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Teaching Effectiveness Feedback Project

These are summary ideas from the 2017 and 2018 PEP305 Teaching Exercise class students on Teaching Effectiveness.

General Positives: Least effecive type of feedback but may be used sparingly.
Examples: excellent, great effort, love your energy, awesome, fantastic, well done, perfect, keep it up, really nice, terrific, wonderful, amazing, superb, I like it, way to go, outstanding, you are doing good

Non-verbal feedback: Nonverbal feedback is very effective communication.
Examples: thumbs up, clappping, head nodding positively, smile, eye contact, high five

Postive feedback with specific information content: This is the most effective type of feedback. The client learns they are doing something correct and WHAT they are doing correct.
Examples: Good squat, I like the way your knees track over your toes.
Amazing leg press the way you push through the plate.
Awesome lunge he way you keep your back straight.
Great single let balance the way you maintain control.
Super vertical jump the way you exploded off the ground.
Correct crunch on the physioball the way you engaged he coreExcellent arm curl the way you engage the core and only bend at the elbows.
Great form on your squat with your core engaed and your back in neutral spine.
Great thrust at the top of the deadlift with your hips.
Nice bench press the way you touch the bar to your chest.
Very good lunge, keeping your chest up and core engaged.
Great jump the way you extend both your hips and knees explosively.
Nice plank, with your hands shoulder width apart and core engaged.
Good technique as you bend your elbows slightly on that chest fly.
Correct form as you keep your torso upright during the seated row.

Postive feedback with 'health' value: This is very useful feedback, although not as used as much. With postive feedback with 'health' value you state the health benefits of the exercise or the program.
Examples: Running for 45 minutes every day this week will really have a positive effect on your resting blood pressure.
Your knees are becoming stronger from doing your squats so effectively.
By doing these planks you will hopefully have less back pain.
Lifting weights regularly will help increase your muscle mass and bone density to prevent osteoporosis.
LiftingWonderful workout today; You reall worked your hearts.
Lifting weights is great for your diabetic health; it will improve your insulin sensitivity.
Your slowed contolled sretching is perfect for your joint integrity and health.
Your consistent aerobic exercise will decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Strength training will make you stronger and less likely to suffer an injury.
Your consistent aerobic exercise will improve your cardiovascular health.
This HIIT workout is going to improve your maximal aerobic capacity.
These exercises will improve your balance and stability.
150 minutes of exercise a week keeps the doctor away.
This circuit weight training program will decrease your fat mass and increase your muscle mass.