Milad Marvian

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico and also a member of the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC). Before joining UNM, I was a postdoctoral associate at MIT, and before that I completed my Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering in 2018 at the University of Southern California.

Email: mmarvian at
Office: ECE 235D

Research interests: Quantum computing, Quantum error correction, Open quantum systems

Fall 2024 update: My group has open PhD and postdoctoral positions. If you're interested, please email your CV along with a brief overview of your research interests.

Group members:
    Benjamin Anker (PhD student; Fall 21-)
    Leeseok Kim (PhD student; Fall 21-)
    Evan Borras (PhD student; Fall 23-)
    Bonnie Morales Ugarte (Undergraduate student; Summer 24-)
    Graduated PhD students:
    Changhao Yi (Our group first graduated PhD student! Now postdoc at Fudan University)
    Thesis: Resource Estimation for Quantum Simulation Algorithms
    PhD Defense: June 2022.
    Undergraduate student:
    Maximilian Starceski (Undergraduate student; Summer 23-Fall 23)

(also see Google Scholar and arXiv)
Last update: Oct 2024