Dr. Litchman has been training callers to call and lead for many years, beginning in about 1970 with The Lloyd Shaw Foundation. The Foundation's dance camps (Rocky Mountain Dance Roundup, Cumberland Camp, and Terpsichore) all have training seminars as part of their programming. Dr. Litchman has participated in both RMDR and Cumberland.

In addition, Dr. Litchman has held caller training weekends and week-long camps in many parts of the United States and Europe. In 2004, he traveled to Denmark for the third bi-annual NorthWest Camp, held at Skyum in Jutland. He has taught at Silkeborg, also in Jutland, and at Odense on the island of Fyn. He has taught in Belgium, Germany, and England over the years since 1990.

During 2004, Dr. Litchman has taught callers at The Atlanta Callers Weekend Intensive, at Split Tree Farm, The August Heritage Dance Week, in Elkins, West Virginia, at the Never Ending Summer Weekend, Tallahassee, Florida, and the Christmas Dance Week near Zurich, Switzerland (though held over the border in Germany).

Send him an email or write via snail mail to find out about his current schedule.

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