Week 3 Scholarly Questions and Analytical Thinking
EKG Basics
In discussing EKG paper we always use the terms large boxes and small boxes.
On the vertical axis we measure what? (hintvoltage which is also called amplitude)
On the horizontal axis we measure what? (hint-time)
IMPORTANT!!: Know your time in seconds with EKG graph paper! Remember to always write your units such as seconds or beats/min (b/min or bpm are fine too).
PLEASE CLICK HERE to review 'working the EKG math' so you can answer the questions below.
One small box (on the horizontal axis is how many seconds? How many seconds is 2 small boxes? How many seconds is 3 small boxes? How many seconds is 4 small boxes? How many seconds is 5 small boxes?
Class, please challenge yourself to answer these Math questions about EKG paper. It will really help you learn more about EKG.
How many seconds in 1 large box?
How many seconds in 5 large boxes?
How many large boxes in 3 seconds?
How many large boxes in 6 seconds?
How many seconds in 12 small boxes? In 20 small boxes? In 26 small boxes? In 38 small boxes?
How many small boxes in 2.0 seconds?
How many small boxes in 1.32 seconds?
How many small boxes in 1.64 seconds?
What is the heart rate if you have 5 large boxes and 4 small boxes?
What is the heart rate if you have 6 large boxes and 3 small boxes?
What is the heart rate if you have 2 large boxes and 10 small boxes?
What is the heart rate if you have 3 large boxes and 12 small boxes?
What is the speed of EKG paper?
What are the Triplets? Practice, Practice, Practice and Practice some more labeling them on you EKG strips in your text.
What does biphasic mean?
What does isoelectric mean? (is it the same as baseline on an EKG--YES)
Class continue reviewing the Triplets HR method. Get very familiar and comfortable with this HR estimation method.
Practice, Practice, and Practice the R wave to R wave HR measurement method. Get very comfortable and efficient at this method. CLICK HERE for a LINK and YOUTUBE video that explains the Triplets and Rwave to Rwave HR method
SPECIAL NOTE: We use a .16 second difference (or greater) in different R wave to R waves as the criteria for a an IRREGULAR HR rhythm. Some texts use a .12 second difference, but other KEY sources use the .16 second or geater difference (which is 4 small boxes or more). If you see this ONE TIME in the lead you are given, the classification is IRREGULAR rhythm. How many small boxes in .16 seconds? (Yes, 4 small boxes)
If the tracing is irregular rhythm, how do you determine heart rate? (We call this the 6-sec method. How many large boxes do you use with this method? (Yes, 30 large boxes). CLICK HERE for a LINK and YOUTUBE video that explains the 6-second HR method.
Practice measuring HRs with the triplets and R wave to R wave methods with the many EKG tracings in your text.
Reminder, the precordial or chest view the heart in what plane?
Reminder, what are the 6 limb leads and where are the charges on them?
What plane do the 6 limb leads view the heart?
Which way will a deflection go on the EKG paper if the depolarization is going towards the electrode?
Which way will a deflection go on the EKG paper if the depolarization is going away from the electrode?
If the deflection is going towards the electrode, will it have the greatest amplitude if it is parallel to the lead or at an angle to the lead.
Make sure you can identify depolarization directions and what will happen on the EKG stylus.
If the depolarization is a PERFECT perpendicular to the lead, what will you see on the EKG stylus? (hint, it will be isoelectric)
Class, we probably will get to the below on the 4th week of class.
What is a wave?
What is a segment?
What is an interval?
What are the components that we measure on a P, Q, R, S, T? Can you draw and label them correctly!
What is the J point.
What is the PR segment?
What is the transition lead of the 'R wave transition'? Where do you find the transition lead (standard leads, augmented leads, precordial leads)?