic Expressions.This course is to prepare students for further study at the level of college mathematics, and the grade will be used in the calculation of your GPA. Here are the student learning outcomes.

Prerequisite:(Math 021 and Math 022) or Math 100 or FYEX 1010 or ISM 100 OR ACT Math =>17 or SAT Math Section =>460 or Accuplacer Next-Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions=218-238

Textbook: Instructional resources, such as worksheets ,Videos and PowerPoint , will be provided (UNM Canvas) . No supplementary materials are needed.

UNM Canvas: All course materials, communication, and grades will be posted on our Canvas course-site.

Grading: The course grade will be determined from weekly homework, quizzes, 4 mid-semester exams, and a final exam. Attendance and participation in all aspects of the course is required.
Note that inconsistent attendance and assignments can lead to instructor-drop (see Attendance).


Homework: Weekly homework  are due on Sundays by 11:59pm(Except the exam week).
to be submitted through Canvas (pdf files only please, no jpg or png images).
Please note that UNM requires a minimum of two hours work outside of class for each credit hour.Here's a guideline :Each unit of credit require 2 to 3 hours of outside classwork per week .

So this is a 3 credit hours course student should plan to spend 6 to 9 hours each week studying beyond the classroom.Every student has two life happens opportunities to turn the homework in one day late, if needed.

Resources: There are several resources to help you succeed in this class. Please consider your instructor your primary resource. Visit your Instructor during drop-in hours and at the Tutoring Table. Ask questions inside and outside of class, let us know what difficulties you are having. We want to hear from you and we want to help you succeed. Below is a list of all resources.

Click here  for review problems so you can review before the semester starts and be well prepared.
Review is needed, but don't worry if you do not feel 100% confident to start with. We will review as we go and gain skill and confidence throughout.

See below for Grade Mode Change and Academic Dishonesty.

Schedule : (including all exam dates):

Week Topics Assignments
 1:Jan 20-24 (Martin Luther King) Numbers & Real numbers , Order of Operations.                                         Quiz 1 (Canvas)
Hw1 sol

 2:Jan 27-31

Solving Linear Equations, Solving Linear Inequalities.     

Solving Compound Inequalities.

Quiz 2 Quiz 3 (Canvas)
Hw2 Sol

 3:Feb 3- 7

Lines: Equation of the line/Slope.

Quiz 4 (Canvas)

 4:Feb 10 -14 Solving Linear System ,Review and Exam 1


                                         Exam 1 Feb 14
Quiz 5

Exam 1

 5:Feb 17 -21

The Midpoint and Distance formulas , Equation of a Circle.

Quiz  6 Quiz 7 (Canvas)

 6:Feb 24 -28

Exponents and Scientific Notation ,Polynomial Expressions.

Combining like terms.

Quiz 8 Quiz 9 (Canvas)

 7:Mar 3-7

Multiplying Polynomial Expressions and Special products.
Factoring by GCF , By Grouping , factoring Trinomials.                                             


Quiz 10 Quiz 11  (Canvas)

  8:Mar 10-14  (10-11 Fall Break)

Quadratic Equations, Review and Exam 2

                                            Exam 2 Mar 14

Quiz 12 (Canvas)

Exam 2
 9:Mar  17-21                     Spring Break

10:Mar 24-28 Operations on Rational expressions . Solving Rational Equations    

Quiz 13 (Canvas)

11:Mar 31-Apr 4  
Radical expressions and Solving Radical equations.
Quiz 14 Quiz 15 (Canvas)

12: Apr 7-11  Functions and Relations, Review and Exam 3.
                                          Exam 3 Apr 11


Quiz 16  (Canvas)

Exam 3
13:Apr 14-18

Introduction to Inverse function.
Exponential &Logarithmic Expressions

Quiz 17 Quiz 18 (Canvas)

14: Apr 21-25

Log Properties &  Log and Exp Equations